Remove program does not work - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hi everybody
hope you all had a wonderful christmas.
I've come across this problem on my Xda Exec any program I try to uninstall through remove program in the settings it gives me an error say that it was unable to remove the program.
Anybody come across this problem.
If it is a bug has anybody find a way to fix it.
Have a wonderful new year to evryone one the forum

Have removed loads of programs with no problems on my wizard. Are you using a memory card ? All my progs have been installed to the built in memory as I dont have a mini sd yet.

It does not matter where I have the program install it gives me the same problem.
I've try installing it on the SD Card the Main memory everytime I go to remove it from the remove list I get error Its has not been completely removed do you what to remove it from the list you say yes the only thing it removes is the name of the program from the removal list but the program is still where it was install with all the icons.
So please can anyone help or I have to do a Hard Rest which I real do not what to do.
I'm trying to unistall Phatspell 1.4.
I've deleted the directory with all the dictionary but I have an Icon left in the settings folder which I do not known how to remove.
Look in the system folder with Total Commander but it is empty like all the icons are hide.
Help please.

Try SK Tools to clean away anything left from the uninstalle.

Thank you very much the SK Tool worked.
Thank you once again.

I had the same problem. As hotfix is SKTools the best choice in my opinion, but after a hardreset was the problem gone. I'm able now to deinstall the programms cleanly.


Help: can't uninstall programs from jasjar

I am unable to uninstall programs from my jasjar. When I try to remove programs from activesyn there is no response. When I try to remove programs directly from jasjar with "remove programs" I get the response that the program was not removed and would I like to remove the name of the program from the list of installed programs. Either way my programs cannot be removed. Can anyone help me with this problem?
Softreset first then uninstall... Some times you can not uninstall two apps after each other. You have to softreset before each removal...
I tried your suggestions several times but it does not work for me. Any other thoughts?
WM5 doesn't flush the registry until the device is powered off. You should either use a software based reset button - such as from SPB PocketPlus, or turn the device off (this is better), wait 10 seconds and then press the reset button.
Still no luck
I tried resetting after leaving the jasjar shut for more than 10 seconds and still I have no luck removing programs either directly or via activesync. I would still appreciate any suggestions otherwise it looks like a hard reset is unavoidable.
Thanks, a
Other way to remove programs?
Is it possible to effectively remove programs by using resco explorer? And if so, how can you ensure a clean remove?
I have the same problem, I always have to remove manually. I can not install overwrite any software, and when I want to upgrade a new version, I have to find its old cab files to see the list of files to find them and delete. Any suggestion? Thanks in advance.
Still no solution to removing programs
I was wondering if anyone has found a solution to our problem of not being able to remove programs.
Also, as we cannot remove programs via activesync or the standard remove programs from the pocket pc (Jasjar), what are the steps to thoroughly remove files manually?
I found some beta WM5 apps cannot be removed even using Remove apps from the control panel or even the "delete" function from the File explorer! In the end I had to hard reset my JJ to get rid off two apps. I have also been told to use the Resco Explorer to delete programs from the directory directly.
Thanks. When you delete with Resco is it enough to remove folder with application or should you also clear things from registry?

Removing Applications???

I recently installed 'Kick off slot machine' game on my XDA mini s and when i go to 'remove programs' it wont remove it. I've tried soft reseting.
How can i get rid of it?
Can i just go into file explorer and delete the files in its program folder?
yes but u would be better off removing the reg entries aswell allthough it wont cause harm.
tried removing using active sync , add remove programs , as sometimes that works for me where the one on the device does not work.
I have found that quite often uninstalls just don't work. For example, before I resorted to a recent hard reset, I had only a few megs of RAM available. Turns out it was because although it "appeared" that such things had been uninstalled, they had in fact not been uninstalled.
The way I do it now, and I reckon this is the only way to do it, is to go to Add/Remove programs in Activesync and uncheck the box of the app/game to be removed. This seems to work (even on apps installed by CAB or on other machines).
Ok thanks.
By the way, how do you find and delete reg entries? Which folder are they stored in?
Use SK Tools, it is the best soft for cleaning and everything
You'll need something like PHM Regedit, or I use Total Commander. I'm no expert but you'll be able to get help with registry keys etc here.
Alternatively, purchase MemMaid which (I think) removes redundant registry entries.
Oh ok, thanks very much.
Just one more quick question, if you install something, remove it, then decide you want it installed again does it just overwrite the previously created reg entries?
does it just overwrite the previously created reg entries
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Yes, if it is the same version of software.
fresh123breeze said:
Use SK Tools, it is the best soft for cleaning and everything
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I was using this amazing application but after it's installation i was unable to uninstall any program from "Add/Remove Programs". Not even S-K Tools. The only solution was a hard reset. Do you have anything on mind for this issue?
P.S: The version i was using: 2.2.10
Yes, developer knows about this, he said, new version fixed.
I have ver. and tested, good things, Backup is working in WM5.
fresh123breeze said:
Yes, developer knows about this, he said, new version fixed.
I have ver. and tested, good things, Backup is working in WM5.
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Hi, was wondering does it backup contacts and have you tried restoring after hard reset?
Yes, I did. The only one problem, SK Tools made funny records about
installed software, so in the list, You have only what was installed after
You installed SK Tools. I think it was already fixed, but didn't test it.
thanks fresh123breeze,
think i'll go for it. its not a lot to pay for what it claims it can do.

Can't remove/install programs!

Yesterday i tried to remove a program on my Qtek9000. But in the add/remove program, where
all installed programs are listed, was nothing! It was empty!
Then I tried to connect to the Computer but without success! An error Message appeared, "Can't
synchronize, please reconnect an try again!"
I can't even install a new program!
Please help me!
Turn OFF your firewalls then connect your Universal via USB again.
hmm, Doesn't work.
Any other ideas?
I am having similar problems. I have a list of installed programs in the uninstall list. However, whenever I install new softwares, they are not shown in the uninstall list, thus I cannot uninstall any new softwares. Anyone knows what happens?
daddyfok said:
I am having similar problems. I have a list of installed programs in the uninstall list. However, whenever I install new softwares, they are not shown in the uninstall list, thus I cannot uninstall any new softwares. Anyone knows what happens?
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...your not using phoneAlarm are you?
This is a documented issue with a previous version and is fixed in the latest release.
Yes PhoneAlarm is an issue and does prevent installed programs to show up in the list of installed programs. If you cannot live without PhoneAlarm (Like Myself) then you have two options:
You can install SKTools. The uninstallation utility in SKTools will still show the list of installed programs even if it is not shown in the generic Windows utility.
The other option involves changing the registry. You will need a registry editor like Resco. The procedure is as follows:
1) go to..
2) Select the application directory that is not showing up in the list
3) change the DWORD Role data from 40 to 24
4) Now the application will show up in the list.
Hope this works for you
srmz you are great !!!! It works and I can uninstall programs now.
I have never installed PhoneAlarm, and I forget starting from when this problem appears.
Also thanks matt1971 for rasing the possible reason leading to the problem. You guys are great !!
I now have the same problem - I can't install programs (get a message saying installation was unsuccseful), and when I try to remove programs there are none at all in the list.
All I've done today is install sbp Weather.
All programs work fine, but I also can't change Today Theme - it seems to be stuck on default.
Anyone able to help?
yes I have the exact same issue...this post is about not being able to sync, install, or uninstall anything....while srmz's post was informational, it didn't help those of us who has this problem...
please can anyone help? I really don't want to have to hard-reset my phone
U shld try M$ As 4.5 version sometimes it happens dat ur device doesn't show u the complete list of prog. installed but with Async it will show u ,from which u can uninstall the prog u want to.

Program Installation Problem

I have had many pocket PC's and the Universal w/WM5 is the only one that gives me consistant installation problems. I had listpro 3.0 installed in program memory. I uninstalled it with the intent of re-installing it on the SD card. Unchecking it from activesync did nothing. Removing from the ppc directly told me that all of the file were not removed. I saw the the folder still existed in program files, do I deleted the directory and shortcuts pointing to it. I have had this exact same problem MANY times
Am I the only one with this problem? I don't find any messages like this.
Next, I try to reinstall listpro and it won't reinstall :x I get a message cannot be installed, try another location (which does not work). Do I need a hard reset? I tryed installing another program and I can still install other stuff, but the removal did not work again.
GaryK2 said:
I have had many pocket PC's and the Universal w/WM5 is the only one that gives me consistant installation problems. I had listpro 3.0 installed in program memory. I uninstalled it with the intent of re-installing it on the SD card. Unchecking it from activesync did nothing. Removing from the ppc directly told me that all of the file were not removed. I saw the the folder still existed in program files, do I deleted the directory and shortcuts pointing to it. I have had this exact same problem MANY times
Am I the only one with this problem? I don't find any messages like this.
Next, I try to reinstall listpro and it won't reinstall :x I get a message cannot be installed, try another location (which does not work). Do I need a hard reset? I tryed installing another program and I can still install other stuff, but the removal did not work again.
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Hi Gary!
I have a lot of experience in this sh*t. WM5 cannot uninstall or install in a lot of cases. Usually if you still have some files or folders which are on the same location than with the installation, installer says: cannot install. In that case you have to delete (or rename) the folder left, and then you can install it. In other cases installer stays in a loop install condition, and cannot continue. In that case try to install another application to finish somelooped order. I realised another thing, which is very interesting: when you want to uninstall a program, and your pda says it cannot be removed - or something -, if I run Vijay555 killphone application in 98% of the cases after it I can uninstall the same.
I hope this wil help!
Perhaps I have been lucky but I havent had any issues with regards to installing or uninstalling programs.
I do make sure that I soft reset before and after - so maybe thats a golden rule!
Yes, softreset would be a good tip in more cases, but it wouldn't solve the problem when you want to install a program which needs a place what exists.
I did find some files in the windows directory and deleted them. That WORKED. Just doing program files is not enough. In this case, the file name was the same as the program. I don't expect to be that lucky all the time.
I have done soft-resets when it does not work. I do a number of trial programs and tend to forget prior to removal. What a apin
Got to love Microsoft - reboot is the answer to everything.
Installation problems.....
I am having the same problem too.
Even after a hard reset when I try and install Sprite Backup & Agenda Fusion I keep getting the install error: 'cannot be installed, try another location'
It's driving me up the wall! I would have thought after a hard reset this wouldn't be an issue. I'm now the proud owner of an MDA Pro (Universal) that I can't use because the software I want to install won't install.
Can anyone help me please?

[B]xHelp how do i I unlock "Sufficient System Permissions" [/B]

I have a cingular 8525 with the default cingular ROM ( will change it later want to wait a litle while)
I am trying to install a Cab and i get this notification:
the installation was unsuccessful. The program or setting cannot be installed because it does not have sufficient system permissions
I know this is a simple registry hack and i seen a couple but I have not seen anything specific to hermes.
Please give me a link to directions
Thank You
Here... Install this CAB to the phone
This did not help
I installed the Remove Security Cab and it installed with no problem, but when i try to install: CommButton-Toggle-Vibrate-Fix.CAB
I still get the same notification.
Did more searching still cant solve it
I read some more posts and found that making sure processes are not running might solve the problem.
I went to memory and stoped all programs and I sitll can't install the: CommButton-Toggle-Vibrate-Fix.CAB
Are there like system processes which are not showing up in memory - running programs ? Maybe I need to get into those and stop them?
Any other sugestions?
Please point me into the right direction.
Thank You
medmenz said:
I read some more posts and found that making sure processes are not running might solve the problem.
I went to memory and stoped all programs and I sitll can't install the: CommButton-Toggle-Vibrate-Fix.CAB
Are there like system processes which are not showing up in memory - running programs ? Maybe I need to get into those and stop them?
Any other sugestions?
Please point me into the right direction.
Thank You
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Purely on the point of running processes - these will not show up in programmes in memory (except in very broad terms). An application such as sktools will show running processes.
(I am not saying this will solve your problem though)
ok i will try getting a prog and stoping more stuff to see if i can install?
Any other sugestions?
Tried using SKtools to stop everyhing possible still cant install the CommButton-Toggle-Vibrate-Fix.CAB
Is there anyone out there that knows how to fix this problem???
Please Help
Is there a way maybe to instead of installing this cab file to do it manualy??
Can I somehow modify registry to do the same as this cab is doing?
As a general rule, if I have an "unstoppable" process, I power cycle the phone and then execute the cab without opening ANYTHING else (like the comm manager in this case). Give it a shot.
I just tried that turning it off and on and trying to install, also doing soft reset and trying to install. Nothing works as soon as I click on it in a second i get "Installation was unsuccessful. The program or setting cannot be installed because it does not have sufficient system permissions."
Please tell me what else I can try??
Finaly got what I wanted
I never got the stupid cab to install, but I found a different cab which let you assign vibrate to anything ( so when i hold PTT button it switches to Vibrate
Thanks for all that tried to help me.

