Sinchronizing Magigian on Linux with Synce - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

I followed both steps (usb and bluetooth) with no success...
are there any brave persons that are able to sync this device on Linux? (USB)
If yes, could you please tell me which kernel did u use and yours secret tips? :wink:

What's exactly the problem you encounter? I use Raki and synce on one debian machine, but just to connect, show the magicians screen on the pc's screen and copy files between them, not to sync any data (appointments, etc.).

Which guide did you follow to set it up?
The device is recorgnized by dmesg but i can't connect to it with pppd
Have you tried multisync? It should be the bridge between synce and evolution

I have also successfully used RAKI on KDE desktop (Debian Testing) to connect to the Magician. It transfers files back and forth, with the right iptables masquerading entry (done manually) I can use the Internet, but I cannot sync anything either
I forget exactly what I installed, but everything should b plug&play.
Kernel 2.6.10, Hotplug, Synce-KDE...kernel installed manually, the rest from the Debian dselect program. There are certain things you have to set up with the kernel config.
What distro are you using? Any other details?
Re Multisync; I really do want to get synch'ing going like ActiveSync. I installed it, tried various configs, but I do not get anything in the program... Can anyone else help?

uau, could you please post your software version?
did you pass some arguments to modprobe ipaq ?

uau, could you please post your software version?
did you pass some arguments to modprobe ipaq ?
If you made raki work you should install multisync and the evolution plugin..
it's already in

Hi metnik, sorry for the late reply.
My device is an O2 Mini (aka Magician), information at Settings => System => About, is
Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition
Version 4.21.1088 (Build 14235.2.0.0)
I did not have to pass any arguments to ipaq module. It did everything auto; I guess it is because of the 2.6.10 kernel.
I have installed Multisync from Debian Testing, and it has SynCE and Ximan Evolution 2 plugins. I have created the synchronization pair with these, but NOTHING happens when I press the "Sync" button.
Raki, on the other hand, works nicely with the USB cable; even the KCeMirror works very nicely (window of the device on your desktop).
The only problem with Raki is the synchroniztion setup errors with "No Synchronizer found for (Contact)..."; i.e. I don't know how to get synchronization working with that either... It really would be nice to have a copy of my address book on my Linux partition somewhere. So far it is only on MS Outlook, which I don't use...:-(
Also, I have bluetooth transfers working between the Mini and my laptop, however, I havent figured out how to get bluetooth working with Raki. It would be rather nice.
Any clues?


HaRET don't bootup linux :(

Hello ,
I'm a newbie and have used the introductions on to boot linux on my himalaya. Unfortunatily the pops up dialog "Launch a script file. Default ..." when i tap on HaRET-0.3.2d.exe . I can't connect to port 9999, too.
Please Help me
Hi snowdrop,
the dialog means that your prepared scriptfile hasn´t been found and executed. This could be because you misspelled the name. Keep in mind that all filenames have a 3-letter extension which is not visible in windows. I.e. if your FileExplorer says "startup.txt" the filename is "startup.txt.txt".
Or maybe you installed the startup script in a different directory than HaRET. IMHO it´s easiest to install all 4 files (haret, startup, kernel, initrd) in a separate dir unter \Storage where you don´t have to reinstall it after a reboot.
Don´t hesitate to ask further if this doesn´t anwer your question.
Hallo noone,
thanks for your reply. I copied all neccessary file under "\Storage Card\". The filename is "setup.txt" (the filexplorer says startup without extention but i'm sure it is named startup.txt through my activesync under Windows). All files are under "\Storage Card\", (also the HaRET-0.3.2d.exe and startup.txt files). :roll:
Hi snowdrop,
I'm not really sure about that. It works for me all the time.
Maybe you can track down the problem with a network connection. You have to disable ActiveSync on your host PC and to start a connection with SynCE. This requires usbserial and ipaq as well as ppp loaded into the kernel. When you cradle the himalaya you should get a message from usbserial about the attached device (usually /dev/ttyUSB0).
After synce-serial-configure (root), dccm (user) and synce-serial-start (root) the Himalaya should display the connection sign in the bottom bar. Be careful: ActiveSync on the Himalaya may or may not try to start a GPRS session. This can become expensive sometimes
After establishing the PPP connection from PC to Himalaya you connect to port 9999 (refer to SynCE's documentation about the IP addresses). Then you can enter the commands of the startup.txt script line by line.
Hello Matthias,
what is SynCE? I'm using Windows as host PC.
Are synce-serial-configure (root), dccm (user) and synce-serial-start Linux Tools??? :?:
i after some hard work (and hardware reset), i'm now able to see the penguin(with red eyes and red thermometer) . But then nothing will be done
Actually I thought, that there is also a graphical user interface for linux. Now my question:
Do you ONLY remote login into your linux and have JUST a console application? Or have you also GUI applications and a desktop under linux for himalaya at the time.
Thanks for your answers
it will of cause never run any linux applications not compiled for it
like windows CE will not run pc windows applications
if you can find a kernel compiled for it
you can use it otherwise you'll have to compile your own
the same goes for a version of x11 and any other applications you may wish to run
though in the world of linux sourcecode is much easier to come but and compile yourself then they are under windows
can you give some usefull links about linux application on PDA?
I want too much to run linux under my himalaya .
havent really messed with it
here is another distro for xda not sure if he ever got finished with it
havent kept up on it really
what you have to look for is pretty much
applications for the arm cpu
and you can also look for linux of ipaq and other pda's which use the arm cpu they would also run on the xda
but i havent really kept up todate about the whole project
so i dont know how long any of the project have gotten
and i dont know how many applications can be portet because of graphical limits in the desktop manager like glib
but i'm sure there must be others in this forum who mess around with these things
Maybe the guys at could give you some more info, got lots of help getting linux running on my ipaq 5550 (never quite got it working to my liking though)

Qtek S200 Active sync not working Drivers needed

Hello all,
I have bought qtek S200 recently and i have spent a lot of man hours trying to get this thing to sync with my desktop computer. it works fine with my laptop however doesn't want to sync with my desktop.
I get an new hardware wizard when i plug my pda into the USB requests for me to point to the drivers because windows was unable to find drivers.. I have gone through troubleshooting steps where disabling firewall / ant virus. Uninstalling active sync reinstalling / downgrading active sync and upgrading no luck. doesn’t matter if i try 3.8 or 4.2 it doesn't want to recognize my device and asks for the drivers.
i have windows xp with service pack 2 installed. so at this point i am wondering if someone has the driver files for it ? or what should be next step, any help would be appreciated.
Don't even try with activesync 3.8. It doesn't support WM5. Use 4.1 or 4.2...
Can't help beyond that...
I tought I had tried everything as well, when I found this utility over at Modaco (apparently included in the latest Dopod ROM).
Install and switch from RNDIS to Serial using the program and voila - worked like a charm for me!
Hope it helps!
After fighting with this device and my system for about 2 weeks. i noticed that my system had become so unstable that it wont' accept any new hardware. I tried installing a new 3COM network card and mostly 3com NIC's dont' require drivers however my system poped a window stating can't find drivers and put the device in system not working properly status.
so then i decided to format my computer and after the format, installed service pack 2 for xp and tried ACTIVE SYNC. without a problem it worked fine.

Prophet similar to HTC Wizard - Help porting Linux to them!

Hello there,
as many of you may already know, the HTC Prophet shares a lot of its hardware with the HTC Wizard. We, the Linwizard Project, aim to port Linux to this OMAP-platform, as other users did port Linux for PXA-based devices like HTC Universal...etc.
I just want to invite you Prophet Users to checkout our project. Our procedure and yet available kernel should also run on your phone....
Hi, I want to install Linux on my new Qtek s200, but I don't know how to do that. What is the project's actual status? I hate WM5
Is there any updates to this as yet? I would really love to see this ported/Running to my HTC prophet
Running it now
Yes, there has been some progress... the basic PDA functions are available: X runs, touchscreen works making it possible to run GPE on it:
Here's a link to a recent build which works reasonably well. It contains the f*ugly GPE shell so it is not pretty to look at, but it does work.
To try this for yourself, download the image, unpack the tarball and copy the entire contents to a directory on your SD-card. Go into that directory and run haret-0.5.2.exe. Run the 'default.txt' configuration.
Once the kernel boots it will start a telnet daemon on Configure your side of the rndis network to be (ifconfig usb0 on Linux, whatever on Windows) and telnet Login as root, there is no password. Once logged in run startx to get GPE up and running.
Once GPE runs you'll want to add the onscreen keyboard to the panel. To do this tap-and-hold on the taskbar (bottom of screen) and add the 'input selector'. This gives you an on-screen keyboard just like the WM-one. Add a terminal launcher as well to get access to an xterm.
If all this is gibberish to you you might want to learn some unix/linux before you try...
Thanks alot it works on my prophet it's very fast to but am unable to login as root is there a way I can login to linux without using typing root? if not can u help me with the telneting into it please what software do I have to use on my pc it's a Windows is there anysite with instructions? I like it alot but since the prophet dont got a keyboard on it's own am not able to login please help and Thanks in Advance
Booting and running Linux on the Prophet
Most of what you need to boot and run Linux is described on the linwizard project site:
The version offered on the site is out of date - it does not do much more than boot the kernel which you can control through SSH (on
To do some more with Linux you'll want to get a newer release. The one mentioned in the previous posting is a good example of where the project is now: relatively complete PDA-support but no real GSM support - so you can not use it as a phone...
To see Linux in action you download the tarball, untar it on your SD-card (either in a card reader on your PC or by untarring it on the PC and transferring all files to a directory below /Storage Card/. Once that is done you are well advised to do a soft reset to clear some memory as haret - the program used to push Windows Mobile out of the way and replace it with Linux - likes memory. After the (optional but advisable) soft reset you take your $favourite_file_manager to the directory where you put the contents of the tarball, execute haret-0.5.2.exe and run the default configuration (just click Run). Linux should boot, albeit slowly (it takes a long time to read the initrd - initial ramdisk - from the SD card). If you get a white screen which stays white for a long time you might as well reboot and try again. If you get a screen with a penguin with a hat on you're in. Plug in the USB cable if you haven't done that yet. You'll be staring at a login: prompt with no obvious means to type anything anywhere... that is because this Linux distribution is made for the Wizard instead of the Prophet, and the Wizard *does* have a keyboard. For now you'll have to resort to telnet to login and get things going. The phone is now listening on the cdc_ethernet interface (over the USB connection) on IP so you'll want to configure the PC-side of the connection to something within that network range - seems a logical choice. Configure the PC-side of the connection with IP (ifconfig usb0 up on Linux, many many mouseclicks in the network manager on Windows). Once you have the network configured you can login with *telnet* (NOT ssh as mentioned on the linwizard site, the gizard tarball only has an active telnet daemon!), username is root, there is no password.
Once logged in use 'startx' to get the GPE shell running. It will complain about not being able to find a keyboard. The 'X' cursor appears, follwed shortly by the butt-ugly GPE interface. Once in the shell you can add a keyboard to the taskbar (tap-and-hold, choose add->input manager). There's more stuff to add, like a terminal (always handy) etc. Wifi does not work yet, GSM does not work yet, you just got yourself an iPaq...
If you're looking for eye-candy this is not it - yet. But as it is Linux, and free, and open, it can become anything you want it to...r
Am still getting error when trying to connect to my prophet useing usb is there anyway anything I need windows cant find the drivers is there a site I can download one from that supports my HTC prophet? And I tryed to connect to it but no luck I change my ip address to and tryed to telnet to but nothing, is there anyway to ping the device to see if it's up and running am upset, you sure there is no way to use it without having to login as root? This is giving me stress but al keep trying but am sure am missing somthing but what is it do you know? BTW I used the Drivers from
hope thats works for the prophet if not can you please help me find a driver for my prophet thanks again and good work
Sorry I got it to work I made a mistake its ip address telnet it works I even uploaded some pictures of it enjoy
I used a Nokia 3595 to take the pictures
just more pictures
Just a more pictures I love it I wish we can use it as a phone
They were taken with the Iphone
if Linux works on the HTC prophet then the Google operating system andriod must work to right? If so any information about it being ported to run on our phones?
hi all, i'm trying to make linux booting, but as just i start the haret and press run to execute the default.txt, it tell me :
kernel syncing panic.... and reboot after 30 seconds
any suggestion? i'm using vista 64bit and a qtek s200 wm6.1
Well am not to sure about this but al try to help Now tell me first did the linux boot on your ppc? to the screen were its asking for username? if so its ok if Not and it resets your mobile then something is wrong tell me what does it say and to tell net to it first you need the drivers did you get it? if not al post a link to download it ok I never had that problem before try running it on your SD card did you download all the files needed? I just updated my prophet rom so al try it my self it could be a firmware problem al try my best to help you ok
umh i havent installed any driver on my pc...... on the profhet, all i do was extracting files and run harted 0.5.2 .... and then press run. shell start, but then i got this error, i think it's more a pc-phone related problem..... i'll try do some other test
PS: telnet or ssh doesnt work
when i had BA phone, i was able to install linux on it, but i had just to start harted and all was working then.
Well it could be a ROM issue try to close unused programs it might help were is the files located? in the main memory or storage card? Anyway keep trying I don't understand much the drivers I posted a link for it already read my older replys ok And try a different ROM becouse am not getting this problem on mines
is it already found how to call with linux?
that is fantastic, I will refresh my Xda neo
Hi everyone!!
I'm trying to boot linux on my device, but when I type "startx" it not start the GUI..
Which version did you try??
To boot linux, I always need a pc to do the login??
Hi, i have one prophet and yesterday runned one old version of android (0.8 think), i follow one tutorial of this forum(think, i visited a lot of web for this...) plus to it one haret(0.5.0 i think because download a lot of haret) and android runned in my prophet..but it were very very very slow and i'dont like it...
How can i put GPE in my prophet?
can i make it with linwizad 0.2.0?are all necesary files into?
is need one pc with linux for start it(i don't have it, any solution)?
PS Sorry about my bad english
I found this in the web:
Can it help us?
I would like run linux in my prophet..but i never use Linux...
Is possible OPIE in prophet?
Also this:
Is interesting post #10 OpenMoko s100...not?

TYTN and LINUX Challenges

I am fighting with these challenges, i am near to the final positive result,but still have problems...
I hope you can help me.
1) connect to internet via DUN
2) Connect to internet via PAN
3) Connect to internet via USB modem
4) Connect to internet via USB Internet sharing
5) Browsing and synchronizing the device
These are the little result so far :
1) Installed this cab : (thanx to the Author) and DUN is again available.
IT works without problems with Winzoz, but i am not succeeding with Linux.
I made the usual steps (like this post explain, i.e. : ) linux finds the modem but cannot make it call... (init strings for the modem perhaps?)
What the init string for the TyTN modem?
Any Hints?
( an A1000 works perfect via DUN and the same stick)
2) I followed this guide (thanks to the author)
And the whole thing works (bnet is connected with IP address and has gateway ) except the fact that i cannot browse internet pages.
Could it be a DNS problem?
I'll try manual configuration and let you know.
3) I tried the connection using the ttyUSB0, modem is ready but does not initialize... HINTS ?
4) SYNCE or something easier?
5) I think Synce is the answer, but at the moment it does not work in my distribution (mandriva). A lot of problems during installation (RPMs and source compiled, non difference). I'll try again. I've followed the How to published around here, ( but i have problems with odccm... it does not install.
other ideas?
I hope this post could become a sort of "mini how to", combining different issues related to the same argument : TYTN and LINUX
Thanx in advance to everyone who will help.
Are these challenges so HARD?
No one here around uses linux and TYTN?
Let's try solving one by one,
let's start with USB.
I tried this one
with windoz it is immediately recognized as a usb mmodem, but with linux the ppp scripts waits for "OK" till timeout.
I also tried the old wirelessmodem, the one for WM5, posted here ,
but it does not show the kind of connection in the box (it is blank).
I tried to start it even if the box is blank, Windows recognizes it as a serial device, linux gets a lot of "OK" (KPPP) and Tytn shows the message "Please end data call first!"
I also tried this:
But when i hit start It says "Not registered to the network!".
This is about Linux and USB moden... perhaps someone of you has succedeed?
Please report.
The other issue would be having internet sharing working with linux and usb ...
So linux users, let's try...
i'm a ubuntu user, and i feel you.. i don't want to run virtual box, so i just deal with no direct pda syncing.
i tried synce, and failed twice, months apart. (probably my fault somehow)
i do however have to use windows at work, so i end up doing most of my flashing and such there.
though, if you find a good NATIVE solution, let me know!
I am using Kubuntu, and can browse the My Documents folder of my PDA, so at least everything is talking to each other. However, I have not got round to configuring the synchronisation side of things; hopefully it should be possible.
did you install synceor is somethingnative in your distribution?
Ahd what about the point 1 to 4?
Whether as internet sharing or modem, usb o BT, are you using the Tytn to connect thelinux box to the net?
I am really coing mad, i feel i am so near but i still cannot...
I don't understant why the Pand does not work for example, bnet has the right IP, has it's gatewaqy but still i cannot browse the net...
devilman - no, it was not native; I think it was SynCE, although, I can't be sure. It took some tinkering to get it going, but, now the device is immediately recognised when it is plugged in (USB) and ActiveSync is run.
To get the next stage working, I need to override the choice of library, as it continually tries to use an old version (libsync, I think), even though a new one is installed.
I have not tried 1-4, and, would not be sure how to do them, other than just trying to mount the device as a modem, and then using *99# as the number. In terms of init strings, these vary slightly by service- for example, for Vodafone UK, it is:
(The "z" at front is the AT command for modem reset; it might or might be necessary, but, sometimes helps the connection to work.)
well, I tried, as said in the first post,to use tytn asmodem.
To have it working with BT you have to install the hack in order to have DUn again.
To have it recognizedas a modem you have to put in in in the "modem" status (again, in WM6 wireless modem is not available,so you have to use the old one or the third party product).
In both case the lnux box connects with modem but i son't succeed in having it call the number...
I used the "usual" AT commands, like the "z" and the cgdcount...
I saw you'd got as far as having the device recognised as a modem, but didn't know quite how far you'd got. However, my Linux skills are so poor, I honestly wouldn't know where to go if the standard init. script did not work.
If terms of calling a number, would that not be *99# though?
Please, has noone found out how to have it working?
I am going mad about this.
I need a way to connect my linux box via tytn, usb or bt...
Any hint?
Uhm, for the last one (browsing the pocket pc) I use wm5torage. That turns your pocket pc into a USB disk and Ubuntu easily recognizes that as a removable drive. It is not the perfect solution but it is easy, fast and works.
and...i have another question
can anyone install an embedded-linux on Tytn, i mean use dual-system ?
is it possible?
ss1271 said:
and...i have another question
can anyone install an embedded-linux on Tytn, i mean use dual-system ?
is it possible?
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there is another 3d all for this issue.
devilman said:
Please, has noone found out how to have it working?
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I'm on Ubuntu 7.10 and running the official T-Mobile Austria WM6 upgrade on my Vario 2, Bluetooth PAN works flawlessly:
sudo pand --connect XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
sudo dhclient bnep0
Back in WM5 days Bluetooth DUN worked as well, using the following chatscript in /etc/chatscripts/provider which I created with pppconfig:
# This chatfile was generated by pppconfig 2.3.17.
# Please do not delete any of the comments. Pppconfig needs them.
# ispauth chat
# abortstring
# modeminit
'' ATZ+cgdcont=1,"IP","gprsinternet"
# ispnumber
# ispconnect
# prelogin
# ispname
#ogin: replace_with_name
# isppassword
#ssword: \qreplace_with_password
# postlogin
'' \d\c
# end of pppconfig stuff
and the corresponding /etc/ppp/peers/provider:
connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/provider"
remotename provider
ipparam provider
of course, for this solution to work you would have to set up the rfcomm port for your tytn in /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf
rfcomm0 {
bind yes;
device XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX;
channel 4;
comment "T-Mobile Vario II Bluetooth Dial-Up";
you should now be able to connect using the "pon" command.
I hope this post is of some help to you... good luck!
ya, too bad ;(
i still can`t use calendar or contact sync functions.
greets, Nik
devilman said:
4) Connect to internet via USB Internet sharing
4) SYNCE or something easier?
I hope this post could become a sort of "mini how to", combining different issues related to the same argument : TYTN and LINUX
Thanx in advance to everyone who will help.
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Depending on your kernel version (I think this applies to 2.6.21 and greater, but check other docs to be sure), there is a kernel module known as usb-rnds-lite. Get it (links from synce wikis), make it, use it, love it.
I have used it to ICS several devices, 8525, 8925, BlackJack I and II... only quirk is that is works best to start ICS _then_ connect the USB cable.
I suggest you to read this article:
You can also search by Google: "bnep0 pand pda linux"

Sync with OpenSuse/Ubuntu

hi all guru here,
Do you know how to get the HTC Dual Touch connect with linux and sync?
other than wine, im not sure
apparently, activesync 4.1 works under ubuntu and wine.
i've downloaded the ActiveSync 4.3.. i think.. but it's in .CAB format... wine can't recognize it and install.. :'(
I tried with ActiveSync 4.5 which is a .msi file (MS installer),wine supports it with "wine msiexec /i filename.msi". It installed well but when I try to use it wine reports "Unsupported socket family".
I didn't waste too much time on it...if someone had better luck please share
ZhenMing said:
i've downloaded the ActiveSync 4.3.. i think.. but it's in .CAB format... wine can't recognize it and install.. :'(
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tripledes said:
I tried with ActiveSync 4.5 which is a .msi file (MS installer),wine supports it with "wine msiexec /i filename.msi". It installed well but when I try to use it wine reports "Unsupported socket family".
I didn't waste too much time on it...if someone had better luck please share
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I've installed the v4.5 to the system through the command you recoommand... but when launch the active sync, it says no USB port found when want to sync...
How to make the USB port through WINE?
Maybe you should check this out:
Succes, and please tell us if it works and how you got it to work (if you did ofcourse)
fritsypeij said:
Maybe you should check this out:
Succes, and please tell us if it works and how you got it to work (if you did ofcourse)
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Hi, the above links to a project I have been working on (SynCE-KPM). I just want to clarify a bit about it:
* SynCE-KPM is builds upon some components of the SynCE project, you will need that to be installed before you can actually use SynCE-KPM (see for instructions. )
* SynCE-KPM does NOT do the actual syncing. Syncing of the PIM data on the phone can be done to any PIM application supported by the OpenSync project (Currently basically Evolution and Kontact, though there is a google plugin also IIRC).
If you want to install the SynCE on your computer, make sure that you follow the guides that are provided on because a lot of the guides found on the net are either a bit outdated and contain errors or are oriented to the WM2003 devices, which require a completely different way of connecting.
Guido Diepen
I'm currently sinking using this method
Any suggestions on a good program to manage
I'd say stick to Evolution for PIM data, and use the opensync frame work to sync. All info and a good how to can be found at Just follow the setup for ubuntu.
I've been syncing flawlessly for the past year.

