What browser to use - P3600 General

Hi all
Got my first windows phone and was wondering what browsers you are using with it ?

IE, the built in one. Works fine for me. Only thing that'll make me switch is if Firefox is realeased for WM Wouldn't that be great? Oh and throw in Thunderbird too and It'll be the best!

I hear Opera is very good for mobile devices.

thanks all am using both at the moment but would like firefox just need to wait and see

jpless said:
IE, the built in one. Works fine for me. Only thing that'll make me switch is if Firefox is realeased for WM Wouldn't that be great? Oh and throw in Thunderbird too and It'll be the best!
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Have a look at minimo http://www.mozilla.org/projects/minimo/

Not forget Deepfish :

The better one is Netfront wich allow javascript, textbrowsing and many functions.
I use it on Universal since more than one year and I installed it on P3600 with success...
Have a try

Could anyone provide an invitation to download deepfish (or post it on rapidshare?)...
Many thanks...
mfg OK

drewy said:
Have a look at minimo http://www.mozilla.org/projects/minimo/
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Thanks tried it for an hour now and I'm loving it!!! (writing this with it ) Nice!

Opera Mini is amazingly fast. The fastest browser I've ever used. Too bad it need to run in java so entering text there's no autocomplete.

ThunderHawk is the most similar to a desktop browser and somehow their technology manages to fit about twice as much of a page on screen while still being legible. You pay a subscription of about 5 dollars a month, but after being away recently and having to use the PDA browsers a lot I was getting a headache using Pocket IE and Minimo, and the only browser which didnt make me claustrophobic was ThunderHawk.
They really should do a trial version of thunderhawk, because i dont believe many people would want to pay them before trial so its a very bad business model.
The problems with ThunderHawk are that it tries to usurp your operating system and it isnt like a normal PPC program. So, for simple short tasks I still use Pocket IE since it is less regimental.
I found Minimo to be pointless, Opera bloated, Netfront was ok, but pricey for not much advantage over an expanded PIE.


Best internet browser

I have tried a few browsers pie, opera, minimo etc and I find ftx Pbrowser best - small size not like those massive installs, fast and proper tabs. the only thing it does not do is download files but don't do that much any how. give it a go interested in your feedback
p.s. it also does'nt have the annoying keyboard pop up problem that pie does!
Far better than the recently released webby mobile (could not remember its name earlier ) and does go full screen and landscape mode and clear type for those that use it. U can tell I like this program
May we have some screenshot ? Thanks
Screen shots at this link
is this better then the Mini Mozilla browser? for some reason, it took FOREVER to load for me so i uninstalled it. it also took up a lot of space too.
Sorry hard to see how it took a lot of space its only 75kb in size. just place the file in program files on your storage card its a stand alone aplication it needs no install. mine loads in less than a second and favorites come up quicker than pie.
I think he meant the 10 MB mini Mozilla browser. I heard that this file (ftx Pbrowser) is only a shell around PIE. So the tabs etc are in the ftx Pbrowser file, but the engine is normal PIE.
Yep it is a shell for pie but I particularly like the tabs, makes it more like firefox. oh yes I see minmo took forever to load for me to - certainly not minimal!
Looks good, I'll try it!!
It workd really well, there is still need for improvment , but the tab browsing is well done and I would love to see it when its more devloped.
ranchosteve said:
It workd really well, there is still need for improvment , but the tab browsing is well done and I would love to see it when its more devloped.
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Has anyone tried PIEPlus lately? http://www.reensoft.com/PIEPlus/
This also has tabs, etc. I used it some eons ago but not recently. Doesn't say if it's WM5 capable.
I know ranchosteve there is room for improvement will try and contact developer see if he will reconsider finishing product off
meschle said:
I know ranchosteve there is room for improvement will try and contact developer see if he will reconsider finishing product off
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Let us know if he replies, this is very promising browser! Needs finishing off but still useful.
I have a bed feeling the programmer has completely gone, the last version was over 2 years ago.
wgary said:
"ranchosteve" said:
It workd really well, there is still need for improvment , but the tab browsing is well done and I would love to see it when its more devloped.
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Has anyone tried PIEPlus lately? http://www.reensoft.com /PIEPlus/
This also has tabs, etc. I used it some eons ago but not recently. Doesn't say if it's WM5 capable.
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the latest version of pieplus v2 supports wm5 and works well on the wizard theres a 14day trial as well
anyone else tried this
Yes I have tried PiePlus on my Jasjar. It certainly is WM5 compatible and they say so on their website.
However apart from adding tabs I don't see much in way of enhancing the capabilities of the PIE. My personal opinion is that it is not worth the money. But again this is just my personal opinion. Best is you try the 14 day trial period.
new pieplus is great, except something weird happened, my address bar went away and no way to get it back...so to go to a site, i have to add to favs, and im not in full screen mode either, anyone know a work around?
I like the program but when I went to fullscreen mode I can get it bacc to normal. Any Help?
Zaiaku said:
I like the program but when I went to fullscreen mode I can get it bacc to normal. Any Help?
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i think its the same problem im having...
ive been using mini opera as well as the built in pie....I think opera handles some sites better than pie...and uses less bandwidth
In case anyone cares... you can get the latest flash plugin (7.0) for ppc at macromedias web site
Ftx is certainly showing its age (I used to use it on some of my older devices). I have been using NetFront 3.3 (Trial) and it's been pretty good - not as fast as Opera Beta 2 but certainly faster than PIE.

Opera 8.60 for Windows Mobile, Pocket PC

Download and info here:
Downloaded the cab, installed to storage card (the new version removed the old version), ran Opera, it asked me if I wanted to register (17 Euros), I said Okay.
Then I had to tell Opera.com my IMEI in order to get a registration code. I found the IMEI in Settings\Indentity.
When I received the reg code, I ran Opera, selected Tools\register, and then there appeared a box asking for the reg code plus another box showing the "Device ID". The device ID number was completely different from my IMEI, and needless to say, now opera does not accept the registration code. Now I have to write Opera for a new reg code.
So, I would advise all to check the "device id" that opera uses, and provide that number when requesting the registration code, rather than the IMEI found in your PPC's Settings.
Is it just me, or does the large icon for opera have a white background (rather than being a ransparent background as it should be)?
BillB said:
Is it just me, or does the large icon for opera have a white background (rather than being a ransparent background as it should be)?
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also here!!!!
using pocketplus large icon....
Just my two cents, I've been a big user of the data service, particularly browsing, and found Opera the best browser... almost. A much better alternative is to RDP home, and use whatever you have there. No more need to worry about user agent strings, java or flash, plus, it's (suprisingly) a lot faster. The VJ fullscreenTSC utility is particulary useful for that purpose.
mdaexecfan said:
Just my two cents, I've been a big user of the data service, particularly browsing, and found Opera the best browser... almost. A much better alternative is to RDP home, and use whatever you have there. No more need to worry about user agent strings, java or flash, plus, it's (suprisingly) a lot faster. The VJ fullscreenTSC utility is particulary useful for that purpose.
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Was thinking of trialling Netfront - Can i ask why you think Opera beats Netfront in your eyes?
i was using netfront before i switched to opera and i must say that opera is the best by far.
I find Opera completely useless for most sites:
try www.o2.co.uk on both Opera and Netfront 3.3 and see the difference.
or try new.bbc.co.uk on both
matt1971 said:
Was thinking of trialling Netfront - Can i ask why you think Opera beats Netfront in your eyes?
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Because with the 'fit to screen' option, Opera resizes the pixs and everything on the webpages - keeping them in proportion with the text. Netfront doesnt, so you end up with horizontal scroolbars and unreadable pages, while the opera-rendered ones looks just like the ones on a regular desktop computer.
I agree, my experience with opera is bad. It locks up all the time and can't be dissuaded from dumping tons of temp data in main storage memory.
Netfront is much better. The fonts on netfront are a bit wierd and its no way perfect though!
"I find Opera completely useless for most sites:
try www.o2.co.uk on both Opera and Netfront 3.3 and see the difference.
or try new.bbc.co.uk on both
No problem for the mentioned 2 sites if you'll to set OPERA to 'Fit to screen'
Re: RE
FOSA said:
No problem for the mentioned 2 sites if you'll to set OPERA to 'Fit to screen'
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Exactly - bbc.co.uk is brilliant on opera 'fit to screen'. I find it unusable on netfront.
Sorry, I meant to say the Opera is useless on Universal (mine MDA Pro) compared to NetFront.
I wouldn't use it if they paid me to.
One advantage is netfront 3.3 allows you to log onto more secure sites and if you fiddle with the settings does look and work better for me than Opera but they still haven't relesed the final pay for version and my trial version has ran out
samsul said:
Sorry, I meant to say the Opera is useless on Universal (mine MDA Pro) compared to NetFront.
I wouldn't use it if they paid me to.
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I use Opera on my Universal since the first Beta and all I can say is that it's the closest you can get to a "real" browsing experience on the PDA. The only "better" sollution would be to use some sort of RDP, as mentioned above.
I don't know what you do with your Universal, but on mine, in TrueVGA, Opera is simply great.
Almost as crappy as beta 2! Still very much work in progress - few bugs havn't been fixed, map hardware buttons??, flash??!. Also i'm not sure about you guys but Netfront (latest TP - D2) seems to render about 90% of websites (using WiFi) much quicker than Opera and is more responsive too. What's up with that?!?
Has anyone read the press release fully?
Here it is. http://www.opera.com/pressreleases/en/2006/05/31/
One bit that jumped out at me was this.
The first operators to ship Windows Mobile devices with Opera Mobile(TM) pre-installed are T-Mobile through their Web'n'Walk offering, and the leading Japanese operator, Willcom.
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Has anyone seen Opera on a released T-mobile phone, or is it more likely the t-mobile have been holding up the release of ROMs in the UK market until they could put Opera out at the same time? If this is true then should we be expecting to see an AKU2 ROM for the MDA PRO with opera embedded sometime soon?
matt1971 said:
Was thinking of trialling Netfront - Can i ask why you think Opera beats Netfront in your eyes?
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I have found NetFront to be AWESOME. I have it set so I see full webpages with very little jumbling or problems.
Combine it with FlexMail and you got a basic internet package on the go..
That said, I will give the new Opera a spin.. Why not.. Everything since I installed the latest DOPOD ROM has been working flawlessly and well I cant have that..
samsul said:
Sorry, I meant to say the Opera is useless on Universal (mine MDA Pro) compared to NetFront.
I wouldn't use it if they paid me to.
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Considering that the opinions are so divergent, yet we all come equipped with (pretty similar) sets of eyeballs, I reckon I'm going to take screenshots of both netfront and opera rendering of common webpages and will post them here.
I am a web designer and think the differences of opinions are all to do with how the site's are coded in terms of fixed widths and such like in the html or xhtml and CSS.
Netfront is definitly better for me as web designer for checking on the fly changes for clients sites but for simply viewing sites informtion then I think the new opera mini works quite well and keeps data trafic low.

best webbrowser for the wizard?

today at the university I tried out the wlan capabilitys of my device and it was a great experience sitting in the cafeteria and surfing at some news sites with that little fellow when all the others used big laptops occupying all their tablespace :lol:
I used the internet explorer first and then tried out the mozilla minimo browser. IE was "ok" and minimo just sucked with the handling and speed. I also know there's an opera version but I never tried it online. any other good browsers out there? any favs? :wink:
A lot of people seem to agree that Opera 8.6 is a really good browser. It's not free though. You get a 30 day trial, but after that you must pay for it. It's 24USD I beleive.
Try Thunderhawk. http://www.bitstream.com/wireless/
I've been using Thunderhawk ( http://www.bitstream.com/wireless/index.html ) with great success. I absolutely love it. They route all traffic through their servers and software so you end up with the web page designed for your desktop rendered nearly perfectly on your Pocket PC.
The methods they use reduce all graphics to a size managable by our devices without any drop in quality. Pages load extremely fast and I'm just using my T-Mobile internet connection. Between it and IE, just isn't even a contest.
I have not used Opera though, so I can't comment on it. But I highly reccomend trying Thunderhawk.
I don't have the Screenshot program installed on my device, but here are a couple of pics I snapped so that you can see the layout. First is DrudeReport.com and I'm sure you're familiar with the second. :wink:
B**tard! You beat me to it!
but thunderhawk is not free!
I use PIEPlus, which is very nice.
Thanks guys I will check out both, thunderhawk and pieplus. But actually pieplus doesn't seem to be free either.
Let me extend my question at this point
Which cool and usefull internetrelated software do you use on your wizard?
Also give Netfront 3.3 a trial though it is not free.
I am using it and am very satisfied with it. Specially if you surf the web with a fast WiFi connection then sites with flash animations really turn out great. It is the only WM5 browser with flash support.
Opera 8.6.
I used others but this one allowed me to run java scripts that PIE couldn't.
I can use it on my banking sites and other secured sites that other have had trouble or simply don't work.
It is worth the money. IMO.
thunderhawk vs Opera? Anybody?
Opera Mini 2.0
It's a Java App. and it's free.
Go to mini.opera.com on PIE and download and install.
To me it has the fastest and best performance when compared to native WM browsers. I use it daily... the only time I don't use it is when I want to look at an animated radar image. That is about the only limitation to Opera Mini... no animated images. You can still download files, and save images from it. 8)
To be honest I have stuck with PIE. Opera does format a little better but considering you now have to pay for it I will stick with PIE.

Best Browser?

what you guys this is the best web browser for HTC Touch?
I think the Picsel Browser is very good.
Pls. tell us your best browser.
I've been using Opera.
I think opera mini right now but I think skynet or opera mobile 9 soon will be in the coming months. Both promising full browsing and skynet will be free
I think you mean skyfire browser.
Can some one tell me the difference between:
Picsel and Opera?
alpha_omega said:
I think opera mini right now but I think skynet or opera mobile 9 soon will be in the coming months. Both promising full browsing and skynet will be free
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Yeah, no Skynet browser please. We turn over control of our web browsing to them and before you know it they'll be self aware and launching our nukes against us. Judgment day. Then they'll activate Arnold to come back in time and kill you, because you are the future leader of mankind.
Ahhh, which browser
I actually like all of them IE, Opera, NetFront...
I have found that depending on the particular website, one will work better than the other. IE works just fine for a lot of websites and has the best compatibility. Opera is great for certain websites that IE just can't display properly. NetFront works best on (poorly written) websites that have too many damn frames and cutsie html features that only impress the person who made the website. The beauty is you can install and use more than one browser to make sure you get into the websites you need. (iPhone can't do that...) I, btw, need to link into my work with Citrix and the Touch is the only phone I know that can do it. I am the envy of my colleagues at work!
I will look for this Skyfire...?
Skyfire looks amazing if it ever gets released.
You can also check out the video here
deegimus said:
I actually like all of them IE, Opera, NetFront...
I have found that depending on the particular website, one will work better than the other. IE works just fine for a lot of websites and has the best compatibility. Opera is great for certain websites that IE just can't display properly. NetFront works best on (poorly written) websites that have too many damn frames and cutsie html features that only impress the person who made the website. The beauty is you can install and use more than one browser to make sure you get into the websites you need. (iPhone can't do that...) I, btw, need to link into my work with Citrix and the Touch is the only phone I know that can do it. I am the envy of my colleagues at work!
I will look for this Skyfire...?
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How can you place opera in your cube since its launched through java?
josuech said:
How can you place opera in your cube since its launched through java?
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Creating shortcuts to Java apps
How do I get Opera to view full pages on my HTC Touch? I want to see pages like I see them on my computer.
ozab said:
How do I get Opera to view full pages on my HTC Touch? I want to see pages like I see them on my computer.
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I don't understand exactly what you mean. Opera Mini shows pages in standard view by default.
I dont see the FULL page when I type any URL. Pls. help.
josuech said:
How can you place opera in your cube since its launched through java?
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I didn't say I launched it through the Cube, but as you see, there is a way to do it. Does anyone have a copy of the Skyfire Beta?
deegimus said:
I didn't say I launched it through the Cube, but as you see, there is a way to do it. Does anyone have a copy of the Skyfire Beta?
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I signed up for the beta but nothing yet.
Have you checked out the video preview of Opera Mobile 9.5. It looks great and the notes says it supports flash, unfortunately they didn't demo that in the video.
EliteXen said:
I signed up for the beta but nothing yet.
Have you checked out the video preview of Opera Mobile 9.5. It looks great and the notes says it supports flash, unfortunately they didn't demo that in the video.
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Yes! Awesome! It's a great new world we live in! Every week something pops up that raises the bar. The hard part is waiting! HA!
Incidentally, I just loaded No2Chem's WM6.1clean ROM and IE seems to do everything better and faster.

iris web browser must try!

its easily faster than opera... runs pretty smooth and i actually enjoy the small scrolling screen they got from the netfront browser as well.
boinger66 said:
its easily faster than opera... runs pretty smooth and i actually enjoy the small scrolling screen they got from the netfront browser as well.
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its faster over wifi but I don't think it's as quick over gprs.
Its definitely getting better each release though.
I still use netfronts' simple browsing for things like forums, nothing is a quick as that one..
fards said:
its faster over wifi but I don't think it's as quick over gprs.
Its definitely getting better each release though.
I still use netfronts' simple browsing for things like forums, nothing is a quick as that one..
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UCWEB6 flies! It's basic html only though. I use it for very basic functions like really quick google searches, spelling corrections, eBay etc.
Tried it a long time ago and didn't like it...
Its page displaying seems to be slower than opera
spr33 said:
UCWEB6 flies! It's basic html only though. I use it for very basic functions like really quick google searches, spelling corrections, eBay etc.
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its a java proxybrowser though isn't it? I'm not very keen on those..
orelsi said:
Tried it a long time ago and didn't like it...
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Try again, they update quite often. I use it sometimes since it can display anything. It has perfect javascript functionality.
I use Opera Mini for common browsing, but when I find a page it has troubles with, Opera Mobile usually has problems too.
Still Opera Mobile is best adapted to screen size and touch controls. Give me Opera Mobile with compatibility of Iris and I will be happy.
Dr.Sid said:
Try again, they update quite often.
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Just did. I still don't like it . It feels uncomfortable to work with, and has much less options than the Opera. I keep it installed though, along with other browsers, in case my Opera brakes down hehe.
right now, Iris is only great for Iphone optimized sites... for everything else, Opera is the way to go.
fards said:
its a java proxybrowser though isn't it? I'm not very keen on those..
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i think you should give ucweb a try. its tiny and it does not require JAVA and its much more funtional than opera mini
its a really good secondary (when on EDGE or 3G) efficient browser.
good 4-min video review http://pocketnow.com/index.php?a=portal_detail&t=news&id=7232
It is a very good browser, and a fast one. It definitely renders HTML better than Opera Mobile 9.5. It works very good with X1.
My only concern is that when I double tap a page, the zoom is not to 100%, but less. I mean the image I see after a double tap is smaller than if I choose zoom to 100%. Anyone having the same issue?
I use Iris for few months and must say - it's getting better and better. Still it's not a perfect browser - but show me one that is. I'm waiting for update which can allow to watch youtube movies directly from pages like www.pocketnow.com etc. Now for those pages I use Skyfire.
Does it have embedded Flash support, like on desktop browser? Any news on such upcoming feature?
How do I make YouTube work?
YouTube's standard desktop version requires Flash 9 or above. This is not available for Windows Mobile. If you leave the browser in Mobile Mode (Page->View->Mobile Mode in the menu), you can visit YouTube and will be redirected to the mobile edition. If you happen to have the FlashLite 3 ActiveX control installed, Iris Browser will automatically use it and videos should work.
For youtube.com I use Zenyee application. More usefull would be possibility of playing implanted movies on sites. This is possible for now with Skyfire and Mach5 I suppose.

