GSM setting messed up - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I recently upgraded my xda's rom to 4.0 and it worked out nicely, but today while playing and exploring some new options that had come with the upgrade I noticed there was a selection box for GSM network, European 1800 or N.America 1900, so, being in Europe I set it to 1800, and then it demanded to reboot. After I did this the phone bit won't work at all, it's stuck with an exclamationmark by the antenna icon and it locks up if I try to get into network settings. I can't access those settings without having the phone bit on, at least not through the normal interface.
Any ideas?
I tried hard reseting it twice and flashing it one more time, but to no avail., and it's getting on my nerves! Any help would be appreciated. I was thinking of upgrading the radio stack, but a few posts kind of put me off it. :shock:

The ROM versions are as follows;
4.00.01 ENG
Radio: 4.20.00 (Protocol 32S54)
Perhaps there's a compatibility glitch between the two ROMs that I hit when adjusting the GSM setting?
Hope someone can provide some input, before I decide whether I'll try and flash the radio. :shock:

Where did you get these ROMs from?

I've just installed one, a v.1.09 from ftp://xda:[email protected]/Wallaby/ROM/Special/

SE ROM took care of it
It worked out now after installing the SE ROM and using the band switcher. (Using it from within the previous ROM didn't work out)
Thanks for all input


US ROMs on 900/1800 phones

There has long been talk of it being a general bad idea to install US ROMs on 900/1800 phones. The US T-Mobile ROMs for the longest time have had the RSUpgrade package included in the RUU ROM upgrade, so once you were done flashing your device, the thing would all of a sudden start doing a Radio Upgrade on its own.
I installed the US Siemens/AT&T ROM after concluding it did not have a RSU in it. It worked fine, and came with a new tab in the phone settings called 'Band'. It allowed selection between '900' and '1900', and neither was selected.
So I checked '1900' and figured I could always get back. It said it needed to reset, and I let it.
'No signal'. Makes sense, so I went to the control panel, and set it to '900' and reset again. Still 'No Signal'. Uh oh.... Cold boot, still 'No Signal. Back to Special Edition 1.0 ROM, still 'No Signal'. Upgraded the RSU, which was at 4.16 for this unit, to 4.20. Still 'No signal', no matter how often I cold-boot or whatever. Duh, duh, triple duh!
Guess this is all part of the game... You win some, you lose some...
We're working to get this phone back to life. But let's say there continues to be a stern warning on installing US ROMs on 900/1800 devices. The other way round has never been a problem.
You *should* be able to get it working again be following these steps.
Set the band to 900. Enter Bootloader. Press the Callender button. Scroll down to GSM 900 and press the Action button.
Your device should now work on 900.
It lives... !!
Funny: this occured to me, and I performed the steps necessary, at the same time you must have posted this.
Yes, ofcourse it does work again. So there's three possible positions for the phone to be in: 900, 1900 and 900/1800. Now all we need is the corresponding AT-commands (if that's how they do it), so we can create our own little tool to do band-switching.
So the AT&T ROM can be installed without danger, provided you know how to get back to 900/1800 once if you happens to select one of the radio-buttons in 'band'.
If you connect a serial line to your xda while changing mode,
you can see the at commands sent.
900 "AT%CHG900"
1900 "AT%CHG1900"
900/1800 "AT%CHGDUAL"
rfcal "AT%RFCAL"
normal "AT%NORMAL"
Cool, what command did you type to get a list of supported AT commands?
it starts with 'idag.exe bootloader.bin' followed by hours/days of staring at the disassembly

JasJar only works in WCDMA mode

I have my JJ since October 2005. It worked 100% on the original ROM. Early Dec. 2005 I upgraded to the then latest Radio and ROM's. No issues.
Then suddenly From January I cannot get the Phone to work or connect to a data connection. I was told to upgrade to a 64Bit SIM which I did but still no result. I have installed every release of the Radio ROM and every ROM version compatible on the Uni up to date.
When the BAND is set to Auto it will not give me a data connection nor will the phone work. When in GSM same result. When I put the BAND in WCDMA it works 100%. Data connections work, Phone works, SMS etc. Problem is it only works in 3G areas now!
HELP, after 2 months I'm pulling out my hear and carrying my SP3i as backup.
what other applications are you using? Have you tried to start a fresh system with no third part apps (ie after a hard reset)? Have you tried to use the .cab files from i-mate for your network?
When I had a JJ I had frequent connections/disconnectiond between GPRS and UMTS. With the latest Radio on my XDA Exec I don't suffer from such frequent switching and it seems to have improved the batetry life as well. I used radio rom version 1.06.00.
At the moment with the new ROM no apps installed appart from the ExtROM. Local network .cab also installed.
Problem is not as such that swtiching is taking place, problem is in BAND = Auto or GSM the Uni does not work for neither phone service nor data. When in WCDMA it works 100% without any issues. Like I said the prob. with this is that 3G is not covered like GSM, so if I leave work the phone feature is basically null and void as only GPRS/GSM/EDGE in area where I live.
Maybe the 3G and GSM/GPRS works off diff stacks / protocols or even hardware?
Yours desperate,
@postman, if you have tried to reflash your JJ and still the problem persists and the original problem did not occur because you added any third-party s/w then my conclusion is that you may have a hardware problem. Contact i-mate they usually reply within 2/3 days.
I would say you probably have a hardware problem !!, the GSM and UMTS aspects of the phone are very separate !!!

Tesltra ROM Flash

I have been reading mixed views about whether the the T9193 loses 850mhz compatibility once a cooked rom has been flashed to this model. Some say they lose the nextg connectivity and registry tweaks are required to fix this, whilst others say it is simply a hardware issue and that any rom can be flashed, keeping 850 connectivity. I bought this phone purely for its 850 mhz ability, but i hate the telstra bloatware. Can someone please confirm this for me.
Regards Romeash
I have a Telstra HD2 and use it in the US on AT&T 3G(850) with NRGZ28's rom without any problem. HSPL and ROM were the only changes I made.
where are you australia
my t9193,running v1.50 ozrom and 2.08 radio
there is a telstraband cab floating around that puts all the 850 setting back in the phone
works a treat in hobart
Yeah I've flashed several times and played with the band settings in registry. Changing the band frequencues in registry didn't make any difference so don't worry about it.
Radios did make a difference
I flashed to this ROM- RUU_Leo_HTC_WWE_1.66.405.2_Radio_CRC_Signed_15.32.50.07U_2.07.51.22_2_Ship
this got rid of the telstra stuff and seemed to give the best reception
reggrd2000 said:
Yeah I've flashed several times and played with the band settings in registry. Changing the band frequencues in registry didn't make any difference so don't worry about it.
Radios did make a difference
I flashed to this ROM- RUU_Leo_HTC_WWE_1.66.405.2_Radio_CRC_Signed_15.32.50.07U_2.07.51.22_2_Ship
this got rid of the telstra stuff and seemed to give the best reception
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Yep, I can confirm that too. I kept the Telstra ROM on my phone for almost an hour and a half before I got sick of it and flashed to something better. I have had no problems at all with connecting to HSDPA (and I've tried at least 5 flavours of cooked ROMS, and 6 or 7 different radios). Radio works best for me, with full reception bars all the time.
The registry fix allows the 850 band to be displayed in the band options, but this is purely cosmetic and has no affect on the phone's ability to sync with the network. I haven't encountered a single problem despite numerous (and for a while daily) upgrades, so you shouldn't need to worry too much.
I would definitely recommend sticking to the HSPL and flash-overoUSB route though - much easier to recover if anything does go wrong during flashing.....
thanks alot guys, much appreciated. now i know i can go through with the flash. first i gotta get it repaired under warranty. the audio manager keeps crashing every time i try to play music through the music. ive used different micro sd's so i know its definitely not the cards. must be the phone.

AT&T 850 MHz and Location Services

I have a problem. I must have tried 10 different ROM's in the last few days and I am getting extremely frustrated.
I have an HD2 (Telstra Version) that works on the 850MHz band for HSDPA.
Everytime I am on HSDPA, the location services stop working... Weather panel, Bing, Google Maps, nothing can find my location based on cell id... GPS works fine...
When i switch the 3G off... location services work perfectly fine.
I have tried different ROM, Radio combinations, but nothing seems to work...
I have tried NRG ROM, Dutty's HG (preferred) and ML series, but to no avail.
Can anyone help me troubleshoot this problem further, or has anyone else encountered this... I would really like some help on this.
Thanks a lot.. beers/coffee on me...
It works!!!
Bless this forum and bless the users on it!!!
Finally i think I have a fix...
Hi guys. This seems to be a nice friendly informative thread. I too WAS having the data disconnect on my phone.
I have the 1.66 sea wwe official rom. I tried every radio from the telstra radio to the new radio. To tell you the truth I didnt notice anything different between any of the radios. So I really can't say if one is better than the other. But I started changing settings.
If you are in a 3G (H) 850 area I suggest this.
settings/Wireless controls/phone/band
for Network Type choose WCDMA
for Band Frequency choose the third setting. On Telstra rom it will be GSM(1900)+UMTS(850) and on any other rom it will be GSM(1900+850) and select done.
Now this should stop most of that switching you see in the taskbar of your phone. But this isnt actually what is causing the freezing. It has to do with your sms messaging I believe. I went 2 weeks resetting my phone twice a day. Then I went here.
settings/menu/all settings/connections/advanced network/sms service
Right now GSM is working for me. 4 days and no internet freezing. I believe your incoming email might be coming in by sms also. Notice you only get a few lines and have to download the rest using data to see the whole email.
Others on the forum have turned off email and their phones quit freezing. So if GSM doesnt work for you try GPRS and so on. This is only my opinion but I have been very happy for the last 4 days. Thanks for letting me share this info.
If anyone is interested I have made a cab file which is un-installable that will change the Band Frequency menu to the menu from the Telstra rom. It is mostly cosmetic but at least you will know what bands you are selecting. Use at your own risk of course. I have installed, tested, and uninstalled it myself. No issues.
For the last 4 days with these settings I only see 3G while phone is setting idle. As soon as I connect to the internet it switches to H. I am very happy with my phone now. Thanks matthewf01 for starting this thread. I should have came here sooner.
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Works with location services as well....

O2 Sim Problem on Blackstone

My htc touch hd was originally on orange but i unlocked it and am using o2 pay as you go sim. however i never get a strong signal, and sometimes when i call people nothing happens when i check my balance sometimes it just says operation failed.
theres nothing wrong with the sim card as i've used it on other phones perfectly, and i've used a vodafone sim on my blackstone and its worked perfectly
also when im using android (problem occurs on all versions e.g. froyo/gingerbread) on my blackstone it says im on bt cellnet whilst im on o2 and so i my o2 sim card is useless on android. Do any other o2 users have this problem?
Should i get a new sim card? and is this with all o2 sim cards on blackstone?
yeh still the same problem, signal always seems to be weak, but im gonna try the nandroid rom, my main isssue is that when ive used android on my blackstone from the sd card it says im on bt cellnet- when im on o2 !
while from several clues in your post i assume you are in the UK, it would have been nice to mention that, since o2 exists in several countries with different sim cards, network infrastructures and frequencies.
from a quick search i found that orange uk is operating on the 1800mhz band, while o2 appears to be on the 900mhz band. assuming that while changing your sim card, you did not change the rom or any settings, this might be the solution:
open phone->menu->options
1. ->network, set network selection to automatic.
2. ->band, set network type to automatic and gsm/umts band to automatic
also, depending on your rom, there might be an automatic band selection option in comm manager.
while these are windows mobile settings, it might still affect your android problems as well, since android through haret is based on windows correctly loading hardware drivers.
the settings here are taken from my htc wwe 1.56 stock rom, values or naming might vary.
Chef_Tony said:
while from several clues in your post i assume you are in the UK, it would have been nice to mention that, since o2 exists in several countries with different sim cards, network infrastructures and frequencies.
from a quick search i found that orange uk is operating on the 1800mhz band, while o2 appears to be on the 900mhz band. assuming that while changing your sim card, you did not change the rom or any settings, this might be the solution:
open phone->menu->options
1. ->network, set network selection to automatic.
2. ->band, set network type to automatic and gsm/umts band to automatic
also, depending on your rom, there might be an automatic band selection option in comm manager.
while these are windows mobile settings, it might still affect your android problems as well, since android through haret is based on windows correctly loading hardware drivers.
the settings here are taken from my htc wwe 1.56 stock rom, values or naming might vary.
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yes from uk
yeh im using a kwbr rom(i think), on all roms ive tried including windows, i get the problem
for my band setting they are both auto, so do i change anything?
on network type its auto, band frequency is auto but i can choose from
auto,gsm(900+1800) + umts (900+1200), gsm(1900+850) or umts (2100)
so do u know how to fix the android problem thats my main concern, if nandroid comes to blackstone will the problem still occur?
you could give it a go with gsm on the top one and gsm(900+1800)+umts(900+2100), since according to my research o2 uk operates on 900mhz for gsm and umts.
i am fairly certain, this issue originates in your windows mobile settings and is therefor also present in haret android. nandroid works in another way. since it is flashed directly in the rom space of the device, it replaces winmo and it will not depend on winmo for the initialization of the hardware. which is why i believe, the issue might not be present there.
also: have you tried other roms and/or other radio roms? the latest radio is known for a generally better performance (which comes with the downside of slightly higher power consumption).
Chef_Tony said:
you could give it a go with gsm on the top one and gsm(900+1800)+umts(900+2100), since according to my research o2 uk operates on 900mhz for gsm and umts.
i am fairly certain, this issue originates in your windows mobile settings and is therefor also present in haret android. nandroid works in another way. since it is flashed directly in the rom space of the device, it replaces winmo and it will not depend on winmo for the initialization of the hardware. which is why i believe, the issue might not be present there.
also: have you tried other roms and/or other radio roms? the latest radio is known for a generally better performance (which comes with the downside of slightly higher power consumption).
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nah i havent used other radio roms- i thought they just affected the radio, im not sure of what radio roms do. maybe ill try other radio roms when i've got time
ill change my band settings, will this have an effect on 3g and signal strength or anything?
the radio rom handles all kinds of interactions between the windows mobile operating system and the hardware. this includes the fm radio, but also the camera, bluetooth, speaker, microphone, wi-fi, gps and also wireless communications like gsm and 3g.
so it might help your case. you should perform a hard reset after flashing a radio though, because previously stored bluetooth pairings or stored wi-fi networks might not work afterwards w/o a hard reset.
as mentioned above, the latest version improves performance like quicker gps fix, better wi-fi signal and better gsm signal. also, have a look at this thread: and the one linked in there for information on how other people handled their similar signal problems.
Chef_Tony said:
the radio rom handles all kinds of interactions between the windows mobile operating system and the hardware. this includes the fm radio, but also the camera, bluetooth, speaker, microphone, wi-fi, gps and also wireless communications like gsm and 3g.
so it might help your case. you should perform a hard reset after flashing a radio though, because previously stored bluetooth pairings or stored wi-fi networks might not work afterwards w/o a hard reset.
as mentioned above, the latest version improves performance like quicker gps fix, better wi-fi signal and better gsm signal. also, have a look at this thread: and the one linked in there for information on how other people handled their similar signal problems.
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thanks ive read this guide
and downloaded the radio u suggested lets see if it works!
yeh still the same problem, signal always seems to be weak, but im gonna try the nandroid rom, my main isssue is that when ive used android on my blackstone from the sd card it says im on bt cellnet- when im on o2 !

