VGA WEB Browser which one - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Having a VGA PDA is nice, but Microsoft made useless Pocket IE, which Browser will help me to REALLY surf in VGA mode, I do not want to put the VGA Hack for everything

I am afraid there are very few options at the moment. Give Bitstream's Thunderhawk a try though it is a bit expensive as you have to select a package of regular payment. However use there free trial period and if you like it you may continue.
I am also anxiously waiting for the WM5 compatible version of Access Netfront and Opera.
I was using Netfront 3.2 on my previous i-mate pda2k but this does not work on the JJ.

Daimaou said:
Having a VGA PDA is nice, but Microsoft made useless Pocket IE, which Browser will help me to REALLY surf in VGA mode, I do not want to put the VGA Hack for everything
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What VGA hack? Do you know of one that works for WM5 or Pocket IE? I've been looking for one.

I've always liked opera and used to use it loads on my SE P800/P900. Does anyone know if they plan to release a WM5 version? Should we ask them?

minimo support VGA not sure if it works on 2005 though

It doesn't (at least it didn't for me)

This is reall stupid, MS made the OS quite well except for Web browsing...

Daimaou said:
This is reall stupid, MS made the OS quite well except for Web browsing...
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I never cease to be amazed when I ponder the absolute stupidity of Pocket IE. To some extent I can understand why some people would want to use the pixel doubling feature on a VGA device, but why on earth wouldn't they give us the option to disable it?

It really is pathetic isn't it. They give us the options of having the text as small as we like but then it goes and makes all the pictures massive and blocky.
I guess MS just don't want people to use the browser.

rilot said:
It really is pathetic isn't it. They give us the options of having the text as small as we like but then it goes and makes all the pictures massive and blocky.
I guess MS just don't want people to use the browser.
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And worst off all VGA work flawlessley on Terminal Service... :x

Well, there you go then. I'll remote desktop through to my server, which will RD through to a desktop machine (with slightly more lapse security settings than my server; eg running scripts, etc) and I'll use that IE in that instead :roll:

MiniMo - Mini Mozilla -
support vga screen (640x480) check for more infos.
some screenshots

forget the dl link
use the 009 version

Tried the install of minimo on my Jasjar. Ran thru the normal start of installation, then i got a msg on the pda screen that the install was unsuccessful!

I tried to use Minimo very eary time i got Jasjar, yse works.
But not only too slow but also the size was too big for me.
Not good solution for me.
That why i am using Opera for MS Smart Phone and Opera Mini for GSM Phone on MIDLet.
Opera Mini is the best for me at this moment..... :lol:

How do you use Opera Mini without being in Norway?
There website says Norway only.

srmz said:
I am afraid there are very few options at the moment. Give Bitstream's Thunderhawk a try though it is a bit expensive as you have to select a package of regular payment. However use there free trial period and if you like it you may continue.
I am also anxiously waiting for the WM5 compatible version of Access Netfront and Opera.
I was using Netfront 3.2 on my previous i-mate pda2k but this does not work on the JJ.
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Unfortunately Bitstream Thunderhawk that is the best browser at the moment does'nt work with jj. Anyone managed to work with it and jj?

@ 155,
You can run it. The default language is Scandanavian (Please don't shoot me if I have that wrong). But you can go into the settings and change it to english. I didn't find the program too useful, but it does work.

Sorry late replay, already not up to date i think....
change english menu like this...
Start Opera -> Meny -> Verkt?y -> Instillinger -> Spr?k
you can find Language manu!
Also you can see the Captured here(pls igonore japanese)

Bitstream Thunderhawk does work on the JJ. It is working for me.
The trick is that before you tap the Thunderhawk Icon (eye) rotate the screen to portrait. If you start Thunderhawk without rotating the screen to portrait then it gets stuck.
Please do let me know if this helped.
Kind regards


Best internet browser

I have tried a few browsers pie, opera, minimo etc and I find ftx Pbrowser best - small size not like those massive installs, fast and proper tabs. the only thing it does not do is download files but don't do that much any how. give it a go interested in your feedback
p.s. it also does'nt have the annoying keyboard pop up problem that pie does!
Far better than the recently released webby mobile (could not remember its name earlier ) and does go full screen and landscape mode and clear type for those that use it. U can tell I like this program
May we have some screenshot ? Thanks
Screen shots at this link
is this better then the Mini Mozilla browser? for some reason, it took FOREVER to load for me so i uninstalled it. it also took up a lot of space too.
Sorry hard to see how it took a lot of space its only 75kb in size. just place the file in program files on your storage card its a stand alone aplication it needs no install. mine loads in less than a second and favorites come up quicker than pie.
I think he meant the 10 MB mini Mozilla browser. I heard that this file (ftx Pbrowser) is only a shell around PIE. So the tabs etc are in the ftx Pbrowser file, but the engine is normal PIE.
Yep it is a shell for pie but I particularly like the tabs, makes it more like firefox. oh yes I see minmo took forever to load for me to - certainly not minimal!
Looks good, I'll try it!!
It workd really well, there is still need for improvment , but the tab browsing is well done and I would love to see it when its more devloped.
ranchosteve said:
It workd really well, there is still need for improvment , but the tab browsing is well done and I would love to see it when its more devloped.
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Has anyone tried PIEPlus lately?
This also has tabs, etc. I used it some eons ago but not recently. Doesn't say if it's WM5 capable.
I know ranchosteve there is room for improvement will try and contact developer see if he will reconsider finishing product off
meschle said:
I know ranchosteve there is room for improvement will try and contact developer see if he will reconsider finishing product off
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Let us know if he replies, this is very promising browser! Needs finishing off but still useful.
I have a bed feeling the programmer has completely gone, the last version was over 2 years ago.
wgary said:
"ranchosteve" said:
It workd really well, there is still need for improvment , but the tab browsing is well done and I would love to see it when its more devloped.
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Has anyone tried PIEPlus lately? /PIEPlus/
This also has tabs, etc. I used it some eons ago but not recently. Doesn't say if it's WM5 capable.
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the latest version of pieplus v2 supports wm5 and works well on the wizard theres a 14day trial as well
anyone else tried this
Yes I have tried PiePlus on my Jasjar. It certainly is WM5 compatible and they say so on their website.
However apart from adding tabs I don't see much in way of enhancing the capabilities of the PIE. My personal opinion is that it is not worth the money. But again this is just my personal opinion. Best is you try the 14 day trial period.
new pieplus is great, except something weird happened, my address bar went away and no way to get it to go to a site, i have to add to favs, and im not in full screen mode either, anyone know a work around?
I like the program but when I went to fullscreen mode I can get it bacc to normal. Any Help?
Zaiaku said:
I like the program but when I went to fullscreen mode I can get it bacc to normal. Any Help?
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i think its the same problem im having...
ive been using mini opera as well as the built in pie....I think opera handles some sites better than pie...and uses less bandwidth
In case anyone cares... you can get the latest flash plugin (7.0) for ppc at macromedias web site
Ftx is certainly showing its age (I used to use it on some of my older devices). I have been using NetFront 3.3 (Trial) and it's been pretty good - not as fast as Opera Beta 2 but certainly faster than PIE.

Opera 8.60 for Windows Mobile, Pocket PC

Download and info here:
Downloaded the cab, installed to storage card (the new version removed the old version), ran Opera, it asked me if I wanted to register (17 Euros), I said Okay.
Then I had to tell my IMEI in order to get a registration code. I found the IMEI in Settings\Indentity.
When I received the reg code, I ran Opera, selected Tools\register, and then there appeared a box asking for the reg code plus another box showing the "Device ID". The device ID number was completely different from my IMEI, and needless to say, now opera does not accept the registration code. Now I have to write Opera for a new reg code.
So, I would advise all to check the "device id" that opera uses, and provide that number when requesting the registration code, rather than the IMEI found in your PPC's Settings.
Is it just me, or does the large icon for opera have a white background (rather than being a ransparent background as it should be)?
BillB said:
Is it just me, or does the large icon for opera have a white background (rather than being a ransparent background as it should be)?
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also here!!!!
using pocketplus large icon....
Just my two cents, I've been a big user of the data service, particularly browsing, and found Opera the best browser... almost. A much better alternative is to RDP home, and use whatever you have there. No more need to worry about user agent strings, java or flash, plus, it's (suprisingly) a lot faster. The VJ fullscreenTSC utility is particulary useful for that purpose.
mdaexecfan said:
Just my two cents, I've been a big user of the data service, particularly browsing, and found Opera the best browser... almost. A much better alternative is to RDP home, and use whatever you have there. No more need to worry about user agent strings, java or flash, plus, it's (suprisingly) a lot faster. The VJ fullscreenTSC utility is particulary useful for that purpose.
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Was thinking of trialling Netfront - Can i ask why you think Opera beats Netfront in your eyes?
i was using netfront before i switched to opera and i must say that opera is the best by far.
I find Opera completely useless for most sites:
try on both Opera and Netfront 3.3 and see the difference.
or try on both
matt1971 said:
Was thinking of trialling Netfront - Can i ask why you think Opera beats Netfront in your eyes?
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Because with the 'fit to screen' option, Opera resizes the pixs and everything on the webpages - keeping them in proportion with the text. Netfront doesnt, so you end up with horizontal scroolbars and unreadable pages, while the opera-rendered ones looks just like the ones on a regular desktop computer.
I agree, my experience with opera is bad. It locks up all the time and can't be dissuaded from dumping tons of temp data in main storage memory.
Netfront is much better. The fonts on netfront are a bit wierd and its no way perfect though!
"I find Opera completely useless for most sites:
try on both Opera and Netfront 3.3 and see the difference.
or try on both
No problem for the mentioned 2 sites if you'll to set OPERA to 'Fit to screen'
Re: RE
FOSA said:
No problem for the mentioned 2 sites if you'll to set OPERA to 'Fit to screen'
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Exactly - is brilliant on opera 'fit to screen'. I find it unusable on netfront.
Sorry, I meant to say the Opera is useless on Universal (mine MDA Pro) compared to NetFront.
I wouldn't use it if they paid me to.
One advantage is netfront 3.3 allows you to log onto more secure sites and if you fiddle with the settings does look and work better for me than Opera but they still haven't relesed the final pay for version and my trial version has ran out
samsul said:
Sorry, I meant to say the Opera is useless on Universal (mine MDA Pro) compared to NetFront.
I wouldn't use it if they paid me to.
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I use Opera on my Universal since the first Beta and all I can say is that it's the closest you can get to a "real" browsing experience on the PDA. The only "better" sollution would be to use some sort of RDP, as mentioned above.
I don't know what you do with your Universal, but on mine, in TrueVGA, Opera is simply great.
Almost as crappy as beta 2! Still very much work in progress - few bugs havn't been fixed, map hardware buttons??, flash??!. Also i'm not sure about you guys but Netfront (latest TP - D2) seems to render about 90% of websites (using WiFi) much quicker than Opera and is more responsive too. What's up with that?!?
Has anyone read the press release fully?
Here it is.
One bit that jumped out at me was this.
The first operators to ship Windows Mobile devices with Opera Mobile(TM) pre-installed are T-Mobile through their Web'n'Walk offering, and the leading Japanese operator, Willcom.
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Has anyone seen Opera on a released T-mobile phone, or is it more likely the t-mobile have been holding up the release of ROMs in the UK market until they could put Opera out at the same time? If this is true then should we be expecting to see an AKU2 ROM for the MDA PRO with opera embedded sometime soon?
matt1971 said:
Was thinking of trialling Netfront - Can i ask why you think Opera beats Netfront in your eyes?
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I have found NetFront to be AWESOME. I have it set so I see full webpages with very little jumbling or problems.
Combine it with FlexMail and you got a basic internet package on the go..
That said, I will give the new Opera a spin.. Why not.. Everything since I installed the latest DOPOD ROM has been working flawlessly and well I cant have that..
samsul said:
Sorry, I meant to say the Opera is useless on Universal (mine MDA Pro) compared to NetFront.
I wouldn't use it if they paid me to.
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Considering that the opinions are so divergent, yet we all come equipped with (pretty similar) sets of eyeballs, I reckon I'm going to take screenshots of both netfront and opera rendering of common webpages and will post them here.
I am a web designer and think the differences of opinions are all to do with how the site's are coded in terms of fixed widths and such like in the html or xhtml and CSS.
Netfront is definitly better for me as web designer for checking on the fly changes for clients sites but for simply viewing sites informtion then I think the new opera mini works quite well and keeps data trafic low.

Best Browser?

Which is the best internet browser in your opinion? Obviously IE sucks. Opera is good but not free..
I think IE is pretty good with PIEplus.
Opera made it impossible to bring my TyTN back from standby and I couldn't scroll up/down using the scrollwheel on my bluetooth mouse, so that (crappy) program had to go...
Try Opera Mini. It is free and I find it great.
Can't be answered in one word. If you can put up with the (comparatively) weak rendering / JavaScript engine of PIE, then, PIEPlus 2.1+. Otherwise, Opera Mobile 8.6.
Please do check out my articles on Web browsers ( ): you'll find EVERYTHING you need there.
I'm using NetFront as my default browser. It's superb!!!
Just try it out and find out yourself. Cheers!
thnx guys. I am not sure though if any of these browsers play flash etc. Anyways I'll try and see
Moskus said:
I think IE is pretty good with PIEplus.
Opera made it impossible to bring my TyTN back from standby and I couldn't scroll up/down using the scrollwheel on my bluetooth mouse, so that (crappy) program had to go...
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Wait, how did Opera make the TyTN impossible to bring out of standby? The only thing I don't like about Opera is that the back button is so small! And I have to pull out the stylus to go back; unless I'm retarded and there is a way.
darkjedi said:
Wait, how did Opera make the TyTN impossible to bring out of standby? The only thing I don't like about Opera is that the back button is so small! And I have to pull out the stylus to go back; unless I'm retarded and there is a way.
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You can also use the TyTN's thumbboard to control this - I've also elaborated on how this should be configured in the Opera .ini files. (Unfortunately, no hardware buttons yet - hope they implement this some time.)
I prefer using IE and Opera. I have tried Netfront few times, but it just doesn't work. Just exits itself upon start up, so no idea how Netfront even looks alike.
I've noticed that some pages works better with IE and others with Opera, so that's why I use two different browsers. However, there are few pages where neither of my browsers work.
Wiper said:
I prefer using IE and Opera. I have tried Netfront few times, but it just doesn't work. Just exits itself upon start up, so no idea how Netfront even looks alike.
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You don't lose much - the Opera Mobile + PIE + PIEPlus 2.2 + Macromedia Flash + Creme JVM is a much better combo.
I've noticed that some pages works better with IE and others with Opera, so that's why I use two different browsers. However, there are few pages where neither of my browsers work.
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Could you please provide some URL's? I'll file in a bug report for Microsoft after some research.
I find PIE and PIEPlus 2.2 to be the best lightweight, overall combination that enables tabbed browsing.
I also tried the tabbed browser feature from PocketPlus, which I personally didn't care for (I like being able to see the "tabs").
I've found NetFront to be a bit too resource intensive, but I give the gang from Japan an "A for effort" on a full-featured app!
I use PIE and MultiIE at the moment. Not a bad combo, but won't render certain websites properly - in particular some website discussion forums.
I've tried Opera and recently Netfront 3.3. Opera is a bit poor and resource intensive, and Netfront was just unusable for me - very slow to download websites, if at all. Might give PIEPlus 2.2 a go tonight.
g00nerz said:
I use PIE and MultiIE at the moment. Not a bad combo, but won't render certain websites properly - in particular some website discussion forums.
I've tried Opera and recently Netfront 3.3. Opera is a bit poor and resource intensive, and Netfront was just unusable for me - very slow to download websites, if at all. Might give PIEPlus 2.2 a go tonight.
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Yup, PIEPlus 2.2 is certainly worth it - it's better than the current version of MultiIE. See for a complete comparison & review.
You might want to check out minimo (Mini Firefox) as well.
PPCNUT said:
Try Opera Mini. It is free and I find it great.
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How did you stop the warning message: 'This program is trying to access the internet and is not from a trusted source etc.....' everytime you enter a url to go to?
I not to sure it only asks when I start the program and I just say yes allow it to access the internet and it is fine.
padlad said:
How did you stop the warning message: 'This program is trying to access the internet and is not from a trusted source etc.....' everytime you enter a url to go to?
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Are you using it with the built-in Intent Midlet Manager or with J9 6.1? In both cases, just answer Yes once and it won't ask any more.
Anyone know if any of these browser options mentioned support left-handed scrolling bar?
Also, on a different note, i am using regular PIE, i have had trouble logging in to some sites, anad then staying logged in. Ex: Howard forums i keep logging in and it keeps telling me i am not logged in. I'd written a message three times before i gave up in frustration!
Menneisyys said:
You don't lose much - the Opera Mobile + PIE + PIEPlus 2.2 + Macromedia Flash + Creme JVM is a much better combo.
Could you please provide some URL's? I'll file in a bug report for Microsoft after some research.
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Here is one :,5066,___,00.html?empty=1
Select retrieve saved searches. Up pops a box to fill in with a login you can create. I am unable to enter this on PIE or indeed opera which starts to grind really badly!
popsi said:
You might want to check out minimo (Mini Firefox) as well.
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From the website:
What is Minimo?
The Minimo has been focused on code-size and runtime footprint reduction...
From the install screen:
Instalation space needed - 8300 bytes (8.3 megs)
What isn't considered a small footprint?

What browser to use

Hi all
Got my first windows phone and was wondering what browsers you are using with it ?
IE, the built in one. Works fine for me. Only thing that'll make me switch is if Firefox is realeased for WM Wouldn't that be great? Oh and throw in Thunderbird too and It'll be the best!
I hear Opera is very good for mobile devices.
thanks all am using both at the moment but would like firefox just need to wait and see
jpless said:
IE, the built in one. Works fine for me. Only thing that'll make me switch is if Firefox is realeased for WM Wouldn't that be great? Oh and throw in Thunderbird too and It'll be the best!
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Have a look at minimo
Not forget Deepfish :
The better one is Netfront wich allow javascript, textbrowsing and many functions.
I use it on Universal since more than one year and I installed it on P3600 with success...
Have a try
Could anyone provide an invitation to download deepfish (or post it on rapidshare?)...
Many thanks...
mfg OK
drewy said:
Have a look at minimo
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Thanks tried it for an hour now and I'm loving it!!! (writing this with it ) Nice!
Opera Mini is amazingly fast. The fastest browser I've ever used. Too bad it need to run in java so entering text there's no autocomplete.
ThunderHawk is the most similar to a desktop browser and somehow their technology manages to fit about twice as much of a page on screen while still being legible. You pay a subscription of about 5 dollars a month, but after being away recently and having to use the PDA browsers a lot I was getting a headache using Pocket IE and Minimo, and the only browser which didnt make me claustrophobic was ThunderHawk.
They really should do a trial version of thunderhawk, because i dont believe many people would want to pay them before trial so its a very bad business model.
The problems with ThunderHawk are that it tries to usurp your operating system and it isnt like a normal PPC program. So, for simple short tasks I still use Pocket IE since it is less regimental.
I found Minimo to be pointless, Opera bloated, Netfront was ok, but pricey for not much advantage over an expanded PIE.

New Opera Mini 4.1 version released !!

Today was released to the public Opera Mini v4.1
You can download it here, or here for the signed versions.
One of the new features of this version is Direct address input, that makes a lot easier to input any web address.
But I'm having a trouble with it.
I'm using the latest Esmertec Jbed, build 20080222.3.1, and Opera Mini (all versions) runs in full screen without up and down bar. And without that I can't activate the keyboard...
Does anyone knows how to prevent Opera Mini to lauch in fullscreen??
By the way, here's the latest Esmertec Jbed version
Yeah, the best browser for low traffic, i`m using it on my MPx200
wow amazing we can actually download and upload files through opera mini now.
cheers does anyone know how to stop the anoying "do you want to let Opera on the web" (or something similar)?? I tried all the signed Midlett installs, but none of them worked, just got a error saying "Midlet no signed". Ended up installing Opera Mini unsigned. (Using TAO Java)
mugglesquop said:
cheers does anyone know how to stop the anoying "do you want to let Opera on the web" (or something similar)?? I tried all the signed Midlett installs, but none of them worked, just got a error saying "Midlet no signed". Ended up installing Opera Mini unsigned. (Using TAO Java)
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Try with Esmertec Java
"Opera claims the new version is 50% faster than Opera Mini 4.0"
can anyone confirm this ? if this is true this alone would make it worth upgrading.
also I have my Opera Mini set up as default browser thru that hack that's going around. if I upgrade do I have to do that over ? And will I lose my bookmarks and everything ?
thanks for the help !
4.1 is supposed to handle downloads now too! About time...
Yup that is very true noellenchris, and it works very good on my S710 using latest esmertec jbed!!!
"Opera claims the new version is 50% faster than Opera Mini 4.0"
can anyone confirm this ? if this is true this alone would make it worth upgrading.
also I have my Opera Mini set up as default browser thru that hack that's going around. if I upgrade do I have to do that over ? And will I lose my bookmarks and everything ?
thanks for the help !
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I thought I read somewhere that opera 4.1 is ".. UP to 50% faster than 4.0 ..." in the Kaiser Software section".
If you install 4.1, you have to redo your bookmarks, speed dials, rss feeds, etc. To me, it's worth it. I can see the speed increase in page rendering and the auto completion for a web address is a nice time saving feature as well. There is a minor bug though ... you can't backspace when typing an web address. You have to 'insert symbol' in the drop down box to edit the web address. I uninstalled 4.0 for 4.1. But you can install 4.1 and still keep 4.0 if you wanted to since these are two diferent versions of the same app.
robosiris said:
I thought I read somewhere that opera 4.1 is ".. UP to 50% faster than 4.0 ..." in the Kaiser Software section".
If you install 4.1, you have to redo your bookmarks, speed dials, rss feeds, etc. To me, it's worth it. I can see the speed increase in page rendering and the auto completion for a web address is a nice time saving feature as well. There is a minor bug though ... you can't backspace when typing an web address. You have to 'insert symbol' in the drop down box to edit the web address. I uninstalled 4.0 for 4.1. But you can install 4.1 and still keep 4.0 if you wanted to since these are two diferent versions of the same app.
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very informative. thank you.
onesolo said:
Today was released to the public Opera Mini v4.1
You can download it here, or here for the signed versions.
One of the new features of this version is Direct address input, that makes a lot easier to input any web address.
But I'm having a trouble with it.
I'm using the latest Esmertec Jbed, build 20080222.3.1, and Opera Mini (all versions) runs in full screen without up and down bar. And without that I can't activate the keyboard...
Does anyone knows how to prevent Opera Mini to lauch in fullscreen??
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I am having the same problem
can't access my on screen keyboard can anyone help?
PPC version
Is there an actual PPC version?
Or does it only work with JAVA??
I see all downloads there is .jar .jad and blackberry versions
Any info?
Thought it was always a JAVA application, would love to see a native PPC version though.
chrisd1a1 said:
I am having the same problem
can't access my on screen keyboard can anyone help?
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menu->tools->settings then uncheck Direct address input will allow the on screen keyboard to work.
chrisd1a1 said:
I am having the same problem
can't access my on screen keyboard can anyone help?
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Try to in settings uncheck 'Direct address input' options.
mugglesquop said:
cheers does anyone know how to stop the anoying "do you want to let Opera on the web" (or something similar)?? I tried all the signed Midlett installs, but none of them worked, just got a error saying "Midlet no signed". Ended up installing Opera Mini unsigned. (Using TAO Java)
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Hmm, I'm using the multi-signed version and no longer asks "do you want to let Opera on the web" (or something similar) bla bla talk...
Maybe it's because you are using TAO Java. Try to use Esmertec Jbed, it's the best virtual machine...
onesolo said:
Hmm, I'm using the multi-signed version and no longer asks "do you want to let Opera on the web" (or something similar) bla bla talk...
Maybe it's because you are using TAO Java. Try to use Esmertec Jbed, it's the best virtual machine...
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Same here no problems with Esmertec Jbed. Lovin OperaMini even more..!
You just didn't get the point....
minz215 said:
menu->tools->settings then uncheck Direct address input will allow the on screen keyboard to work.
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yeah, we all know that, but that's not what we want. We want Direct address input enable and to be able to use the soft keyboard (for example on my Prophet). And because Opera mini stays in Fullscreen, due to the upper and lower bars, we can't acess the soft keyboard. Get it??
By the way, my father has an Sony Ericsson K800i, I tested a few minutes ago, and the version of Operamini for that mobile has an option to enable/disable the fullscreen. Damn it!!
minz215 said:
menu->tools->settings then uncheck Direct address input will allow the on screen keyboard to work.
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cheers for that, can at least add my bookmarks
Works like a charm with esmertec jbed. I had some trouble downloading the signed version, since downloading from pocketIE automatically launched the tao midlet manager (which didn't recognize the bertificate btw), so i ended up going to with firefox with wap plugin installed and grabbing the high memory .jad signed with multiple certificates from there
Having signed version allows to permanently allow access to internet and filesystem.
For the direct address input - it seems to work only with numerical keys (so a sip like phone pad should work). Disabling the direct url input allows to use normal keyboard SIP or hardware keyboard just like in previous version.
Downloading really does work - that's probably the best feature of new opera - no more pocketIE launching needed
Overall, i really like the new version. The only change i would like to see in in is allowing to use hardware keyboard with direct URL entry.

