[QUESTION] AOSP rom /w samsung camera. - Samsung Galaxy S8 Questions and Answers

So, from what I've understood is that the Samsung Camera app is "impossible" to use on an AOSP ROM, but I don't understand why. I've heard that there are some missing libraries, but they can't be ported over?
I really want to switch to an AOSP ROM like Lineage or HavocOS tbh, but the Open Camera and stock Camera app that comes with most ROMs just have unbearable quality. Low light isn't possible with them, you have to have brightly lit areas if you want to use it, HDR is a no-go, 240FPS or 960FPS is practically unheard of (from my experience). Is there no option alternative at all that has ok-ish quality or isn't trash?

PROGamer_199 said:
So, from what I've understood is that the Samsung Camera app is "impossible" to use on an AOSP ROM, but I don't understand why. I've heard that there are some missing libraries, but they can't be ported over?
I really want to switch to an AOSP ROM like Lineage or HavocOS tbh, but the Open Camera and stock Camera app that comes with most ROMs just have unbearable quality. Low light isn't possible with them, you have to have brightly lit areas if you want to use it, HDR is a no-go, 240FPS or 960FPS is practically unheard of (from my experience). Is there no option alternative at all that has ok-ish quality or isn't trash?
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It would require Samsung source code for the camera, which they will never release.


For AOSP users, what Camera App takes the best quality photos?

I know that the quality of the photos taken on AOSP cannot possibly be as good as the ones on Touchwiz based ROMs unless the camera application is ever successfully ported over somehow.
Personally, I really hate Touchwiz and I like this phone because of this big beautiful screen.
However, amongst the camera applications available for us AOSP users, which one do you think takes the best quality images? It can be either paid or free.
I am currently using Dirty Unicorns, which has been a pretty awesome custom ROM for me.
Been using Google Camera before. But find that some shots sometimes were over exposure. I'm using Manual Camera now, will give it a try in the next couple of days.

Best Camera app for Non-Touchwiz Roms?

Hey guys,
I Love CM/AOSP ROMs but often find the camera somewhat lacking compared to the Touchwiz one, any recommendations for a good camera app?
The pre-installed snap camera is as good as it gets for cm/aosp based roms
you can get the HTC Camera (Search HTC Camera old on google) its really good. i use that on my TW rom i think its better
As far as the S5 goes - I can give you the answer, because I also have the same device. I'm using Snap Camera HDR (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.marginz.snap&hl=en). The stock CM camera lacks saturation and this app allows you to increase it. I've actually compared pictures from both TouchWiz and CM based ROMs and I can say that when you increase the saturation to 8 or 9, you absoulutelly can't tell the difference.
The stock camera that comes with ResurrectionRemix is Terrible... Especially in Low Light.
Just tried that, and it doesn't seem to be storing the photos are taking em haha. Forgot to mention i'm using a MM rom.
The only down side to snap camera (pro) is how it handles low light photos compared to TW.
Other than that I agree with the rest, snap camera is the best it gets.
PS. Looking into the HTC camera being recommended, will return with results.
I there! I can suggest two pay apps:
A BETTER CAMERA - good quality camera, the one I use with stock ROM. It supports real HDR, video recording (only 1080p) with HDR (I think it's same as Rich Tone HDR of stock camera), panorama mode, and DRO (Dynamic Range Optimization) that is very similar to Rich Tone HDR (it's a post-processing filter that fix overall exposure of the photos and can save both original and fixed shots).
PRO CAPTURE - another good camera, it's support natively Samsung Rich Tone HDR (in Scene Mode it's simply called HDR) but photos is little darker thank stock camera. I don't know if support this function with custom ROMs. Photo quality is very good, but this one not support video recording.

Rom With Best camera Output!!!

Hello gUYS,
Which rom has the best camera app? and is it possible to Get oxygen OS camera'S beauty mode in Cm based roms?
Please Suggest:!!!!
Sultans ROM is probably the best with AOSPA coming in second
krishnak1 said:
Hello gUYS,
Which rom has the best camera app? and is it possible to Get oxygen OS camera'S beauty mode in Cm based roms?
Please Suggest:!!!!
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Color OS , No doubt
Why not install any rom you like and simply install sultans camera Hal in it.? Wouldn't be the same results in camera quality?
Omicron Technics
kethsawant said:
Color OS , No doubt
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Colour OS as well as H2OS....
Dead Cookies leave no trails...
After using purity, sultans cm13, cm13, DU rom, AOSPA, roms, I have to say that the stock OOS camera is unmatched. Nothing comes close, not even with sultan hal installed, (even if stock OOS suffers from low fps in dark light). In terms of clarity, and image quality is by far the best. Combined with the best possible GSM reception and by far the fastest LTE speeds (in most cases not even close in rom vs OOS speeds tested in the very same spot) is a no brainer for me. At least for now, until some roms incorporate those two major assets. On the other hand every single one custom rom are by a far smoother than OOS, more memory distribution efficient, and of course by a far more customisable. That's my point of view after all those tests. Depending on priorities, each of as makes its choice.
Omicron Technics
sniper20 said:
After using purity, sultans cm13, cm13, DU rom, AOSPA, roms, I have to say that the stock OOS camera is unmatched.
Omicron Technics
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Did you try the OOS camera ported on MM Roms, for example Sultan's CM13?
I only tired OSS abd Sultan CM13.
Ive tried the OOS port into all of the above roms, but although it was a bit better than the roms integrated camera apps, was nowhere near the OOS clarity. I dont know what the stock OOS does with the camera quality, but it's significantly ahead (even fir someone that is no photographer or photo expert) of other roms. Something it's in the coding, or settings, I don't realy know, but the difference is easily noticeable.
Omicron Technics
CM13 with Google Camera and OOS Camera is pretty good
sniper20 said:
Ive tried the OOS port into all of the above roms, but although it was a bit better than the roms integrated camera apps, was nowhere near the OOS clarity. I dont know what the stock OOS does with the camera quality, but it's significantly ahead (even fir someone that is no photographer or photo expert) of other roms. Something it's in the coding, or settings, I don't realy know, but the difference is easily noticeable.
Omicron Technics
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It's placebo. The same exact HAL is used in custom ROMs. The only thing you could possibly be referring to is the camera app itself and whatever they call it... Clear something or other...
Pics are taken without clear mod or any other special setting. Maybe it's a placebo effect, but the difference was obvious from the first time I installed a custom rom. No matter how good was the rom (in most cases was much better than OOS in terms of smoothess), and still till now that installed the OOS back I have the same opinion. Maybe it's a placebo effect I don't know.
Omicron Technics
No plaCebo efffect....i have experienced twice after flashin cm13 by sultan..quality is very bad
Sent from my ONE E1003 using XDA-Developers mobile app
sniper20 said:
After using purity, sultans cm13, cm13, DU rom, AOSPA, roms, I have to say that the stock OOS camera is unmatched. Nothing comes close, not even with sultan hal installed, (even if stock OOS suffers from low fps in dark light). In terms of clarity, and image quality is by far the best. Combined with the best possible GSM reception and by far the fastest LTE speeds (in most cases not even close in rom vs OOS speeds tested in the very same spot) is a no brainer for me. At least for now, until some roms incorporate those two major assets. On the other hand every single one custom rom are by a far smoother than OOS, more memory distribution efficient, and of course by a far more customisable. That's my point of view after all those tests. Depending on priorities, each of as makes its choice.
Omicron Technics
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So Stock OOS has better cam quality vs Sultans Cam HAL OOS?
Yes ...stock camera is way bettr or u can say..Cm13 camera sucks
Sent from my ONE E1003 using XDA-Developers mobile app
It really depends...Stock camera app reduces a lot of noise, making the pics seem better. It actually removes detail in the process of removing noise. btw you can just flash OOS camera app on cm13 or other rom and it will be like stock (except clear image wont work, but clear image is really more of a marketing gimmick, it removes a lot of noise from pics, taking away lots of detail)
Do you know you can also remove noise on CM13 camera (snap)?
I have tried OOS camera port in every other rom I have installed, and the result was nowhere near the OOS camera in OOS. I don't know what it's different, may there is something more, but im convinced that its not a placebo effect. I dont know. If you count also the fact that lte speed is wayyyyy faster ( in OOS ookla test maxed at 125 maps, instead of 40 in every other rom in the same spot and time of day. I also don't know what seams to be the problem in custom roms for now ) than every custom rom, for me is a no go for custom roms. At least for now. And I must say that I love their smoothness. But.....
Omicron Technics
In my experience picture quality depends heavily on the camera app used. Ie i get awful results with snap cam. Using fv-5 and camera zoom which produce nice quality (running aicp, stock hal)
Gesendet von meinem ONE E1003

Best Camera for Custom ROM

hey guys, just wondering if you guys can list your recommendation for best alternate camera on R4P when using a custom rom (LOS, RR, etc)?
Biggest annoyance for me i've noticed is "shutter lag"; the viewfinder tends to pause and i have to wait before i can take the next picture. Which doesn't really happen with the default MIUI camera.
I've tried a couple, open, snap, htcfix, but yet to find one truly that's smooth. Any recommendations?
The cyanogenmod camera that comes stock with mokee/los seems to be working best for me. Have tried a bunch of camera apps and they all either have a ****ty UI or are functionally deficient in some way. Google camera would be great (love that HDR+) but it crashes when switching to video mode.
Mactley said:
The cyanogenmod camera that comes stock with mokee/los seems to be working best for me. Have tried a bunch of camera apps and they all either have a ****ty UI or are functionally deficient in some way. Google camera would be great (love that HDR+) but it crashes when switching to video mode.
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Yeah.. not sure why it is but the shutter lag just really kills me. I'm half tempted to go back to MIUI just for the camera. Best one for me i've tried so far is the HTC one.
Guess have to wait and see if Camera2 api makes any difference
Mactley said:
The cyanogenmod camera that comes stock with mokee/los seems to be working best for me. Have tried a bunch of camera apps and they all either have a ****ty UI or are functionally deficient in some way. Google camera would be great (love that HDR+) but it crashes when switching to video mode.
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I use Open Camera, it has a lot options to customize camera behaviour. I like it's UI.
Has anyone of u tested new ported MIUI camera on custom rom? i dont own anymore r4p but i see lot of u still have trouble with camera and recording.
just test this https://forum.xda-developers.com/mi...aomi-mi-a1-t3670607/post73732145#post73732145
for better results edit xml file to pass your device name.
Open camera is the best for photos, better than footej

Camera Quality With Custom ROMs

Hi There,
one of the main reasons why I bought the S7 Edge initially was its great camera.
The reason why I haven't yet installed a Custom Rom was because I wasn't sure if the custom rom / camera app would provide the same picture-quality as the original one.
Will the Picture quality suffer from a custom camera app, or is the relevant software "build into" the chip, and therefor independent from the actual camera app?
Thanks a lot!
If a TW based ROM is used, the stock camera app can be used, so the phto quality will be the same. If you got root on this ROM you can even access more features of the camera with the Zerocam MOD.
If an AOSP base ROM is used, the quality is not equal. Samsung did not release all the libraries needed to access the hardware of the S7 camera properly. But nowadays you can reach, with third apps, the same quality of the photos as the TW based ROMs.
ushiyama said:
If a TW based ROM is used, the stock camera app can be used, so the phto quality will be the same. If you got root on this ROM you can even access more features of the camera with the Zerocam MOD.
If an AOSP base ROM is used, the quality is not equal. Samsung did not release all the libraries needed to access the hardware of the S7 camera properly. But nowadays you can reach, with third apps, the same quality of the photos as the TW based ROMs.
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I have tried many of the proposed solutions to achieve good camera quality in an AOSP based ROM and can only say that none of them came even close to the quality of the stock camera. Also, the speed was not comparable.
To compare I used a test scenario with poor lighting conditions and always took the same pictures. While for instance on images taken with the stock camera one could read the text on a package, on the other images you couldn't even tell that it was text.
Any news on this? As the S7 is end of life, the TW based ROMs are also not an alternative anymore. Is there any chance to get roughly the same camera quality with a LineageOS ROM? What third party apps deliver a decent quality?
you can use google camera. lol
