Streaming audio --> GPRS/Edge speeds, T-mobile USA - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Great forum,
I was wondering if anyone else is able to stream shoutcast or similar in the US using the kjam? In the denver area, I can barely stream 56Kbit streams, as they have to buffer all the time. Occasionally I can stream a 128Kbit stream for an hour or more. I upgraded my 6315 ipaq (among other reasons) to make use of the supposed Edge data rates.
I have tried GSPlayer, TCMP, Resco Radio, and others. None of the prebuffering options seem to help significantly. It seems logical to me that even over GPRS speeds, I should be able to buffer enough that it should only hiccup once a .5 hour or so. Resco Radio seems to work the best, yet it has the least buffer tweak options.
Any advise?

pterodyne said:
Great forum,
I was wondering if anyone else is able to stream shoutcast or similar in the US using the kjam? In the denver area, I can barely stream 56Kbit streams, as they have to buffer all the time. Occasionally I can stream a 128Kbit stream for an hour or more. I upgraded my 6315 ipaq (among other reasons) to make use of the supposed Edge data rates.
I have tried GSPlayer, TCMP, Resco Radio, and others. None of the prebuffering options seem to help significantly. It seems logical to me that even over GPRS speeds, I should be able to buffer enough that it should only hiccup once a .5 hour or so. Resco Radio seems to work the best, yet it has the least buffer tweak options.
Any advise?
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eb said:
pterodyne said:
Great forum,
I was wondering if anyone else is able to stream shoutcast or similar in the US using the kjam? In the denver area, I can barely stream 56Kbit streams, as they have to buffer all the time. Occasionally I can stream a 128Kbit stream for an hour or more. I upgraded my 6315 ipaq (among other reasons) to make use of the supposed Edge data rates.
I have tried GSPlayer, TCMP, Resco Radio, and others. None of the prebuffering options seem to help significantly. It seems logical to me that even over GPRS speeds, I should be able to buffer enough that it should only hiccup once a .5 hour or so. Resco Radio seems to work the best, yet it has the least buffer tweak options.
Any advise?
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Interested int this too. Just discovered Shoutcast today and I'm in love, but the pauses/speed is irritating. Any fixes?

Well...I've noticed something concerning streaming audio to my device (Cingular 8125) over EDGE. Unless I use the 'dialup' servers it won't work. I decided to do a speed test at and I discovered that even in places where I had 4 full bars and complete EDGE coverage I still only got results of about 100 kbps +/- 10kbps. So I've been somewhat limited in where I can listen to most streams. Imagine my surprise when I learned (today searching that same website) that EDGE is actually rated for 384 kbps! If my home broadband service (rated at 6 mbps) suddenly only worked at 2mbps I'd be angry. Well after venting a bit, does anyone here know if this speed is a limitation of the hardware/software or a bottleneck in the network itself?

I don't know much about the technical issues but my understanding is that EDGE works using multiple channels or timeslots which aggregated together would give you the theoretical maximum of 384. If the network you are connected to has much voice traffic then voice channels take priority and the slots available to your data would reduce and consequently the throughput. There is also the potential that a network may not allocate the full EDGE service but throttle the number of channels available to you on the system giving you a lower maximum rate evn when the network is fully available.

So far my experiences have been such that I have given up on streaming audio through my kjam over EGDE. From an email or browsing perspective GPRS seemed just as fast, although the speed tests seemed to indicate a higher throughput. It's a good thing the Tmo in Denver Isn't charging more for EDGE over GPRS or I'd be angry!

My experience has been that using Orb I can stream video from my home PC with little problem other than the occassional pause (makes those long meetings tolerable ;-)

I was using Shoutcast thru TCPMP again and this time, I seemed to be getting a better GPRS signal, resulting in a stream of music (same station as before) that lasted about 10 minutes without a hiccup, and then about another 10 more without another break. It was fantastic! Using shoutcast thru TCPMP has been the best experience I've had with internet radio to this point....


Problem with streaming audio

Hey people.
I've been trying to listen to an internet radio station, and after about 45 seconds it says 'buffering...' followed by an error message saying it 'can't play this file', or something similar.
I can re-click on the link and play another 45 seconds before the same problem occurs.
It happens with different stations.
Any help?
the problem seems to happen when I'm on the move.
Any help?
for me .. my provider blocks audio streaming and get an error when i try to stream audio from the interent........... but in ur case if it only happens when you are on the move it could be bad handing-over between cells......
Hm, don't know if GPRS has enough bandwith to bring you that much information in time.
I guess, the GPRS downstream isn't that wide to carry all that amount of data for that stream. On cell handover or in case you are in public places (where a lot of people are using one single GSM-cell) the bandwith is reduced as well (because voice gets priority over GPRS).
Audio-Streams over GPRS - anyone who did this till yet?
there is a program for nokia 6630 that you can connect to many radio stations and stream radio in a very good quality.... my friend tested it (works in a GSM company here) and worked good for him.....
As the Nokia 6630 is a 3G Phone (UMTS,Edge), I believe it's more likely that it's possible to use audio streams with it, because 3G supports higher bandwidth.
As our little helpers are only able to use GPRS and this has it's limitations (bandwith is reduced in case of many people using one GSM cell, etc. - as I stated above), I guess the dropouts mentioned by Bennage are technically determined. The stream is - simply spoken - not delivered fast enough to the mobile, so it runs out of data, has to fill the buffer again, plays, runs out of data, and so on...
Maybe I've got time to check this here. Never thought of listening to audio streams via GPRS before (volume charged), but now it's just curiosity which incites me :wink:
another reason for the dropout when on the move could be related to switching connection as when one moves about one change from one antenna to another
this would likely cause holes in the stream
BGK said:
As the Nokia 6630 is a 3G Phone (UMTS,Edge), I believe it's more likely that it's possible to use audio streams with it, because 3G supports higher bandwidth.
As our little helpers are only able to use GPRS and this has it's limitations (bandwith is reduced in case of many people using one GSM cell, etc. - as I stated above), I guess the dropouts mentioned by Bennage are technically determined. The stream is - simply spoken - not delivered fast enough to the mobile, so it runs out of data, has to fill the buffer again, plays, runs out of data, and so on...
Maybe I've got time to check this here. Never thought of listening to audio streams via GPRS before (volume charged), but now it's just curiosity which incites me :wink:
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it's true that the nokia 6630 is a 3G phone but both of our service providers are running 2.5G networks.. so they are not using EDGE just plain GPRS........ and just to check i used my friends SIM and went to and i was able to stream with great quality and no dropouts......... so it is possible to stream audio but sometimes SP they block aduio streaming as in the case of my service provider........
hope that helps
3G == UTSM
2½G == EDGE
2G == GSM
1G == NMT
so if it's on a 2½G network then it have a much higher transfer rate then a xda2 which dont support anything but GPRS on 2G
true but edge is not enabled it here yet.....!
he said it's a matter of installing software to their servers to enable it...

What do you think so far

I love my TyTn no problems at all, very fast and HSPDA rocks, so does the scroll wheel one handed operation is now a reality
So far, I'm very impressed with the speed.
The one-handed aspects (like the scroll wheel) are tremendous.
HSPDA definitely rocks. Depending on where/when I try, I've seen download speeds between 600kbs and 1.2mbs. Not too shabby!
I'm having issues with "Internet passthrough" access while connected to ActiveSync, but otherwise, problem-free!
goestoeleven said:
So far, I'm very impressed with the speed.
The one-handed aspects (like the scroll wheel) are tremendous.
HSPDA definitely rocks. Depending on where/when I try, I've seen download speeds between 600kbs and 1.2mbs. Not too shabby!
I'm having issues with "Internet passthrough" access while connected to ActiveSync, but otherwise, problem-free!
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Then please tell me the following:
(a) How do you conclude you are on HSDPA ? I assume you are deducing that from the downlink speed you experience, ain't ya ? Acc. to my experience you can conclude you are on HSDPA if you get good continuous rates of well beyond 400kbit/s.
(b) Then which software (PDA or PC-based) are you using for checking the downlink data rate ?
(c) Can you disclose in which town in the US you are residing ? Afaik Cingular has only recently rolled out HSDPA. So I'd assume you live either in or slightly outside a larger town to have access to HSDPA.
Something else - regarding the scroll wheel:
I agree, this could be a great helper for a one-hand operation.
Unfortunately I think it could work more intuitively and is in some aspects even lacking functionality where functiuonality would really be needed.
E.g. when surfing in the internet.
You can invoke the IE using the scroll wheel; but how the hell can you then access your IE Bookmarks ??? :-(
As a resolution HTC could have programmed the first up-scrolling movement with the wheel after invoking the IE as a trigger for starting the Bookmarks. What do you think ?
Also when scrolling thru the Bookmarks the wheel opens every sub-folder when moving on it, thus it needs really very long for selecting any specific bookmark if you have accumulated a big collection.
Why is the wheel opening a sub-folder when only a click at a folder should open it ? A little bit of a bug. What do you think ?
My opinion is:
The wheel definitely is a step forward, but still needs development.
Regarding HSDPA: There is no way of finding out if the device is really on HSDPA (same applies to EDGE btw) other than by judging on the downlink data rate experienced (which tool ?).
As my operator offers HSDPA here (and I get tremendous downlink rates using one of these Vodafone Mobile Connect Cards) I somewhat doubt that the TyTN already offers HSDPA capability as the speeds I experience (both when using as a surf machine as well as a modem) are good UMTS speed but really not HSDPA !
Which brings me back to my mantra:
"Guys, we need a generic way for distinguishing between HSDPA/UMTS and EDGE/GPRS, like the registry tweak for the predecessor models !!!"
Oh the TyTN does indeed do HSDPA. I live in a Cingular HSDPA launch city, namely Salt Lake City.
I've teathered it to my laptop and have acheived speeds of over 860/kbit download via I can also acheive nice low latency between 200-300ms.
I have seen the device drop to GSM/EDGE mode when I'm in a bad area and the speed immediately drops to 100kbit or less.
At least in Salt Lake City, wherever the phone shows a U icon, I'm getting increadible speeds.
I ran the dslreports mobile test on the device and it gets the same speeds as when teathered to the laptop. Also I ran dslreports speed test through my wireless internet connection at home which is teathered to an 8mbit cable modem account. On this connection the TyTN tops out at being able to measure around 1500/kbit through pocket IE, so the average 600-800kbit over HSDPA must be pretty accurate. Very rarely am I seeing less than 600kbit download.
For Salt Lake City let me clarify. When I have a U, it's always getting HSDPA speeds, when it shows a G, I'm always getting EDGE or less speeds.
Around here I assume everywhere we have UTMS, we have HSDPA enabled, this is how cingular did it. This is the same for GSM, wherever Cingular has GPRS, they have EDGE so whenever I see a G icon, I'm getting edge speeds.... now wether it truely is EDGE, or regular GPRS I don't care, in fact who cares, it's so slow compared to HSDPA the difference is not important to me. As long as I got the U, I know I'm getting HSDPA.
I guess for networks in Europe that deployed UMTS before HSDPA this doesn't help you determine if you are getting HSDPA or not. However from what I understand, if the network has HSDPA, and your phone is capable of it, then you just automatically get it. You are not selectively being denied HSDPA or anything, it's more spectrally effecient for the operator to let you use it if it's available. It would simply decrease their cell capacity to somehow deny you use of it.
A good example is on Cingular, I have a data package, I popped my 3G sim into my phone, and the same data login settings still work, only it's a hell of a lot faster.
Can you determine if HSDPA is indeed availabel on the towers in your area?
In Europe, as the operators started off with UMTS a couple of years ago, HSDPA is definitely something of an "upgrade", thus not seamlessly switched on.
Would suppose its to a large extent a question of licensing and licenses have a better payoff where the services offered thru them are actually taken up by the customers.
This is surely the reason why there is generally not (yet) HSDPA available in every cell which is offering UMTS. (Agreed there are other reasons for that as well, but this one is a very important reason.)
As I live in the capital of my country and the HSDPA coverage is very good here (also other populated places in the country are well covered with HSDPA already) I can get high data rates using one of these high-speed PCMCIA data cards for the PC (e.g. the Vodafone Mobile Connect Card).
In the same cells I get a much lower data rate when surfing with the TyTN.
This made me wonder whether the TyTN at all already supports HSDPA.
My only complaint so far is the A2DP. The headsets I have tried with it do not have great connection. In that I mean that it connects fine, but there is always these constant pauses within a song (i.e., when I'm listening to a song) that drives me nuts. My M600 from Sony Ericsson does not do this as the connection is problem free. Also, the whole phone seems to slow down when I'm using the bluetooth headset to listen to music.
That's it so far.
tkao2025 said:
My only complaint so far is the A2DP. The headsets I have tried with it do not have great connection. In that I mean that it connects fine, but there is always these constant pauses within a song (i.e., when I'm listening to a song) that drives me nuts. My M600 from Sony Ericsson does not do this as the connection is problem free. Also, the whole phone seems to slow down when I'm using the bluetooth headset to listen to music.
That's it so far.
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Check out the wiki:
There are some registry hacks that help the AD2P performance
Thanks for the post. I'm in Salt Lake City too using heavily hacked Wizard on T-mobile's network. I love the wizard but have been missiing the Evdo speeds of Verizon but I need a world phone for my business.
Where'd you order your TyTN from and what is your cingular plan costing you?
Thanks again.
rambo6 said:
Thanks for the post. I'm in Salt Lake City too using heavily hacked Wizard on T-mobile's network. I love the wizard but have been missiing the Evdo speeds of Verizon but I need a world phone for my business.
Where'd you order your TyTN from and what is your cingular plan costing you?
Thanks again.
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I created a big stink on ho-fo because my TyTN was defective and I tried to return it after the 7 day policy of the online reseller.
Listen, I would be neglectful if I didn't tell you you are taking a big risk by purchasing this device, regardless of where you buy it. As you may have read here, this device has a serious quality control issue. Even replacement units are not always bug free.
That being said here are some things you really need to consider when purchasing this phone.
HTC is not obligated to repair your phone outside of the countries where it is meant to be sold. The United States is not on this list. I read the warenty documentation carefully. This doesn't mean they won't repair it, it just means they can tell you to bug off at their leisure. You could end up shipping this thing back to Europe and who knows if you will ever see it again.
The phone will cost between $700 to $800. Now that's a lot given that HTC isn't obligated to fix it, and the retailers you will encounter online will only offer a 7 day "exchange" policy only. Not only that, this policy may not be made clear to you during the checkout procedure.
Now assuming the HTC didn't have the number of issues that have been reported here, I could recommend someone to buy it from, but I certainly don't want you to take the chance of ending up with a defunct device with no warranty and basically up **** creek without a paddle.
While the device is "fun" and "neat" I doubt it's really going to provide you with any more functionality than your current device.
Now onto some positive information...
I have an older $19.99 media net package. It has unlimited data. I get 1200 text messages and 200 MMS messages. This package will work fine on the TyTN regardless of what anyone at Cingular will tell you.
What they won't tell you is what the physical difference between MediaNet and the PDA/Laptop plan are.
Firstly, there is not speed difference, if you have HSDPA, then you get the speed, period.
Secondly, Media.Net uses a fake IP address, similar to what happens when you have a router at home. the PDA Plan will give you a real internet IP address that people can connect to from the internet. The operational difference is simple, Media.Net will not allow you to use Corporate VPN, I have tried. Skype, and about every other application will work fine on Media.Net.
I don't know why Cingular makes such a big Stink about this, I use Cingular video MobiTV and you can literally eat hundreds of megabytes of data using Cingular's very own Media.Net applications. It's really just a scam to get you to buy a more expensive plan, which is fine if you need VPN.
As for me, I'm in the process of returning my TyTN and I'll stick with the LG CU500. It's an excellent phone. I think I'll find a PDA with 640x480 and bluetooth and just get the internet via the phone over bluetooth. This way I only need to carry the bigger device around when I need it and the phone just works without any complication.
If you can accept all the complications and risks involved in buying an imported phone for that amount of money, then I can recommend a good person, however I didn't fair so well.
Wait for the Cingular version.
Thank you for the candid response. I was going to wait anyway. I get a new phone every 6 month now and I've only had the Wizard for 4. In browsing this forum, I see there's quite a few bug which need fixing. Your advice to wait a while is much appreciated.
My wizard is working so well that the only thing I miss is the 3G internet. T-Mobiles 2.5 G ain't bad for anything except streaming video.
You've made me very eager to try the device on the Cingular network.
Thanks again.
Thanks for the A2DP performance tip from the Wiki, works for me with ITech S35 - improved audio quality.
jmacdonald801 said:
For Salt Lake City let me clarify. When I have a U, it's always getting HSDPA speeds, when it shows a G, I'm always getting EDGE or less speeds.
Around here I assume everywhere we have UTMS, we have HSDPA enabled, this is how cingular did it. This is the same for GSM, wherever Cingular has GPRS, they have EDGE so whenever I see a G icon, I'm getting edge speeds.... now wether it truely is EDGE, or regular GPRS I don't care, in fact who cares, it's so slow compared to HSDPA the difference is not important to me. As long as I got the U, I know I'm getting HSDPA.
I guess for networks in Europe that deployed UMTS before HSDPA this doesn't help you determine if you are getting HSDPA or not. However from what I understand, if the network has HSDPA, and your phone is capable of it, then you just automatically get it. You are not selectively being denied HSDPA or anything, it's more spectrally effecient for the operator to let you use it if it's available. It would simply decrease their cell capacity to somehow deny you use of it.
A good example is on Cingular, I have a data package, I popped my 3G sim into my phone, and the same data login settings still work, only it's a hell of a lot faster.
Can you determine if HSDPA is indeed availabel on the towers in your area?
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out of curiosity, do you ever see an "E" when connected to edge networks? or does the TyTn handle "G" as either gprs or edge and "U" for UMTS?
edit: the FAQ. that kinda sucks...i hope someone can figure out how to enable the "E" icon for the hermes.
I live in Austria - I am on T-Mobile and I just gut 664kbit/s using
So that seems to be HSDPA
No "E" for edge on the TyTN unfortunately. The known reghacks don't work. Some are playing with the bitmaps that make up this display but so far I haven't heard of any success stories.
vodafone hspda
just measured 1100Kbps, so much for my monthly data allowance at this rate it'll last approximately 300 seconds ......

Sling Mobile

Hi All, got this working, but video is very jerky, maybe similar to the (now fixed) bug in the core player?
Anyone know of a way around it?
Is the Slingbox on your local network or are you running across the Internet? I'd be very interested to know the cause of the issue as I have it working well on my iPAQ and plan to upgrade to the Ameo and would hate to lose any quality. In fact want to gain from the VGA and faster processor!
Local, this is def an Ameo problem sadly.
Must be the crappy ATI thing.
Strange I am running it fine on my Dopod U1000 over T-mobile HSDPA. I have tested with Version 1.0.0 and the latest on Slings website..
No jerky motion?
No, I know this is the obvious, but you have not got it set to Control mode? Control mode is very jerky, but allows faster changing of channels etc.
Nope, tried all the different settings.
Where have you installed it?
It is on the MicroDrive. I will try and run a test over my WLAN. BTH I only use it over HSDPA.
What happen to this thread, it's been quite for a while. I've been following this because I'm evaluating if I should get the box. A few questions:
1) When you watch over internet, typically how fast does the download quota got eaten up? Say how many MB per hour?
2) Do you think UMTS connection instead of HSDPA will give smooth video?
Thanks guys for the info.
Well I run it over Wi-fi on my local LAN and I must say I'm quite disappointed. The picture isn't much better than my QVGA iPAQ and I have no idea why.
anilk said:
Well I run it over Wi-fi on my local LAN and I must say I'm quite disappointed. The picture isn't much better than my QVGA iPAQ and I have no idea why.
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Slingmobile player seems to have issues with landscape -- also on my TyTN. If you put it in portrait mode, even on the Athena, it works better. But, it defeats the purpose of a nice 5" screen of TV. I leave it on landscape, and deal with the jerkyness. And this seems to hold true on EDGE, 3G, HSDPA, or WiFi.
New Slingplayer 1.5 is out today. Give it a try.
Your video quality is going to be dependent on the slowest connections. (ie your upload at home and your download where you are watching it) THe sling stream technology maximizes the video quality based on network conditions. anyone have any questions just drop me a line
slimsaturn said:
New Slingplayer 1.5 is out today. Give it a try.
Your video quality is going to be dependent on the slowest connections. (ie your upload at home and your download where you are watching it) THe sling stream technology maximizes the video quality based on network conditions. anyone have any questions just drop me a line
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Thanks for the heads up. Just updated mine.
slimsaturn said:
New Slingplayer 1.5 is out today. Give it a try.
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Thanks for the info. I've upgraded mine as well, and video quality seems to be a bit better.

Choppy & broken video

Hello all I'm with T-Mobile after getting upset w/AT&T. No matter what
player I use the video is more trouble than it's worth. I have an
unlocked 8525 which is a 3G phone, all T-Mobile has is GPRS or Edge
Networks. I've spoken to my provider & to HTC. They say without the 3G
network I cannot *have video. I know that's not true, I used to be
able to watch news feeds or whatever with a Razor. With a 500.00 PPC Icannot??? If some oneone could explain away around this problem it
would be much appreciated!
I'm running Shcap's 4.00 ROM
I know to use the search here & Wiki & any MOD here can look & see I've searched until I'm blind & confused. I guess I've read too much. I've tried 4 or 5 different radios, I'm all out of ideas. As I said any help would be much appreciated!
it all comes down to the resolution of the video
if it's 640_480 then your screen will only show ½ the pixels anyway
but it will still transfer 2times the data down
personaly i would not bother with video on grps it's
too slow even for me to surf without loosing my patience
So I guess the only fix is to drop T-Mobile & goto a 3g carrier? My contract will not be up until June & by then there should be all kinds of new PDA's out there. I guess it would be just as well for me to use a GO Phone & pay the 150.00 X-L fee & call it a day!
in TCPMP goto Options, Video, and select Raw FrameBuffer.
DirectDraw is not compatible with WM6 from what I hear.
This fixed choppy video problems I had with Youtube videos and TCPMP.
ludester said:
in TCPMP goto Options, Video, and select Raw FrameBuffer.
DirectDraw is not compatible with WM6 from what I hear.
This fixed choppy video problems I had with Youtube videos and TCPMP.
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8525 (Hermes) has been notorious for crap video playback, depending on which ROM you use. The ROM the TC is using should be loaded withe the decent drivers. Best thing i use is Coreplayer and it works fine with Hardware acceleration.
Directdraw DOES work with WM6, select YV12 overlay and it should be fine.
GPRS is pretty poor bandwidth and bearing in mind it is rate adaptive so is unlikely you get anywhere close to the theoretical 80/60 kbps maximum. In a sence TMobile was correct in that 3G really is a good idea when planning on using streaming media. Depends on loads of things like the resolution, framerate, bitrate, bandwidth, codec etc...
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for there input.Being new to all this, I need all the helI can get. I plan to flash Schap's new 4.30 full to my phone this week, I hear that TCPMP is more less the same as Coreplayer. Is this true or not? I do have one question. Which radio using T-Mobile has worked the best for everyone in the MO & AR area of the USA? I think this may have something to do with it. Thanks for the input!

Awful wifi reception! Am I the only one?

Hey guys!
Bought my OUYA roughly a week ago. I can say I'm not certainly happy with it. The only reason I got it was to stream movies and TV shows via XBMC so I could ditch my huge and noisy tower PC.
But oh, the wifi reception is SO utterly terrible, it can't even handle that task! Videos buffer for ages and when they do play, it starts to buffer it again in like five seconds. I got to watch one Friends episode with it this whole time. The PC runs on the same network and plays everything, even full HD, perfectly! I'm planning on selling my OUYA forward and getting something with... well the ability to stream stuff. Enthernet connection would be too hard since the router is so far away and I hate wires and an enthernet bridge costs a fifth of the price of OUYA.
And it's not just XBMC, everything, I mean everything is slow(network wise). Browser takes its time to load pages and don't get me started on the download speed...
So anyone else having this? I've tried factory reset and everything, but it just doesn't seem to do anything.
I have not had any problems with the wifi or network. I would make sure your wifi is properly configured before pointing to the ouya. I suggest downloading an app or program that allows you to look at all of the wifi signals in your area. A lot of times, bad wifi reception is caused by congestion on a particular channel. I am assuming you are running on 2.4ghz since you did not provide much information to help you. If you are on 2.4ghz, there are a lot of things that run on this frequency so I would do research to make sure other sources are not causing bad wifi reception. I suggest downloading Wifi Analyzer on android to determine the strength of your signal near the ouya also. Google "bad wifi connection" and you will get many ways to improve your wifi signal. If you already did everything you can to rule out other factors, then it is possible your ouya is faulty. I would suggest contacting technical support and getting a replacement. My ouya runs perfectly. It streams 1080p from my NAS. You never told us where you are streaming from. It would make sense to run a diagnostic check on your source too.
Wifi reception/speed is a pretty common complaint. So far there isn't really a solution. I've been running cm10 for a bit over a week and it seems wifi performance has improved but for me the problem is sporadic so it's hard to say whether it's really gone or not....of course cm10 isn't without it's own problems.
I think this last firmware update just ruined WiFi performance. I was able to run 1080p movies over WiFi network before updating...
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
This is actually a major complaint.
I think it could be a few things.
Craptacular wireless card?
Connection deminishment? <-- That is my issue. My router is upstairs and I have my ouya downstairs next to my bed which is surrounded by concrete walls. (I live in the basement like a boss)
Also Android wifi cards are not really known for keeping the best of signals. But I know in the latest firmware update they were working on a way to speed up the update process by doing something with changing the way they handle OTA's. Either way, I think they are working on a way to fix it.
PS: New UI is SLICK!
ArmorD, wifi and usb weirdness were sort of the major things I worried about getting an ouya.
thankfully, wifi has not been a problem, I can run utorrent at surprising speeds.
but from how many users' complaints I've seen, this seems to be something ouya really need to investigate? it could be as simple as bad antenna or poor solder joints? or it could be down to local interference (microwave ovens, DECT phone systems, CCTV wireless cameras, or even as basic as is one radio too close to another radio?)
Wow I thought this forum is dead and kinda forgot this thread. Anyway, agree with you guys.
@darkknight1812 I know that, been using Adroid since the early days and know exactly what you mean. However all my other devices have pretty good speed in the same network.
But I did find a solution for slow XBMC streaming if you guys are interested. You just have to modify advancedsettings.xml(xbmc) and change the max buffering to 0(unlimited). It's supposed to be only working on Gotham but it did work perfectly with Frodo(the one that can be downloaded from Discover) as well. I'm too busy to find the guide but you'll find it by googling around. I'll post it later if someone's unable to find it.
I know a lot of people have been complaining of horrible wifi reception. In my house we have DECT phones and a microwave, and a baby monitor. Whenever the baby monitor is on, our ATV2 in the bedroom (wifi) gets HORRIBLE reception. Even laptops when the monitor is on will be shaky.
I just got the Ouya this week, set it up in the Den (no wired ethernet ports there) and to my amazement, using the latest nightly XBMC (2013-12-09 i believe?), i am able to stream 1080p MKv's (8-12 gigabytes per movie) with only a single buffer when it first starts loading. After that, to my amazement, i've been having no issues at all. Granted, haven't yet sat to watch an entire movie, but in the 5 min test I did last night, it was working for all formats and even decoding 5.1 for me.
tl;dr I'm extremely happy with my new Ouya purchase and amazingly getting fantastic wifi reception
(p.s. I have NOT set that buffering var in advancedsettings.xml, just installed nightly as is)

