Brace for impact!!! (Do not buy serial cables anymore) - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Everyone thinking of ordering a serial cable for the sole purpose of unlocking their device should hold off. The cable will take longer to arrive than our cable-less solution.
Even those that have already unlocked should prepare for general improvement in quality of life.

sorry for my ignorance how do we connect :?:

Now they tell me!
I just ordered my cable yesterday!

does this method work with the US T-mobile XDA? I have the current ROM backed up.
- keith

oh... me all excited... any hints what extras we're gonna get?


Good Bye for ever!!

Dear Members,
Its almost a month today and till now i have visited almost all the repair centre here in Mumbai finding a solution for my dead prophet.
To by hard luck the NEO is not being rectified!!!
for those who want to know the history of my problem/s
So here I m greeting all the members GOOD BYE!
But I shall be always keep visiting the site to help all the beginners!!.
THX to all the cookers in the limited life span of my neo I got to enjoy the best of the WM 6 and the touch-flo on the prophet...
But I promise to bounce back as my love for PDA is not going to die like the neo..may be after a few months as I cannt afford a xpensive phone..
Cheers to all !!!
hey dude, sorry to hear your phone's dead. It must likely be truly dead, seeing as you've tried all the repair shops, but I thought I'd type this out anyway, as I just saw some of your old post on the topic to do with "I got into boot loader by connecting wires directly to battery pins and now reflashing"
You were asking
Do U know that trick of stripping the wall charger and than short the pins ...
Which is the 1st Pin from bottom or from top..
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...did u ever try it? The other thread I used to look at had this:
Default wires
NO need to i will explain in detail.
1. Take ur phone and put it on ur table =)
2. Turn it so u can see the camera
3. On the right u see 6 Pins.
4. The Pin 1 is nearest to Camera
5. Pin 5 would be far away from camera.
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and this
it worked for me with the sixth pin to by the way but that might be why it doesn't work without the wires for me yet.
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triplejay said:
hey dude, sorry to hear your phone's dead. It must likely be truly dead, seeing as you've tried all the repair shops, but I thought I'd type this out anyway, as I just saw some of your old post on the topic to do with "I got into boot loader by connecting wires directly to battery pins and now reflashing"
You were asking
...did u ever try it? The other thread I used to look at had this:
and this
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Hey triplejay
How r u dude..I m currently using an old nOKIA 3315
YES i did tried the charger trick ...dint help.Any other trick..
Well I think i shall give one last shot with this trick.(my phone is still in service stn i have to collect it yet)
The repair guy told me that there is some problem with the "POWER IC"..
He told me it will be repaired at a cost of around Rs3500 i.e around 87~88US$.
I agreed to go ahead for repairs and than next day I called him ..
To my horror he said it cant be repaired as he is not able to find the spares..
He told me the entire board needs to be repalced at a price of Rs.17000.00
i.e.425 US $ .I had bought the phone for 2000Rs (500$)
And I had told him not to repair n here i m with a dead neo.
well you should try a fully charged battery of another prophet user like me ,or may be pass me your permanent cell number privately. if this works and you enter bootloader mode and then format wm5 nvid and swear not to touch rom's again . service centre guy scare you off ,its policy wise correct they charge double the amount for battery Rs2500 which u get for Rs1200 at other places . i can understand your pain cause i lost my ipod mini same way , i think battery is culprit here .don't loose hope.but if you have connected reverse terminals then you might have burnt it already.
Some sign of LIFE
To my surprise when I bought the phone from repairs and put the phone to the wall charger the NEO the batt LED just turned RED and than went off after a few seconds...
What Is the problem with this phone
do you sell your device?
NetrunnerAT said:
do you sell your device?
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Wht do u mean.
i may sell it off if it does not get repaired..
i have the BOX with all the acessories including the stylus and HF not used atall.
This is for the HTC
can any one tell me what is POWER IC.
the service guy told me its the problem with power IC.
The estimation was around 90$.
But later informed me that part is not available any where on the planet earth...
and the entire board needs to be changed.and guess what he told the estimation "A COOL 425$"
i have some doubt :
why is the spares so expensive??
If the spares are not available than why does HTC manufacture such a phone.
SHAME ON HTC for making such a fragile phone..for which they cannt provide service.
I m as a profession here in INDIA working for a japan based co manufacturing hometheater..we do service the set which are not introduced here in INDIA (obvious at a premium) but it does not cost the set itself.
I think most of you will agree with me on this.
(pls second the motion if u guys agree.)
any ways mean while i mailed HTC but no use i dint get any respond from their side.
I think the company willnever pay attention for a petty issue like mine.
But its admin and moderators guys of the forum who if put a word with the company will take some measures.
PLZ Dont get me wrong and take it in true spirit.
Will This Solution Work.
yesterday I had put my phone on an external charger the phone gave me a RED LED atleast now after eventually giving no sign at all...
Do u guys think this can help me further
Waiting for your advice.
Pls pray for my NEO

Any1 have a Tilt for parts???

I broke the charger inlet/mini USB plug!
To make a long story short, i was trying to put the stylus in it.
I was hoping someone has a spare Tilt i could try to re-solder another one in place.
lmk! ty!
not the most fun solution, but there are chargers for the tilt battery standalone.
I ordered one from but it was broken. Waiting 3 weeks for a replacement.
buying a spare battery and stand alone charger is a great idea! thanks!
replacement mini usb
for $15 you can get one from ebay.|65:12|39:1|240:1318|301:0|293:3|294:50:):)
already bought a stand alone charger with included battery for real cheap on ebay, but thats exactly what i was looking for! kudos for you! maybe ill buy that too
crbarnes7900 said:
already bought a stand alone charger with included battery for real cheap on ebay, but thats exactly what i was looking for! kudos for you! maybe ill buy that too
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I can't check the ebay link here, but I'd still consider both solutions. I can charge the battery in my phone, but I still bought a separate charger and battery. I'm going to be using the USB charger to charge from my car computer ;-)
crbarnes7900 said:
I broke the charger inlet/mini USB plug!
To make a long story short, i was trying to put the stylus in it.
I was hoping someone has a spare Tilt i could try to re-solder another one in place.
lmk! ty!
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if you are still interested i have one that i can spare for parts so drop me a message.
rodeS730 said:
if you are still interested i have one that i can spare for parts so drop me a message.
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I'm interested ....I need the keyboard, the faceplate (if it looks good), and maybe the outer keypad ...but especially I need the keyboard.
breakx said:
I'm interested ....I need the keyboard, the faceplate (if it looks good), and maybe the outer keypad ...but especially I need the keyboard.
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you can have it all. the device is fully functional with no major problems or scratches. what´s your offer?
Why to destroy a fully funtional device for making another to looks better? I tought your device is broken or it have major problems ...I'm searching for a device with crashed display, motherboard broken or something like that.
the device actually ha a problem on the mainboard. it only works in 3g mode. if you switch to gsm you are unable to make or receive calls. this is the reason why we are discussing this subject. still interested?
rodeS730 said:
the device actually ha a problem on the mainboard. it only works in 3g mode. if you switch to gsm you are unable to make or receive calls. this is the reason why we are discussing this subject. still interested?
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Is your phone a TILT, or a TyTN II? If it is a TyTN II, I am very interested in it. Heck, if it is TILT (from AT&T), I would be interested still I guess.
What are you looking for, for it?
any1 having back cover?? mine broken

HTC HD2 Main-board - Where to buy?

The MicroUSB platform on the main-board of my HTC HD2, is broken. So I can't charge the phone nor transfer files.
I disassembled the phone and I need a new main-board now. The part number is 76H03923-XXM.
Where can I buy this part? I've contacted HTC a week ago, but still no answer.
If anyone have this part for sale, please contact me. Or if anyone have a broken HD2 (maybe broken screen), and wants to sell it then don't hesitate to contact me.
mooooooa said:
The MicroUSB platform on the main-board of my HTC HD2, is broken. So I can't charge the phone nor transfer files.
I disassembled the phone and I need a new main-board now. The part number is 76H03923-XXM.
Where can I buy this part? I've contacted HTC a week ago, but still no answer.
If anyone have this part for sale, please contact me. Or if anyone have a broken HD2 (maybe broken screen), and wants to sell it then don't hesitate to contact me.
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Damn so it seams it wasn't only me that happend that. So did i broke my USG port and my phone does not charge. Plus went to the official reparement and they do not want to take responsability for it. They came with the vague excuse of "mainboard defect not covered by the warranty".
They showed me a photo of the board and as they saying my phone has humitty there for not there responsability...
I also wanted to buy a mainboard for my phone but i've searched everywhere and no luck.
Ahmun_Ra said:
Damn so it seams it wasn't only me that happend that. So did i broke my USG port and my phone does not charge. Plus went to the official reparement and they do not want to take responsability for it. They came with the vague excuse of "mainboard defect not covered by the warranty".
They showed me a photo of the board and as they saying my phone has humitty there for not there responsability...
I also wanted to buy a mainboard for my phone but i've searched everywhere and no luck.
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To begin with, I sent mine for repair too. HTC wont take the responsibility for the phones broken USB port. They only sent me this picture showing the broken USB.
I haven't treated my phone bad, so i was very disagree with their decision. But they only gave me a link to the Danish court of appeal.
- So, what have you done now? Bought a new phone?
It's sad
mooooooa said:
To begin with, I sent mine for repair too. HTC wont take the responsibility for the phones broken USB port. They only sent me this picture showing the broken USB.
I haven't treated my phone bad, so i was very disagree with their decision. But they only gave me a link to the Danish court of appeal.
- So, what have you done now? Bought a new phone?
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To me they came with the lane excuse of humitity in the board. I see that everything is a good excuse not to take responsability for theye'r crappy materials...
I've always been afraid of something like this happening. That's why as soon as I found out powermat made wireless charging for the HD2 I ordered it. It really sucks for everything to depend on one little port.
You might try this solution for now and just use wifi to transfer files. It makes flashing tough but at least it'll be working, and you can take your time looking for a new board.
Here's a 10% off coupon code too BZPM10
Ahmun_Ra said:
To me they came with the lane excuse of humitity in the board. I see that everything is a good excuse not to take responsability for theye'r crappy materials...
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I got exactly the same answer. "Humility on the board", it would cost me 550$ for HTC to change the Main-board.
buzz killington -->
I already have seen powermat buy can't buy it. I live in Denmark and they don't ship over here...
xmoo -->
Nothing there
--- For now, i ordered this one; So i can charge the battery external.
mooooooa said:
I got exactly the same answer. "Humility on the board", it would cost me 550$ for HTC to change the Main-board.
buzz killington -->
I already have seen powermat buy can't buy it. I live in Denmark and they don't ship over here...
xmoo -->
Nothing there
--- For now, i ordered this one; So i can charge the battery external.
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Damn $550? Thats a new phone... They asked me €180 and i though they were crasy lolol. The 2nd battery n the charger for it i have one what really needed is something to replace the USB connection...
Try :
Can ask them on the part# for them to search.
Similar problem here. The Micro USB doesn't get inserted properly, seems like it's sticking out a mm too much, resulting in a very bad connection, whereas a few month ago the micro usb would stick in completely.
It now only charges, transfering content with a pc isn't possible anymore.
My thoughts were: if I buy a cradle, chances are that it would connect better due to the gravity (don't laugh ). Today I received the cradle but no result. It only charges, and I have a feeling the charging will stop in the near future.
I have the HTC HD2 for exactly two years and I found it very frustrating being confronted with what is in my thought a construction problem.
I've seen the link for dealxtreme, the external loader, but the comment posted below it, doesn't really encourage me to buy the item (high temperature)
Any other thoughts would be appreciated.
If you know anyone that can solder. They can detach it, and re solder it back onto the main-board. Shouldn't be too hard. I think? Should be possible.
Might help out some of you who have the same issues like I did. I used a toothpick to remove dust from the micro usb port. Although the connector still doesn't fit entirely, I now am able to transfer files again to my phone using the cable. Connenction still isn't that good, but might help.
htc broken port
Dear all. If you experience problems with changing your connector i can help.I have the equipment and will do the job for 20$ only (the price includes the brand new connector) Only problem is that you must ship it to Bulgaria so i can do the job. If anyone is interested can pm me.
mobile shop
thank you
Is there a way to change the partition size witout USB?
EDIT: Is it possible to feed the power directly to the battery connector, and if so how? I could solder a simple circuit if this would be necessary to use a USB adapter as power source
How can I change myself my micro-usb (for HTC HD2) . Are there a tutorial ? or any videos ? Where could I find all accessories and components required for the repair?
I think the accessories will cost more than a new HD2... I think you can´t do it by yourself because its to tiny
Bad idea!
Kelvir said:
How can I change myself my micro-usb (for HTC HD2) . Are there a tutorial ? or any videos ? Where could I find all accessories and components required for the repair?
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If you're not a master of soldering, don't even think to!
Any "Masters of Soldering" out there? I would pay for it...
i6amokk doesn´t answer to my PM
EDIT: I bought a second HD2 with damged, but working screen... Now I change the Mainboard, that I have a completly OK HD2 an one with damaged Screen and broken USB. Now how can I stabilize the USB Port to prevent that the new Mainboard get broken too?
And i6amokk anserwed, I sent him Pictures but I,ve not much hope, because the top Layer of the MB is damaged...

[Q] Noob Need HELP! ....Please

Hi everyone
First I would like to thank the people who are here that make these awesome developments, I enjoyed them until today when I was trying to find a better
radio rom. I am/was using tytung's NexusHD2 NAND. I was going threw the radio roms listed in one of the threads and tried "Leo_RADIO_15.29.50.07U_2.06.50.04"
I had to get up for a second and when i returned about 5 min. later the phone was unresponsive. When I try to turn it on i can feel the vibrator motor spin for a split second and noda...No light with the wall charger pluged in or USB.
If anyone has an idea to what I did or what can be done I would be ever so grateful. This is my first smart phone and was so happy to have android running on it. I NEED it back. I've only had it for about a week and am lost with out it already.
I want to thank everyone in advance willing to give me some help!
Thanks from The NooB
I was reading some more and I'm sure its bricked but the PC does see it when its plugged into the USB...but it doesn't have drivers for it and it didn't have drivers for it before this problem.
I guess the problem is I shouldn't have loaded a TMOUS rom?
I thought It would be "OK" as long as it was a ".50" and not a ".51"
Such a sad day...first my little Leopard gecko broke her leg and then flying ants invade my house and go into my saltwater aquarium and mess that all up and now my new favorite toy is a fishing weight or new target.......I'm afraid to go outside to even go to McD's cause i'm sure i'll die somehow!?!?!?!
Someone please tell me there's hope.
I should have just traded it in for the G2X when I was up the mall today...
But I thought this Nexus NAND was the best thing in the world only problem with this phone was that I had no reception in my house.
Which is why I was messing w/ the radio in the first place...
If anyone figures anything out I'll be in the corner crying..
Thanks again fellas..
If you boot up with the volume down button held down, does it go into bootloader (tri-color screen, not MAGLDR)?
And does your pc have ActiveSync or Windows Mobile Device Center installed on it?
If you can get into bootloader, there is still hope...
Hey Huggs
Thanks for the the reply, No There is no bootloader screen, No nothing just a little blip from the vibrator motor for a tenth of a sec. when I try to just turn the power on, If I try to hold the Vol. key and power at the same time it wont do anything.
I did notice when I plug it into USB it try's to install drivers for a "QUALCOMM CDMA DEVICE" and after about 10min it starts to get warm near the bottom of the battery. I have windows vista so Windows Mobile Device is installed.
I left it go for about 4 hrs from 4am to am and then tried the battery again and again nothing, I'm pretty sure there's nothing I could do from USB.
Does anyone know if any JTAG will work or does it have to be the one I see people using, not the cheap Flea-BAY ones for $50?
also when using a JTAG do you have to have a special file or just the stock rom?
Or is there someone on here offering this service?
The phone never had reception in the house so I should be looking for other methods but this thing is like brand new and I would like to see it come alive.
Sorry dude but you have 100% bricked your phone. You have no excuse other then lazyness as this is a very well documented fact and warnings against flashing and incorrect radio.
If you had taken time to read things properly you wouldn't have made this mistake.
Your only option now is to send it away for JTAG repair so they can replace your bootloader.
I wouldn't say its because of laziness. I looked up that rom and found a thread where people were using it. It was a ".50" and not ".51" rom and that was all I knew that was uncompilable.
Instead of starting the name calling or your this and that, How about some constructive criticism and say well "that particular rom isn't compatible because of"
I stayed up for 3 days strait and been reading for over a week trying to learn about flashing and what not. could I have spent more time reading YES but I flashed roms about a 2 dozen times and everything was OK. Like I said I used it because of the fact it was a ".50" and thought it was safe to use and the fact I seen the tread that it came from HTC and was safe to use. Guess not!
Thanks for your .02cents theatheist though.
Can someone tell me which JTAG box I have to use?
or what does the box have to support? I see others using the "RIFF BOX"
but 150 for a box is alot for one time use. does the box just have to support an arm7?
Again Thank you for taking the time to read this
Hope every ones have a nice holiday weekend
Can someone tell me why this particular radio rom bricked this phone?
and if anyone could tell me which JTAG box I would have to use?
would a cheap one from the BAY work?
what does the JTAG box have to support?
I am reading but I don't understand some of it.
Thank you for your time and reading this.
As soon as i finish posting this I will send you a PM with a link to someone that offers a JTAG service for $50 USD and lives in US. He is very good too, I would not recommend him if he was not very experienced with JTAGing HD2s.
I do not know why that Radio version brickedc your HD2 cause from what I know only the 2.04.50.xx or the 2.05.50.xx radio versions or the only radio versions with 50s that will brick a TMOUS. Looks like I might have to add 2.06,50,xx radio versions to that list. The reason why these radios with 50swill brick a TMOUS is because these radio versions were used in the Test TOM/Test T-Mobile HD2s which were actually regular HD2s and not the TMOUS that is out now with the extra ROM and RAM. There for these radios were not designed to run on the TMOUS.
Oh and you are correct about the %1 radio versions to0, they were all made for the regular HD2s also.
Thank you so much for your time Sir.
and thanks for the explanation, I would really like to try and JTAG it myself
do you know if any of the cheap JTAG boxes on ebay that support the ARM7 would work? I will shoot that guy a PM.
I hope you have a Safe Holiday weekend!
SeaWeed89 said:
Thank you so much for your time Sir.
and thanks for the explanation, I would really like to try and JTAG it myself
do you know if any of the cheap JTAG boxes on ebay that support the ARM7 would work? I will shoot that guy a PM.
I hope you have a Safe Holiday weekend!
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To be honest i do not know if the "cheap boxes" you refer to will work or not. Maybe a link to the exact box you are referring to would help.
I do know this if you want to try it yourself that is cool, but be warned you have to have a small torques head srew driver, a HTC HD2 JTAG, a Riffbox with proper connection cables, a Omnei Repair Tool (ORT), the software to use the Riffbox, and it is best if you have a small power supply for the mainboard but you can use the power from the HD2 battery. Plus you have to completely remove the mainboard of your HD2 to JTAG it, which means you pretty much have to totally disassemble the HD2.
So not only is JTAGing a HD2 just for yourself expensive, but you need to have some skill to do it as well.
PM the guy I referred you to is a very good idea, best of luck with however you decide to JTAG your HD2.
Thanks for the response...Your very helpful.
I didn't know If links were permitted.? Here's the link's
1&2 are the same but different prices, They both support ARM7 architecture Which I thought the QSD8250 was?
There is a RIFF for $150 that I found but I cant really pull that off ATM.
There is others that support the ARM also. I've also found a no-solder connecter for about 15 bucks but I don't know if the pin-out is the same on the ribbon cable as the ORT-JTAG box(company that has the connecter). I'm sure I could change it around If i could find a schematic for the both of them(connecter and box)
I do have the tools to dismantle this and power station(I also mess with the Arduino platform and circuit building when I have time and recently have just dismantled my HTC TP2 for craps and giggles and have fixed multiple IPOD touches) I have been also ripping everything apart that had a battery/wire connected to it since I could remember. And try to get it back together before my old man would come home and would find his stereo taken apart...
The only thing that has me is the programming part itself like the actual file.
I don't know if it's something special for the box or just the stock rom?
I have watched some youtube on it but nothing really helpful.
I'm thinking I could do it and maybe help some others if I could nail it and do some more reading. My brothers into IT(servers) and a HTC nightly rommer so I was hoping he could help he and I was really hoping for some help from you good fellas here.
I want to thank you for the PM (very helpful) and the reply.
I will probably end up sending it to him because it's about the same price and I don't have funds for a new phone if I toast it, and hes a very nice guy. I just love messing with stuff.
Have a good one.
To be honest I do not know if the JTAG Emulators your linked would work or not. It looks as though it might could but I can not saw proof positive it would work.
Ii seems like you might would be able to do it yourself. You have a lot of the needed tools. I think the software for the Riff Box comes with the Riff Box but not sure as I have never JTAGed a device. The software allows you to reload or as the program calls it "res-erect "the SPL, you see JTAG restores the bootloader and that is it. Then you just flash a ROM of your choice to the HD2 and you are good to go. But I do recommend you flash a stock Windows Mobile ROM just for precautionary purposes.
Yes you want the no solder JTAG that makes it a lot easier as far as the set up process.

[Q] A501. Can I boot with broken power button?

The power button is broken on my Acer A501.
For 1 year I kept it going without rebooting. Plugin it to the wall would turn it on from deep sleep.
Now just messed up unplugging a usb thumb drive and the tablet frozen and discharged completely.
I can't find a way to force it to boot anymore.
Is the a way force it to boot without using the power button?
Any help would be very appreciated.
francoisr said:
The power button is broken on my Acer A501.
For 1 year I kept it going without rebooting. Plugin it to the wall would turn it on from deep sleep.
Now just messed up unplugging a usb thumb drive and the tablet frozen and discharged completely.
I can't find a way to force it to boot anymore.
Is the a way force it to boot without using the power button?
Any help would be very appreciated.
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Hey Francois, the answer is no unfortunately. However, several people in the past have had the same issue, and basically they take the case apart and glue the PWR button back on. Should be some old threads in the Q & A which cover what they did to repair it.
Seems these tablets are starting to fall apart this year. Mine just hard bricked for it's final time last night. None of our good tools can get it back, and I'm one of the "BrickMasters" :laugh::laugh:
If you were in Moscow, I would just let you change your mainboard, into my case (PWR button works)
Moscow Desire said:
Hey Francois, the answer is no unfortunately. However, several people in the past have had the same issue, and basically they take the case apart and glue the PWR button back on. Should be some old threads in the Q & A which cover what they did to repair it.
Seems these tablets are starting to fall apart this year. Mine just hard bricked for it's final time last night. None of our good tools can get it back, and I'm one of the "BrickMasters" :laugh::laugh:
If you were in Moscow, I would just let you change your mainboard, into my case (PWR button works)
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Thank you Moscow Desire.
I don't have the pleasure to know Moscow yet, unfortunately.
I'm aware of the the button repair with glue or soldering, which is beyond my technical abilities. I do software, not hardware... I know I could get it repaired for $50 in USA, plus shipping, but that approaches the cost of a replacement tablet as prices have lowered a lot. The A501 was a great, awesome product 3 years ago, but its age starts to show...
Before sending for repair or thrashing it, I wanted confirmation it can't be jump started... Your answer confirms it is not possible.
I'll check with some more technically inclined friends to see if the can fix it.
francoisr said:
Thank you Moscow Desire.
I don't have the pleasure to know Moscow yet, unfortunately.
I'm aware of the the button repair with glue or soldering, which is beyond my technical abilities. I do software, not hardware... I know I could get it repaired for $50 in USA, plus shipping, but that approaches the cost of a replacement tablet as prices have lowered a lot. The A501 was a great, awesome product 3 years ago, but its age starts to show...
Before sending for repair or thrashing it, I wanted confirmation it can't be jump started... Your answer confirms it is not possible.
I'll check with some more technically inclined friends to see if the can fix it.
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Yeah, pretty much they just aren't worth the cost of repair. Heck, I think you can buy a working one for about $50 bucks anyhow.
But the glue method is pretty easy I think, if I remember right.
Here's a link to the service manual
But hey, if you're gonna thrash it, how about sending me it's mainboad? :laugh:
My bootloader memory partition got corrupted beyond repair yesterday (my little girls entertainment).
I have an A701 (nice display, but rest of tablet is junk. No more Acer for me) Think I will got Sammy for the newer 10.1 model.
Moscow Desire said:
Yeah, pretty much they just aren't worth the cost of repair. Heck, I think you can buy a working one for about $50 bucks anyhow.
But the glue method is pretty easy I think, if I remember right.
Here's a link to the service manual
But hey, if you're gonna thrash it, how about sending me it's mainboad? :laugh:
My bootloader memory partition got corrupted beyond repair yesterday (my little girls entertainment).
I have an A701 (nice display, but rest of tablet is junk. No more Acer for me) Think I will got Sammy for the newer 10.1 model.
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Thankd for the manual. I might give it a try, with some help.
Do anyone know if it could be booted up using a docking station? I see a Power button on the remote control. Or directly via the dock pins, maybe shorting some?
Just checking.
Thanks for any info.
francoisr said:
Thankd for the manual. I might give it a try, with some help.
Do anyone know if it could be booted up using a docking station? I see a Power button on the remote control. Or directly via the dock pins, maybe shorting some?
Just checking.
Thanks for any info.
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I have no idea. Docking stations never were that popular, at least not over here.
Good luck Mate!

