headphones that come with the XDA2 - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Someone else posted that the standard issue items fall out of his ears. Mine too. and this is of course a problem when driving as you are constantly moving your head.
So I compared them with a good pair of Panasonic ones that don't fall out.
I think the problem is the width of the stem - it's at least twice as thick as the panasonic ones and therefore doesn't locate properly in the slot most of us have at the base of the earlobe. I think this is also why the sound is pretty crap compared to a good pair - they aren't close enough to the opening of the ear canal. If you apply very gentle pressure the improvement in bass is dramatic.
Anyway I also discovered that the mic/vol control/call switch thingy is a pop apart construction and anyone with some skill with a soldering iron ought to be able to solder a proper pair of buds in position. Unfortunately I don't have 'some skill with a soldering iron' so will have to find someone who does.
Why am I doing this I hear you ask ....'cos I'm peed off with blue tooth, in particular its mic pointing anywhere except where my voice is coming from. crappy mono sound ... no support for voice dialling, and constantly having to remember to charge up the bl**dy thing.
If I can get some decent buds on the standard kit, I'm then going to permanently remove the little rubber socket cover, work out a way of tidying the wires up (they seem to be made for someone with a head diameter the size of a very large beachball) .... then look for some way of activating the voice dialling via the two switches on the cable.


Hands-free headphones

With the new impending crackdown on making calls on the move, I dug out the headphones that came with the XDA II and found that they just wont stay in my ear and keep dropping out.
Can any one suggest a single earpiece replacement with a answer/end button that will work on the XDA II ??
I have looked around for a single earphone and found the one that came with the sharp GX 1 works but does not have answer button,my other suggestion would be to buy a pack of earphone foamy things which will make the standard unit much better. Hope this helps.
The earphones that come with the XDA I/II are really pretty good - EXCEPT that they don't stay in your ear. I tried a few others, but couldn't find any that had volume control and answer and were stereo. One of them I tried along the way was from Jabra - which comes with different sized "ear gels" to put on the earpiece.
I took these ear gels, and put them on the XDA headphones and voila! Full featured earphones that are comfortable and stay in my ear!
You can find these gels pretty easily... Here is what they look like:
I thought the xdaII came with earphones designed for human beings? Perhaps only some of us then...... they stay in my ears..... they seem to have rubber sides which helps.
Plantronics has one of their new headfree headsets that work with the PocketPC. I forgot which model exactly, but saw it at the T-Mobile store recently. It had a litte "rubber" part that fit around your ear to help hold it in place. Try to check that out.
Why dont you try buying any pair of headphones you like, remove the in-ear headphones and attatching the ones you baught them to the mic part. I got an audio specialist to do this for me and he only charged me £5. Now I have all the features and comfortable loud headphones with bass.
Anyone who can hold a soldering iron can modify your existing headset.
You just have to unsolder the wires from the earpieces on the pcb with the mic and have the one you like soldered in place.
Or you could use a 3,5 mm female plug with a short piece of wire instead, so you can connect whatever you want as heaset.
I just got my Nextlink Bluespoon Digital which I bought from Alphanet (an ebay seller). Paid USD$289.85 (AUD$420 landed). Not such a bad price considering that expansys is selling them for AUD$650.
Initial impressions? Rather disappointing. The build quality is rather poor. I ordered two, and both of them showed mold and glue marks. My example has a hair trapped under the LED. You can see the shadow when the LED illuminates.
Outgoing sound quality is outstanding. I tested it on the way home by sticking my head out the window and into the wind. The other party could still hear me speaking. The Jabra BT200 which I borrowed for a while would drown out in white noise.
Incoming sound quality is rather average. This is because the headset is just not loud enough! Conversations are audible when there is little ambient noise but one you are sitting in a car it becomes very difficult to hear anything.
The headset is very comfortable. I have been wearing it for the past 2 hours now and it still feels OK.
yeah like jos say right over the pickup button and mic
and then a female 3.5mm minijack and then plug in ones better
headset would work just fine
it's just solvdering those wires may not be too easy for newbies
as they are somewhat thin
and if people mess up they dont have anything to fall back on
Being a cheapskate I took the spongey bits of a spare set of in ear heaphones and put them over the XDA ones - they stay in a treat now.

broken headphone jack?

I've tried this in 2 XDA II's. I put my headphones it one and it works but you cant hear it and you have to hit the cap around a little for it to get sound for a slip second. I put my headphones in another XDA II and it works fine.. So obviously there is something wrong with this XDA II's headphone jack. The rubber cover to the headphone jack is missing, would this have any effect on it?
When I put it in the broken headphone jacked PDA when I insert the headphones in it makes a crinkle noise from me pushing it in. The other XDA II goes in smoothly. =/
Rubber cap doesn't change anything (apart from stopping rubbish from getting into connector )
What you described is a case of worn out connector (in PDA).
It happens sometimes. Jack type connector aren't so tough, especially when you plug in and out often.
If you dismantle Blueangel, you'll have clear view of connector body soldered to PDA's mainboard.
You can do it. You can let somebody do it. Or You can leave it to professionals.
The connector needs to be replaced (very cheap part).
Maybe it's enough to bend metal terminals inside a little. A person who does hardware will know.
There's a optimistic version though.
Maybe only cleaning the terminals would do for you (I doubt it though).
It can be done without opening BA.
I'd recommend using some special spray (for cleaning electrical contact metals). Ask in electronic parts shop.
Good luck.
I ment my XDA II, not XDA IIs, lol. I have no expierence with opening the phone but I am good with electronics, but I don't know exactly what I'm looking for =/. I think I might just buy the HT820's Bluetooth headset, that would solve my problem overall.
Faulty socket repair...
Hey guys,
I have the same problem as above (crackling sound through headset) and the O2 service centre said it would cost £97 to fix.
But just did a web search and found a small company in London that said they can fix it (within 2 hours!!!!) for only £30!!!!
Im off to get it sorted so I'll let you know how it all went!!!
Richie Rich.
Mine wasn't like this until I bought it. I bought it from a friend for only $100USD because I'm very good friends with him, it works fine perfectly but the only problem is the headphones don't work in it (any headphones) and he knows there is something wrong with the jack, it wasn't like this until recently it happened. It's cheap to fix probably... but I'd rather just buy the HT820 bluetooth headset, its a good replacement instead of having to send in the PDA to fix a little headphone jack port I wont be ever using sooner or later.
but hey if that place fixes your phone, reply to this topic I want to know!
Headset Jack
I had this exact same problem in the past.
The headset would crack and go out every once in a while, sometimes I would have to move it around in order to get any sound at all.
I didn't do anything about it until it completely broke off, yes the inside plastic connected to the motherboard broke...
So I went to open it up, its not that hard, just a few screws, but I had to buy a torax screw driver (not that expensive)
I was also a bit shy about opening it, but I found this post:
you wont have to open it all the way up... just pulling the back cover off, then you will see the headset jack,
If it isn't broken or cracked then your solution would just be to take the metal connectors and a flathead screwdriver, and bend them,
Don’t bend the metal connectors too much so you can’t put a headset in, but just enough where there is definite connection around the headset,
You might want to put a headset in and see the dimensions before you close it (to save you from opening it up again)
You might want to clean the metal if it is dirty, ether with a dab of eyeglass cleaner on a soft cloth (eyeglass cleaner works well with electronics, due to the alcohol that evaporates)
Although if the metal is encrusted or rusty, you might want to take a small strip of sandpaper, or some abrasive object, but don’t rub too hard or you'll take them off!
Don’t worry too much about opening your device up; it is not hard, just open it with caution.
Good luck!
imablackhat, hi, did u mean that ht820 can output sound from media player & every sound from xda2? my current BT is bluetrek G2 and as far as i'm using it for talking only. how many hours the batt can last if we continously hear musics?
its 17 hours of music, www.expansys.com, search HT820, its the headset. I'm considering buying it for cheaper on eBay.

Jack output no sound

Hy. I have such a problem that if i plug in a headset to the jack output i have no sound. But if i unplug it, the speakers are ok. I have given in the phone for repairment, but they said it has no hardware problem. So what? I don't think it could be a softver problem because i have reflashed it for a million thimes after this. Can someone please help me?
I have reverse problem. I have sound in headphones, but no sound on external input/output. Except phone rings. Like headphones is always plugged in. It began after using usual 3-contact headphone jack (instead of 4-contact HP with mic). I have no idea what could it be (looks like a short circuit, but don't looks like one)... need extra help! Can't use my mobile phone and it's vital for me.
For sunnyRio there are two possibilities, one is the headphones, you might wel have a pair of broken headphones, try connecting them to another audio source (CD, mp3, computer, etc.), if they are ok then you could have a "strange" kind of hardware failure, I've repaired lots of stuff in more than two decades of work and I've seen the strangest things...
Your headphones connector might be "dirt" inside, it might be suffering from a false contact (very likely if you do plug and un-plug your headphones a lot), this false contact can be very hard to see, I even found a connector that has its pins broken between the PCB (printed circuit board and the connector itself), this was a tough one, this device (was a walkman) have passed by several repair shops first, the only way of figuring out was by desolding the connector.
Generally, inside the headphones connector there's a switch that disconnects the speakers while the headphones are plugged, once you unplug the headphones the speakers come alive again, this switch can even be a "simple" switch, one throw, one contact and can be switching some electronic analog switch, however, it could be necessary to take it to a very good technician to get it repaired, if you want to send it to Italy...
For alexkass84, the front speakers are not responsible for the phone rings, there's another speaker doing that noise.
Your problem could easily be a simple variation from that of SunnyRio or it could the speakers, same treatment applies in your case.
If any of you are relatively confident with electronics you might even tempt yourselves, look for the service manual in the wiki and go for it.
good luck!
kecido said:
For sunnyRio there are two possibilities, one is the headphones, you might wel have a pair of broken headphones, try connecting them to another audio source (CD, mp3, computer, etc.), if they are ok then you could have a "strange" kind of hardware failure, I've repaired lots of stuff in more than two decades of work and I've seen the strangest things...
Your headphones connector might be "dirt" inside, it might be suffering from a false contact (very likely if you do plug and un-plug your headphones a lot), this false contact can be very hard to see, I even found a connector that has its pins broken between the PCB (printed circuit board and the connector itself), this was a tough one, this device (was a walkman) have passed by several repair shops first, the only way of figuring out was by desolding the connector.
Generally, inside the headphones connector there's a switch that disconnects the speakers while the headphones are plugged, once you unplug the headphones the speakers come alive again, this switch can even be a "simple" switch, one throw, one contact and can be switching some electronic analog switch, however, it could be necessary to take it to a very good technician to get it repaired, if you want to send it to Italy...
For alexkass84, the front speakers are not responsible for the phone rings, there's another speaker doing that noise.
Your problem could easily be a simple variation from that of SunnyRio or it could the speakers, same treatment applies in your case.
If any of you are relatively confident with electronics you might even tempt yourselves, look for the service manual in the wiki and go for it.
good luck!
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I had the same problem few days ago ... and I also noticed that when I pressed the keboard with a little pressure, sound started working again. But whenever I inserted the headphones and pulled out after the use .. there was again .. No sound !
After few days when I had to change the SIM Card, I noticed that the battery was not fixed properly and after fixing the battery properly again, my problem never existed !
Try and let me know please
That wasn't battery. I'm often used to change batteries (I have two in case of uncharging), so I didn't observed such an effect (tried also to sqeeze keyboard).
So I bet it's the jack contacts. I need ideas how to clean it without disassembling the device (I don't have heeded screwdriver and havo no wish to give it in other hands). Also I couldn't find spare jack for 4-contacts same the headphones with mic. I didn't solved BT problem, so I can't use my Jabra 620 well (mostly I listening to music).
Now I have WM5 and gonna try broadcomm BT stack. Have anyone tested stack for A2DP with WM5? Can you give a link?

Audio jack connector bad contact

This post is to share my experience with the audio jack connector of my Galaxy 3.
The connector had a bad contact for a while. I had to hold the jack in a certain angle to have audio in both ears.
I wanted to buy a new connector, but I could not disassemble the phone completely, so I did not order one.
The solution what helped was that I sprayed a Teflon spray on the earphone connector and connected it to the galaxy 3's jack. And voila, now it perfectly works. The reason I did not spray in directly, that this way I could ensure that only a little lubricant got into the phone.
This little hack saved me around 10 bucks.
I did not find any fixya or whatsoever for the galaxy 3 jack, so I though I post this here.
BTW: this 10 min posts to get into the developer section is such a ####. I just did not want to write meaningless things in here, so I could answer people meaningful stuff.
Strange...I have the same issue. I'm using a set of kind of expensive Denon earbuds , with the slightest touch the volume will drop and headphones will play in mono...totally unusable.
Strange thing is that the stock Samsung Headphones that came with the phone work flawlessly. Even when jiggled around they continue to work in stereo.
The Denons are 2 ring (3 contacts) and the Samsung's are 3 ring (4 contacts)...
Do you think this solution would fix my problem or is it a separate issue? Would I need a 4 contact extension to work with my Denons??
Thanks for any advice!
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA

Soldering the headphone jack

Hello people,
I've finally had enough with the headphone problems many have reported, the distorted sound and triggering voice commands. I've previously swapped the jack with a new one(had to buy a whole mid frame) and now it's started doing it again, about a month later(the original one lasted just as long).
The issue is that this phone is huge and when using it in my pocket with the headphones on, it moves that jack with every step. This wouldn't be a problem if the jack was soldered on or at least wired to the board, but instead it's just placed on top.
So I've decided I want to solder it on. I'm a bit scared as I've never soldered to a pcb board... And I might desolder other items. I'm going to hone my skills first on some other broken devices, but at this point I'm pretty sure I'll do it in the end.
Has anyone else here done this? Want to watch me possibly destroy this otherwise great phone? Heh.
Dude you're nuts. Just go get some Bluetooth headphones, it's 2016!! I literally haven't used my headphone jack more than 3-4 times in the 4 months I've owned this phone.
Also, I'm pretty sure the headphone jack isn't soldered in specifically so that if the jack moves around a little it won't cause damage to the board. This is common on most/all phones. Soldering it down would be a TERRIBLE idea. You will likely damage your phone.
Why didn't you just send it in for warranty repair?
Sean89us said:
Dude you're nuts. Just go get some Bluetooth headphones, it's 2016!! I literally haven't used my headphone jack more than 3-4 times in the 4 months I've owned this phone.
Also, I'm pretty sure the headphone jack isn't soldered in specifically so that if the jack moves around a little it won't cause damage to the board. This is common on most/all phones. Soldering it down would be a TERRIBLE idea. You will likely damage your phone.
Why didn't you just send it in for warranty repair?
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Hi, I couldn't send it in because I unlocked it, which voided the manufacturer warranty. If I remember correctly on my old galaxy s4 it was plugged in with a cable, which was a much better solution. The reason my sound interrupts is because when it moves, it moves the pins on the board causing slight interruptions.
However the pins in the jack are long enough and soft enough that they would bend first instead of breaking the board.
And about Bluetooth headphones? I've bought 3 different sets, they either have huge controllers hanging and pulling on one side, or they are too big, or they're poor quality, I've spent more than I want to admit on different sets (see attachment).
So today I'm going to try and solder the jack, and throw this phone away if I break it and buy a small one, that doesn't put that much pressure on the jack in my pocket.
Stay tuned. I should take pictures.
No go
Well, it didn't work. I knew it would be hard to solder the little legs that where under the actual jack. Getting them all melted and touching before they cool down, without melting the plastic or the rubber around the jack was not possible in the end.
Only 2 of the 5 pads actually stuck together, and there was only a buzz coming from the headphones. I decided to open it again and remove the solder just in case something was shorted, I didn't want the sound chip to get toasted. My biggest mistake was leaving the glue on the jack, which stuck to the mid-frame. When I pulled that apart, the jack, with the two pads came with it.
I'm putting the pictures up if anyone wants to have a look at the mess, you can see in the first and second picture why my sound is interrupting: the pad is damaged from continuous friction.
The phone still works so I've lost nothing other than my time.
BTW, at the moment I'm using wired headphones to a Bluetooth adapter. Until they make smaller/lighter wireless headphones I'm stuck with this.
They got Bluetooth without the wire hanging thing that bugs ya (bugs me too) don't have a name or link right now but a quick Google search should pull them up
Ken C said:
They got Bluetooth without the wire hanging thing that bugs ya (bugs me too) don't have a name or link right now but a quick Google search should pull them up
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Yea, I saw Jordan Keyes review these ones. They are too much like having screws screwed in your ears. If they can get them smaller, and still have 2-3 hours battery, I'll be interested.
I am not sure how the LG Tone type of Bluetooth ear buds are any more intrusive than regular earbuds with a cord hanging down the side of your body! They definitely last a long time for me.
bv90andy said:
Yea, I saw Jordan Keyes review these ones. They are too much like having screws screwed in your ears. If they can get them smaller, and still have 2-3 hours battery, I'll be interested.
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How about these
Use this instead, it's a taotronics tt-br05 Bluetooth wireless receiver, you can plug your wired headphones in it and use Bluetooth instead of the 3.5mm plug.
Has play/pause and volume/track change buttons. Also has a mic for calls.
Search in Amazon.
Ken C said:
How about these View attachment 3865297
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They only have 1 hour battery before you have to plug them in the little tube to charge again. The battery technology isn't there yet.
kadopt said:
Use this instead, it's a taotronics tt-br05 Bluetooth wireless receiver, you can plug your wired headphones in it and use Bluetooth instead of the 3.5mm plug.
Has play/pause and volume/track change buttons. Also has a mic for calls.
Search in Amazon.
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I have actually been using this
Good option, but it wasn't great sound quality.
Anyway, I've bought a second hand Xperia z5 compact and use that now. The moto x style has become a in house tablet.

