HTC Hero-Trackball mod - Hero, G2 Touch General

I saw some about Trackball mod for Nexus One!
Change notifications,color mod etc.!
Is it possible at HTC Hero,too?
Or perhaps by the LED, which appears when loading the battery?

The LED behind our trackball is only white, so we'll never get this. It'd be nice though, my buddy got a N1, and I think that's one of its coolest features (is that sad?)
EDIT: As far as the LED goes, it only does orange and green (and maybe red when the battery's low?) I don't really know how much modding you could do with that. I miss the green/red/blue/orange leds in my Vogue.

try searching notify light apk in google see if it works

craig0r said:
The LED behind our trackball is only white, so we'll never get this. It'd be nice though, my buddy got a N1, and I think that's one of its coolest features (is that sad?)
EDIT: As far as the LED goes, it only does orange and green (and maybe red when the battery's low?) I don't really know how much modding you could do with that. I miss the green/red/blue/orange leds in my Vogue.
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Yes,orange when charging,red=empty and green when 100% loaded!
But 2 weeks ago,I flashed a ROM and at this ROM, the LED blinked green when I received a message!
But can`t remember to this ROM
bonesy said:
try searching notify light apk in google see if it works
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Hm,don`t find anything!

Actually, I run the standard ROM and it flashes the green led when I receive messages too.

JanSchotsmans said:
Actually, I run the standard ROM and it flashes the green led when I receive messages too.
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Same here with stoc ROM.

you can use missed call for led settings etc first link on goole when i type notifylight.apk

Thanks,didn`t find it!
I will try


Flash light on new email?

Under the notification settings for New Email message there is an option to "Flash light for X minutes", however, no matter what I set in there my Jasjar doesn't flash either of it's lights when I receive new email. The other settings there are working because I can change the sound or turn vibrate on or off, but the light doesn't seem to work. Does this work for anyone else? Any ideas?
A bit more information... I was just looking through some of the notification settings and I noticed that my Jasjar was also set to flash the light on missed calls and on voicemail. It does not flash the light for either of these events. The lights to flash slowly when the Jasjar is operating normally, so I know that they function.
Isn't that an option to flash the screen (backlight) rather than the LED's??
Or am I just being an idiot? I've never used that function in my life on any PPC phone, I've always just assumed....!?
sub69 said:
Isn't that an option to flash the screen (backlight) rather than the LED's??
Or am I just being an idiot? I've never used that function in my life on any PPC phone, I've always just assumed....!?
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Hmm... I don't know. This is my first PPC, so I just assumed that it was the LED. Can anyone confirm how this should work?
No. It's not an option to flash the back light. The led on the right is supposed to flash red/orange for alerts.
You learn something new every day...!
Seems a bit pointless many people are going to stare at the flashing light for ages to see if the colour is changing!?
My idea is much better :wink: !!!
sub69 said:
You learn something new every day...!
Seems a bit pointless many people are going to stare at the flashing light for ages to see if the colour is changing!?
My idea is much better :wink: !!!
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LOL... maybe, but I want it because I carry the Jasjar in a belt holster. It would be nice to just be able to glance down at the device and see if I have an email waiting.
Can anyone try this and see if they can get their LED to flash?
BrettS said:
sub69 said:
You learn something new every day...!
Seems a bit pointless many people are going to stare at the flashing light for ages to see if the colour is changing!?
My idea is much better :wink: !!!
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LOL... maybe, but I want it because I carry the Jasjar in a belt holster. It would be nice to just be able to glance down at the device and see if I have an email waiting.
Can anyone try this and see if they can get their LED to flash?
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Be aware that the led is a bi-color led. When there are no notifications, it will flash green. When is it flashing because of a notification, it flashes amber. When it is charging it stays amber, in order to switch to green when it is done charging.
It actually is helpfull. I usually have my MDA Pro lying on the table, screen off. By the color of the led I can tell if there is anything I need to attend to on my device. Quite handy, actually...
Hope this clarifies matters.
stamppot said:
Be aware that the led is a bi-color led. When there are no notifications, it will flash green. When is it flashing because of a notification, it flashes amber. When it is charging it stays amber, in order to switch to green when it is done charging.
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I understand that and my LED does everything that you've listed except for flashing amber. When I have it set to "Flash LED" for new email it just doesn't change when I get new email. Does yours?
Yes mine does, just set my JasJar to check for messages every 5 minutes, and sent myself an e-mail, an lo and behold, it started flashing orange.
I'm converted, it is a good idea!
sub69 said:
Yes mine does, just set my JasJar to check for messages every 5 minutes, and sent myself an e-mail, an lo and behold, it started flashing orange.
I'm converted, it is a good idea!
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::grr:: Why doesn't mine work then? I've been debating doing a hard reset... I've installed a few programs that didn't uninstall properly... maybe it's related to that.
Well... I just did a hard reset and the first thing I did was configure the jasjar to flash, then I set up my email account and sent myself a message... and my LED started flashing orange too. I was hoping for a faster flash, but hey... I'll take what I can get
glad to hear you got it working.

Notification & Power

Hi all,
I have a Snap with the Official WM6.5 ROM.
1 - I want to change the notification settings : for example when you miss a call or a SMS, then the LED should flash until you see the missed call/SMS.
On My HD2 I can do it fairly easily, but on the Snap I do not wee how to do that....
2 - When using Tomtom, the phone go standby, I would like to force the phone to have the display always on... again on my HD2, this is working as expected, but on the Snap, no way... I even change the power settings, but still the screen switch off after a while.
If you have ideas I will be happy to test them.
The LED issue has all ready been addressed in this forum:
Thanks cswroe,
I will test this LED fix.
Why WM6.5 is different than a touch screen, I mean, why the option are not on both the same....
it works.
Big thanks.
cswroe said:
The LED issue has all ready been addressed in this forum:
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Maybe I'm crazy, but I think when my D3G is on the charger and fully charged (solid green LED) that missed calls, messages, etc, won't cause the LED to blink. Have you noticed this?
Ghost of Jaco said:
Maybe I'm crazy, but I think when my D3G is on the charger and fully charged (solid green LED) that missed calls, messages, etc, won't cause the LED to blink. Have you noticed this?
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It will not flash until I disconnect it from the charger.
cswroe said:
It will not flash until I disconnect it from the charger.
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The only way to get it to flash when its on the charger is to turn off the charge light via registry edit, but then you wont know when the device is fully charged unless its on and you pick it up... I have not found a way around this... yet

[pro] not. LED isnt flashing

hello community!
after register and see the video (i know im not special ) i have a problem with my german motorola pro from vodafone with stock froyo without root: the notification LED isnt flashing on new mails/messages,its permanent!
i tried blink and light flow lite from the market,im so used to different led notification from my blackberry.
did i break my phone somehow?is there a fix/solution?do i have to reflash it with a SBF file?
i used the search and looked up the specific motorola droid general forum,but didnt find anything (wrong search words,wrong forum?!)
so if i accidently open up a new thread to a known/fixiable bug,be gentle on the asskicking!
thanks in advance.
tragikomix said:
hello community!
after register and see the video (i know im not special ) i have a problem with my german motorola pro from vodafone with stock froyo without root: the notification LED isnt flashing on new mails/messages,its permanent!
i tried blink and light flow lite from the market,im so used to different led notification from my blackberry.
did i break my phone somehow?is there a fix/solution?do i have to reflash it with a SBF file?
i used the search and looked up the specific motorola droid general forum,but didnt find anything (wrong search words,wrong forum?!)
so if i accidently open up a new thread to a known/fixiable bug,be gentle on the asskicking!
thanks in advance.
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Warm welcoming mate.
Actually the led is a pain in arse for this phone.
Ask Moto how they got this stupid idea, that the Led would only work while your screen is off.
aka You got mails/missed calls while your screen is off, then you will get your led blinks, only.
So, no worries, nothing execlusively wrong for your phone, coz all our phones are too right to be wrong.
Not sure? Go to Blink again, test led with any colour and turn your screen off, you will see your led intact.
thnx for the reply!
the LED is working,not flashing but permanent on at missed events,thats "my problem".im glad that nothing is really broken or kinda like that.
but thanks anyway!

[PROBLEM] The notification led doesn't turn off

Hi guys, i was using latest kalo ROM without any problem since yesterday, when i noticed that my notification led was red but i had no new notification, i also powered my phone off and also when my phone was turned off the led didn't turn off. The led turned off only when i removed the battery.
I tried everything, i reverted back to official 2.3.5, but the problem was still there, i also updated to official ics, but nothing...
Could someone help me? If anyone has any suggestion i would be really grateful =)
Maybe you burned your notification light? You could probably replace it.
By the way, this should go in Q and A
Edit: I thought it wouldn't turn off. Download root dim from the play market, Select other lights and scroll all the way down to red and select it. From there, try resetting it by turning it off and going back to system default. If that does not work just keep the led notification off.
Somcom3X said:
Maybe you burned your notification light? You could probably replace it.
By the way, this should go in Q and A
Edit: I thought it wouldn't turn off. Download root dim from the play market, Select other lights and scroll all the way down to red and select it. From there, try resetting it by turning it off and going back to system default. If that does not work just keep the led notification off.
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I've tried to do what you told me, but it doesn't solve the problem... Thanks anyway =)
You're right, this thread would be in Q and A, if a modder could move it there
Do you think that could be a water damage?
Atanasov Goran said:
Do you think that could be a water damage?
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It could be, in this days rained so much here where i live...
Because I read in some other threads with two different phones having the same issue, I think the one was sgs2...
So I suggest you flash an official ROM and go to warranty if you still have one...
There is more than one way you can receive water damage including humidity.
Sent from my Impulse 4g using xda premium
Atanasov Goran said:
Because I read in some other threads with two different phones having the same issue, I think the one was sgs2...
So I suggest you flash an official ROM and go to warranty if you still have one...
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Somcom3X said:
There is more than one way you can receive water damage including humidity.
Sent from my Impulse 4g using xda premium
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The problem is solved... I did nothing, it solved by itself, the led turned off and now works fine, everything now works fine, i don't know what it could be, it's a strange thing... anyway thanks to everybody who tried to help me =)

Led's color problem at first blink

Guys I have a strange beavhiour on my phone. When the LED notification starts "blinking" the first "blink" is always red or blue no matter what color the specific notification what set to.
After the first red or blue "blink" the next "blinks" of the LED looks right as it is setted for the specific notification.
Has anyone come across such weird behaviour? Is this a hardware or software bug?
Sended from my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Gold Platinum
It's been happening since the S6. Why is this such a big deal?
Sent from my Pebble Time
Brava27 said:
It's been happening since the S6. Why is this such a big deal?
Sent from my Pebble Time
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Because it's not normal and because this is an uncommon thing since not everybody has this beavhiour.
Sended from my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Gold Platinum
turtuv said:
Because it's not normal and because this is an uncommon thing since not everybody has this beavhiour.
Sended from my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Gold Platinum
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I have it, had it with my note 5, s6. It's not uncommon.
Sent from my Pebble Time
Brava27 said:
I have it, had it with my note 5, s6. It's not uncommon.
Sent from my Pebble Time
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I first saw that today. I don't understand the meaning of this beavhiour.
Sended from my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Gold Platinum
I have this but it's totally not a problem in any way.
dannejanne said:
I have this but it's totally not a problem in any way.
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I know that is not a problem, but if it is a "design" choice so all S7 must have this, right? In any case I don't understand why the first blink has to be red.
Sended from my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Gold Platinum
Rooted with TWRP
Gravity MM (LED Control)
removes what your refering to, I use White as Base LED Colour notification.
Blue for SMS
Purple for some selected Medium Priority Notifications.
Green for Missed SMS
Yellow Voice Mail
Much better than the Blue for all (Whats the point in a LED with Multiple Colours when it never uses them)
dave7802 said:
Rooted with TWRP
Gravity MM (LED Control)
removes what your refering to, I use White as Base LED Colour notification.
Blue for SMS
Purple for some selected Medium Priority Notifications.
Green for Missed SMS
Yellow Voice Mail
Much better than the Blue for all (Whats the point in a LED with Multiple Colours when it never uses them)
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Light manager app does that, but that's not what i'm talking about. Read the first post, do you experienced that behavior?
turtuv said:
Light manager app does that, but that's not what i'm talking about. Read the first post, do you experienced that behavior?
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Rooted with TWRP
Gravity MM (LED Control)
removes what your referring to
dave7802 said:
Rooted with TWRP
Gravity MM (LED Control)
removes what your refering to
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I don't understand, you didn't answered to my question...never mind :good:
turtuv said:
I don't understand, you didn't answered to my question...never mind :good:
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Okay lets try it another way:
When you get a Notification, The first LED blinks Red.
Then the colour you defined the notification to, then blinks that colour.
I have Rooted with TWRP, I am using Gravity MM
i do not experience this.
"it removes the first blink notification - what your referring to in the OP"
dave7802 said:
Okay lets try it another way:
When you get a Notification, The first LED blinks Red.
Then the colour you defined the notification to, then blinks that colour.
I have Rooted with TWRP, I am using Gravity MM
i do not experience this.
"it removes the first blink notification - what your referring to in the OP"
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Ok now it's clear, thank you. I don't want to root my device tho. Is there another way?
Sended from my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Gold Platinum
turtuv said:
Ok now it's clear, thank you. I don't want to root my device tho. Is there another way?
Sended from my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Gold Platinum
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There used to be a method using Tasker,
Its been a while since i used this, But here is the link:
The App may not be needed and it may be possible to control LED using Tasker alone.
If you setup the rules correct, i believe you should be able to overcome this. i.e. Turn of ALL LED prior to pushing your first LED Custom Colour.
dave7802 said:
There used to be a method using Tasker,
Its been a while since i used this, But here is the link:
The App may not be needed and it may be possible to control LED using Tasker alone.
If you setup the rules correct, i believe you should be able to overcome this. i.e. Turn of ALL LED prior to pushing your first LED Custom Colour.
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It seems a little bit tricky. What about Light Manager instead?
Ill come back to you in a hour and let you know
There may be a way to do a little bit of a hack, I believe the issue following the Charging LED Notification
Using something like SQlite Editor, you may be able to disable the LED Charging.
Removing the Red LED Notification all together
(This is in theory, Untested, but ill let you know later)
dave7802 said:
Ill come back to you in a hour and let you know
There may be a way to do a little bit of a hack, I believe the issue following the Charging LED Notification
Using something like SQlite Editor, you may be able to disable the LED Charging.
Removing the Red LED Notification all together
(This is in theory, Untested, but ill let you know later)
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I don't want to remove red led during charging, but thank you for your help. I'm waiting your news
Try this, you may get the Red light gone.
It may replace it with Green.
Try accessibility settings and turn on notification reminders.
Its a odd workaround, But with my Modules disabled, I no longer get the the RED LED
dave7802 said:
Try this, you may get the Red light gone.
It may replace it with Green.
Try accessibility settings and turn on notification reminders.
Its a odd workaround, But with my Modules disabled, I no longer get the the RED LED
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If it is a replacement so it is not useful, I stick with red. You are rooted so you solved the problem easily..but no big deal, I just wanted to be sure that this is not a problem of my phone, but this is normal [emoji3]
Sended from my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Gold Platinum
dave7802 said:
Try this, you may get the Red light gone.
It may replace it with Green.
Try accessibility settings and turn on notification reminders.
Its a odd workaround, But with my Modules disabled, I no longer get the the RED LED
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I don't want to replace it, you are rooted so you solved the problem easily. Anyway it is not a big deal, I just wanted to be sure that this is not a problem of my phone and that it is normal [emoji3]
Sended from my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Gold Platinum

