Do I need a modem Init string when using Orange - Networking

Trying to use the XDA2 (and the E200) as a BT modem from the laptop dialling *99# but get fairly frequent link loss errors (or no response at all). Sometimes it does work, however.
Is this another area where the Sony Ericsson Bluetooth stack wins hands down??

I'm pleased you're having some success. I've had none at all.
Could you post your settings etc.?

I dont think the MS BT stack is capable of support a modem.
afaik it 'only' support headset profile and serial port profile (latter as from rom 1.72).
If you want more, maybe the widcomm stack is a solution, but it causes some setbacks too (see the appropiate threads)

I'd be happy to get it to work with USB. Can it? With Orange?


Bluetooth GPRS on PC

I'm trying to use my XDA2 to provide Internet Access (GPRS) via BT to my portable PC.
I'm using my PCs built-in Bluetooth-module (running on WIDCOMM 1.4.1 Build 6)
I have no problem synchronizing my XDA2 with Outlook using BT (since this is a connection initiated by the XDA2) but if I "browse" the services on my XDA2 from my PC I only get OBEX Object Push.
I know from previous occations that you should be able to see Serial Ports etc.
My XDA2 is running on the following version:
R: 1.06.01
G: 1337.16
D: 1.60.00WWE
And Pocket Bluetooth Tools
Can anyone tell me what to look for?
Thanx in advance
You can try using the XDA II in the wireless modem mode... See your program files for this application. Works for me.
There's your problem... You need to uninstall Pocket Bluetooth Tools; it removes your SSA service (which you need for BT Wireless Modem)
Hmm I also do use the Bluetooth Tools so I doubt you need to remove this very handy app. ?
Well, I had to hard-reset my PDA in order to remove Pocket Bluetooth Tools (PBT), so I don't know if it was the hard-reset or PBT that did the works, but now I get the SSA profile and can connect to it without any problems.
Unfortunatly I lost the option to sync my PDA via Bluetooth, since Active Sync cant find any ports. So I'll give PBT another try, otherwise I'll just use the FIR-port to sync.
Thank you for your help. I'll let you know how things work out, when I re-install PBT.
Best regard,
What ROM you running? With the 1.72, you have the options of enablign outgoing and incoming COM ports in the settings menu (Start --> Settings --> Bluetooth Settings)
Before installing Bluetooth Tools, I've got: Serial, SSA, Object Push, and one more.
After installing: I've only got Serial and the other one that I cannot remember.
For me, it was the Bluetooth Tools that was holding me back. I've emailed the author to see whether he can add the SSA port.
Well, first of all, I was thrilled to find out that I no longer have to start the Wireless Modem-app to use the GPRS-connection on my laptop. Apperantly a modem-emulator runs in the background, so my XDA2 stays fully functional while its forwarding GPRS traffic. (Though I think it's strange that theres no indication what-so-ever that the GPRS is in use - normally you get a different icon at the antenna)
Anyways, I installed the latest version af Pocket Bluetooth Tools (PBT). And the SSA-profile was still there and working. Then I paired my laptop using the ActiveSync profile in PBT - and wupti: Both the GPRS "dial-through"/SSA and ActiveSync is working - at the same time.
Now, all thats left is to pair it with my BT GPS receiver. Can't do it at moment since it's at home - I don't expect any problems with it though. Usually works without problems.
Thank you again for your input.
hmm... that's awesome. I'll install Pocket Bluetooth again and see whether it works.
Can you answer these:
1. Which ROM you using (ie. O2 1.60)
2. Which version of Pocket Bluetooth Tools?
Thanks... That's awesome news though. I love how it turns the Bluetooth on and off automatically.
I'm using ROM 1.60.00WWE (QTek) and the latest version of PBT (
It works like a dream
I guess it's possible that Pocket Bluetooth is conflicting with 1.72
I know for a fact, that ver. is conflicting with 1.72 - my friend tried to use this.
He then installed a previous version of PBT, but still can't see the SSA-profile, but the ActiveSync profile now works.
He will try to uninstall PBT and see if the SSA appears.
oh okay... I might have to downgrade to 1.60...
What's the main difference between 1.60 and 1.72?
I just talked to my friend again. Seems I misunderstood him the first time. The reason he uses an older version of PBT is that with the new version his headset-profile is not supported.
Apparantly the biggest advantage of the 1.70 is the improved battery lifetime. He says he only charges his battery twice as often now. I'm sure there are other improvements - I just can't find 'em in the Upgrade 'n Modifying-forum right now.
I did the downgrade to 1.60 last night and I noticed something weird about PBT... After bonding with a device, you need to leave that last screen (the one that PBT created) unchecked and all will work fine.
Not sure if I tried this workaround with 1.72; but non-the-less, seems to be working. I did however lose the Audio Gateway after installing PBT. But no biggie, don't want to listen use my PDA as an audio gateway for my PC.
Hmm. I checked the Active Sync-box, otherwise I couldn't connect via Active Sync over BT, since it wasn't in the menu.
But I don't remember if I paired it from the PDA or the PC. But everything works - also the GPS - so I guess it's simply a question on fidling with it.
Exactly... I'll play with it and see how to get the most out of it without messing it up.

Widcomm Phone Edition stack working - get it here!!!

Hi Guys: I have got the Widcomm Phone edition stack working on my unit.
It seems to be fine but I have not fully tested all aspects of the software - so if any little bits don't work, let me know...
You need to install the official widcomm 1-4-1-59 version
Then you can upgrade it using the cab file I have made.
The version file I got from the following topic
thanks go to mamaich for the file.
the upgrade file consistes of the PE edition files and the required registry entries.
Let me know how you all go on with it - but I am not really a hacker so any serious probs I will not be able to fix...
if anyone else can improve on the installation be my guest
any news about which profiles it support that ms or the old one dont support ?
I hope unintall won't mess up my volume as in case of original
I can't garauntee it works perfectly, so I suggest everyone make a backup of their system before use.
has anyone tested any BT headset with this new stack?
I've got it installed and it all seems to work well exept for the handsfree/headset profile, I have set up my headset ok it is discovered and bonds fine but when I try to connect from the xda2 the connection fails after "waiting for device" for some time. tried with a motorola hs 810 and a neovoice usb, same with both. Anyone got any ideas?
BT headset
I have a 6315 and an XDA 2, I haven't tried the BT Stack on the XDA 2 yet but I found when I bondeded my HBH-30 to my 6315 once it made the connection my BT Headset shut off for some reson. This caused the bonding to fail, but as soon as I turned my headset back on (while it was trying to discover services) it completed the process and worked on my 6315. I'm not sure if this will be the same, but it's worth a shot.
Test results
Hi fellows
Here is little bit of my testing of this new BT Stack, which we all awaiting for..
1. Installed as per instructions 1.59 without any problem. During installation was prom to override .dll files – agreed to do that. For good or for bad – will see later.
2. Installed .cab file provided by icarusbop (big thanks to him for doing this) without any problem. Screen shots will be attached below.
3. Reset it as requested upon installation and got Widcomm BT working instead of MS BT..
4. Paired it with my BlueTrek G2 within 3 seconds (which took usually 10 sec with MS BT)
5. BT recognized G2 as device with Headset/Hands-Free profiles and asked to use as default… I said yes…
Here comes Cons part ;(
1. Unfortunately even after paring – my I-Mate can not get connected with G2 (see screen shot)
2. As you can see in another screen shot – there is Hands Free menu – it can not be accessed, or can be accessed ONLY while connection is established.
3. AND the last L … So, this new BT is not working now… I decided to go back to MS BT… SURPISE!!! I am getting message that BT HARDWARE IS NOT INSTALL ON THIS UNIT…. L Assumption - .dll files were overwritten (see Proc 1)
Here is my 2 cents in this jorney… I am hoping that described problems can be fixed and we can make it working (without doing hard reset on my device )
thanks guys! for testing hands-free/headset profile. by now everything seems to work fine with this new stack except for hands-free/headset profile.
New comments to my testing
1. I tried what NeoCole recommended - didn't work for me
2. As soon as new BT is OFF - MS BT is working fine .....uf
I posted this is another thread - but in case someone does not read that thread . . . it is relevant here as well.
If the intent of this is to get voice dialing without touching the device, that is by only pressing a button on the headset to initiate a voice-dial program to make the call, there is no evidence this works with this BT stack either.
I have been reading other forums with people who have the H6315 already (mine is in the mail to me now) and none of them have been able to make this work. Nor is there any mention of this capability in any of the literature and/or documentation for this device. It seems that if this was a feature of this phone, it would be prominently displayed!
Voice Command
Okay.. on my 6315 I press the headset button, it beeps, sound and voice is now transfered to the headset. I do this before I initate voice command. Now all I do is press a button that activates Voice Command on the PPC and walla, I'm speaking and listening through my BT Headset. This is a huge step forward from using the MS Stack, and I feel that since the Phone Edition of the Widcomm is 1.0.0 I'm sure that they'll associate a hardware button with the headset button in future releases. Anyhow.. I think that the functionality of the Widcomm BT Stack is well worth the work. The XDA 2 would be a lot better device if the BT Stack worked 100% of the time and was fully compatibile.
I also have not got it working.
the Hp 6315 is well know to still require a hardware button press (not on the headset) to activate voice command. They can still not do with any nokia or SE phone can do easily.
That would be correct... One press of the HW Button does it all on a Regular phone.
The 6315 has brought it closer to allow you to interact with programs using your BT Headset, but yes you must still activate the programs on your handset before you can use them with your headset.
So.. to sum it up...
1. You can't interact with Voice Command using MS BT Stack on an XDA 2
2. You can interact with Voice Command using Widcomm Stack on 6315, but you have to activate the headset first, then start VoiceCommand on the PPC by using the HW Button.
Hopefully through this thread we'll be able to give the XDA 2 the same functionality as the 6315.
And maybe if Widcomm provides an update to allow the headset to activate a HW button, we'll be to the one step solution.
I do not want my comments to be read as stating that this is not a worthwile endeavor. I simply meant to make sure that someone does not go to the trouble of installing this new stack (particularly those who might be considered novices) with the mistaken impression that by doing so they will have that "one step" voice dialing solution.
This is by all means a worthwile endeavor, but it is merely a step down the road . . . not the final destination.
Y'all are doing good work - keep on blazing that trail!
hm.. I would think that it is more of MS Voice Dial functionality than BT - to recognize signal sent from headset as request for voice dialing.
When MS released first version of Voice Dialing they did not expect new functionality to have BT headset with hands-free profile connected to the device.
paired with my Jabra 250 = ok
connected to my Jabra 250 = failed
No luck with Moto headset
Eveything else seem to be working. No problems with detecting and working with BT access point
rehman said:
I hope unintall won't mess up my volume as in case of original
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Hi Rehman,
i tried to install and uninstall, for the very first time i didn't have to get a Hard-Reset done. the volume didn't disappear. so i believe trying it wont be a harm, but yet i would recommend to get a full Backup first.
Trying to figure this out
Okay, I looked through the whole registry. I can't find anything out of the ordinary. Only thing I can think of is the sound driver. Does anyone know what DLL that is? I bet it's a different version.
If someone that knows more about which DLL does what. Let's get all the DLL's that could pertain to Sound and Phone and compair the 6315 DLL's with the ones on the XDA2.

Microsfot Wireless Bluetooth intelli explorer mouse & JA

can this be done?
my magician detect the intelli mouse, but can do nothing with it...
cant also use the "stowaway think outside mouse" drivers since they detect only the Stowaway mouse... also couldnt use the IFrog Bluetooth keyboard drivers, even though they support HID detection...
can someone know how to connect between these two?
any news on that... i´m trying to use intellimouse explorer, too... no luck...
someone out there to patch the Thinkoutside drivers ?
I saw somebody saying that the widdcom BT stack supported the mouse...
I dont know if its true, but to find out id have to intstall a new OS (im on 2005) and hack around with BT stacks...
Id rather just hear from somebody running the 2.02/2.06 sin merged rom with the widdcom stack to see if it works. But i guess there isnt anybody with that combination and a BT mouse too.
Magician only...
i ment it to work on the magician.
do you have a magician?
I have a german magician,
neither ms bt mous nor ms bt keyb works!
maybe we should state out that bluetooth firstly only specifies the way how information is being transferred: via radio in a certain frequency - nothing else!
It does NOT determine the way how the transferred information is being interpreted. Lets say when you connect your monitor to the vga connector it is already clear what signals are transferred and how they are read out to compose the picture on the screen.
In other cases (e.g. tracking the mouse movements) we must specify before any exchange of data how is will be interpreted. This is done in so called protocols also known as 'profiles' when you speak of protocols in connection with bluetooth devices.
This means that a bt mouse will be detected (this is standardized) but your device will not know how to interpret the data which is being sent from your mouse unless it supports the matching profile (should be 'HID' - Human Interface Device protocol in this case).
The hardware support of the bt hardware itself plus the additional profiles is called a 'stack'. On Magician you will find the original Microsoft BT stack which lacks of many profiles. It has turned out that other stacks like the one from Toshiba or Widcomm also work (more or less) on Magician. Maybe these ones support your hardware. Let me advise you that there are still many issues with alien stacks so dont install these unless your absolutely sure what youre doing!
Hope that i could make things a little bit clearer for you.
Could we pin this post within the board so it stays on top or - maybe the better solution - could we publish it in the wiki? I guess that's the best newbie explanation of bluetooth I ever read... 8)
Great post, quapo! 8)
Still no HID driver for PPC
Great Answer!!!! ;-)
OK, i knew all that.
still no answer...:-(

Unable to connect to the Internet via Bluetooth

Guys, could you please help? I have been trying to connect my laptop to the internet using my HTC 9100. I have installed the bluesoleil software, that came with the BT dongle and have also created a BT DUN modem.
The problem is that I cannot make the BT Modem link discoverable to the laptop. When I open Star Menu->programs->Modem link I see three menus. The first one is "Connection" but it only leaves me with the option of choosing between IrDA or USB. There is no Bluetooth to choose from that menu.
Any ideas would be warmly welcomed. I don't know why HTC made it so complicated. I've had SE's, Nokia's and other brands and have never faced such difficulties in connecting.
Thanks in advance for your consideration.
BTW my ROM version is
trustworthy said:
Guys, could you please help? I have been trying to connect my laptop to the internet using my HTC 9100. I have installed the bluesoleil software, that came with the BT dongle and have also created a BT DUN modem.
The problem is that I cannot make the BT Modem link discoverable to the laptop. When I open Star Menu->programs->Modem link I see three menus. The first one is "Connection" but it only leaves me with the option of choosing between IrDA or USB. There is no Bluetooth to choose from that menu.
Any ideas would be warmly welcomed. I don't know why HTC made it so complicated. I've had SE's, Nokia's and other brands and have never faced such difficulties in connecting.
Thanks in advance for your consideration.
BTW my ROM version is
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Please read the AKU3 Networking Bible (it also has a lot of info on pre-AKU3 ROM's Internet connectivity):
Thanks, Menneisyys. I am speechless, I have to admit. I read your thread (have to admit didn't get much of the essence )and couldn't believe what I read. Never imagined that a high-end device as an HTC Wizard would be deprived of a function like the BT DUN. Come on! This must be some kind of a sick joke!
I have been using mobile internet ever since our provider started offering this service over CSD some 6-7 years ago (maybe more). Noone had ever heard of BT and GPRS those days. At that time IrDA was quite an advance method of connecting my PC to the phone (good old Nokia 6210). No doubt that BT was a much more advanced method of connectiong and it was only logical for me to switch to BT to keep up with the latest in technology.
And now with a modern device (one Wizard undoubtedly is) in my hands I have to take a huge step back to data cable, because it's more convenient, bearing in mind that I got rid of my IrDA dongle, thinking that I may never have to use it again. Dead wrong! Yes, my laptop does not have built-in IrDA or BT modules, but that mainly because I don't change laptops as often as I change mobile phones.
Anyway, hopefully MS would reconsider this issue and do the necessary to deal with this stupid deficiency.
Just came to me: it is the same with HTC Hermes??? With the UMTS support and everything. Gee....hope it's not
trustworthy said:
Just came to me: it is the same with HTC Hermes??? With the UMTS support and everything. Gee....hope it's not
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Not yet - if you use the standard, pre-AKU3 ROM. It, however, will become a problem with the Hermes too when AKU3 is released.
MS is awre of the problem - I've triggered / provided a lot of feedback on the provate MVBP mailing lists. I'm pretty sure they will reconsider including DUN back in a later AKU.
Thanks, mate. Hope that MS will re-gain their common sense

Use phone as Bluetooth modem

I know this has been asked before, but has anyone yet succeeded in connecting an HTC TD2 or T-Mobile Compact V as a Bluetooth modem to a PC running Windows XP? I can ActiveSync via Bluetooth, but that's all.
Need extra command string in bluetooh modem setting.
APN is your ISP access point name.
hungtinglung said:
Need extra command string in bluetooth modem setting.
APN is your ISP access point name.
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I don't follow. Surely the PC needs to see that there is a modem first? Has your PC recognised the bluetooth modem service on the phone?
If your phone is already setup for data access then you don't need any dialing string.
When the PC establishes the BT link it should install the dialup service which will access the phone as a BT modem!
pa49 said:
When the PC establishes the BT link it should install the dialup service which will access the phone as a BT modem!
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"Should" is the operative word. Dialup service as such is not used on WM devices. They use a Personal Area Network (PAN). Anyway, the point is that no services on the phone can be seen by the PC. If I can overcome this hurdle, the rest is plain sailing (or plain surfing?)
Mike Austin said:
"Should" is the operative word. Dialup service as such is not used on WM devices. They use a Personal Area Network (PAN). Anyway, the point is that no services on the phone can be seen by the PC. If I can overcome this hurdle, the rest is plain sailing (or plain surfing?)
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I use Blue Soleil BT software and the services are installed by it and not Win. May be that's the difference. Do you have any BT client software running?
pa49 said:
I use Blue Soleil BT software and the services are installed by it and not Win. May be that's the difference. Do you have any BT client software running?
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The problem is basically what the WM device is communicating - or not communicating. I have an IBM/Lenovo laptop running XP/SP3 and I cannot find services on the WM device whether I use the Microsoft BT stack or the Lenovo BT stack. I have also tried a separate USB BT dongle with its own drivers without any success. A colleague with Windows 7 (Microsoft BT stack) cannot find services on the WM device either.
Do you see all the services on your phone with the Soleil BT software? I have an old BT dongle that uses BT Soleil.
I think BT on WM devices is a bit shaky. My in-car Parrot hands-free sometimes recognises it as one device and sometimes as another - but surprisingly it works regardless.
Yes, using Internet Connection Sharing [ICS] via Blue Soleil on WXP Prof.
One has to start ICS from the 'phone - it should ask whether to use USB or BT, then (unless your mobile 'phone supplier has forced a fixed choice via a registry entry "ForcedCellConnection") allow you to specify the connection to use (eg Internet) then it will advise to go to PC and click on BT PAN.

