adaptROM: no more messing with versions and checksums - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

When you use an official upgrade package to flash the Operating System ROM of your device, the upgrade utility is very picky as to whether it will let you upgrade or not. It makes sure the model number, language and some special three digit code match the existing ROM on your device.
If you run adaptROM before you run the upgrade utility, adaptROM will use ActiveSync to ask your device the same questions that the update program 'Programme A' will be asking later. (If it can't find your device, it will prompt you to insert it into your cradle before pressing 'retry'.) It then adapts the ROM image to what 'Programme A' would like to see in order to let you upgrade. It changes the model number, language and three-digit code in the ROM image file, and then calculates a new checksum and inserts it into the file.
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Dear All,
Is it possible to unlock the SIM on universal
Is tit possible to change the language on the phone from french to English
Can you please guide me on how to do the above as I dont speak french
Is it possible to save the current settings on the phone if the above fails
as the operator sayzs that the warrantz on the phone is void if the language is changed or the SIM is unlocked
My current configuration
Rom version 1.13.51 FRE
Rom Date 22-09-2005
Radio 1.03.00
Protocol Version 42.36.P8
Ext rom 1.13.132 FRE
I can help you change language from french to english.
Doesn't your Universal have a place where you can download the french ROM? If not, it is still possible to backup the french ROM. A little complicated, but i'm sure i can walk you thru the process.
Regarding the unlocking, i don't think it is possible at the moments. The geniuses are working on it but as of now, you can have it unlocked thru your provider. Just pay the fee (which i think is around 20-30€)
Dear Jorgee,
I would appreciatte if you can walk me htrough the language change, I have tried the provider which is orange switherland, that the lock is definite
A Bellah
First step is to tell me which ROM you would like? O2, Qtek, Imate or T-Mobile?
and i assume you would like it in english?
Just tell me what ROM you need and i will walk you thru it
Dear Jorge
My current configuration
Rom version 1.13.51 FRE
Rom Date 22-09-2005
Radio 1.03.00
Protocol Version 42.36.P8
Ext rom 1.13.132 FRE
and I want to change into english
Which of the following ROM's would you like?
Take note, flashing the ROM/Changing the language doesnt get rid of the SIM Lock
Dear Jorge,
Which ever you think is best out of all the three you have listed.
ANother question if I may, Would this affect the phone configurations by orange
abellah30 said:
Dear Jorge,
Which ever you think is best out of all the three you have listed.
ANother question if I may, Would this affect the phone configurations by orange
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I guess if you want the fastest or newest? The fastest in MY opinion is the QTEK because it has few customizations. The newest I believe is O2 ROM
Regarding Phone configurations of Orange, the configurations are set thru a .CAB file which is stored in Extended ROM. All you have to do before changing ROM is to backup the extended ROM, then Flash the device to english, then run the CAB file that has the Orange customizations.
If you can give me a list of the files in your Extended ROM, i'll do my best to explain what each file does
Dear Jorge,
I guess I will use the same as youy which I thinkl would be the qtek.
Ok where do i get the programme to back upo the extended rom
Backing up extended rom, have to install Total Commander. Then in total commander, type \EXTENDED_ROM which will show you the contents of the extended ROM. Just copy to the SD card and save in your computer, that's how you backup extended ROM
For backing up the OS ROM, refer to this thread as it was BUZZ that helped me find out what to do.
Its :
Just download the file at the bottom of this page (page 2) then continue on to page 3 and 4 which explains how to do it. Just PM me regarding where you are already and I will walk you thru the rest as I have already done the procedure
Hello Jorgee,
I got to this stage and created the file on the desktop but I tried to run the command in dos but I got an error message
Where can I download the qtek rom from
abellah30 said:
Hello Jorgee,
I got to this stage and created the file on the desktop but I tried to run the command in dos but I got an error message
Where can I download the qtek rom from
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What command did you enter that caused you to get an error message?
go here ROMs and download UNI_Qtek_WWE_11364_151_10300_Ship.exe for the English ROM.
are you sure you don't want to backup your ROM first?
Just drop me a message if you get lost.
dos command
i want to back it up first but I am getting the folowing error on the dos command
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\> pdocread 0x0 0x3FA0000 QTEK.RAW
'pdocread' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Did you install EnableRapi on the PPC first before doing this?
THen you have to disable the USB connect option of ActiveSync,
Then enter Bootloader mode on yor universal,
then connect it to the computer,
then run the pdocread
is this what you did?
no I followed the articel your refered me to, I ran the enable rapi, then connected to the usb and then ran the programme.
I also tryed to download the qtek system but the link you gave me does not let me acess the site
you have to put xda:xda in the link as this is the username and password. Or use an ftp program to access the site, this might be easier
I put it in the bootloader state and still the same message
I put it in the bootloader state and still the same message, but the message on the article you refered me toi says not to do so, I have tried both methods and cantr seem to be able to get it done
Sorry, but i don't know what to say. Are you using the original cable?
Jorgee said:
First step is to tell me which ROM you would like? O2, Qtek, Imate or T-Mobile?
and i assume you would like it in english?
Just tell me what ROM you need and i will walk you thru it
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Did you do a clean install and latest gapps?
Sent from my Nexus 4

wdata USB command to flash ROM

wdata command can write data to P3300. It is possible to use this command to upgrade ROM and get around the CID lock?
If so we can make a RUU program to flash anything into ROM.
Is this pssible?
ylatsj said:
wdata command can write data to P3300. It is possible to use this command to upgrade ROM and get around the CID lock?
If so we can make a RUU program to flash anything into ROM.
Is this pssible?
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Of course its a good idea but I think the process is much more complicated. The update proccess depends not only on ROMUpdateUtility but also depends on the Bootloaders security. If the bootloader does not open the port for entering data, no data can be entered so no ROM update can be done. Bootloader opens the port only when the CID in the ROM file maches with the device's CID and the Signature is intact. Thats why we need USPL that does not check CID and Signature.
Tamagochi said:
Of course its a good idea but I think the process is much more complicated. The update proccess depends not only on ROMUpdateUtility but also depends on the Bootloaders security. If the bootloader does not open the port for entering data, no data can be entered so no ROM update can be done. Bootloader opens the port only when the CID in the ROM file maches with the device's CID and the Signature is intact. Thats why we need USPL that does not check CID and Signature.
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I thought IPL won't check CID lock for wdata command. So I guess we can use wdata to flush anything into ROM (a clean,pure WM without any headers)
And we don't use ROMUpdateUtility but write an application to directly deal with the USB port on bootloder.
The purpose is to save hundreds of bricked phones. The current SuperCID program doesn't work with bootloader mode!!!
Anyone can tell me what address the Artemis OS begins with so that I can make the USB applicaiton to try to flush OS to the ROM address?
I think POF can help you
He is active in Hermes treads
ylatsj said:
I thought IPL won't check CID lock for wdata command. So I guess we can use wdata to flush anything into ROM (a clean,pure WM without any headers)
And we don't use ROMUpdateUtility but write an application to directly deal with the USB port on bootloder.
The purpose is to save hundreds of bricked phones. The current SuperCID program doesn't work with bootloader mode!!!
Anyone can tell me what address the Artemis OS begins with so that I can make the USB applicaiton to try to flush OS to the ROM address?
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I dont think so, the SPL is like a bodyguard. To be able to write to the flashROM, some ports should be opened (enable write mode). Only the SPL can enable write mode, and it is very stubborn. Every time an application tries to write to the DOC, it asks for the CID and Signature. If these info do not match with the ones inside the DOC, it will refuse to enable write mode. You can fool it with CID but you cannot fool it with Signature unless you can imitate the signature and use it to sign the ROM file.
So the problem is how to imitate the signature or to extract it from a signed one.
Tamagochi said:
I dont think so, the SPL is like a bodyguard. To be able to write to the flashROM, some ports should be opened (enable write mode). Only the SPL can enable write mode, and it is very stubborn. Every time an application tries to write to the DOC, it asks for the CID and Signature. If these info do not match with the ones inside the DOC, it will refuse to enable write mode. You can fool it with CID but you cannot fool it with Signature unless you can imitate the signature and use it to sign the ROM file.
So the problem is how to imitate the signature or to extract it from a signed one.
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First, sorry for q on first post and no introduction.
Basically, im male, so didn't rtfm until I got stuck...CID Locked device...botched WM6 upgrade...blah know the score.
This thread has piqued my interest though. I am a programmer with quite a bit of experience of embedded devices. I figured that there is some way to do something like this...but not really sure how as documentation is a bit thin on the ground!
What does the wdata command actually do? My understanding is that it copies arbitary data into the devices address space...but where from? We have a dst and len, but what is the src?
wdata [Len [StartAddr]]
I assume that the flash-rom is simply mapped into linear address space.
gamefreaks said:
First, sorry for q on first post and no introduction.
Basically, im male, so didn't rtfm until I got stuck...CID Locked device...botched WM6 upgrade...blah know the score.
This thread has piqued my interest though. I am a programmer with quite a bit of experience of embedded devices. I figured that there is some way to do something like this...but not really sure how as documentation is a bit thin on the ground!
What does the wdata command actually do? My understanding is that it copies arbitary data into the devices address space...but where from? We have a dst and len, but what is the src?
wdata [Len [StartAddr]]
I assume that the flash-rom is simply mapped into linear address space.
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This is what I thought as well that the flash-rom is simply mapped into linear address space. But I don't know where it sits and which segment is for IPL,SPL,OS,EXTROM. etc...
And I am not sure if the IPL will secure the ROM write when it execute the "WDATA" command.
Here is the introduction for WDATA command
wdata [StartAddr Len]
Write data to memory(if write to ROM, need erase first).
StartAddr : Start address of memory.
Len : How many bytes will be written.
Length must not more than 0x10000 bytes(buffer limitation).
Write to RAM: 4 bytes(CRC checksum limitation).
1 byte(in user mode).
Write to ROM: 4 bytes(CRC checksum limitation).
2(16-bit)/4(32-bit) bytes(in user mode).
Write to ROM(16-bit data bus): 32 bytes(writebuffer mode).
Write to ROM(32-bit data bus): 64 bytes(writebuffer mode).
Length must be 4 bytes boundary(CRC checksum) if not in user mode.
After command execute, then send out the data to terminal.
Data format: HTCS(4 bytes)+DATA+checksum(4 bytes, if not in user mode)+HTCE(4 bytes).
Also please check this URL
Pay atttention on this
Write data to memory(if write to ROM, need erase first).
"If write to ROM" This means the ROM is for sure being mapped into the memory space. And what important is that WDATA doesn't talk to the IPL on any CID information. This possibly means that IPL won't stop a write to ROM.
So it is worth to give a try here. The information we need before make the USB application is:
1) Where does the ROM start inside the memory address space
2) Where does the OS start and end
3) How to erase the ROM before WDATA (Another USB command but what is it)
Actually, if we know where the IPL starts we could even directly flush the IPL to Pof's superCID. But this is a little dangerous becasue it is possible to crash the IPL ROM so that the Artemis even can't start bootloader. So better not do it but to flush the OS only and make the birck start first. Then use Pof's baby to flush the SuperCID.
OK, long post. Hope we can have more experts in this thread. Thank you folks for your attention on my topic.

[Q] Stuck Upgrading

hi i am trying to upgrade my Typhoon to 6.1 but i haver got to the point in the upgrading process in which i need to restart and press 0 for the IU the only issue is i do not recive this message and i cannot get any further.
Edit: my SPL is 2.05.0130
you must go to the patched SPL 1.09 for Typhoon befor you go any further.
yes it is true said tobbie, with 1.09 SPL you can flash any rom like WM6.1 or WM6.5 on your Typhoon
for SPL 1:09 Can you get HERE
oh well ive tried poatching the spl before but i just recive errorr 260 or 240 and i cannont make no progress i have tried using a different computer but to no avail
oh well... if the device is still original, then you must follow a sequence of actions to allow such upgrade.
These should be mentioned in any custom rom thread. Essentially you must get the SPL 1.09 on the device then you can load any custom ROM.
1. application unlock the old OS
2. CID unlock the device with lokiwiz toolset
3. load SPL 1.09
4. load custom ROM
good luck!
I belive i have already application unlocked and supercided it with lokiwiz toolset but i have peforemd a hard reset due to that connection issue, would that haver affected it in anyway? thanks
If you are back the old WM2k3 and you cannot upgrade the SPL, then lokiwiz probably has not super-CID your device. To check, connect your device in Bootloader mode to mtty (with AS having USB disabled) and enter "info 1" (no quotes) then try "info 2" (no quotes) and report both results.
Not sure about above myself as I have no device at hand today to check right now.
Hard reset does not affect the CID or SIM Unlock - these are stored in the encrpyted area of the ROM (64kb Block) that is not affected by Hard-Rest or OS-flashing.
sorry for my noobiness but it will not show in mtty i have tried the usb drivers? but the phone does not show in mtty
You must make sure that Active Sync (Windows XP) or Mobile Device Center is not using the USB port to connect the device. You can disable the use in Active Sync selecting the "Connections" menu and then disabling there.
Reconnect the device and restart mtty. The USB button will be there only if the USB connection is accessible and the device is connected to the USB port.
sorry for the bump but ive came back to my phone and i am having so my trouble superCIDin the phone i have done everything by the book, ive hard reset the phone and tried everything again and now SDA unclokder says "phone is not unlockable" and the lokiwiz.bat will not super cid it.
Look at mediafire in my kitchen folder here:
the " time per device" ZIP has all tools inside. There is another (on board application unlock) that will do the trick. It installs a tool on the device, execute it there first and then start SDA Unlock. No need to reboot as the changed security policies are active immediately.
i downloaded your kitchen and i ran the htcunlock the the sda unlocker still says the phone is unlockable
So these Orange devices are quite resistant to application unlock. Did you notice that the HTC Unlocker kind of "remote controls" a registry editor? It may be that the changes did not really go through.
It is quite complicated and a lot of trial and error what you will have to do and I cannot advise in detail as I have no such device.
Key is that the application that changes the policy on the device is permitted to do so. Usually as well SDA Unlocker (remotely via the RAPI Policy) or the signed Registry editor controlled via HTC Unlocker can do that. It all goes to the registry keys in HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies where the relevant policy IDs have to assigned the right values (role permissions). You can use the free CE-Command (from which has a registry tool built in or the same registry editor that HTC Unlcok controls to check if the values that the tools try to write are really written or not. I suspect they are simply NOT written. If you cannot find a tool that can change the policy, then there is another way around this:
The Gold Card method. Get the trial version of "revskills" from and create a gold card with the device for the "Typhoon". With this card in the device, the SPL will allow ANY (also non Orange) signed ROM to be loaded. Use any non Orange shipped ROM for the Typhoon and load it to the device. This OS should allow to change the application lock and also allow the further steps.
Mind that ROMs for the Feeler or Amadeus have different key-handling (especially for the joystick) - so best you get also a Typhoon ROM for that exercise.
I think in the Tornado Forum was once a description how to unlock a Cingular 2125, possibly similar actions may allow you the first step. Not sure here though.
thanks for your help i beelive that your tool changes the registrey values correctly im nnot sure about this i have tried running it a few times but with the same results
Just to reassure that: Your device is not CID unlocked yet after all the trials you did? What does the SPL tell when you enter "info 2" in mtty connected?
Do you know how to work with a PC registry editor and to connect with the device? There are several that can do that, e.g. "Registry Workshop" or "Smartione" or "CE Regeditor". All these can connect to the device via Active Sync and read out the HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies branch.
Could you just post the export of that branch here?
You can also do that on board the device with CECmd, get into virtual two window mode, on one side go to the branch above (exactly, on top of the second "\Policies"), on the other in any file-directory, can also be root. Then on the registry side press "5" for copy and confirm to copy the "\Policies" branch to the other side. You get a text file called "policies.reg" - attach or post it here.
Finally you could search for the Microsoft tool "security configuration manager". This allows to select the security model "Security off" - once applied to the device the lokiwiz should run with success.

[Q] 7720, Zune upgrade, Windows Live ID

I've followed the guide
and stopped at the step 14. Thus I've just flashed my HTC HD2 from WM6.5 to WP7, upgraded via Zune to 7.10.7712.60.
(1) I want to keep ability to upgrade my HD2/WP7 through Zune in future (no manual pushing of cab-files).
Would I be able to do that if I now did the optional steps 15.-16. and apply cab-files to upgrade to HD2-7720 (WP7 Mango)?
(2) For the moment I cannot activate my Windows Live ID. My device is currently identified as HTC HD2 (Settings -> About) and I cannot apply chevronwp7.exe to modify model name (it works for 7004/7008 only).
Can I call to Microsoft to obtain activation code? Or should I first change model name somehow?
(3) I want to develop apps for WP7 and guess it's better to jailbreak the device.
Can I do that with 7712/7720 (e.g., with WP7 Update Cab Sender or Application Deployment included in MS Windows Phone Developer Tools)? Or the only way is to re-flash WP7 from the beginning: to 7004 (or 7008), crack with chevronwp7.exe, change model name, upgrade again to 7712/7720?
MFliorko said:
(2) For the moment I cannot activate my Windows Live ID. My device is currently identified as HTC HD2 (Settings -> About) and I cannot apply chevronwp7.exe to modify model name (it works for 7004/7008 only).
Can I call to Microsoft to obtain activation code? Or should I first change model name somehow?
(3) I want to develop apps for WP7 and guess it's better to jailbreak the device.
Can I do that with 7712/7720 (e.g., with WP7 Update Cab Sender or Application Deployment included in MS Windows Phone Developer Tools)? Or the only way is to re-flash WP7 from the beginning: to 7004 (or 7008), crack with chevronwp7.exe, change model name, upgrade again to 7712/7720?
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2. this no matter... in registry is HD7 info and you can activate Live services without problem... you only give Name and phone number to microsoft... nothing else
3. ROM is already jailbreaked... dont forged to do hard reset when done upgrade to 7720...
Thanks for the clarification.
Regarding 3.
If it's jailbroken, does it mean I can install apps directly without Windows Marketplace? How? What else can I do (e.g., access file system etc.)?
yes, use Tom XAP Installer

[Q] Dell Venue Pro; Update failed, recover not successfull

Hello there,
my "new" Venue Pro arrived yesterday and i just started to test it.
It had a very old firmware, not even mango ... so i startet updates by zune.
After the third update (for wlan problems, i think it was the "latest" wp7 update) i get an error .... so i restartet the phone an tried again, no success.
I read a lot, not even the microsot update tool could help. So i startet the recover in zune over settings, updates.
The update startet and now i always get an error by 61%. I read a lot again, i even tried to backup it from another comuter (copied image %appdata%\Microsoft\Microsoft Phone Update) but the same problem.
So, my "new" phone doesent start any more ... it just loads to the bootloader ...
I tried to get any offiziel firmware to flash the device to "standard" but i seams hat MS dont want this.
I knew a little bit about flashing WM6 devices (HSPL & custom fw) but with WP7 devices i dont really understand what to do in this situation.
I hope you can help me! Can i download the dell firmeware someware to recover the phone? maybe someone have a "personal recover firmware" for me?
If your device can load into download mode (that you called "bootloader") it can be restored to 7004 T-mobile branded version and later update to 7720 via Zune. This is only one available firmware on the public.
Look at this thread:
I will try ... downloading ...
So, i downloaded VenuePro_flash_GLEOS2A_US_TMO_SIGNED_SWV0105_LP0030_RV001_RETAIL.ffu and thought, everthing is getting fine.
But i had no idea how i can install this!
I´m reading hours and hours, tried to use UpdateWP.exe (crash on 2 computers, where NO MS Support tools are installed), Windows_Phone_7_Backupv1.9, MangoB2-ZuneClient, Zune 4.7 .... no success.
Could sombody please tell me, how i can install this on Windows 7 x64? I dont know what to do ...
I get this message when i try to updatewp it;
Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer fo
r 'wm7update.Program' threw an exception. ---> System.IO.FileLoadException: Coul
d not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.WindowsMobile.DeviceUpdate, Version=7.0.0
.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ddd0da4d3e678217' or one of its dependencies
. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly referen
ce. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
File name: 'Microsoft.WindowsMobile.DeviceUpdate, Version=, Culture=neutr
al, PublicKeyToken=ddd0da4d3e678217'
at wm7update.Program..cctor()
WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.
To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLM\Software\M
icrosoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.
Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure lo
To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fus
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at wm7update.Program.Main(String[] args)
See also here:
As i said before, there is no (more) Microsoft Update Software on my computer and on the second there never was it.
Mybe i could handle it with the "MangoB2 Updater" .... but i cant download this anywhere.
I really have no luck :-(
Do not panic yet. You have different versionsof zune or updatewp /missing files
Install Net framework 3.5, 4;
Install Zune(take it from;
Install wp7 updatetool from zip attached here here with proper x64 file.
Follow those steps after connecting device in download mode:
Extract command prompt to C:\program files\zune\
go to directory to “C:\program files\zune\ and run Command prompt. Type in : “UpdateWp /list” and your phone should show up there.
If your phone is listed (it should be) and your download is done and extracted, copy the VenuePro_flash_GLEOS2A_US_TMO_SIGNED_SWV0105_LP003 0_RV001_RETAIL.ffu file over to the” C:\program files\zune\” directory.
Type in: “updatewp /ffu VenuePro_flash_GLEOS2A_US_TMO_SIGNED_SWV0105_LP003 0_RV001_RETAIL.ffu” enter, update should start.
Great, now i can start my dell venue pro again and even updating is functional.
But why can´t i change the display language? I tought i´m able to change the display language in this roms? In all WP7 phones (in germany) i could change the language at the first start (and after a reset).
On this site i found language packs, but that is a little bit ... argh?!
so it´s over ... i send the phone back ...
Thank u very much 4 helping.

