[Q] 7720, Zune upgrade, Windows Live ID - HD2 Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting an

I've followed the guide http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=17205291
and stopped at the step 14. Thus I've just flashed my HTC HD2 from WM6.5 to WP7, upgraded via Zune to 7.10.7712.60.
(1) I want to keep ability to upgrade my HD2/WP7 through Zune in future (no manual pushing of cab-files).
Would I be able to do that if I now did the optional steps 15.-16. and apply cab-files to upgrade to HD2-7720 (WP7 Mango)?
(2) For the moment I cannot activate my Windows Live ID. My device is currently identified as HTC HD2 (Settings -> About) and I cannot apply chevronwp7.exe to modify model name (it works for 7004/7008 only).
Can I call to Microsoft to obtain activation code? Or should I first change model name somehow?
(3) I want to develop apps for WP7 and guess it's better to jailbreak the device.
Can I do that with 7712/7720 (e.g., with WP7 Update Cab Sender or Application Deployment included in MS Windows Phone Developer Tools)? Or the only way is to re-flash WP7 from the beginning: to 7004 (or 7008), crack with chevronwp7.exe, change model name, upgrade again to 7712/7720?

MFliorko said:
(2) For the moment I cannot activate my Windows Live ID. My device is currently identified as HTC HD2 (Settings -> About) and I cannot apply chevronwp7.exe to modify model name (it works for 7004/7008 only).
Can I call to Microsoft to obtain activation code? Or should I first change model name somehow?
(3) I want to develop apps for WP7 and guess it's better to jailbreak the device.
Can I do that with 7712/7720 (e.g., with WP7 Update Cab Sender or Application Deployment included in MS Windows Phone Developer Tools)? Or the only way is to re-flash WP7 from the beginning: to 7004 (or 7008), crack with chevronwp7.exe, change model name, upgrade again to 7712/7720?
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2. this no matter... in registry is HD7 info and you can activate Live services without problem... you only give Name and phone number to microsoft... nothing else
3. ROM is already jailbreaked... dont forged to do hard reset when done upgrade to 7720...

Thanks for the clarification.
Regarding 3.
If it's jailbroken, does it mean I can install apps directly without Windows Marketplace? How? What else can I do (e.g., access file system etc.)?

yes, use Tom XAP Installer


How to unbrand your HTC Windows Phone 7 Device and Update To NODO

Has anyone tried this on an HD2 Windows Phone 7? Spoof Build 7008?
How to remove the operator and get your Windows Phone Updates (HTC ONLY)
without comments
So NoDo was finally released this morning. Well, for the EU people anyway (don’t get me started).
Windows Phone 7, by default, stores your operator identifier in a sneaky registry key, which is checked by the Windows Update Client running on the phone. This identifier is then used to check if the updates have been approved for your operator. If they are slow, like Telstra here is in Australia, you’re going to be waiting a long time.
So, let’s tell you how you can “un-brand” (this won’t remove the boot splash screen) your phone so it appears to be a generic handset to the Update Servers.
Your device needs to be dev-unlocked for this to work. Sorry folks.
1.Download this zip file and deploy the 3 xap files onto your device.
2.Run the ChevronWP7.Ringtones.xap and wait till it displays “Ringtones added… and CustClear.provxml underneath”
3.Run the TouchXplorer app, navigate to My DocumentsMy Ringtones click on CustClear.provxml and select Copy from the Application Bar.
4.Navigate back inside TouchXplorer to the Windows folder.
5.Select paste from the Application Bar, this should scroll right to the bottom and put a copy of CustClear.provxml in the Windows folder.
6.Now run the Connection Setup application and click on the Ok button (it’s the one with the tick).
And now you’re done and free to re-connect to Zune and check for updates.
Again, this is ONLY for HTC devices.
Thanks to Rafael for his help.
Written by Chris
March 23rd, 2011 at 11:31 am
Posted in Windows Phone 7
Source: http://blog.walshie.me/2011/03/23/h...-and-get-your-windows-phone-updates-htc-only/
This is only working with native WP7 devices, I assume.
Native Devices
Maybe, One way to find out? What harm can the update do? We have HSPL and Magldr, both should protect the SPL & Bootloader............
Tried it and it still doesn't detect the nodo update, I'm in the UK by the way so I should have access to it.
I'm in the U.S all the roms that have 7.08 other than boypcc it zune does't say a update is needed. On the boypcc rom it offers the update put the phone is locked so you can't try this out.
Tried it with boypcc's rom and now detects the update but gets stuck at creating a backup in the update process. Guess we'll just have to wait until a proper release with the update is made.
it aint going to make any difference, when your device goes in to flash mode windows installs a driver for a "LEO" device
i just reinstalled windows and at no point was anything on the phone or on the computer pointing to it being a Leo, that i know of, so MS can detect something that isnt right on a reboot and wacks it, if i had a native device to hand it would be intresting to find out what driver its installing, rip it out, update the leo driver installed for our HD2 to the other (correct native) driver. and see what happens.....or of course it may well detect some reg entry as stated, but i doubt thats the real cause as drivers are usually installed by hardware IDs but who knows hey!
Thank you all for your input.
Greatly Appreciated

[HowTo] Guide To unlock HTC Trophy. First steps and some free apps

This is guide on HowTo unlock your trophy ...Μost of those info are scattered over the xda...
I put them together as an easy to use guide
At this moment only rom version 7004 and 7008 (pre-NoDo) can be unlocked.
There is a new try by the devs here to unlock the post-NoDo roms...
OK lets start ...Download and extract this file package...
1. From your PC: Send a mail to your self (to an account that is accesible from your phone) and attach the
ChevronWP7.cer. file.
2. From your Phone: Open that mail and press the attachment (ChevronWP7.cer) to download it..
Wait unil finish and pres again to install the cerificate
3. Download and install Windows Phone Developer Tools from here.
4. Connect your phone to your pc with usb cable and make sure zune software has see your device and is
connected (not as a guest but a full). Also ignore/cancel any update messages from zune or your phone...
Finally make sure your phone is not in the lockscreen but in the home screen
5. From your PC: Run the app ChevronWP7.exe. Check both boxes and pres unlock.
6. If all went OK then you just Developer Unlock your device and you can sideload application.
B. Prevent from re-locking
Download and install in your phone the app Advance Configuration Tool 1.2 In the settings there is an
option to prevent from relocking...
C. If you have problems
1. Disable Firewall and Antivirus and put your phone to Airplain mode
2. The chevronunlock application runs only on Windows vista and Windows 7. Not in XP.
3. In your pc registry editor make sure the this key is like this:
4. Any programm that use the Https protocol must be disable (skype is one)
5. Make sure the file hosts in the pc \Windows\system32\drivers\etc is NOT read only.
Here is the file package
And here is a video that i found on the forum
The file package has and some apps like WPDeviceManager.exe and MarketPlace_setup.exe.
What todo and where to go ...After the unlock
1. Now you are ready to install all the updates from Zune until your rom has the number 7392.
2. Setup your e-mail accounts.. from Settings/Emails Accounts
Warning... Your first windows live account that you will setup its the only one that you cant delete
3. Here also you can setup your facebook account. If you dont want to have all the FB "frients" in the contacts page the go settings/application/ people and check there.
4. Install from the market FAcebook and other apps from the market
5. Install Tom xap installer (in the package)...and now you are ready to sideload any application (xap) file that you want to your phone..
6. If your language its not one of the 4 natives ones then you want to install the application Native Keyboard...(in the package)
Its supporting a lot of lang by changing the German or Spanish keyboard...
The second file package contains the following apps
1 Native Keyboard - (in the package)
2. Registry Editor (in the package)
3. Βattery tool (in the package)
4. Facebook and FIM (MARKET)
5. Htc Apps (more that 10 apps from HTC )(MARKET)
6. Flixter and IMDB For movies fans.. (MARKET)
7. Shazam . (MARKET)
8. Wonder Reader και Tech News Now -- RSS google reader (MARKET)
9. Tile Notes- Yellow notes in live tile
Here are the apps not in the market
I will post some Free apps here
Please feel free to post any application that you want here
You should probably edit your original post for NoDo
Nevermind, sorry, I didn't that you already mentioned that. Maybe make it bold... And mention that Verizon phones come with NoDo in the flash - no way to flash back to 7004 or 7008...
Thanks for this guide.
Have a trophy updated to 7390, but restored back to 7008 with zune.
Sucessfully unlocked and ran advanced config tool and checked the "prevent phone from relocking", had to enable airplane mode for it to work, but suddenly now it seems to stay unlocked in normal mode everytime i open up zune.
Can i assume that now it would be ok to update to 7390? how about 7392, would that work too?
Edit: Works ok with 7392, still unlocked.
Did the same as espeneppi...restored my Trophy w/ Vodafone Branding back to 7008, but now chevron is giving that error message (make sure zune is running etc..)
When my phone was 7004 I had successfully jaibreaked w/ chevron
Anyone can help??
How can the device be unlocked if it is not accessible? I can't do anything on the phone. The device is stuck on boot loader screen and thats all it does.
volblood said:
How can the device be unlocked if it is not accessible? I can't do anything on the phone. The device is stuck on boot loader screen and thats all it does.
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What did you do and you had your phone in that state ???
Hey i wanna try this but how do i know whit rom i got? is it hardware revision nr ? this is : 0003
i live in norway..
Hello ... i tryed this guide ! i worked until the step when im going to "run" Chevron i get this message its not possible to run couse it cant find my phone mace sure its connectet etc etc.. i dont know what i did wrong??
installed the devployer thing.. i worked!! but now the program crash.. chevron ..
i run it and boom.. the program has stopped running bla bla bla.. strange.
The device has a demo loop on it and I was trying to install four of the roms that ansar had posted but none of them worked. One of the roms put the phone in this state. I don't know what to do?
OK, thanks for guide. Two questions:
I will unlock regarding this guide my Trophy with 7004. Then I will prevent it from being relocked. Then, when Mango will go official, I will make update from 7004. Will it go directly to Mango, or will it make updates from 7004 to... and to... and at least to Mango?
Will phone stay unlocked after going to Mango?
Thanks for answers!
PS: Do you have some hint for free app to editing registry values? I need to change one value before Mango update so it will download Mango in my language...
I cant deploy anything after update. Is it locked again? ((
How to check is it unlocked?
nice guide ,thank you
try to upload any xap file and u'll see unlocked it or not
So I wanna buy a trophy, but the unlock and xap sideloading is VERY important for me.
Does this still work with mango ????
I tried this on Windows 8 and it doesn't work. It says I need Win 7 or Vista.
Could Anyone please help me?
Is the Windows Phone 7.1 SDK close enough? (Works in windows 8) http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=27570

Noob friendly unlock and update to Mango unlocked how-to

Feb 2012: This guide is somewhat obsolete now, because of WindowsBreak project. A simpler unlock guide is in posted here and a complete unlock + Internet Sharing guide is here.
I did this guide as I didn't find a complete noob guide, up to date and with all links in one place.
Noob friendly unlock and update to Mango (keeping Chevron unlock) how-to
Prequisites and must read/understand before proceeding:
Zune 4.7 might be needed, I'm not sure 4.8 works. Uninstall 4.8 and install 4.7 if unsure (and don't update it).
Micro SD card: If you want to install a micro SD card, you have to do it before step 2 (recommended after flashing 7004 - step 1). Also recommended to format the card beforehand with FAT32 (32K or 64K clusters). Then hard reset the phone from Settings/About/"Reset your phone" or the 3 buttons combo (see Focus wiki). When a new micro SD card is added, the phone requests a hardware reset to recognize it and properly work.
Flashing: doesn't affect in any way phone's functioning as long as it's not interrupted in mid process or the phone doesn't have a hardware fault. Recommended to flash the phone on a laptop or a PC+UPS. You can backup your current firmware so you can restore if needed. Flashing, downgrading, upgrading firmware etc does not affect Network Unlock. Once your phone is unlocked to any network, it will remain so, regardless of flashing firmware.
Remember, if you hard reset (in Mango - or any WP7 OS version), you will lose Chevron unlock (ability to deploy XAPs) and to get it again you will have to re-do all the unlock process above.
You can use hard reset to revert to "factory" settings
Optional: To deploy XAPs, Windows Phone Developer Tools is no longer a requirement (about 3 GB). W.I.N.C.O.'s mini SDK WP7 is a smaller solution (4 mb instead of 3 GB - see point 3 below.)
0. (optional) Backup your current firmware, PC program and steps read here.
1. Flash AT&T or Rogers ROMs (7004) from this thread (note: 1st post links no longer valid, new links here)
Personally I recommend Rogers, as it's cleaner: doesn't have the AT&T apps & customization/logo etc. If you're unsure how to do ROM flashing, read my post here (I referenced AT&T "Cetus" ROM there, so replace "Cetus_ATT" with "Rogers").
1b. (optional) Add the micro SD card and do a hard reset (Settings/About, press "Reset your phone"). For compatibility, read this thread or the Focus wiki.
2. Unlock with Chevron, program, steps and video tutorial here
2b. Please note: the Chevron certificate has expired on 25 November 2011. To still be able to use it do this: mail the certificate to yourself. Open it on the mail in the phone, click on the certificate and when the "shield" appears, close it, don't install it. This just insures that the certificate has been downloaded to the phone, so you won't need internet connection to install it later. Now, disconnect the PC from internet, and set the date on PC prior to 25 Nov 2011. Then, set the same date on the phone and put the phone in Airplane mode. Then, install the Chevron certificate. After this, reconnect the PC to Internet and use Chevron to unlock.
3. To deploy (install) XAPs, download and install W.I.N.C.O.'s mini SDK WP7 and then wXapAssistant
3b. Optional/alternate method of 3): if you already installed Windows Phone SDK, you can use Phone7Market on PC from here to deploy XAPs. Once installed, in the folder you have "wp7-deploy.exe" which you can use to deploy/install XAPs, ie wp7-deploy.exe full_path_to_XAP\XAP.XAP, as in:
wp7-deploy.exe C:\WP7\New_SMS_Unlock.xap
4. Immediately after unlocking, install and run Samsung Tools from here, to prevent relock
Check all checkboxes and reset.
4b. (optional) In Dialer, dial ##634# , this should open Diagnosis v929 (just for checking)
5. Install WP7 Root Tools from here
6. Deploy New_SMS_Unlock.xap from here
7. Run WP7 Root Tools on the phone, and in Explorer tab, create a folder "provxml" in the root directory. Now go inside "Applications" subfolder, then inside "Install" subfolder and locate folder "D19A....". Inside, find the "unlock.xml" file. Tap and hold and press "Copy". Then navigate back to "provxml" folder you created, go inside and press "Paste", and see if you have the "unlock.xml" file in it.
Please note: you won't be able to see the "unlock" option in Diagnosis by typing *#9908# until Mango (Rogers) or NoDo/Mango (AT&T).
8. Connect the phone in Zune and update the phone all the way to Mango (7720/7740/later). Keep in mind that if you do this with Zune 4.7 you will have to update to Zune 4.8 now to be able to sync. That's ok.
9. In Mango, uninstall Diagnosis app (if you installed it).
10. Open Diagnosis again by typing ##634# in Dialer. When in Diagnosis type *#9908# . Select "unlock" (should be the last item) and press "Save". It should say "Loading GPRS..."and you can exit Diagnosis.
10.b (optional) If you want to be extra sure, you can re-do step 4 again for good measure.
Congratulations, you are now unlocked in Mango!
In case something happens and your phone gets re-locked, just run only step 10+10b and you will be unlocked again.
Optionally, you can do Interop unlock, read here. Alternatively, you can enable Internet Sharing+Interop unlock (2 in 1, in the file "DiagProvXMLv0.91_IS.xap") from here (run "DiagProvXMLv0.91_IS.xap", go to "iso store" tab, press and hold "Interop Unlock" then press and hold "Internet Sharing"). You will also need to deploy a fix for the 3G: "Samsung Repair 3G by Heathcliff74.xap" from here if you do Internet Sharing.
This has been tested to work on AT&T and Rogers Focus with hardware revision 1.3, might work in 1.4.
To check what hardware revision you have, either look under the battery or check my post/thread here.
Don't forget to press Thanks on the original tool/thread poster!
Thank you very much. I was looking for exactly such post/article. I have Zune 4.8 already installed. Can I go ahead with it?
sandeepnk said:
Thank you very much. I was looking for exactly such post/article. I have Zune 4.8 already installed. Can I go ahead with it?
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Sure, please try. No worries, if it doesn't work, just uninstall it and install 4.7
I have reached till step 7. I have now copied "unlock.xml" to a new folder "provxml" in root folder.
Before proceeding further, I want to confirm one thing. I did *#9908# while still at 7004 in diagnostic app. I do not see unlock option. Is this normal? Is it only visible once I am at Mango?
If yes, then I can upgrade to Mango without any worry.
sandeepnk said:
I have reached till step 7. I have now copied "unlock.xml" to a new folder "provxml" in root folder.
Before proceeding further, I want to confirm one thing. I did *#9908# while still at 7004 in diagnostic app. I do not see unlock option. Is this normal? Is it only visible once I am at Mango?
If yes, then I can upgrade to Mango without any worry.
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Yes, it's normal. Diagnosis doesn't support the unlock until Mango. Will add this info to the guide too. Thanks for testing!
Thanks again. I will go ahead and let know the result for others. Hope it finishes without any issues
I am unable to unlock my phone, the chevronwp7.exe gives an error message stating "I'am having trouble communicating with the phone" Please help!!
killmastern3 said:
I am unable to unlock my phone, the chevronwp7.exe gives an error message stating "I'am having trouble communicating with the phone" Please help!!
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Chevron is quite an iffy program, please make sure you respect the steps there exactly and also check the video tutorial. Also, best way to achieve that is to close all programs running and re-try unlocking. Skype for example interferes with the unlock process.
EnderPsp said:
Chevron is quite an iffy program, please make sure you respect the steps there exactly and also check the video tutorial. Also, best way to achieve that is to close all programs running and re-try unlocking. Skype for example interferes with the unlock process.
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Have followed all the steps including changing the date and all.. I have done it before with success. Had to hard reset the phone, hence trying to unlock again. Will try rebooting the system and have a go at it again..
killmastern3 said:
Have followed all the steps including changing the date and all.. I have done it before with success. Had to hard reset the phone, hence trying to unlock again. Will try rebooting the system and have a go at it again..
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I also had a problem Saturday when I updated my SD from 16 GB to a 32 GB one. Initially Chevron didn't work, it worked after I connected the laptop to internet and restarted Zune. Also, make sure the date is prior to 25 November (try 1 Oct 2011, that worked for me) on both devices.
EnderPsp said:
I also had a problem Saturday when I updated my SD from 16 GB to a 32 GB one. Initially Chevron didn't work, it worked after I connected the laptop to internet and restarted Zune. Also, make sure the date is prior to 25 November (try 1 Oct 2011, that worked for me) on both devices.
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Got it... Need to be connected to the internet.. Thanks a lot for the help!!
I have finished updating to Mango and I was able to unlock Focus. So I can confirm that all works even if Zune 4.8 is used for each step. Yahoo!!
I haven't done Interop-unlock yet, I will do it soon. But that also should work without any issues.
Edit: Does the limit remains unlimited for applications? And is there any additional step(s) required to keep it unlocked similar to the one which was done by running Samsung tools?
thank you for the thread EnderPsp...this is what i was looking for...
i think i dont need to do the 1st step as i am already on 7004 and just got the phone from ATT.
I installed zune 4.8, installed developer sdk from MS, installed the certificate in phone by changing the dates. Now when i connect the phone to pc, and run chevron in admin mode with the phone on home screen and zune running, it opens up, i check the 2 boxed and then it says problem communicating with the device - make sure you are connected via USB, etc etc...i guess this is a common problem but i am unable to find any solution...i tried many times but it shows the same error...
Your help highly appreciated..
shakeebkazia said:
thank you for the thread EnderPsp...this is what i was looking for...
i think i dont need to do the 1st step as i am already on 7004 and just got the phone from ATT.
I installed zune 4.8, installed developer sdk from MS, installed the certificate in phone by changing the dates. Now when i connect the phone to pc, and run chevron in admin mode with the phone on home screen and zune running, it opens up, i check the 2 boxed and then it says problem communicating with the device - make sure you are connected via USB, etc etc...i guess this is a common problem but i am unable to find any solution...i tried many times but it shows the same error...
Your help highly appreciated..
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Try this:
- install the Samsung drivers from here
- set the date to 1 Oct 2011 and disconnect the PC from internet
- set the same date on the phone and do a hard reset. Re-enter your live id and e-mail (to where you sent the Chevron certificate) and install the certificate, then set the phone to Airplane mode
- reboot and once windows loads don't open any program, and close the ones automatically started (YM, Skype etc)
- connect PC to internet, start Zune and try to unlock in Chevron
Let me know if that works for you. Keep in mind that on a 64 bit OS it might be harder to unlock.
EnderPsp said:
Try this:
- install the Samsung drivers from here
- set the date to 1 Oct 2011 and disconnect the PC from internet
- set the same date on the phone and do a hard reset. Re-enter your live id and e-mail (to where you sent the Chevron certificate) and install the certificate, then set the phone to Airplane mode
- reboot and once windows loads don't open any program, and close the ones automatically started (YM, Skype etc)
- connect PC to internet, start Zune and try to unlock in Chevron
Let me know if that works for you. Keep in mind that on a 64 bit OS it might be harder to unlock.
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Damn, i got frustrated yesterday and updated my phone...it says im on windows 7.5, OS version 7.10.7720.68...how should i go about unlocking it now ? btw i am on windows 7 64bit....
Thank you
shakeebkazia said:
Damn, i got frustrated yesterday and updated my phone...it says im on windows 7.5, OS version 7.10.7720.68...how should i go about unlocking it now ? btw i am on windows 7 64bit....
Thank you
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Either of these
- this method
- the developer unlock for $99 or whatever it is these days
- Chevron labs token for $9, but that's not always working (depending on the phone and revision...)
You can always backup first and try this. Worst case scenario you'll revert back.
EnderPsp said:
Either of these
- this method
- the developer unlock for $99 or whatever it is these days
- Chevron labs token for $9, but that's not always working (depending on the phone and revision...)
You can always backup first and try this. Worst case scenario you'll revert back.
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by '- this method' do you mean this guide will work on mango too ?
how do i backup ? from zune ? i come from android that is why i am confused....
Thank you
shakeebkazia said:
by '- this method' do you mean this guide will work on mango too ?
how do i backup ? from zune ? i come from android that is why i am confused....
Thank you
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This guide allows you to unlock, IF you flash. If you are in Mango you can't unlock using this guide unless you do the flash downgrade, but the other 2 methods should work.
You backup from the tool specified in the link and you restore using Zune, as the backup is created to be accessed and used by Zune.
currently flashing 7004 rom from the given link...will post with updates..
im done...now on mango and able to deploy xap's....is there any limit for the number of xap's i can install ?
Thank you

Just a Curious Question

I have a dev unlocked + interop unlocked LG quantum (did it with apphub through dreamspark for free) and in the MFG menu there are tons of options, I stumbled across one that is strange, can anyone tell me what the values here do: Factory Menu > Engineer Menu > Other Setting > Edit Security Policy. I was just curious, perhaps it has something to do with how secure your phone is, but does anyone know for sure?
Locked but Unlocked?
I had done the MFG Unlock form your post earlier today and completed it fine.
I m having a LG quantum running on Mango, 7.10.7720
I am also having an issue of getting system Crashed regularly (the phone restarts automatically).
Now coming to the case, i unlocked the Phone using MFG tools, and changed the Input data as said.
My Pc is running on windows 7 Ultimate, i have installed
DotNet FX4.5,
Microsoft Blend addons SDK..,
Silverlight,C++ Redistribution,
Windows phone 7 Devoloper resources,
Microsoft Windows phone 7 addon for Visual Studio 2010,
Windows Phone Emulator,
Windows Phone 7.1 Assembler,
WPFtoolkit February 2010,and
After the Unlock i installed XAPDeployX found on XDA,
and when i try to install a xap, (Filemanager)
i get this:
Deployment started Unique File Maneger
Connecting to device...
Deployment FAILED with the following ERROR:
Application launch failed. Ensure that the device screen is unlocked and device is developer unlocked. For details on developer unlock, visit http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=195284.
Also I had got another message saying
"The Phone is Devoloper locked!"
I rechecked the values in the Registry, which is as required per the post.
I also tried to email XAP files onto the phones, but its saying Unsupported file
Any chance you can help me out..
my aim is to install 3rd party softwares such as Filemanager, Games, etc from PC.
tshudark said:
I have a dev unlocked + interop unlocked LG quantum (did it with apphub through dreamspark for free) and in the MFG menu there are tons of options, I stumbled across one that is strange, can anyone tell me what the values here do: Factory Menu > Engineer Menu > Other Setting > Edit Security Policy. I was just curious, perhaps it has something to do with how secure your phone is, but does anyone know for sure?
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Updated 7.8 with SevenEighter, lost "jailbreak"

First of all, sorry if there's already threads explaining this, I couldn't find them.
I just updated my Samsung Focus to 7.8 using the SevenEighter, was so easy, just a click and it made all the 5 updates automatically to my phone, amazing :laugh:
Now the problem is, I lost my "jailbreak" or unlock, I dont how it's correctly called in WP. I suddenly got my unlocked apps revoked with little messages that appeared saying so. Is there any way to keep having the unlock in WP 7.8?
PabloW92 said:
First of all, sorry if there's already threads explaining this, I couldn't find them.
I just updated my Samsung Focus to 7.8 using the SevenEighter, was so easy, just a click and it made all the 5 updates automatically to my phone, amazing :laugh:
Now the problem is, I lost my "jailbreak" or unlock, I dont how it's correctly called in WP. I suddenly got my unlocked apps revoked with little messages that appeared saying so. Is there any way to keep having the unlock in WP 7.8?
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You should be able to simply redo the unlock. I followed the instructions on this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1271963
In brief
1. Install Windows Phone SDK (I updated it to support WP7.8) - note that this is a big file from Microsoft
2. Download Interop Unlock by Heathcliff74 v2.xap
3. Connect phone and start Zune. Use the Deployment Tool from the SDK (mine is located in Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v7.1\Tools\XAP Deployment) to deploy the interop to your phone
4. Disconnect phone and start the unlock
5. Once successfully unlocked, use the Samsung Network Profile app to ensure everything works (e.g. MMS, data, etc)
takawira said:
You should be able to simply redo the unlock. I followed the instructions on this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1271963
In brief
1. Install Windows Phone SDK (I updated it to support WP7.8) - note that this is a big file from Microsoft
2. Download Interop Unlock by Heathcliff74 v2.xap
3. Connect phone and start Zune. Use the Deployment Tool from the SDK (mine is located in Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v7.1\Tools\XAP Deployment) to deploy the interop to your phone
4. Disconnect phone and start the unlock
5. Once successfully unlocked, use the Samsung Network Profile app to ensure everything works (e.g. MMS, data, etc)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I am trying to make 3rd step but the deployer gives me this error: 0x89740006. And if I try to do it with the screen unlocked it gives me 0x89740005
any ideas?

