need help on upgrading my rom - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

i have an O2 XDA.
ROM Version: 3.02.00 GER
ROM Date: 05/27/02
I want to update to the new SER v.12 but have no idea how to do so.
Can anybody please help me?

Read this first
then, check out the thread/topic about SER 1.2, the thing you probably need/want is XDA-developers-SER-v12.exe, posted somewhere in that topic. Just download and execute, the programme will guide you

thank you
but is ist safe to install this rom. i have heard that some xda´s are destroyed if you install it.
what requirements does my xda need if i want to install version 1.2

Flashing ROM is not too dangerous - Radio part (the 1.5MB file) is worse
if you just follow the instructions you should be safe

I just bought the xda yesterday. So if i download the XDA-developers-SER-v1.2.exe to my xda and execute it, its gonna delete the old rom version and upgrade to the new one? I really have to be careful because i don't wanna kill my device.
if i update to ser v.1.2 do i have to update my radio part or can i leave it the old way.

You can download SER1.2 .exe file from
I am not an expert on this thing, but using the exe is not difficult.
It's a lot and alot better the the original ROM for my XDA.
Happy trying. Make sure to follow instruction though.

how do i execute the file once it is on my xda. what am i gonna do next?

You execute it on the computer... you did not read the articles, did you?

i have read the whole article. but why do i execute SER1.2 .exe on my computer and not on the xda? how do i get it on the xda?
please be patient with me....maybe i am retarded

You don't need to do anything on your xda. Executing the file on your pc automatically beams it to Activesync and then installs it on xda. Sounds easy enough...? It is!!

i thank you the utmost!!!i finally got it.ser1.2 is running without any problems and i even got rid of the annoying simlock wich would have cost me 150€.
you are awesome...thanks a lot


flashing appreciate if anyone can give an idiots guide to upgrading rom using mkrom......i have downloaded jeffs file [ thanks jeff]...and the latest files from o2source....[rom and radio stack.]....wht do i do now?
If you have Jeff's file, you need nothing else: just run it.
However, be advised there's some silly bugs in the connection setup which we are fixing as we speak. So you might want to hold off for the XDA-developer Special Edition ROM v1.1 which is due out tomorrow. It will be based on the 3.17.03 O2 Euro ROM, and won't contain any of these bugs...
Maybe Jeff will use our kit to create this ROM too...
It worked!...
Thats got to be the WORST 5 mins of my life!!!...
i satyed totaly still and shat myself al the way to 100%!..
Happy customer..

O2 Rom Image for upgrading to XDA-developers version needed

Can someone please tell me where to get or how to produce a Rom Image. I don't have a Unix computer at my disposal, let alone be a computer developer... So was waiting for an executable installer...
When executing the Summer Program A.exe file, the program stops and asks for downloading a Rom Image and then to try again.
But I can't find it anywhere. Reading the Rom Upgrade String of the Developers XDA Upgrade, left me frustrated.... Eveyone else seems to get it right but I'm still stuck seaching for the Rom Image..... And Hell, yes, do I want the Developerts version in working order on my XDA :!: :!:
Is anyone willing to explain me why it's not working for me :?: I'm using Windows 98.
[email protected]
Please read a lot more of the posts in here. It is spelled out clearly and make sure you UNDERSTAND that if you use programme a to upgrade your ROM you could kill your device making it just a fancy paperweight.
Re: O2 Rom Image for upgrading to XDA-developers version nee
GoldenHands said:
Is anyone willing to explain me why it's not working for me :?: I'm using Windows 98.
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I'm sure I read somewhere that Windows 98 gives a few funnies in this, but I could be wrong. Search for windows 98 on this site and you might find some info.
Otherwise, and in the meantime, check out these topics
Then go to Jeff's site and cook yourself a nice meal, caution advised.

Brick Avoidance During A Rom Switch...

I've read EVERY thread on this board in both Universal sections (not including accessories.)
There are lots of "how to UNBRICK your Universal" threads, but all threads with references on how to avoid bricking it in the first place are convoluted.
Can someone take up the task of making "The Definititive Guide to Rom Switching your Universal" that
1. Works for ANY HTC Universal variant
2. Starts w/ the standard "sync up your Universal" warning
3. Lists all software needed (extended rom unlockers, the roms themselves, radio update)
4. Runs all software in order so that the dreaded county code and syncing errors never show up
Can someone take up this task?
Again, this isnt about "best software" for the Universal. We are JUST talking about Rom switching...
i agree this would be really helpful. it's a tricky path to tread and a "one-stop" how to guidev would be great.
i agree this would be really helpful. it's a tricky path to tread and a "one-stop" how to guidev would be great.
Yeah this would be a great Sticky, especially as it looks like we are all about to receive a new ROM thanks to one of XDA-Developers users having just got a new Exec with a newer ROM version than the one available on O2's website.
BTW does'nt O2's website give detailed instructions on reflashing the original ROM that they have available for d/l? I cant get that far on their site as you need to fill out IMEI/Phone Number/Inside leg measurement etc before you can d/l it.
Can someone d/l it and see it it comes with instructions for applying and post info here, maybe its what we are looking for?
Here is the Pdf doc that comes with the software download
@bakerk, can you open the .exe in winrar or similar instead of running it? If you can is there seperate files in the .exe? i.e. an flash application and the actual ROM file? Or is the file not a self extracting archive?
-edit btw thanks for the posted pdf!
ok here is a list of the files looking in through winrar
\EnterBL.exe 5.496
\GetDeviceData.exe 10,104
\ms_.nbf 10,485,932
\nk.nbf 66,715,820
\radio_.nbf 10,633,900
\ROMUpgradeUt.exe 77,824
\RUU.conf 156
\RUU.dll 200,704
\UI.dll 282,624
As I recall these are the standard files for an upgrade
So it should be okay to use that update from O2 along with the ROM dump from Moandal when it gets posted, to upgrade all our Exec's to Moandal's Exec's latest ROM?

Advice On Upgrading My XDA 11i Please.

Yes as you can guess yet another newbie to all this stuff..... I a hoping that there is a nice XDA knowledgable person out there in Cyber land who can advise me on if its safe to upgarde my XDA IIi please.
My pda has this written in the device information:-
ROM version: 1.11.00 WWE
ROM Date: 01-27-05
Radio Version: 1.04.00
Protocol Version:1337.42
ExtROM Version: 1.11.162 WWE
I have downloaded from the XDA ftp ste this Program:-
A Friend has told me that they used this program and there unit worked a lot better than before, but also warned me to be very careful as you could very easily kill your xda. So I suppose my question is, can I use it to upgrade and if there are any dangers for me to aware of before having a go.
Sorry for my total lack of any knowledge about this but I really hope that there is someone who could advise me.
Many thanks
Hi there
There is always a chance that things could go wrong - a power cut for instance.
However, I'm an IT Manager, and this was new to me last year too - I just read about peoples experiences and read and re-read the instructions....
The hardest thing was getting the XDA2i to go into programming mode - but that was because I didn't think it had the first time I did it.
Once that occurred it was fairly simple. Your heart is in your mouth when you reset it after it has finished being upgraded but it is well worth you doing it...
JeanGenie said:
Yes as you can guess yet another newbie to all this stuff..... I a hoping that there is a nice XDA knowledgable person out there in Cyber land who can advise me on if its safe to upgarde my XDA IIi please.
My pda has this written in the device information:-
ROM version: 1.11.00 WWE
ROM Date: 01-27-05
Radio Version: 1.04.00
Protocol Version:1337.42
ExtROM Version: 1.11.162 WWE
I have downloaded from the XDA ftp ste this Program:-
A Friend has told me that they used this program and there unit worked a lot better than before, but also warned me to be very careful as you could very easily kill your xda. So I suppose my question is, can I use it to upgrade and if there are any dangers for me to aware of before having a go.
Sorry for my total lack of any knowledge about this but I really hope that there is someone who could advise me.
Many thanks
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1. It's safe to up ROM to your XDA IIi. I have one and did upgrading many times.
2. Due to your device information, it is quite same as "Alpine_Ext-1.11.162_Radio-1.04_O2stuffstripped_Camera_Fixed". Just as Pug and someone have informed: "O2 camera patch has no good quality", so Pug Remove this patch from Original Rom.
3. Just plug your XDA IIi into cradle, run MAUpgrade_noID.exe, follow the instructions and watch movie. After it finish, try to taste it yourself. It is easy as run setup.exe in your computer. And remember, if your upgrade fails, put your XDA IIi into bootloader mode (press Power, Action and Soft-Reset at same time), and do thing follow '3. Just plug ...' .
Have fun.
it did not fail on me, it just hung for a while, then i had to close it using task manager, then run it again, you MUST NOT TOUCH OR UNPLUG YOUR PHONE, before you run it again, it will say there is nothing on the phone then update the bios, i left it for 30mins before i worked that out, i was expecting a "cannot upgrade, flash failed" promte but it just hangs.

thinking of upgrading......pls help

im thinking of upgrading to xplode's WM6.1 Pro CE OS 5.2.19209 (Build 19209.1.0.2). took me quite a while to consider this upgrade, though.
but before i do so, i want to upgrade my radio rom and bluetooth stack first. question, what's the latest radio rom? is it 1.15.00 as i have read in the wiki? and how about for the BT stack version, is the latest? coz i've searched and found a 1.7 or something like that(its kind of a large jump from 1.0.0xxx version to 1.7, don't you think?). oh, it says BT broadcomm 1.7.1, are those the same thing?
please, could someone give me some information about these. im not new to upgrading ROMs, im on wm6 now.(so stupid of me not to upgrade the radio and BT stack for wm6, though. just bare with me) thanks guys.
oh btw, are there some more steps i need to do before the rom upgrade?
the latest radio rom is 1.15.00
you don´t need to update bluetooth stack, because it´s only a driver for wm 2003 se.
hope that help !
thanks. so all i need to upgrade right now is the radio version? oh, btw, i wanna do a ROM dump so i can backup my current ROM to an SD card. but the link in the wiki seems to be not working. i remember that a file or program is needed to do the dump.
you need Multi-Port/USB TTY
it´s the attached file.
greetings from germany
thanks again. i still cant open that part on wiki, it just says "problem loading page". all i need to do to use this file is just run it? no other instructions?
edit: there is an included .txt file on the zip which i think explains how to use the file, i couldnt read it coz its in german. sorry.
Read, read, read!!!
zhenius said:
thanks again. i still cant open that part on wiki, it just says "problem loading page". all i need to do to use this file is just run it? no other instructions?
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Before you do anything it is strongly recommended to read the usage of the mtty app because you can screw your device with an inappropriate usage.
Just an advice because mtty is a service app.
I suppose you should wait till that part of the wiki will be available again.
Or try Google
yeah, i am actually doing a lot of reading right now. im gonna search for info on this mtty. thanks. oh, something i've read on a thread, its not necessary to do a hard reset after radio upgrade on wm5. how about in wm6? do we need to do a hard reset? so i wouldnt have to do a ROM dump. just so i could slash out some steps in doing this upgrade.

