[Q] Problem build phone package - Java for Android App Development

hi! I need to build and modify the stock phone app.
I'm using Android Studio, I clone the git source (github.com/android/platform_packages_apps_phone) but when i try to build without modify anything I have this error:
/home/user/Phone/phone/src/com/android/phone/INetworkQueryServiceCallback.aidl:19: couldn't find import for class com.android.internal.telephony.OperatorInfo
I think that this class is in another packages (github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base).
How can i do?
thanks! :good:

tuttofede1 said:
hi! I need to build and modify the stock phone app.
I'm using Android Studio, I clone the git source (github.com/android/platform_packages_apps_phone) but when i try to build without modify anything I have this error:
/home/user/Phone/phone/src/com/android/phone/INetworkQueryServiceCallback.aidl:19: couldn't find import for class com.android.internal.telephony.OperatorInfo
I think that this class is in another packages (github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base).
How can i do?
thanks! :good:
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Yeah, there are dependencies on other ROM specific packages. I don't think that you can build this without building the whole ROM.
As far as I know, all phone apps have to use an API.

ok thank you. I will build entire ROM. I think this could be the best solution.


[Q] How to get source code and set up Git?

I want to start developing a custom rom(or at least to try).But firstly I don't know how to setup git and python on ubuntu.I read on google that I need that files.And when I set them up,how can I get the source code?If you know,please help.
Thanks in advance.
Edit: We downloaded the cyanogenmod source code successfully with repo.
Another question: Do I need python when I have eclipse?
If you know how, please tell us!
I know you can download source codes at github.com.
That's all I know....
Get linux and learn to use then get git then use git to get repo then use repo to download sources.
Pm me where u are at and i will help more in depth with u.
pashinator said:
Get linux and learn to use then get git then use git to get repo then use repo to download sources.
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I know how to use ubuntu.I think I downloaded the kernel yesterday but don't know where it is.
Currently there are no proper manifest for compiling Android 2.2 or 2.3 for LG Swift, those that exist are outdated or deleted by the developers. We need a correct manifest for,lg shift device, vendor, kernel..etc to start building.
fdespotovski said:
I want to start developing a custom rom(or at least to try).But firstly I don't know how to setup git and python on ubuntu.I read on google that I need that files.And when I set them up,how can I get the source code?If you know,please help.
Thanks in advance.
Edit: We downloaded the cyanogenmod source code successfully with repo.
Another question: Do I need python when I have eclipse?
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Can somebody tell us how to compile the system and kernel for unsupported devices like the lg gt540?
this is from the readme with Quarx rom if that helps
make -j3 ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/путь до ndk/build/prebuilt/linux-x86/arm-eabi-4.4.0/bin/arm-eabi-
eoghan2t7 said:
this is from the readme with Quarx rom if that helps
make -j3 ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/путь до ndk/build/prebuilt/linux-x86/arm-eabi-4.4.0/bin/arm-eabi-
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Thanks for your reply!

Porting ROMs

How does one port ROMs to another phone? I'm looking to try and port Xylon to the Find 5.
Sent from my X909 using xda app-developers app
it's really not that difficult. just have to adjust some overlays, change some stuff in vendor and maybe grab the camera from CM if the changes haven't been made to that ROM.
if you are building from source:
Find the 4.2.2 source code of the ROM you want to port
Get the manifest.
Add the CM10.1 device/kernel tree and proprietary libs in the .repo/local_manifest/roomservice.xml
sync all the repos
(do whatever the source might need you to set up: EG paranoid android, need you to setup your device properly in vendor/pa/* files)
compile. Fix any problems(maybe missing files, etc)
you could try a non-4.2.2-based ROM to port, but you'll run into more incompatibility issues to fix
mbh87 said:
it's really not that difficult. just have to adjust some overlays, change some stuff in vendor and maybe grab the camera from CM if the changes haven't been made to that ROM.
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So would you say just use this
And the CM10 for our Oppo?
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newbcake said:
So would you say just use this
And the CM10 for our Oppo?
Sent from my X909 using xda app-developers app
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No, build from source since it's available.
mbh87 said:
No, build from source since it's available.
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You mean Oppo's source or AOSP from Google? I presume AOSP
Sent from my X909 using xda app-developers app
assuming this is the one you want to port (it is using 4.2.2, so hopefully it'll be easier)
read their README: https://github.com/XYAOSP/buildscripts
use repo and checkout this manifest
use repo and sync all the repos
then see how I get the device specific files here? do the same https://git.ngvincent.com/projects/oppo-x909-cm10/wiki/Build#Get-device-specific-sources-and-build
then follow whatever instructions needed to build. if it uses CM based building (which i think they do here, then do
. build/envsetup.sh && brunch
select the find5 entry (if it;s not there, then do lunch, select find5, mka)
wait for it to fail. read error message. fix error message. repeat last 3 steps .. Google is your friend... learn to love google
you should try building CM10.1 first. there will hopefully be no errors, and you learn how to use brunch/lunch/breakfast / etc
paperWastage said:
assuming this is the one you want to port (it is using 4.2.2, so hopefully it'll be easier)
read their README: https://github.com/XYAOSP/buildscripts
use repo and checkout this manifest
use repo and sync all the repos
then see how I get the device specific files here? do the same https://git.ngvincent.com/projects/oppo-x909-cm10/wiki/Build#Get-device-specific-sources-and-build
then follow whatever instructions needed to build. if it uses CM based building (which i think they do here, then do
. build/envsetup.sh && brunch
select the find5 entry (if it;s not there, then do lunch, select find5, mka)
wait for it to fail. read error message. fix error message. repeat last 3 steps .. Google is your friend... learn to love google
you should try building CM10.1 first. there will hopefully be no errors, and you learn how to use brunch/lunch/breakfast / etc
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Is there something wrong with the Xylon repo? I keep getting this:
Cannot fetch htc-msm8960/[some path here]
newbcake said:
Is there something wrong with the Xylon repo? I keep getting this:
Cannot fetch htc-msm8960/[some path here]
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use google and your own intuition to help you (this is why you should build the Cm10.1 ROM first.... the knowledge you gain will help you)
most likely either github is down, or the path referencing it is invalid, or something......
but the question is, do we need htc-msm8960? most likely no, since the oppo kernel is self contained
^^^ all this comes from experience.... seriously, go build cm10.1 for the find 5 first
paperWastage said:
use google and your own intuition to help you (this is why you should build the Cm10.1 ROM first.... the knowledge you gain will help you)
most likely either github is down, or the path referencing it is invalid, or something......
but the question is, do we need htc-msm8960? most likely no, since the oppo kernel is self contained
^^^ all this comes from experience.... seriously, go build cm10.1 for the find 5 first
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we probably dont need it, but a lot of ROMs make you download ALL their devices and corresponding files.
Well, I removed the HTC lines from manifest.xml (maybe not a good idea?) but anyway, it finished syncing after.
mbh87 said:
we probably dont need it, but a lot of ROMs make you download ALL their devices and corresponding files.
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yeah... it's a problem with a simple fix.... if the error was something like "packages_mms_app", then it's a more serious problem.....
does removing that repo mask a larger problem? that's why I'm pushing for OP to start small first by building CM10.1, and learn the environment (instead of posting every single problem he encounters here, and asks for help)
I've only started playing with android source code in March/early april... and these are things that I've learned/picked up since then.
paperWastage said:
yeah... it's a problem with a simple fix.... if the error was something like "packages_mms_app", then it's a more serious problem.....
does removing that repo mask a larger problem? that's why I'm pushing for OP to start small first by building CM10.1, and learn the environment (instead of posting every single problem he encounters here, and asks for help)
I've only started playing with android source code in March/early april... and these are things that I've learned/picked up since then.
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Understood. I'm syncing up the Cm10 now. Thanks!
Is is best to do this all on Linux, Mac, or Windows?
It isn't possible to do it on windows so one of the other two.
mbh87 said:
It isn't possible to do it on windows so one of the other two.
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Cool thanks. I just "finished" my compile on my Mac 10.7.8 but there was something about gcc422 not found. I have the latest XCode installed along with Dev tools. So can anyone help cause I didn't see anything with a Google.
I presume a clean Ubuntu is preferred
Sent from my X909 using xda app-developers app
newbcake said:
Cool thanks. I just "finished" my compile on my Mac 10.7.8 but there was something about gcc422 not found. I have the latest XCode installed along with Dev tools. So can anyone help cause I didn't see anything with a Google.
I presume a clean Ubuntu is preferred
Sent from my X909 using xda app-developers app
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it's preferable
even on ubuntu, you still have to get specific packages: need oracle version of jdk, not openjdk, need to remove some incompatible stuff
heres a guide for ubuntu 12.10
paperWastage said:
it's preferable
even on ubuntu, you still have to get specific packages: need oracle version of jdk, not openjdk, need to remove some incompatible stuff
heres a guide for ubuntu 12.10
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I tried compiling CM10, and am even having problems with that. Google did not seem to help for this. Here is what I did:
I did the mka, then mka otapackage, and NOTHING is appearing. No zips at all.
hardware/qcom/media/mm-video/vidc/vdec/src/omx_vdec.cpp:9925:138: warning: format '%d' expects argument of type 'int', but argument 5 has type 'OMX_U32 {aka long unsigned int}' [-Wformat]
make: *** wait: No child processes. Stop.
That is the last fine before it gives me control of terminal again.
newbcake said:
I tried compiling CM10, and am even having problems with that. Google did not seem to help for this. Here is what I did:
I did the mka, then mka otapackage, and NOTHING is appearing. No zips at all.
hardware/qcom/media/mm-video/vidc/vdec/src/omx_vdec.cpp:9925:138: warning: format '%d' expects argument of type 'int', but argument 5 has type 'OMX_U32 {aka long unsigned int}' [-Wformat]
make: *** wait: No child processes. Stop.
That is the last fine before it gives me control of terminal again.
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a few tips
typically, compilers only stop when there's an error, not warnings (unless you set flags like -Werror )
compiling is parallelized.... let's say you have a quad core, you can compile 4 projects simultaneously... when you have an error on the first make file, it stops.... but the other 3 projects will continue compiling and outputting logs until they're done (then the scheduler sees the first make file has an error, doesn't execute any more make builds and halts), so the last log file/line might not be showing you the error
For CM10.1, find5 is official now... you can just use brunch instead of breakfast/lunch & mka
paperWastage said:
a few tips
typically, compilers only stop when there's an error, not warnings (unless you set flags like -Werror )
compiling is parallelized.... let's say you have a quad core, you can compile 4 projects simultaneously... when you have an error on the first make file, it stops.... but the other 3 projects will continue compiling and outputting logs until they're done (then the scheduler sees the first make file has an error, doesn't execute any more make builds and halts), so the last log file might not be showing you the error
For CM10.1, find5 is official now... you can just use brunch instead of breakfast & mka
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In essence, I scour the log for errors?
I just presumed as CM10 already existed on the Oppo Find 5, it would be an error-free compile.
newbcake said:
In essence, I scour the log for errors?
I just presumed as CM10 already existed on the Oppo Find 5, it would be an error-free compile.
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you could source the log for errors
or just run the compile script again and again.... the scheduler will continue building other packages, but it'll come to a point where it can't build anything else without that broken package.... and hence, the error in the log will be obvious(since everything else is already built, no logs from them)
it should be an error-free compile, but sometimes things could happen (a small tweak in package/A gives some problems when compiling with package/B)
I would say, most likely there's some build package incompatibility in your system.

[DEV] CM10.1 builds | help needed adding features | "4.2.2 Revival Team"

I synced the CM10.1 source last weekend. I mucked about with the kernel. I pointed it to Christopher83's custom toolchain. I built it. It works. I'm content.
However my plan was to revive 4.2.2 and actually ADD to it, otherwise you could just go and download the zip which the Andromadus team uploaded. Unfortunately I've discovered that I'm completely incompetent when it comes to firstly finding things to add, secondly finding the commit, and then thirdly trying to cherry pick and apply the commit so it works. I haven't really got to stage 3 yet.
So here's my suggestion: could someone please work with me or if syncing sources etc. is not possible, at least help me by being knowledgeable enough to know some good features, point me to the commits, and help me fix conflicts so that I can apply them successfully. Therefore I either want a team, the 4.2.2 revival team as it were, or someone or some people to help me if they can't directly interact with the sources. Don't worry if you can't build for whatever reason: if you can sync specific repos, e.g. settings, frameworks base, and modify them, and push them, so that I can build the ROM, that's fine. Anyone who helps at all will be deemed equally if not more important than myself, as I expect I'll ultimately just end up being the builder.
Thanks very much for your support.
I can help you with that. Tell me when you start your project and what errors did you get
Best Regards,
RE: [DEV] CM10.1 builds | help needed adding features | "4.2.2 Revival Team"
_MarcoMarinho_ said:
I can help you with that. Tell me when you start your project and what errors did you get
Best Regards,
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Thanks firstly I thought a simple thing to do would be to add the recent app screen ram bar from SlimBean, but I can't find the commit anywhere in the SlimRoms github. Perhaps you know where it is or can find it for me, then I could cherrypick it and we could fix the conflicts together and we'd have our first unofficial CM10.1 ROM with additional features!
HTCDreamOn said:
Thanks firstly I thought a simple thing to do would be to add the recent app screen ram bar from SlimBean, but I can't find the commit anywhere in the SlimRoms github. Perhaps you know where it is or can find it for me, then I could cherrypick it and we could fix the conflicts together and we'd have our first unofficial CM10.1 ROM with additional features!
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Here is the commit: https://github.com/SlimRoms/frameworks_base/commit/9c1c3c0955d51adc589ec6fbb667a0ae482de24e
You need this to: https://github.com/AOSB/android/commit/a512f16890af8c277c3d1a88c8bca36711b82328
RE: [DEV] CM10.1 builds | help needed adding features | "4.2.2 Revival Team"
_MarcoMarinho_ said:
Here is the commit: https://github.com/SlimRoms/frameworks_base/commit/9c1c3c0955d51adc589ec6fbb667a0ae482de24e
You need this to: https://github.com/AOSB/android/commit/a512f16890af8c277c3d1a88c8bca36711b82328
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That looks interesting, but it's for KitKat... I'll try later once I'm confident. In the meantime, how can I get this to work: https://github.com/SlimRoms/packages_apps_Settings/commit/fb2ea42468bea20f09b99048c9e7535b6cde643f I'm OK apart from the very last bit in UserInterface.java, although I'm applying that code to SystemSettings.java anyway. Thanks
@demkantor @_MarcoMarinho_ I've synced the PA source, can you help me at all setting up the vision.adds file? Thanks
Sure thing, assume this is for 4.2 android right?
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demkantor said:
Sure thing, assume this is for 4.2 android right?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Yep, as you know I synced the CM10.1 source a while ago so I used repo init --reference to sync the PA jellybean-legacy sources. Thanks for helping
paste this in a folder and title it
then add it to your .repo folder in ROM directory
I commented out a few things you may need to add, and there is possibly more but i dont have time to look into it all right now. just start with this, repo sync, and then build and check for errors
best of luck!
damn.... giving me uknown file, had to zip it first, so unzip the contents!
demkantor said:
paste this in a folder and title it
then add it to your .repo folder in ROM directory
I commented out a few things you may need to add, and there is possibly more but i dont have time to look into it all right now. just start with this, repo sync, and then build and check for errors
best of luck!
damn.... giving me uknown file, had to zip it first, so unzip the contents!
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Thanks, do I only need to add these to the vision.adds file then, or do I not need a vision.adds file at all now?
HTCDreamOn said:
Thanks, do I only need to add these to the vision.adds file then, or do I not need a vision.adds file at all now?
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cant say I've ever used a vision.adds file in a source build, I just find the files i need in github, download source, create a local_manifest, sync, check errors for somethings to add to manifest, build, check for errors, google how to fix, fix, fix, fix ,fix, then bam, got a rom that works.
but I can look into this vision.adds business, I don't think it will be necessary as this will place need files in the proper directories in your source code for you, I assume that's what the vision.adds would do?
demkantor said:
cant say I've ever used a vision.adds file in a source build, I just find the files i need in github, download source, create a local_manifest, sync, check errors for somethings to add to manifest, build, check for errors, google how to fix, fix, fix, fix ,fix, then bam, got a rom that works.
but I can look into this vision.adds business, I don't think it will be necessary as this will place need files in the proper directories in your source code for you, I assume that's what the vision.adds would do?
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Here's the bit from their guide: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=30958881&postcount=2 I'm not sure what it does though. I'm completely clueless about that whole post actually. I think it just syncs stuff after a sync.. or something. I don't know why though, isn't that what a local manifests file is for?
hmm... it looks like there will be a bit more to make than just the local_manifests
but i would attempt this first and if it doesnt work than follow the direction in that post as there me be a special way needed to build for pa, which i never have tried to build
most of what they are after will get pulled from local_manifests folder and placed appropriately. but at the same time... never used ./rom-build.sh before so this may be specific to pa, as in you need to follow their steps....
eh, just give it a try, if it doesnt work ill help you create those json files and build it the way laid out in their guide!
HTCDreamOn said:
Here's the bit from their guide: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=30958881&postcount=2 I'm not sure what it does though. I'm completely clueless about that whole post actually. I think it just syncs stuff after a sync.. or something. I don't know why though, isn't that what a local manifests file is for?
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Isn't easy, you need to add more repos to configure it for our phone.
This is very diferent:
As I said before, you need extra repos than CM needs. You can talk to the dev that made the SlimBean for our phone, as it's based on AOSP he needed to configure it as well.

[Q] appcombat_v7 and fragment_main.xml

Hello there,
I just started using Eclipse and I'm confused by the appcombat_v7 and fragment_main.xml.
I've never seen those files in a youtube-video I watched for tutorials.
Do I need them?
philip0908 said:
Hello there,
I just started using Eclipse and I'm confused by the appcombat_v7 and fragment_main.xml.
I've never seen those files in a youtube-video I watched for tutorials.
Do I need them?
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its a new stuff they have added , if u don't want u can revert back adt and Eclipse
honorably ailughb
hisee said:
its a new stuff they have added , if u don't want u can revert back adt and Eclipse
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what would you recommend? where do implement my code now?
in onCreate of Fragment class or of Activity class?
philip0908 said:
what would you recommend? where do implement my code now?
in onCreate of Fragment class or of Activity class?
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Depends on what you want to do and what version of Android you are supporting. Using Fragments is usually a good style, but you need to make sure you understand them, so head over to the training class on fragments. To clarify with the appcompat-v7, that is one of the two support libraries which were released not so long ago to port some of the features and layouts only found in higher android versions back to v7 (which is 2.1) in this case. The v7 support lib is used to get the ActionBar in earlier versions. If you want to use fragments and support pre-Honeycomb, you'll need to use the v4 support library, which is just a jar file.

Is there a way to use the samsung binaries to compile and build aosp?

I have aosp ready to go but can't find a way to import the note 4 binaries for it to run, Anyone know how or have a tutorial ready?
P.S. I use manjaro linux for aosp
WAS[D] said:
I have aosp ready to go but can't find a way to import the note 4 binaries for it to run, Anyone know how or have a tutorial ready?
P.S. I use manjaro linux for aosp
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No, it's not possible. Go and read the forums and you'll figure out why.

