wizard activesync throug bluetooth - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hi all,
I have a toshiba portege r200 and I'm simply not able to set up activesync to work through bluetooth. The darn computer only sees my phone as a modem.
I have no clue how to do this.
I really cant' see why this has to be so hard. Both units are running stupid microsoft software. Whey the can't microsoft think that people migh want to connect their ppc's to their laptops via bt and just make it work easily?
Please, someone help.

Try deleting the pairing on your pc and the Universal. Then initiate from the Universal. It Should give you an option for ActiveSync. Also check in ActiveSync on your PC that you have set up connection settings to allow connections to Com4 (maybe another Com part in your case.)


Bluetooth and Activesync

Hi All, great forum this found out loads of info.
I have a real problem.
My connector on the Handset has broke so not able to sync with laptop.
Brought bluetooth dongle se up as instructions on the forum site.
But it does not work.
When i try to sync with activesync on PDA it comes up with.
Cannot start communications with the desktop computer. The communitations port is not available,Another program may be using the port or it may not be valid.
Any ideas please.
in activesync on the PC have you selected the correct serial port that your bluetooth is acting as
I have the same probs.
Using qtek 2020 ROM 1.72WEW ,Active Sync 3.8,Win2000SP3.
I entered at the BluetoothStick and at the ActiveSync Screen the port COM5.
now I'm not anymore a guest...
Anonymous said:
I have the same probs.
Using qtek 2020 ROM 1.72WEW ,Active Sync 3.8,Win2000SP3.
I entered at the BluetoothStick and at the ActiveSync Screen the port COM5.
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I spent hours and hours trying to sep up Activesync and I found these and sorted it:
Bluetooth Drivers:
First I removed the old Bluetooth drivers as they are not needed.
Com ports:
Then I reset the com ports.
Ian Watson
I found this a little tricky, but I did it like this (using SP2 BT drivers on XP):
1.Start off with the phone and computer unpaired
2.Open the bluetooth menu (double click on the bluetooth icon in the system tray).
3.Select the comm ports tab and click to add a new INCOMING port. - This port got assigned to something stupid like comm 36.
4.Open device manager, and select the comm port that has just been made.
5. Go to properties->port settings->advanced and change it to a lower end port you know isn't in use. I selected 3.
6. Reboot the computer (not sure if this was really needed)
7. On the phone go to start->settings->system-bluetooth settings and make sure the in and outgoing ports are selected (again not sure if thats essential, but I have it on and it works for me). Then press start.
8. Bond with your computer. There isnt anything that tells you if this has worked or not (which is very frustrating), so you just gotta click ok and test it.
9. In activesync go into the connections bit and tell it to list on the comm that you set in step 3. To get to this bit you have to have synced your phone through usb or something first.
10. on the phone go to activesync->tools->connect via bluetooth (remember to turn bluetooth on first). If everything has gone to plan then it should connect fine.
I did this a few times until suddenly it worked. I'm not sure what I did the time that it did work, but it was something, so I would suggest trying slightly different things each time, but I'm pretty sure it was that way.
The whole process of setting up activesync over bluetooth is really tedious imo, and could be greatly improved in many many ways.
Good luck and let me know if this works.
when i try to bond with my computer...why is it asking for a PIN CODE? im trying to connect my imate to the computer so i can sync thru bluetooth and possibly use the internet when i'm around the house. Can someone please help me?
i tried the search engine, but its no help for me.
of course it will ask for a pincode in both directions.. meaning your phone and PC.. but this for the first time connection only... so what you want to do is to set each other as an authorized counterpart of the other so that you will not have any confirmations again
ok...sorry for these noobie question...i have finaly established a connection with my PC.
is it possible for me to use the internet from my computer on my PDA thru BT? for example, i want to use AIM *AOL* instant message, but im not sure if there is an internet connection on my PDA thru bluetooth. How would i tell if there is a connection? if not, how do i connect? please help? thanks again in advance
If you go into activesync and under options-->rules at the bottom there is the option to share your net connection with the synced device (called pass-through). My XDA II pops up a message when its making a gprs connection.
Hi @ all,
I did not tested it again because I now have a synccable.
This works fine.
Thanks a lot for your great support!
I installed Mobile Navigon4 (Update4.2). Because of the fact that my audiospeaker is not working (Audio about Headset & BT-Headset works fine/speaker is not defect)here is my question:
Can I use the PPC in my car for navigation ?I want to use the BT-Headset for the navigation audio output.Does it work?

BT Activesync "No Partnership"

Trying to BT AS from my JasJar to my PC.
PC has activesync service setup on COM6
AS is listening on COM6
JasJar has outgoing COM set to 4
When I start a BT sync reports "Cant find existing Bluetooth Partnership that supports activesync." and asks for a search.
Run through the wizard and select my PC and its serial port. After finishing device will not start a connection.
Go back to activesync and try to connect via bluetooth and gives the "cant find partnership error.
Tried two different adapters on the PC and neither get it to work.
Anyone with any ideas?
Remove all the BT setting you have setup. Just follow the Help file on AS4.1 it works, really!
Tried all that and still not working.
Device just doesnt seem to initiate an outgoing connection.
ActSync connection problem!!
Did you fix the connection problem, think we are living the same case.
If you did fix would you please tell me what was the way?
From the PC AS, select File>Connection Settings and uncheck USB connection and select the BT COM port for Allow Connections. Then select "Connect" and wait till it tries all the connections and fails. Then selec Cancel and then try to connect from your Universal.
PS - I am assuming you have set-up the BT pairing using the Control Panel on the PC and Added the BT COM port from there as well
Tried your suggestion. No luck.
PC is setup correctly. AS listening on COM6 (BT AS port as shown in my local services)
Jas doesnt seem top even initiate an outgoing connection. Get no blue indication on my desktop icon or on the port status item in the control panel.
Sorry to keep asking questions, but when you set-up the pairing between the PC and JJ did you get a Wizard on the PC that identified the ActiveSync service? Does the pairing info on the JJ say the PC provides a ActiveSync service?
I've had the same problem with my M5000, just solved it.
I removed the Toshiba bluetooth Drivers from the system and rebooted. WinXP SP2 found new hardware and proceeded to install what I assume to be standard MS Bluetooth stack. (DellHardWare.jpg)
Next, I deleted the bluetooth partnership from the M5000. I created a new partnership with my laptop, but initiated from the M5000. At this point, the M5000 didn't offer any services to use with the partnership. So, back to the laptop, creating a new incoming COM port (COM8),(DellCom8.jpg) and then set Activesync on the laptop to use that newly created port. (DellAS_connect.jpg)
Back to the M5000 bluetooth partnership, select the newly created partnership and click refresh (M5000btooth.jpg) This Time it offers me the activesync service. Tick the activesync service and then save.
Finally, on the M5000, from activesync select bluetooth connection...and that was it. Still working. Once I've disconnected and soft reset I'll try to make the connection again and report back. I'll also try to use the M5000 as a wireless modem and post results here.
FrankyG, great news. But I think the procedure you described is not that different from the AS44.1 Help file I suggested earlier.
i do it, but i doesn´t runs
Delete all your BT COM in control panel/system/device manager (select view and show hidden devices) by going to safe mode. Afterwhich restart your PC and try to pair again....it's always works for me

Big problem with Activesync by Bluetooth on JasJar

I have already red more forum on this question.
I have e problem trying to connect to ActiveSync by bluetooth .
When I pair my JasJar to PC not appear the service "ActiveSync", but "Serial Port".
Therefore ActiveSync, on JJ, can't connect to my PC.
I have already configure ActiveSync on PC to connect on right Com port.
Please help me, i have lost some night to try it.
had same problem,you have to get rid of all phantom bt ports there is some stuff on windows support
Thanks for reply,
How can I remove phantom bt port?
Pozzame said:
I have already red more forum on this question.
I have e problem trying to connect to ActiveSync by bluetooth .
When I pair my JasJar to PC not appear the service "ActiveSync", but "Serial Port".
Therefore ActiveSync, on JJ, can't connect to my PC.
I have already configure ActiveSync on PC to connect on right Com port.
Please help me, i have lost some night to try it.
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Please, can someone help me?
On my computer and Universal, I find it easy to setup BT Active Sync if I activate the setup on the Universal first using active sync app. There is an option within the active sync app to sync via BT. The computer will then recognize the device and will ask you if you want to pair it. On the other hand, if I try to pair them beginning with my computer to search for the Universal, after pairing and ticking all necessary boxes, it still won't sync.
After pairing and ticking all necessary boxes. Make sure you reset BOTH your computer and the Universal.
The problem is that when I pair my Universal to PC, not appear the service "ActiveSync", but "Serial Port".
I've already tried to delete everything and reinstall bluetooth pen, with his drivers and with windows drivers, and ActiveSync too.
I've also deleted all pairs and all port on Universal.
But I've not obtained any result.
I don't know what to make.
Can someone help me?
Nobody has had my same problem?
Any idea, please?
I had the same problem until I upgraded from Toshiba BT stack to Wildcomm BT Drivers stack (
Things I have learned:
- If UNI is connected via USB then AS service will not show in device pairing on PPC.
- You need to create an incoming COM port on PC and set AS to allow connections to this port.
raad said:
I had the same problem until I upgraded from Toshiba BT stack to Wildcomm BT Drivers stack (
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I haven't change the bletooth stack.
Until some week it makes worked regularly, but an evening, I was configuring my Laptop to use the JJ like BT modem, when the AciveSync service has begun not to recognize more like such, but like “Serial Port”.
I've already tried to delete everything and reinstall bluetooth pen, with his drivers and with windows drivers, and ActiveSync too.
I've also deleted all pairs and all port on Universal.
But I've not obtained any result.
Yesterday, I have tried the synchronization with an other PC with a fresh installation of windows, but the result has been the same one.
Therefore the problem is on JJ, even in the registry.
I don't know what to make.
Please, can someone help me?
Please help me...
Don't know if this will help and I claim no credit because this solution was written in some other threads. For the universal with a Toshiba bluetooth on your PC:
first, pair your Universal with your PC, you get "serial"
On your PC, create the following "bluetooth local com" (Control panel)
- COM7 Toshiba BT Port (COM7) LocalCOM-Server[SerialPort(TOSHIBA LOcalCOM)]
- COM6 Toshiba BT Port (COM6) LocalCOM-Client
In your activesync, allow connection to COM7
Now comes the fun part. On your universal, go to your bluetooth settings, devices, edit your device and press "Refresh", possibly more than once. Serial Port will change to ActiveSync.
It worked for me.
Also got to the control panel on PC and delete the bluetooth modem that was created. When u add a new incoming port on PC make sure it's not COM8 because that is used by JJ for USB modem connections.
same on treo 750v
I have the exact same problem on my Palm treo 750v. Searched the whole internet for a solution and found some other people with the same problem but no resolution. The only recommendation that seems to work is to do a hard-reset.
The problem started on my device after I played around with the Soft GPS port. It seems that it screwed up some COM port references for good...
I had the same problem on my notebook with Toshiba's BT drivers. I uninstalled them and connected an external USB BT which fired up the MS default BT stack.
After I completed the pairing using Bluetooth Devices (in control panel) and clicking Add in the devices tab, I used the COM Ports tab and added an incoming port and copied the number of this com port in the AS connection settings.
Now, I initiated the AS over BT from the Jasjar and it said something like "it cannot find the service or whatever and would you like to create one". I clicked yes, when it took me to the list of paired devices. From here I did what leblan has also noted "your device and press "Refresh", possibly more than once. Serial Port will change to ActiveSync." I too found that the serial port changed to ActiveSync. The key, IMHO is to hit that "Refresh" button; i.e. once your device and PC are paired and connected, going to the BT devices and editing (press & hold)the device name (the notebook or PC in this case) you will get the services which will initially say serial port, but when you click refresh, it will change to AS.
jj activesync via microsoft bluetooth stack
both from PC and JJ :
delete eventually existing pair between them;
from PC:
if there isn't create a local service COM port. I created COM8 not protected, automatic start;
from PC activesync:
remove flag both for USB and other connections;
from JJ activesync:
try to connect, it ask for pairing, reply yes;
In "mode" flag on turn on bluetooth & make this device visible;
search for new devices, when PC has discovered complete the pairing;
after paired, you can see a serial port and other PC's services;
stay there;
from PC activesync:
now turn flag on other connections setting COM8;
from JJ:
refresh and You can see that serial port begin activesync;
tip OK for close all bluetooth setting windows, You are redirected in activesync.
enjoy start to sync
15hours of crying and knocking the device. i've successfully fixed it...
i did this (credits to google)..
Delete all paired bluetooth devices from PC and from MOBILE.
CAUTION - USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK <--- I used a registry editor for the mobile phone (google for regeditSTG2) and opened the Branch "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Bluetooth\ActiveSync" There might be a Key with a hex-String like this "0016cxxxxxx" --> delete it. Change the View to display the values in this Registry Branch, then delete the "LastConnected" Value and set the "Initialized" value to "0"
Turn bluetooth OFF>ON
Pair from PC
Confirm on DEVICE (dont need to select anything just enter code and press OK)
Go START->Active Sync->Connect via Bluetooth
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Voilla worked for me..
hope this helps someone else

WMDC and 8125

I cannot seem to get my 8125 to sync with windows mobile device center in Vista. I have tried both bluetooth and usb cable, and I have turned off Windows Firewall.
When I connected it via the cable, the only thing that installed and appeared my device manager was a Smartphone USB Sync under mobile devices. I have read other people are getting a windows mobile device under portable devices, among other things.
When I try connecting via bluetooth, Activesync just does not show up when I pair my phone and my computer as a service.
Are there drivers I can get from somewhere, or am I doing something wrong? Any help would be greatly appriciated.
You have to update the WMDC in vista inorder to sync. Had the same problem me self.. kinda crazy if u ask me eh...
I know it has been a long time but I have wmdc 6.1 and an 8125 with the most recent HTC cingular rom. How do I get bluetooth sync working? My activesync on my phone says that the service is not installed and I am kind of stuck there.
A ton of google searches have illicited no help. I figurd I would try here...
I am paired properly with the laptop as I am able to use the modem as DUN and get internet working with no problems. I cant seem to get the device center to recognize the phone for syncing my outlook with bluetooth.
Same boat
I am right there with you man. I have tried everything and still no joy. I am going to try and up date my bluetooth software and try it out. I'll let you know if it works for me.
I did it!!
Ok the key is to use the same Comm port in WMDC that the wizard uses. For example try to set up a bluetooth partnership with your PC via your wizard. When you see a popup on your desktop that you wizard is trying to connect make a not on which Comm port it is trying to use. (for me it was COM4.) from there go into your setting in WMDC and check the second box to allow the wizard to use differant ports. Select your port and click ok. You should be good to go. Let me know if that did or didn't work for you. Best of luck!

How to Activesync using bluetooth?

Hi everybody,
I'm trying to sync my trinity with a laptop using bluetooth, but it seems imposible 'til now. Has anybody been able to?
It seems there's not pim service on the p3600, also creating a com connection doesn't work...
Any idea or howto???
Thanks in advance.
You'll need to set up your ActiveSync (AS) in your PC to point to the port which your Bluet is using. After that, use your phone to 'discover' your PC and you should have AS service for your Bt in PC.
You mean...
In Bluetooth configuration on the pc I have COM9 assigned to bluetooth Serial Port and COM8 for ActiveSync. So you say I have to set as incoming serial port COM8 in P3600??
Configure the AS to use COM9 (in your case).
But still no luck, it seems to be connected but activesync says there's no device in that port, I'm afraid it's a compatibility problem between my laptop bluetooth drivers and P3600 ones.
Anyway thanks for your help, I'll keep on trying...
Probably you can init a sync from PC, but the one I tried is to initialize a sync from my PPC. Once you have AS to use serial of your BT, then while discovering services (or pairing) from you PPC, your PPC should show that there is AS service on the PC. Start your AS on your PPC and sync.
I had a bit of trouble but I've sorted it out now, this is what I did:
1. Uninstall any bundled software and drivers that came with your dongle.
2. Stick the dongle in, and let Windows automatically install the drivers.
3. Make your PC "discoverable" through the bluetooth control panel.
4. Create an incoming port, and take note of the port number
5. In ActiveSync on your PC, go to connection settings and enable a connection through that port.
5. On your phone, go to ActiveSync and select "connect via bluetooth"
6. It will say that you need to establish a partnership or something, press ok, and find your PC, when the services dialogue comes up, select "ActiveSync".
7. Try pressing connect via bluetooth again and it should work!
El_Mariachi said:
I had a bit of trouble but I've sorted it out now, this is what I did:
1. Uninstall any bundled software and drivers that came with your dongle.
2. Stick the dongle in, and let Windows automatically install the drivers.
3. Make your PC "discoverable" through the bluetooth control panel.
4. Create an incoming port, and take note of the port number
5. In ActiveSync on your PC, go to connection settings and enable a connection through that port.
5. On your phone, go to ActiveSync and select "connect via bluetooth"
6. It will say that you need to establish a partnership or something, press ok, and find your PC, when the services dialogue comes up, select "ActiveSync".
7. Try pressing connect via bluetooth again and it should work!
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Can anyone please tell me why i dont see any services on my P3600 after i am connected to the PC? I used to do this with my Prophet (same laptop) without any problems but the P3600 is not able to see any services.
i use this settings
it's work for me.
MrTW said:
Can anyone please tell me why i dont see any services on my P3600 after i am connected to the PC? I used to do this with my Prophet (same laptop) without any problems but the P3600 is not able to see any services.
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Same here... Active sync does start and tries to connect when pairing... but it times out and the activesync service is not seen as an option on the ppc.
Julioski said:
Hi everybody,
I'm trying to sync my trinity with a laptop using bluetooth, but it seems imposible 'til now. Has anybody been able to?
It seems there's not pim service on the p3600, also creating a com connection doesn't work...
Any idea or howto???
Thanks in advance.
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What kind of software are you using microsoft widcomm or bluesoleil.

