Where has the free memory gone? - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

After a soft reset I have about 29-30MB of free ram, but after a few days I have 2 or 3MB of free ram left? Where all earth has it gone? I always close all active programs after use. Does anyone have this problem? I hate resetting after a few days of usage this is very annoying, my XDAIIi never had this problem.

Are you clearing your cache after using IE ? Deleting received and sent emails you don't want ?

You have no choice with the Universal
You'll need to soft reset now and then in order to regain the free memory despite closing all active programs

Seems like a WM5 problem to me, on my Wizard I experience the same. After soft reset: 22 MB free, after a day or so falling to 19 MB, later to 18 MB etc etc. Nothing I tried (removing progs that might drain memory etc) helps.

monkeyphonix said:
Are you clearing your cache after using IE ? Deleting received and sent emails you don't want ?
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Use MemMaid or PHM to set the IE cache to be on your SD card.

Thats HTC's most famous magic trick.
"Now you see it....Now you dont!"
The memory leak issue has been talked about before too. I am quite sure they are aware of it and will fix it in the upcoming RU in Jan.

Hmmm, I'm definitely experiencing the memory leak quite severely, cause after reboot, my Exec's memory is about 24mb ... but after a few hours of doing some syncs to install new apps, try new games, stuff like that, it went all the way down to less than 4mb. Check using the memory applet shows no running apps. This problem is happening a lot lately as I am trying out new apps, which is pretty irritating
Does anyone have any idea at all what's causing the memory leak ?
P.S.- I don't think this problem is unique to HTC, cause I found another thread elsewhere where Dell Axim users also have this problem. A WM5 issue perhaps ?


Yahoo GO - Memory Leak?

I've been using Yahoo Go for Email/Contacts/Task/Calender/Photo retrieval and syncing between my Yahoo account and my TyTn. It's great mainly because it supports email folder access/syncing with my Yahoo Email account using the native WM5 mail client.
The issue i'm having is that it seems like the yconnections.exe program that is the guts of the thing seems like it has a memory leak or something. If I softboot my phone, yconnections.exe uses approx 430k of memory and the heap size is 150k, assuming the values are in KB, as per SKTools.
Note: Other (native WM5) programs also seem to use more and more memory as time goes on (gwes.exe, filesys.exe, etc) and i'm not sure if this is normal also?
Over a day or so the memory and heap size can increase dramatically (many MB's), to the point where there is so little free memory that a WM5 dialog box will pop up warning me of low memory and asking me to close applications to free up memory. At this point, I usually need to softboot.
Anyone have a similar experience or can explain whats happening? Also, can anyone explain the difference between "size" and "heap" as it relates to SKTools process information?
I can confirm the memory leak... I was attributing the leak to Active Sync till I installed a free task manager.
The Yahoo go application runs in the background and fetches emails on a user defined frequency.
I noticed that the application keeps increasing in size/footprint while active and the free memory on my phone goes from ~19 MB post install to less than ~4 MB within a couple (usually within 6 to 7 hours) of hours of use.
wow, you're totally right... this thing is leaking memory... is this yahoo's fault or the phones fault.
anyone else have ethis problem?
christian15213 said:
wow, you're totally right... this thing is leaking memory... is this yahoo's fault or the phones fault.
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I don't use that yahoo go, but i have the same problem, even properly shutting down active programs doesn't sort it, when my memory gets low, i delete the 'previously viewed' web content in IE and soft reset, that brings the memory back up. Its a pain in the arse!
I downloaded the task manager (look for it on this forum) and use that to kill Yahoo Go!... so far I haven't needed to soft-reset since yesterday afternoon (usually had to do that every night to keep the phone stable and usable). Additionally, I currently have ~21 MB of free RAM to run my programs in.
I used the IE hack to move all the cache, history and cookie storage to my SD card, that helps a lot when browsing the web.
I also have SPB Pocket Plus installed that kills the programs on close (similar to the HTC close/X program); rather that the windows default behavior to minimize them.
Any one have a fix for the Yahoo Go! memory leak??
This is been a problem for it since it was released for Windows Mobile. I had it on my 8125 and it was terrible. I had to soft reset to actually get it to stop using memory. I haven't used it since.

Program memory issue

I am using ipaq 6915 foe a 2 month and discover that program memory is decreasing from some reason.When I do soft reset it start like 32 mb free and after 4-5 day usage it going down until reach 25 mb free.At that point i can't start hp camera. bluetooth or other programs.Tested with no other program installed.I tried to discover with task manager to see what kind of proccess is running in program memory but task manager works only after soft reset when amount of memory going down it stack and only help a soft reset again.
Is there anyone who has a simillar problem?
Best regards
Experience the same issue of memory leak too, but thought it to be related to other installed software.
Will see to do a fresh install to see...
leak memory notwitstanding, with 25MB you should still be able to run camera, bluetooth and what not.
what software have you installed?
I found a explanation about not working hp camera,bluetooth etc it is problem when I change reginal settings.Those application works only under english US settings that is HP bug.But it still have leaking memory issue that hapend because again another bug.When I press "x" button or ok to close some window it is not really close it which cause process to stay hang out in memory.Another problem is that application phone multiple it self three time (unknown reason) which again cause memory leaking.No other application installed than HP default.I send all those info to HP but still no answer.
That is the way m$ works on wm5. They think it's a good idea that hitting the X button only minimizes the software and doesn't close it.
Really stupid! and annoying...
There are free third party apps that allow you to fully close apps not just minimize. And I can see why you think this is "stupid" there's a perfectly good explanation for this: As apps open they use up a quantity of memory and when they close, this cache of mem doesn't always gets cleared out - this is most apparent with activesync, everytime that apps goes on it uses a small amount of mem that doesn't free up. So leaving some apps like contacts and whatnot running in background actually is better in some cases. But like I said it's an easy fix. Re: mem leak, I'd check what else you have running, some today plugins like the gauges and meters stuff really use up a lot of memory and also affects battery performance as it's always polling the device for status.

HTC Mogul memory decrease over the course of a day

What is up with the memory drain on this device. I'll start the day with 24mb of memory (soft reset) and only have 10mb or less at the end of the day with no apps but activesync running. Has anyone less notice this?
hansolos said:
What is up with the memory drain on this device. I'll start the day with 24mb of memory (soft reset) and only have 10mb or less at the end of the day with no apps but activesync running. Has anyone less notice this?
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Yea I get the same problem. Except I start off with about 20 and end up with as low as 9 before i'm forced to soft reset.
Its the magic of the Mogul's memory leak. The old rom and new rom feature it so untill a new update comes out, were stuck with it.
Does the Hermes and Kaiser have the same issue? They seem to be similar. They other thing is that the WM6 is suppose to have made those apps that leak in previous versions run at the kernel level.
my titan doesnt have the issue. its an app you've got installed. hard reset and dont install anything, you wont have the problem. troubleshooting 101. dont blame the titan.
I posted this on another forum discussing this problem, so I'll just quote myself here:
The memory "leak" thing is nothing more than a cache "optimization" in place to make the device respond snappier.
Whether it succeeds or not is another story altogether...
Basically, like any cache, it stores recent calculations for faster response later. For example, if you open and close IE alot, you might notice that the first time you open it on a fresh restart takes a little bit longer than the next times- that's because the second time you start it up, parts of it are still in memory from the first time!
You might be wondering why this happens even after forcing it closed with Xbutton or the memory settings. That's because the info stored in the performance cache aren't directly related to any one program! Many apps can use the same routines and calculations, and therefore this process exists on a processor/file system layer as opposed to a software layer, and therefore also exists even when all programs are closed!
Meaning, if I have mapopolis that uses a certain routine to access my BT GPS receiver, even after I close it, some of that routine stays in memory because perhaps Google Maps will use the same routine, and therefore respond faster!
Now, ideally, this should speed up performance, and it SHOULD disappear on its own if the memory is needed and the information goes "stale" (hasn't been processed in a while = not really needed for optimized perfomance). However, one look at the way Microsoft handles "automatically closing apps" (native X button, anyone?) is enough to know that WM can't manage its own memory very well.
I can, however, vouch for the fact that the longer you leave all programs closed, the more of your memory starts to creep back into available. I've sat and watched this happen. So, it sort of works, but perhaps not well enough if people are having low memory system crash problems.
Now, before you all start blaming MS for this... Its not Microsoft's problem. They developed CE-5 (which WM6 is based on) on machines limited to 32MB to make sure the programmers didn't get lazy with OS bloat.
Its the manufacturers who add all this file system optimization and stuff to their final device. In this case, its the way HTC thinks the system should run, which is why this anomaly is NOT as apparent on, say, a WM Treo device.
The good news is that if we complain enough, HTC might realize this optimization does more bad than good, and leave it out on the next ROM update for us.
However, truth be told, I think it works. The Mogul is one of the snappiest PPC's I've used of late, although I can't say for sure if its because of the cache or not.
This is just my personal opinion, so don't flog me! I just don't look at the memory useage anymore unless I'm having a problem, which mind you, I hardly do.
My most recent observations were this:
Soft reset gives me ~21MB (got some htc plugins), and after a day of use, making sure to close everything after I'm done, I get 18-19MB. At lowest, I hit 10MB after closing alot of apps. This memory usually comes back to 18-19mb in a matter of time for me. If for some strange reason it doesn't (can't say how often this happens), I soft reset.
All in all, I'm happy with the Mogul.
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I wasn't blaming the Titan directly, although I wish they would allow you to adjust the memory like they have in the past. But as I've read that may having something to do with chipset of battery consumption.
I was just wondering if others had the same issue and might know of the reason.
Is there a list of known apps that cause memory 'drain' or don't clear their cache. I can understand apps caching data into memory to run faster, but they are not cleaning themselves out upon exit. The strange thing is how they continue to grow over the course of the day with no interaction.
I'm doing a hard reset to see if it get better. Add apps one at a time until I find an issue.
Ok did a hard reset. Setup Outlook to get my mail from Exchange and Gmail. Let it get synced and then did a soft reset. Started with 24mb after reset, down to 21mb without doing anything after an hour and it's still falling. The only thing running is ActiveSync. I've also removed htc_cm_guardain and ssdaemon from the startup. The only thing in startup is poutlook.
The thing I noticed when I had handyswitcher installed (before hard reset) was that filesys, device, gwes, services, shell and cprog all continously increased there memory consumption over the course of a few hours and never stopped or released it.
hansolos said:
I wasn't blaming the Titan directly, although I wish they would allow you to adjust the memory like they have in the past. But as I've read that may having something to do with chipset of battery consumption.
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No no no... the reason you used to be able to select storage vs RAM was because it was SHARED memory! It was actually all RAM. If you had a 64MB device, that 64mb was split between ram and storage, and just like the rest of your RAM, it would wipe out when the battery died!
Ever since WM5 came along, they stopped sharing the memory, and now have dedicated RAM and Storage (using the leftover space on the EPROM chips used for the ROM image), much like a computer. This is a much better solution since you don't sacrifice your RAM for storing some large files, and you don't have to worry about battery failure cleaning you out!
Also, its not the apps that have cache, its the file system. The file system WILL actually free up some of that memory as the device is left with all apps closed for a while (maybe not all of it, but I've watched my device go from 11mb free after closing stuff to 18-19mb).
You guys need to hit the easy button on this one! It may not be a permanent fix, but there's a small freeware called Oxios Hibernate that releases RAM. I just put it on my start menu and 2 clicks....I have free RAM. Try it out, you won't be disappointed.
bam, thanks for the info... that little app rocks.
use a file explorer and go to \Windows\Startup. There is a shortcut there for a program along the lines of HTC_Guardian_cmsomething. This app is a htc app used to enforce sprint settings and runs in the background. So long as you don't destroy your phone internet settings you can just remove the shortcut. I found all my memory leak issues have gone away. I don't have any leaks when using the kaiser tab plugin.
Yes I've removed the links for HTC_Guardian and SSDaemon from startup and added them to my settings folder (if I ever need them). I soft reset to around 25mb and the Oxios Hibernate app keeps me around 24.5mb.
what does SDdaemon do?
sddaemon is suppose to be the speed dial or voice command app you get when you hit the button on the left side with the talk bubble. It loads the app if you hit the button, so I'm not sure why they have it in startup.
On my old Treo 700W, which REALLY had a memory problem, I used Oxios hibernate all the time. It works quite well.
yes, it works.
bam099 said:
You guys need to hit the easy button on this one! It may not be a permanent fix, but there's a small freeware called Oxios Hibernate that releases RAM. I just put it on my start menu and 2 clicks....I have free RAM. Try it out, you won't be disappointed.
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you know what might help...if windows mobile had some sorta sorta disk caching feature...
that's what is causing the memory leak.
great tips. thanks.
hansolos said:
Yes I've removed the links for HTC_Guardian and SSDaemon from startup and added them to my settings folder (if I ever need them). I soft reset to around 25mb and the Oxios Hibernate app keeps me around 24.5mb.
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phone memory full

strange problem with the phones memory being full
seems to be loading kb files on but takes up mb space, just loaded a 3.5kn file but took up 30 mb space
any help would be great
Full because you have probably installed every app onto the internal memory. Reinstall them onto the SD card.
While you are at it, read this thread for tips on how to maximise your memory space....http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=583638
Also use this..http://www.google.com/advanced_search?q=+site:http://forum.xda-developers.com&hl=en&lr=&as_qdr=all if you ever need to find anything here on XDA.
il explain a bit more. i dont have a HD2 im trying to sort this for a friend, i do have the touch pro 2 and i have never had to install apps on the SD card, i must have 30/40 apps on it (games TC resco etc ) and i still have loads of space
my memory reads
storage total 283mb used 166 free 117
program total 188 used 110 free 76
i have never got anywhwere near full
my mates HD2 is new and he has added very little in terms of apps(1 or 2 at the most ) but when i got to it today it only had about 35/40 mb free
i added the 4 short cut cab instead of the standard 3 short cut tabs and it used 30 mb of memory
something does seem right with this or is it that the HD2 short of memory
combat goofwing said:
il explain a bit more. i dont have a HD2 im trying to sort this for a friend, i do have the touch pro 2 and i have never had to install apps on the SD card, i must have 30/40 apps on it (games TC resco etc ) and i still have loads of space
my memory reads
storage total 283mb used 166 free 117
program total 188 used 110 free 76
i have never got anywhwere near full
my mates HD2 is new and he has added very little in terms of apps(1 or 2 at the most ) but when i got to it today it only had about 35/40 mb free
i added the 4 short cut cab instead of the standard 3 short cut tabs and it used 30 mb of memory
something does seem right with this or is it that the HD2 short of memory
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have you been downloading any stuff from internet / opera browser?
The HD2 is short of memory but it shoudn't be a problem having some stuff on SD card.
lee1980 said:
have you been downloading any stuff from internet / opera browser?
The HD2 is short of memory but it shoudn't be a problem having some stuff on SD card.
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The HD2's shortness of memory is only relative. It still has 145MB free Storage after a hard reset, which is a huge increase on previous generations of WinMo phone before the HD, and TD models.
It is probable that users are inadvertantly storing photos and videos in main memory rather than the SD card. Add this to the effects of the Album and Browser caches and the memory can get filled up.
C-G: There is no way that a simple tweak installation would cause this problem. Either your friend has failed to notice something else, or there is some sort of major problem with the device, or somwe software he has installed.
NeilM said:
The HD2's shortness of memory is only relative. It still has 145MB free Storage after a hard reset, which is a huge increase on previous generations of WinMo phone before the HD, and TD models.
It is probable that users are inadvertantly storing photos and videos in main memory rather than the SD card. Add this to the effects of the Album and Browser caches and the memory can get filled up.
C-G: There is no way that a simple tweak installation would cause this problem. Either your friend has failed to notice something else, or there is some sort of major problem with the device, or somwe software he has installed.
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theres no photos videos etc taking it up, i check all that i removed shazam that it saidd was 50 mb but only freed up about 5 mb
as for the app i installed it myself on his phone and it went from 40mb free space to 11 mb free in one go very strange
You are right, it does seem strange, and unrelated to other threads on this issue.
If you (or your friend) are really adventures you could give MTTY a go. It sort of formats the internal memory. After that flash a fresh (shipped) rom.
Its me again. In the thread I pointed you to it also tells you how to move the album and opera caches to storage card. Have you tried these tips?
If you do and you still have problems then backup the data on the device, do a hard reset, then on reboot, check the available memory and use that as a startpoint (compare it to the public specs to make sure you are there or thereabouts). Then reinstall all your apps onto the external storage card (not the internal memory) and see what happens.
Oh, one more thing before you do all this; install Showcase, which is a task manager, and see what programmes are running in the background that you thought were closed. These eat memory and can cause the symptoms you allude to.
Whatever you do, DON't go playing with MTTY. Its an advanced tool and you can do some serious damage if you don't know what you are doing.
I am confident that if you follow the steps here you will solve your problems.
If yo don't, return the device for an exchange.
...i had problems with internal memory, i think were problems of programs cache like htc album, opera...i tried with SKTOOLS for cleaning temporal archives and this work ok
thanks for all the help i have pointed my mate in thedirection of this thread , and once tried i will post some feedback that may help others
thanks again
Are you really sure. As wacky.banana suggested, I would return the device as faulty first.
combat goofwing said:
theres no photos videos etc taking it up, i check all that i removed shazam that it saidd was 50 mb but only freed up about 5 mb
as for the app i installed it myself on his phone and it went from 40mb free space to 11 mb free in one go very strange
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As the others have said, there is something seriously wrong here
Shazam is actually less than 1MB in size, though saved tags may take some space.
If this is showing as 50MB and it isn't being recovered there is something drastically wrong.
still trying to sort this out yesterday my mate did a hard reset so he could start from scratch to add things and see how the memory goes
he no informs me that since the hard reset he has lost camera, keyboard functions etc dont have full details yet but this isnt normal, i hard reset my TP2 a couple of times a month flashing new roms then doing hard resets and its ok
any advice would be great
What version ROM are you using in your device?
wacky.banana said:
What version ROM are you using in your device?
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couldnt tell you its not mine think its the stock europe rom unbranded, why i cant see what rom would do this after a hard reset
im going to get him to download the new 1.43 rom and install that later on unless anyone can suggest other wise
i have not know a hard reset result in the loss of functions
combat goofwing said:
...im going to get him to download the new 1.43 rom
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You mean version 1.48, which was what I was going to suggest but you are ahead of me here. Even if it's already on the device might be worth re-flashing.
Let us know how you get on.
combat goofwing said:
couldnt tell you its not mine think its the stock europe rom unbranded, why i cant see what rom would do this after a hard reset
im going to get him to download the new 1.43 rom and install that later on unless anyone can suggest other wise
i have not know a hard reset result in the loss of functions
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Tell him to stop messing around and return this as a faulty device
He's now had 2 major issues with different aspects of the phone- memory allocation and now camera problems.
It is likely that there is some sort of fault with the memory chip itself leading to internal memory errors. This may also explain the other hardware issues if the device is trying to load these services into an unaddressable memory location.
Hello, I am a newbie, but one frustrating factor I've been dealing with is that there is virtually no information on the "cheaper" tablets. I have a ZEEPAD I purchased from Amazon. It is a lot of fun for a VERY small price.
However, now I have a memory problem. After resetting the tablet, it shows that my internal memory is full, even though there are NO apps installed. I cannot install anything from the market; all installs fail because the tablet detects or thinks there is no memory available.
I have an old CRUZ tablet, and I can get into the program by holding down the + volume when pressing the power button, but that does not work with this tablet.
In the "info" section of the tablet, it states that this is a TWD_MID tablet, android 4.0.4. There has to be something I can try before I have to ship this back to China. Please be understanding of my "newbie" status.......
I have the same issue with mine! Weird, wonder what the deal is? I hope someone with some knowledge of this can help us because it is an fun tab especially for the price..
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
To the two previous posters- this is the forum for the HTC HD2 so you won't get any relevant advice for your tablets.
Find the correct part of XDA Developers and repeat your query.

"Unable to initialize camera."

"Failed to set up the camera device." This has been happening on my TMO-US HD2 after a few hours of operation in the short time I've had it. Only a soft reset will fix it. Running the stock ROM with no real modifications so far. Anyone experiencing this problem?
Do a hard reset. This will wipe the phone back to the way it came from T-Mobile. You will loose anything you put on the phone.
Just found another thread suggesting that leaving Opera open in the background might cause this error. Closed Opera and, to my surprise, the camera worked again! So, my immediate problem is solved ... though why Opera should cause this error remains a mystery.
I had the same issue. Turn the phone off and turn it back on. No need to hard reset
Out of memory i think, ofter happen with heavy ram program, like opera, windows media player.. shame to have 448 mb of ram
it is because of Opera...I had the same problem a couple of time when the camera or camcorder could not start so I just searched the forum and found this thread. I just tried opening opera and leaving it in the background while i start the camera. Voala! It did not work. As soon as I closed Opera, the camera was back to normal.! They should add this thread to the tweaks or something so people know... Thank you guys! Tha helped me a lot!
Opera10 does something weird with virtual memory (or pagepool) where it allocates TOO much. Opera10 also blocks iGo8 and a number of other apps also.
is there any fix for this? its a bit wearysome to have to restart the fone everytime i want to take a foto when i have been using opera.... as simply shutting opera does not work for ne... surely htc should have fixwd this by now....
Its definately Opera 10. The memory allocation is too high for some reason.
well, im jst running stock opera 9.7 and i still get the problem...
Sounds like you are out of system memory. Try uninstalling some apps or move them over to the storage card. I had the same problem as Opera10's epic cache was eating up my system memory. Cleaning out the YouTube folder also gave me another 100MB.
Got this problem with palringo, when i tried to share a picture, then my camera had this issue. Restart the phone and it should be alright...
ive sorted it out now by moving some apps (installed thru market place!) to the storage card uskng sktools now all ok!
I am having the same issue now..
its is showing the main memory details like this
total:312 mb 173 mb
in use:31mb 85 mb
free:283 mb 89 mb
Any clue why is it happening ??
pls help me guys
nalab1 said:
is there any fix for this? its a bit wearysome to have to restart the fone everytime i want to take a foto when i have been using opera.... as simply shutting opera does not work for ne... surely htc should have fixwd this by now....
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By the sounds of it, it isn't HTC at fault, but Opera's developers.
Have you tried cleanRAM? That should blitz the RAM and stop you needing to reboot.
have been getting the same problem. need to reset everyday! I have closed Opera and always clean up. but, not working. anyone ?
somebody also said it has something to do with the extra camera formats turned on in bsb tweaks guys, i have turned them off and opened opera 10 and camera works
Installing fennec browser (firefox mobile) caused my camera to quit working - only fix for it is hard reset - tried it several times with the same result.
mine happens upon installation of swype
Finally I managed to take my phone to customer service center,they reinstalled the OS but the result was same. So thy confirmed it as a motherboard problem and thy took a couple of days to replace it with new motherboard. Luckly I was under warrenty, now my camera is workking fine

