Universal Activsync issues - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hello, I have a problem with my Universal.
I synchronise with my corporate exchange server without a problem.
I have it set up to synchronise every 15 minutes during the day. It does this without a problem, until I use the telephone at the same time it tries to sync.
If I am on the phone talking, and the device tries its normal every 15 minute sync then the sync fails (as it should do because you cant talk and use gprs at the same time) however it then fails to sync again unless I reboot the device.
If I dont reboot then its normal every 15 minute sync fails. You can see it is trying to sync, and the GPRS is active but then comes back with a server problem error.
This is a real pain in the backside, as I am missing email.
Once I reboot then I can sync like normal.
Can someone please help me?


activesync turning itself on!!

i have this annoying problem on my JJ
the activesync keeps turning itself on in the ppc...
i have 4.1 AS on the computer and i sync via usb... never made any connection settings on the pocketpc and dont have any server options aswell ... but every 4-5 mins if i go back to RUNNING PROGRAMS i can see activesync running... i have just formatted my JJ for last 2 days hoping i would get rid of this problem as i thought some 3rd party software was calling AS... but after hard reset (and no 3rd party software) im still having this problem
can any one advise? im on vacation and cant keep the damn charger in my pocket all the time nor is a socket available at all times to charge it ... this is for those who wonder why im bothered so much by AS running in background...coz it keeps the processor busy and that uses extra battery!!!
The active sync turns itself on because by default it is set to sync with an exchange server every so often. To get rid of this on your JJ go to the active sync program. From the menu create an imaginary server by any name say "ABC". Now go to menu again and select "Schedule". Finally under "Sync During" Peak times / Off-Peak times select "Manually" from both the drop down lists. You will never see the active sync progam start up by itself again.

Odd connectivity problem (Activesync and pull)

Both my Hermes and my Universal have this problem so I must be doing something wrong.
My Hermes is set to check my work's exchange server for mail ever 15 mins or so. It works just fine, until I then connect it to my laptop for charging or transfer of applications etc.
When I hook it up to my laptop, it syncs with exchange again just fine using the laptop's connection but after I disconnect the device it refuses to get mail over the air unless I perform a soft reset. No errors are given it just takes a very long time to try to sync before timing out and displaying the last sync time as the last time it successfully synced.
After a soft reset everything is fine until I once again connect it to my laptop.
It's driving me mad.
Hi, we're experiencing the same problem with HTC TyTN and Microsoft DirectPush, so you are not alone

HELP! it's alive..my tytn wakes up by himself

every minute or two (random) my tytn wakes up by himself..
i think that ive narrow it down to "active sync" and/or "internet connection" (gprs data over sim) that i have.
i have an exchange account in my tytn AS ,i have tried to put it on "when items arrives" and "manual" and it still doesnt works the software that i have installed are:
i dont know what to do...
I have the same issue...started happening when I installed Black 3.0 not sure if its related though.
Thats nothing. Quite regulary my phone makes random calls. The last one was a few nights ago at 3am. My phone called my wife while we were asleep.
I think your house is haunted...[GHOST NOISES]wooooooo ooooooooo! [/GHOST NOISES]
Waking up by itself
jack_ass said:
every minute or two (random) my tytn wakes up by himself..
i think that ive narrow it down to "active sync" and/or "internet connection" (gprs data over sim) that i have.
i have an exchange account in my tytn AS ,i have tried to put it on "when items arrives" and "manual" and it still doesnt works the software that i have installed are:
i dont know what to do...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have a similar problem with my phone and I think there are multiple causes.
I noticed that my phone would go on by itself until it timed out and then shut off again. I had set my backlight to turn off after 2 minutes when not in use and I had also set the screen to turn off after 2 minutes when not in use. Somehow these two settings conflicted causing the phone to cycle on/off every two minutes. I corrected it by disabling the backlight shutoff and just leaving the screen shutoff timer active.
I have my phone setup to connect to my exchange server at work. When I plug into my computer at home it tries to synch with my exchange server at work and the connection will NOT go through. I assume this is because the exchange server access is looking for a portable device not the home computer and will not allow the connect, but if I synch while not connected it works fine. The problem is that everytime I plug into the PC it will fail at the exchange portion of the synch leaving an error message on the screen and the screen will NOT power off automatically as long as that message is there. Additionally, the phone will try and synch automatically every x hours as it was setup regardless of whether it is connected to the computer or standalone which will trigger the situation above again.
I have also found that if the phone sits with that error on the screen for a while, when I disconnect from the PC and try to do something with the phone it will sometimes lock up and I have to reset it to get it working again. It remains unresponsive to any screen taps or button presses.
I believe that whenever the phone is plugged into the computer setup with ActiveSync it will use that computers internet connection rather than it's own connection which is what leads to my exchange synch problem.
Well i remember this happening on my wizard and i narrowed it to weatherpanel connecting to check for updates and also if you have a password for when you turn on your phone from sleeping that also kept making the phone come out of stand by.

Exchange on updating via ActiveSync

Hi all,
We have 2 HD2s which I have cofigured to connect to our exchange server via wireless activesync. Both are running the same ROM (T-Mobile, I know...) and have identical settings appart from the user name and password.
Mine works fine with 'As items arrive' set for the sync schedule yet my bosses simply won't update. It is showing as 'connected' but no updates ever arrive. If I set the schedule to every 5 mins it appears to work.
I know 5 mins isn't a long time to wait but you know bosses!!!!!!
Any ideas would be fantastic!
Thanks, Tom.
It now appears that both handsets keep losing and cannot reestablish their connection. ActiveSync keeps reporting various errors including 0x80830002 and 0x85010018. The only way to establish a connection again is by syncing via USB. After disconnecting the connection stays live for a few mins then drop.
This had all been working fine until a few days ago.
Don't know your errors, but:
Have you activated Microsoft Direct Push in your Phone?
Maybe its a Server-Setting for the User? Or the Authentication SSL/NONSSL.
Do you have to install a private/self generated Certificate?
I would first Check the following:
can your connect via OWA?
Export the Cert (dont forget Root/Intermediate Certificate) install it on your Phone.

All Contact Data Lost

For the 3rd time my phone has lost all my contacts...
This has happened with 2 differnt ROMS.
Does anyone have any ideas?
You could save your contacts to your sim card.
just backup with google synce or myphone?
Thanks guys, I have my phone set up with an Exchange Server, but I have to set the phone back to factory settings eachtime becuase the Activesync software fails to work once the contacts have been lost.
I'm really looking for a solution or reason why this is happening to me so I can avoid it.
All of your contacts should be pulling from your exchange server... Are you trying to sync by connecting it to your desktop? Are the contacts disappearing during a sync?
wow! I annotated even joking..... i just lost all my contacts again!
when I attempt to run ActiveSync itopens briefly and shuts down.
i have also lost my imap4 email too....
WFT, could I really be the only one having this issue?
SO are you syncing with it attached to your computer or doing it with the data connection wireless? An exchange sync doesn't work if you are connected to your PC.
Also curious if your data connection is poor or if you have tried connecting to a wireless network before syncing?
Do you only lose your contacts when you are trying to run active sync and it crashes?
I never sync directly with the PC - gsm/wifi connection only.
I have had Windows CE devices since the begining of time... Other than the odd software bugs, etc I have never come across anything like this... Four times I have lost 100% of my contacts, email accounts cleared from my phone etc.
Only a full factory reset will allow me to connect with ActiveSync again. Yesterday it happened waiting to see doctor - good thing I had a long wait.
I am not "running" ActiveSync. I have it set for Push, so it syncs all the time.
Maybe try turning off push at first and using Active Sync to pull in everything in the beginning?
I have hard reset my HD2 several times and each time I set up my exchange I manually ran active sync. it takes like 4 times running it to bring all 1500 of my contacts and all of my work related emails into my phone, but it's never crashed on me yet during the sync...
I could do that, but if I turn push off I won't get my email updates, contacts won't get updated/backed up.... :/
Just initially leave push off... Not forever. Once all of your contacts are in there, after doing a manual active sync several times possibly, turn push back on.
I use push mail every day during the week, but when I first setup my phone I run a manual active sync to get all of my contacts and emails on my phone because if I just rely on push to do it initially, it won't import everything. I think I just have way too much to sync or something?
oh, the loosinh of data happens several days after the initial sync. maybe 3 to 6 days later. i think 6 days is the longest It's gone without loosing all the datda.

