really screwed up?? - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I was using the XDArit utility to write to the SD card and selected Disk0:Memory Card Adapter.. got a message stating it was my boot disk but I ignored it since it listed as the memory card adapter... guess what.. now my PC won't boot, says no operating system found.. I tried booting the win XP disc and doing a repair but it doesn't see anything on C:
anyway to recover my drive? I am sure the stuff is there somewhere right? Sh*t.. I wish I had done this on my home PC and not the office PC.
any help appreciated

you overwrote your harddrive!

Since I don't have any idea what the tool you used does, I will (randomly) suggest and their program PR.exe. If the tool does a lazy format or bootsector write (just rewrites the 1st few sectors) PR may work. You can download a test version which won't operate fully but which will say if it finds anything to recover. If the XDA tool actually writes substantial amounts then this won't help.
There are quite a few tools which will scan the disk for anything that looks like data and recover what they can. Of course, if the tool you used actually overwrote the whole disk then you'd have to go a specialist company - and data receovery might still be possible - but this is likely to cost.
Good luck.
I don't think "Haha" was a very kind comment. Not my idea of a "solutions provider" to go to - no matter how expert they might think they are.
Still, it did make me decide to sign up to the forum to post this in case it helps.

I downloaded the demo of PR.EXE and after scanning my drive, it appears that all data is still there... so I have purchased the full version of PR.EXE and it appears promising that I will be able to recover the most important stuff and simply restore my system (needed a restore anyway).
Thanks for the tip!

baldgyt said:
I don't think "Haha" was a very kind comment. Not my idea of a "solutions provider" to go to - no matter how expert they might think they are.
Still, it did make me decide to sign up to the forum to post this in case it helps.
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thx mate ... I appreciate such attitude ... hope others will learn someday! ... welcome on board


(Software) Free Paragon Partition Manager 10 TODAY ONLY

Hey guys, just an FYI- is featuring the above listed download for 17 more hours. This is NOT warez, as multiple companies allow free downloads for a 24 hour period. My advice is to download and activate this software FAST, as there are only about 17 more hours (as of this posting) to activate it. I've found PPM 9.0 to be very easy to use while partitioning, repartitioning, and formatting my card.
It's quicker than typing it all in console
There's also a link for 64bit system users on that page. Happy downloading.
Cool but have u heard of torrents just fyi lol
BrutalHoe said:
Cool but have u heard of torrents just fyi lol
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Just keeping it legal
Christopher3712 said:
Hey guys, just an FYI- is featuring the above listed download for 17 more hours. This is NOT warez, as multiple companies allow free downloads for a 24 hour period. My advice is to download and activate this software FAST, as there are only about 17 more hours (as of this posting) to activate it. I've found PPM 9.0 to be very easy to use while partitioning, repartitioning, and formatting my card.
It's quicker than typing it all in console
There's also a link for 64bit system users on that page. Happy downloading.
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if im not mistaken auto partition like this (PARAGON) sometimes makes some issues when flashing, they said manual partitioning still better,
good find.
cmsweet21 said:
if im not mistaken auto partition like this (PARAGON) sometimes makes some issues when flashing, they said manual partitioning still better,
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I second that. PM 10 is awesome for PCs, but I wouldn't use it to partition my G1. There are partitioning tools built right into the latest Cyanogen's recovery image, and scripts around it to make it easier to use.
Helpfull for noobs.. Nice find.. WIll this work for the G1? The trial ones would only partition your local drives C:\
partition manager provides an easy way for the windows user to create the correct paritions in the correct order on any sd card so is valuable in this instance.
also aside from that its brilliant if you want to move a complete operating system to a new drive, it does this with vista and the machine wont even ask for reactivation.
anyways thats way off topic...
its definately worth using instead of Gparted if you havnt got a linux based setup.
cmsweet21 said:
if im not mistaken auto partition like this (PARAGON) sometimes makes some issues when flashing, they said manual partitioning still better,
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yeah I am on my second SD card and the first 1 everytime i tried to patition the ext3 i got an i/o error and now when trying to do the linux swap i get an i/o error
i was using paragon
Chahk said:
I second that. PM 10 is awesome for PCs, but I wouldn't use it to partition my G1. There are partitioning tools built right into the latest Cyanogen's recovery image, and scripts around it to make it easier to use.
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well said
It's funny how things work differently for everyone. I'm running Vista x86 and never had issues partitioning my SD card on my g1. Anyhow, some may find it useful.
Just downloaded and saved I'd rather use cyanogen's recovery image though
Thank you Sr. I do find it useful .. I have always used Paragon to partition my G1 with no problems at all..
awesome man. thanks for that site. after going through some of the stuff they have given away, im gonna check it daily now. Yesterday was driver magician
Thanks for the tip! Paragon Partition Manager is the best partition software I've ever used!
real men use the parted cli
Thanks for the software, but I honestly don't like it. I prefer just booting into linux to use GParted or popping in a GParted Live USB stick
crypysmoker said:
awesome man. thanks for that site. after going through some of the stuff they have given away, im gonna check it daily now. Yesterday was driver magician
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Trust me, I do the same. I keep it bookmarked in my cell and on my PC
Just to let you guys know what has happened to me in the past with paragon. I was able to use it and was very simple but 2 times out of the 3 or 4 months I used it something went wrong with the partitioning which caused my pc to crash. Thus leaving me to reinstall the OS all over again. Good thing I kept everything backed up though.
Thanks for the find, unfortunately im downloading at 15kb/s. I feel like im using aol from 95

[Problems & Questions] With Official 2.3 Update V2

Hello !
I am feeling really down today after been trying to get my phone working again.
There is a huge problem currently, I am really annoyed that it doesn't work at all.
First thing, my phone won't start after update it just boot loops and never seem to end it.
First thing I noticed /boot, /cache /system and most things are gone, I can load up recovery but nothing more. I have no idea what happened but the whole image folder was wiped and I had to myself put in the CWM recovery.
I can't do an upgrade "again" as it will be stuck @ the unpacking part without starting it at all.
I been trying with 2.3 V2 and with B133(My stock rom I got).
If anyone has a solution that can solve this problem please help out if you could. Also if you are about to tell me get this and that, please most cases I haven't seen any of the Firmware roms in @modaco wiki links work. Means I can't download them, so if you happen to have spare copy please upload it and link it to me. I have been googling and looking through this section twice, nothing really worked out.
Thanks in advance !
If you didn't erase the .cust_backup partition which contain the image folder with all system' s .img files, then maybe it' s damaged. I had some problems with this partition before and when I checked it with windows check disk it repairs it and I had no problems from then. So, try this, and if you still haven' t any file on image folder, you can find the original folder on X5' s forums. Is definately here, but I don't remember where is the link and I don't gonna search it for you. If you cannot find it, you can allways reflash the original rom. If you fix the partition(if this is the problem), I don't think that you'll have problems with update any more.
dancer_69 said:
If you didn't erase the .cust_backup partition which contain the image folder with all system' s .img files, then maybe it' s damaged. I had some problems with this partition before and when I checked it with windows check disk it repairs it and I had no problems from then. So, try this, and if you still haven' t any file on image folder, you can find the original folder on X5' s forums. Is definately here, but I don't remember where is the link and I don't gonna search it for you. If you cannot find it, you can allways reflash the original rom. If you fix the partition(if this is the problem), I don't think that you'll have problems with update any more.
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Hello, thanks for the reply.
I have no idea about this .cust_backup partition and how I am supposedly to access it via windows. Also the thing you said about fixing partition within Windows, the check disk thing. I am not sure about that part either as I can load CWM and it can read the partitions but they are empty. Also there is nothing in this forums that contains original things, only way for me to fix this if someone have extra copy and can guide me on how and where to place the all needed files. I am pretty sure it's only things that are missing and I can't get a grip out of this.
So to sum up what my problem is.
I did an upgrade from 2.2 to 2.3 with official firmware, it worked out normally but after a reboot my phone became stuck in an endless loop, I can't do anything and it will not I repeat it will not allow me to "re flash" any firmware I tried so far, the 2.3 V2 and B133.
I am begging someone in this forum section, please if you have the knowledge about this problem care to help?
I can't get a refund out the phone warrenty is off and I do not have that much spare money.
Thanks in advance !
If you can get to recovery, wipe cache and data. It should be possible in stock recovery.
The cust partition has all the images for bootloader, recovery etc. You can get to it with the pink screen. Reformatting and then reinserting the images and files could help, but try that when nothing else works.
I can't give you good help via phone, but try wiping data first. Also, try if you can use some other sd card.
Sent from my U8800 using Tapatalk
Blefish said:
If you can get to recovery, wipe cache and data. It should be possible in stock recovery.
The cust partition has all the images for bootloader, recovery etc. You can get to it with the pink screen. Reformatting and then reinserting the images and files could help, but try that when nothing else works.
I can't give you good help via phone, but try wiping data first. Also, try if you can use some other sd card.
Sent from my U8800 using Tapatalk
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The most common things I have already done, but do enlighten me what this "custom" parition is. Because in windows I do not see such partition I see a removable partition which I have now added a folder called image with these containing files.
EDIT ** Also regarding to first person who said about Windows partition manager. The thing is I see a lot of partitions and there is no labeling for them, might be because they are ext2/3 or even something else? In anycase I can't do so much I just find it really odd I have many duplicates and I am guessing that must be errors... Because I am seeing the main recovery partition which has no label too... its at 240 MB where 135MB is used. Lastly there is my internal SD card empty and healthy still I can't reach it within Windows if I do not mount it...And can't now without going into the android OS. I Have loads of free space "partitions I don't understand why they are there".
Thanks for helping out, it feels not good to have a half dead phone, it's still not solved :'-(
The .cust_backup is the mount point on android for this removable partition with image folder. In windows haven' t this name. I didn't mean to use the windows partition manager, just to use windows explorer, right click on the partition and choose properties, then tools and then check disk. Of course you can use partition manager too, but because as you found there are all no labeled other partitions there and is a bit confused.
As you mentioned, you found the original image folder and you replaced the files. Did you tried to do the update again after that?
Also you can see and the internal sd partiton, but you need linux system. This partition is not fat32, so windows cannot see it.
dancer_69 said:
The .cust_backup is the mount point on android for this removable partition with image folder. In windows haven' t this name. I didn't mean to use the windows partition manager, just to use windows explorer, right click on the partition and choose properties, then tools and then check disk. Of course you can use partition manager too, but because as you found there are all no labeled other partitions there and is a bit confused.
As you mentioned, you found the original image folder and you replaced the files. Did you tried to do the update again after that?
Also you can see and the internal sd partiton, but you need linux system. This partition is not fat32, so windows cannot see it.
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I have placed all things that I got from here.
And I can't run the upgrade firmware, it gets stuck at first stage which is to unpack the the thing.
It just stays like that not blinking and frozen.
Did you tried now that you have the original files, to go to recovery mode and wipe data etc?
Also when you try to do the upgrade do you have the device connected with the cable?
I had this problem once and I think that when I disconnected the cable(or maybe wasn' t connected and I connected it, I don't remember well), the proccess bar starts to moving after a while and the upgrade completed successfully.
dancer_69 said:
Did you tried now that you have the original files, to go to recovery mode and wipe data etc?
Also when you try to do the upgrade do you have the device connected with the cable?
I had this problem once and I think that when I disconnected the cable(or maybe wasn' t connected and I connected it, I don't remember well), the proccess bar starts to moving after a while and the upgrade completed successfully.
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You are not understanding me :-(, I have wiped already millions of times in millions of different ways just to get it work. And no, I don't have the device connrected when I upgrade, it won't work properly then, I have tried to wait for the progress bar to "start" move it won't happen the battery will die, and nothing happened.
I can't go in with normal Recovery mode, can only go in with CWM, the normal recovery mode is really small, I mean only 3mb, while the froyo version is 5mb. Now I am asking if you have the time to upload the image files from 2.3 V2, the ones in forums are for V1. Which I don't know might conflict.
Thanks again for trying to help me out, this is really frustrating to get it to work.
I worked it out !
I think I understood what you meant, I did as you told I started first with pluggin in the charger forced it to upgrade and now it's upgrading, thank you so much dancer_69. I was going to go tomorrow to buy a new 2nd hand smartphone. But now I can save my money for other things !
**EDIT of EDIT **
I seem to have downgraded to B133, I will try now with B158 2.3 V2 again and hopefully it will work now.
Yes, wasn't clear because I don' t remember what I've done and solve it. But I think that I did it like you discribed too.
Anyway I'm glad that was helpful(kind of)..
And don' t give up so soon with smartphone' s bricks, I've faced brick kind of problems many times and if the device it' s not completely dead, there is something you can do. Maybe need more search or many tries(sometimes the same things) but at the end(and of course If there isn't a hardware problem) device can unbrick.

[REQUEST] English Recovery Parition

Hi, I would greatly appreciate it if someone could upload the recovery parition (preferably English) to somewhere and provide a link; I bought my shift second hand and had Windows Developer Preview with no Recovery Partiton and I would be very thankful if someone could upload it.
Not Duplicate
AdinK said:
Hi, I would greatly appreciate it if someone could upload the recovery parition (preferably English) to somewhere and provide a link; I bought my shift second hand and had Windows Developer Preview with no Recovery Partiton and I would be very thankful if someone could upload it.
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Every previous post contains links that are broken or simply dumping and restoring insturctions so this is not duplicate.
I have an English Vista recovery on my Shift, but I don't know how I could copy it off, you could give me some information about it, I will take a look at it anyways tomorrow or so. If you could profide usefull information I could do it faster.
And.. Why do you want to recover the whole windows? I have done it once and I removed it directly and installed windows 7 on it. Its way faster, Everything works. And just a bit snappier and populair then Vista(alot of people were amazed by my shift, but when I said Vista was on, they were not amused xD).
Armazia said:
I have an English Vista recovery on my Shift, but I don't know how I could copy it off, you could give me some information about it, I will take a look at it anyways tomorrow or so. If you could profide usefull information I could do it faster.
And.. Why do you want to recover the whole windows? I have done it once and I removed it directly and installed windows 7 on it. Its way faster, Everything works. And just a bit snappier and populair then Vista(alot of people were amazed by my shift, but when I said Vista was on, they were not amused xD).
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Thanks, look at this link and as for why I want to well I want to examine the default vista for some drivers, software, blocks, etc and I also want to modify it i.e. make it a Windows 7 Recovery Parition and I dont plan to recover over whole thing if any modify WAIK or OPK config to install different parition without erasing.
Thanks in advance by the way.
AdinK said:
Thanks, look at this link and as for why I want to well I want to examine the default vista for some drivers, software, blocks, etc and I also want to modify it i.e. make it a Windows 7 Recovery Parition and I dont plan to recover over whole thing if any modify WAIK or OPK config to install different parition without erasing.
Thanks in advance by the way.
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Seems pretty hard for me, Since i'm not a linux guy, I will check it out later today since i'm still at school.
Ok, thanks.
AdinK said:
Ok, thanks.
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I found out how I can dump the recovery, but there is not really a possibility for me to store the whole recovery, maybe I could split it and upload it to mediafire.
I have tried to follow the instructions, which was actually very simple, but when I enter the cmd line, press enter it doesn't return a reply or something with writing or anything, it just enters and the white dot stays there, I don't know if this is normal =/
This Part
This part? "dd if=/dev/sda of=/media/disk/shift-vista-recovery.bin bs=16384 skip=2244480" if so leave it for about 45 minutes if it hasn't finished by then and returned to prompt then somethings wrong :/ but check if the file is there.
Oh and make sure you're copying the correct parition.

[Q] Seriously messed up glowlight

Hi lovely people,
Ive managed to mess up my glowlight - Ive managed to have a look at the partition table using noogie and the rom partition is showing as unallocated. I've tried data recovery to no avail. I dont suppose anyone has a complete image of a uk nook simple touch glowlight by any chance, or even just a copy of the rom partition that I can copy back into place using minitool partition wizard?
Thanks for reading folks
cortexbomber said:
Hi lovely people,
Ive managed to mess up my glowlight - Ive managed to have a look at the partition table using noogie and the rom partition is showing as unallocated. I've tried data recovery to no avail. I dont suppose anyone has a complete image of a uk nook simple touch glowlight by any chance, or even just a copy of the rom partition that I can copy back into place using minitool partition wizard?
Thanks for reading folks
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I don't have a full image, but I do have a copy of the /rom partition for you!
Here you go! :good:
thenookieforlife3 said:
I don't have a full image, but I do have a copy of the /rom partition for you!
Here you go! :good:
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Thanks :0)
Umm how do I use the qr code on my pc? I dont have a webcam or decent mobile phone
cortexbomber said:
Thanks :0)
Umm how do I use the qr code on my pc? I dont have a webcam or decent mobile phone
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You don't need the QR code to download the .zip. Just click the name of the file up there ^, it's to the left of the "Click for QR Code" text.
thenookieforlife3 said:
You don't need the QR code to download the .zip. Just click the name of the file up there ^, it's to the left of the "Click for QR Code" text.
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Doh! i thought it was just the one link.
Ive been using computers since the early 80's - embarrasing!
cortexbomber said:
Doh! i thought it was just the one link.
Ive been using computers since the early 80's - embarrasing!
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The eighties? Wow, you're an old pro, then! :good:
I, on the other hand, wasn't even alive in the eighties!
Let me know how that /rom partition treats you.
thenookieforlife3 said:
The eighties? Wow, you're an old pro, then! :good:
I, on the other hand, wasn't even alive in the eighties!
Let me know how that /rom partition treats you.
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Ha! Old Pro indeed Old yes. Pro? Definitely questionable. :good:
Will do. Just having trouble now creating a fat32 partition. The various programs ive tried only let me make a 16mb fat16 partition and after putting the rom data on it, the nook still doesnt want to boot. There may be other problems with the rest of the software. Ah well. I'll either get there or buy another e-reader )) But the challenge is more entertaining.
cortexbomber said:
Ha! Old Pro indeed Old yes. Pro? Definitely questionable. :good:
Will do. Just having trouble now creating a fat32 partition. The various programs ive tried only let me make a 16mb fat16 partition and after putting the rom data on it, the nook still doesnt want to boot. There may be other problems with the rest of the software. Ah well. I'll either get there or buy another e-reader )) But the challenge is more entertaining.
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lol :laugh:
Have you tried booting NookManager from your sdcard and using the "Restore" function? That seems to work very consistently.
thenookieforlife3 said:
lol :laugh:
Have you tried booting NookManager from your sdcard and using the "Restore" function? That seems to work very consistently.
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Just trying that now
cortexbomber said:
Just trying that now
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No joy sadly. More scouring the internet later i think - House chores to do now. SIgh.
Mayn thanks for the rom and the rest of your advice tho
cortexbomber said:
No joy sadly. More scouring the internet later i think - House chores to do now. *sigh*
Many thanks for the rom and the rest of your advice tho
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If it was logical, I'd totally give you a full image, but the problem is that each device has its own serial number - if I give you an image of my device, then your device will have mine's serial number, which won't work out so well!
I'd love to keep trying to help you, though - Nook Touch related things are really my forte.
Let's start at the beginning - in your first post, you said that "you managed to mess up your GlowLight". What did you do to mess it up?
Is/was your Nook rooted?
Will your device boot and be used properly, but the GlowLight itself just doesn't work?
thenookieforlife3 said:
If it was logical, I'd totally give you a full image, but the problem is that each device has its own serial number - if I give you an image of my device, then your device will have mine's serial number, which won't work out so well!
I'd love to keep trying to help you, though - Nook Touch related things are really my forte.
Let's start at the beginning - in your first post, you said that "you managed to mess up your GlowLight". What did you do to mess it up?
Is/was your Nook rooted?
Will your device boot and be used properly, but the GlowLight itself just doesn't work?
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Hi again, sorry for not getting back sooner - that damned thing called life always gets in the way
Yeah, it was rooted. I had used cwm and had adw running as a front end and had installed the screen lock bypass, but the bypass didnt work out so well - quite a bit of battery drain - even when left on a table(so no accidental waking up) - i tried to return it to stock - cant remember what i did tho - and now it just starts with the read forever screen and gets no further - it also seems that it doesnt power off and stays on till the battery is flattened. Trying to boot from the sd card using either nook manager or noogie works just fine tho.
I can see the partitions though minitool partition wizard and the Rom partition is "unallocated" there is also an unallocated space of 56mb at the end of the partitions.
I have tried recreating a fat32 rom partition and then copying the rom backup info from the factory partition, but no joy. For some reason, no partition software I have could create a fat32 partition directly on the nook, so I had to create one on the pc and then copy it over :-/
Thanks for the continued help btw
cortexbomber said:
Hi again, sorry for not getting back sooner - that damned thing called life always gets in the way
Yeah, it was rooted. I had used cwm and had adw running as a front end and had installed the screen lock bypass, but the bypass didnt work out so well - quite a bit of battery drain - even when left on a table(so no accidental waking up) - i tried to return it to stock - cant remember what i did tho - and now it just starts with the read forever screen and gets no further - it also seems that it doesnt power off and stays on till the battery is flattened. Trying to boot from the sd card using either nook manager or noogie works just fine tho.
I can see the partitions though minitool partition wizard and the Rom partition is "unallocated" there is also an unallocated space of 56mb at the end of the partitions.
I have tried recreating a fat32 rom partition and then copying the rom backup info from the factory partition, but no joy. For some reason, no partition software I have could create a fat32 partition directly on the nook, so I had to create one on the pc and then copy it over :-/
Thanks for the continued help btw
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Are you interested in getting back the B&N functions? Because if not, then what I can do is back up my rooted GlowLight, factory wipe it back to 1.1.5, bypass Oobe (B&N registration), update to 1.2.1, and then make an image of that for you.
Beware, though, you won't be able to use any of the B&N functions if you want me to do that, because your device will have mine's serial number. But don't worry, it won't share anything except for that, so your device will be plenty usable.
thenookieforlife3 said:
Have you already tried booting into NookManager and restoring
Are you interested in getting back the B&N functions? Because if not, then what I can do is back up my rooted GlowLight, factory wipe it back to 1.1.5, bypass Oobe (B&N registration), update to 1.2.1, and then make an image of that for you.
Beware, though, you won't be able to use any of the B&N functions if you want me to do that, because your device will have mine's serial number. But don't worry, it won't share anything except for that, so your device will be plenty usable.
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Yeah, i tried factory reset with nookmanager, but when I pressed the button to choose factory reset, it came up with the screen that showed the start of progress, but nothing else happened - even after several hours.
by b&n function i assume you mean the shop etc - cant say I'm worried about that bit, but if It will be back to stock, with just the stock software on, that would be cool. )
How would I transfer the complete image? I presume fire up noogie and partition wizard, wipe(err backup) all the partitions on my nook and then copy your partitions over?
cortexbomber said:
Yeah, i tried factory reset with nookmanager, but when I pressed the button to choose factory reset, it came up with the screen that showed the start of progress, but nothing else happened - even after several hours.
by b&n function i assume you mean the shop etc - cant say I'm worried about that bit, but if It will be back to stock, with just the stock software on, that would be cool. )
How would I transfer the complete image? I presume fire up noogie and partition wizard, wipe(err backup) all the partitions on my nook and then copy your partitions over?
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It will be back to stock, but you won't be able to register with B&N and/or buy any books from them. The Social features also will not work.
If you're interested, I'll make that image for you. See the "back up you Nook" link in my signature for a guide on making and restoring Noogie images.
thenookieforlife3 said:
It will be back to stock, but you won't be able to register with B&N and/or buy any books from them. The Social features also will not work.
If you're interested, I'll make that image for you. See the "back up you Nook" link in my signature for a guide on making and restoring Noogie images.
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Yep! Interested doesnt quite describe it tho More like biting your hand off
cortexbomber said:
Yep! Interested doesnt quite describe it tho More like biting your hand off
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EDIT - See OverByter's post below, it has shown me that this wouldn't work out.
Try his method. I'll only give you an image of my device as a last resort.
Your image will also have your mac address besides the serial number, don't think that this is the way to go, basically he'll have an unworkable clone of your device. Why doesn't he use cwm to wipe the partition and then either adb push the rom or use a flashable image?
Sent from my SPH-D710VMUB using Tapatalk 2
thenookieforlife3 said:
Ah. :laugh:
I'm kind of busy with school work right now, but I'll try to get it to you today.
Check for PMs from me in a few hours or so. :good:
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Hehe. Absolutely no rush. I just appreciate the help.
cortexbomber said:
Hehe. Absolutely no rush. I just appreciate the help.
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Okay, I may actually have solved your problem! Try the following steps - it's called the "eight interrupted boot" method.
1. I am expecting your Nook is still stuck at the "Read Forever" screen. If it's not, go ahead and turn your Nook all the way off.
2. Now, press the power button to take it to the "Read Forever" screen.
3. After it's there, press and hold the power button again to make the screen flash black and go back to the "Read Forever" screen.
4. Perform step 3 seven more times.
5. After the 8th interrupted boot, your Nook will restore itself to the factory image that it came with right out of the box.
6. Done!
Hope this works! :good:

Galaxy S5 & Encrypted 64GB SDCard - fail to mount

i have the Gold Galaxy S5 & a 64GB SDCard from Samsung.
The phone and SDCard are encrypted and have worked fine for a long while.
One day I tried accessing the files stored in the SDCard by connecting my S5 via USB 2 to my laptop (Ubuntu 15.10); and It failed to mount since.
I have created an image of the SDCard using 'dd' in Linux.
Therefore, I would rule out a hardware failure.
Furthermore, only once this card was mounted on this phone and I had a glimpse of my pictures, again it failed to copy anything out via USB.
Currently, when I put the SDCard into the phone it shows notifications saying:
... Preparing SD Card
... SD Card safe to remove
As I still have the phone encrypted - and I presume the encryption key are present.
Is there some way that I can copy the encryption key out of the phone? Use those to read the image of the SDCard?
The partition table of this SDCard does not appear to be correct - is it encrypted as well? Is this expected?
It is really annoying to have this happening when I was copying the data out of the phone as a backup ...
It would be really great to have my data back.
Your suggestion on how to solve this problem will be most welcome.
bumping ....
Since the moment that you damaged the encryption key protecting the card, the data over this card does not belong to you any more.
Kiriakos-GR said:
Since the moment that you damaged the encryption key protecting the card, the data over this card does not belong to you any more.
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how did I 'damage' the encryption key?
I tried reading the SDCard in the same phone.
I have older backups of the phone that included the SDCard - would that help?
You better ask further questions in a forum specialized to Ubuntu 15.10
Kiriakos-GR said:
You better ask further questions in a forum specialized to Ubuntu 15.10
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Doesn't sound like a problem on ubuntu's side unless it wrote some header or something when it tried to read.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
The card was mounted in the Phone - Ubuntu accessing it through the USB3
And it just stopped working - just like that!
But, could actually understand that it was something like that.
Would it be possible to reuse an old image (done with dd) of this USB to try and resurrect these files?
for info:
- where are the keys kept?
- surely the phone has some.
nkdbr said:
for info:
- where are the keys kept?
- surely the phone has some.
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If I was aware of that? I would require 1000$ payment so to share it.
Message to all:
1) As long Samsung provides software tools only compatible with Microsoft Windows and Android, this translates that other OS platforms them are not supported.
2) Any attempt hacking phone encryption this is illegal.
3) One desperate owner who lost access to SD-card, he should physically visit Samsung service center, demonstrate proof of ownership for phone and card, and ask their help.
Kiriakos-GR said:
If I was aware of that? I would require 1000$ payment so to share it.
Message to all:
1) As long Samsung provides software tools only compatible with Microsoft Windows and Android, this translates that other OS platforms them are not supported.
2) Any attempt hacking phone encryption this is illegal.
3) One desperate owner who lost access to SD-card, he should physically visit Samsung service center, demonstrate proof of ownership for phone and card, and ask their help.
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Android=Linux in a very basic sense. Even then, it's not 'not supported', furthermore as I said earlier, itse extremely unlikely plugging the phone in would break it regardless of the OS.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
Rakuu said:
Android=Linux in a very basic sense.
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I do agree and I did my homework about Android in old tablet about a year ago.
Rakuu said:
furthermore as I said earlier, itse extremely unlikely plugging the phone in would break it regardless of the OS.
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When you use any OS this working with command line, this translates that if you are a terrible commander? you army this to be also drowned in the river because of you.
This is what it did happened here too.

