Nokia 6.1 Plus Screen turning on when phone is put in vertical position - Nokia 6.1 Plus (X6) Questions & Answers

A few months ago after one of the automatic updates, the phone started doing this. I don't use the lock screen, so the phone goes straight into the main menu so if the phone is in my pocket it will open programs, butt-dial people etc etc. I've noticed it happens when you bring the phone up to your face, but it also happens in many other situations.
I've looked all through settings and I can't find this feature so I can turn it off. Anyone else had this problem?

Check if on-body detection in settings>security>smart lock and Lift to check phone gesture were automatically turned on and turn it off.

Mister Teflon said:
A few months ago after one of the automatic updates, the phone started doing this. I don't use the lock screen, so the phone goes straight into the main menu so if the phone is in my pocket it will open programs, butt-dial people etc etc. I've noticed it happens when you bring the phone up to your face, but it also happens in many other situations.
I've looked all through settings and I can't find this feature so I can turn it off. Anyone else had this problem?
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So you do not have any kind of lock on your phone and your screen lock is set to none?

KelvinCrag said:
Check if on-body detection in settings>security>smart lock and Lift to check phone gesture were automatically turned on and turn it off.
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Smart lock is greyed out, it says "To use, first set a screen lock"

D-Mi said:
So you do not have any kind of lock on your phone and your screen lock is set to none?
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That's correct.

Mister Teflon said:
That's correct.
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So it might have happened that your power key is pressed accidentally while the phone is in your pocket and apps are launched so I'd recommend you to atleast turn on swipe for unlock to avoid accidental unlocks.

D-Mi said:
So it might have happened that your power key is pressed accidentally while the phone is in your pocket and apps are launched so I'd recommend you to atleast turn on swipe for unlock to avoid accidental unlocks.
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I can confirm that's not the case, I just have to put the phone in a vertical position and the screen will turn on, with no input on the power button. For example when I'm cleaning the screen with windex it's almost impossible, I keep turning the screen off and it keeps turning on immediately with the motion of the phone. If there's any motion on the phone, the screen will almost 100% of the times turn itself on.

Mister Teflon said:
I can confirm that's not the case, I just have to put the phone in a vertical position and the screen will turn on, with no input on the power button. For example when I'm cleaning the screen with windex it's almost impossible, I keep turning the screen off and it keeps turning on immediately with the motion of the phone. If there's any motion on the phone, the screen will almost 100% of the times turn itself on.
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Go to settings>system>gestures>lift to check phone, toggle it off
In my case this feature is broken currently not working though it's turned on

D-Mi said:
Go to settings>system>gestures>lift to check phone, toggle it off
In my case this feature is broken currently not working though it's turned on
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Brilliant, that fixed it, thanks so much! If it was a feature that was a pretty bad one, it made it really hard to live with the phone, it kept turning on in all sorts of situations. Thanks again! :good:

Mister Teflon said:
Brilliant, that fixed it, thanks so much! If it was a feature that was a pretty bad one, it made it really hard to live with the phone, it kept turning on in all sorts of situations. Thanks again! :good:
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Well the feature is intended to quickly check the time and some other notification from apps but features can sometimes be annoying than useful! I personally turned it off to save battery.


How to lock the screen by turning it off?

Hi, my typical procedure before putting the phone in the pocket is to hold right soft button to lock the screen and to switch off the screen with the power button. I wonder if there is a way to do it at once. You press the power button and screen goes off locked?
Install AutolockScreen 1.7 (I'm at work so don't have the cab with me, but if you search this site you'll find it. Install the cab and then go to Start\Settings\System\SmartLock and tick Suspend lock.
LockDevice works well...
Do either of these lock screen apps consume a lot of power?
I understand they have also been created with power saving feaures but what do they run like in a coarse of a day for instance, do they drain the battery quickly?
HD Tweak also has option for autolock when device turned off
Fallen Spartan said:
HD Tweak also has option for autolock when device turned off
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It does but it has a problem with the background light not undimming after locking.
Doesn't the phone automatically lock itself when you turn off the screen? Mine seems like it always does.
rpimps said:
Doesn't the phone automatically lock itself when you turn off the screen? Mine seems like it always does.
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Mine doesn't do that unfortunately. I am using the app suggested above by ClydeB1 and its working great, not much battery drain either.
ClydeB1 said:
It does but it has a problem with the background light not undimming after locking.
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My phone is set to quite dim anyway in Power settings so this doesn't affect me.......hence why I forgot about it
I've attached the cab which ClydeB1 was talking about, i.e. SmartLock 1.7
Mastoid said:
Mine doesn't do that unfortunately. I am using the app suggested above by ClydeB1 and its working great, not much battery drain either.
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What happens if you just turn the screen off with the power button? Does touching send/back/etc turn it back on?
rpimps said:
What happens if you just turn the screen off with the power button? Does touching send/back/etc turn it back on?
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On my device, no. If you turn screen off, only way to turn it on again is with the power button (unless someone rings etc)
rpimps said:
What happens if you just turn the screen off with the power button? Does touching send/back/etc turn it back on?
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Fallen Spartan said:
On my device, no. If you turn screen off, only way to turn it on again is with the power button (unless someone rings etc)
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Yes, if you just press the power button the screen goes off but it is not locked and although touching the buttons does not turn it back on, if an sms comes in and wakes the device the buttons are then active and could be accidentally touched whilst in your pocket. With the screen locked this does not happen and you need to first unlock the screen to access the sms or the device in general.
ClydeB1 said:
Yes, if you just press the power button the screen goes off but it is not locked and although touching the buttons does not turn it back on, if an sms comes in and wakes the device the buttons are then active and could be accidentally touched whilst in your pocket. With the screen locked this does not happen and you need to first unlock the screen to access the sms or the device in general.
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True, yes, but I use Smartlock 1.7 so phone does lock
Fallen Spartan said:
True, yes, but I use Smartlock 1.7 so phone does lock
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Was using your answer and expanding on it for explaining to rpimps
ClydeB1 said:
Yes, if you just press the power button the screen goes off but it is not locked and although touching the buttons does not turn it back on, if an sms comes in and wakes the device the buttons are then active and could be accidentally touched whilst in your pocket. With the screen locked this does not happen and you need to first unlock the screen to access the sms or the device in general.
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Oh ok thanks for the info. Mine does unlock when I get a call/sms but I text a lot so I prefer it to do that, otherwise I'd be wasting a lot of time unlocking it every time I got a message.
Thanks for the hint ClydeB1 and thanks for the cab Fallen Spartan.
I tried SL 1.7 and there are three things, which I do not really like.
1. The phone returns to the very same screen where it was switched off. Some may consider it a pre. I prefer to see the clock when I switch it on.
2. The screen blink once when the phone is switchd on. I find it a bit irritating.
3. I do not see how I can uninstall it.
So, I wonder if you can undim the screen in HD Tweak by touching it or you need to do something extra?
You uninstall it as with any other cab. It's called Chobit Company Smartlock on the list of apps.
If you do use the hd tweak edit, you'll need to push the power button twice I think (it's been a long time since I used it I've forgotten), the first time to activate the screen (you'll see the screen but the backlight will not light up properly) then again to undim and then you can unlock the screen. I think that's the sequence, you'll need to play a little.
ClydeB1 said:
You uninstall it as with any other cab. It's called Chobit Company Smartlock on the list of apps.
If you do use the hd tweak edit, you'll need to push the power button twice I think (it's been a long time since I used it I've forgotten), the first time to activate the screen (you'll see the screen but the backlight will not light up properly) then again to undim and then you can unlock the screen. I think that's the sequence, you'll need to play a little.
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The way I had activated the lock was by pressing and keeping pressure on the end call softkey, after a few seconds it vibrates and activates the lock. It comes on automatically when you put the screen off or restart the phone.
Auto-lock screen
I'm running CLEAN ROM (B version) with SPB Mobile Shell.
Considering I don't want any superficial apps installed on my HD, I used HD Tweak and turned autolock on.
To get over the "background light not undimming after locking" problem, I initially unchecked "Automatically adjust backlight" under Settings > System > Power > Backlight and set at 100%. I also set the "Dim backlight on Device" when on battery power to the same time as "Turn off device if not used for". In my case that was 1 minute. I tested and this worked fine.
I then went back in and checked the "Automatically adjust backlight" checkbox.
I also performed the wake up with volume button reg edit making it easier to wake up device.
"DefaultKeyLock"= 0
Just tested again and I realised if you wake up device but don't unlock. The screen will automatically dim. Unfortunately if you unlock immediately after, the dim screen issue rears it's ugly head again. The only workaround at this point is to completely disable dim backlight.

Lock Button (lock phone while in use)

Any tips or tricks on how to lock the phone while using the phone, since it has no top lock button
thanx in advance
godman_8 said:
Any tips or tricks on how to lock the phone while using the phone, since it has no top lock button
thanx in advance
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if you are using the phone the proximity sensor will turn off the screen once it touches your face to prevent screen buttons from being pressed.
for some reason I turn turn off the Phone Connection (pretty much like airplane mode) while in the phone and it happens a lot, and it bothers, so I was wondering how to lock it to bypass this issue
You gotta make sure that you are on the dialer when you put it upto your face, anywhere else and the proximity sensor won't do anything. I have a terrible habit of hitting home, then opening a dozen programs while talking to someone cause my screens hittin my ear. Just make sure that you are on the call screen before moving it to your head and it should do the rest.
sounds good nuff, i'll try to keep that in habit, so used to android devices with a lock button lol, thanks guys
I just hit the notification bar an then hit lock at the bottom of the screen while talking on the phone, now I use Inesoft phone.

Always-on OK Google not always turning on the screen

Always-on OK Google is awesome, but for some reason it only turns on the screen about half the time for me.
When it doesn't turn the screen on, it still listens and reacts to commands though, but without the screen on I can't see what it's doing so I still have to manually press the power button to turn on the screen to see the results, effectively defeating the purpose of having it always on (for hands-free operations).
Is anyone else experiencing the same issue? Is there a solution?
Did you turn on Smart lock for OK google?
chichu_9 said:
Did you turn on Smart lock for OK google?
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I did turn on Smart Lock, with trusted devices, trusted places, trusted face and trusted voice enabled.
Yeah I see it... it seems a little buggy, but for me it *always* comes on if it is locked. Not so much when it is unlocked (just sleeping).
I set the screen to lock 5 seconds after screen sleeps.
Solutions Etcetera said:
Yeah I see it... it seems a little buggy, but for me it *always* comes on if it is locked. Not so much when it is unlocked (just sleeping).
I set the screen to lock 5 seconds after screen sleeps.
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Thanks for the confirmation. Come to think of it I only started to notice this issue after I set the screen to lock 5 minutes after the screen sleeps. I'm now setting it to 1 minute instead to get a better compromise between OK-Google-ability and convenience of not having to unlock while I use the phone frequently.
Hopefully Google will come around to fix this obvious bug in the not-too-distant future too.
ydooby said:
Always-on OK Google is awesome, but for some reason it only turns on the screen about half the time for me.
When it doesn't turn the screen on, it still listens and reacts to commands though, but without the screen on I can't see what it's doing so I still have to manually press the power button to turn on the screen to see the results, effectively defeating the purpose of having it always on (for hands-free operations).
Is anyone else experiencing the same issue? Is there a solution?
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do u have on tap enabled? cause I had the same issue and fixed it by disabling on tap.
valapsp said:
do u have on tap enabled? cause I had the same issue and fixed it by disabling on tap.
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Seems to help. But still inconsistent.

Home Button wake disable?

Is there any way to prevent the home button from walking up the Note 7 without root?
I have major pocket press issues especially using Smart Lock. Pocket dials, changed settings and battery drain are a few.
I made sure the wave to wake function is off.
I would root if it were not for loosing Samsung Pay.
I had a wallet case on my last Note and it really got in the way taking pictures. I don't really want to go back there.
Did you turn on 'Keep screen turned off' setting under Display setting?
sixk said:
Did you turn on 'Keep screen turned off' setting under Display setting?
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Yes, I just confirmed that. I thought that would keep it off. There must be something else coming into play. Maybe my pocket is not dark enough?
I've been paying close attention to how much I wake the phone with the Home button and it would cause pain to lose it. But the being on in my pocket is worse.
Phredeee said:
Yes, I just confirmed that. I thought that would keep it off. There must be something else coming into play. Maybe my pocket is not dark enough?
I've been paying close attention to how much I wake the phone with the Home button and it would cause pain to lose it. But the being on in my pocket is worse.
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Or you could always not put it in the pocket or wear looser jeans haha
Have you tried the phone facing the butt and away? Just a thought.
And have you checked to see its not the power button than the home button?
Also, set up a lockscreen, like a pin, Iris, or Fingerprint.
That would def help from it being unlocked at the least.

display won't stay off

I have a s7 att with all latest firmware and updates. When I'm in a call using bluetooth and I press the power button to turn the display off so I can slide it into my pocket. The display goes black then wakes again after about 3 seconds. Tried a factory reset, reboots and general troubleshooting. Even smart stay and proximity sensor. Even changed my case in case something was triggering it...
Any assistance?
crapymonkey said:
I have a s7 att with all latest firmware and updates. When I'm in a call using bluetooth and I press the power button to turn the display off so I can slide it into my pocket. The display goes black then wakes again after about 3 seconds. Tried a factory reset, reboots and general troubleshooting. Even smart stay and proximity sensor. Even changed my case in case something was triggering it...
Any assistance?
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The only work around I have found is to hit the home button, or leave the call app in any way, then lock the screen.
This is SUPER annoying!!!
elijahblake said:
The only work around I have found is to hit the home button, or leave the call app in any way, then lock the screen.
This is SUPER annoying!!!
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I know, I'm one to talk on my bluetooth to someone for hours while my phones in my pocket. But lately I have to be careful because I hang up or mute ect... my phone from bumping my pocket.
crapymonkey said:
I know, I'm one to talk on my bluetooth to someone for hours while my phones in my pocket. But lately I have to be careful because I hang up or mute ect... my phone from bumping my pocket.
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One other thing that has helped was to turn on Keep Screen Turned Off under Settings>Display...
This bug still sucks and needs to be fixed though
I do that, i can litterly press the power button and screen will go black. Then a few seconds later its back on.
elijahblake said:
One other thing that has helped was to turn on Keep Screen Turned Off under Settings>Display...
This bug still sucks and needs to be fixed though
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