"U" Magically Appears After New HTC ROM Upgrade,...but - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I have a TYTN and never had had the "U" come up on my phone. (I am with Tmobile). I recently upgraded to the newest HTC ROM and as soon as you go through the date and time setup and you tap to start using the phone, it immediately displays a "U" for the UMTS signal.
Then the extended rom kicks in and does its stuff and after the reset the "U" is gone and replaced by the "E" for EDGE.
Has this happened to anyone else?
Did I ever really have UMTS?
I have my band selection on auto and I have tried also to change the band settings. It tells me that there is s data call present and to try later.
Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated.

No you never had U. The new Cingular ROM always says U if you do not have the ext_Rom installed. I live in a E area on Cingular and it did the same until I put the .....PPT......cab from the ext rom on the device.

Your Right
You are right. I reset my TYTN and reset before the extended rom began. The "U" was there. I put in internet2.voicestream.com and the little "E" appeared above the bars while the big "U" was still there. I ran a speed test just to be sure. I got a wopping 135 kb. It was nice to see the "U", even if it was fake.
Thanks for the help.

Is this an official rom, final and released? or a test build?

I recently was in Boston (3G area) - 8525 with upgraded ROM, showing both "U", and at times "H". However, there was no real difference in speed (DSL mobile test). But, interesting none the less to have all four symbols (G,E,U &H) displayed.


XDA Exec Problems; Signal & Today Screen

I have an O2 XDA Exec with the latest ROM version, on an Orange Pay Monthly SIM.
Anyway, im having two annoying problems with it;
Firstly, every now and then, if you have a few programs open and close them all, it wont go back to the Today page!! It will just keep the image of the last application on the screen! Today wont even come up if you goto Start > Today. Everything else works fine though, can open any programs etc from the Start Menu :?:
Secondly, the phone signal is rubbish!!! My old SPV C600 had no problems with signal (also running WM5), this one has low signal/looses signal all the time! And after a while it will just stop searching for signal, so i have to go to settings and tell it to search again!!! I constatly have errors trying to send messages due to no signal, and cant make calls due to no signal!! Also i dont recieve texts alot aswell! Which is un-acceptable from a device that is meant to be a "mobile phone" :roll:
Any ideas to solve?! Please help me!!
MattyPW said:
I have an O2 XDA Exec with the latest ROM version, on an Orange Pay Monthly SIM.
Secondly, the phone signal is rubbish!!! My old SPV C600 had no problems with signal (also running WM5), this one has low signal/looses signal all the time! And after a while it will just stop searching for signal, so i have to go to settings and tell it to search again!!! I constatly have errors trying to send messages due to no signal, and cant make calls due to no signal!! Also i dont recieve texts alot aswell! Which is un-acceptable from a device that is meant to be a "mobile phone" :roll:
Any ideas to solve?! Please help me!!
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Hey Matt
what are your ROM versions? especially interesting in this case would be the Radio version. I think people round here have mentioned that different Radio versions have different signal reception levels.
I am using the O2 XDA 1.30 version with stock radio 1.00.09 and basically the reception's fine. There have been some comparisons on this forum as to different radio versions strengths and weaknesses.
Hi very similar to me, I switched off the 3G usage so it only uses 2G and everything was perfect again.
Now I only use 3G as and when I need it.
The problem as I see it, is that if there is a 3G signal, which in Orange's case appears to be nearly all the time the phone sticks with 3G even thought the signal strength isnt good enough fo voice, but is good enough for data (mainly because you tend not to be walking around) because of this the switching between 2G and 3G doesnt take place, hence no calls
Since swtiching of 3G my phone operations have been perfect.
I switched my Radio ROM from 1.03 (Orange Default) to 1.09 and noticed an improvement. Where I had no signal, it would flick between a signal with no bars and 1 bar with the 1.09 ROM.
I switched my Radio ROM from 1.03 (Orange Default) to 1.09 and noticed an improvement. Where I had no signal, it would flick between a signal with no bars and 1 bar with the 1.09 ROM.
As soon as i got the XDA i upgraded it to the latest O2 Rom, which has 1.09 Radio Rom... so i dont have anything to compare to!!
Any more suggestions?
turn off 3G if you dont need it.
send it back, you may have a loose connection.
are you saying a bad connection 100% of the time? ie you never have full bars?
Ok i'll try turning the 3G off (seeing as my SIM doesnt have 3G capability anyway! lol) How do i go about doing that?!
I do get full signal in places yes, its just the signal is utter crap on this phone compared to all of my past ones! Compared to an SPV C500 & C600 its rubbish!
start - settings - phone - band
change to your standard not auto. probably gsm rather than cdma.
do you get a bad reception with4 bars?
either way, I must say I have no problem with phone, but acknowledge many report poor phone performance.

Signal problems i didnt have with my Wizard

I got the Hermes (cingular 8515) a couple of days ago. And everything is just fine but the most important part. I keep having dropped calls in places where the Wizard didnt have any problem at all.
ROM: 2.06.502.3
PROTOCOL. 32.67.7020.10H
I had the shipped ROM but i had this signal problems so i upgraded to this one in the hope that the problems would be solved but same thing.
Cingular did change my SIM card to a 3G one. I was wondering if it is a different network inside cingular and that is why i have problems. I really dont care about 3G, don't use it. Would my problem solve if i ask for a new regular SIM?
Thanks guys. I looked a lot for the same problem already posted so i dont repeat but didnt find anything, wich worries me a little
Yes, it could be that, because if you're in a major metropolitan area it'll try to use UMTS instead of GSM.
In any case, there is a fix:
This is a small app that will allow you to quickly change back and forth between the two.
If you don't want that, there's a reghack to enable a Band page in phone settings where you could force it back to GSM. Check the wiki.
Wow! thanks! it looks like the problem was solved!
I won't know for sure until i really tested it. But this is what i wanted to try

Signal problem in PDA2K..

hey guys...this is my first post here...
my pda2k keeps on dropping signals and sometimes halt during a call...
at first.....as instructed..2 time restarting solved the problem..
can you guys plzz help me out.......im using wm6
thnx in advance
What version of Radio do you using ? Try to upgrade to the last version.
my BA info is as follows
ROM version 5.60.00 WWE
radio version 1.12.00
well from where can i get the latest version of radio??
wel..i found it..and i am upgrading radio...
less see what happens
.....upgraded to 1.15.00
....no success......
im not the first one to have this problem..it ws in 2003. 2005 and now in wm 2006 now....
dunno what to do.....dont wanna throw away my pda2k
Maybe it is an hardware problem?
If your problem is in WM2003, WM5 and WM6, just get the phone to a repair or a recycle center....
but the thing is ..it was working fine....
and after installing a resh rom...it works for like 2 days with no problem...
im sure that its not hardware issue....
its the same problem....which everyone esle is having in this forum..abt signal dropping...dun think tat this harware problem can come to lot ov ppl at the same time...
the problem is with the phone company...
my pda2k also gives me similar problems...
but when i'm travelling to some other countries and using a local sim card there... i do not see any such problem... even while roaming sometimes... i do not see any problem with the current sim card.
i think it is the home service provider which has the problem.
If you have signal dropping, replace the flex cable.
The flex cable signal dropping is a common problem to any slide phone.
In fact I slide the phone halfway to test the signal if it will drop or not.
No signal drop means good flex cable.
Same case with Nokias and other phones.
I've had my friend's BA flex cable replaced and signal drop is solved.
also, one old battery can do that issue.
with my older battery, it used to cut connections sometimes. with the new one, keep connection.
hmm...but the thing is...that this fone was working fine in my country i.e Pakistan..but its giving problem here in canada.......and it actually came from canada before....
i dont know what to do....there were also issues like that with my imate-Pocket pc before...and now same is with PDA2k...
i have chaged a lot of sims...but no success.......
I personally believe that there is a bug on the radio dll.
If you are using WM2003, try this workaround to see if it helps: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=340557
In your case, activate only the 1.900Mhz band or the 850 / 1900 band only. I believe that the former is better, though.
I've been only using it for the last 2 days, but so far so good.
Well same problem here in Bulgaria. We have 3 Telecoms. Unfortunately i have subscription to one of them and some times like every couple of months I have the same problem. Green light blinking, but when someone is calling me - out of service. It rings, but after i pick up - it drops the call and gives "No service" This last for about a day or so. When i switch sim cards to another service provider - it works fine. The same thing happens when I travel from one town to another. I thing this is due to poor software configuration in the GSM towers. Overall for three years this happens to me like 10-15 times for couple of hours to one day. And I have this problem only with one provider only. No work around as far as i know.. Sorry
signal problem partially solved.
JPBRA said:
I personally believe that there is a bug on the radio dll.
If you are using WM2003, try this workaround to see if it helps: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=340557
In your case, activate only the 1.900Mhz band or the 850 / 1900 band only. I believe that the former is better, though.
I've been only using it for the last 2 days, but so far so good.
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Definitely the problem is software. I'm from Brazil and my operator is TIM. I tried many ROMs (at least 10) with the same symptom: if the phone misses the signal, I get into troubles to find the signal again and it keeps finding another operator instead TIM (in my case it only finds Vivo - which is 850Mhz).
After those many trials, I found a ROM that solves the problem partially. It's the PV DVH 19701 ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=390008&highlight=19701 )
With this ROM, it still looses the signal when on a place where the signal is not present and don't find while returning to a place which the signal is present, BUT, I just tap the antenna on the top of the screen, tap settings > network and finally tap "find network" and VOILA, the signal is back without much pain!!
One more thing is a little change on the registry according to a recommendation from Microsoft. Using one registry editor, go to:
HKCU\ControlPanel\Phone and change the value for "Features" parameter from 204c7d8 to 206c7d8. Remember that before you change, you need to choose the view mode to hexadecimal.
That's it folks...have fun!

GPRS EDGE stability

Hi All, I have been reading the forum with great interest and trying to amass information so hopefully I can avoid sounding like a numpty when I ask a question, here goes;
I have an X1 on O2 UK and an unlocked Touch HD and both seem to have the same difficulty sustaining an EDGE data connection.
At work for example the phone is showing 2 bars of EDGE, as soon as I start using the phone even if its not data related the data symbol changes to G so assumedly my data speed drops, I dont know because I've never got the phone to sustain EDGE long enough to see if its any faster.
Can this be fixed with a particular ROM or does no one else experience it? Network is O2 UK.
Also I read on another thread you can only change your radio on a Pre-release X1i, is this true and what does it mean exactly? sorry, probably a newbie question.
Changing your radio means updating the Radio ROM version that looks after GSM, Bluetooth, wifi and FM... basically anything received or transmitted by radio. If you go use one of the official SE update ROMS from this thread...
... then your Radio ROM will be updated along with all the other ROM and OS files on your phone.
I have a similar problem with O2 and my X1. I may be lucky to get a H (HSDPA connection) for a couple of seconds, but the phone drops and attempts to reconnect the phone completely, GSM, GPRS and 3G. It also has trouble staying locked onto O2. I have a dual SIM adapter and my Orange SIM can go a whole day without dropping while the O2 one will drop 4-5 times a day.
I'm tempted to call up O2 and request a new SIM as my O2 SIM is getting quite old (about 5 years now). I'm wondering if these new specifications require updated SIMs.
Don't believe everything the bars/icon says! My X1i shows EDGE, but when surfing changes to 3G or sometimes H for a few seconds while actually downloading stuff. The H doesn't stay on to save battery, but everythings fast. (download something to test the speed, e.g. SPB Wireless shows 760kbit/s)

Was 3G now G

Flashed T-Mobile 1.43 to generic 1.66 which has improved the loud call volume and distortion greatly. But the network now says G rather than 3G are they the same?
Does this mean the network settings have changed. I have selected T-Mobile as the network internet.
Any suggestions would be welcome.
3G is as you expect 3G, G is GPRS which is deffinately NOT 3G speed.
Chances are the rom you have installed has 3G mode off by default. Open Comm Mannager and you should find some toggle switches, one for data connection, and another for 3G. If the data connection one is on, but 3g is 'off', you will get G or E (for edge), but with the 3G one 'on' you should get H (HSDPA) or 3G
Tlooked through the settings and there is nothing that switches 3G on or off.
Anyone else seen this?
Flash to Dutty's HG v8, which is based on the t-mobile ROM and has this option (and is much better than 1.66 stock, IMO)
I don't know about you since you are on T-Mobile, and if there is a 1.66 ROM released explicitly for the T-Mobile net, but I'll share my knowledge on this:
I'm located in Sweden and use the HD2 on the Tele2 net. I also upgraded to 1.66 and got the exact same problem as you.
I tried the 2.07 rom and the problem remained, however after 2-3 hours I finally got 3G connection.
The problem is that both 1.66 and 2.07 comes with newer radios. These Radios are the reason I can't use 3G at least. I downgraded the Radio to and it all works fine for me now. I don't know if this is operator related or hardware related and hence I'd like to know if the 1.66 ROM you installed is explicitly released for the T-Mobile net.
If that's the case I'll probably need to contact my vendor since I'll probably not be able to use any of the newer Radios, which frankly sucks. Please let me know!
I have the 1.66 on Virgin UK (Tmobile and the 3G has not dropped at all.
Don't know if that helps or confuses ?
donalgodon said:
Flash to Dutty's HG v8, which is based on the t-mobile ROM and has this option (and is much better than 1.66 stock, IMO)
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Ild rather have the choice, than no choice at all. Dutty's ROM has been the only flashes ive needed since T-Mobile stock ROMs.
The ROM is the latest 1.66 on the HTC website. I asked T-Mobile about it but the person did not really know. They asked if the internet connection was fast, but since I've had the phone it has been patchy. It seems reasonably fast today. We have two other T-Mobile phones, HTC Hero and Samsung Galaxy and both these also show the G and these are non flashed standard as bought.
I'm a bit nervous about using cooked ROMs.
Went over to Hungerford this morning and 3G came up so it must be a network/location issue and nothing associated with ROM 1.66.
Good to know all functionality is still there.
Thanks for all the replies.
andyrpsmith said:
Went over to Hungerford this morning and 3G came up so it must be a network/location issue and nothing associated with ROM 1.66.
Good to know all functionality is still there.
Thanks for all the replies.
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As I said, in my case it took a couple of hours (no matter location) and the 3G appeared. Could you do a soft reset when you get the 3G at Hungerford and see how long it takes before you get 3G again?

