Is there a way to use the samsung binaries to compile and build aosp? - Galaxy Note 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have aosp ready to go but can't find a way to import the note 4 binaries for it to run, Anyone know how or have a tutorial ready?
P.S. I use manjaro linux for aosp

WAS[D] said:
I have aosp ready to go but can't find a way to import the note 4 binaries for it to run, Anyone know how or have a tutorial ready?
P.S. I use manjaro linux for aosp
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No, it's not possible. Go and read the forums and you'll figure out why.


[Q] how do i start creating a custom rom?

hey everyone,
i've tried several roms and i like the idea of creating one.
i know how long of a process it can be and how many lines of code,
but i still want to do it.
i was wondering if there is someone else's rom i could use as a base?
if not how do i go about starting from scratch?
any information would be appreciated.
skennedy08 said:
hey everyone,
i've tried several roms and i like the idea of creating one.
i know how long of a process it can be and how many lines of code,
but i still want to do it.
i was wondering if there is someone else's rom i could use as a base?
if not how do i go about starting from scratch?
any information would be appreciated.
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I believe some devs such as cvpcs may have released his source, but im sure most keep it private. To build your own, grab the android sdk from google, their source code, and the source for the 2.2 release for droid X
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
SysAdmin-X said:
I believe some devs such as cvpcs may have released his source, but im sure most keep it private. To build your own, grab the android sdk from google, their source code, and the source for the 2.2 release for droid X
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
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alright i'll look at some developers and then i'll check out the sdk, thanks!
so i downloaded the sdk and everything, but i don't know how to get to editing and working on the stock 2.2.1 2.3.340 rom!
right now i'm just doing some easy stuff like making the boot animation
and designing some stuff on paper.
skennedy08 said:
so i downloaded the sdk and everything, but i don't know how to get to editing and working on the stock 2.2.1 2.3.340 rom!
right now i'm just doing some easy stuff like making the boot animation
and designing some stuff on paper.
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You'll need some java knowledge, as I believe android is built off java... If you have some java programming experience, you're a step ahead. I believe Google also has some documentation and tutorials on their sdk page or a link from there.
SysAdmin-X said:
You'll need some java knowledge, as I believe android is built off java... If you have some java programming experience, you're a step ahead. I believe Google also has some documentation and tutorials on their sdk page or a link from there.
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yeah i'm currently in the second half of a java programming class that is offered at my university.

[Q] How to get source code and set up Git?

I want to start developing a custom rom(or at least to try).But firstly I don't know how to setup git and python on ubuntu.I read on google that I need that files.And when I set them up,how can I get the source code?If you know,please help.
Thanks in advance.
Edit: We downloaded the cyanogenmod source code successfully with repo.
Another question: Do I need python when I have eclipse?
If you know how, please tell us!
I know you can download source codes at
That's all I know....
Get linux and learn to use then get git then use git to get repo then use repo to download sources.
Pm me where u are at and i will help more in depth with u.
pashinator said:
Get linux and learn to use then get git then use git to get repo then use repo to download sources.
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I know how to use ubuntu.I think I downloaded the kernel yesterday but don't know where it is.
Currently there are no proper manifest for compiling Android 2.2 or 2.3 for LG Swift, those that exist are outdated or deleted by the developers. We need a correct manifest for,lg shift device, vendor, kernel..etc to start building.
fdespotovski said:
I want to start developing a custom rom(or at least to try).But firstly I don't know how to setup git and python on ubuntu.I read on google that I need that files.And when I set them up,how can I get the source code?If you know,please help.
Thanks in advance.
Edit: We downloaded the cyanogenmod source code successfully with repo.
Another question: Do I need python when I have eclipse?
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Can somebody tell us how to compile the system and kernel for unsupported devices like the lg gt540?
this is from the readme with Quarx rom if that helps
make -j3 ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/путь до ndk/build/prebuilt/linux-x86/arm-eabi-4.4.0/bin/arm-eabi-
eoghan2t7 said:
this is from the readme with Quarx rom if that helps
make -j3 ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/путь до ndk/build/prebuilt/linux-x86/arm-eabi-4.4.0/bin/arm-eabi-
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Thanks for your reply!

Porting ROMs

How does one port ROMs to another phone? I'm looking to try and port Xylon to the Find 5.
Sent from my X909 using xda app-developers app
it's really not that difficult. just have to adjust some overlays, change some stuff in vendor and maybe grab the camera from CM if the changes haven't been made to that ROM.
if you are building from source:
Find the 4.2.2 source code of the ROM you want to port
Get the manifest.
Add the CM10.1 device/kernel tree and proprietary libs in the .repo/local_manifest/roomservice.xml
sync all the repos
(do whatever the source might need you to set up: EG paranoid android, need you to setup your device properly in vendor/pa/* files)
compile. Fix any problems(maybe missing files, etc)
you could try a non-4.2.2-based ROM to port, but you'll run into more incompatibility issues to fix
mbh87 said:
it's really not that difficult. just have to adjust some overlays, change some stuff in vendor and maybe grab the camera from CM if the changes haven't been made to that ROM.
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So would you say just use this
And the CM10 for our Oppo?
Sent from my X909 using xda app-developers app
newbcake said:
So would you say just use this
And the CM10 for our Oppo?
Sent from my X909 using xda app-developers app
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No, build from source since it's available.
mbh87 said:
No, build from source since it's available.
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You mean Oppo's source or AOSP from Google? I presume AOSP
Sent from my X909 using xda app-developers app
assuming this is the one you want to port (it is using 4.2.2, so hopefully it'll be easier)
read their README:
use repo and checkout this manifest
use repo and sync all the repos
then see how I get the device specific files here? do the same
then follow whatever instructions needed to build. if it uses CM based building (which i think they do here, then do
. build/ && brunch
select the find5 entry (if it;s not there, then do lunch, select find5, mka)
wait for it to fail. read error message. fix error message. repeat last 3 steps .. Google is your friend... learn to love google
you should try building CM10.1 first. there will hopefully be no errors, and you learn how to use brunch/lunch/breakfast / etc
paperWastage said:
assuming this is the one you want to port (it is using 4.2.2, so hopefully it'll be easier)
read their README:
use repo and checkout this manifest
use repo and sync all the repos
then see how I get the device specific files here? do the same
then follow whatever instructions needed to build. if it uses CM based building (which i think they do here, then do
. build/ && brunch
select the find5 entry (if it;s not there, then do lunch, select find5, mka)
wait for it to fail. read error message. fix error message. repeat last 3 steps .. Google is your friend... learn to love google
you should try building CM10.1 first. there will hopefully be no errors, and you learn how to use brunch/lunch/breakfast / etc
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Is there something wrong with the Xylon repo? I keep getting this:
Cannot fetch htc-msm8960/[some path here]
newbcake said:
Is there something wrong with the Xylon repo? I keep getting this:
Cannot fetch htc-msm8960/[some path here]
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use google and your own intuition to help you (this is why you should build the Cm10.1 ROM first.... the knowledge you gain will help you)
most likely either github is down, or the path referencing it is invalid, or something......
but the question is, do we need htc-msm8960? most likely no, since the oppo kernel is self contained
^^^ all this comes from experience.... seriously, go build cm10.1 for the find 5 first
paperWastage said:
use google and your own intuition to help you (this is why you should build the Cm10.1 ROM first.... the knowledge you gain will help you)
most likely either github is down, or the path referencing it is invalid, or something......
but the question is, do we need htc-msm8960? most likely no, since the oppo kernel is self contained
^^^ all this comes from experience.... seriously, go build cm10.1 for the find 5 first
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we probably dont need it, but a lot of ROMs make you download ALL their devices and corresponding files.
Well, I removed the HTC lines from manifest.xml (maybe not a good idea?) but anyway, it finished syncing after.
mbh87 said:
we probably dont need it, but a lot of ROMs make you download ALL their devices and corresponding files.
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yeah... it's a problem with a simple fix.... if the error was something like "packages_mms_app", then it's a more serious problem.....
does removing that repo mask a larger problem? that's why I'm pushing for OP to start small first by building CM10.1, and learn the environment (instead of posting every single problem he encounters here, and asks for help)
I've only started playing with android source code in March/early april... and these are things that I've learned/picked up since then.
paperWastage said:
yeah... it's a problem with a simple fix.... if the error was something like "packages_mms_app", then it's a more serious problem.....
does removing that repo mask a larger problem? that's why I'm pushing for OP to start small first by building CM10.1, and learn the environment (instead of posting every single problem he encounters here, and asks for help)
I've only started playing with android source code in March/early april... and these are things that I've learned/picked up since then.
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Understood. I'm syncing up the Cm10 now. Thanks!
Is is best to do this all on Linux, Mac, or Windows?
It isn't possible to do it on windows so one of the other two.
mbh87 said:
It isn't possible to do it on windows so one of the other two.
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Cool thanks. I just "finished" my compile on my Mac 10.7.8 but there was something about gcc422 not found. I have the latest XCode installed along with Dev tools. So can anyone help cause I didn't see anything with a Google.
I presume a clean Ubuntu is preferred
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newbcake said:
Cool thanks. I just "finished" my compile on my Mac 10.7.8 but there was something about gcc422 not found. I have the latest XCode installed along with Dev tools. So can anyone help cause I didn't see anything with a Google.
I presume a clean Ubuntu is preferred
Sent from my X909 using xda app-developers app
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it's preferable
even on ubuntu, you still have to get specific packages: need oracle version of jdk, not openjdk, need to remove some incompatible stuff
heres a guide for ubuntu 12.10
paperWastage said:
it's preferable
even on ubuntu, you still have to get specific packages: need oracle version of jdk, not openjdk, need to remove some incompatible stuff
heres a guide for ubuntu 12.10
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I tried compiling CM10, and am even having problems with that. Google did not seem to help for this. Here is what I did:
I did the mka, then mka otapackage, and NOTHING is appearing. No zips at all.
hardware/qcom/media/mm-video/vidc/vdec/src/omx_vdec.cpp:9925:138: warning: format '%d' expects argument of type 'int', but argument 5 has type 'OMX_U32 {aka long unsigned int}' [-Wformat]
make: *** wait: No child processes. Stop.
That is the last fine before it gives me control of terminal again.
newbcake said:
I tried compiling CM10, and am even having problems with that. Google did not seem to help for this. Here is what I did:
I did the mka, then mka otapackage, and NOTHING is appearing. No zips at all.
hardware/qcom/media/mm-video/vidc/vdec/src/omx_vdec.cpp:9925:138: warning: format '%d' expects argument of type 'int', but argument 5 has type 'OMX_U32 {aka long unsigned int}' [-Wformat]
make: *** wait: No child processes. Stop.
That is the last fine before it gives me control of terminal again.
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a few tips
typically, compilers only stop when there's an error, not warnings (unless you set flags like -Werror )
compiling is parallelized.... let's say you have a quad core, you can compile 4 projects simultaneously... when you have an error on the first make file, it stops.... but the other 3 projects will continue compiling and outputting logs until they're done (then the scheduler sees the first make file has an error, doesn't execute any more make builds and halts), so the last log file/line might not be showing you the error
For CM10.1, find5 is official now... you can just use brunch instead of breakfast/lunch & mka
paperWastage said:
a few tips
typically, compilers only stop when there's an error, not warnings (unless you set flags like -Werror )
compiling is parallelized.... let's say you have a quad core, you can compile 4 projects simultaneously... when you have an error on the first make file, it stops.... but the other 3 projects will continue compiling and outputting logs until they're done (then the scheduler sees the first make file has an error, doesn't execute any more make builds and halts), so the last log file might not be showing you the error
For CM10.1, find5 is official now... you can just use brunch instead of breakfast & mka
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In essence, I scour the log for errors?
I just presumed as CM10 already existed on the Oppo Find 5, it would be an error-free compile.
newbcake said:
In essence, I scour the log for errors?
I just presumed as CM10 already existed on the Oppo Find 5, it would be an error-free compile.
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you could source the log for errors
or just run the compile script again and again.... the scheduler will continue building other packages, but it'll come to a point where it can't build anything else without that broken package.... and hence, the error in the log will be obvious(since everything else is already built, no logs from them)
it should be an error-free compile, but sometimes things could happen (a small tweak in package/A gives some problems when compiling with package/B)
I would say, most likely there's some build package incompatibility in your system.

[Q] Problem build phone package

hi! I need to build and modify the stock phone app.
I'm using Android Studio, I clone the git source ( but when i try to build without modify anything I have this error:
/home/user/Phone/phone/src/com/android/phone/INetworkQueryServiceCallback.aidl:19: couldn't find import for class
I think that this class is in another packages (
How can i do?
thanks! :good:
tuttofede1 said:
hi! I need to build and modify the stock phone app.
I'm using Android Studio, I clone the git source ( but when i try to build without modify anything I have this error:
/home/user/Phone/phone/src/com/android/phone/INetworkQueryServiceCallback.aidl:19: couldn't find import for class
I think that this class is in another packages (
How can i do?
thanks! :good:
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Yeah, there are dependencies on other ROM specific packages. I don't think that you can build this without building the whole ROM.
As far as I know, all phone apps have to use an API.
ok thank you. I will build entire ROM. I think this could be the best solution.

How to make my own rom?

GIve me tools to make my own rom pls
nuribg said:
GIve me tools to make my own rom pls
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I don't want to sound mean but the fact that you're asking for it here instead of looking for it yourself makes me think you aren't up for it.(as if you don't know what you're looking for). And when you'l encounter the hundreds of issues instead of googling you'll ask for them here too?
However if you insist there are many good guides here available. Just a few taps away.
ok i didnt explained very whell, im using superR free kitchen but when i compile and install the rom gives me fail
Its not that simple bro. You need a Linux distro with Java 8 or 9 installed. The android SDK. A strong knowledge of Linux. You need a github account. You need to sync a repo for the ROM. And build your device tree. Some coding knowledge Is preferable. I can help you via pm when you get stuck but it took me a long time to be able to turn out a working ROM..

