Sound Problem after Radio Stack Upgrade - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

First post here, so please go easy on me.
I have been spending alot of time on this site as of late and would like to thank all for this very helpful information.
I have done a fair amount of searching on the lack of sound from my Wallaby, but non of the problems others have had seem to be quite what I am experiencing. I will try not to be too long winded, but...
I had been experimenting with various ROMs from LumpiStefans ROMkitchen and had success in doing so.
The last ROM I used was 2003 SE (then manually loaded trial of voice command). All seemed to work fine, until I saw some information on radio stack 6.25.02 upgrade while visiting Followed the posted instructions, but the upgrade terminated about 75% of the way trough. Upon cold restart the device did not have a radio and began behaving very erraticly.
Spent the rest of the day getting special ROM 1.1 back onto the device and trying to get the stack back to 4.16. After hours of failure (1%), I decided to try another stack (3.23 I think). This worked and allowed me the functionality to connect via active sync and flash a more updated ROM and radio stack (I did not have an SD card writer at the time, but do now).
This sort of brings me to the subject of this post (yea, I know...long winded). Upon getting the new ROM installed and checking functionality, I noticed that the sound did not work.
Now at this point, I must say that the unit had been dropped about 3 months ago, but had been functional apart from a portion of the screen bleeding and sometimes blinking due to a loose connection inside. Somewhere in the midst of all the ROM and radio stack action, the screen was blinking and driving me crazy, so I decided to take the unit apart and see if I could locate the loose connection. I did re-seat the ribbon cable to the LCD, which seemed to help somewhat.
Now...I can't figure out if the lack of sound is due to the stack upgrade, or if I damaged something in the unit when I had it apart.
In troubleshooting the unit, I have discovered the following.
The internal mic and speaker work fine when using the phone.
The headset mic and earbuds also work fine when using the phone.
The internal speaker also works when speakerphone mode is selected while in a phone call.
This would seem to indicate that it is not hardware (at least not in the mic and speaker circuits).
No other sounds come from the unit speaker or external earbuds when playing wav or mp3 files etc. The unit gives no indication that a codec or any other bit of software is missing.
Something worthy of note...when playing a sound file, I can hear a slight click and hiss if I put my ear up to the unit speaker (or use the earbuds).
I have also tried the diagnostics from the bootloader (5.15). When testing the playback, I can only hear a slight click and hiss from the speaker (once for right and once for left).
I'm just wondering if maybe the bit of hardware dedicated to decoding MP3 and WAV files is somehow damaged. Sorry, I can't claim to know how the sound makes its way to the speaker.
Is there a chance that there is a bit of code in the bootloader that could be corrupt?
Can I reload the bootlaoder?
Sorry for taking so much time, but I wanted whoever cares to read this to have as much information as possible.


No sound except for phone

I cannot get any sound out of my MDA-compact...except for the phone.
So I do not get:
-calender event sounds
-keyboard sound
But I am able to hear someone speak on the phone.
I set all sound on.
Disabled mute
Put all slides on maximum...checked several times if they stayed there.
It worked a week ago, or so.
Since then installed:
Tried setting back a backup...but problem persists.
There is 2 ways to mute the Magician if you have wisbar advance installed. Try to quit WA and disable mute. Depending on the skin you use it could be difficult to merge Magician and skin volume sliders.
If you are not success desinstall WA and try again. Then install it again and remember is better to use the volume hard keys instead WA Skin slider.
Good luck!
This may sound stupid, but I had a similar problem and found that something was Stuck in the headphone jack socket. Try it with the headphones. Also, have you installed the new bluetooth stock with A2DP support?
Works with headphones
Thanks works with the headphones...but after pluggin in and out it still doesn't work without.
Might this be some registry setting?
Unlikely to be anything in the registry. If all sound working with headphones, then likely that inside headphone jack is stuck. I plugged and unplugged many times until eventually it freed up, only other thing is that the actual wiring to the main speaker has come away!
I do not think is is the headphone jack.
If someone phones doesn't ring (it does through the headphone), but I am able to hear the other person through the normal speaker!
If it would be the headphone jack, I wouldn't be able to use the phone without the headphone.
It must be something with software, unless the phone-speaker function is hardwired different from the rest.
I had exactly the same problem with my magician. i could hear through the phone speaker and use as a phone fine, but the external loudspeaker did not work.
It was a hardware issue, and t-mobile UK simply replaced it for me
unfortunately, this is a well known problem with the magician and the easiest way is just to send it for repair.
Hopefully, your operator will do this free of charge. If you are still within warranty that is!
I hope not...this is already my 3th MDA-compact because of hardware issues.
I had loads of trouble with Tom-Tom because of having to reinstall 3 times already. Furthermore ActiveSync is **** doesn't let you install on an identical device with a different no restoring backups. That's why I purchased Sprite...which screwed my MMS database.
And the bluetooth headset seems to have a dead battery after 2 month's.
If I've gotten money for each hour of installation I would have had an additional month's income.
restoring to another device from activesync is simply a case of doing it as a guest the first time.
Cancel the partnership wizard, and then start the restore. it will ask you to select which partnership has the backup you wish to use and then it starts. that should work fine.
as for the MMS database, all backup programs seem to do that. I had it with activesync, Sprite and SPB, just stick with whichever you prefer, but don't restore the mail database when you do a restore. Otherwise you get the problems reported on the forum of having drafts and unread items which do not appear anywhere.
to be honest, if it works fine through the phone speaker, but nothing else, and there is no mute anywhere, it is most likely hardware. Easiest way to double check:
1 - back up using sprite/async/xbackup/whatever
2 - hard reset the device. when it reboots, do you get the bell noise when the 'tap here to set up your device' screen appears
if yes - is a software glitch
if no - your speaker is fecked, return for repair.
like was already said, the wiring for the speaker has come away. I remember reading somewhere that when someone took one of these apart, they found that the speaker is not actually soldered, but clipped to the main board, and the clip breaks easily. That swhat happened with mine anyway, t-mobile report said the speaker had broken off of the mainboard, and because it happened so often they replaced it without question.
I had a similar problem with mine. After using speakers plugged into the headphone socket I got no sound - but still got sound when phoning someone.
I found that there is a problem with the headphone socket so that after plugging something in then removing it, it still thinks it's plugged in. To solve it i started something with sound (I used a track playing in Media Player) then used my stylus to wiggle inside the headphone socket. Hey Presto the sound returned!
Go to Start, Settings, Sounds & Notifications. My systems sounds also disappeared last week when going from one profile to another on phonealarm, and my options was unticked for some unknown reason.
if none of thier ideas work, ITS A HARDFWARE PROBLEM, ur speakers are busted, the back speaker, happend to me, ended up bringing it to a service center, they replaced the speaker, after 3 hrs went back, gud thing i tested it there coz the speaker was working but it was God awfull, it was still busted, so i told the customer service rep, she rbought it to the technician, she daid come back the next day, i did, it was fixed, audio was flawless, she said they replaced the MAINNOARD, so as i f i got a new unit
Hey team,
I had the exact same problem today and fixed it by putting headphones in and pulling them out quickly once the music played!
Hope it helps!

Help! Big problems with all audio!

First post here so please excuse any ignorance.
O2 XDA Exec - standard Rom from O2 website.
Problem started a few hours ago after using the audio out for listening to music via mediaplayer.
My unit was working fine while playing, but later after it had been disconnceted from the stereo I noted that there were no tap sounds.
I first checked the audio settings, all normal the way I always have them.
Next I tried the reset button on the back of the unit, no help there.
I tried plugging in the headphones in and there is perfectly normal audio over the headphone but once removed nothing at all.
Getting more extreme I tried a rom update/fresh start, no luck there either.
Getting even more hardcore I downloaded the assembly/disassembly pdf from this forum to check if there was a physical fault with the 3.5mm audio port. I checked to make sure all the tabs were springing back after an audio jack was removed all seem fine (although at this point I lack a comparision).
Then for a test I rang my own phone from my land line and it seems to ring fine but there is nothing from the mic or either of the earpieces during a call.
I am fast running out of ideas and the last test really perplexed me.
I am almost certain that it is a case of one of the contacts inside the audio port not springing back and therefore cutting out the external audio, giving the device the impression that there is still a headset connected.
I don't want to poke around inside too much as I have so far been able to keep security tabs intact, just in case I need to send it off.
Anybody have any ideas on how to get around this? Is it possible that it is software and not hardware?
Please help as phone is a bit useless sans headset, which I don't really want to be permanetly tied to.
keep plugging and unplugging the headset until it works or you get tired, if it works great, otherwise sent it in for repair.
Does nobody out there have a registry hack workaround for this problem?
When I receive calls its rings and any other sounds come through whilst the phone rings.
There must be a workaround here somewhere???
Had exactly the same problem. No sound but rings ok,
After the first time I plugged in the headphones, no sound. Its probably cause the headphone socket is so big in comparisson, that it gets dirty. Just spray some anti static cleaner on the headphone plug and keep plugging it in.
Worked perfectly for me!!
There is no registry hack because this is a hardware issue, not a software one.
The ringer will ring whether the earphones are plugged in or not, which is how you would expect a phone to function. The problem lies with the connectors in the headphone jack socket not recognising the headphones are unplugged. Resetting and even dare I say a hard reset will not sort it as the issue is not software related.
This has also been covered several times on the forum. The only way (short of taking the thing apart) is to keep plugging / unplugging the headphones until the sound reappears.
This just started happening on my JasJar today (system audio returned after poking the headset in/out a few times), after 11 months of use. Does this get worse over time? Should I bite the bullet and try to get Imate to repair it?
Please advise!

Help needed about a HW problem, and some advice to all users

After an unintended pool plunge... with my magician sitting in my belt... I got it back to life! I started a thread about it: Survivor.
I got however a "salty spotted" screen (I can live with it) but after testing BT GPS, ASync, etc., I've found a extremely tricky bug: Phone sound is routed ONLY via the phone built in speaker. Bt handsfree or stereo headset use RESETS the phone, just THE PHONE.
i can hear music, use my BT GPS, but calls have to be done with my Magician in my ear... even while driving...Opps!
And then the bad news: Official "HTC" service refused to take it for repair, stating that HTC policy prevents them from doing so, when the factory installed "moisture indicator" has changed color.
Any help on my call sound problem?
Help please
Not anyone with some HW knowledge?
Where is the Phone sound-output router (whatever the name) circuit?
Or any other experience about wet circuit boards?
Thanks in advance.
anyone got the magician circuitboard diagram?my magician got sound hardware problem.HELP PLS
Sound prob
Hi, I bought a phone from a guy, with only the sound from the headset plugged in working. Handsfree or not the internal sound and mike were shut off somehow. When I opened the phone it seemed somebody else allready had been looking in the same place, the phonejack circuit.
I used my 15 Watt soldering iron and some new solder and just tipped for a few seconds all six connections. And voila my sound came back again. Hope it works for you too.

Problem with microphone volume when calling

Since my Hermes fell off the table people keep complaining that they have problems hearing my voice while talking on the phone. They say the volume of my voice is too low. When using a headset everything's fine.
I've never had a problem like that, nevertheless I dismantled the Hermes to see if there was anything wrong with the microphone after the fall, but it seemed ok.
I also recorded my own voice using the voice recorder in WM6 to test the microphone and strangely enough my voice sounds pretty loud and clear to me.
After some googling I found that many people seem to have a problem with their voice barely being heard by other people on the phone.
Solutions I could not find and I do not understand why that problem has occurred after the Hermes fell down, as it seems to be software-related (otherwise my mic-test would have resulted in a low-volume recording, which it did not).
Has anyone here had that problem and found a solution?
Well, I've solved the problem, although not by the means I originally wanted to. I just did a recovery of a Backup from before the day the Hermes fell down and voila - everything works again as it should (although I still don't get it how the phone falling down can change the SOFTWARE, but hey, as long as it works).
Again we see the importance of regular backups.
I had this problem before. tried to fix it but didn't work. Flashed all sorts of roms, all didn't work. Even newly flashed roms still had this problem.
Headset is fine
but just speaking into the mic isn't.
Same as you, recording works fine too, but mic to phone just doesn't work. I am curious how did you dissasemble your phone though, do you have a manual or something?
I had this problem before. tried to fix it but didn't work. Flashed all sorts of roms, all didn't work. Even newly flashed roms still had this problem.
Headset is fine
but just speaking into the mic isn't.
Same as you, recording works fine too, but mic to phone just doesn't work. I am curious how did you dissasemble your phone though, do you have a manual or something?
Hi again,
Well, the problem's back again. Even after resetting the Hermes at first it worked fine, but later people complained again that my voice was too low. So it seems that the problem is first solved by resetting/backup recovery, but then reappears. Don't know how that is possible, but I fear that it is indeed hardware-related.
Has anyone any suggestions as to what I can do?
Am I right in assuming that the hole next to the one for resetting the phone is for the microphone? Because when I dismantled my Hermes the corresponding part did not look like a microphone at all. Here's a picture of what I am talking about:
Is the part where the black rubber-thingy (circled below) that easily falls off when dismantling is placed over the microphone?
As for the dismanteling, go there:
and search for "Hermes", there are some nice guides there.
I appreciate any hints that could lead to me solving this problem.
I've been searching for corresponding Registry Entries and so far have found these:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Phone
Changing "Vol" to 65535 increased the mic volume a little bit, but it was still too low for being acceptable (I have been testing the volume by placing my Hermes next to my PC speaker while playing an audiobook at a normal volume and calling my landline as to see how it sounds).
See also here for the thread where I found this info.
I also found these two threads:
My Values at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HTC\AUDIOGAINx were originally at 18 and 19. I changed them first to AA and this did, or so it seemed, increase the volume more notably. Changing the Values to CC however changed little compared to AA (although this should make the mic even louder). I may be mistaken, but I even think that the quality was better with AA.
I am not familiar with the actual volume of the mic at the receiver's end, but in my opinion the volume was pretty ok. I will call a few of the people who have been complaining and see what they have to say about the volume.
I just called my brother and he said my voice was as low as before, so my modifications had no effect.
Next thing I will try is to totally disassemble my Hermes and put it back together so to check every connection that might have gone loose.
Update: Dismantled it totally (except for the screen part) - didn't help either.
Seems like there is no solution to this problem. Most likely I will have to get a replacement. This sucks.
Exactly the same problem here.
(No phone audio but Note recording & Headset works fine)
Only the phone was not dropped. Just happened !
Did a reset but did'nt wok either !
Phones in great condition.
Like you though it was a Software Issue
How much was a new mic ?
Can it be economically soldered on ?
Is there no solution whatsoever ?
Please keep me updated
Many Thanks
Hi Sampler,
In the end I found no solution to my problem. Got myself a Vario III and am using that one ever since.
Please let me know if you find anything that can solve this.
Some of these problems (I don't say all) may be caused by damage to the mini USB port and the fine wires inside it. The port has wiring related to sound both earpiece and Mic. As you know connecting a handsfree headset cuts off the Mic and earpiece, so you can see that damage to the port or bend pins inside it can cause Mic problems. This may be why sound recording is fine, but in phone mode the Mic is cut off.
I say this only to avoid the assumption that the Mic is damaged (it may be), but it can also be the port and associated wiring that causes the problem. If you are dismantling check the solder contacts around the USB port for cracks and also for bent pins in the socket.

Crackling in voice calls

I know that other posts on this topic exist, but I've done a bit of digging and believe the problem doesn't lie with the speakers, so hence, new post. Sorry it's so long...
I've had my HD2 a week now and have noticed the same problem as some others here (it's the crackling during calls, it's driving me nuts, even on the lowest volume setting). But something about the "quality" of the distortion got me thinking (ie it didn't sound quite like what I would expect from a speaker taken beyond its capabilities).
I therefore tried a few different things to try and see where the problem was:
First I needed to identify if this was source related, therefore I tried playing different things through the earpiece. I downloaded audioroute from xda (I forget where) and tried routing all sorts of things through the earpiece. I tried music, skype, video and normal voice calls and the only one that caused crackling appeared to be the normal voice calls. I made sure my sources were loud enough to rival the loud calls, but no matter how hard I tried, it was only the calls that caused crackling (at least the type that was p****** me off)!
Next I tried to see if it mattered which output I routed the sound through. I tried the earpiece, the back speaker and the headphone jack (with both the supplied headphones and some good quality Sennheisers). Again, I found that all sources, other than the normal voice calls, were fine. What surprised me though, was that the normal voice calls taken through the headphones crackled too (not just through the earpiece and back speaker).
Finally, I tried to determine the effect of volume on the crackling. To my surprise, I found that with my Sennheisers, the crackling did not appear to get worse with increasing volume. I chose the Sennheisers here because they could handle volumes way in excess of what the phone could produce.
These tests lead me to conclude that the audio path including the amplifier and speakers in the phone, may not be to blame. I also believe the problem is voice call specific. My understanding of what happens to a normal voice signal is somewhat limited, but here's what I think. I reckon the digital signal processing in the decoder for the phone signal may be to blame, as it has to pass through this BEFORE moving through the rest of the audio path (the volume independence was the clincher). This does provide some hope of a fix though, since the decoder is probably in software so can be modified. I'm thinking radio ROM here though, so not something we can hope to mod ourselves.
Anyway, sorry for the long post, if you're still with me, what do you think? Am I talking a load of bull. Can any of you replicate what I've found?
Interesting post, I have the same issue with my HD 2, definitely gone backwards from my previous phone which was an N95, I'm always adjusting the volume to reduce the distorted crackle when talking to people, the speaker phone is borderline crap as well, at least with the N95 you can actually hear a little bass.
when you say crackling do you mean like the person talkin on the other line says your voice gets messed up ? because this has been a problem with my hd2 since i baught it...about 1 month ago and im running 1.66 latest official WWE rom....
I had this problem with my first HD2 and also with two replacements phones from my provider T-Mobile in the UK. These phones were running ROM 1.43.
I have found the problem is completely fixed (on the same handset), by updating to the new 1.66 ROM.
I didnt really understand how to flash my phone with a new ROM despite reading a few posts. However, after following the thread (The Complete HSPL Video Guide - 621930 - in the HD2 ROM Development forum), I realised it was very easy, and had successfully flashed to the new ROM within an hour.
I have had and still have this problem. I havecontacted HTC, flashed different ROMs, and have had a replacement but the problem still persists. I am learning to live with it as the good out weigh the bad.
Thanks for all who have replied so far. I like the phone too and don't intend to change to any other, but may consider sending it back for repair. I also have a rattle (not the volume switch though, this is coming from near the rear speaker, this definitely doesn't seem right). I run the 1.66 WWE official ROM and it hasn't fixed the problem for me when I moved from 1.48 which it shipped with.

