Flash light on new email? - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Under the notification settings for New Email message there is an option to "Flash light for X minutes", however, no matter what I set in there my Jasjar doesn't flash either of it's lights when I receive new email. The other settings there are working because I can change the sound or turn vibrate on or off, but the light doesn't seem to work. Does this work for anyone else? Any ideas?

A bit more information... I was just looking through some of the notification settings and I noticed that my Jasjar was also set to flash the light on missed calls and on voicemail. It does not flash the light for either of these events. The lights to flash slowly when the Jasjar is operating normally, so I know that they function.

Isn't that an option to flash the screen (backlight) rather than the LED's??
Or am I just being an idiot? I've never used that function in my life on any PPC phone, I've always just assumed....!?

sub69 said:
Isn't that an option to flash the screen (backlight) rather than the LED's??
Or am I just being an idiot? I've never used that function in my life on any PPC phone, I've always just assumed....!?
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Hmm... I don't know. This is my first PPC, so I just assumed that it was the LED. Can anyone confirm how this should work?

No. It's not an option to flash the back light. The led on the right is supposed to flash red/orange for alerts.

You learn something new every day...!
Seems a bit pointless though...how many people are going to stare at the flashing light for ages to see if the colour is changing!?
My idea is much better :wink: !!!

sub69 said:
You learn something new every day...!
Seems a bit pointless though...how many people are going to stare at the flashing light for ages to see if the colour is changing!?
My idea is much better :wink: !!!
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LOL... maybe, but I want it because I carry the Jasjar in a belt holster. It would be nice to just be able to glance down at the device and see if I have an email waiting.
Can anyone try this and see if they can get their LED to flash?

BrettS said:
sub69 said:
You learn something new every day...!
Seems a bit pointless though...how many people are going to stare at the flashing light for ages to see if the colour is changing!?
My idea is much better :wink: !!!
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LOL... maybe, but I want it because I carry the Jasjar in a belt holster. It would be nice to just be able to glance down at the device and see if I have an email waiting.
Can anyone try this and see if they can get their LED to flash?
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Be aware that the led is a bi-color led. When there are no notifications, it will flash green. When is it flashing because of a notification, it flashes amber. When it is charging it stays amber, in order to switch to green when it is done charging.
It actually is helpfull. I usually have my MDA Pro lying on the table, screen off. By the color of the led I can tell if there is anything I need to attend to on my device. Quite handy, actually...
Hope this clarifies matters.

stamppot said:
Be aware that the led is a bi-color led. When there are no notifications, it will flash green. When is it flashing because of a notification, it flashes amber. When it is charging it stays amber, in order to switch to green when it is done charging.
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I understand that and my LED does everything that you've listed except for flashing amber. When I have it set to "Flash LED" for new email it just doesn't change when I get new email. Does yours?

Yes mine does, just set my JasJar to check for messages every 5 minutes, and sent myself an e-mail, an lo and behold, it started flashing orange.
I'm converted, it is a good idea!

sub69 said:
Yes mine does, just set my JasJar to check for messages every 5 minutes, and sent myself an e-mail, an lo and behold, it started flashing orange.
I'm converted, it is a good idea!
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::grr:: Why doesn't mine work then? I've been debating doing a hard reset... I've installed a few programs that didn't uninstall properly... maybe it's related to that.

Well... I just did a hard reset and the first thing I did was configure the jasjar to flash, then I set up my email account and sent myself a message... and my LED started flashing orange too. I was hoping for a faster flash, but hey... I'll take what I can get

glad to hear you got it working.


Loud Ringer Volume

I already asked this in one post, but no one answered, hoping someone has more info.
For some reason once I install either mUn or LSVW's WM6 ROM's my ringer volume is jacked through the roof! I have my ringer all the way down and it's still very loud. When I turn it up it does indeed go louder, but I really don't need it any louder. Is there some low ringer fix that they might be applying to their ROM? Does anyone know where I can go to fix this problem and turn it down a bit? I don't need my whole office hearing my phone ring all the time.
Seriously, no one else has this problem with either of those ROM's? Maybe my Trin is jacked huh?
I found about this right now...
Mun, please post a cab or two
i agree.. my volume is waaay louder than before ha.. funny cause i think in the WM5 aku3.5 ROM i last flashed i noticed my volume went softer.. now its opposite.. it's not bugging me too much, but i've not received any responses to any queries i made about what makes the volume change either..
Edited: deleted
mun_rus said:
Try this patch)
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Holy crap! That appears to have severly messed up my device. I get the boot screen, then my screen just goes white. Nothing ever loads up, the green light blinks like there is service, but I cannot do anything.
EDIT: I'm reflashing and I will try to install again on a fresh ROM.
schwags said:
Holy crap! That appears to have severly messed up my device. I get the boot screen, then my screen just goes white. Nothing ever loads up, the green light blinks like there is service, but I cannot do anything.
EDIT: I'm reflashing and I will try to install again on a fresh ROM.
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BTW, it works for my and lvsw roms.. Forgot to say..
mun_rus said:
BTW, it works for my and lvsw roms.. Forgot to say..
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Hmm...same thing on a fresh reflash. I'm using your rom mUn (which is awesome btw) and for some reason it kills my device after the boot screen.
it doesn`t mun...
Crashed mine too...
But i tryed it on my wm6.SE rom and it worked for me...
I'll rebuild cab
How the hell to reflash??
When I connect my PDA to PC ruu updater says no device found??
schwags and the rest, how can I reflash my device?
I just pulled my battery, then hold down the camera button while you turn on the device. This should get you to the tri-color screen, then run the update and it should work.
U don't need to reflash
Hold 2 softkeys at the same time and click reset
So you will see message on grey screen. Press green button for Hard Reset and Ok for boot
mun_rus said:
U don't need to reflash
Hold 2 softkeys at the same time and click reset
So you will see message on grey screen. Press green button for Hard Reset and Ok for boot
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Ha, thanks, good tip mUn! I'll have to make sure I do this next time I have a problem.
damn my trinity is bricked
I can`t get to the bootloader, and I cant hard reset...
More detailed please
grega_slo said:
damn my trinity is bricked
I can`t get to the bootloader, and I cant hard reset...
More detailed please
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have you tried taking the battery out?
I came to the white screen with green light flashing...
grega_slo said:
I came to the white screen with green light flashing...
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What if you pull the battery, and then hold the camera button down while you start it back up again? That doesn't get you to the boot loader? it worked for me.
That was pretty much only info I needed!
Reflashing now...
grega_slo said:
That was pretty much only info I needed!
Reflashing now...
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Good news! glad you got it working!!

Notification & Power

Hi all,
I have a Snap with the Official WM6.5 ROM.
1 - I want to change the notification settings : for example when you miss a call or a SMS, then the LED should flash until you see the missed call/SMS.
On My HD2 I can do it fairly easily, but on the Snap I do not wee how to do that....
2 - When using Tomtom, the phone go standby, I would like to force the phone to have the display always on... again on my HD2, this is working as expected, but on the Snap, no way... I even change the power settings, but still the screen switch off after a while.
If you have ideas I will be happy to test them.
The LED issue has all ready been addressed in this forum: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=539190
Thanks cswroe,
I will test this LED fix.
Why WM6.5 is different than a touch screen, I mean, why the option are not on both the same....
it works.
Big thanks.
cswroe said:
The LED issue has all ready been addressed in this forum: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=539190
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Maybe I'm crazy, but I think when my D3G is on the charger and fully charged (solid green LED) that missed calls, messages, etc, won't cause the LED to blink. Have you noticed this?
Ghost of Jaco said:
Maybe I'm crazy, but I think when my D3G is on the charger and fully charged (solid green LED) that missed calls, messages, etc, won't cause the LED to blink. Have you noticed this?
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It will not flash until I disconnect it from the charger.
cswroe said:
It will not flash until I disconnect it from the charger.
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The only way to get it to flash when its on the charger is to turn off the charge light via registry edit, but then you wont know when the device is fully charged unless its on and you pick it up... I have not found a way around this... yet

HTC Hero-Trackball mod

I saw some about Trackball mod for Nexus One!
Change notifications,color mod etc.!
Is it possible at HTC Hero,too?
Or perhaps by the LED, which appears when loading the battery?
The LED behind our trackball is only white, so we'll never get this. It'd be nice though, my buddy got a N1, and I think that's one of its coolest features (is that sad?)
EDIT: As far as the LED goes, it only does orange and green (and maybe red when the battery's low?) I don't really know how much modding you could do with that. I miss the green/red/blue/orange leds in my Vogue.
try searching notify light apk in google see if it works
craig0r said:
The LED behind our trackball is only white, so we'll never get this. It'd be nice though, my buddy got a N1, and I think that's one of its coolest features (is that sad?)
EDIT: As far as the LED goes, it only does orange and green (and maybe red when the battery's low?) I don't really know how much modding you could do with that. I miss the green/red/blue/orange leds in my Vogue.
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Yes,orange when charging,red=empty and green when 100% loaded!
But 2 weeks ago,I flashed a ROM and at this ROM, the LED blinked green when I received a message!
But can`t remember to this ROM
bonesy said:
try searching notify light apk in google see if it works
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Hm,don`t find anything!
Actually, I run the standard ROM and it flashes the green led when I receive messages too.
JanSchotsmans said:
Actually, I run the standard ROM and it flashes the green led when I receive messages too.
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Same here with stoc ROM.
you can use missed call for led settings etc
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=613095 first link on goole when i type notifylight.apk
Thanks,didn`t find it!
I will try

A few words of caution... A horror story

Names have been changed to protect the innocent
Enter Power Control widget... Added Brightness to the widget on the Angel recovery Rom.
While on a call Booger is playing around on the phone and hits the Brightness widget to see the three settings it has....
Screen goes black (literally!), Booger thinks nothing of it and finishes the call he is on.
Booger not able to get brightness back. The nightmare begins....
Wipe and Reset nothing....
Mr. Odin didn't help with Stock... not even An Angel could fix this... no light in sight!
Booger decides to try and be crafty and Throws Mr Galaxy i9000 on there to fix the issue or maybe Mr. Galaxy s "pit" would solve the issue by erasing the Fascinating memory... Works, but it shows yellow and red when it tries to do the wipe...
Booger turns to Mr. Vibrant and his 'pit' or recovery....
We now have the story of the Homicide of Mr. Fascinate! Lucifer (The white and red VZ) decides to grant Booger with a New Fascinating Body.
Moral of this poorly written story? Don't use anything to mess with Brightness except stock Widget or Tool! And never ever turn of usb debugging!
Yikes, sorry to hear about that. I was luckily able to recover from an extended fight after flashing the i9000 kernel.. It was a nightmare, but I got it back.
jatilq said:
Names have been changed to protect the innocent
Enter Power Control widget... Added Brightness to the widget on the Angel recovery Rom.
While on a call Booger is playing around on the phone and hits the Brightness widget to see the three settings it has....
Screen goes black (literally!), Booger thinks nothing of it and finishes the call he is on.
Booger not able to get brightness back. The nightmare begins....
Wipe and Reset nothing....
Mr. Odin didn't help with Stock... not even An Angel could fix this... no light in sight!
Booger decides to try and be crafty and Throws Mr Galaxy i9000 on there to fix the issue or maybe Mr. Galaxy s "pit" would solve the issue by erasing the Fascinating memory... Works, but it shows yellow and red when it tries to do the wipe...
Booger turns to Mr. Vibrant and his 'pit' or recovery....
We now have the story of the Homicide of Mr. Fascinate! Lucifer (The white and red VZ) decides to grant Booger with a New Fascinating Body.
Moral of this poorly written story? Don't use anything to mess with Brightness except stock Widget or Tool! And never ever turn of usb debugging!
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dude i just lived this horror story with the app Power Manager from the market...turned my screen completely black reboot to recovery and wipe data-nothing, restore system through odin, nothing. going to the store tomorrow for a replacement- i am livid.
listen to these warnings, dont f*** with the brightness
I will never turn usb debugging off. If you have it on you can fix it! I posted something about creating screen-cast. By doing that you can see everything you do on the phone on the pc. Let me know if you have it turned on. Don't get creative and flash anything else!
I'm glad some of you got this goofy cryptic story. I have my reasons for not making it 100% clear. I wanted to give a warning, but without being to obvious about certain things. I have a certain connection with "The Devil"
The root options never worked with my DX, but maybe Droid Explorer, Android Commander or the like would work as well.
I had the same problem I got a new one a few days ago
Sent from my Fascinate
Is the threat of this total darkness issue (via brightness widgets) something that is unique to rooted Fascinates only?
...or is this a potential problem with stock 2.1 ROM Fascinates as well?
darukhan said:
Is the threat of this total darkness issue (via brightness widgets) something that is unique to rooted Fascinates only?
...or is this a potential problem with stock 2.1 ROM Fascinates as well?
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not sure, i was rooted however i didnt have power manager with super user permissions so i presume it could happen un-rooted as well
darukhan said:
Is the threat of this total darkness issue (via brightness widgets) something that is unique to rooted Fascinates only?
...or is this a potential problem with stock 2.1 ROM Fascinates as well?
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I did it to an unrooted phone. Don't mess with brightness widgets.
Brightness = serious business
jatilq said:
I will never turn usb debugging off. If you have it on you can fix it! I posted something about creating screen-cast. By doing that you can see everything you do on the phone on the pc. Let me know if you have it turned on. Don't get creative and flash anything else!
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If you have the time, a link or instructions would be nice. This black screen problem keeps happening to people.
chopper the dog said:
I use the one called "Backlight!" but when I installed and saw the default value levels of 0,50,150,255 and saw a zero that instantly threw up a red flag. Before using widget I just edited the custom brightness levels to 34,65,103 which translates to 13%,25%,45%. Are there other devices where you could assign the toggle to a hard button? That's the only way I can see having a 0 default level on a device.
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My expirience from another thread, but I didn't get burned.
good day.
I had the exact same thing happen to me after installing powermanager. The only thing that saved me was the fact powermanager has default settings for different power sources. So although i botched my battery setting and it went black, i was saved by the fact i could plug into a pc our AC power and get the brightness back up to where i could fix the battery setting.
HOpe this helps spare some people some trouble.
jatilq said:
I have a certain connection with "The Devil"
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Do you work for Verizon?
Sorry but curiosity takes over with anything resembling a riddle
Screen cast seems like the perfect tool for this problem..assuming you have debugging on of course.
Just wanted to post this here, because when I was googling "screen brightness android" looking for a way to decrease the brightness on the amoled screen of the fascinate this page came up, but it didn't have the answer I was looking for.
I have pretty sensitive eyes like most of you on this thread (otherwise you wouldn't be looking for a dimmer), so reducing the brightness on the Fascinate was a must.
I found this app, called screen filter. Don't really know too much about it other than it works fantastically well and its free. Reduces brightness to almost nothing if you want, and the app functions as a widget for toggling as well.
So anyway, just wanted to post this for other people like myself, looking for a way to dim the lights. I don't have enough reputation to post a link, but just look up screen filter in the app market and you'll be good to go. For some reason it doesn't come up when you search for "dimmer" or "brightness", which is a shame.
Hi guys!
A few of you mentioned that it beneficial to have USB debugging on in such situations. a little bit off topic, but I just in the middle of dealing with USB problem on SF. I been able to get in download mode at one point and flash odin. Now my comp able to see phone. Is there any tools to exploit this debug mode? What information I can get in debug mode? I'm trying to collect as much information about problem as possible, just to make sure I'm not going to have it in the future.

[PROBLEM] The notification led doesn't turn off

Hi guys, i was using latest kalo ROM without any problem since yesterday, when i noticed that my notification led was red but i had no new notification, i also powered my phone off and also when my phone was turned off the led didn't turn off. The led turned off only when i removed the battery.
I tried everything, i reverted back to official 2.3.5, but the problem was still there, i also updated to official ics, but nothing...
Could someone help me? If anyone has any suggestion i would be really grateful =)
Maybe you burned your notification light? You could probably replace it.
By the way, this should go in Q and A
Edit: I thought it wouldn't turn off. Download root dim from the play market, Select other lights and scroll all the way down to red and select it. From there, try resetting it by turning it off and going back to system default. If that does not work just keep the led notification off.
Somcom3X said:
Maybe you burned your notification light? You could probably replace it.
By the way, this should go in Q and A
Edit: I thought it wouldn't turn off. Download root dim from the play market, Select other lights and scroll all the way down to red and select it. From there, try resetting it by turning it off and going back to system default. If that does not work just keep the led notification off.
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I've tried to do what you told me, but it doesn't solve the problem... Thanks anyway =)
You're right, this thread would be in Q and A, if a modder could move it there
Do you think that could be a water damage?
Atanasov Goran said:
Do you think that could be a water damage?
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It could be, in this days rained so much here where i live...
Because I read in some other threads with two different phones having the same issue, I think the one was sgs2...
So I suggest you flash an official ROM and go to warranty if you still have one...
There is more than one way you can receive water damage including humidity.
Sent from my Impulse 4g using xda premium
Atanasov Goran said:
Because I read in some other threads with two different phones having the same issue, I think the one was sgs2...
So I suggest you flash an official ROM and go to warranty if you still have one...
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Somcom3X said:
There is more than one way you can receive water damage including humidity.
Sent from my Impulse 4g using xda premium
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The problem is solved... I did nothing, it solved by itself, the led turned off and now works fine, everything now works fine, i don't know what it could be, it's a strange thing... anyway thanks to everybody who tried to help me =)

