US ROMs on 900/1800 phones - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

There has long been talk of it being a general bad idea to install US ROMs on 900/1800 phones. The US T-Mobile ROMs for the longest time have had the RSUpgrade package included in the RUU ROM upgrade, so once you were done flashing your device, the thing would all of a sudden start doing a Radio Upgrade on its own.
I installed the US Siemens/AT&T ROM after concluding it did not have a RSU in it. It worked fine, and came with a new tab in the phone settings called 'Band'. It allowed selection between '900' and '1900', and neither was selected.
So I checked '1900' and figured I could always get back. It said it needed to reset, and I let it.
'No signal'. Makes sense, so I went to the control panel, and set it to '900' and reset again. Still 'No Signal'. Uh oh.... Cold boot, still 'No Signal. Back to Special Edition 1.0 ROM, still 'No Signal'. Upgraded the RSU, which was at 4.16 for this unit, to 4.20. Still 'No signal', no matter how often I cold-boot or whatever. Duh, duh, triple duh!
Guess this is all part of the game... You win some, you lose some...
We're working to get this phone back to life. But let's say there continues to be a stern warning on installing US ROMs on 900/1800 devices. The other way round has never been a problem.

You *should* be able to get it working again be following these steps.
Set the band to 900. Enter Bootloader. Press the Callender button. Scroll down to GSM 900 and press the Action button.
Your device should now work on 900.

It lives... !!
Funny: this occured to me, and I performed the steps necessary, at the same time you must have posted this.
Yes, ofcourse it does work again. So there's three possible positions for the phone to be in: 900, 1900 and 900/1800. Now all we need is the corresponding AT-commands (if that's how they do it), so we can create our own little tool to do band-switching.
So the AT&T ROM can be installed without danger, provided you know how to get back to 900/1800 once if you happens to select one of the radio-buttons in 'band'.

If you connect a serial line to your xda while changing mode,
you can see the at commands sent.
900 "AT%CHG900"
1900 "AT%CHG1900"
900/1800 "AT%CHGDUAL"
rfcal "AT%RFCAL"
normal "AT%NORMAL"

Cool, what command did you type to get a list of supported AT commands?

it starts with 'idag.exe bootloader.bin' followed by hours/days of staring at the disassembly


GSM setting messed up

I recently upgraded my xda's rom to 4.0 and it worked out nicely, but today while playing and exploring some new options that had come with the upgrade I noticed there was a selection box for GSM network, European 1800 or N.America 1900, so, being in Europe I set it to 1800, and then it demanded to reboot. After I did this the phone bit won't work at all, it's stuck with an exclamationmark by the antenna icon and it locks up if I try to get into network settings. I can't access those settings without having the phone bit on, at least not through the normal interface.
Any ideas?
I tried hard reseting it twice and flashing it one more time, but to no avail., and it's getting on my nerves! Any help would be appreciated. I was thinking of upgrading the radio stack, but a few posts kind of put me off it. :shock:
The ROM versions are as follows;
4.00.01 ENG
Radio: 4.20.00 (Protocol 32S54)
Perhaps there's a compatibility glitch between the two ROMs that I hit when adjusting the GSM setting?
Hope someone can provide some input, before I decide whether I'll try and flash the radio. :shock:
Where did you get these ROMs from?
I've just installed one, a v.1.09 from ftp://xda:[email protected]/Wallaby/ROM/Special/
SE ROM took care of it
It worked out now after installing the SE ROM and using the band switcher. (Using it from within the previous ROM didn't work out)
Thanks for all input

Where would I go about diagnosing connection issues? MDA+TMO

Not to give away too much specific information, but I've got a new TMO MDA and the building I am in actually has TMO repeaters. Other TMO phones get perfect reception, and I can even put this new sim into my old unlocked HTC Typhoon and get perfect reception, yet my new TMO MDA won't get any signal.
I'm attempting to scour the registry to find some bit of info or a bit to flip or something of that sort to diagnose the issue. Our TMO rep apparently has RF engineers working on the issue, but if I can fix it sooner than they can I'd be happy.
So, basically, only these new MDAs (other new MDA owners are experiencing the same issue, as well as SDA owners) fail to authenticate to the repeaters in this building. I doubt the repeaters have a list of phones that allow authentication, since the Typhoon was never released by TMO and that can authenticate fine. So I'm thinking there is some bit on the MDAs that is sticking to one band frequency or another, or something to that effect.
Any idea where I could look for info, whether it be a web source or maybe a registry key I could tweak or something of the sort? I got the engineer mode to work (after another registry tweak to turn it on), and it isn't showing any information since the phone isn't connecting to any tower/repeater.
when you go to select networks to use, does the phone give you a list of possible cell networks?
Sorry if i sound obvious....but:
1. Have you compared the Roms on the phones? Maybe the new phone has a different rom which is causing the problem.
2. Have you tried the phone anywhere else outside your building...
3. The engineering mode will still work even without a SIM installed, so if your getting blank information then I think you have an old Rom
Hope this helps
Answers to questions in the thread:
1. If I go to select my networks manually, and it searches for networks, all it finds is the Cingular network, which I can not connect to. It won't find the TMO network at all. But I know it exists because other TMO phones work fine with full reception, and even my old Typhoon works with my new TMO sim in it.
2. The roms on all the MDAs shipped from TMO USA and GSM rom 01.09.10.
3. Phone works entirely fine outside of the building. The building is shielded, but there are repeaters in the building for current TMO users. I know they work since other TMO phones other than the new MDA and SDAs work fine.
4. As for engineering mode... interestingly enough, now that I do have reception (I'm at home right now), I also get blanks. I thought that because I didn't get any reception, I wasn't getting anything from the engineering mode. But interestingly enough, I still don't even though I have reception.
Methinks I do need just the GSM rom. Someone mentioned it in another thread in the Wizard Upgrade forum. Where might I get just that ROM, maybe I'll give it a shot and see if it fixes before doing a full ROM upgrade (which I'd like to do for performance reasons, but I haven't gotten a definitive answer whether I can revert back to bone stone TMO roms with extended roms and everything yet).
I woould suggest getting hold of one of the phones that works, back up the registry, and restore it to the phone that doesn't work. That would tell you if its a registry setting, or a phone/rom problem
britman said:
I woould suggest getting hold of one of the phones that works, back up the registry, and restore it to the phone that doesn't work. That would tell you if its a registry setting, or a phone/rom problem
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Well, there are no phones that work.
The phones that do work are your run of the mill non-smartphone phones, not a WM5 phone.
Actually, that's not true since my Typhoon is running Windows Mobile 5, but it is entirely different than the MDA.
Only all the stock MDAs shipped from TMO are failing to authenticate to these repeaters. Makes me think that updated the radio rom would help, or something on the repeaters is blocking just these two phones (the Wizard and the Tornado).
Try updating the wizard with one of these roms:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Wizard/Roms/Tmobile/
Well, I updated the radio rom to 01.12.10...
And still wont connect to these repeaters. The phone seemed snappier to connect when I stepped outside of the building, though. So there is a plus. However, there has to be some reason the repeaters in this building are not allowing my phone to auth.

Simultaneous 3G Voice/Data with Radio (TyTN)???

I have not been able to have a simultaneous data and voice call on Cingular's 3G network with my new TyTN which has the Radio ROM. Unfortunately, the 1.06 bootloader prevents me from upgrading that radio ROM to a newer radio ROM.
Hence, I am wondering if anyone here is able to have a simultaneous data and voice call on Cingular's 3G network with the TyTN and the Radio ROM?
check this out, it has a noid loader so it might work. let me no if it works, i think loading the latest radio rom
tschabo said:
I have not been able to have a simultaneous data and voice call on Cingular's 3G network with my new TyTN which has the Radio ROM. Unfortunately, the 1.06 bootloader prevents me from upgrading that radio ROM to a newer radio ROM.
Hence, I am wondering if anyone here is able to have a simultaneous data and voice call on Cingular's 3G network with the TyTN and the Radio ROM?
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I had no troubles with this ROM configuration making simultaneous UMTS voice/data connections...
As you seem to be alone in your difficulties here, what did you do / what did you install to cause this problem? any ideas? were you ever able to do the simultaneous thing?
goestoeleven said:
I had no troubles with this ROM configuration making simultaneous UMTS voice/data connections...
As you seem to be alone in your difficulties here, what did you do / what did you install to cause this problem? any ideas? were you ever able to do the simultaneous thing?
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I don't think I did anything special (not that I know of). I did perform a couple of registry hacks to improve the look and feel of my TyTN.
The SW installed is as follows:
fit4cat Hermes Tweaker
CCDialer v2
Splash Data
MSVoice Command
Magic Button
PHM Registry Editor
Total Commander
Xpress Mail Client
The people that confirmed being able to have simultaneous data/voice connections all had upgraded ROMs. That's why I was asking...
reo said:
check this out, it has a noid loader so it might work. let me no if it works, i think loading the latest radio rom
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I cannot load these radio ROMs since my device has bootloader 1.06. The radio ROMs require the 1.04 bootloader
Have you tried doing a hard reset and see if that fixes anything?
gravejoker said:
Have you tried doing a hard reset and see if that fixes anything?
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Just performed the hard reset and {drum drum drum drum drum}
IT WORKS!!! Yipieh!
:lol: :lol: AWESOME!!!
I too cannot place calls while I have a UMTS data connection open on the Rogers network. If the data connection is open, my phone just beeps and the call doesn't go through. If I disconnect, I can make the call. I haven't made any changes to the registry or installed a lot of software.
I've never done a hard reset, I imagine that wipes everything off the memory and I have to reinstall the applications?
Rom date: 7/22/06
Radio Version:
Yes ... it will wipe out all your data/apps etc and start with a fresh slate ... What are you seeing in your phone connection "U" or "G"?
gravejoker said:
Yes ... it will wipe out all your data/apps etc and start with a fresh slate ... What are you seeing in your phone connection "U" or "G"?
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Both. I can't do both voice and data with a UMTS "U" connection, if I force the phone to GSM "G", it works fine.
Not possible .. GSM/Edge doesnt support simultaneous voice and data ..
gravejoker said:
Not possible .. GSM/Edge doesnt support simultaneous voice and data ..
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It's very possible, I do it regularly, my phone keeps the data connection open, I can use IE and talk at the same time. But that's not really part of the problem, my problem is UMTS and voice/data.
UMTS data connection open means all the calls go straight to voicemail and I can't make any. I disconnect the data connection and I can then make and receive calls.
Keeping a connection open is not the point my friend .. using it at the same time is ... and how you defy the technology itself is beyond me ...
Gravejoker is right. In GSM you can only have either voice or data active at any one time. Voice has priority. What happens though is the data service is suspended when you are on a voice call and resumed at the end. This is the spec for GSM, full stop!
There is a new addition on the horizon called DTM (dual transfer mode) which allow simultaneous voice and data by taking the GSM timeslot and puting halfrate voice and data in there but the quality of the voice is poorer and data slow but it does what it says on the tin. The TyTN doesn't support this (I've tried in my lab) and neither does most networks.
On the otherside UMTS networks should support simultaneous voice and data calls if there is enough available resource on the node B (which is hard not to have) so I'm thinking this is a problem in the radio ROM but can't be sure. I've not tested this yet in the lab.
I'm not here to argue or even discuss GSM. I'm going by my experience with my Tytn. UMTS will NOT allow me to even place a call unless I manually go and disconnect the data connection, and I cannot receive calls while there is a data connection. With GSM, I do not have to disconnect the data connection on my device (how it technically works I don't care) and I can receive calls normally while my device says I have a data connection. My user experience would suggest that I can do data/voice at the same time on GSM, and I should be able to have the same experience with UMTS as well.
Hey tw1tch,
You are right, you should be able to do simultaneous voice/data on UMTS. Just incase this is an operator limitation are you able to try simultaneous voice/data with another phone with your SIM card? This will help show if it is or is not a problem the TyTN.
tschabo said:
I cannot load these radio ROMs since my device has bootloader 1.06. The radio ROMs require the 1.04 bootloader
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I think the Cingular 1.30 ROM has Bootloader 1.04. (The wiki is down at the moment, so I cannot say for sure - perhaps you want to wait until the Hermes Upgrades page is working again).
This ROM is matching your CID (you are on Cingular, aren't you?) so you can downgrade to bootloader 1.04 with the help of this one. Once you did that download HTC Hermes SIM Unlock v2a and follow these steps:
Enter bootloader mode on your Phone. To do this, simultaneously hold side OK and POWER buttons together and reset with stylus.
[You should see SPL-1.04 on the top of the tri-color screen, if you see SPL-1.06 you'll need to downgrade the bootloader]
Connect your phone to your computer using the USB lead.
Run the MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe program – this will reflash your phone with a patched radio ROM required to unlock.
Wait patiently.
Once the MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe upgrade completes, it will end up saying "Upgrade Error 114", but the patched radio ROM will be flashed anyway, dont worry about that error!
Soft reset with stylus (Device will not be hard reset and no data will be lost)
Allow your phone to reboot. Once it has, connect to your PC using Activesync, and copy the HERM_Unlock_v2a.exe program onto your phone. Alternatively, copy it to an SD card and insert into your phone.
Run HERM_Unlock_v2a.exe on your phone. Wait about 1 minute.
You should see a "SUCCESS!" message from HERM_Unlock_v2a.exe, after that soft reset your phone.
Process is (hopefully) complete!
If the phone requests unlock code when you put a locked SIM, the code is: 22051978.
Now you've got a SuperCID-Device. You will be able to flash any ROM you like - even if you upgrade to bootloader version 1.06 again.
sn00x said:
This ROM is matching your CID (you are on Cingular, aren't you?) so you can downgrade to bootloader 1.04 with the help of this one.
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Nope, my TyTN has a different CID than that of Cingular 8525 for which the Cingular ROM is made for.

"U" Magically Appears After New HTC ROM Upgrade,...but

I have a TYTN and never had had the "U" come up on my phone. (I am with Tmobile). I recently upgraded to the newest HTC ROM and as soon as you go through the date and time setup and you tap to start using the phone, it immediately displays a "U" for the UMTS signal.
Then the extended rom kicks in and does its stuff and after the reset the "U" is gone and replaced by the "E" for EDGE.
Has this happened to anyone else?
Did I ever really have UMTS?
I have my band selection on auto and I have tried also to change the band settings. It tells me that there is s data call present and to try later.
Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated.
No you never had U. The new Cingular ROM always says U if you do not have the ext_Rom installed. I live in a E area on Cingular and it did the same until I put the from the ext rom on the device.
Your Right
You are right. I reset my TYTN and reset before the extended rom began. The "U" was there. I put in and the little "E" appeared above the bars while the big "U" was still there. I ran a speed test just to be sure. I got a wopping 135 kb. It was nice to see the "U", even if it was fake.
Thanks for the help.
Is this an official rom, final and released? or a test build?
I recently was in Boston (3G area) - 8525 with upgraded ROM, showing both "U", and at times "H". However, there was no real difference in speed (DSL mobile test). But, interesting none the less to have all four symbols (G,E,U &H) displayed.

[Q] Help with data and GSM losses of connection

I own a Verizon Motorola Razr M, bought in ebay to an US seller. I am in Spain and I use Movistar SIM card
The phone came with stock JB 4.1.2, and therefore I could not unlock the bootloader.
I started using it, but it had a problem that I am not been able to solve so far: after some hours of use, with no problems with GSM and data connections, it suddenly looses both connections, although the signals on the status bar still appear. I take care that signals have gone when I take the phone to make a call or surf the web.
I have tried the following procedures:
Change the net settings to GSM/UMTS
I rooted the phone with motochopper 1.1.2 exploit
I installed Safestrap 3.12 in order to be able to install other available locked compatible roms.
I tried these roms, following this thread here in XDA: Clean ROM 1.0. Clean ROM 1.1, Barebone New Base, Stock Deodexed.SDswap-Locked & UnLocked BLs-xt907-9.8.1Q-94-1, but no luck. This last one uses the last radio, but no way.
I also installed the [PATCH][GUIDE] Patch to fully enable GSM on Verizon CDMA Android phones. I could only install it on Clean ROM 1.1 however. It has been impossible to install it on the other ROMS. In any case, no luck again with the patch installed. Here I had a big problem because as I still had these problems, I got into *#*#4636#*#* in the dialer, and touched the band selection option: suddenly, the net showed no signal more and I was unable to make it work again: I finally solved this by installing the stock firmware from here with RSD lite.
No way. I still have this problem and I can not use the phone. I have also tried with another SIM card, but the problem remains. It is a shame because when the connection works, the phone runs very well.
Any help would be very appreciated
More details
errotaxar said:
I own a Verizon Motorola Razr M, bought in ebay to an US seller. I am in Spain and I use Movistar SIM card
The phone came with stock JB 4.1.2, and therefore I could not unlock the bootloader.
I started using it, but it had a problem that I am not been able to solve so far: after some hours of use, with no problems with GSM and data connections, it suddenly looses both connections, although the signals on the status bar still appear. I take care that signals have gone when I take the phone to make a call or surf the web.
I have tried the following procedures:
Change the net settings to GSM/UMTS
I rooted the phone with motochopper 1.1.2 exploit
I installed Safestrap 3.12 in order to be able to install other available locked compatible roms.
I tried these roms, following this thread here in XDA: Clean ROM 1.0. Clean ROM 1.1, Barebone New Base, Stock Deodexed.SDswap-Locked & UnLocked BLs-xt907-9.8.1Q-94-1, but no luck. This last one uses the last radio, but no way.
I also installed the [PATCH][GUIDE] Patch to fully enable GSM on Verizon CDMA Android phones. I could only install it on Clean ROM 1.1 however. It has been impossible to install it on the other ROMS. In any case, no luck again with the patch installed. Here I had a big problem because as I still had these problems, I got into *#*#4636#*#* in the dialer, and touched the band selection option: suddenly, the net showed no signal more and I was unable to make it work again: I finally solved this by installing the stock firmware from here with RSD lite.
No way. I still have this problem and I can not use the phone. I have also tried with another SIM card, but the problem remains. It is a shame because when the connection works, the phone runs very well.
Any help would be very appreciated
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The problem also seems to become worse with the use of the phone: at the beginning, coming from a factory reset, It can last some hours before the problem occurs. But since it happens from the first time, it happens more and more frequently and the phone can not be used any more. It seems that there could be a software issue.
Another try disabling fast dormancy
I´ve just disabled fast dormancy, because my operator Movistar apparently does not use this technology.
For this, I have modified 3 lines from build.prop system file, as indicated in another site.
The 3 lines are:
Having fast dormancy enabled when your operator does not support it, seems to drain battery, and could cause other problems. That´s why I´ve done this. I have used root explorer apk from Google store, it is free and it automatically creates a backup of build.prop file when you modify it.
I keep the fingers crossed, let´s see what happens.
Fast dormancy: yes but...
After some days using the phone with fast dormancy disabled (for this, I also added this line to build.prop: ; I read this for ICS Roms, I do not know if this command is also valid for JB, any comment will be welcome), I still get some cuts (less I would say), but at least the phone tries to restart the connections. For this, I have also installed the apk from Google Play called 3g reconnect.
In any case, any comment would be appreciated.
Issue not solved
I still get data and voice disconnections when I use GSM/UMTS or only UMTS modes. They occur ransomly, and they also occur as soon as I use a WIFI connection. I can only use the phone on GSM only mode, which is frustrating.
Any advise?
errotaxar said:
I still get data and voice disconnections when I use GSM/UMTS or only UMTS modes. They occur ransomly, and they also occur as soon as I use a WIFI connection. I can only use the phone on GSM only mode, which is frustrating.
Any advise?
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I do not go near *#*#4636#*#* anymore. So tell me do you use that to make these changes (phone info is the app name).
Choosing GSM/UMTS or GSM only
aviwdoowks said:
I do not go near *#*#4636#*#* anymore. So tell me do you use that to make these changes (phone info is the app name).
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I have tried both: using *#*#4636#*#* or using the usual phone settings. Sometimes I have also checked that the changes made with the usual settings appeared also dialing *#*#4636#*#*.
Yesterday evening, I tried selecting global mode instead of GSM/UMTS and it seemed to work for some hours, but today morming, the problem occured again. So far, the unique way I have found to avoid connection cuts off is using GSM ONLY mode. I have to say that I have tried with 2 different SIM cards but the result is identical.
errotaxar said:
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Did you select the 3 dot menu & mess with the "band" settings?
---------- Post added at 07:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:56 AM ----------
I did that once, and all the signals disappeared. I restored the phone with RSD Lite, that appeared to be the unique way to have again signals working. Now I do not even dare touching these 3 dots.
errotaxar said:
I did that once, and all the signals disappeared. I restored the phone with RSD Lite, that appeared to be the unique way to have again signals working. Now I do not even dare touching these 3 dots.
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What booby a trap? How many step into!
I don´t know if I am understanding you. I did that once because I did not know what else should I do to solve the problem. I saw that there was the possibility to choose theoritically between US bands and Cellular, and I entered in that menu. It is not so stupid to try that if you have already tried 100 other ways.
In any case, anybody has an idea about how to solve this problem? I´m sure I am not the unique person having this issue with this phone.
errotaxar said:
I don´t know if I am understanding you. I did that once because I did not know what else should I do to solve the problem. I saw that there was the possibility to choose theoritically between US bands and Cellular, and I entered in that menu. It is not so stupid to try that if you have already tried 100 other ways.
In any case, anybody has an idea about how to solve this problem? I´m sure I am not the unique person having this issue with this phone.
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You are saying the problem is now still there. Yet the radio partition is fixed. Please restate what has been fixed with the rsd flash & what remains unfixed.
Well I think I have fixed and solved the problem: I initially copied the APN settings I had with my previous HTC Sensation, because the phone operator was the same (MOVISTAR), the SIM card too, and I have not moved. In these APN settings, the proxy was "undefined" as well as the proxy gate. I wonder if the radio stucks looking for a proxy each time or whatever. I tried yesterday with completely different APN settings, with a concrete Proxy and a gate... and now I have not had any issue in the past 24 hours. I will still wait a couple of days to see if that was finally the reason.
Which in any case would be silly, because I just applied what was working OK with my sensation, but...
New APN settings: let´s see
Well I think I have fixed and solved the problem: I initially copied the APN settings I had with my previous HTC Sensation, because the phone operator was the same (MOVISTAR), the SIM card too, and I have not moved. In these APN settings, the proxy was "undefined" as well as the proxy gate. I wonder if the radio stucks looking for a proxy each time or whatever. I tried yesterday with completely different APN settings, with a concrete Proxy and a gate... and now I have not had any issue in the past 24 hours. I will still wait a couple of days to see if that was finally the reason.
Which in any case would be silly, because I just applied what was working OK with my sensation, but...
After several days, the problem is still there. After setting new values in APN, it happens less often, but it still happens. I have to switch to GSM only mode.
2 days ago, I was surfing the net at quite high speed with no interruptions, for half an hour. I then shutted off the screen, on again some seconds later, and the connection was blocked, I had to restart the phone. It has to be a software issue.
I finally sold the phone
After concluding that I could never get rid of this problem, I sold the phone, informing that he would have to use mainly GSM only connection. Great phone otherwise, but with this issue.
This sounds like a Baseband Issue.
Europe I have found baseband:
sm_bp_101031.027.32.81P to be the most stable so far, with no H+ support though.
But most Carriers in Europe don't have H+ or LTE.
That baseband is part of build 9.8.1Q-66
Which can be all downloaded here:
The baseband from 98.16.1 had H+ support in Europe but connections dropped like crazy.
Same with 98.12.4, we remedied that with Aussie Radio at the time.
Maybe this may help some International users with Data and GSM Loss
Germanese said:
This sounds like a Baseband Issue.
Europe I have found baseband:
sm_bp_101031.027.32.81P to be the most stable so far, with no H+ support though.
But most Carriers in Europe don't have H+ or LTE.
That baseband is part of build 9.8.1Q-66
Which can be all downloaded here:
The baseband from 98.16.1 had H+ support in Europe but connections dropped like crazy.
Same with 98.12.4, we remedied that with Aussie Radio at the time.
Maybe this may help some International users with Data and GSM Loss
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I'm on 9.8.1Q-94-1(98.30.1.XT907.Verizon.en.US) and wanna use it in Germany. any experiences with the radio compared to the suggested one. Or is there another way to boost the performance of the razr m? Compared to my razr I the signal and data quality is really poor...
edit: my baseband-version is: SM_BP_101032.021.32.80P
edit2: ok... now i've flashed several basebands... and the behaviour of the phone is always the same... with the australian baseband of xt905 it wasn't possible to get an hspa-connection. dunno if its enough just to flash the radio-fw?!?!?
so is there an other way to get more stability in my region? i tried to flash the radio from razr hd retail germany. but i think the razr m don't like it when I fool around. actually I love the mobile, so i don't want to make it angry... your suggestions are very much appreciated...

