Serious problem~~~My XDA II always auto reboot!!! - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

These two days, after I have installed some software, my XDA II always hard reset automatically . ANd it is hard to go into the system. It only show the "O2" screen. After many times, I finally can go inside the system, but it easily hang and reboot. It really make me frustrated. Does anyone can help me?

etmanq said:
These two days, after I have installed some software, my XDA II always hard reset automatically . ANd it is hard to go into the system. It only show the "O2" screen. After many times, I finally can go inside the system, but it easily hang and reboot. It really make me frustrated. Does anyone can help me?
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If you say you installed some software, after a hard-reset the software should be gone!! That's the principle of a hard-reset. So if that is not your case, hard-reset it manually or if that doesn't work it is not just some software, but it is a Rom or Extended Rom!!! But that is up to you, you should know what you installed.

etmanq said:
These two days, after I have installed some software, my XDA II always hard reset automatically . ANd it is hard to go into the system. It only show the "O2" screen. After many times, I finally can go inside the system, but it easily hang and reboot. It really make me frustrated. Does anyone can help me?
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It happened to me once, the only solution is to flash the rom.

it happened to me as well i send the XDA back to O2 they put me a new rom under waranty.
I also noticed that the radio was not functionning correctly impossible to call or be called nor sending or recieving sms, thus there were a signal.
They repaired it now it works perfectly

I think i cannot send back to O2 now.
Because I bought it in HongKong. But I am in U.S. now.
BTW, How can I flash the ROM?
I even cannot use activesync to connect with my computer~
Thank you!

if you haven't solve the problem try to upgrade it with the new rom upgrade, maybe it will solve your problem

I have a similar problems; have you installed KSE software truefax? :idea:

JGUI|My Phone Profiles Seriously caused that wit my XDA II. I switched to PocketZenPhone and now I have virtually no more resets at all.

Luckly my XDA II can sync after i put it away for serveral day.
And I upgraded and it works again!
But I am so worry about that it will happen again one day...


XDAII Critical Crash

I have been using the new XDAII for about three weeks or so and already I have experienced over 6 times critical crashes that caused the device to not even be able to restart after reseting. Even more troubling is that even when pressing the on/off button and hard reseting, the problem still cannot be solved. The only way I got around it is by actually removing the battery and letting it sit for a few minutes, put in the battery and then performing the hard reset. Of course, then I lose all data that was previously on the device. Right now, what I do is use the xBackup program to back everything to SD card and just wait for the device to crash. Then ultimately recovering. I can get around, but this is really quite annoying.
I have written to O2 about it and they said something about a radio version 10513A0, and that if this is the version (and it is), then I need to either register (which I did and wait for some upgrade), or send it in to O2 collection point for repairs. I really don't want to send it in because then I would have nothing to use (since its both phone and PDA). I just don't see why O2 could not just simply fork over the upgrade software. Also, I have experienced twice that the device would suddenly no longer be recognized by Activesync (newest version). It would automatically connect as GUEST and nothing could be done about it. No shuting down Activesync and restarting, or rebooting computer or/and xdaII, or even removing and reinstalling Activesync could solve the problem. Again, the only solution I have is to perform the infamous full reset, wipe out the whole xdaII and then everything works again.
Anyway, all of this is really killing me here, just wondering if anyone has experienced this kind of situation and maybe have some advise.
By the way, the Bluespoon Digital seems to work fine with the XDAII although sometimes it does crash and a pairing must be done again, but definitely not like the Jabra 200 problem.
I had the same sort of problems with my first XDA-2 and as time pasee the problems got worse, So i returned it to o2 and got another one, same software and hardware versions, but this time with no real problems
XDA II Critical Crash
I have had the exact same problems as you experienced and was about to throw that gadget out the window... but then
Following advice received from an XDA II owner I tried the following:
I hit soft reset each time upon seeing the red text in the lower right corner 5 consecutive times. Then I waited and my XDA II came back to life effectively performing a soft reset rather than having to do a hard reset. Fascinating, let's see whether you have as much success !!!!
Thanks for the tip... I'll try it next time it happens again! However, I'm still wondering about the ROM v 1.06 and that Radio software upgrade. Thanks!
I'm also finding the XDAII needs a hard reset more often than the XDAI (although fewer soft resets). Had to do it twice last night, very annoying. Interesting tip about the soft reset at the boot screen, will give that a try next time.
O2 really should do something about it!
Ya, I totally agree. All this reseting and crashing and recovering is really not acceptable. The product features are definitely good and they did make some improvements, but this kind of quality is a definite downgrade. Even O2 admits that if your radio number is 10513A0 then you should send it in to a collection point for a software upgrade. They also insisted on registering which I did, but I just don't understand why they could not just simply post a downloadable software upgrade or ROM upgrade so that we don't have to be without a device. After all, we are talking about something that is both your PHONE and your PDA.
The ROM upgrade is definately necessary. I sent mine in and after that, no hangs whatsoever. No more hard/soft resets at all either. :lol:
if only it was so easy
I would have sent it in, but since I am traveling and don't live in HK, there is just no way to send it in. Besides, it takes about a week, which means nothing to use during the time. O2 really should be more considerate about this. If this was just a functionality upgrade or a boost in bells and whistles, waiting is reasonable. However, we are talking about crippling disfunctionality in a US$800+ device, they should atleast have the sense to post a fix to solve the problem. I heard something will be released in January, I wonder if this is confirmed. I am really sick of waiting. After all, MDA and T-Mobile supposedly already have something out. If they don't do something soon, I would really reconsider anything from O2 next time.
I have experient the same problem on my XDAII, and after 7 times hardreset during 14 days business trip in USA. I send it back to O2 and wait for the solution(already 1 week pass). And even a hardreset sometime could hardly be reached. You need to try 6-10 times. I think it should be a hardware problem because I acutrally upgrade my rom to a newer one(and not the english version), and after two days, I lost my phone function again. I have faced the same problem on my older PPC phone once(LENOVO ET180) and after I send it back to the vendor, they said the mainboard has failure, need to be replaced. After doing so, it works 6 months without a hardreset. I saw the same issue on PPCSG and, they all send their PDA+Phone back to the service. I think you better do it now as maybe there is no a ROM upgrade could solve the problem.
Goog luck. and if without those issues, it is really a perfect PDA+Phone. I love it. When I faced those ****, the only thing I could think is to buy another XDAII
I've the same problem
I've tried your tip to restart my Mda2 with XDA2 rom, and it works!!!!!!!!!!
Now I'm looking for a new Rom upgrade to change my radio version...
Still I think it's the solution and not to replace the radio hardware...
Cant Trust My XDA II
Well it's now Dec 2004 and I ALSO have the same problem.
I've only had my XDA II a couple of months and already I'm quickly loosing my patience with it!!
It crashes at least TWICE a week causing me major headaches.
If I was abroad and it did this I would be in severe trouble.
I brought this as a business tool and I'm afraid it is to unreliable to place
my trust in...
I have the latest ROM update installed
I can ill afford to send it in because it holds my customer base,
day to day stuff, Navigator and many other stuff I use on a daily basis.
"O2, what can you do for me?"
Topdog38uk, what software have you installed - especially any today plugins?
sigh... i haven't had such a problem since i bought it..... till i update the new rom from O2 uk site... now i feel like throwing to on the ground lolz. anyway i just installed WM2003 SE upgrade mysterman from the forum and 1 crash so far.... :roll:

O2 XDA Exec phone pad doesn't show

Hi All,
It's my first experience with PDA. I bought O2 XDA Exec few days ago.
Well i'm not too happy with it but i'm try to console myself by looking into good side of it.
The first problem i faced is Phone pad. it stopped working. Tapping on Calls doesn't show phone pad. Media->video call also doesn't work. Tapping on Phone pad from input selector also doesn't work.
When i do soft reset it works first time but again stops working.
Can any one help?
I have e-mailed problem to O2 but I don't expect any help from them.
I also had a similar problem with applications or functions not responding.
After talking to someone from O2 customer service. They confimed that a new ROM is on the way but don`t have any dates.
But did suggest changing the install from "Basic" if anyone choose "Personal"
I did a hard-reset and choose the option to do a Basic install without all the rest of the
Also de-actived "Error reporting" & "Accept incoming beams"
This has helped...
At least a soft-reset solves problem and returns operations back.
And I don`t need to resort to doinga soft-reset so often.
While we wait for O2 to release an updated ROM.
But something that still bugs me is....
Whats the difference between the power botton and a Soft-reset?
Also why not make the power-botton the reset botton?
The same problem for me. Have to soft reset often, because it only works at the first time. However, it seems as long as you don't end it in the task manager, it can be contuniously accessed.
The same problem for me. Have to soft reset often, because it only works at the first time. However, it seems as long as you don't end it in the task manager, it can be contuniously accessed.
I did hard reset and installed in Corporate mode and it works now.
How many time hard reset do you have to do it?
so everytime you have problem u need to hard/soft reset?
i guess we better get a pen and a notebook,at least we dont need to reset.
i cant take it anymore because of xda that i have always gave me problem.
i bought my xda lls,less than 2 weeks i need to send for service.within a year i already send it 4 time.
i bought my xda lli.when i open up i saw a spoil pix there wont exchange with me.
tell me,how many xda users facing problem but nothing much u can do abt it?

My o2 xda mini s is dead I think :(

Right i need some help, big style.
Had me phone now for nearly a couple of months and it's been fine. Then today it all went wrong. Firstly the phone just did'nt work no signal or anything. Tried everything to fix but nothing seemed to work. So hard reset. Now the phone boots up and goes thru setup etc.. (but no 02 option??) gets to my today screen but when I choose anything i get a msg saying did i want to run unknown program etc.. choose yes/no. I have chosen all the combinations to get it to work but the phone sometimes freezes so i have to soft reset to get going but then I'm back to square one. I've downloaded the backup o2 rom but when i run it i get an error saying it cannot create a folder??? So at the moment i can use the phone sometimes but sometimes it freezes up 9/10 i cant sync with comp.
Before you ask I only have tomtom installed and afew themes, and the xda worked fine before hand.
Any ideas please would be a great help. If not I'll be straight on the phone to o2 to get a replacement.
screen shot of the error msg i get
screen shot of the error msg i get
Right getting really annoyed now with my phone :evil:
managed to get it working again after downloading the o2 rom and re-flashing. Since i started this thread i have re-flashed rom about 3 times!!!! My phone just stops working. No network signal or anything!!! All the problems started after i install wisbar, phones never been the same since. stoped using wisbar and started pocket plus. phone worked fine until i soft reset cus it frooze. when it restarted nothingworked. I'm just about to flash again for the 4th time. Only gonna install tomtom and eten dialer and afew games thats it. I'll install in basic mode but wont delete any o2 files as normally do. If it goes again after this it's going back to o2.
Well, simply send it back for warranty repair, what's the problem? These things happen, I'm used to that... had to bring my Nokia 6600 back 2 times during warranty year... :?
does it damaged the phone if your constantly re-flashing the rom?
Sorry to keep posting but is there an anti-virus software or something cus i think there must be something on my xda cus even after flashing the phones still not 100%
Keep in mind, by the way, that flashing your rom with any ROM other than one provided to you by your provider is grounds for voiding your warranty
yeah I know i just thought that may fix whatever problem there is. I think i've just got a dud mini s. Worked fine for a month but now it's gone crazy. I think re-flashing with the o2 rom 5 times and still no joy means the phone will go back.
I'll ring o2 first thing in the morning.

HELP! TyTN freezes/hangs on startup

I really need help right now. This is second time my TyTN goes wild this way.
I can start machine allright and I can put PIN-code in but little bit after TyTN hangs totally. It does not respond to anything.
Even hard reset is difficult to do because you have to be so quick to push buttons before systems freezes.
There is no extreme programs or any changes made after last hard reset.
1. Can I do something now on the road?
2. What have I done wrong that it goes wild like this?
Please help ASAP if there is something to do now without HR.
I dont think the freeze can stop the hard reset ... You should be able to HR even when your TyTN is frozen till the ice ages ...
This is not the....
This is not the main issue. I can Hard Reset... but what went wron in the first place? And twice in one week.
Few decent program installations and using ActiveSync in two machines... I think that is the reason somehow... But how to prevent this happening constantly.
Most likely, one of your programs is screwing it up .. You need to figure out which one it is ... Setup one by one manually and see what happens ..
Also, try installing SPB Pocket Plus .. that has a manual safe startup mode .. see if you are able to start up your TyTN in the safe mode .. instead of doing a hard reset everytime ..
_mike_ said:
I really need help right now. This is second time my TyTN goes wild this way.
I can start machine allright and I can put PIN-code in but little bit after TyTN hangs totally. It does not respond to anything.
Even hard reset is difficult to do because you have to be so quick to push buttons before systems freezes.
There is no extreme programs or any changes made after last hard reset.
1. Can I do something now on the road?
2. What have I done wrong that it goes wild like this?
Please help ASAP if there is something to do now without HR.
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Just another thing to check along with suggestions above. Do you use a storage card. If so does it still hang with the card out. And secondly is there a decent amount of on board memory free.?
gravejoker said:
Most likely, one of your programs is screwing it up .. You need to figure out which one it is ... Setup one by one manually and see what happens ..
Also, try installing SPB Pocket Plus .. that has a manual safe startup mode .. see if you are able to start up your TyTN in the safe mode .. instead of doing a hard reset everytime ..
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Had this happen on a Prophet it turns out it was one of the 3rd party software apps installed, the author updated it and no more issues.
I would bet the same thing is happening to you on the TyTn
yer i agree with mark i had same prob with my htc tytn turn out to be a 3rd party bluesnafing tool
What program that...
...might be?
Nothing starts on startup. I mean nothing special that my friend does not have. And he has no problems at all.
My guess still is that problem is ActiveSync. Because in freeze I can see part of ActiveSync window. And ActiveSync starts automatic...
Is there way to prevent ActuveSync on startup?
Thank you for your replys.
_mike_ said:
...might be?
Nothing starts on startup. I mean nothing special that my friend does not have. And he has no problems at all.
My guess still is that problem is ActiveSync. Because in freeze I can see part of ActiveSync window. And ActiveSync starts automatic...
Is there way to prevent ActuveSync on startup?
Thank you for your replys.
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_mike_ I wouldn't be that dismissive of that advice. Usually, just where you think your sure you have everything covered in a particular area so theres no need to check, thats usually where your problem is.
The fact is that you and your friend have two different phones. Are the model numbers, lot numbers identical? Did you both in stall the exact same software with the exact same version numbers?
I'm guessing that you missed something there.
You need to be patient and thorough when figuring our these issues.
The best advice to find the answer to your problem has already been given.
Start with a base WM5 build and your ext ROM software. Remove your memory card.
Spend at least a day or two in base config. This will certainly tell you if its the phone or the software.
If your phone stays good, add one of your programs to the phone and wait another day.
repeat this until you find out what's causing the issue.
It's not quick or fast, but it's effective.
Good Luck!
l3G3ND said:
_mike_ I wouldn't be that dismissive of that advice. Usually, just where you think your sure you have everything covered in a particular area so theres no need to check, thats usually where your problem is.
It's not quick or fast, but it's effective.
Good Luck!
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I think you are right. I'll do that. Thank you.
_mike_ said:
I think you are right. I'll do that. Thank you.
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Let us know how you make out.
So what happened with this issue?
Mine has started doing this right after I installed pRSSreader and subscribed to BBc news feed
I took out storage card, soft reset and was quick enough to disable the today screen plugin for the offending app and then uninstall now everything's okay.
Maybe problem was caused by installing pRSSreader to the storage card confused:
Quad said:
So what happened with this issue?
Mine has started doing this right after I installed pRSSreader and subscribed to BBc news feed
I took out storage card, soft reset and was quick enough to disable the today screen plugin for the offending app and then uninstall now everything's okay.
Maybe problem was caused by installing pRSSreader to the storage card confused:
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There was an issue with pRSSreader 1.3.2 I believe. It happened to me. I was able to disable the today plugin and recover, but it took a few tries. It's supposed to be fixed in the latest version.
Freeze TYTN
I had the same problem after installing Nots Push mail 3 party software.
Each SR make my TYTN freeze.
I have used Memmaid in order to remove it from the startup program
It has solved the problem
Mine hung after installing and uninstalling psShutXp. After uninstalling, I kept getting a notification error message whenever I turned it on concerning psShutXp. Then, it just locked up for good. No amount of soft resets, powering off/on helped. After a hard reset and reinstall of my favorite apps, back to working fine.
I do occassionally lock my phone by accident and I get a little freaked out the next time I use it because nothing works. Then, I realize what I did and that I'm a moron and everything's good again.
URPREY said:
There was an issue with pRSSreader 1.3.2 I believe. It happened to me. I was able to disable the today plugin and recover, but it took a few tries. It's supposed to be fixed in the latest version.
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Just checked and that was the version I installed.
edit - according to their website 1.3.2 is the lates version
I now have the same problem. I have only a view programs installed. Each softreset hangs at the windows mobile screen.
As I don't like a hard reset everytime, my workaround is to enter the bootloader and do a softreset from there...
Is it cleared in between, what is causing the hangs?
good night
Im getting a similiar problem with mine after not having added ANY new software recently. Mine hangs at the HTC screen, and no matter whether there is:
A) sim card and microSD card
B) microSD card only
C) sim card only
D) neither
in the machine, it still just hangs at the HTC screen on startup (regardless of whether its a soft or hard reset), and doesnt even make the startup tone, or play the animation, all it shows are a few digits and such in red at the beginning. PLEASE HELP!
Mine has it too
I know its a year later, but has anyone found an answer for the Freezing / not booting / not starting of the phone?
One reason is if you have a BS rom installed. You need to install a stock NBS rom (make sure radio is stripped out or you will have to reflash yours) the reflash your BS rom. Make sure you back-up your contacts and messages first.

HELP - Major Perfromance Issues with O2 XDA Flame

Please help, I recently bought the O2 XDA Flame. I had been using the device for a couple of months. As time went on the speed of the phone has deteriorated. At first i thought it was nothing, so i would restart the phone. But then came another issue, after the restart the device would take even longer respond to any command. It would just hang during phone calls also would have isseu with opening the contact etc. I even tried to Hard reset the darn thing but it would not work and would just keep hanging on me.
Please if anyone has any information it would be helpful!!!
Help Help Help!!!
nbkn8ct said:
Please help, I recently bought the O2 XDA Flame. I had been using the device for a couple of months. As time went on the speed of the phone has deteriorated. At first i thought it was nothing, so i would restart the phone. But then came another issue, after the restart the device would take even longer respond to any command. It would just hang during phone calls also would have isseu with opening the contact etc. I even tried to Hard reset the darn thing but it would not work and would just keep hanging on me.
Please if anyone has any information it would be helpful!!!
Help Help Help!!!
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sounds like it could be HW issue or SW as well. if it's still covered by wty better send it to SC. we don't want to void the wty right? hehehe if WMG has ROM upgrade you may want to try and upgrade it and see if problem still persist

