Broken connector - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

My boss has an i-mate PPC (Himalaya), but in putting it back in it's cradle he's managed to somehow bend some of the pins on the bottom connector.
I've managed to gently bend them back to the best I can see, but the PC can't see it any more; I think something in either the cradle or the connector has been broken.
Is there any way to pull it apart enough to get a good look at the connector? Is this something myself - as a reasonably technically-minded person with a decent set of tools - can do, or should I consider getting it repaired professionally?
Anyone got any idea what the warranty will cover?


How to Disassemble Cingular 8125?

I managed to knock my 8125 off the counter while charging, landing on the charging connector and snapping the USB connector off the motherboard. Does anybody know where I can find instructions on how to disassemble the 8125 so I can attempt to re-solder it to the board. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here's a link to the Wizard Service Manual
This is what Ive been looking for....Thanks for the link.
This site is EXCELLENT.
Thank you very much for the link. I was able to take it apart with no problems and then solder the Mini-USB connector back in place on the board, with no problems. The phone works great again, charging and tethering, and transferring data. Thanks again.
hey thanks a lot for the link...and also for Reighvin for proving that its possible cuz the same EXACT thing happend to my brother....
It takes a steady hand, and I suggest a magnifying glass on a stand to help see the 5 contract points. They are tiny and very close together.
im having trouble taking out the back housing!!! the 8125 is a little different to the MDA onthe diagram...who did u do it?
About removing the batter cover, and the top cover around the the camera...
The battery cover is simple. But the camera cover requires to gently pry it up around the edges. Be especially careful around the top of the phone, as there are a couple plastic clips there.
Once the covers are off, there are 4 screws to be removed. One is under a VOID label. Once they are removed, the board just comes right out of the phone.
oo yeah igot that part, i was having trouble with the full housing in the back because i had to open the keyboard adn then take it out...i just hope soldering it back on work and does the job...becuase the usb part, 1 of the 5 small pins is chopped off...
Reighvin said:
I managed to knock my 8125 off the counter while charging, landing on the charging connector and snapping the USB connector off the motherboard. Does anybody know where I can find instructions on how to disassemble the 8125 so I can attempt to re-solder it to the board. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Hi! it's nice to know that I'm not alone in this world!... any way I had my wizard strapped arround my nec and Plugged in the car charger at the same time!!! I forgot to unplug it from the car kit before getting off and I pulled the all lot out off car! then I shake it realized that inside the wizard I had a little easter egg surprise!!! So i did what this guy did (but before reading this) and after fews hours I managed to solder the bit back! I got very good eyes!!! and that's comes very handy!!!
The problems is that it lasted fews weeks and now Is giveng me some problems again! so I provably have to take it appart and do it again... But i would prefer to stick a new USB socket in it... Does anyone knows where I can buy one of this mini USB socket?
Best regards
please check the following link
just wondering because i have a cingular 8125 myself, is the keyboard a seperate piece from the motherboard, i need to know this because i have a problem with one key on there and its really pissin me off, i did check the service manual, but i want to know if its works the same way?
Malik05 said:
hey thanks a lot for the link...and also for Reighvin for proving that its possible cuz the same EXACT thing happend to my brother....
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Now I have the same problem. The connectors drop out, I can't charge or sync. Any suggestions? I don't know to solder at all.
Removing the back housing on the 8125
Hello Reighvin,
I'm trying to take my 8125 apart to remove the camera module. I have the Wizard service manual and was able to take the battery cover (of course!) and the camera cover off. I also was able to take out the 4 screws holding the back housing on. I was not able to figure out how to take the back housing off, though. The Wizard has a little different housing from the 8125. The Wizard manual shows where there are plastic clips holding the back housing in place. I'm not sure where the 8125 housing clips are.
You said in your posting above that after the screws are removed, the back houseing just lifts out. Didn't you have problems with the plastic clips that still hold it in place? What did you use to pry the back housing out after removing the screws?
Thanks much,
Cingular 8125 GSM Reception Problem
I have replaced the full housing of my cingular 8125 and after that I am phacing a problem with it's signal reception. It can find the provider I can make a phonecall but it cuts the line when it tries to get signal from another transmitter point of the same provider. Does anyone have any idea what might be the problem.
Thanks in advance!!
I am looking at replacing the full housing on my MDA Vario. (current one is very badly scratched)
Anyone done a full disassembly of this unit? Any tips or things to watch out for?
Many thanks,

Broken Display connector! help please :(

So I bought a new housing for my O2 XDA II Mini, during the removal of the display ribbon I broke the little black part on the display connector which holds the ribbon down, and after hours of trying to get the ribbon back in and secured I have bent the pins in the connector to buggery.
The ribbon appears to be untouched, however the connector which the display ribbon goes into is broken.
Is there anywhere I can get hold of one of these little connectors to replace my broken one, obviously very sensitive soldering will be needed to remove the old one and solder the new one in place.
Alternatively, does anyone know any mobile phone repair shops in Auckland, New Zealand who would be able to help out with my situation?
I fear all i'm going to hear back is "the motherboard needs to be replaced", however I am determined not to go through this route, as I am a poor student and the phone sounds as if it functions fine, makes the beepy noise when first starting up on the setup screen.
I was very careful with the actual screen unit while removing it, and I have had signs of life earlier on in the broken connector episode, however I can no longer get anything showing as I can't fit the cable in.
Cheers for any help.
Anything would be appreciated.
"obviously very sensitive soldering will be needed"
And that only can be done by machines/robots. I don't think humans are even able to sloder those kind of connections...
But, could you post a picture? cause I might have suggestions on how to fix it. One would be to bend back the pins on the tiny slot with a toothpick and when done to tape the flatcable, so it stays there.
I've maybe got a spare creen for you.
g0atNZ said:
So I bought a new housing for my O2 XDA II Mini, during the removal of the display ribbon I broke the little black part on the display connector which holds the ribbon down, and after hours of trying to get the ribbon back in and secured I have bent the pins in the connector to buggery.
The ribbon appears to be untouched, however the connector which the display ribbon goes into is broken.
Is there anywhere I can get hold of one of these little connectors to replace my broken one, obviously very sensitive soldering will be needed to remove the old one and solder the new one in place.
Alternatively, does anyone know any mobile phone repair shops in Auckland, New Zealand who would be able to help out with my situation?
I fear all i'm going to hear back is "the motherboard needs to be replaced", however I am determined not to go through this route, as I am a poor student and the phone sounds as if it functions fine, makes the beepy noise when first starting up on the setup screen.
I was very careful with the actual screen unit while removing it, and I have had signs of life earlier on in the broken connector episode, however I can no longer get anything showing as I can't fit the cable in.
Cheers for any help.
Anything would be appreciated.
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Hi, I've still got a SPV 500 and a MDA Compact, need to find it if you want you can have my MDA Compact screen.
Just PM if you are interested.

Help!! Replace USB port on MDA...

I broke the mini usb connector on my MDA (the center plastic piece fell out, and I broke a metal pin trying to glue it back in). Is there a place I can get a new USB connector so I can take the phone somewhere for someone to solder it on for me? Or anyone on here willing to do the job relatively cheaply?
they have tons of components
How do I know which one is the one in the MDA though?
anyone ???

Is my MDA done for??? Can it be saved?

HEy I have an MDA but about a month ago my usb port broke and is loose inside the phone.
I want to know if this phone can be saved in any way
I have a LOT of contacts and other important info left on the phone and I need them badly.
the battery is dead and I need to know if to call it quits on this phone or not
maybe I could charge the battery through another MDA but i still need all those contacts to be transfered and its way too much to individually get.
please shed some light on what I should do
Maybe get a new battery and connect through bluetooth?
Repairing a HTC Wizard USB Connector
HEy I have an MDA but about a month ago my usb port broke and is loose inside the phone.
I want to know if this phone can be saved in any way
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Yes, it can be saved!
The same thing happened to me and I fixed it. What you need to do is get
a soldering iron
some extremely thin silver solder (I used .015 dia. Radioshack 64-035e)
some desoldering braid (Radioshack 64-2090)
a continuity tester (the more needle-like the probes, the better!)
a tiny flat head screwdriver (1mm I think).
All this is available at RadioShack or can be found for less online.
Take the phone apart. This is tricky. Read the HTC repair guides available off of this site.
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Wizard/Docs_Tutorials/Wizard_Service_Manual.pdf
I can do it with a tiny flathead screwdriver instead of the torx that is recommended.
At this point, go on and watch some videos on how to do surface mount soldering at home with a normal soldering iron. I found this to be helpful and confidence inspiring.
One thing I did was use the file on my Leatherman tool to sharpen the soldering iron tip to a sharp point. This helped get to the tiny nook that you will be soldering.
Find the loose usb connector in the phone. Its probably in fine condition. The reason why it broke is that HTC did not use enough solder to hold it to the board. Its not likely your fault. In the old days we called this a 'design flaw' and an organization called the 'BBB' would instigate what is called a 'product recall' for what we casually referred to as a 'lemon'.
Now, solder the four corners of the USB connector to the board. It probably won't be hard to put it in its original place. Don't leave a cold solder joint... make sure the dolops of solder are nice and shiny.
Then carefully proceed to solder the pinouts on the connector to the traces on the board. This is easier than it looks because the thin solder will flow right onto the traces under the connector.
If you accidently short two traces with solder, then use the desoldering braid to suck it up. Be extremely careful not to lift hard on the braid and pull up the traces. This did not happen to me, but I was careful.
The thing to know is that the USB connector has 5 pinouts but the USB standard only uses 4 of them. Google Mini USB connector pinouts and study which pins go to which wires:
When you think you have succeeded at soldering, use the continuity tester on your multimeter to check your work.
Check for short circuits between the traces.
Plug a mini-usb cable into the phone and carefully check continuity from the far end of the USB cable, to the trace on the motherboard of the phone. All four wires on the USB cable should match to the corresponding traces on the board. This is pretty logical when you are actually staring at it. But just in case, what I am saying here is, take one conductor of the continuity tester and place it on one pinout of the usb connector on the phone. Take the other conductor of the continuity tester and put it on the corresponding wire insider your 4 pin USB-A cable connector. If you hear the multimeter beep, you succeeded.
These diagrams show which pinout goes to which wire:
If everything checks out. Reassemble the phone, and see if it charges with the wall charger. If it does, then see if you can get it to sync with ActiveSync. If the phone doesn't show up in the device registry (or the MacOS X System Profiler), you definitely have not soldered it properly. Be sure the phone is on of course.
PS. Finally, was it all worth it? Well, it was great to get my data back, now its time to go get an iPhone! I mean really, all of this hacking is not worth your time. The iPhone is a far superior cell phone in every aspect. Who wants to screw around with installing half-baked ROM files and buggy M$ platforms? I digress.
PPS. I was able to do all this with MacOS X running VMWare Fusion, Win XP SP2 running Active Sync. So you don't even need a PC!
you tell us to make sure the phone is off way at the end i found this, but is this considered service mont?
There 2 things I could add to the instructions above,
1 when I solder surface mount or tight connections I use lots of solder resin (like a acidic primer that cleans the surface as heat is applied, can be cleaned with isopropylene[alcohol]). This really makes the solder flow good to the contacts then use solder wick to suck up any extra solder that may present a problem.
2 You can sign up for and sync your pda with there exchange server, works wonders, I can flash my phones and all of them always have the same full contact list with all the emails, calender etc......
hope this helps
resin and alchohol do the same thing?

Needed Button Strip - Anyone have HD2 Parts?

In the process of replacing my lcm, I managed to tear the button flex cable that connects to the mainboard.
I am currently looking for a the button flex replacement. What is the best way of tracking something like this down without going to HTC?
If there is no current seller/merchant available...Um...Is anyone selling an HTC HD2 for parts!?!?!?
Pics included...You can see the button strip, and the little 45 degree angle break on the flex..SUCKS!
I saw the break... Man, that's bad luck...
I hope you find a new button strip. The only other solution would be to solder fine wires from the point I highlighted on the photo. But that is very very very difficult... If you decide to do so until you find a new button strip I would recommend you to let an expert solder it, for example a television-technician. That shouldn't cost you more than a bier for the technician!
Wish you luck!
This just in, I have since purchased a broken hd2 and replaced the button strip. It has a light adhesive and is mounted on two small plastic posts on either end. To loosen the adhesive, just apply gentle heat (blow dryer) and GENTLY peel off. You might come across a stubborn part and want to give it a harsh tug, but you need to methodically peel it up using some sort of flat piece to get from underneath it.
Another torn flex Anyone has spare one or knows where can I get it?
I'm sorry but can't help. I get parts for iPAQs from iPAQ Repairs in the UK. I'm surprised there isn't something similar for HTC parts.
I'm interested in what an 'lcm' is. I've seen it mentioned but with no description.
i need one of these too. i hate htc's policy in not selling parts directly.
This button board should only be like upto $40 usd.
im needing a main board charger soxet broke if price is right ill sell
I have the same problem solved?
where did you buy?
I got a keypad PCB on eBay... But it was very expensive
Found it
please how we can solder this wires
please how we can solder this wires
dvdaio said:
please how we can solder this wires
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You should be a good electronic technician or know a good one. Otherwise I advice you not to try. I am a ordinary technician and I can say that in my case it was very very difficult and even if I tried hard, I wasn't able fix all connections. Only two of my buttons work right now.
How to Replace Button Strip?
Anyone know of a link showing how to replace this strip? Either I can't find key words for a search or there aren't any good videos out there. - thanks
Good to hear I'm not the only one to snap it so easily. Ordered a replacement from e-bay.
Sorry to dig up an old post but, I need that little wire that connects the wifi/bluetooth module to the main board. I replaced the digitizer in my phone and I somehow jacked up one of the ends on the cable. Anyone out there have parts?

