Need advice in latest Radio Stack Upgrade - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I have a Qtek 1010 with 3.16.52 ENG ROM and Radio Stack version 3.23.01 but the radio is not working perfectly. An upgrade to Radio Stack 4.21 would be useful (or harmful !) ?

yesterdy night i upgraded my XDA to radio v4.21 from the o2 website........i now have no xda beacuse it is broken and i have had my xda for 1 day........
but i have insurance so i will get a new one...
but its up to you.....i have just had a bad experience with it...

yesterdy night i upgraded my XDA to radio v4.21 from the o2 website........i now have no xda beacuse it is broken and i have had my xda for 1 day........
but i have insurance so i will get a new one...
but its up to you.....i have just had a bad experience with it...
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can you please explain in more details what happend so other people will not do the same thing and break their devices.
from my previous experience i notice two things could damage your device.
1- disconnect your device from the USB cable while upgrading
2- if you start upgarding without disabling the security PIN for the mobile if it was set on.
thanks with best regards.

hey yeah sure that fine...
to be totally honest with still in the dark about what i did...
i did however have the pin yes that might be a factor...
but i was loading it up and sunndenly it said "upgrade failed, reseting" still trying to find out myself......
as soon as i know what happened....i will update u


Qtek 1010 software for O2 XDA?

I have for a long time been looking for software updates for my O2 XDA (I have ROM 3.02.00 ENG and radio version 4.01), but with no luck.
Now I have noticed new software for free download for the Qtek 1010, apparently ROM 3.16.13 ENG and radio 3.19.01 (should this be 4.19.01?)
Is it possible to use these 2 files to update the software?
As my O2 XDA is unlocked, I wonder whether updating the ROM and the radio version will have any effect on the unlock, i.e. could the phone change to locked?
Best regards
amolldk said:
Now I have noticed new software for free download for the Qtek 1010, apparently ROM 3.16.13 ENG and radio 3.19.01 (should this be 4.19.01?)
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Where have you found these files!?!? I have a Qtek, but haven't heard anything about no upgrade. You bet I'm interested!
Can be found for download on these sites:
I am still curious whether this upgrade can be used for O2 XDA.
Anyone for a test?
Best regards
It's working! I just upgrade the radio rom from 4.16 to 3.19.01.
Sound more like a downgrade then a upgrade. :lol:
Did you also did the winCe rom upgrade?
Don't look at the first number in the OS or radio versions, it denotes region. 4.16 is an older version than 3.19.
Was the upgrade done on a Qtek 1010 or a XDA?
Anonymous said:
Can be found for download on these sites:
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They only say, somthing about sending the OS via eMail. It seems, that there now downloads left ...
Has somebody got that Download and is willing to share it with us ??
The image can be downloaded on the first site...
however, I have just reflashed my XDA/MDA with the older irish ROM, it has plenty more features than this one, GPRS standby and ISDN call type.
Don't trust the version numbers
Zviratko said:
The image can be downloaded on the first site...
however, I have just reflashed my XDA/MDA with the older irish ROM, it has plenty more features than this one, GPRS standby and ISDN call type.
Don't trust the version numbers
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Where is the Download option for the Radio Version on the first side, I can´t find it.
SladeHammer said:
Where is the Download option for the Radio Version on the first side, I can´t find it.
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Think this might be more usefull For CE
And for the radio
Please note you must first upgrade the CE version then the Radio...upgrading the radio only can cause problems
NoBackUp said:
SladeHammer said:
Where is the Download option for the Radio Version on the first side, I can´t find it.
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Think this might be more usefull For CE
And for the radio
Please note you must first upgrade the CE version then the Radio...upgrading the radio only can cause problems
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You are wrong, the Radio update goes first and patches WinCE.
btw. don't use the update, really, use the Ireland O2 update ROM.
Strange file after updating
I have upgraded my Qtek using
I performed all the instructions correctly and my pocket pc now has the
upgrade. However, in the remove programs, there is a file called HTC RSUupgrde.
I dont know I don't have to remove this or should it actually be there on my pocket pc? What happens if lets say I have to do a
hard reset and I lose this file?
Any suggestions? :?:
[email protected]
How to use FM in India
My frnd has gifted me a O2 XDA Orbit.....I bought this from UK...BUT I am not able to listen fm in India.....
Please help me.......
Also plz suggest me some website to get some games, software for O2 XDA Orbit.....
Thanks in advance

ROM update.... get me outta here!!

hi xda worldwide people,
i have updated my o2 xda with a Rom version 4.00.01 ENG and Radio Version 4.21.00, everything seemed to be working fine (finally i can even see the number of word i write in a sms...yahooo!!), BUT after a while of perfect functionning (to good to stay good...) I noticed that now i cannot acced anymore to the phone of the device. I cannot make any call!! :shock:
tried with a soft and full reset but dosent get any better..
I would try an upgrade to 4.00.11, and it that doesn't help you it's probably not the ROM but something wrong with the phone. You didn't mess with your Radio Stack did you?
...ops! tricky one!i hope there any way that i can find out if there is anything wrong with my radio stack? by the way is there also an ftp or web address where i can download the upgrade you say?
This info forum is great!!

What is the best version of Radio Unit for XDA I

I try to downgrade radio unit from v.4.21 to 4.16 BUT.. my network meter still swing and down (disappears) sometimes. What is the best radio unit version for XDA I?
ultimize said:
I try to downgrade radio unit from v.4.21 to 4.16 BUT.. my network meter still swing and down (disappears) sometimes. What is the best radio unit version for XDA I?
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The best RSU for Asia is 4.01. No Problem at all!
RSU 3.25.1 from Carrier Devices is perfect as well ... but guys, RSU flashing is extreamly risky ... do it ONLY if needed!!
niki_liandi =========== Where can i download RSU for Asia is 4.01 ?
Biso007=========== Is RSU 3.25.1 from Carrier Devices for asia network 900/1800? If YES! .. Where can I download it?
i tried both, o still like 4.01 but don't have its file, attached is the 3.25 version which is much better than 4.16 & the ugly discustingly ****ti 4.21, though if u can find 4.01 anywhere i'll be greatfull i currently have it on my mobile & reluctant to pllay with my phone because i don't want to lose it, BEWARE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL QUOTE MY FRIEND BIS007 WHICH BECOME MY FAV LINE
Ask me i have 3, one i use as a paper weight the other as an sliver elephant & the 3rd as it keeps my coffe warm when connected to the charger :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
I have asked several times on different threads where people are claiming to have downgraded 4.21 rsu to other versions, in my experience this is impossible. Can anybody give me the methods used, step by step please.
I managed to do this and I explain it in the following thread :

Downgrade the radio stack

My father give me his XDA I and its radio stack already upgraded to 4.21 which not compatible with my sim (it's satelindo 64kb postpaid sim a.k.a. Matrix).
Then I found that radio upgrade not recomended for my xda if I use that sim. The compatible one is radio stack v 4.16.
is there a way to downgrade my radio stack to v 4.16??
I also read this statement at xda official site :
"Please note that after upgrading the XDA to Radio 4.21, you will not be able to revert to the previous radio software version."
does it mean downgrade impossible?
Try searching a bit in the forum. I think there was an file called
The only way i know how downgrading will function is "upgrading" to a T-Mobile Version. for example 3.23.0. Then you can upgrade your Radio stack again to 4.16....
I f you are going to mess with your radio stack be prepared to end up with a pda and not a phone especially with that particular stack.
yeah, .. xda that juz a pda is funny thing .. ugh ..
LumpiStefan said:
Try searching a bit in the forum. I think there was an file called
The only way i know how downgrading will function is "upgrading" to a T-Mobile Version. for example 3.23.0. Then you can upgrade your Radio stack again to 4.16....
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wow, .. thanks .. can u give me the links, n maybe the neccesary files for do that ..?
is that safe ? did anybody ever done it ?
coz .. I don't wanna be the first rabbit .. hehe ... juz joking ..
I'll try the official way 1st. Ask the repair centre cost lots of money here .. if they can't maybe I'll try that ...
Down Grade Radio Stack
Are you in Indonesia and you need Downgrade and learn how to.., you can join in

restarting magician handsets like o2, imate , etc...

i am sandy from india and i got one problem from 3 months a go. the problem is restartin my o2 again and again automattically. i am really very tired for it and i made everything possible 4 it like changing rom version and i used more than 8 rom version and radio stack also but i cant find solution for restarting automattically of my o2 xda mini.
is and body can help me for my trouble.
i will really thankful if i got some help.
i am using o2 xda mini with
rom version:1.13.00 wwe
radio version: 1.13.00
protocol ver:1337.42
extrom version:1.13.121 wwe
i dont know man... mine is ok.
if i understood u then ur phone keeps resetting. if that is the problem then i dont think updating ur ROM wil help. something is broken inside the phone. u will have to fix that broken part. hope this helps!!
May be i am too late to reply to ur query but anyways on the back side of your phone near the battery there is a small switch put a tape on it and your problem is solved

