Oneplus 5 sahara communication failed error - OnePlus 5 Questions & Answers

i am using pixel experience rom. i want to go back to stock rom by using unbrick tool but i get the error message which is sahara communication failed. how can i get back to stock oos?

Hold power button and volume down


Boot Error - Stuck at Power Reset or Unknown Upload Mode - Please Help

Hi Guys,
I flashed a custom rom on my new device SM-N900 using TWRP. When I wanted to revert to the stock firmware using ODIN I getting an error saying 'Power Reset or Unknown Upload Mode'.
The flashing of stock firmware is successful using ODIN but when rebooting I am getting the same error. I have tired doing everying I could searched XDA Note 3 forum, other sites as well but nothing worked.
I have even tired the below procedure to get mobile in to working condition but everything failed.
Below are the screenshots of the error and Download screen

A2017 Unable to flash ROM from SD

Was trying to root my phone and after unlocking the bootloader, the flash failed somewhere so I have no OS. Now it just boots to the bootloader. I've tried to use a SD to flash a ROM in stock recovery mode but I get
"This Package is for "ailsa_ii" devices; this is a " ".
E: Error in /sideload/ (Status 8) "
USB Debugging is disable so I can't use ADB and MiFlash isn't working.
What should I do?
Are you able to get into EDL by holding up power + vol down+vol up for 10 seconds? The red led will blink if you succeed, If you are able to get there, then use Axon 7 EDL tool, flash full EDL rom, find them on axon 7 forum

Did i brick my GT-I9505 ?

Today i wanted to update my phone from cynaogenmod to a recent lineageos. It followed this guide jfltexx/install, but when i tried to "heimdall flash --RECOVERY ...", the blue progress bar on the phone got to ~99% - then heimdall crashed:
Downloading device's PIT file...
PIT file download successful.
Uploading RECOVERY
100%libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action bind
ERROR: Failed to confirm end of file transfer sequence!
ERROR: RECOVERY upload failed!
Ending session...
ERROR: Failed to send end session packet!
Releasing device interface...
Because at that point nothing would change anymore, i unplugged the phone and rebooted. Since then the phone won't boot android anymore and reports "Firmware upgrade encountered an issue. Please select recovery mode in Kies & try again." when booting to recovery mode. Download mode is still accessible, but worthless:
Flashing the original ROM fails with "Complete(Write) operation failed": imgur
Flashing it with a PIT i found on this forum doesn't work either: imgur
Is my phone completely lost? Is there something i can do?
aenderboy said:
Today i wanted to update my phone from cynaogenmod to a recent lineageos. It followed this guide jfltexx/install, but when i tried to "heimdall flash --RECOVERY ...", the blue progress bar on the phone got to ~99% - then heimdall crashed:
Downloading device's PIT file...
PIT file download successful.
Uploading RECOVERY
100%libusb: error [udev_hotplug_event] ignoring udev action bind
ERROR: Failed to confirm end of file transfer sequence!
ERROR: RECOVERY upload failed!
Ending session...
ERROR: Failed to send end session packet!
Releasing device interface...
Because at that point nothing would change anymore, i unplugged the phone and rebooted. Since then the phone won't boot android anymore and reports "Firmware upgrade encountered an issue. Please select recovery mode in Kies & try again." when booting to recovery mode. Download mode is still accessible, but worthless:
Flashing the original ROM fails with "Complete(Write) operation failed": imgur
Flashing it with a PIT i found on this forum doesn't work either: imgur
Is my phone completely lost? Is there something i can do?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Please follow my Guides. I recommend you to follow the guide "clean install from scratch" and also use Odin. Everything you need it's on my thread and in my collection.
Issue Resolved
The solution was to use a shorter USB cable. Thank you so much for making me not loose my faith!

Trying to root my ZTE ZMax Pro (Z981) from MetroPCS, keep getting stuck on Sahara error in the QFIL

Hi all,
I've been trying to root my ZTE phone for a couple of days now (using this guide: but when I try to flash (?) using the QFIL, I keep getting this error:
ERROR: function: sahara_rx_data:277 Unable to read packet header. Only read 0 bytes.
ERROR: function: sahara_main:983 Sahara protocol error
ERROR: function: main:320 Uploading Image using Sahara protocol failed
Download Fail: Sahara Fail:QSaharaServer Fail: Process fail
I've tried getting the most recent version of QFIL I could find, I've tried allowing unsigned drivers, I've tried finding a new programmer file, updating the Qualcomm drivers but I keep getting the same error.
I'm using QFIL and the ZTE is running Android 6.0.1
If anyone could help me out that'd be greatly appreciated, and if there's a piece of info that I need to provide just reply and I'll edit it in.
Thanks in advance!

Unbrick RN7 with locked bootload

hello after i tried many ways i finally have solve the sahara error, i can complete the process but after flash the ROM (global or CHINESE) i press the power button for 30s and the phone always says "the system has been destroyed" cant unbrick it
i tried it
and others ways
My RN7 is 6GB/64GB/48MP with global ROM

