[Q] How to get source code and set up Git? - GT540 Optimus General

I want to start developing a custom rom(or at least to try).But firstly I don't know how to setup git and python on ubuntu.I read on google that I need that files.And when I set them up,how can I get the source code?If you know,please help.
Thanks in advance.
Edit: We downloaded the cyanogenmod source code successfully with repo.
Another question: Do I need python when I have eclipse?

If you know how, please tell us!

I know you can download source codes at github.com.
That's all I know....

Get linux and learn to use then get git then use git to get repo then use repo to download sources.

Pm me where u are at and i will help more in depth with u.

pashinator said:
Get linux and learn to use then get git then use git to get repo then use repo to download sources.
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I know how to use ubuntu.I think I downloaded the kernel yesterday but don't know where it is.

Currently there are no proper manifest for compiling Android 2.2 or 2.3 for LG Swift, those that exist are outdated or deleted by the developers. We need a correct manifest for,lg shift device, vendor, kernel..etc to start building.

fdespotovski said:
I want to start developing a custom rom(or at least to try).But firstly I don't know how to setup git and python on ubuntu.I read on google that I need that files.And when I set them up,how can I get the source code?If you know,please help.
Thanks in advance.
Edit: We downloaded the cyanogenmod source code successfully with repo.
Another question: Do I need python when I have eclipse?
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Can somebody tell us how to compile the system and kernel for unsupported devices like the lg gt540?

this is from the readme with Quarx rom if that helps
make -j3 ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/путь до ndk/build/prebuilt/linux-x86/arm-eabi-4.4.0/bin/arm-eabi-

eoghan2t7 said:
this is from the readme with Quarx rom if that helps
make -j3 ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/путь до ndk/build/prebuilt/linux-x86/arm-eabi-4.4.0/bin/arm-eabi-
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Thanks for your reply!


[Q] [Need Help] How to edit and compile a kernel

Is there a tutorial on how to compile a kernel ?...
I would like to do some tests of kernel-editing for my extended battery.
For example, if I just want to start from tytungr14 kernel, edit one or two files and compile it.
Thanks for your help.
denseye said:
Is there a tutorial on how to compile a kernel ?...
I would like to do some tests of kernel-editing for my extended battery.
For example, if I just want to start from tytungr14 kernel, edit one or two files and compile it.
Thanks for your help.
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Have a look here. Good luck.
shanman-2 said:
Have a look here. Good luck.
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That is only a tutorial on how to unpack boot.img, not kernel. The boot.img *contains* the kernel and ramdisk, but you cannot directly edit the kernel. Some people have edited the kernel with a hex editor, but that is very hacky and not everything can be edited that way.
To download tytung's kernel source, make a directory, and download the kernel source there.
git clone >insert link to git repo here<
and if tytung makes any updates/changes to his repo, you can use
git pull
while cd'd to the directory the kernel is in
I learned how to compile my first kernel by cross referencing these two guides:
http://wiki.cyanogenmod.com/wiki/Building_Kernel_from_source and
Of course, this is not a complete guide, and I assume you have downloaded the andorid source and all the tools before.
OOPS! :cyclops:
Sorry wrong link, thanks for correcting.
This is the one I meant to post, it seems like a good beginner tut, even though I haven't delved in there myself yet ( have had a read through.)

[Script] Build ICS/JB Kernel

Thanks to the amazing work of mapkel you can now use this script to compile and pack the kernel!
UPDATE: read mapkel's post here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=43419784&postcount=45
Thank him here.
This is an informative guide and I decline responsibility for any damage to your device.
Do not attempt to build this kernel if you are going to complain to devs about issues.
That being said, mapkel has made this so that even those with little knowledge can build the kernel without any issues. If you do have any issues, post here and I will try to assist you.
The following is a complete tutorial to building the kernel.
Kernel Devs: krystianp, lehjr, Epinter, and mmontuori for making this kernel; without them there is no kernel.
Big thanks to mapkel for this amazing script.
Another big thanks to benouch for the original idea.
A final big thanks to zen25205 for help with building the kernel and getting the Linaro Toolchain.
Kernel Kitchen
I suggest building this with the latest CM9 MROM until the public beta is released.
You need to install Ubuntu 12.04 64bit (Google for instructions)
Open a terminal and run the following commands the first time:
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential kernel-package libncurses5-dev bzip2
sudo apt-get install git
If there are any issues with this guide, or if you have any issues building the kernel, post here and I will assist you as best I can.
Stage 1 (start at stage 2 if you have already built the kernel using this script:
cd ~
wget https://www.cubby.com/pl/kernel_script.zip/_25f010125b924ec7a42fe1d66245f36a
unzip ${HOME}/kernel_script.zip -d ${HOME}
Stage 2:
cd kernel
There will be 4 choices to make throughout the script:
Clean install y/n (choose "n" on first run of script)
What defconfig? (Usually it is MROM but in the last update it is temporarily MROM2)
Compile CM9 or CM10 kernel? (self explanatory)
Name of config (Any name works. I chose "olympus".)
Built but cam not working
paladin881 said:
Built but cam not working
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cameras disabled due to battery drain
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Post here if it worked well for you. Give some feedback for mapkel.
No Wifi
Cheers, the script works great on Ubuntu 11.10, without a hic.
However, upon flashing the kernel, I get no wifi. I'm going to try your step by step tutorial...
Edit: I built the kernel using MROM2 defconfig and for CM10, and flashed "someone's" CM10
Newbleeto said:
Cheers, the script works great on Ubuntu 11.10, without a hic.
However, upon flashing the kernel, I get no wifi. I'm going to try your step by step tutorial...
Edit: I built the kernel using MROM2 defconfig and for CM10, and flashed "someone's" CM10
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The modules should copy with this.
Try CM9
atrix4g18 said:
The modules should copy with this.
Try CM9
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I'm updating Ubuntu, maybe the problem is on my end. Will try CM9 in the meanwhile and let you know!
Newbleeto said:
I'm updating Ubuntu, maybe the problem is on my end. Will try CM9 in the meanwhile and let you know!
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You won't be able to do both.
If you compiled the kernel for CM10 you will only be able to use it on CM10.
Unless you are able to update Ubuntu as you compile the kernel for CM9.
atrix4g18 said:
You won't be able to do both.
If you compiled the kernel for CM10 you will only be able to use it on CM10.
Unless you are able to update Ubuntu as you compile the kernel for CM9.
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It's impossible to compile while updating, didn't remember that, silly me :silly:
Anyhoot, wifi still doesn't work in Ubuntu 12.04. Fresh install on a different PC, way faster than updating
I'll try CM9 tomorrow, should've been asleep for a while
Can anyone or everyone list sites that work with a direct link.
That means I go to www.sitename/filename.zip and it starts downloading.
All I can think of right now is a cloud storage like Dropbox or Google Drive. I know Dropbox has a traffic limit for public files. Don't know about Google drive
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app
upndwn4par has unlimited bandwidth, iirc. Maybe you can contact him and ask if you can host that one tiny script file there?
Or you could sign up with a free webhost and upload it there. There are several free webhosts with unlimited bandwidth (with a very limited space as trade-off, but I think it's more than enough for the script file).
If it's just a single script, maybe something like pastebin.com or similar might be an option? A little inconvenient since you have to copy and paste content instead of just download, but AFAIK it does have unlimited bandwidth.
atrix4g18 said:
Can anyone or everyone list sites that work with a direct link.
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Maybe copy.com? Here is my ref for extra 5 GB: https://copy.com?r=qfhUoV
If this does not solve the problem, I can provide space for the script on my own server with a separate FTP account.
priard said:
Maybe copy.com? Here is my ref for extra 5 GB: https://copy.com?r=qfhUoV
If this does not solve the problem, I can provide space for the script on my own server with a separate FTP account.
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Doesn't have a direct download link.
quetzalcoatl2435 said:
Doesn't have a direct download link.
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Not quite. You can still download a file, for example using wget.
If You have a short public link, for instance: copy.com/PJzYgAUKECQm, You need to open it and copy the full link. In this case: copy.com/s/PJzYgAUKECQm/BetterBatteryStats_xdaedition_1.13.4.0.apk
wget copy.com/s/PJzYgAUKECQm/BetterBatteryStats_xdaedition_1.13.4.0.apk
and done.
I will look at all the suggestions later today.
Thank you.

Guide to build cm10 needed

Hi guys i'm getting an atrix to help out and play with. I don't have att instead i have Verizon so this is just for fun. I have a Galaxy Nexus and the forums are full of info to building roms and kernels so i figured i would start my own cm10 rom for myself and if at some point down the road others. I found this link http://wiki.jeago.com/index.php?title=Build_for_olympus and desided i would give it a go and at least have a base. However i ran into a problem, When i get down to the "lunch" command i do not have "cm_olympus-userdebug" listed? can anyone steer me on the right path or is this an old Link that has since been pulled? Thanks guys
Doesn't matter if it's not listed. As long as you have synced the right repo, "lunch cm_olympus-userdebug" still works as expected.
I think it pulls the list from the official CM10 repo (which does not include olympus), but the command will work with the files you've synced (which does include olympus).
quetzalcoatl2435 said:
Doesn't matter if it's not listed. As long as you have synced the right repo, "lunch cm_olympus-userdebug" still works as expected.
I think it pulls the list from the official CM10 repo (which does not include olympus), but the command will work with the files you've synced (which does include olympus).
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Hi. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I guess that the official CM repositories doesn't have branches later than CM7 for the olympus. You have to get them somewhere else for CM9 and later.
Yes, that's what I said. The official CM10 repo does not include olympus.
Get them here: https://github.com/epinter/android/tree/jb-olympus
kicker22004 said:
Hi guys i'm getting an atrix to help out and play with. I don't have att instead i have Verizon so this is just for fun. I have a Galaxy Nexus and the forums are full of info to building roms and kernels so i figured i would start my own cm10 rom for myself and if at some point down the road others. I found this link http://wiki.jeago.com/index.php?title=Build_for_olympus and desided i would give it a go and at least have a base. However i ran into a problem, When i get down to the "lunch" command i do not have "cm_olympus-userdebug" listed? can anyone steer me on the right path or is this an old Link that has since been pulled? Thanks guys
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I used "generic_olympus-userdebug" for the lunch command and afterwards the "cm_olympus-userdebug" appears among the options.
---------- Post added at 08:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:30 PM ----------
quetzalcoatl2435 said:
Yes, that's what I said. The official CM10 repo does not include olympus.
Get them here: https://github.com/epinter/android/tree/jb-olympus
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Ooops, read too fast, my apologies...
I forked vendor, device and kernel repositories from CyanogenMod-Atrix github, but these are pre-alpha repos with known (and unknown) bugs. (BTW, though it compiles fine, the recovery won't install the resulting zip on my Atrix, still figuring out what's wrong)
ok now i'm getting way lost here. how do i go about adding this to my current files?
ok guys i just noticed that the link i was following had me pulling ICS not JB...wow i'm slow today.
Wiped everything and starting fresh. anyone have a guide to pull the needed build. Atrix4g18 sugested i needed https://github.com/epinter/android/branches and jb-olympus-new. I'm going to start over and this time pull repo init -u git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b jellybean instead of the ICS and then i should be at least closer to what i need.
kicker22004 said:
ok now i'm getting way lost here. how do i go about adding this to my current files?
ok guys i just noticed that the link i was following had me pulling ICS not JB...wow i'm slow today.
Wiped everything and starting fresh. anyone have a guide to pull the needed build. Atrix4g18 sugested i needed https://github.com/epinter/android/branches and jb-olympus-new. I'm going to start over and this time pull repo init -u git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b jellybean instead of the ICS and then i should be at least closer to what i need.
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I'm not sure how to use the default.xml file in the link that quetzalcoatl2435 gave us, but in my case I created a local_manifest.xml file (from here) with the extra repos I needed and copied to .repo/local_manifest directory in the source tree root.
I think I got it, someone who really knows please confirm: instead of the deffault CM repo init, issue this: repo init -u git://github.com/epinter/android.git -b jb-olympus-new. Is that right?
OK for the time being i'm going to start rebuilding my repo again. i scratched everything so have to download the JB repo now. anyone with more info to using the Default.xml file or where it should be placed? Thanks guys
After looking at the Default.xml it seems he just added the Atrix to the list so i would assume i will copy paste and rerun repo sync? should i copy first then run repo sync or no?
All i have to say is thank you Verizon LTE with unlimited data and free tether LOL.
Don't use jb-olympus-new. That's for the new kernel and does not have the proprietary files included. You need to search for and add them manually.
Use this:
repo init -u git://github.com/epinter/android.git -b jb-olympus
repo sync
Assuming you've already installed all pre-requisites correctly, next do:
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch cm_olympus-userdebug
brunch olympus
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app
kicker22004 said:
ok now i'm getting way lost here. how do i go about adding this to my current files?
ok guys i just noticed that the link i was following had me pulling ICS not JB...wow i'm slow today.
Wiped everything and starting fresh. anyone have a guide to pull the needed build. Atrix4g18 sugested i needed https://github.com/epinter/android/branches and jb-olympus-new. I'm going to start over and this time pull repo init -u git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b jellybean instead of the ICS and then i should be at least closer to what i need.
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No need to pull CyanogenMod's github. It's included in epinter's github. No need to mess with the xml files either, just repo sync, lunch, and brunch.
kicker22004 said:
Hi guys i'm getting an atrix to help out and play with. I don't have att instead i have Verizon so this is just for fun. I have a Galaxy Nexus and the forums are full of info to building roms and kernels so i figured i would start my own cm10 rom for myself and if at some point down the road others. I found this link http://wiki.jeago.com/index.php?title=Build_for_olympus and desided i would give it a go and at least have a base. However i ran into a problem, When i get down to the "lunch" command i do not have "cm_olympus-userdebug" listed? can anyone steer me on the right path or is this an old Link that has since been pulled? Thanks guys
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Just curious. Is this ROM going to be public?
quetzalcoatl2435 said:
No need to pull CyanogenMod's github. It's included in epinter's github. No need to mess with the xml files either, just repo sync, lunch, and brunch.
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I think for the most compatible with the new kernel will need to add 2 more branches
Xerox98 said:
Just curious. Is this ROM going to be public?
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How about you read the other threads before asking?
mapkel said:
I think for the most compatible with the new kernel will need to add 2 more branches
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No need to add android_device_motorola_olympus.git to jb-olympus-new. It's already included by epinter. You only need to add the vendor files.
BTW, I was talking about the jb-olympus branch, not the jb-olympus-new branch.
The new branch is not for daily use (yet).
Thanks you guys. I had a github time out earlier so will be starting fresh here soon.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
And the countdown begins..... I have another 8gb of ram i removed thinking it was causing Build issues for my Gnex (turns out it was missing some blobs...oops) i'll be putting that back in before i start building. Going to start with a clone copy of this rom, Anyone know what happens with the new kernel and this? Yes i know it's alpha but i'm testing so that's what i need to focus on.
ok guys i went over this a few times and I found a few errors that i was able to fix by installing packages that were missing (13.04 64-bit btw). But i'm stuck on this one. anyone have any idea? this is after the Brunch olympus command. After more hunting on google seems i might need (sudo apt-get install libxml2-utils) so starting the Brunch again we'll see.
ravilov said:
How about you read the other threads before asking?
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? I have pritty well read every post in the Atrix forum. I just wanted to know if this ROM would be made public when ready, so that there is another CM10 rom apart from Epinters.
this is from epinter's source. The first post says that i'm building this for fun and to help out if i can, and at some point down the road MAYBE be a public rom, my skills are limited and i don't feel at this stage that i'm rdy to release a ROM to the public, that's not saying i won't..just not soon. As for now i'm thinking i should be building this on 12.04 LTS because i keep running into Compiling errors... now i've got another one that's im trying to figure out.
Anyone have any idea's what i'm missing now lol.

[GUIDE] How to Compile Your Own CM11/CM12/AOSP Kernel

Hi guys, long time no post. I have updated this guide on how to build kernels for Falcon so that anyone can learn! It's pretty simple once you get the hang of it. So yeah, here we go!
- You must have a Linux firmware running on your computer (I suggest Builduntu because you can skip the next one [build environment setup])
- Build environment setup (Put the this in terminal and follow instructions)
- Patience and a heart willing to learn
- You need to know the languages C, C++, Java, Ruby, Python... NOT! You don't need to know ANY coding languages.
Truth be told, when I first started out developing, I knew NO coding languages except for HTML and a little bit of Java. Both have nothing to do with kernels! I actually learned how to do this when I suffered from a concussion. So if you really want to learn how to kernel dev and you give up halfway, just know that a 14/15 year old kid could do it..
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WARNING: I am not responsible for any damages to your phone or computer or pet unicorn. When you modify the wrong partitions, set too many jobs for your compiler, break your keyboard out of frustration etc., that is not anyone's fault but yours. Or your pet unicorn.
Your Personal Handbook to the Following:
- Anything inside "CODE" boxes, type it into your terminal. If you can't find terminal, then press CTRL, ALT, t.
- If I were you, I would write these by hand instead of copying and pasting it because after a certain amount of times, you will remember the linux commands and it will be easier for you to compile more kernels for different devices
- Use this thread as a "Help Me" button. Ask for help!
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A New Beginning:
Let's start out with something simple, getting the actual code:
git clone https://github.com/cyanogenmod/android_kernel_motorola_msm8226
This could range from 3 minutes to 2 hours!
Once that's done, open up your file manager and rename the folder (should be android_kernel_motorola_msm8226) to whatever you want. I will refer it as "mykernel".
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For this tutorial, we will be using a Sabermod 4.7 toolchain to compile. I WOULD teach you how to compile with 4.8+, but it creates errors that will take even longer for me to write about sooooooooo :fingers-crossed:. Now to get the toolchain:
git clone https://github.com/SaberMod/android_prebuilts_gcc_linux-x86_arm_sabermod-arm-eabi-4.7
Rename this to whatever you like, but I will be referring this as "toolchain"
Now go into you folder where the kernel source is stored...
cd mykernel
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You're Almost There!:
Time to set-up the compiler!
export CROSS_COMPILE=/home/(insert linux home name here)/toolchain/bin/arm-eabi-
This tells the toolchain that "OK, we want to make ALL this code here into a kernel".
This next line tells it that your defconfig (the toolchain's manual for compiling the kernel) that it's in the arch/arm/configs folder.
export ARCH=arm
Now to tell the it what the defconfig is!
make falcon_defconfig
Hehe, now to the hardest part of all...
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THE HARD (coding) PART
make -j4
Now sit back, relax, and watch the code! Or you could read a book, watch ****, count your fingers, play with your toes...
If you have an error during the waterfall of code, find the part where it actually says *error* (you'll probably have to scroll upwards) and search it on Google or post it here.
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If you manage to get something that says "the kernel zImage is ready" or something like that, that means you've made it!
You have officially compiled your own kernel from source! Now you need to put it in a flashable zip.
Download this file and open it up, but DON'T EXTRACT IT.
Now go to your kernel source then "CTRL + F" and search for "zimage-dtb".
Find it and put it in the "kernel" folder of "FalconKernel - Signed.zip". Then "CTRL + F" and search ".ko".
Copy radio-iris-transport.ko and put it in the system/lib/modules (not pronto) of the zip.
Then find wlan.ko and rename it to pronto_wlan.ko. Copy and paste it in system/lib/modules/pronto of the zip.
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Now you can put it on your phone and flash it! ​
I will update this in a bit. What feature would you guys want in your kernel? The most votes in the POLL above will be the one I teach you here!
Here I will walk you through on how to add the intelliplug feature made by @faux123
First, fetch my Green Machine kernel source (go into your kernel folder in terminal):
git fetch https://github.com/YoshiShaPow/green_machine_falcon
Then you could cherry-pick (basically copy) all my cherry picks for intelliplug from my source.
If you do check my source out, you can see there's a little link to a history of commits near the middle of the screen, right above the files/folders. You can see at this page of my features history, you'll see a bunch of commits for intelliplug. I will use those commits and copy it to your own kernel.
This copies the initial coding/first commit of intelliplug!
git cherry-pick 01a850f
This cherry-picks the remaining commits so that your newly added intelliplug is updated.
git cherry-pick 6623f2f^..4e1ece7
One more thing though, you need to add the line to compile intelliplug!
Almost all things compiled along with the zImage are in a file called defconfig. What a defconfig does, is tell your machine to build certain modules, kernel objects, drivers, governors, etc.etc.etc.. Now, all of them are found in the folder
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As stated in the OP, you have to modify the defconfig you use. (CM11 Kernel is falcon_defconfig, Gummy Kernel is msm8226_mmi_defconfig). Open up the corresponding defconfig and add this to ANY line anywhere.
Now, for those who are familiar with "y=yes/n=no/m=maybe", you'll see that I specifically told you to put the "m=maybe" one. That's because when you compile the kernel again, right after you're about to start your build. Since you put that "m", the terminal will prompt you with a "y=yes/n=no" question on whether or not you would like to add the following feature. Since you would like to add the feature, put in "y". Later on when you feel more comfortable with adding features to your kernel, you can go back into the defconfig and put it as
So that it will compile it without asking, since you have given it an answer.
Now you have officially compiled a "Custom Kernel" and with the knowledge you know, you could create a feature packed one by just kanging (copying one's work/features).
Always remember to
make clean && make mrproper
after every build to prevent errors and such!
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I will use this to teach you how to make your own Bash Building scripts (and save time) to make it easier for your development life to flourish... eventually....
Any guide on adding governors or hotplug driver??
Sent from my Moto G using XDA Free mobile app
Best guide but how to add features likes s2w,dt2w etc
Flashhhh said:
Any guide on adding governors or hotplug driver??
Sent from my Moto G using XDA Free mobile app
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Vote in the poll above! I will make a guide for one or more of the top chosen picks!
Brawn_Sg said:
Best guide but how to add features likes s2w,dt2w etc
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DT2W and S2W are more complex. They require a few other things (ex. Powersuspend). I'll wait a bit and see what feedback I get before moving forward to something a bit more complex like DT2W, or GPU Overclock.
Can i use make menuconfig?
Krizthian said:
Can i use make menuconfig?
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Yes you can. Normally when using "make menuconfig", you use the command after making the kernel's defconfig (falcon_defconfig).
Build using Docker
If you're on Linux, take a look at this approach which uses Docker for building CyanogenMod 12.0:
(Disclaimer: It's written by me)
YoshiShaPow said:
Hi guys, long time no post. I have updated this guide on how to build kernels for Falcon so that anyone can learn! It's pretty simple once you get the hang of it. So yeah, here we go!
WARNING: I am not responsible for any damages to your phone or computer or pet unicorn. When you modify the wrong partitions, set too many jobs for your compiler, break your keyboard out of frustration etc., that is not anyone's fault but yours. Or your pet unicorn.
Now you can put it on your phone and flash it! ​
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when i was trying to flash cm12 rom in cwm recovery it says error in zip and getting status 1 error , installation aborted ,
pls help im using moto g gpe and when trying to flash from twrp it says error executing updater binary in zip ,
no idea what to do pls help me out
karthik432 said:
when i was trying to flash cm12 rom in cwm recovery it says error in zip and getting status 1 error , installation aborted ,
pls help im using moto g gpe and when trying to flash from twrp it says error executing updater binary in zip ,
no idea what to do pls help me out
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When you downloaded the anykernel zip, you aren't supposed to extract it. The best way to put the kernel in the zip is to just drag and drop it while IN LINUX. It will not work for windows! Or you could try signing the zip in TWRP (I think there's an option for that somewhere).
YoshiShaPow said:
When you downloaded the anykernel zip, you aren't supposed to extract it. The best way to put the kernel in the zip is to just drag and drop it while IN LINUX. It will not work for windows! Or you could try signing the zip in TWRP (I think there's an option for that somewhere).
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im not extracting anything , i just downloaded the official cm12 nightly and flashed but didn't workout ,any ideas
karthik432 said:
im not extracting anything , i just downloaded the official cm12 nightly and flashed but didn't workout ,any ideas
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That has nothing to do with this thread :silly:. You probably have to sign the zip again.
@YoshiShaPow.... i need some help
i compile a kernel for my device and it booted fine but no display....
can you help me in this....
sorry for posting here..my device is Redmi 1s
Luffy.d said:
@YoshiShaPow.... i need some help
i compile a kernel for my device and it booted fine but no display....
can you help me in this....
sorry for posting here..my device is Redmi 1s
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No problem, I welcome anyone with kernel development questions here! When booted, what do you mean? And if there's no display, how do you know it booted? Also, did you use my anykernel zip? I may be wrong but I don't think it is compatible with all phones.
YoshiShaPow said:
No problem, I welcome anyone with kernel development questions here! When booted, what do you mean? And if there's no display, how do you know it booted? Also, did you use my anykernel zip? I may be wrong but I don't think it is compatible with all phones.
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yeah it booted bro....i can hear lock unlock sound and even i can hear incoming call ring
i was trying to fix this from a week and found out it not kernel it rom problem ...
my device is build using prebuilt kernel so any compile kernel wont work...but now they are build with this kernel source so compile kernel work
thanks bro...
and one thing bro... i m new to kernel development so how can i optimize kernel
i know about and can add governors and use custom toolchain but i don't know about o2 or o3 optimization etc and all
sorry if i m being too much
great I start today
Luffy.d said:
yeah it booted bro....i can hear lock unlock sound and even i can hear incoming call ring
i was trying to fix this from a week and found out it not kernel it rom problem ...
my device is build using prebuilt kernel so any compile kernel wont work...but now they are build with this kernel source so compile kernel work
thanks bro...
and one thing bro... i m new to kernel development so how can i optimize kernel
i know about and can add governors and use custom toolchain but i don't know about o2 or o3 optimization etc and all
sorry if i m being too much
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Those changes are a bit more advanced because it will bring build errors. The kernel is already preoptimized with o2 changes. The errors are fixable though. I don't think I'll be able to add an explanation for those in this thread, maybe through pm?
YoshiShaPow said:
Those changes are a bit more advanced because it will bring build errors. The kernel is already preoptimized with o2 changes. The errors are fixable though. I don't think I'll be able to add an explanation for those in this thread, maybe through pm?
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thanks bro...will pm you when i finish setuping my git
etvtaglios said:
great I start today
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Go for it bro!!

[Guide] [09/14/2015] Building AOSP 5.1.1_r14 for the Nexus 6-Continued!

Building AOSP for the Nexus 6 - Continued!​
Scott is no longer working with the N6 and he has graciously allowed me to continue his thread . We all owe @scrosler a special THANKS for his work on the original thread. Better yet please go buy him a beer!! I also want to personally thank all who contributed to the original thread. You all make it work!!
1. I want to start by saying that I am still a relative newb. I built my first aosp rom for my N9 using the the guide from the original thread and followed up with one for my N6. I hope that by moving this thread forward we can continue to help others get started while we continue our own learning.
2. All questions concerning the build process and setup are welcome. They may not all get answered but please ask.
This guide continuation assumes the following:
1. You have read the original thread's OP and scanned the remainder of that thread before posting here.
2. To get things started you can test a rom built from android-5.1.1_r14. Get rom below. Vendor blobs updated from here and include the updated LYZ28E blobs. I also added some missing build props.
3. I am also linking the github source for the rom. You can build your own. Get github source below.
4. I hope to add a short get started github tut in OP#2 and add a vendor folder setup discussion in OP#3. I'm still trying to figure out how @sykopompos did his. All help on this subject is welcome.
FYI TO ALL!!! All my testing is on USA Verizon netwok.
The following copied from original OP with some minor editing.
This guide assumes the following
Have Ubuntu 14.04 or equivalent setup, fully operation, and up to date. Hard Machine or Virtual, makes no difference. Must meet the minimum specs for compiling. Info from Google HERE
Understand terminal command line entry as this is all command line processes.
Lets Begin!
Add Java
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
Add Build tools (Adds the required packages at the time of this posting)
sudo apt-get install git gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential \
zip curl libc6-dev libncurses5-dev:i386 x11proto-core-dev \
libx11-dev:i386 libreadline6-dev:i386 libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 \
libgl1-mesa-dev g++-multilib mingw32 tofrodos \
python-markdown libxml2-utils xsltproc zlib1g-dev:i386
Add Repo command (Syncs Google Repository with your local machine)
mkdir ~/bin && curl http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo && chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
Add bin folder to path for repo command (After you do this close Terminal and re-open to institute changes (easy way))
sudo gedit .bashrc
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH <-(add to end of bashrc)
Identify Yourself to the Repo (One day you may make commits so think about that when choosing your info!)
git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
git config --global user.name "yourpreferredusername"
Sync Repo (Download source... Sit back and grab a pop and a sandwich...)
mkdir ~/AOSP
cd ~/AOSP
repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest -b android-5.1.1_r14
repo sync
Note: I use AOSP as my directory name. You can use what you want. You could use "aosp" or "Source" or "android" or "whateveryoulike"
Set up ccache (this makes subsequent compiling much faster!)
First: Close then re-open the terminal so you are in the home root
sudo gedit .bashrc
export USE_CCACHE=1 <-Append that line to .bashrc then save and close
prebuilts/misc/linux-x86/ccache/ccache -M 25G <-I use 25 gigs but you can change that value to any size you feel appropriate)
fhem Alternate ccache setup.
Install ccache using package manager (I use synaptic)
set ccache size - One ccache for all directories.
ccache -M 35G (I use 35 gigs but you can change that value to any size you feel appropriate)
I do not edit my .bashrc I use the following before my final make command. See Readme Build It
You can choose to use or not use ccache for any build/operation from any directory.
export USE_CCACHE=1
ccache manual
Install proprietary binaries (Needed for things like GPS and Bluetooth, they are not Open Source like Android) (Install proprietary binaries from here in the root of AOSP folder (or whatever you called yours))
Run envsetup.sh
source build/envsetup.sh
Choose Device
lunch aosp_shamu-userdebug
Build it!
make -j16 otapackage
Note: using -j16 means 16 worker threads. This is fine if you have 8 logical CPU's so you may need to adjust that to a smaller or larger number if you have more or less Logical CPU's. Example: I have an i7 K edition Haswell so I have 8 logical cores; so I build with -j16. If you have an i5 quad core CPU which is 4 logical cores then you may want to consider -j8 as the set number of worker threads. Oddly enough Google actually recommends 3 to 4 times the number of logical CPU's. When I do that I have nothing but build crashes. You may need to experiment to get the right blend of performance and stability during build!
If you use
make -j `getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN` otapackage
it may take a little longer but it won't crash.
Find it
Should be located here: /home/yourusername/AOSP/out/target/product/shamu
Your know among the elite enthusiast that can build from source! Pat yourself on the back!
Git Hub Tips
There is already much written on git use so I am not going to try and reinvent that wheel!!!! I will provide some usefull links for your reading pleasure. I will also provide some tips based on my personal experiences using git. I have found there are many ways to get the same result using git and there are also many ways to break your your work. I did a lot of trial and error and deleting to learn what works best for me. Start small, don't be intimidated, and stay patient -- it will come. The following assumes we are using a linux distro.
1. Open a GitHub account ----- its easy. Keep it simple. Follow the setup instructions and use recommended HTTPS connection.. I also suggest caching your login info - I use 60 mins for my default cache time.
2. Install git. It is easiest to install Git on Linux using the preferred package manager of your Linux distribution. I use Synaptic Package Manager. Keep it simple. Follow the setup instructions and use recommended HTTPS connection.
3. Git Tools: I prefer using Geany with terminal and File and Tree Browser and VC control plug-ins. There are many tools available and you may need to find one that works for you. You can install Geany and its plug-ins using your distro package manager.
4. ROM Tree Structure Very Important. I recommend keeping your rom GitHub tree structure in line with the Android Git Repositories.
Useful links:
1. http://git-scm.com/docs
2. http://gitref.org/creating/
3. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1877040 Thanks @eagleeyetom
4. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2763236 Thanks @jabza
5. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2329228 Thanks @Red Devil
I hope the above is helpful to getting you started on GitHub. Good Luck!!
reserved vendor folder discussion.
fhem said:
Building AOSP for the Nexus 6 - Continued!​
Scott is no longer working with the N6 and he has graciously allowed me to continue his thread . We all owe @scrosler a special THANKS for his work on the original thread. Better yet please go buy him a beer!! I also want to personally thank all who contributed to the original thread. You all make it work!!
1. I want to start by saying that I am still a relative noob. I built my first aosp rom for my N9 using the the guide from the original thread and followed up with one for my N6. I hope that by moving this thread forward we can continue to help others get started while we continue our own learning.
2. All questions concerning the build process and setup are welcome. They may not all get answered but please ask.
This guide continuation assumes the following:
1. You have read the original thread's OP and scanned the remainder of that thread before posting here.
2. To get things started you can test a rom built from android-5.1.1_r4 using Sykopompos vendor blobs for 5.1. Get rom below.
3. I am also linking the github source for the rom. You can build your own. Get github source below.
4. I hope to add a short get started github tut in OP#2 and add a vendor folder setup discussion in OP#3. I'm still trying to figure out how Sykopompos did his. All help on this subject is welcome.
FYI TO ALL!!! All my testing is on USA Verizon netwok.
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Lots and lots of dark magic ?
Hey great to see you. I thought you were kyaking LOL. You coming back for M????
fhem said:
Hey great to see you. I thought you were kyaking LOL. You coming back for M????
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I actually just ordered my kayaking last night so hopefully I'll have it in time for next weekend.
Just popping in really and checking M out and seeing how it develops
sykopompos said:
I actually just ordered my kayaking last night so hopefully I'll have it in time for next weekend.
Just popping in really and checking M out and seeing how it develops
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Still waiting for the full platform on aosp. Hey did you diff the stock rom and aosp rom to get your vendor blobs. I was setting up with BeyondCompare to give it a look. LOL Enjoy your time off and your family. Life is too short.
fhem said:
Still waiting for the full platform on aosp. Hey did you diff the stock rom and aosp rom to get your vendor blobs. I was setting up with BeyondCompare to give it a look. LOL Enjoy your time off and your family. Life is too short.
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For the most part, you can diff and find file differences but aosp has it's own files and stuff like that so you gotta be able to figure out what they do
sykopompos said:
For the most part, you can diff and find file differences but aosp has it's own files and stuff like that so you gotta be able to figure out what they do
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I was afraid you were going to tell me that. :laugh: Oh well It will give my old brain and google a workout. hahahaha Thanks and enjoy yourself.
Hey @fhem! Glad to see you take over, you're always very helpful!
In your Repo Int code above, did you mean "android-5.1.1_r4"? I wanted to double check that part for the guide.
purian23 said:
Hey @fhem! Glad to see you take over, you're always very helpful!
In your Repo Int code above, did you mean "android-5.1.1_r4"? I wanted to double check that part for the guide.
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Yep. That's the latest. That's what I built above if you look at the fhemaosp default manifest.
fhem said:
Yep. That's the latest. That's what I built above if you look at the fhemaosp default manifest.
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Okay cool! Just trying to save some headache if someone grabs the guide one listed lol.
purian23 said:
Okay cool! Just trying to save some headache if someone grabs the guide one listed lol.
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Fixed thanks for catching that typo.
sykopompos said:
I actually just ordered my kayaking last night so hopefully I'll have it in time for next weekend.
Just popping in really and checking M out and seeing how it develops
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Hello @sykopompos, I am just glad to see you here! Thanks for all your contributions!
I let @fhem take over the thread since he is more active than I. But I appreciate all the help you have given and will continue to give!
Knowledge is TRULY priceless!
EDIT: Can someone put that on my tombstone, lol
Can we have guide about building ROM from open source? e.g LG open source. Actually I was trying to build a M1 review ROM with the LG open source but it fails. I tried several times and finally give op due to errors. I downloaded the android source and then follow this guide and then download LG G4 ROM from following.
I set up the environment and then started building but it fails again and again. I think it will be very helpful for every one who interested in building ROM from open source. Thanks
Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk 2
janjan said:
Can we have guide about building ROM from open source? e.g LG open source. Actually I was trying to build a M1 review ROM with the LG open source but it fails. I tried several times and finally give op due to errors. I downloaded the android source and then follow this guide and then download LG G4 ROM from following.
I set up the environment and then started building but it fails again and again. I think it will be very helpful for every one who interested in building ROM from open source. Thanks
Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk 2
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I have never worked with any LG source codes. I would suggest you start your own thread on the LG G4 Forum. It definately sounds like you got enough to get one rolling. Good luck with the G4.
I am trying to build android 5.1.1_r6 for the Nexus 6 and was able to get it to build and install. Had a weird issue where gapps would not install, but I think I fixed that by flashing a different set of gapps. My issue is that I am unable to hear people through the handset speaker when I make phone calls. I have no idea what it is. Apparently they can hear me, but I cant hear them. I can use speaker phone, but even that seems lower volume than normal.
Also, side question, since I am building AOSP 5.1.1_r6 am I supposed to use the preview binaries found here: https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/blobs-preview
or just use the factory image binaries?
Thank you
KerryWood34 said:
I am trying to build android 5.1.1_r6 for the Nexus 6 and was able to get it to build and install. Had a weird issue where gapps would not install, but I think I fixed that by flashing a different set of gapps. My issue is that I am unable to hear people through the handset speaker when I make phone calls. I have no idea what it is. Apparently they can hear me, but I cant hear them. I can use speaker phone, but even that seems lower volume than normal.
Also, side question, since I am building AOSP 5.1.1_r6 am I supposed to use the preview binaries found here: https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/blobs-preview
or just use the factory image binaries?
Thank you
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I haven't been able to get _r6 to build due to errors in frameworks/opt ever since merging so good for you on that. As for the binaries It was found a while back that the Google one were incomplete. People were using The vendor files from chroma in their stead. I haven't spoken to fhem in a couple of days but it looks like his github is under construction atm. I forked the vendor repo from him since he had changes that fixed some no sound issues as well. Again I've yet to build _r6 successfully so no idea if these will solve your issue but you're welcome to try them out? You can get them from my github here: https://github.com/rockinroyle/platform_vendor_moto_shamu
Let us know how it goes? I'm trying again after I clone frameworks from scratch.
rockinroyle said:
I haven't been able to get _r6 to build due to errors in frameworks/opt ever since merging so good for you on that. As for the binaries It was found a while back that the Google one were incomplete. People were using The vendor files from chroma in their stead. I haven't spoken to fhem in a couple of days but it looks like his github is under construction atm. I forked the vendor repo from him since he had changes that fixed some no sound issues as well. Again I've yet to build _r6 successfully so no idea if these will solve your issue but you're welcome to try them out? You can get them from my github here: https://github.com/rockinroyle/platform_vendor_moto_shamu
Let us know how it goes? I'm trying again after I clone frameworks from scratch.
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I had no luck with r6 either. I reverted back to r5. I looked at chroma/zephk on git and I don't think he took the whole r6 merge to his git repos - not sure what he did.
I'm sticking to to r5 for now.
I've been building r6 fine with zero issues. Did notice the speaker issue on call but fixed it with two commits from chroma in device/moto/shamu for audio. I've also been using the latest binaries posted by google on the aosp page, no issues that I can tell. WiFi calling/normal calling, sound all around, SMS/MMS, all works.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

