Orange UK confirm Network MMS bug - multiple copies. - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

From coming off the phone to Orange UK today, about picture messages my partner receives on a daily basis from me for the last two weeks for no reason, I was expecting them to say it was a fault with her own network.
Instead, they surprised me for once, by telling me it was a serious known Orange Network fault.
Check out my post at Modaco Smartphone for more background.
But if you think this has happened to you, check your next bill.

This did happen on a small scale with o2 at one point but members were not charged for the additional messages. I understand that some orange members were?


MMS+GPRS Tarif not possible, 02 UK

I was on the phone to o2 UK for 15mins today trying to enable MMS on my handset. Is is not possible! o2 will not allow the use of GPRS and MMS together. You can enable MMS but must disable GPRS. I asked if they had any plans to enable the use of both. The woman on the other end said no!!
My Serial Cable is on order. My contract runs out in August. Change of providers me thinks. Maybe orange and the Sony p800, just for fun...
[I also use my sim chip in a Siemens S55, hence the MMS request]
What experience if any have other people had trying to enable MMS please lets see what I am doing wrong...
I've had exactly the same problem here. Being rather annoyed by this state of affairs, I spent a good three hours repeatedly calling both O2 and Carphone Warehouse to try and get a decent response as to why this was not possible.
The responses fell into two camps:
1) Technical problems - "GPRS takes all the available slots so MMS can't push messages through". This smells like BS to me, even though I got this answer from fairly clued up tech support people on the data team. After all, it's virtually impossible to keep a permanent GPRS connection going at present, so if I'm not using GPRS, why ever should I not be able receive MMS?
2) Simple administration problems on the billing system - it's currently impossible for the O2 accounts to have both a GPRS data plan and MMS activated purely due to red tape in the billing system. This seems more likely to me. Expecially as one can get MMS activated, but have to 'downgrade' GPRS to a pay as you use service at £5/MB. That's an active GPRS and MMS service by my reckoning - it's got to be red-tape.
I was told 'unofficially' that they were looking into this and had a very loose date of end of May for this silly situation to be rectified. However, we all know how loose O2's deadlines are - EUU3 was released in March, with no file in the installation dated after November.
I even got a semi-official email (quoted below), but this, IMHO, is plain confused as the proposed solution quotes a Rom update. If unavailability is due to "necessary changes taking place on our network systems" then why would it require a client side ROM update? Basically, I beleive this just refers to the availability of EzWap 2.5 from O2.
Re. your query on MMS usage on the Xda.
After mailing the relevant people concerned, I have the following information..
MMS will not work with the Xda at this moment in time due to necessary changes taking place on our network systems (no timescales to hand).
(This would possibly account for your Service Provider being unable to provision MMS for you at this time).
O2 are also driving to have MMS available for the Xda in the next few months - possibly as part of the next ROM after 3.16.32 (currently in testing).
I hope this helps..
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but have to 'downgrade' GPRS to a pay as you use service at £5/MB
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I changed my data plan from 13.99 for 3mb, to £2.25 (maybe £2.95 I forget because of my frustration!) per 1MB, PAYG. This is one hell of a saving for me. So if I try again, I should be able to get MMS enabled. Confused!
I asked specifically:
"I cannot use GPRS and MMS on the same phone"
02 "no, you will have to disable gprs".
At the price I have been quoted for PAYG 5MB is less than £15. So I'm on a better deal?
Is there any official, or accurate information on this please.
I have just spoken to O2, and there is another system that they use that will allow GPRS & MMS to co-exist on the same tariff. It's called the "die" system, and involves you "porting" your number to a different customer base within O2.
Sound daft to me - but heres the catch. You have to be out of contract, i.e. over the 12 months initial period. In my case it is this Sept. So I will be chasing them then.
Ho Hum.
The issue is one of service providers.
O2 stores are OK - generally you can just about get what you're after.
But, if you bought your kit from dixons or Carphone, they don't have to offer MMS and GPRS, even if O2 support it! stupid, huh? guess it will cost money offering services people want.
Now, if O2 direct can't do it then that's pretty ****.
I have an O2 SIM from an O2 shop, which has MobileWeb and MMS enabled (bought with a 7650). Slips easily into an xda...
But, MMS on xda is prety poor... :?
i got mine from o2 and they have said that i cant have mms and gprs as the xda cant deal with the both ????????????? :?:
> the xda cant deal with the both
Of course it can. This seems to be just a techno-BS-excuse to try and put off potential users. OK so the XDA probably can't receive a WAP push message for an MMS when GPRS is in use, but then, it can't maintain a permanent GPRS connection anyway.
IMHO the reason they don't allow both tarrifs is purely administrative.
sounds like excuses i am currently on rom 3.16 and i have had my xda for a few weeks. o2 arent very helpfull and they shouldnt be selling this product if they cant provide the support for it 8)
you cant use mms on the xda its not possible to get the correct Ezwap 2.5 connection and mms settings for this program to work in the UK. If any one can help then email: [email protected]. cheers
Re: mms
kevin said:
sounds like excuses i am currently on rom 3.16 and i have had my xda for a few weeks. o2 arent very helpfull and they shouldnt be selling this product if they cant provide the support for it 8)
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Not excuses at all. The XDA does not support MMS features 'out of the box' and without using no UK Acredited software (acredited in Asia & Australisia). If O2 don't wish to support a 'feature' that was not advertised as being part of the package, then that is down to them. They never said it would work in the first place.
If you download the o2 gprs settings direct from their site its free!
They are currently running a free use with fair use policy of course.
I'm using a t610 with this no problems.
Good hunting...
I work for the Aberdeen O2 store and we have came acros this problem with a few of the billing agents.
CCL and Cell ops I believe to be the worst at this. There is no plans for them upgrading there system and you should leave them if you want the XDA2 or any other phone to run the gprs and mms at the same time.
The O2 stores now use a new billing company the same one for o2 online connections and I got my XDA2 through them and it works mms and gprs fine.
There are loads of billing compaines within o2 carphone warehouse and singlepoint seem to be the worst.
Also please note that o2 direct is normally your billing agent and there really **** when it comes to knowledge on the XDA's.
Us boys in the Aberdeen store know our stuff so if your stuck just pop in past it's probly a fair bit away from everone but its a nice drive up here
I had the same explaination from O2 after some 6.5 hours on the phone over the course of a week.
I'm a pay monthly customer - they told me the tarrif was incompatible.
After some complaining, one of the guys in the data services dept turned MMS on, and sent an email to the billing dept.
two days later I had a text message saying it was all up and runing.
I have tried it, and it works. I have MMS & GPRS
now if only I could get this bloody SanDisk SD Wifi card to work !!!

O2 curse on Debitel/Vodafone sim cards...

At the begining of October last year my boss was selling off his XDAII as he was upgrading to a XDA mini. So I thought great the price is right so I bought it off him. So far so good.
Now my Debitel/vodaphone sim card (Not directly from Vodaphone) worked straight away. No problemo. However I started to get Info SMSs at a rate of one every 10 seconds - 5 minutes. So I rang up the Debitel hotline and they told me how to block them although they couldn't tell me where they were coming from. However there seemed to be no problems with my account. This helped briefly but every time I had to restart it, wether because I had used the flight mode function or it had crashed (happens ofter when using Acrobat reader) or even after a cold restart, those damned Info SMSs were back and I had to block them again. About a week Later the touch screen gave up the ghost, and as it was still under garantee, O2 changed it straight away. The exchange one lasted about a week however it had the same Info SMS problem. Now these Info SMSs never affected any of my other phones and when I recieved my third XDAII, guess what? Yes those Info SMS were back again. Debitel told me during my numerous calls to there hotline that I obviously had ordered the news services myself, which I denied as I had not ordered them. They gave me a number to cancel any Jamba (Debitel service) Info SMSs which didn't work as I hadn't ordered from them. Then the Hammer. End of November, I recieved a phone bill from debitel for €216,88 :shock: (my usual bill is €90 - €115) It seems that all three phones had rerouted all those Info SMSs and any missed calls to a O2 service number :evil: Debitel naturally told me that I had rerouted all those calls and still insisted that I had somehow ordered the Info SMSs and of course the were not willing to negotiate on my bill.
Eventually I found out that they were comming from Vodaphones Vlive portal, however on calling the much loved Debitel hotline. I was informed that there was nothing that they could do as they came from Vodaphone. Now Vodaphone said that as I had a Debitel/Vodaphone contract they could do nothing as they have no accsess to my account. Debitel did however say that thier technical department could and would stop the Info SMSs but that was 3 weeks ago. Well now I've written to Debitel to canncel my contract and ask them to stop all Info SMSs going through my account however I've had no confermation on either account so I guess I'll just have to wait... Now the next interesting thing I installed a Vodaphone Sim in the XDAII and guess what even with a new number the Info SMSs kept comming and yes all my calls were being rerouted... Damn this XDAII is becomming expensive. How the hell am I supposed to stop the Info SMSs from being sent? Because blocking them is obviously not enough... Any ideas? I'm at my wits end HELP!

The Phone is not ready Error Message

Hi All, first post here trying desperately to find some information on the following problem.
My handset SPV M600 has the orange customisation and has been hard reset so it's back to factory specs. I can make and receive phone calls ok but I can't access the messaging services, send or receive text messages. Whenever I try I get the following error message
The phone is not ready. Wait 15 seconds and try again.
Needless to say, I've waited a bit longer than that with no joy. I would really REALLY! appreciate any help or advice you could give. Orange have tried sending SIM updates - (my monitor flashes like it does when there's something receiving on your nearby handset) but they never appear in the inbox.
I'm willing to try anything, even a reflash to another stable ROM if someone can point me in the right direction for a howto and the files.
Sorry for the long post, here's hoping you can help!
Same problem!
Hi Hitby,
Did you get this resolved? If so, what did you do?
I've just upgraded my Orange contract and got a new SIM from them. Everything was fine with my old SIM, this new one is OK for calls, but not texts. Same messae as you.
Orange aren't interested - not Orange phone etc.
Rather frustrated with them, needless to say!
i did mate, you need to get orange to switch the SIM card for a compatible one, Personally I thought they were all the same but apparently not. Mines a violet one with a small orange logo, can't remember what the other one was like (black?) but it looked different. I spoke to someone in the UK at length who maintained it was nothing to do with them then rang back and got put through to the indian call centre, she took my SIM card number and knew straight away from the digits that it wouldn't be compatible!
Thanks for info! This is driving me nuts, to the point where I'm almost spending £200 for new phone.
My SIM is a black one with a dark red pattern.
Orange told me "it shouldn't matter what phone you put your SIM into; it should all work"
I'll try calling and ask for a compatible SIM card. Great job for my holidays.
I will post outcome
yeah, the guy i spoke to in the UK said that to me as well but there ARE different types. hope you get it sorted
Fixed....well kind of
No joy with Orange. They almost lost my business, and I had to go to two shops before it was "sorted".
I decided to upgrade to the SPV M3100 (£200 from Orange on my contract) and I'll sell the existing phone to a friend (if his SIM card works, of course)
Big companies versus one consumer....guess who won.
Thanks again,
Phone not ready error
I had the same problem. Orange are unwilling to acknowledge that they do have different SIM cards in the first instance. However, I called them and told them that I had spoken to HTC and that HTC had confirmed that there is a known issue with some Orange SIM cards and the Prophet (although I actually I hadn't). I also told them that I needed a purple and orange SIM card instead of a black and orange one. Two days later a new SIM was forwarded and my phone is fully functional - be persistent with Orange and you will get a result. I gather from the Technician who called me back that there are a series of numbers on the SIM card number which indicates which type of SIM it is. (From memory I think he said anything over 30 was a 3G SIM which is incompatible) but for sure Orange in Bristol are aware of the fault and know how to put it right. I spoke to several supervisors before I got a resut so be ready to be persistent. Oh and once sorted don't forget to complain about the service you have received - I got some free line rental out of it too.
Well done on getting yourself sorted with Orange. I'm a very patient guy but after getting different stories from Orange every time, the hours wasted got to me......
I like the M3100, pity it cost me about £150 after selling old phone - Orange won't be getting my business if there's any trouble in a year or two when my next upgrade is due!
Just so you know, i spoke to orange last week about this and they referred me to tech support, after a few days they came back with the sim is faulty and are sending me a compatible one!
BUT if you are having this problem with a contract sim, ring up orange customer services and ask for a new sim, just say the old one is faulty, they Should then send you a new one no questions asked! much quicker than waiting for tech to respond.
Or if you are on orange PAYG go into your nearest orange shop and they will give you a new sim there and then!
hope that helps someone
Read this thread
i fixed mine.
i had the save problem with my imatejamin in wm6 gullum official rom, the error always shows when sending sms,
what i did:
1.hard reset-(if not work), your rom,(no vendor wm5->wm6 rom)
then my prophet is back to normal,i think it has something to do w/ the apps that i install or the system files gets corrupted,etc,
im using the touch VIII wm6 rom right now.
i hope it would help.

Unlocked G1 on O2 - No More Calls?

I've got an unlocked G1 bought off eBay in early December. Up until today it's been working without any problems. However at 11am today it dropped off the O2 network and I can't get voice / text. I still have data access though.
Here's what I've tried:
1. My SIM in another phone - fine
2. Other SIMs in my G1 - no network registration except for a TMobile SIM.
3. Soft reset of G1
4. Hard reset of G1.
5. Wipe and reflash using method off microSD card to UK RC8 - no difference.
I'm desperate here - got multiple important calls pending over the next few days..
If I use "Search Networks" and manually select O2, I get the message "Your sim card does not allow a connection to this network".
"Registering automatically" also fails (but silently).
How can I get my G1 up and running ??
Try getting a new sim card from O2?
Currently using my SIM in another phone without issue (on the same cell tower too).
CodeMonkey said:
Currently using my SIM in another phone without issue (on the same cell tower too).
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Some random setting might be off? Here is another thread with O2 discussion and APN info...
demontefixo said:
Some random setting might be off? Here is another thread with O2 discussion and APN info...
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Nope - it literally dropped off the network after being in use with no problems after a month.
Can connect to o2 data channels, just no voice / text. Connects to voice with T-Mobile SIM only.
I've redone the settings 1/2 a dozen times as part of the whole wipe / re-flash circle of life thing...
Given up now - will test with PAYG TMobile and sell on eBay for parts / working. Can't be dealing with it for now but will return to Android when it's a little maturer and my contract's due.
I'm having the exact same problem. Anyone ever find a solution? I phoned T-Mobile and they told me to type in something involving the PUK code, but I didn't think it'd do anything.
I typed it in, and it's just stuck now. Saying unblocked, now unlocking.
Anyone help?
petertheface said:
I'm having the exact same problem. Anyone ever find a solution? I phoned T-Mobile and they told me to type in something involving the PUK code, but I didn't think it'd do anything.
I typed it in, and it's just stuck now. Saying unblocked, now unlocking.
Anyone help?
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I've got a pay as you go T Mobile SIM in mine now. Registers with nework ok but won't make / receive phone calls / messages..
Going through the mill with T Mobile support in the hope they've seen this before..
I'm from Germany and wanted to complete an O2 contract and use it with my G1.
But before I make the contract I used an O2-prepaid card (O2 loop). Im connected to the next O2 cell and calling works great. (running ADP1 JF 1.31 fw)
The cell-tower are not the same as t-mobile and vodafone and the active O2-cell is changing very often.
I hope O2 contract will work, because it's the cheapest kind of data plan.
CodeMonkey said:
I've got a pay as you go T Mobile SIM in mine now. Registers with nework ok but won't make / receive phone calls / messages..
Going through the mill with T Mobile support in the hope they've seen this before..
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Looks like it's borked.. I give up..
Anyone want to have a go?
* shameless plug * (mods please edit this out if inappropriate)
will you ship to US?
neoobs said:
will you ship to US?
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Sadly no :-(
i had the same problem with my touch hd,also brought from ebay as it was unlocked.used it and worked well for 3 weeks then wouldnt make calls but would connect to the internet.after weeks of trying i found out from my network provider that the phone is blocked ie reported the person who sold it me had done an insurance scam.he diidnt get away with it though as i reported him to ebay and the police.and i got a new 1 from my im happy should ask your network to check the imei against thier database to see if your phone has been reported as stolen
mrcraig said:
i had the same problem with my touch hd,also brought from ebay as it was unlocked.used it and worked well for 3 weeks then wouldnt make calls but would connect to the internet.after weeks of trying i found out from my network provider that the phone is blocked ie reported the person who sold it me had done an insurance scam.he diidnt get away with it though as i reported him to ebay and the police.and i got a new 1 from my im happy should ask your network to check the imei against thier database to see if your phone has been reported as stolen
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Looks like you were spot on mate.
Just done a CheckMend report indicating that the IMEI has been blocked on "one or more UK networks".
I've pulled my auction (of course) as I'm an honest seller.
Will have to do some digging as to why - tense email to original seller tonight I think, then maybe the police etc in the morning.
CodeMonkey said:
Looks like you were spot on mate.
Just done a CheckMend report indicating that the IMEI has been blocked on "one or more UK networks".
I've pulled my auction (of course) as I'm an honest seller.
Will have to do some digging as to why - tense email to original seller tonight I think, then maybe the police etc in the morning.
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Blocked by T-Mobile at someone else's request.
Paypal - no resolution as > 45 days (nicely timed by seller it seems)
Time for the police *sigh*
Wow! Turns out my phone was blacklisted too! Thanks SOO much! I never would have thought to check to see if it had been reported stolen.
Need to chase up eBay seller now though. Fun.
Well - after hammering away at this for nearly 3 days...
I have a crime reference number!
Which means that PayPal / eBay / T Mobile will need to investigate.
Friendly advice to any others in this situation - I was told initially by the desk officer at my local police station that this was "a civil matter". Thankfully I ignored that and spoke to the local headquarters - they've confirmed that it's a criminal matter and they will be investigating further. So stick to your guns ;-)
Fingers crossed, and good luck to anyone else out there in the same situation.
Apologies for the bump
I apologize for bumping the thread after all this time, but i've had this happen to my G1 just today. After months of flawless use my unlocked G1 suddenly decided to not like any SIMs but a T-Mobile one. Annoyingly IMEI checks show that it's not blacklisted, using both CheckMEND and calling O2 direct and asking them if they have a blacklist flag on it, which they didn't.
I'm wondering if CodeMonkey, or anyone else, managed to get anywhere with a claim or a reason or solution to any of it?
Also, i'm curious as to whether or not we have the same Ebay seller, just to ease paranoia of a scam of some kind going on.
-- dil
dilandou said:
I'm wondering if CodeMonkey, or anyone else, managed to get anywhere with a claim or a reason or solution to any of it?
Also, i'm curious as to whether or not we have the same Ebay seller, just to ease paranoia of a scam of some kind going on.
-- dil
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This is still with the police *sigh*. Currently chasing down the T-mobile account holder who blocked it originally and the seller. Given up much hope of getting my money back but hoping to take the £350 I'm down by out of the guilty party's hide through the criminal justice system. As far as I can determine, this is either insurance fraud (account holder sells phone for cash, reports as lost and claims off TMobile insurance) or theft & selling stolen goods.. I personally think it's an attempt at insurance fraud by some dimwit as the phone came in it's original packaging with accessories still sealed.
I won't post the seller's name on a public forum in case they're an innocent party, however PM me the details of yours and I'll respond. If it is the same seller I'll update the police appropriately so they can widen the investigation and get in touch with you (if you want to go down that path)..
Update - compared sellers and they're not the same: watch out if buying on eBay peeps.
I am glad that I found this threat, to learn I am not crazy. Bought a German G1 via ebay, and the first day (wih original FW) everything was fine. At least i think so as I didn't use it much. Then I upgraded manually to latest German RC9 version. While the phone showed to be connected to o2 and internet was working fine, I noticed only one day later that I was not able to make outbound calls or send SMS. Also other o2 customer got error tone (no real message why not reachable) when calling me, SMS didn't arrive. However the most weird thing was that it was possible to call my mobile phone from my fix/land line! Again, for other mobile phones I was not reachable, but land line worked?!
While beeing frustraded I did HW reset and the FW update again, but still same problem. Still in the evening of the same day I left my house, sitting on the airport - and suddenly it worked smoothly. Since that, for a week now, everything works fine.
No, I don't undertand this at all. And I think this was in my case also no issue of being blacklisted as it works now, without doing anything. Letäs hope it does not have a fall back.
G1 Swindle
Hey guys
It looks like I have also been swindled by some chump on ebay and my G1 has been blocked. Has anyone any idea if the phone can be wiped and rebooted in a fashion that clears it from any blocking register?
Otherwise I'm stuck with a very expensive paper weight!!

Speed not the only Hero problem (Orange UK)

An Orange repairs customer service agent I spoke to today confirmed to me they are aware that the Hero has issues whereby:
Some SMS texts are not received by the device
The phone cannot make or receive calls at times even when the network is showing full bar coverage, including on a HSPA connection, requiring the device to be restarted to work again.
He confirmed that Orange were aware that the software was rushed to market, and that there is no fix at this time.
He is replacing my handset "for the hell of it".
Upon raising the issue of termination of contract, he claims that Orange is in no way responsible for the handset or software, and that I should speak to HTC for a resolution.
I disagree with this if they were aware of these issues and the handset was rushed to market, as they surly have a responsibility to fully test the device on their network beforehand? Anyway, I will be in touch with Ofcom for advise.
Have you had a similar issue and response from Orange?
Anyone have any advise with regards to Ofcom?
When I ordered the handset - via telephone sales - I was told it was a 12 month contact, and have now been told I've been signed-up for an 18 month contract - so I've got a couple of bones to pick with Orange and are so far unimpressed by the network.
ubernick said:
An Orange repairs customer service agent I spoke to today confirmed to me they are aware that the Hero has issues whereby:
Some SMS texts are not received by the device
The phone cannot make or receive calls at times even when the network is showing full bar coverage, including on a HSPA connection, requiring the device to be restarted to work again.
He confirmed that Orange were aware that the software was rushed to market, and that there is no fix at this time.
He is replacing my handset "for the hell of it".
Upon raising the issue of termination of contract, he claims that Orange is in no way responsible for the handset or software, and that I should speak to HTC for a resolution.
I disagree with this if they were aware of these issues and the handset was rushed to market, as they surly have a responsibility to fully test the device on their network beforehand? Anyway, I will be in touch with Ofcom for advise.
Have you had a similar issue and response from Orange?
Anyone have any advise with regards to Ofcom?
When I ordered the handset - via telephone sales - I was told it was a 12 month contact, and have now been told I've been signed-up for an 18 month contract - so I've got a couple of bones to pick with Orange and are so far unimpressed by the network.
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There are no known issues with the HTC Hero, This would not be an exclusive issue to "orange devices" it would be an issue with all devices, HTC supply the handsets to our networks with the "Branded roms" pre flashed.
When taking the contract you would either...
Sign an agreement in store and be given a copy stating your contract term.
If signing up via Telesales, verbally agree contract and recieve confirmation of the contractual term with the handset (usually on the delivery note).
The cost of the handset to you and the price of the package would be relevant to the contract term, the 12 month plans certainly dont appeal to me!
Try again..
There are no known issues with the HTC Hero, This would not be an exclusive issue to "orange devices" it would be an issue with all devices, HTC supply the handsets to our networks with the "Branded roms" pre flashed.
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There are known issues with the Hero, I just listed two of them, which were confirmed today when I spoke to Orange. I did not say they were exclusive to Orange.
These issues have been raised in various threads.
This, however, is the first time (that I know of) it has been confirmed by a network, in this case Orange UK.
Speak to "straight talking" Alex on extension 60716
Another issue to add to your list is HTC-mail's inability to display signed messages. Sysadmins and others who frequently receive important signed messages about software updates and other issues will be unable to read those without installing a 3rd-party email application (for example K-9 mail). HTC-mail only displays the message "this message is still on the server" in the body pane, although the actual body of a signed message is in plain text.
This problem is acknowledged by HTC, and their support reps don't know if it ever will be solved. It is not fixed in MoDaCo's custom rom v. 2.2, nor in the recent Hero update from HTC (same build). European support claim to have escalated to HQ though.
ubernick said:
This, however, is the first time (that I know of) it has been confirmed by a network, in this case Orange UK.
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I wouldnt personally hang on those words (this is one CSR's Opinion) its more of a snagging list.
The call issue is a result of lag usually caused by too many apps running in the background. (should be sorted with the new update)
Never heard of the SMS issue but I will have a word with my friend in tech and see if there has been anything raised
... if all roms and all HTC handsets were perfect XDA wouldnt get half the traffic it does.. and as many have stated "It is the least buggy HTC device I have ever had"
jackdaniels_lee said:
There are no known issues with the HTC Hero, This would not be an exclusive issue to "orange devices" it would be an issue with all devices, HTC supply the handsets to our networks with the "Branded roms" pre flashed.
When taking the contract you would either...
Sign an agreement in store and be given a copy stating your contract term.
If signing up via Telesales, verbally agree contract and recieve confirmation of the contractual term with the handset (usually on the delivery note).
The cost of the handset to you and the price of the package would be relevant to the contract term, the 12 month plans certainly dont appeal to me!
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Errm, I have to disagree with you on that...
My Hero has the issue with calls. I've even tried calling my phone sometimes and it goes straight to voicemail. I've then woke the phone up and it has full signal and then tried ringing it again and its fine.
Mine is a Black T-Mobile G2 Touch on o2.
My brother has the same problem, not all the time, but it does happen, he has a white unlocked on T-Mobile.
Addressed the issue with HTC, they are "investigating".
There is already a thread about SMS not being received, some people are having this issue, luckily I am not.
Also there is another issue with MMS, sometimes the Hero doesn't notice the MMS profile so it doesn't disconnect your Mobile internet and download the MMS message, it sits in your inbox (with no notification) with a download option. Only way to get it is by disconnecting mobile internet and reconnecting it. This is the same for sending an MMS.
Few quirks out there, but I'm sure they will be addressed. The telephone calls one seems more like a radio issue to me.
Bizzare, I must say I have not experienced the issues my self, although I have been running on the updated radio for the past 2 weeks, maybe that could be your soloution ??
I can confirm the sms issue as I and many others have experienced this. See this thread for info:
I had the call issue, but it seems to have gone once I flashed MoDaCo's rom and the latest radio.
jackdaniels_lee said:
Bizzare, I must say I have not experienced the issues my self, although I have been running on the updated radio for the past 2 weeks, maybe that could be your soloution ??
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squirreleater said:
I had the call issue, but it seems to have gone once I flashed MoDaCo's rom and the latest radio.
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Unfortunately I still have it. Although its so random, I can't find any pattern to why its happening, sometimes its fine, then sometimes people will be "I've been trying to call you for the last 20 minutes".
I'm only the latest radio, but I'll keep updating everything. I have voicemail, the buggers can leave me a message!

