Remap main menu buttons in LOS 18.1 - LineageOS News & Discussion

I'd like to remap the main menu buttons: Back, Home and Recents. The LOS 18.1 Settings alow to redefine long press behaviour of the three buttons, but not the more common short press. Is there still a way to change it in some of the settings that I just ignore? If not, may I suggest adding this functionality to the next update of the system which otherwise works just fine?


No buttons in buttons menu!?

Wanted to customize my hard keys but there is no buttons to assign in settings->personal->buttons, the menu is empty. Is that normal? How to add buttons there?
The 'Buttons' menu is a legacy of older WM versions- most current HTC touchscreen devices don't allow the buttons to be customised by default.
It might be worth trying AE ButtonPlus instead.

Completely changing Menu button to Recents

Google has already told everyone to stop using hardware menu buttons and to instead use the built-in software ones in the apps.
Unfortunately there's quite a few devices, the Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 included, that still have a menu button.
My goal is to successfully remap that button to a Recents button, and enable the built-in software ones. I'm using Hyperdrive RLS5.1 on my device, but this technique should work with any other ROM too - if it doesn't, there is either a conflict or you might need to change other keylayout files as well.
I fairly easily remapped the key.
You just use a root file explorer like FX to go to "/system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl" and find the line that looks like "key 139 MENU" and change it to "key 139 APP_SWITCH". Then reboot the device. When you press the button, it will open the task switcher - but there's a nasty caveat. When you do this, the device still has the menu key in it. So if you go into an app like Firefox or Viper4AndroidFX and try and change settings, you can't. The menu button is inaccessible.
But, no fear: the solution is the Xposed Framework, combined with MenuBeGone, which can be found at I've checked the source code and it's completely benign - the key here is that you have to force every app to return "false" when it checks if the device "hasPermanentMenuKey".
It doesn't matter how much remapping you do, the device still technically has a physical menu key. Lil' blighter.

OOS short press action

I'm using OOS 4.5.10 and was wondering is there a way to configure the short press action as I would like to change recent apps menu from short press to long press action as sometimes my palm or fingers touches it and it brings up the recent apps menu which I don't like, but there is no option to change in Buttons settings?
try this

How to activate the menu key?

This phone is great!
But how do you guys bring up the menu key for some apps? For exmaple, holding down the "recently" key would bring up menu key in most phones. But in A1, Nougat 7.1 bring split screen.
I played around in GravityBox for force overflow enable/disable menu, but no avail. Even some apps that should have menu key, "disappeared" when using this A1
Any help out there?
Same problem here, key button performs the same action than recent button, very odd. I tried above apps and gravitybox without luck.
Button mapper works for sure, I've been using it for several months without issues.
I can't get it to work in Oreo
Even with gravitybox using show menu with custom button doesn't work.

How can I reprogram the navigation bar buttons?

I want each of home, back, and recent apps buttons to have different actions with single tap, double tap, and hold.
I upgraded from my one plus which was running custom lineage os. I could switch apps by double tapping my home button and it was beautiful. I could also 'kill apps' by holding the back button. So good.
Any way to do this?

