How to Connect XDA2 to Active Sync Via Bluetooth for Avantgo - Networking

Hi, im trying to connect my XDA2 to my activesync on the computer via bluetooth, so that i can use avantgo to brouse web pages via my desktops internet connection wirelessly, i can get this to work when docked in the cradle, but theres no point in brousin the net on ur xda2 if your pcs just in front of you,
can someone help me please,
widcomm bluetooth software

i want to do the same
i want to do the same
activesync over bluetooth
plz helppppp


"how to" view internet pages using bluetooth

Thanks to the last chap who told me to use activesync to view web pages using bluetooth.. the problem is "How" to get it to do that.. I have a little bluetooth dongle on the pc but they don't seem to talk to each other even though they are bonded.. and precisely how do i view an internet page using bluetooth
Do you tyhink it may be a bluetooth compatiblilty issue.. I've heard that maybe a different dongle and driver may do the trick?
The Idiot's guide would be much appreciated!!!
I downloaded the Bluetooth application ("fix") from here:
Then Bluetooth works perfectly with my 3com PCMCIA card in the laptop.
I now only do ActiveSync via Bluetooth with one exception - when I want to send music via Windows Media to the Imate I have to use the cradle or cable because the bluetooth appears to the laptop as a serial link and the Windows Media does not support serial devices.
I can also use internet on the Imate via ActiveSync and bluetooth - although generally I stick to the laptop for that !
Regards, Dave
Thanks but unfortunately the fix doesn't bring up a web page anymore.. what is it that your suggested fix is fixing? AArrghhh! Can someone please come to the house and sort it out!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks but unfortunately the fix doesn't bring up a web page anymore.. what is it that your suggested fix is fixing? AArrghhh! Can someone please come to the house and sort it out!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi again,
This bluetooth fix allows a simple connection from PC to Imate via ActiveSync and Bluetooth. It does not address internet issues.
Have you tried connecting the Imate/XDA2 to a PC with cable or cradle and then used Internet ?
It could be that your problem is not with Bluetooth - have you tried the Connection settings ? or, have you check the ActiveSync settings on the Imate.
Rgds, Dave
I probably understood your problem. You can't connect your Xda via ActiveSync via bluetooth.
First..assure the 2 Bluetooth devices are on discoverable mode.
Then go into your Pocket Pc START-Settings-System-Blueooth settings-tap to Bluetooth ActyveSync setup[start]
Select Discoverable mode and Tap in Bonded devices and NEW..
So..wait and Select your pc.
Then you will pair your pc with Pda.
Inserted the same code on 2 devices you probably can connect to ActiveSync via bluetooth.
Simply go in your Pocket pc,START-ActiveSync-Tools-Connect via bluetooth.
If this not help,try to set the right port on your PC ActiveSync-File-Connection Settings-COM1-2...etc..
Contact me if problems seems unsolved
[email protected]

Connect Active Sync To XDA 2 Using Bluetooth

Im trying to connect my xda2 to the active sync program on my pc using bluetooth rather that putting it in the cradle, i want to view web pages using my pcs internet connection on my xda2, so i can take it about the house, i can do it when its in its cradle, but did't manage to go very far with it lol, and i did manage to do it using bluetooth once, but cannot seem tog get it working again, does anyone know what you have to do to make this work,
Are you using the bluetooth drivers in XP SP2? on your pc
im running windows 98se
Active Sync 3.7
WIDCOMM Bluetooth Software

Internet over BT @ laptop

Does anyone know how to connect my laptop to internet by Bluetooth at MDA Compact ? I had Bluesoleil drivers at laptop, and MDA.
"Wireless Modem" doesn't works at Bluesoleil drivers.
I'm using MDA Compact 2 (WM5), which I think ought to be the same. You don't need fancy stuff to have it connected. I did it before, and I have some instructions somewhere in this forum.
Anyway, when sync-ing your device (whatever method), try accessing internet on your device. If that is ok, you just need to use your bluetooth to sync your device to have internet connetion. Its an easy job.
It doesn't work. When I sync, my MDA try to access to Internet via laptop.
I need connect my laptop via MDA (GPRS), not MDA via laptop.
If U do a search on this forum, U should be able to find ActiveSync over BT discussion (for me, I use the stock BT driver.) After activesync, U got internet aceess thru activesync.

activesync over bluetooth

will someone please help me in configuring active sync over bluetooth..
i want to connect my jasjar with my pc over bluetooth.
when i search in the bluetooth of my jasjar the computer is shown in the devices but in the service there is no activesync
Hi I was puzzled with this the other day. I found that if you open ActiveSync and click Menu then Connect via Bluetooth. It worked fine then.
Hope this helps
Before you can connect, you need to make sure your PC has a bluetooth com port. Then in ActiveSync, enable connection via that com port.
Once that's done, you can use the connect via bluetooth on activesync on your ppc, and you can choose your pc.

cannot connect internet through bluetooth/IR activesync!!!

I don't know why i cant. I can connect internet through usb activesync.
Before, my O2 Atom, Hp 6828 and dopod 838 pro can.
I tried hardreset but i still have problem.
Anyone have problem?
PS: Dopod D810 Chinese
Create incoming BT port on PC.
Set Activesync on PC to allow connections to that port.
Open up PPC, pair with PC (while NOT connected to USB), make sure ActiveSync service is available on the device.
Remove all proxies from PPC connection settings.
Turn off firewall on PC (just in case).
Connect to PC via BT from PPC ActiveSync. It should work.
thx first
already follow your step, still cannot
my D810 can do bt /irda activesync, only cannot connect internet via bt activesync/irda activesync
i tried bt activesync in my destop and irda activesync in laptop, both have problem~

