flashing rom...help - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

help...id appreciate if anyone can give an idiots guide to upgrading rom using mkrom......i have downloaded jeffs file [ thanks jeff]...and the latest files from o2source....[rom and radio stack.]....wht do i do now?

If you have Jeff's file, you need nothing else: just run it.
However, be advised there's some silly bugs in the connection setup which we are fixing as we speak. So you might want to hold off for the XDA-developer Special Edition ROM v1.1 which is due out tomorrow. It will be based on the 3.17.03 O2 Euro ROM, and won't contain any of these bugs...
Maybe Jeff will use our kit to create this ROM too...

It worked!...
Thats got to be the WORST 5 mins of my life!!!...
i satyed totaly still and shat myself al the way to 100%!..
Thanks xda-developers.com
Happy customer..


ROM updates / whats new in them?

Hello i just upgraded my QTEK from ROM Version 3.14.06 ENG to ROM Version 3.16.13 ENG and from Radio Version T313 to Radio Version 3.19.01. Everything worked fine and the ROM and the RSU were upgraded with success but idnt find any deffrence the device is still the same as for the GPRS i was hopping that when the device goes to standby it wont disconnect. Any idea what are the changes in the new ROM i have installed and the bugs that were fixed. If there is new ROM updates then the one i got from qtek.dk where are theyand will they work on my QTEK 1010 32MB.
3.16.13 is CRAP
use 3.15.15 + 4.16
Where can i get them from?
Thanks for your reply, but where can i find those updates and will they work after the current upgrade that i made. Finally will they work on the Qtek 1010.
as I said... 3.16.43 is unofficial and I can't share it... 3.15.15 is out there somewhere (use the Search function )
Couldnt find it!
Hi again i can find the new ROM versions that you instructed me to use instead of the ones i download it. Can you provide me with a direct URL to download the 3.15.15 + 4.16 ROM and will they replace the 3.16.13 Version.
Please advise
Re: Couldnt find it!
ARZLEB said:
Hi again i can find the new ROM versions that you instructed me to use instead of the ones i download it. Can you provide me with a direct URL to download the 3.15.15 + 4.16 ROM and will they replace the 3.16.13 Version.
Please advise
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Interesting. Can you tell me which site you been to that you manage
to upgrade your qtek before?
Sure ,
a while ago you could have found it on www.qtek.dk but for an unkown reason they have removed its link from the main page now you can find here:
be careful how you give information
Please be very careful how you give out information.
You have screwed up I believe many people who got
their device frozen and cannot be used after trying to
upgrade the ROM and Radio Stack from the website
you provide without warning people of the serious
damage it could cause if the Rom & Radio Stack
upgrade is not from the same source.
It is good that you are trying to help people but I hope
you could continue doing it BUT please give a complete
and proper advise. Hope you get my message.
One of the victim
I expect people who buy this device to have a certain amount of IQ. Everybody knows flashing them IS dangerous, so they should know as much as possible on the item.
Before I flashed the device for the first time, I've already read EVERYTHING which is in the ROM Upgrade forum and everything which mentions ROM on this site. I knew which is the best, I knew where to get it, I knew I can screw it up and I knew how to NOT screw it.
It's peoples fault if they brick their units.
i dont know where to start with this but i should agree with Zviratko 100%
we expect people who buy this devices to have a certain amount of IQ and knowledge most of us here are pros.
Please understand that if you dont know what you are dealing with dont bother doing it. Read all the forums and pages of Xda-developers they contain the biggest archives about those products, learn then apply.
Zviratko is one of these important resources learn from him i know i did!
Re qtek 1010 rom update
could you please tell me where you got your rom update from. I have been tearing my hair off trying to get the right update. Some genius upgraded using the O2 upgrade and killed his QTEK.

need help on upgrading my rom

i have an O2 XDA.
ROM Version: 3.02.00 GER
ROM Date: 05/27/02
I want to update to the new SER v.12 but have no idea how to do so.
Can anybody please help me?
Read this http://www.xda-developers.com/SER/ first
then, check out the thread/topic about SER 1.2, the thing you probably need/want is XDA-developers-SER-v12.exe, posted somewhere in that topic. Just download and execute, the programme will guide you
thank you
but is ist safe to install this rom. i have heard that some xda´s are destroyed if you install it.
what requirements does my xda need if i want to install version 1.2
Flashing ROM is not too dangerous - Radio part (the 1.5MB file) is worse
if you just follow the instructions you should be safe
I just bought the xda yesterday. So if i download the XDA-developers-SER-v1.2.exe to my xda and execute it, its gonna delete the old rom version and upgrade to the new one? I really have to be careful because i don't wanna kill my device.
if i update to ser v.1.2 do i have to update my radio part or can i leave it the old way.
You can download SER1.2 .exe file from http://www.uspocketpcphone.com/temporary.htm
I am not an expert on this thing, but using the exe is not difficult.
It's a lot and alot better the the original ROM for my XDA.
Happy trying. Make sure to follow instruction though.
how do i execute the file once it is on my xda. what am i gonna do next?
You execute it on the computer... you did not read the articles, did you?
i have read the whole article. but why do i execute SER1.2 .exe on my computer and not on the xda? how do i get it on the xda?
please be patient with me....maybe i am retarded
You don't need to do anything on your xda. Executing the file on your pc automatically beams it to Activesync and then installs it on xda. Sounds easy enough...? It is!!
i thank you the utmost!!!i finally got it.ser1.2 is running without any problems and i even got rid of the annoying simlock wich would have cost me 150€.
you are awesome...thanks a lot

Himalaya/andes problems

Hello, i have a small problem, i have a SVP M1000 for personal use, and a Qtek pocket pc issued by work, now im not really sure what the Qtek is at the moment its the same looking as the m1000 but different buttons slightly and a less shiney finish to it. the main problem is, that the MOD base im contracted at had the cameras disabled on them, due to regulations, i need the camera back on it to make life a hell of alot easier is there any way of installing the camera software back onto the device? i would change the rom, but i cant loose anything on the device because it all sync's through gprs, and hasalot of pre installed software by the firm i work for. if anybody here has any ideas they would be greatly appreciated,
ps. Himalaya is working great thanks to many pages read on here, and ovcourse the roms!
PPS. details on the Qtek
Rom version: 1.72.00WWE
Rom date : 03/15/04
Radio version: 1.14.00
Protocol version: 1337.24
extROM version: 1.72.189
The camera software resides in the extended rom, maybe it is present on yours but written out of the boot sequence. Look in your extended rom and see if it is there, if not I am sure somebody could upload it. I have an M1000 but it now has O2 rom and I am not sure that would work with your phone as I have never tried it.
A word of warning, it could mean unemployment for you and a possible lengthy interview with MOD police.
http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=Himalaya Extended ROM Reference
thanks for your reply! if i was to put a different extended rom on, would i lose any imformation at all?? i take it this qtek is an andes :?: ive already spoken to the mod plod and they cant see any problems with it, its just the site managers a bit of a **** :shock: the problem at the time was the new euro fighter was performing testing at the base and no leaked pictures could get out, so there should be no problem with it now, if someone could upload the extrom for me to flash the qtek with that would be great, and a little more info on the precedure! if theres anything worth uploading from the qtek please let me know, i would be more than happy to upload anything.
Again thanks for the help.
can anybody help me here?
I have a blank next to my EXT ROM - -but the camera still seems to work !?
If you put in a different extended rom you will lose any proprietary cabs/programs that your employers may have installed to the extended rom in your phone. I would assume that even in the case of a hard reset your phone will install the programs that your employers wish to be available and the others will have been removed or written out of the boot sequence. Look for roms and extended roms here.
user: xda
password: xda
here's the camera software that usually exists in the extended ROM,just install the CAB file,and.........say cheese
RAGO :lol:

Radio Rom 2.67.90

I have been reading rumors about this Radio Rom. If it does exist, what rom is it from. If some one can tell me i'll extract and test it.
look in artemis forum, they got the 2.67.9 radio rom in the latest artemis rom. we shoul b able to use it no problem. im willing to try it out 1st if anyone able to extract it.
Radio ROM 02.67.90
rdboyce said:
I have been reading rumors about this Radio Rom. If it does exist, what rom is it from. If some one can tell me i'll extract and test it.
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Well since I could not find it, I decided to cook it myself. Thanx to Pof and risidoro for your help and scripts. Good looking out Pof.
ftp://xda:[email protected]/RadioRom/Prophet_G4_RadioRom_v2.67.9.exe
so did someone try it? i heard new versions were very bad for the battery life, hope this one is better.
i did.. but im using wizard. somehow not compatible. should be able to use. i dunno if rdboyce pulled it out from the artemis or not but it dun work. it didnt crashed the phone thou so no harm in trying. you can flash it back to 2.26 or 2.47 if dun work
rdboyce said:
Well since I could not find it, I decided to cook it myself. Thanx to Pof and risidoro for your help and scripts. Good looking out Pof.
ftp://xda:[email protected]/RadioRom/Prophet_G4_RadioRom_v2.67.9.exe
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Is there a G3 version?
Cutefox said:
i did.. but im using wizard. somehow not compatible. should be able to use. i dunno if rdboyce pulled it out from the artemis or not but it dun work. it didnt crashed the phone thou so no harm in trying. you can flash it back to 2.26 or 2.47 if dun work
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I did pull it from the Artemis and I'm redoing it now. You're right it don't work but it doesn't brick. I looked at the size and the Hex Dump of both and they are similar. The Artemis ROM even had the G3 and G4 IPL and SPL when I decoded the ROM. I had so much hope but no go.
I was considering the Excalibur ROM as well but its bigger than the Prophet/Wizard radio ROMs. I'm more apt Prophet/Wizard Radios are usually around 2.5MB. The Excalibur ROM is 2.8MB. Not sure the the dedicated Radio space on the Prophet but the difference is just enough to brick.
I've already decoded it. If some one wants to try the Excalibur I'll post it.
i dun mind trying excalibur as well.. but redo the artemis 1st. i'll try again once u finish.. if u look at the post in artemis forum it says 2.67 got good battery life.. dat i want!! lol..
Confirming the radio rom does not work as well on my S200
I've created a G3 version for my S200 but it's not working, doesn't find the provider any longer, I'll play around some more, but a no go so far.
Jesterz said:
I've created a G3 version for my S200 but it's not working, doesn't find the provider any longer, I'll play around some more, but a no go so far.
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I'm the same place after re-extracting it from the Artemis ROM. I'm going to wrap the Excalibur ROM. It'll be posted soon. Anyone wanting to try it, Have fun.
i've changed the header info a bit, but that doesnt seem to help either
Let's try the next ROM
Cutefox said:
i dun mind trying excalibur as well.. but redo the artemis 1st. i'll try again once u finish.. if u look at the post in artemis forum it says 2.67 got good battery life.. dat i want!! lol..
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OK everyone, this one is built from the Excalibur ROM. For all the brave souls:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Prophet_G4_RadioRom_v2.63.9 0_Test.exe
I do see that the other ROM was removed so...
If you post a G3 radio rom, I can try it on my Qtek S200...
rdboyce said:
OK everyone, this one is built from the Excalibur ROM. For all the brave souls:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Prophet_G4_RadioRom_v2.63.9 0_Test.exe
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Did anyone try the Excalibur build?
rdboyce said:
Did anyone try the Excalibur build?
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I'll do a test soon, I'm playing with the new AKU 3.2 ROM and made a clean version.
Radio rom upgrade problem!
I upgraded my s200 RadioROM to 2.63.90. Now my Phone lost Radio Rom and lost the GSM signal. The phone become very slow and con't activesync to the pc. I have try but can't upgrade any other rom now! Can someone help me?
I had the same problem! After radio update, Prophet does not connect to the PC anymore. I,ve managed the problem with the following steps, take them exactly:
1. Download the linked file and extract it in a known place: ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/Wizard/2_47_11_radio.rar
2. Disconnect Prophet from the USB cable;
3. Enter in the boot loader mode (press power button + camera button in the same time and hit reset);
4. Connect the cable and in the left down corner the USB name will apear;
5. Go to the directory that you extracted from the downloaded file and start ROMUpdateUtility_Wizard_NoID.exe (is in itallian, but there are the usual steps for upgrading ROM, so I think you'll manage).
After this, hopefully the upgrade Radio ROM process will start!
I'll repet myself, follow exactly this steps with attached file, this was my way and the only that worked for me!
P.S. Someone should delete the 2.63.90 Radio ROM file from th Prophet FTP, is dangerous and brakes your Prophet!
Thanks very much! My Phone has come back!
I had the same problem! After radio update, Prophet does not connect to the PC anymore. I,ve managed the problem with the following steps, take them exactly:
1. Download the linked file and extract it in a known place: ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/Wizard/2_47_11_radio.rar
2. Disconnect Prophet from the USB cable;
3. Enter in the boot loader mode (press power button + camera button in the same time and hit reset);
4. Connect the cable and in the left down corner the USB name will apear;
5. Go to the directory that you extracted from the downloaded file and start ROMUpdateUtility_Wizard_NoID.exe (is in itallian, but there are the usual steps for upgrading ROM, so I think you'll manage).
After this, hopefully the upgrade Radio ROM process will start!
I'll repet myself, follow exactly this steps with attached file, this was my way and the only that worked for me!
P.S. Someone should delete the 2.63.90 Radio ROM file from th Prophet FTP, is dangerous and brakes your Prophet!
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Radio 2.63.90 removed.
The Radio 2.63.90 has been removed. It is incompatible the Prophet. I'm going to continue to research these Roms. Thanx for the input.

O2 original dumped ROM reconstraction problems

/* ------ not up to date:
I am trying to reconstract ROM from my device according to the wiki entry http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=Elf_HowtoDumpRom At stage build imgfs from dump and write files back in imgfs_raw_data.bin I have a problem - buildimgfs quits with unexpected error. I run WinXP SP2. I disconnected device after I have dumped ROM. Version of the device firmware:
All files are in the same folder!
Actually I do not find info about what "D" means. But this is another topic.
My primary question is what can be wrong with buildimgfs or in other words - what I am doing wrong?
Looking forward to get any answers!​*******************/
Well, it seems I did it. With help of Kaiser Kitchem ROM. But I still have some questions. Maybe someone can clarify it to me..
1) HTC ROM Tool does not has Polaris in its device list. So I used Kaiser (cause there are quite a lot posts saying Kaiser is the same as Polaris) and left all fields like model ID, language e.t.c. unmodified. Is it crucial?
2) As I understand I have dumped only OS and branded things(?) (I have Xda ordbit 2. What is about Radio ROM?
1: all u need is to change KAISE**** in htcrt to POLA**** (in case of orbit2 u may change it to POLA2***)it works.
O2 Rom dump
I am curious now... have you succeeded in reconstructing the O2 Rom and have you tried to reflash your Orbit to check that it works. Am sure you experiences would be welcomed on the forum.
I did reconstruct the ROM, but I didn't try it For me it was something like psyhological barrier - to have a backup if everything goes wrong.
I do agree, that this community will gain a lot if somebody will really try reconstucted ROM. Seems that nobody has done it. =(( Or they just do not reveal their knowledge.
I tried the german one, but failed. Users reported, the devices dont boot after you flashed it.
Guess, when I have some spare time, I'll try again. It cant be that hard *swear*

