Best internet browser - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I have tried a few browsers pie, opera, minimo etc and I find ftx Pbrowser best - small size not like those massive installs, fast and proper tabs. the only thing it does not do is download files but don't do that much any how. give it a go interested in your feedback
p.s. it also does'nt have the annoying keyboard pop up problem that pie does!

Far better than the recently released webby mobile (could not remember its name earlier ) and does go full screen and landscape mode and clear type for those that use it. U can tell I like this program

May we have some screenshot ? Thanks

Screen shots at this link

is this better then the Mini Mozilla browser? for some reason, it took FOREVER to load for me so i uninstalled it. it also took up a lot of space too.

Sorry hard to see how it took a lot of space its only 75kb in size. just place the file in program files on your storage card its a stand alone aplication it needs no install. mine loads in less than a second and favorites come up quicker than pie.

I think he meant the 10 MB mini Mozilla browser. I heard that this file (ftx Pbrowser) is only a shell around PIE. So the tabs etc are in the ftx Pbrowser file, but the engine is normal PIE.

Yep it is a shell for pie but I particularly like the tabs, makes it more like firefox. oh yes I see minmo took forever to load for me to - certainly not minimal!

Looks good, I'll try it!!

It workd really well, there is still need for improvment , but the tab browsing is well done and I would love to see it when its more devloped.

ranchosteve said:
It workd really well, there is still need for improvment , but the tab browsing is well done and I would love to see it when its more devloped.
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Has anyone tried PIEPlus lately?
This also has tabs, etc. I used it some eons ago but not recently. Doesn't say if it's WM5 capable.

I know ranchosteve there is room for improvement will try and contact developer see if he will reconsider finishing product off

meschle said:
I know ranchosteve there is room for improvement will try and contact developer see if he will reconsider finishing product off
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Let us know if he replies, this is very promising browser! Needs finishing off but still useful.
I have a bed feeling the programmer has completely gone, the last version was over 2 years ago.

wgary said:
"ranchosteve" said:
It workd really well, there is still need for improvment , but the tab browsing is well done and I would love to see it when its more devloped.
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Has anyone tried PIEPlus lately? /PIEPlus/
This also has tabs, etc. I used it some eons ago but not recently. Doesn't say if it's WM5 capable.
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the latest version of pieplus v2 supports wm5 and works well on the wizard theres a 14day trial as well
anyone else tried this

Yes I have tried PiePlus on my Jasjar. It certainly is WM5 compatible and they say so on their website.
However apart from adding tabs I don't see much in way of enhancing the capabilities of the PIE. My personal opinion is that it is not worth the money. But again this is just my personal opinion. Best is you try the 14 day trial period.

new pieplus is great, except something weird happened, my address bar went away and no way to get it to go to a site, i have to add to favs, and im not in full screen mode either, anyone know a work around?

I like the program but when I went to fullscreen mode I can get it bacc to normal. Any Help?

Zaiaku said:
I like the program but when I went to fullscreen mode I can get it bacc to normal. Any Help?
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i think its the same problem im having...

ive been using mini opera as well as the built in pie....I think opera handles some sites better than pie...and uses less bandwidth
In case anyone cares... you can get the latest flash plugin (7.0) for ppc at macromedias web site

Ftx is certainly showing its age (I used to use it on some of my older devices). I have been using NetFront 3.3 (Trial) and it's been pretty good - not as fast as Opera Beta 2 but certainly faster than PIE.


What browser to use

Hi all
Got my first windows phone and was wondering what browsers you are using with it ?
IE, the built in one. Works fine for me. Only thing that'll make me switch is if Firefox is realeased for WM Wouldn't that be great? Oh and throw in Thunderbird too and It'll be the best!
I hear Opera is very good for mobile devices.
thanks all am using both at the moment but would like firefox just need to wait and see
jpless said:
IE, the built in one. Works fine for me. Only thing that'll make me switch is if Firefox is realeased for WM Wouldn't that be great? Oh and throw in Thunderbird too and It'll be the best!
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Have a look at minimo
Not forget Deepfish :
The better one is Netfront wich allow javascript, textbrowsing and many functions.
I use it on Universal since more than one year and I installed it on P3600 with success...
Have a try
Could anyone provide an invitation to download deepfish (or post it on rapidshare?)...
Many thanks...
mfg OK
drewy said:
Have a look at minimo
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Thanks tried it for an hour now and I'm loving it!!! (writing this with it ) Nice!
Opera Mini is amazingly fast. The fastest browser I've ever used. Too bad it need to run in java so entering text there's no autocomplete.
ThunderHawk is the most similar to a desktop browser and somehow their technology manages to fit about twice as much of a page on screen while still being legible. You pay a subscription of about 5 dollars a month, but after being away recently and having to use the PDA browsers a lot I was getting a headache using Pocket IE and Minimo, and the only browser which didnt make me claustrophobic was ThunderHawk.
They really should do a trial version of thunderhawk, because i dont believe many people would want to pay them before trial so its a very bad business model.
The problems with ThunderHawk are that it tries to usurp your operating system and it isnt like a normal PPC program. So, for simple short tasks I still use Pocket IE since it is less regimental.
I found Minimo to be pointless, Opera bloated, Netfront was ok, but pricey for not much advantage over an expanded PIE.

Mach5 web acceler!!! awesome on the X1

OMG! has anyone tried the Mach5 web aceller browser for windows mobile on their x1s? This browser is freaking the best ever!!! it renders pages way faster than opera mobile, way faster than skyfire, and in way better quality!!!! has neat settings like, page width (800 pixels or 1024 pixels),Pc or mmobile viewing, double click zoom ratio, you also have an option to use a sliding zoom, wich also has a orientation changer wich works on the spot!!! But best of all it suprts ajax, flash!!(yes flash, you can watch youtube right in the browser, stop, play, or even change to full screen viewing!! guys really, if you havent checked it out, try it, youll love it!!!
hmmm. i go to back with results
strboy, please let me know when you have results!
it sounds promising =D
OK....checked it out, its not free. and nowhere on the website does it state how much it is, or even a buy now option
it does say "Mach5 Web for Windows Mobile OPEN Free Trial is valid until the middle of May 2009."
you also have to fill out a number..ect ect....Im not downloading for a few days trial...It doesnt seem worth it to me. if anyone else wants to the site is
Dude, but of course your not goin g to be able to download from the official site! First of all you need a korean mobile number to download. I got it off the net, if you know what i mean, if you search you will find it. beleive me this is awesome!
tested youtube, works excellent, all videos, also tested facebook as well, and all videos in facebook work as well as(im not jking on this one)the instant messeging also works!!!!! this is just how a mobile browser should be.
Sounds a bit like advertisement. Anyway you don't have to put a real number. Just have a valid email it allowed to ask for a cab here?
Because I guess it is just an advertisement and there is no cab floating anywhere...
Edit: Have found a cab file but browser cant connect to the internet...what a shame
Looks good though =)
just installed the trial version.
pretty good fast browser.
best thing it autodetects flash videos, like and plays it in the built in player in medium/good quality.
here's the trial cab i got after filling in some fake address.
Looks awesome, sounds great... BUT.
1) It won't go, doesn't properly detect my internet connection.
2) Looks like you're gonna have to pay a monthly fee to use it.
EDIT: On a few later tries, I sometimes got it to load a page, but it would randomly disconnect. Very unstable.
well for me ii have no problems connecting at all, the only problems i found so far are:
1: the mouse or pointer for some reason it dont work, it just scrolls the page.
2: Video quality is excellent compared to Skyfire, but Skyfire has more compatibility with videos ex: apple trailers(skyfire can handle them, mach5 cant)
3:Of course that you have to pay for it. (dont know the version i have expires or not, cause i did not download from official site, will update if it does thou.)
My last impresions of this browser are:
1: very fast, a tas faster than Opera and just in par, or a bit slower than Skyfire
2:The quality of rendered pages are excellent compared to Skyfire, and about on par with Opera.
3:Video quality is way better than skyfire by a long shot!! but has less video compatibility.
Now only if skyfire ups their video and rendering quality it would blow this away. Except for the built in player of course wich is an awesome feature of mach5.
For now it stays on my x1 as an alternative. Very good, but not perfect.
just my 2 cents.
So to start it off, I must say WOW that this browser is def. something pretty interesting!! very smooth loads quick an works fast!! I have to say that im liking it so far an what it has to offer!! I also like how if you viewing a few pages an you click the button that shows how many pages ur on, you can swipe back an forth between them kinda like a cover flow!! To bad its on a trail issue an that then you prob have to buy it or something, that im not totally sure off but I hope to see more come from this company!!
Mach5Web for mobile : no connection
I've just downloaded Mach5Web for mobile on my HCT TyTN II Kaiser. The installation was succesfull, connection to internet is ok.
But I've got a problem : input of user ID and Password is required ; I've tried to "register", but nothing happens, I'm redirected to home page.
Do you khnow what to do ?
Thanks for help.
Chris (in France).
chrisbesan said:
I've just downloaded Mach5Web for mobile on my HCT TyTN II Kaiser. The installation was succesfull, connection to internet is ok.
But I've got a problem : input of user ID and Password is required ; I've tried to "register", but nothing happens, I'm redirected to home page.
Do you khnow what to do ?
Thanks for help.
Chris (in France).
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when you see the screen where you have to put in a user ID and password, you have to tap on 'trial'.
Mach5 Web browser
Thanks for answer.
I did it (hit on 'trial'), but in doesn't run.
For me it says connecting... all the time!
Mah, want to try it out!
Can the people that have connection issues try to go to the comm manager manually and start the connection before opening mach5 to see if that works? just a though that might help. Now im just waiting for Opera Turbo to come out to see its greatness! Still with mach5 in my x1 working great, to bad i guess it will expire.I just wish they updated it, and made it freeware, or atleast a decent price, not onn a monthly basis, i mean if the little problems get washed out i dont mind paying $10 or $20 for this.
ajajajajaja this browser just gets funier!! iwent to and it allowed me to do the flash download test, with the speedometer in all its glory!! ajajaja Download speed 1363Kb/s Upload speed 1225Kb/s, of course not real speeds since this is server oriented, but just too funny, is like im on my real pc at home!!!
ajaja now y went to for some reason doesnt work with my opera) and i got 2517Kb/s download.
chrisbesan said:
Thanks for answer.
I did it (hit on 'trial'), but in doesn't run.
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if you input a url, it takes you to home page? Because when i hit trial, it takes me to home page, but then i input url and it goes.
Here is link for VGA + QVGA version ->
Any WVGA version? This is X1 forum pls
What is the battery hit like? That has been my problem when I tried Skyfire, it just drained my battery.

iris web browser must try!

its easily faster than opera... runs pretty smooth and i actually enjoy the small scrolling screen they got from the netfront browser as well.
boinger66 said:
its easily faster than opera... runs pretty smooth and i actually enjoy the small scrolling screen they got from the netfront browser as well.
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its faster over wifi but I don't think it's as quick over gprs.
Its definitely getting better each release though.
I still use netfronts' simple browsing for things like forums, nothing is a quick as that one..
fards said:
its faster over wifi but I don't think it's as quick over gprs.
Its definitely getting better each release though.
I still use netfronts' simple browsing for things like forums, nothing is a quick as that one..
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UCWEB6 flies! It's basic html only though. I use it for very basic functions like really quick google searches, spelling corrections, eBay etc.
Tried it a long time ago and didn't like it...
Its page displaying seems to be slower than opera
spr33 said:
UCWEB6 flies! It's basic html only though. I use it for very basic functions like really quick google searches, spelling corrections, eBay etc.
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its a java proxybrowser though isn't it? I'm not very keen on those..
orelsi said:
Tried it a long time ago and didn't like it...
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Try again, they update quite often. I use it sometimes since it can display anything. It has perfect javascript functionality.
I use Opera Mini for common browsing, but when I find a page it has troubles with, Opera Mobile usually has problems too.
Still Opera Mobile is best adapted to screen size and touch controls. Give me Opera Mobile with compatibility of Iris and I will be happy.
Dr.Sid said:
Try again, they update quite often.
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Just did. I still don't like it . It feels uncomfortable to work with, and has much less options than the Opera. I keep it installed though, along with other browsers, in case my Opera brakes down hehe.
right now, Iris is only great for Iphone optimized sites... for everything else, Opera is the way to go.
fards said:
its a java proxybrowser though isn't it? I'm not very keen on those..
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i think you should give ucweb a try. its tiny and it does not require JAVA and its much more funtional than opera mini
its a really good secondary (when on EDGE or 3G) efficient browser.
good 4-min video review
It is a very good browser, and a fast one. It definitely renders HTML better than Opera Mobile 9.5. It works very good with X1.
My only concern is that when I double tap a page, the zoom is not to 100%, but less. I mean the image I see after a double tap is smaller than if I choose zoom to 100%. Anyone having the same issue?
I use Iris for few months and must say - it's getting better and better. Still it's not a perfect browser - but show me one that is. I'm waiting for update which can allow to watch youtube movies directly from pages like etc. Now for those pages I use Skyfire.
Does it have embedded Flash support, like on desktop browser? Any news on such upcoming feature?
How do I make YouTube work?
YouTube's standard desktop version requires Flash 9 or above. This is not available for Windows Mobile. If you leave the browser in Mobile Mode (Page->View->Mobile Mode in the menu), you can visit YouTube and will be redirected to the mobile edition. If you happen to have the FlashLite 3 ActiveX control installed, Iris Browser will automatically use it and videos should work.
For I use Zenyee application. More usefull would be possibility of playing implanted movies on sites. This is possible for now with Skyfire and Mach5 I suppose.

New Skyfire 1.5 released

Just wanted to give folks a heads up that new skyfire was released and it finally supports higher resolution. Before I would hedge between skyfire and Opera/IE due to the resolution issues but preferring the speed and support for Flash, this will eliminate a decision as I believe I'll be using skyfire 100% of the time.
More finger friendly menus were added to. Surprises me after all these yrs MS has not been able to make many improvements to IE Mobile.
On a side note it sounds like Mobile Mozilla browser for WM should be available early 2010. Its initially targeted at Nokia phone with snapdragon processor but will than move to other platforms
Just thought some might be interested in the update for skyfire.
been using it all morning. Very much improved. Especially like the fact it supports higher res phones now.
Sorry for double post
One thing I noticed is it seems to use a lot more RAM...not thrilled about that. Maybe they can address this in a quick update. Anyone else experiencing significant ram usage by the new skyfire?
do you have the cab
1milenia said:
do you have the cab
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Since you asked so very nicely.. lol.. From my download to my device just now..
Thanks for the head's up. I've been hoping for this update for a while now.
It does look good. I'll probably still use Opera for most things though, and this for video.
Yeah thanks for the update, made it my default and overall I love it. Only thing that Opera 10 does better is the rendering, you know the checkerboard pattern that comes up when you scroll around. Opera renders it faster than Skyfire but with that improved I would have no issues with it.
Oh yeah that and no option for default full screen mode. You can switch to it but once you use the menu you have to select fullscreen again
I tried it but the opera that came with the TP2 is better.. The new version STILL doesnt rotate right UNLESS you open the keyboard and it still doesnt use the zoom bar
dahauss said:
I tried it but the opera that came with the TP2 is better.. The new version STILL doesnt rotate right UNLESS you open the keyboard and it still doesnt use the zoom bar
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Opera 10 couldn't uisefully use the zoom bar anyway. Version 9.5 allows variable degrees of zoom, but version 10 only has two levels - zoomed in, and zoomed out. There's nothing in between. So enabling the zoom bar wouldn't actually help.
If you're having problems with the rotation then just use G-Config.
dahauss said:
I tried it but the opera that came with the TP2 is better.. The new version STILL doesnt rotate right UNLESS you open the keyboard and it still doesnt use the zoom bar
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Once installed whether to storage or main, just do a soft rsest and it should auto rotate.
I am still messing around with it. I dont know if I should go ahead and make my default yet. The rendering speed is slower than the stocked Opera but I much favor the built in flash for web videos.
Loved skyfire from day 1, loving it more now that it supports better resolution. Rendering not as good as Opera, but that's expected for now, built-in flash works great still, but that's the advantage of cloud rendering. Typing works much smoother, wait time between skyfire sending data to server then back to your phone is much better. As far as mem usage goes, I think what they did with 1.5 is move some of the operations to your phone. Before with skyfire it was exclusively being processed on their servers. I think now things like putting in username and passwords are handled by the phone and sent in one swoop vs having to wait after you put in username, then wait after password and such. Also I've noticed that you can easily move from one field to the next. You used to have to re-tap each blank field, now it automatically moves the cursor and you can start filling it in immediately. Definitely a better browser. Maybe number one if they add tabs. I haven't made it default because of that. Unfortunately I'm out of the US so further testing isn't possible at the moment, but once I'm back I'll look at it more. So far the big face of is Opera tabs vs Skyfire built in flash.
Much, much more faster than Opera or IE. Of course the pages don't look as good but they're still good.
This new release inspired me to install Skyfire again -- I hadn't been including it in my "UC" configuration, so hadn't used it in a while as I flash new custom roms.
For me, the great advantage of Skyfire is how well it handles embedded video (and similar content) that other browsers don't handle well or at all. I stream live .wmv video from my backyard-birdfeeder-cam, and even PIE doesn't support this MS-format video -- but Skyfire does.
how can i set skyfire to be my default web browser from the Manilla interface?
eboy44 said:
how can i set skyfire to be my default web browser from the Manilla interface?
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What ROM and Manila version do you have?
I have the official 6.5 upgrade for US T-Mobile (Timor version) and it opens Skyfire automatically from the internet tab after using Skyfire's setting to make it default.
There is a Manila file you can edit that will change all the internet tab settings for the T-Mobile stock Manila version I know, because that was how I edited it then.
So I guess it depends on what you're running.
I was having a play with Skyfire 1.5 yestersday. I found it played the video component of Flash videos correctly, but that there's no sound! Has anyone else encountered and fixed this? I'm running the standard HTC version of the WM6.5 ROM.
Showtime7 said:
What ROM and Manila version do you have?
I have the official 6.5 upgrade for US T-Mobile (Timor version) and it opens Skyfire automatically from the internet tab after using Skyfire's setting to make it default.
There is a Manila file you can edit that will change all the internet tab settings for the T-Mobile stock Manila version I know, because that was how I edited it then.
So I guess it depends on what you're running.
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the rom i have is the deepshining rom...nevermind i went and reset it to be the default and it just worked...thanks anyways
Shasarak said:
I was having a play with Skyfire 1.5 yestersday. I found it played the video component of Flash videos correctly, but that there's no sound! Has anyone else encountered and fixed this? I'm running the standard HTC version of the WM6.5 ROM.
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Try soft reset and re-launch, that worked for me.
I use Skyfire in Poland but every search results is showing in Netherlands Google
Shasarak said:
I was having a play with Skyfire 1.5 yestersday. I found it played the video component of Flash videos correctly, but that there's no sound! Has anyone else encountered and fixed this? I'm running the standard HTC version of the WM6.5 ROM.
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It might also help to know which site's flash videos gave you the issue. Not all implementations are created equal.
I notice, on a sort of related note, that on, sometimes the video and audio get out of sync. I'm not sure if this is a general skyfire thing or not, but I've always found thewb's flash player to be a little quirky, so I plan to test some other sites this weekend.
maggreg said:
I use Skyfire in Poland but every search results is showing in Netherlands Google
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Skyfire has a server side and a client side--the browser itself doesn't actually support flash, the server grabs the content, converts it to something skyfire client friendly, and then transmits it to you. Google might be detecting where your skyfire server is instead of where you are.

opera mobile 10 - final and FREE :)
why it is so quiet in here about it?? this browser simply rox, even flash works. (tried youtube and few others)
after some trial I gave it, stock opera went to mobile heaven (deleted opera9 folder in windows, rest of the files seem to be in rom) and this is my main browser now. works great on hd2 - who needs skyfire anymore??
bronx said:
why it is so quiet in here about it?? this browser simply rox, even flash works. (tried youtube and few others)
after some trial I gave it, stock opera went to mobile heaven (deleted opera9 folder in windows, rest of the files seem to be in rom) and this is my main browser now. works great on hd2 - who needs skyfire anymore??
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Many thanks for the heads up mate, will download now
Will also link this thread over in the Themes and Apps section
yeah its cool....but theres still no pinch to zoom built in as there was in 9.7.
Thank you!
I will download it as soon as I get home. It is indeed the final version, they have a press release about it.
Anybody here that could already tell me if it supports:
flash (what version, I amuse it is not 10.1, and does it finally work well?)
landscape - yes
multitouch - no (I am not sure if it's needed anymore, touch recognition seems to be working MUCH better, hence two levels of zoom should be enough)
flash - YES, dunno what version though... youtube works w/o any probs, so do flash ads, so I guess it's ok for a mobile device )
PaulyDuk said:
Many thanks for the heads up mate, will download now
Will also link this thread over in the Themes and Apps section
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no worries mate. I just though it's a big news, so that's why I posted in here. other thing is, that this app is not hd2 specific, so...
put it on, don't know if I prefer it to Opera Mini I was using before...
EDIT: Rubbish compared to Opera Mini - taken off
bronx said:
landscape - yes
multitouch - no (I am not sure if it's needed anymore, touch recognition seems to be working MUCH better, hence two levels of zoom should be enough)
flash - YES, dunno what version though... youtube works w/o any probs, so do flash ads, so I guess it's ok for a mobile device )
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Ok, sounds good. Might be the first time I replace my default browser
I really like it having used the betas but really missing multi-touch tbh. I've gone back to 9.7 for the moment.
So you can try this new opera next to the stock opera without problems?
I adopted Opera 10 beta after I "got used to it". I loved pinch-to-zoom in 9.7 and was convinced that I'd never get into 10 because of that, but I love the zoom-in and zoom-out that Opera 10 does. I do, however, HATE the way that they've solved the text reflow issue by having a setting for the zoom ratio, and just flowing blocks of text to that size. It's a pretty lame way to get round a genuine issue. Anyway, I'm still gonna big-up Opera 10 because it's just fast and smooth, especially when you change the user agent so that you stop getting annoying mobile sites.
Opera 10 FTW
What I don't like about it, though, is the display of pictures. Opera Mini shows things as they should be - doesn't zoom in as much. Now it could just be the settings it's used as default but Opera Mini seems to run quicker IMO
johncmolyneux said:
I adopted Opera 10 beta after I "got used to it". I loved pinch-to-zoom in 9.7 and was convinced that I'd never get into 10 because of that, but I love the zoom-in and zoom-out that Opera 10 does. I do, however, HATE the way that they've solved the text reflow issue by having a setting for the zoom ratio, and just flowing blocks of text to that size. It's a pretty lame way to get round a genuine issue. Anyway, I'm still gonna big-up Opera 10 because it's just fast and smooth, especially when you change the user agent so that you stop getting annoying mobile sites.
Opera 10 FTW
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what do you mean by that mate..?
donwhann said:
what do you mean by that mate..?
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Go into Opera and set the address to opera:config to open the preferences editor. Scroll down to "User Agent", open it up and change the value to 2. Then click save and restart Opera.
I'm not gonna guarantee that 100% of sites will now be desktop versions, but all the ones I've seen so far have been, that were previously dummed-down mobile versions. (iGoogle in particular!)
Lol - sod's law! I just found one that still renders as a mobile site. Grrrrr!
prefer mobile sites personally - screen is too small to show sites in normal mode (this site in particular)
EddyOS said:
prefer mobile sites personally - screen is too small to show sites in normal mode (this site in particular)
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With other browsers I'd tend to agree, but with this version of Opera I have to disagree. I know I *****ed about the text reflow, but it does make pages a lot more readable, and works very well with a text-heavy site like this.
are You serious??? I always browse this forum and all the other sites in normal mode. in landscape I usualy zoom only to click a proper link, other then that I have no problems.
johncmolyneux said:
Go into Opera and set the address to opera:config to open the preferences editor. Scroll down to "User Agent", open it up and change the value to 2. Then click save and restart Opera.
I'm not gonna guarantee that 100% of sites will now be desktop versions, but all the ones I've seen so far have been, that were previously dummed-down mobile versions. (iGoogle in particular!)
Lol - sod's law! I just found one that still renders as a mobile site. Grrrrr!
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lol,typical.....ill try your settings though,cheers.
It's very nice IMHO but the "visual bookmarks" in Sense (orig. 1.66GER Stock ROM) dont's work anymore. The image stays blank. Anybody knows a workaround?
Cendaryn said:
It's very nice IMHO but the "visual bookmarks" in Sense (orig. 1.66GER Stock ROM) dont's work anymore. The image stays blank. Anybody knows a workaround?
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This prompted me to get rid of the internet tab and put Opera on my home tab as a quicklink. Not a solution, of course, but an alternative. With the start page in Opera 10, you don't need the bookmarks on the internet tab.

