display won't stay off - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S7 Questions & Answers

I have a s7 att with all latest firmware and updates. When I'm in a call using bluetooth and I press the power button to turn the display off so I can slide it into my pocket. The display goes black then wakes again after about 3 seconds. Tried a factory reset, reboots and general troubleshooting. Even smart stay and proximity sensor. Even changed my case in case something was triggering it...
Any assistance?

crapymonkey said:
I have a s7 att with all latest firmware and updates. When I'm in a call using bluetooth and I press the power button to turn the display off so I can slide it into my pocket. The display goes black then wakes again after about 3 seconds. Tried a factory reset, reboots and general troubleshooting. Even smart stay and proximity sensor. Even changed my case in case something was triggering it...
Any assistance?
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The only work around I have found is to hit the home button, or leave the call app in any way, then lock the screen.
This is SUPER annoying!!!

elijahblake said:
The only work around I have found is to hit the home button, or leave the call app in any way, then lock the screen.
This is SUPER annoying!!!
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I know, I'm one to talk on my bluetooth to someone for hours while my phones in my pocket. But lately I have to be careful because I hang up or mute ect... my phone from bumping my pocket.

crapymonkey said:
I know, I'm one to talk on my bluetooth to someone for hours while my phones in my pocket. But lately I have to be careful because I hang up or mute ect... my phone from bumping my pocket.
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One other thing that has helped was to turn on Keep Screen Turned Off under Settings>Display...
This bug still sucks and needs to be fixed though

I do that, i can litterly press the power button and screen will go black. Then a few seconds later its back on.
elijahblake said:
One other thing that has helped was to turn on Keep Screen Turned Off under Settings>Display...
This bug still sucks and needs to be fixed though
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Stop screen light activating when locked.

Ok i noticed when the phone is locked, any press of any key on the front activates the screen light, now when the phone is in my pocket will thid be happening all the time, or will the proximity sensor stop the light from activating?
jrvenge said:
Ok i noticed when the phone is locked, any press of any key on the front activates the screen light, now when the phone is in my pocket will thid be happening all the time, or will the proximity sensor stop the light from activating?
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It will activate anytime a button is pressed.
Yeah thats what i said already, but you didnt answer the question about the proximity sensor?
I think he did....
The light will activate when a button is pressed even when in your pocket.
jrvenge said:
Ok i noticed when the phone is locked, any press of any key on the front activates the screen light, now when the phone is in my pocket will thid be happening all the time, or will the proximity sensor stop the light from activating?
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As far as i know, the proximity sensor only works when being on the phone and not when device is using other apps or is locked....
The proximity sensor will only turn off the screen/backlight when you are in a call. It will not turn off the screen/backlight if any buttons are pressed while keylocked in your pocket.
thats just lame!
No it's actually not that lame. Proximity sensor that's always on will be draining your battery.
No so much as pressing the bloody backlight every 2 mins, will need a fix for that, crap.
I think its a nice idea. Im very sure the proximity sensor doesnt drain that much power so you can use it to manage the backlight when in pocket.
on the one hand it would be nice to use that sensor to keep the backlight off while in pocket, but I can't really say I had that problem. When I put my HD2 in the pouch it only turned on the backlight when I pressed the buttons. I can't say it happened while it was in my pocket, every time I took it out of my pocket the backlight was off.
Just cus it was off when you took it out, dont mean you were not activating it on occasions, you cant see it can you?
jrvenge said:
Just cus it was off when you took it out, dont mean you were not activating it on occasions, you cant see it can you?
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with your attitude i`ll be suprised if people keep answering you.
jrvenge said:
No so much as pressing the bloody backlight every 2 mins, will need a fix for that, crap.
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I don't know what you're doing pressing things in your pocket for every 2 minutes, but I suspect that if you get caught doing it in public you'll risk getting arrested.
If it's such a world-shaking problem, write a program to do it yourself, it should be pretty simple. Chop chop.
mr_ray said:
i don't know what you're doing pressing things in your pocket for every 2 minutes, but i suspect that if you get caught doing it in public you'll risk getting arrested.
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sharpey said:
with your attitude i`ll be suprised if people keep answering you.
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Unhelpful but amusing...
I am surprised that you are pressing the buttons all the time in your pocket. If the phone is locked (ie press the hang up key once) the screen goes off, and if I touch the screen it doesn't come back on. I have to press a button. Those need a little press to them, so surely not something your leg is doing when the phone is in your pocket. Unless you wear skin tight jeans or something...
3D witch hunt started, forget it....
Yeah, I don't know what their problem is with this question.
It is very easy for the buttons to be pressed while the phone is in your pocket, especially when it is held tightly in the leather case -- any depression along the case will press buttons that are already tightly packed inside the case. This can happen without your hands coming close to your pocket -- it can happen just from the phone shifting in your pocket while you sit up or down, or from your pocket bumping up against a wall or piece of furniture.
There also seems to be a problem with the backlight not turning off automatically until the PIN is entered. So if you accidentally press any button, such as by sitting down and shifting the phone in your pocket, the phone's backlight will stay on forever until you either press the power button or enter the PIN.
Until this issue is fixed, the HD2 is basically useless as a phone for me -- battery life is 4-5 hours max.
Just dicks i guess, obviously their opinion is a better one.

How to turn off the screen during call duration?

Nice to meet all the bro & sisters here.
Sorry if this question been repeated, I searched but not find anything related to this.
I am TYTN II user switched to HD2 just 2 days ago.
I have noticed one button with end call button + switch off/standby.
Whenever I am on the call wanted to turn off the screen the phone went off after pressed the standby button, sometimes the screen automatically turn off but when the phone is shaking the screen turn back on in my pocket.
Tried locking the screen but no outcome.
Hope someone can help me out with solutions.
thanks & merry christmas to everyone.
Hd2 has a proximity sensor which will automatically turn off / dim the screen when you are in a call.
Thank you for your reply.
Yes, but during walk the screen will keep turn off and on that will consume the battery life.
zenkinz said:
Hd2 has a proximity sensor which will automatically turn off / dim the screen when you are in a call.
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Also to the point, if the screen goes off during a call, how do I get it back on again (i.e. pressing the normal screen-on key ends the call)
ofuroinu said:
Thank you for your reply.
Yes, but during walk the screen will keep turn off and on that will consume the battery life.
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It only does this when you are in a call. At other times, when you lock the phone, the screen stays off till you press the end-call button again.
Stephen Selby said:
Also to the point, if the screen goes off during a call, how do I get it back on again (i.e. pressing the normal screen-on key ends the call)
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You put the phone to your ear, and the screen goes off instantly.
You move it away from your ear and the screen comes back on instantly.
If it's not working like that then there's an issue somewhere, as that's what it's supposed to do, and it works perfectly for me and many others.
Do you guys with the problem have screen protectors on? I do, but mine doesn't interfere with the proximity sensor. I know that some can though, as reported by other users in this forum.
Sorry bros
My meaning is if using hand free kit & the phone kept in pant pocket, while moving on the road the phone sensor makes the screen goes on & off repeatly
didn't any one notice this point? Until I take out and hold it then stop blinking.
Hope it is clear now.
The sensor is just for phone when it is near the ear & away from the ear or on the table upside down.
Please help me thank you
I use a hands free set a lot, and just put the phone in the sleeve while in a conversation.
The proximity sensor then keeps the screen turned off.
Hi ofuroinu, there are lots of solutions :
You can install S2U2.
In power settings it has an option "Blank Screen on Talk" which automatically shuts off the screen when the call begins.
Or you can also install AEButtonPlus and associate the long press of send button (or another one ... yet it is not working for all the buttons) with the Switch on / switch off Screen command (number 32 in the list) to do it manually at will with a long key press.
I suppose you can also have a look at mortscript to find a script that toggle the screen, then associate the script to a shortcut that you can put in the home tab shortcuts.
ofuroinu said:
Sorry bros
My meaning is if using hand free kit & the phone kept in pant pocket, while moving on the road the phone sensor makes the screen goes on & off repeatly
didn't any one notice this point? Until I take out and hold it then stop blinking.
Hope it is clear now.
The sensor is just for phone when it is near the ear & away from the ear or on the table upside down.
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Silly question, but if the phone is in your pocket, how on Earth do you know that the screen is turning on and off?
Maybe it is silly question to Jim Coleman, I am sorry.

Screen turns on while I am on the phone and my cheek turns off call. What to do?

I am sooooooo tired of this.
When I had 2.2 I had no issue, but, ever since I upgraded to Gingerbread (2.3) the screen will just turn on out of no where while I am on the phone and a lot of times my cheek will turn off the call or sometimes mute the call. It is so darn annoying.
Is there anything that can be done to fix this issue? I am sure I can't be alone with this.
Odin back to 2.2 and confirm that it is software and not your sensor that has gone bad.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
My wife and I have the same phones and she compains of this too. I never have an issue with this on my phone. But, she can use my phone and have this problem. She also said she never had this problem on froyo, only after the gingerbread update.
I've tried installing several proximity sensor apps that are supposed to lock the phone when you put the phone to your ear. But not had the luck witht them that I was hoping for. The phone will lock, but the dialer stays on top of the lock screen. You are only taken to the lock screen after you hang up and the dialer goes away. Please let me know if someone has a solution like this that works!
I think the difference is how she holds the phone to here head. I've noticed her ear doesnt complete cover the proximity sensor all the way. She also likes to hold the entire phone screen tight to her cheek. I've tried to encourage her to hold the phone a little different, but she would rather that it just work for her. She also wants me to restore her phone back to froyo. I hate the idea of that.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
also make sure your screen is clean. perticaly around sensor. had a problem with screen not turning off when on phone once and as soon as cleaned screen problem went away.
Just press the power button when your on a call so ths seen won't turn on
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
Yes, that's a good suggestion, but that wont always keep the screen off. I agree that it *should*.
To test, I call my voicemail.
Putting my finger over the proximity sensor will cause the screen to turn off. Now, lightly pressing the camera button to its half way point caused the screen to turn on. Pressing the volume buttons also turns the screen on. So, overly gripping the phone will turn on the screen.
Next test, turn off the screen with the power button. First call to VM, turn off screen with power button, screen stays off while I try to press volume button, but turns on with half press of camera button.
Seconds call, turn off screen with power button, screen turns on when pressing volume or camera button.
I continued making a few more test calls with these same mixed results. Finger over the proximity sensor always turns the screen off if it was on previously. I just can't get the screen to stay off during a call for my wife. I've tried to convince her she just needs to use a BT headset or wired one for long phone calls. She doesnt care for the solution. LOL.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
I should also mention I'm on CleanGB 1.1.2 EL30 modem. This problem happened for her when she was on Sprint's stock GB rom too.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
I find that the proximity sensor doesn't work well through hair. if i get a little hair in front of the sensor it would turn on and my cheek would hit end.
My proximity sensor stopped working on CM9, but works just fine on a TW rom (CleanGB). It's not a hardware issue that I assumed previously. Ditto autorotation...
Its not your phone or apps, its Gingerbread for the epic. It has done this since day one for me and others. It particularly happens when you get a text message while on a call. The only thing you can do is if you see it light up, just pull away from your face and then back to it and it will go back off.
I upgraded both our phones to Cyanogenmod 9 beta 1 and she hasn't complained about the proximity sensor problem yet. I think it's almost been 2 weeks. Otherwise, she was about to throw her phone out a window because she was so frustrated.
I've noticed the sensor is setup so there is some delay when turning the screen on and off. So, having the screen come off your face for a second or switching ears quickly, won't aways cause the screen to come back on. So far so good. Plus, I LOVE ICS. It's been a perfect daily driver!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA
When call is connected go to home screen then push power button

Screen Wake On Calls

Hi, I just got my Galaxy s8 about 3 weeks ago. I've had very little in the way of problems with it. Well, except one thing... Everytime I make a call on it the screen will wake up at random. It doesn't matter if it's a call from the installed phone app or hangouts. I thought this might have something to do with the apps edge so I disabled that. Didn't fix it. I thought it might be the home button so I put it on the lowest sensitivity. Didn't fix it. I frequently call while laying in bed (who wants to hold a phone up all the time?) so the phone is between my head and a pillow. When the screen wakes up it clicks and than shuts off after five seconds because I turned on the keep off when in pocket or whatever it's called in settings. Before I turned that on the screen would stay on and buttons would get pressed usually ending up with me ending a call. I still think it's the home button but I'm not sure how to fix it. It anyone has any ideas or has the same issue please let me know.
Matt3561 said:
Hi, I just got my Galaxy s8 about 3 weeks ago. I've had very little in the way of problems with it. Well, except one thing... Everytime I make a call on it the screen will wake up at random. It doesn't matter if it's a call from the installed phone app or hangouts. I thought this might have something to do with the apps edge so I disabled that. Didn't fix it. I thought it might be the home button so I put it on the lowest sensitivity. Didn't fix it. I frequently call while laying in bed (who wants to hold a phone up all the time?) so the phone is between my head and a pillow. When the screen wakes up it clicks and than shuts off after five seconds because I turned on the keep off when in pocket or whatever it's called in settings. Before I turned that on the screen would stay on and buttons would get pressed usually ending up with me ending a call. I still think it's the home button but I'm not sure how to fix it. It anyone has any ideas or has the same issue please let me know.
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Its the proximity sensor.
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Proximity sensor is working though.. I have no way to test it properly but if I place my hand near it the screen goes black and when I move it it lights up again. It also doesn't make the click
Had this bug on every device
So it's just a bug? No fix currently? I'm just wondering because I haven't seen anyone talking about this specific issue before ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm also suffering from this issue

Nokia 6.1 Plus Screen turning on when phone is put in vertical position

A few months ago after one of the automatic updates, the phone started doing this. I don't use the lock screen, so the phone goes straight into the main menu so if the phone is in my pocket it will open programs, butt-dial people etc etc. I've noticed it happens when you bring the phone up to your face, but it also happens in many other situations.
I've looked all through settings and I can't find this feature so I can turn it off. Anyone else had this problem?
Check if on-body detection in settings>security>smart lock and Lift to check phone gesture were automatically turned on and turn it off.
Mister Teflon said:
A few months ago after one of the automatic updates, the phone started doing this. I don't use the lock screen, so the phone goes straight into the main menu so if the phone is in my pocket it will open programs, butt-dial people etc etc. I've noticed it happens when you bring the phone up to your face, but it also happens in many other situations.
I've looked all through settings and I can't find this feature so I can turn it off. Anyone else had this problem?
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So you do not have any kind of lock on your phone and your screen lock is set to none?
KelvinCrag said:
Check if on-body detection in settings>security>smart lock and Lift to check phone gesture were automatically turned on and turn it off.
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Smart lock is greyed out, it says "To use, first set a screen lock"
D-Mi said:
So you do not have any kind of lock on your phone and your screen lock is set to none?
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That's correct.
Mister Teflon said:
That's correct.
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So it might have happened that your power key is pressed accidentally while the phone is in your pocket and apps are launched so I'd recommend you to atleast turn on swipe for unlock to avoid accidental unlocks.
D-Mi said:
So it might have happened that your power key is pressed accidentally while the phone is in your pocket and apps are launched so I'd recommend you to atleast turn on swipe for unlock to avoid accidental unlocks.
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I can confirm that's not the case, I just have to put the phone in a vertical position and the screen will turn on, with no input on the power button. For example when I'm cleaning the screen with windex it's almost impossible, I keep turning the screen off and it keeps turning on immediately with the motion of the phone. If there's any motion on the phone, the screen will almost 100% of the times turn itself on.
Mister Teflon said:
I can confirm that's not the case, I just have to put the phone in a vertical position and the screen will turn on, with no input on the power button. For example when I'm cleaning the screen with windex it's almost impossible, I keep turning the screen off and it keeps turning on immediately with the motion of the phone. If there's any motion on the phone, the screen will almost 100% of the times turn itself on.
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Go to settings>system>gestures>lift to check phone, toggle it off
In my case this feature is broken currently not working though it's turned on
D-Mi said:
Go to settings>system>gestures>lift to check phone, toggle it off
In my case this feature is broken currently not working though it's turned on
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Brilliant, that fixed it, thanks so much! If it was a feature that was a pretty bad one, it made it really hard to live with the phone, it kept turning on in all sorts of situations. Thanks again! :good:
Mister Teflon said:
Brilliant, that fixed it, thanks so much! If it was a feature that was a pretty bad one, it made it really hard to live with the phone, it kept turning on in all sorts of situations. Thanks again! :good:
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Well the feature is intended to quickly check the time and some other notification from apps but features can sometimes be annoying than useful! I personally turned it off to save battery.

