Crackling in voice calls - HD2 General

I know that other posts on this topic exist, but I've done a bit of digging and believe the problem doesn't lie with the speakers, so hence, new post. Sorry it's so long...
I've had my HD2 a week now and have noticed the same problem as some others here (it's the crackling during calls, it's driving me nuts, even on the lowest volume setting). But something about the "quality" of the distortion got me thinking (ie it didn't sound quite like what I would expect from a speaker taken beyond its capabilities).
I therefore tried a few different things to try and see where the problem was:
First I needed to identify if this was source related, therefore I tried playing different things through the earpiece. I downloaded audioroute from xda (I forget where) and tried routing all sorts of things through the earpiece. I tried music, skype, video and normal voice calls and the only one that caused crackling appeared to be the normal voice calls. I made sure my sources were loud enough to rival the loud calls, but no matter how hard I tried, it was only the calls that caused crackling (at least the type that was p****** me off)!
Next I tried to see if it mattered which output I routed the sound through. I tried the earpiece, the back speaker and the headphone jack (with both the supplied headphones and some good quality Sennheisers). Again, I found that all sources, other than the normal voice calls, were fine. What surprised me though, was that the normal voice calls taken through the headphones crackled too (not just through the earpiece and back speaker).
Finally, I tried to determine the effect of volume on the crackling. To my surprise, I found that with my Sennheisers, the crackling did not appear to get worse with increasing volume. I chose the Sennheisers here because they could handle volumes way in excess of what the phone could produce.
These tests lead me to conclude that the audio path including the amplifier and speakers in the phone, may not be to blame. I also believe the problem is voice call specific. My understanding of what happens to a normal voice signal is somewhat limited, but here's what I think. I reckon the digital signal processing in the decoder for the phone signal may be to blame, as it has to pass through this BEFORE moving through the rest of the audio path (the volume independence was the clincher). This does provide some hope of a fix though, since the decoder is probably in software so can be modified. I'm thinking radio ROM here though, so not something we can hope to mod ourselves.
Anyway, sorry for the long post, if you're still with me, what do you think? Am I talking a load of bull. Can any of you replicate what I've found?

Interesting post, I have the same issue with my HD 2, definitely gone backwards from my previous phone which was an N95, I'm always adjusting the volume to reduce the distorted crackle when talking to people, the speaker phone is borderline crap as well, at least with the N95 you can actually hear a little bass.

when you say crackling do you mean like the person talkin on the other line says your voice gets messed up ? because this has been a problem with my hd2 since i baught it...about 1 month ago and im running 1.66 latest official WWE rom....

I had this problem with my first HD2 and also with two replacements phones from my provider T-Mobile in the UK. These phones were running ROM 1.43.
I have found the problem is completely fixed (on the same handset), by updating to the new 1.66 ROM.
I didnt really understand how to flash my phone with a new ROM despite reading a few posts. However, after following the thread (The Complete HSPL Video Guide - 621930 - in the HD2 ROM Development forum), I realised it was very easy, and had successfully flashed to the new ROM within an hour.

I have had and still have this problem. I havecontacted HTC, flashed different ROMs, and have had a replacement but the problem still persists. I am learning to live with it as the good out weigh the bad.

Thanks for all who have replied so far. I like the phone too and don't intend to change to any other, but may consider sending it back for repair. I also have a rattle (not the volume switch though, this is coming from near the rear speaker, this definitely doesn't seem right). I run the 1.66 WWE official ROM and it hasn't fixed the problem for me when I moved from 1.48 which it shipped with.


Muffled sound on XDAII

Hi All,
I bought an XDAII about 2 weeks ago and am very please with it, however, when I make and receive calls, the sound seems to be very muffled. The people I call also comment that I sound very muffled too. Is there something wrong with it, or is this usual ? I was also wondering if a Radio Stack upgrade may cure this problem.
Here are my current versions etc.
ROM Version 1.03.00 USA
ROM Date 09/24/03
Radio Version 1.05.12
Protocol Version 1337.12
Any help appreciated.
unfortunately it doesnt.
i know what you mean . . . but i upgraded my radio stack to 1.10 and it's still the same sound
i just hope it's just a setting of how the audio is decoded by the radio (sort of like the nokia setting you can turn on and off (at the expense of battery power) forgot what it's called.
cuz if it's not that, then it just means it's got a lousy speaker hehehe
hehe.. Thanks for the reply mate. At least I'm not the only one with a muffly speaker n mic
no prob :wink:
i think everybody has the same problem, only they just dont think it's a biggie (or aren't as picky as us) since the audio STILL is intelligible anyways
Has anyone else encountered a problem when either using the phone normally or through the speakerphone option, there is a slight rattling when the volume's set high?
This is quite annoying if common and is something other speakerphone phones seem to suffer from.
XDA2 not as good as it looks
Hi there
I have my XDA2 for 5 months and I´m in love with it, whenever one of my freinds mention its faults I get upset :?
But, we all know that the XDA2 is FAULTY big time, sofware not well developed yet, and yes, we think twice about buying software (same apply to hardware)
I have learn how to live with all this, still think that the XDA2 is a top tool for work and everyday life and I hope that other machines come to the market to compete, then we will get value for money
Bad Sound Quality
I also bought a MDA II (T-Mobile Germany) some weeks ago. I really like it, but I also think that the sound quality is not the best. There are two effects that annoy me:
1. I can hear a high pitched beep in the speaker, always when the device is switched on (not only when talking on the phone but always if it is switched on). It is not very loud, but I can hear it clearly in quiet environment (my ears are still too good I think...).
2. The sound has to much "base" and to less "treble". Well, you can understand the person on the other end but this is definitly the worst sound quality I ever had on a phone.
This is the only thread I could find discussing this problem, leading me to the conclusion that either most phones are good and I got a bad one or most people don't bother if a very expensive phone sounds like a $5 toy...
Is there a chance to get a better sounding replacement phone or should I learn to be happy with it?
Sounds Rubbish
Hi guys
i noticed the sound isn't as good as the XDA I when playing mP3's or MPG files on it.
does anyone know if there is anything that can be done to correct this ??
other than buying a set of speakers to go with it, doesn't seem much else ! ;(
any solution for this???????
I've got the same problem, however I've noticed that the sound is clear when I use the XDA 2 with my tomtom navigator the voice instructions are very clear, its strange + when I use the speaker phone the other party can hardly hear me.
sorry to tell you this, but i have got mine repaired and strange that they changed the motherboard to get rid of this problem, means it is a mother board problem not speaker or software.
Re: Bad Sound Quality
ruiner said:
I also bought a MDA II (T-Mobile Germany) some weeks ago. I really like it, but I also think that the sound quality is not the best. There are two effects that annoy me:
1. I can hear a high pitched beep in the speaker, always when the device is switched on (not only when talking on the phone but always if it is switched on). It is not very loud, but I can hear it clearly in quiet environment (my ears are still too good I think...).
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The high pitched beep is caused by the poor filtering of the power electronics of the background lightning of the touchscreen. It is worse if the light is set to low. If you set it one or two notches higher, the beep sound will go away (or at least you won't hear it anymore).

Sound Problem after Radio Stack Upgrade

First post here, so please go easy on me.
I have been spending alot of time on this site as of late and would like to thank all for this very helpful information.
I have done a fair amount of searching on the lack of sound from my Wallaby, but non of the problems others have had seem to be quite what I am experiencing. I will try not to be too long winded, but...
I had been experimenting with various ROMs from LumpiStefans ROMkitchen and had success in doing so.
The last ROM I used was 2003 SE (then manually loaded trial of voice command). All seemed to work fine, until I saw some information on radio stack 6.25.02 upgrade while visiting Followed the posted instructions, but the upgrade terminated about 75% of the way trough. Upon cold restart the device did not have a radio and began behaving very erraticly.
Spent the rest of the day getting special ROM 1.1 back onto the device and trying to get the stack back to 4.16. After hours of failure (1%), I decided to try another stack (3.23 I think). This worked and allowed me the functionality to connect via active sync and flash a more updated ROM and radio stack (I did not have an SD card writer at the time, but do now).
This sort of brings me to the subject of this post (yea, I know...long winded). Upon getting the new ROM installed and checking functionality, I noticed that the sound did not work.
Now at this point, I must say that the unit had been dropped about 3 months ago, but had been functional apart from a portion of the screen bleeding and sometimes blinking due to a loose connection inside. Somewhere in the midst of all the ROM and radio stack action, the screen was blinking and driving me crazy, so I decided to take the unit apart and see if I could locate the loose connection. I did re-seat the ribbon cable to the LCD, which seemed to help somewhat.
Now...I can't figure out if the lack of sound is due to the stack upgrade, or if I damaged something in the unit when I had it apart.
In troubleshooting the unit, I have discovered the following.
The internal mic and speaker work fine when using the phone.
The headset mic and earbuds also work fine when using the phone.
The internal speaker also works when speakerphone mode is selected while in a phone call.
This would seem to indicate that it is not hardware (at least not in the mic and speaker circuits).
No other sounds come from the unit speaker or external earbuds when playing wav or mp3 files etc. The unit gives no indication that a codec or any other bit of software is missing.
Something worthy of note...when playing a sound file, I can hear a slight click and hiss if I put my ear up to the unit speaker (or use the earbuds).
I have also tried the diagnostics from the bootloader (5.15). When testing the playback, I can only hear a slight click and hiss from the speaker (once for right and once for left).
I'm just wondering if maybe the bit of hardware dedicated to decoding MP3 and WAV files is somehow damaged. Sorry, I can't claim to know how the sound makes its way to the speaker.
Is there a chance that there is a bit of code in the bootloader that could be corrupt?
Can I reload the bootlaoder?
Sorry for taking so much time, but I wanted whoever cares to read this to have as much information as possible.

File seeking noise when listening to MP3?

I'm new to this forum so please be kind
When I listen to MP3 I hear a high pitched whine as the player switches between songs. It only occurs for a second or two right before the music starts, is followed by some lower pitch crackling and then when the track is playing this high pitched noise is absent.
It's relative volume to the music is loud enough that it's pretty irritating.
Is this normal for the Xperia or should I be getting my handset replaced? It's an UK O2 xperia with the latest "leaked" rom loaded and using AKG k414p headphones
First test it with different headphones. If it still occurs then, try another ROM.
This is not a generic bug, as I don't have the problem myself, nor have I seen anyone else post about it here (and trust me, if the problem arose more often, people would have).
So, test a few things and then come back to report =]
I've just checked with another set of headphones and I can still hear it
The problem occurs on both the original o2 rom and 1.03.931.8 which is the latest that i'm aware of.
I'll see if I can think of anything else to try.
I think it is a general bug.
I know, my old SE W850i wasn't made by HTC, but it had the same issue.
It looks like a pink noise, and you don't hear it for very long, because after a few moments (1,5 sec or something) it just dies.. (Like a gate is fading it out)
Since it you can only hear it in a very quite place, it doesn't matter to me..
I'm not gonna use my X1 in places where I need high dynamics..
Have played about with it a bit more and found that the issue isn't as apparent at all when using the player on the Media Panel. I was previously using Pocket Player.
Just to confirm: I Have that high pitched noise too. Just two seconds before next track starts.
No changes between R1AA and R2AA. Actually using Pocketplayer as SRSWOW HD disabled Windows Meadia Player Volume Control. Music on 8GB SDHC Card.
I got my xperia replaced and it would appear that my original handset was faulty. With the new one i can still hear a very quiet and very high pitched whine when it loads up the next track but this noise is in conspicous enough that i can live with it.
The original handset has a much louder high pitched pink noise and also noise like static, so if you're experiencing something like that you should get your handset replaced
looks like i spoke too soon.
This handset has also developed the popping static noise that the previous unit had looks like this could be a generic Xperia fault. It really is quite odd that it would work fine for a day and then develop the same fault as the previous unit.
I experience the same high pitched noise in my swedish X1. It seems to get a little less noticeable when using bigger headphones, but with IEMs it's pretty pronounced but yet acceptable. Another thing that is much more annoying is the cutting out in the beginning and end of songs. Is there a way to get gapless playback in TF3D mode (skinned wmp?) on the X1?
amazingly.... the file seek noise has been eliminated after I installed Touch-it v7!!!!
I'm happy with the x1 as a music player now but it does beg the question "why can't SE sort it out!!!" as it's evidently more likely a software issue rather than a hardware issue.

Htc hd2 sound quality

When I talk on this phone, the sound is very poor... Although not too loud (like other complaints) but the sound crackles at high frequencies... The speakerphone is even worse...
Is anyone aware of some tweaks to improve communication sound on this phone?
Can AudioBooster be set up to work with the phone's sound not only the music player? Any other options ???
Thank you in advance.
Sui Generis said:
When I talk on this phone, the sound is very poor... Although not too loud (like other complaints) but the sound crackles at high frequencies... The speakerphone is even worse...
Is anyone aware of some tweaks to improve communication sound on this phone?
Can AudioBooster be set up to work with the phone's sound not only the music player? Any other options ???
Thank you in advance.
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I think the high volume on this phone is artificially boosted over what it's meant to be, i.e. HTC have modified the audiopara (or something like that) in the Windows folder to try and boost the speakers sound over what it's meant to be.
(Something that ROM coookers figured out on the Diamond I think).
I think, maybe someone can reduce those values back to normal? The speaker will be a little quieter, but it won't crackle or distort as much.
Sui Generis said:
When I talk on this phone, the sound is very poor... Although not too loud (like other complaints) but the sound crackles at high frequencies... The speakerphone is even worse...
Is anyone aware of some tweaks to improve communication sound on this phone?
Can AudioBooster be set up to work with the phone's sound not only the music player? Any other options ???
Thank you in advance.
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How big are these sound crackes...are these continous or at high volume ...
i have the same problem , maybe ill try lower the sound down a bit? or opfully there might be a patch to fix this ?
same problem here
same problem... crackling noise in speaker. Many seem to have this :/
I have same problem and I hope someone will fix this.
Any news?
Change radio!!! without 576MB RAM fix
sound quality
same here the sound quality from both the earpiece and loudspeaker is very poor quality ihave had my phone replaced 3 times and its the same on all , very dissapointing on a phone of this quality bearing in mind its main function is as a phone !!
Zenk_77 said:
Change radio!!! without 576MB RAM fix
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Which radio do you recommend? I have Leo_RADIO_2.07.50.27_2 and a terrible sound while on the phone.
Sound is to loud, impossible to lower volume enough. Much distortion even at lowest volume (which still is to loud). Bad sound in cable handsfree and BT handsfree.
Soundquality while playing music on the other hand is perfect in speaker, handsfree and BT handsfree.
Since sound is often a pretty subjective matter, so I'd like to interject that the phone network only transmits from around 300 Hz to 3,000 Hz. Therefore the sound of a voice over your phone will never sound as clear and nice as it should, let alone like the 192 kbps-MP3-file you are playing
If it's worse compared to other phones however it's, as stated above, likely a problem with the radio. I use the from [REF]The HTC HD2 Radio ROM Thread and have a quite decent quality.
I agree totally - if it sounds good or bad is individually. But, the sound quality in my HD2 is far worse than in my 5 years old SonyEricsson, and when I borrowed a Nokia the other day I was surprised how good (clear, crisp, distorsion free) a cell phone can sound.
I have a lot of distorsion and all too loud sound. Often I have to hold my phone 20 cm away from my ear just to avoid getting half deaf..
Thanks for the tip, I'll try the Radio and hope for a better sound
you can try this hotfix...worked very well @my hd2
i got this from another forum.
little info: some users said that the soundlevel is now always set up to 100%...but try it on your own!
Köttel said:
you can try this hotfix...worked very well @my hd2
i got this from another forum.
little info: some users said that the soundlevel is now always set up to 100%...but try it on your own!
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Thanks, trying it now, will report back after tomorrow's hardcore testing at work..
Return it if you can...
I had Nokia E71 before and it's speaker is fo another level better than HD2... BUT, question is: when I'm gonna use speakerphone on my HD2? ... almost never
Seems better, but a little to subjective at the moment. Will keep trying and report back!
Definitely better after the patch. Quite good actually. I have not seen any side effects yet, only clear sound, and better volume.
Thanks for the hotfix!
Will try it on my colleague's phone also now.
sound quality
I used the hotfix as well but it appears to have made no difference whatsoever to the quality of sound during calls , so my phone is going back to htc again and if it returns with the same issues i will ask for a replacement as due to the ammoun of posts on here this is a major flaw in the phone and a highly irritating one too , i love this phone but the audio quality during calls is appalling in comparison to all my previous phones .
After a couple more days of testing I found out that the patch gave no effect at all. BUT: I found out another thing: Even though the system volume is at lowest according to the meter, if you increase, you actually lower the volume. So, if you during a call first increase and then decrease the volume, it gets acceptable. Still to loud though.
So, it seems like what HTC really should do is to get the dialer use the sound mixer properly. Today it is obviously oversteering which creates distorsion.
this is a war we won't win
Stor-Anders said:
After a couple more days of testing I found out that the patch gave no effect at all. BUT: I found out another thing: Even though the system volume is at lowest according to the meter, if you increase, you actually lower the volume. So, if you during a call first increase and then decrease the volume, it gets acceptable. Still to loud though.
So, it seems like what HTC really should do is to get the dialer use the sound mixer properly. Today it is obviously oversteering which creates distorsion.
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I've bought my HD2 back in Dec the 11th and since then I've been in contact with HTC about fixing this problem. They've given me a debug tool to run on my device, sent the logs twice and so far they've done nothing about it. I've given up. What I do for outgoing calls, while it rings I turn the volume all the way up and then all the way down before the other party answers. doing this you get a decent sound. Can't do much about the incoming calls,
As far as flashing different radios and roms... I've flashed about 30time already. tried all the possible radio/rom combinations but with only slight different results. Nothing to brag about!
the fix I attached helps a little bit!
If anybody finds and cure let us all know! please!!!!!

Sound quality in ear speaker

I'm running a X10i since 2 days. I must say that I'm quite happy with it but I have difficulties with the sound of the ear speaker : as the volume is quite low, I have to increase the volume and when I increase the volume higher than 3/4 to full I hear a lot of cracking and popping.
Do you have the same problem ?
On my phone to sound is quite good. I have to volume at max, and dont have any bad sounds, or unwanted noices.
is this while using the bluetooth headset?
Ive not tested it with the bluetooth set yet...
I seldom use that...
So, I think the sound in the phone itself is great.
How's the ringer volume, because I've heard random reports of it being pretty low.
Unfortunately, it is kind of low....
And i noticed when something blocks the speaker, like having it in the pocket, it becomes even lower...
And if in a somewhat noicy area.. Forget about hearing it..
this is currently one of my main gripes with the X10. The earpiece volume on my unit (firmware 1.6) is extremely low. At highest volume I get cracking and popping. If there is even a little background noise it becomes almost impossible to hear through the earpiece. It's getting to the point where the phone is almost unusable in many situations. Also the speaker volume is quite low as well. Miss many calls and notifications even at full volume.
I have just used the BT headset thus far. and the sound quality is good up until I attach them to the speakers.. Then they make a ****t up sound when I change song, or when it is no sound on at all. This does not happen when I connect them directly to the phone.
I’m having problems with the in-call volume on my X10I.
I called orange uk and was told that there have been many similar complaints with this handset on their network.
I was told them that it may be the deal breaker for me and told them i wished to return the handset.
The rep said that the reason the call volume was low was because i was using my old sim and not the one that was shipped with the upgrade.
Apparently there a certain profiles assigned to each sim for each respective handset???
The rep was confident that this would resolve my in call volume issues.
Anyone else aware of this?
Personally I have no problem with the soundquality. My problem is just low volume in the earpiece. Hopefully this can be turned up in updates or custom ROMs.
Earpiece volume is my main issue. However I am being told that it is down to my sim and not a software issue on the X10.
That doesn't sound right to me (excuse the pun) especailly as so many others are having this same fault.
That's irony for you, it works really well at everything else just not as a phone!
Baggyb said:
Earpiece volume is my main issue. However I am being told that it is down to my sim and not a software issue on the X10.
That doesn't sound right to me (excuse the pun) especailly as so many others are having this same fault.
That's irony for you, it works really well at everything else just not as a phone!
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Hahaha, yeah well... I can't really say if that's true. I'm gonna try and get a new SIM since mine is like... Two-three years old. But I doubt that the SIM is causing problems like this.
I did get a new SIM with my upgrade, but as i didn't want to be without a phone for Two hrs whilst my services transferred to the new SIM, i just popped in my old one.
I will pop my new one in tonight and post my results.
I'm not confident though.
is it normal to hear own echo during a call?
That depends.. Is the person you are calling in the same room?
I've heard the odd few people mention this but I can't say that i've experienced this.
The volumes that low i probably wouldn't hear it anyway
Am on .16 and the volume/quality is ok if a little quiet, am mostly still getting used to switching back to pda phones from a candy bar phone, they are very different on your ear!
Now i'm on 1.0.14 and i thought upgrading to 1.0.16 may fix my issues but that update is not available for me (Orange UK).
Baggyb said:
Now i'm on 1.0.14 and i thought upgrading to 1.0.16 may fix my issues but that update is not available for me (Orange UK).
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I think SE said that the .16 update was for certain carriers and not for the phone itself. And since SE refuses to release change logs we'll probably never know.
Okay so I just changed my SIM card with the brand new one that comes with it, and there's no change in volume... Talking to the tech guy he claims that on some phones it actually did make a difference. Hard to say what they're told to say and what actually happens though.
Thats weird, im getting my X10 on tuesday, and I currently have a desire, and the sound volume in the earpiece isnt that high, and also the ring volume isnt that high, I was hoping for better from the X10 ;-(

