Seperate audio channels for Music / Navi on MTCD and Android 8 - Android Head-Units

Hi there,
since a couple of time I'm using Hal9k Rom (Android 8) on my MTCD from Erisin, which works almost very good.
Even the automatic pause/resume with Poweramp is working, but last point on my ToDo-List is a solution for the volume.
As main music player I'm using Poweramp v2, DAB-Z and rarely the DVD player app (for music cds) and for navigation at the moment TomTom NDS (TTS voice; which also works pretty good).
But main problem is, that the volume in Tomtom is not really high. So I've to lower the volume in Poweramp, that it's almost the same level. But sometimes on songs with high or lower volume I've to adjust everything
So my idea is, to have separate audio "channels". One for the music stuff (as described above) and one channel for navigation.
With the hardware volume control only the music part will be adjusted and the navigation has a fixed volume level.
I know from previous android versions, that there were seperate channels (notification, .....) but as far as I've seen, in Android 8 (or the MTCD modificated version ) there is only one adjustment for the volume.
Maybe someone has a solution for that problem. Or maybe also suggestions for other navigation apps.
I don't want to use another MP3 Player then PowerAmp, as it is working almost perfect for me.
Thanks for your help


Using TomTom with background MP3 player

If I use TomTom with background MP3 player playeing playlist, the MP3 player (Gsplayer or Mediaplayer), after the player finished the first item, I can not hear the next ones.
If I switch off the GPS (BT 338), I hear the music again.
Everything works with other navigation software.
Any idea ?
I think this is to much for the slow Wizard processor doing all at the same time. TomTom is a huge application and the bluetooth communication is constantly busy receiving those protocols from the GPS mouse interrupting anything else not to loose any characters during reception (heavy traffic).
No problems here.....
Running tomtom and a musicplayer at the same time. (even with background apps running)
The only thing is, if i listen to the music with a certain volume tomtom tends to override the volume with the spoken instruction.
After that the musicplayer will override that volume again when it changes to the next song.
Bit fiddeling with the both and jou wil not notice any difference.
Lucky guy.
Well this could be anything. 192khz sampled mp3 need more cpu time than 63khz sampled. While I'm driving in my car I use my Ipod 20G for music.
travelwood said:
No problems here.....
Running tomtom and a musicplayer at the same time. (even with background apps running)
The only thing is, if i listen to the music with a certain volume tomtom tends to override the volume with the spoken instruction.
After that the musicplayer will override that volume again when it changes to the next song.
Bit fiddeling with the both and jou wil not notice any difference.
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It seems the player works in the background , the ony problem I do not hear the music ...
travelwood said:
No problems here.....
Running tomtom and a musicplayer at the same time. (even with background apps running)
The only thing is, if i listen to the music with a certain volume tomtom tends to override the volume with the spoken instruction.
After that the musicplayer will override that volume again when it changes to the next song.
Bit fiddeling with the both and jou wil not notice any difference.
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cool, can you let us know,what Wizard your using, rom versions, what version of tomtom, what version of music/mp3 player and what format/bitrate your using. Be useful to compare..

Problems with Music Playback on the HD2

I have searched now for several hours in different forums and many threads, but I did not find my specific problems or any solutions to them. Therefore I want to start a new thread.
One thing in advance: I have my HD2 now for about 3 weeks and generally I am very happy with it. Unfortunately, I am experiencing some really bothering problems with music playback, and as this is the second most important feature to me (after telephony), I really hope, that there is some solution out there.
1. According to some Internet pages the integrated music player of the HD2 should be capable of gapless playback of MP3 files since a software update. Well, I have installed the latest 1.66.xx ROM for my device, and unfortunately gapless playback does not work at all. When I am listening to a concert and one track ends and another starts, I always hear a small interruption in the applause. When I play back the exact same tracks on my PC with Winamp everything works fine and both tracks play back to back without any interruption at all. As far as I know Winamp prebuffers approx. 2 seconds and in my opinion for gapless playback the integrated music player of the HD2 should too, but obviously does not.
2. Especially when I am listening to tracks with a quite low volume (e.g. instrumental Soundtrack), I always hear a short "crackling" sound at the transition from one track to the next (or at the beginning of the new track). One forum entry claimed, that this "crackling" sound is caused by the fact, that the HD2 disables the headphones output after approx. 2 seconds of silence and just reactivates it again when there is sound again. The reactivation of the headphones output seems to result in the "crackling" sound.
3. I thought that I can get rid of both problems just by using another player software as alternative, I even bought one of these. I tested "Microfi Nitrogen", "MortPlayer", "Slide 2 Play" and "PocketMusic".
Using the "Cross Fade" mode of "PocketMusic" in fact solved the first two problems effectively, so I got gapless playback without a "crackling" sound between two tracks.
Unfortunately, with all of these alternate players I experienced one even more bothering problem: Every now and then (approx. 1 to 2 times per minute of playback) a short "clicking" sound is audible during playback, which reminds of an scratched vinyl disc. If I rewind the track, the "clicking" sound does not occur at the same position, but at another at a later time. These "clicking" sounds do not occur at all with the integrated music player of the HD2, but with ALL of the mentioned alternate music players I tested. Of course, the "clicking" sounds are audible better, when you are listening to instrumental or classic music with a relatively low volume than with loud Rock or Heavy Metal music tracks.
To avoid the obvious suggestions:
- The problems were already present with the 1.48.xx ROM and are still present with the 1.66.xx ROM.
- I tested several different headphones (cheap and expensive ones) including the original HTC ones which shipped with the HD2.
- I can rule out the MP3s as cause of the problems: There are absolutely no problems with them when they are played back on the PC with Winamp, a Sony-Ericsson phone, an iPod or when played back with the mentioned alternate players on Pocket LOOX N110, N120 (Prototype), 420, N500 and N520.
- It does not matter whether the MP3s are located on the internal memory of the HD2 or the SD card.
- I already tried to disable all data connections on the HD2 and closed all other programs using the Task Manager to avoid any interferences.
- I even performed a Hard Reset without installing additional software or tweaks (except for one of the alternate players).
- I tested "PocketMusic" with all possible settings regarding Cache, Buffer Priority etc..
- It does not matter, whether any Equalizer (if available) are enabled or not.
- I also tested my brother's HD2, and both devices - my own HD2 and my brother's HD2 - show the same problems.
My questions now are:
a) Can anybody verify the "clicking" sounds when using an alternate music player software? If not, which music player software do you use at which settings?
b) Is it possible somehow to disable the interruptions between two tracks with the integrated music player of the HD2 and thus enable true gapless MP3 playback, for example by an undocumented registry setting regarding (pre-)buffer size or Caching?
c) Is it possible to disable the deactivation of the Headphones output after some seconds of silence (which is said to cause the "crackling" sound), so that the Headphones output is always enabled when there is playback using the integrated music player of the HD2, for example by a Registry setting?
Generally, I would love to continue using the integrated music player of the HD2 (which I am doing now anyway, and it looks really nice, by the way), but the missing gapless playback and the "crackling" sound during the transition of tracks is really bothering me very much.
Many thanks in advance for your help!
I dont get the crackling sounds you speak of but it is a little off putting when I'm listening to a non stop mix CD thats broken up into tracks, when a track abruptly ends it's followed by a half second silence only to head right back into the music.
Is there some registry tweak that we can use to either eliminate this gap or even shorten it?
I use Coreplayer, and it seems they screwed up the standby keepalive at least on the HD2. With BT headphones, if I start music and then turn the screen off with the power button, I'll start getting random skips. With wired headphones ith completely stops playing music. So I've bound long press windows key to "turn screen off" in AEBPlus, and I now have no more problem with that (when I remember to press that one instead of the power button, that is...). Works perfectly, never heard a skip anymore (I have a set of Sennheiser PX200II, way good enough to make anything noticeable )
Your problems with 3rd-party players could be linked, no idea...
Not sure about the crackling, as I listen to music for at least 2 hours a day on the way to work and I use a pair of Sennheiser HD-25 headphones ( and I don't hear any crackling between tracks or in periods of silence. Only hear vinyl crackle where the source for the MP3 is vinyl.
The lack of gapless playback, as jmwarren85 mentioned is really annoying as I listen to a lot of mix albums... one solution I use is to take all the MP3's from that disc and splice them into a single track and then listen to that on the HD2.
Also finally I can't say I have heard any clicking noises on my HD2 but I know what sort of clicking you are referring to and that may be due to the encoder used and/or its settings when the MP3's were encoded. Some of the codecs that players use for decoding MP3's aren't the best (ie not well optimised, which can especially be a problem on a mobile device) and you occasionally get audio artifacts.
I use LAME with VBR-0 with quality 0 (highest) and the minimum bit rate of 128 and maximum bit rate of 320 using 44.1kHz instead of 48kHz for compatibility and I don't seem to get any problems.
Hope this helps...
Thank you for your messages!
After extensive testing, I have finally bought "Pocket Player" which has solved all of my problems.
But I still think, that the integrated player (which at least looks great) has some bugs in the audio department that should be fixed.
DotWin said:
Thank you for your messages!
After extensive testing, I have finally bought "Pocket Player" which has solved all of my problems.
But I still think, that the integrated player (which at least looks great) has some bugs in the audio department that should be fixed.
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Hello there.
The crackling you've described may be in relation to network use, for example every time my phone uses the 'net connection (HSDPA) to get weather, location or email, the audio stops for a brief second and continues; this is almost like the crackle you describe.
This in turn disables the graphic equalizer, so I am regularly re-enabling this between songs or in the middle of songs.
Test the theory by putting your phone in airplane mode or disabling all data reliant services to see if this is the issue. Even if it is I can't offer a fix, but at least you know what the issue is at least with the built in HD2 audio app.
I have the exact same issues as the OP. I contacted HTC about the gapless playback and they said they're testing...
I hear a soft/small pop between tracks too when I'm using headphones.
I also sometimes experience another issue where sometimes instead of going to the next song after finishing the current one, it just stops. Time remaining shows 0 secs, it's 'playing' (pause button is shown) but it doesn't move on.
I know it's a little late to reply to this post, but it was just to say that you can remove the gaps between the tracks using Ogg Vorbis encoding instead of MP3 encoding. Winamp for Android can read ogg tracks
About sound quality, there is always a quiet background interferences noise that bothers me. It is particularly annoying when listening quiet music (OST, classical...)

Bad sound mixing quality over Bluetooth when playing music and running navigation

With my HD2 I experience a very bad sound mixing quality when listening to music (HTC Music Player) and using Navigation software at the same time with audio routed through bluetooth.
Sound quality over bluetooth is brilliant in general when EITHER running the music player OR getting the spoken commands of a navigation software.
But running both together ends up in very bad quality when the navigation commands are played. As the navigation commands occur the music volume is decreased , which i find very good. But the commands sound very cracky with much distortion on the higher frequencies. It hurts in the ears! The commands seem to be way louder than the music so I think a solution could be to lower the volume.
But I cannot do that! Music volume and volume settings in my navigation software does not have any effect. The bluetooth audio has always the same volume.
I assume that the navigation command are treated as system sounds because other (system) sounds also decrease music volume while they are played. Btw I tried TomTom and Navigon
Does anybody have an idea how I can decrease the volume of the system sounds? Or at least the volume that comes from the navigation software?
I have the original ROM 1.66.407.1, Radio
Same issue, I got.
Im gone try to reduce the volume of the (spoken) audio files.
How can you reduce the vol of the voices? I mean in the voices folder are just .chk and .vif files (TomTom) and .nfs files (Navigon)!?!
Indeed, I tried without luck.
I haven't been able to open the .nfs files of navigon, yet.
here is also some talking about the loud voices:
f1rick normalized some voices for CoPilot Navigator:
Anyway, I would like some registry value or tool or ... to decrease the system sound / navigation voice volume in general.
streetcore said:
f1rick normalized some voices for CoPilot Navigator:
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I freakin love XDA, normalizing the .ogg files worked beautifully for me too...

joying 2GB sofia headunits-common thread for all audio topics:USB DAC,music player...

Hi all,
I created this thread as a common one for all topics related to audio as the Joying Sofia Units are in the frist place car audio equipment and 2nd a android tablet with an analog amp and switchboard.
There are already a selection of threads out in the forum but they are very hard to find and I will volunteer to do the same as user gusten and make a summary here in this first post as tips&tricks regarding all audio topics in this thread so you have an overview.
Users please respect this is audio related topics ONLY so we don't get a mess. Thank you.
Major topics here are:
- all sound out via USB out to use a external DAC to get the joying to a total new sound quality level
How to get a USB sound out (big thank you to for this):
"mod all audio out via USB out"
to get USB sound out and the DACs below working you need to perform this mod and and
file to download:
Ok, attached is the audio_policy.conf file zipped. So just unzip the file, and replace the original file located at /system/etc/audio_policy.conf with the one in the zip. You can do this via adb or root file manager. The joying need to be rooted before for this mod. Also, make sure the permissions on the file are 0644.
Discussion about USB-DAC setup is here:
to test if a DAC is recognised or not you don't need to mod/root your joying:
how to test your USB DAC:
1) download the neutron player:
2) connect your USB dac with USB to the joying and put any headphone as output or RCA out to any amp you have avaliable.
3) start the neutron player
4) let neutron search your libary automatically
5) play any track that neutron shows (eg the navi Mp3)
=> if you get sound on your headphones/amp, the joying is recognising your DAC. If the DAC has volume buttons, test them to see if volume control works.
=> if no, the joying doesn't recognise it. Send it back.
- list of USB DACs that work, partly work with workaround to make it work and which DACs don't.
All DACs working with Andoid 5 will also work with Android 6 as the generic drivers build in are the same and some additional drivers added. But some DACs that don't work with Android 5 will maybe work with 6, so please try them and give feedback please.
working USB DACs: all need the" USB out with volume control" mod
Helix Pro MK2 with the USB module works also with just the USB out without volume control as it has its own master volume
Behringer UAC202 which has a DAC Chip TI/Burr Brown PCM2902 =>
all DACs based on the DAC Chip from TI/Burr Brown PCM 2704 => has better Specs then the PCM 2902 (kampfschachtel)
partly working USB DACs:
ASUS Xonar U3 Exellent sound , but not able to control volume from Head Unit
not working USB DACs
to understand the topic Android and USB audio better, this is a great article:
- hardware mods regarding sound (e.g. TDA amp replacement with Pioneer Amp)
replacing TDA 7380 (4x30W) with Pioneer PA2030A (4x60W) much better sound&bass or TDA7850 (4x50W 4ohm or 4x85W 2Ohm):
Adb to Wifi app (turn on and off adb on the joying, eg. restart the ADB server which sometimes stops working after reboot)
- l[B Viper4Joying mod [/B] a must have for every sofia joying out there,results in a much better sound and provides a 11 channel EQ. (need to be rooted for this mod)
for Android 5.1.1
Viper4android and compatible busybox: how to install, modified version for the joying Sofia Intel:
You need to install the busybox from this link too, the busybox version provided by surfer69 is not compatible with V4A.
The apk is best to be in the /system/priv-apps folder. On PowerAmp, you need to turn off "Direct Volume Control." On some other apps, you need to disable "MusicFX" .
For Android 6:
Viper4android and compatible busybox: how to install, modified version for the joying Sofia Intel:
You need to install the busybox from this link too, the busybox version provided by surfer69 is not compatible with V4A.
The apk is best to be in the /system/priv-apps folder. On PowerAmp, you need to turn off "Direct Volume Control." On some other apps, you need to disable "MusicFX" .
How to tweak Viper4androids to get the best Sound:
- Apps, plugins, mods that upgrade the 3-band equlizer
Viper4jJoying mod is fixing that too
modified DAB+ app:
highly recommended fo people using the DAB+ app. Great changes and fixes:
huge thank you to realzoulou for his work on this. Finally one of my most used apps are running like it should.
DAB+ reception problems:
issue is mostly a wrong location of your DAB+ antenna. I figured the delivered DAB+ antenna has a surprisingly good reception quality but close to e.g. an ECU the reception is near 0 due to the HF frequency field produced by the ECU "kills" the DAB+ signal so the DAB+ antenna has nothing to receive.
Here you find DAB+ tips for antenna position and points to be taken care to chose the right one.
How to run Pandora in Europe on your joying:
to be continued.
XDA rocks. Thank you for everybody participating and making the joying a great sounding device, stock it is not but huge potential is there
Does anyone have the Joying digital amp for the new VW units?
I ordered mine couple days ago.
I have this unit and after 2 months i have the issue with the LCD not showing up. Joying have told me it is a known issue and sent me a video of how to solder the main board.
Can anyone confirm this works before i pay someone to do it for me?
the alternative is to send it back to Joying for a refund - but the issue with this is that i actually still want a full Android head unit...and sending it back will not solve this problem....
thanks in advance
kampfschachtel said:
Hi all,
I created this thread as a common one for all topics related to audio as the Joying Sofia Units are in the frist place car audio equipment and 2nd a android tablet with an analog amp and switchboard.
There are already a selection of threads out in the forum but they are very hard to find and I will volunteer to do the same as user gusten and make a summary here in this first post as tips&tricks regarding all audio topics in this thread so you have an overview.
Users please respect this is audio related topics ONLY so we don't get a mess.
Major topics here are:
- all sound out via USB out to use a external DAC to get the joying to a total new sound quality level
- list of USB DACs that work, partly work with workaround to make it work and which DACs don't
- hardware mods regarding sound (e.g. TDA amp replacement with Pioneer Amp)
- list of music player apps (pro/cons, evaluation)
- Apps, plugins, mods that upgrade the 3-band equlizer
to be continued.
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This partly work:
On Joying FW 20170314 , modified audio_policy.conf
Exellent sound , but not able to control volume from Head Unit
frankienones said:
This partly work:
On Joying FW 20170314 , modified audio_policy.conf
Exellent sound , but not able to control volume from Head Unit
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I'm willing to bet it's the same issue, Joying's physical volume knob/buttons only control their physical outputs, and not the android system's volume. The Android system's volume can be controlled by apps or keyboards/remotes, and it does control the dac's volume... problem is, Joying's software changes the Android system volume back to max after a few seconds.
frankienones, I suggest you try a keyboard or remote that has volume up and volume down keys, and see if it controls your dac's volume.
I just installed Viper4android and it is working. I have noticed that when I use the google voice command, it no longer lowers the volume of the music player. The same thing when the system reads a text message. The message gets read, but the music volume doesn't lower.
Is anyone else having this issue? Is there a workaround?
- edit - Problem resolved, it was unrelated to Viper...
AssassinsLament said:
I'm willing to bet it's the same issue, Joying's physical volume knob/buttons only control their physical outputs, and not the android system's volume. The Android system's volume can be controlled by apps or keyboards/remotes, and it does control the dac's volume... problem is, Joying's software changes the Android system volume back to max after a few seconds.
frankienones, I suggest you try a keyboard or remote that has volume up and volume down keys, and see if it controls your dac's volume.
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the volume control issue sounds to me like a problem of who is controling the USB stream: Joying or the DAC? it looks to me like both do which causes the issue.
Would be interessting or the way to go to try an asynchrone USB DAC as it will take over the control and the timing of the USB stream.
Another source for the issue can be that some DAC's are using analog volume controls but some are using digital volume control. Difference is the analog volume controlled DAC the volume control happens after the DAC has transfered digital to analog, means the analog output signal is modified in the level but digital input is continous and steady in level. The digital volume controlled DACsreduces the level of the digital input signal means the level/volume control is done before the DAC and the DAC's analog section is just amplifing the input with a fixed output factor.
To me it looks like the USB-DAC first takes over the volume in a digital way (volume gets reduced by reducing the digital input signal), volume gets effectivly reduced and then joying unit takes over the control and delivers a continous digital signal (as it has analog volume control) and the input of the digital volume controlled DAC gets the full input level which gives you the max. volume output level.
Looks like an asynchrone DAC (which takes over the control of timing and USB stream permanently) with analog volume control would be the way to go/solution.
Normally the small form factor and cheaper DACs are using digital volume control as cheaper to realize (reduces number of parts needed) and therefor also smaller. More expensive ones use analog volume control as you need a real preamp for this and it doesn't reduce the dynamic range of the digital input signal as digital volume control does.
Would try myself an asychron USB-DAC but I am in hospital now for next 3 till 5 weeks...
AssassinsLament said:
I'm willing to bet it's the same issue, Joying's physical volume knob/buttons only control their physical outputs, and not the android system's volume. The Android system's volume can be controlled by apps or keyboards/remotes, and it does control the dac's volume... problem is, Joying's software changes the Android system volume back to max after a few seconds.
frankienones, I suggest you try a keyboard or remote that has volume up and volume down keys, and see if it controls your dac's volume.
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Yeah, i will do that. I have ordered a bluetooth remote, which are supposed to do this -and will see how it works. I don't have anything else for the moment ...
I really want this to work, with the crystal clear output from the dac
kampfschachtel said:
To me it looks like the USB-DAC first takes over the volume in a digital way (volume gets reduced by reducing the digital input signal), volume gets effectivly reduced and then joying unit takes over the control and delivers a continous digital signal (as it has analog volume control) and the input of the digital volume controlled DAC gets the full input level which gives you the max. volume output level.
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Well I am pretty new to these Android head units, and so my knowledge is very limited. But what seems to be happening is the MCU is acting sort of like a DAC. What I mean by that is that there is no internal "speaker" like how a tablet would have built in speakers. So android basically streams through the MCU, and thus you control the volume level on the MCU via the volume knob/buttons, which has no interactions with Android's system at all. And because of that, they did not program anything in their software to change the volume on android's system when you turn the knobs. Also, that's probably why they programmed it to always max Android's sound level, so the MCU can get the max input from android's stream.
Again, if you can find where in Joying's software they are monitoring the sound levels of Android and are maxing it, then you could just modify the Joying software to stop doing that, and you can use a remote or an app that can change the volume (since Joying's knob/buttons doesn't do it, and even their Speaker Icon on the notification bar doesn't do it, as those only control the MCU's volume). Then the DAC will work fine. I know this because I disabled the software that maxes out the Android system volume, and the U202 worked great... but sadly, that same software is what streams the sound to the MCU, and does a lot of other things unseen and sadly, again, the knob does not work to change the volume.
Obviously, the best solution would be to try to get Joying's knob and buttons to do it as it's more convenient.
frankienones said:
Yeah, i will do that. I have ordered a bluetooth remote, which are supposed to do this -and will see how it works. I don't have anything else for the moment ...
I really want this to work, with the crystal clear output from the dac
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In the mean time, you can try an app that changes android's system volume like this one:
You'll probably see that it works but something is forcing android's system volume to max after you change the volume levels.
AssassinsLament said:
Also, that's probably why they programmed it to always max Android's sound level, so the MCU can get the max input from android's stream.
Again, if you can find where in Joying's software they are monitoring the sound levels of Android and are maxing it, then you could just modify the Joying software to stop doing that, and you can use a remote or an app that can change the volume (since Joying's knob/buttons doesn't do it, and even their Speaker Icon on the notification bar doesn't do it, as those only control the MCU's volume). Then the DAC will work fine. I know this because I disabled the software that maxes out the Android system volume, and the U202 worked great... but sadly, that same software is what streams the sound to the MCU, and does a lot of other things unseen and sadly, again, the knob does not work to change the volume.
Obviously, the best solution would be to try to get Joying's knob and buttons to do it as it's more convenient.
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My unit has no hardware knobs, only touchscreen buttons which means software behind:
you are right, the joying seems to work like a DAC with digital volume control as it max. the level of the input before their internal DAC and USB port gets excatly that stream out to the DAC. So you would need a dac with analog volume control means the joying max the input to the DAC, the digital info is transfered into analog and only then at the end the preamp of the DAC is controling the volume that leave the DAC. That the joying is not able to oversteer the external USB-DAC you need an asynchron one who takes over the control. This dac should be controlable by an app which you can give the master volume of the touchbuttons on the screen.
If you have an digital volume controlled DAC as the UAC 202, the DAC gets always the full volume as it is controlled by the joying. But if the input level doesn't matter because the analog preamp afterwards controls it, the joying can do what it wants.
What happens if you use/connect your system to the headphone output of the Behringer which you can control by the volume button of the build in headphone preamp? If you can adjust the volume with this volume button, then you can be quite sure you need an analog volume controlled asynchron DAC as he does exactly the same but the volume can be controlled via software. this would be a suitable one:
or the gladen DSP 4to6 could be used, then you can integrate digital and analog outputs and volume control via App or the hardware remote volume knob
KODI - Volume control
Hi, an interesting note :
I was not aware of it (never touched it) , but KODI has a volume slider control.
This does control the volume out from my external dac And it is not reset by Joying HU
Joying's volume control has no effect.
But when disconnecting the DAC , after setting a volume of , say 50% inside KODI, the volume from the head unit is 50% of the current setting of Joying's volume control (..still using KODI app)
..does this make any sense ?
frankienones said:
Hi, an interesting note :
I was not aware of it (never touched it) , but KODI has a volume slider control.
This does control the volume out from my external dac And it is not reset by Joying HU
Joying's volume control has no effect.
But when disconnecting the DAC , after setting a volume of , say 50% inside KODI, the volume from the head unit is 50% of the current setting of Joying's volume control (..still using KODI app)
..does this make any sense ?
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yes it makes a lot sense. The Kodi app is able to take over the volume control of the DAC and Joying, if DAC is present it gets priority, if you unplug it Kodi uses this 50% as value for the volume setting for joying. I assume Kodi uses the standard AISO volume control which both units seam to work with.
This confirms that joying usb volume control is not recognized by the DAC so the joying "only recognizes" the output need to be delivered to internal DAC which triggers the joying control to max. volume due to Joying has a analog volume controlled DAC. With Kodi the joying unit knows a DAC is connected and disables the joying volume control.
Is there an app which replaces the 3-Band Equalizer to min 11Band, better 15 Band?
Means it works on the output of the joying doesn't matter if I use Spotify, FMRadio or Navi and not only inside a player app.
frankienones said:
Hi, an interesting note :
I was not aware of it (never touched it) , but KODI has a volume slider control.
This does control the volume out from my external dac And it is not reset by Joying HU
Joying's volume control has no effect.
But when disconnecting the DAC , after setting a volume of , say 50% inside KODI, the volume from the head unit is 50% of the current setting of Joying's volume control (..still using KODI app)
..does this make any sense ?
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What Joying headunit model do you have? Might be the difference in models and their different Joying software. But that's good news for you since you don't have to worry about the volume automatically changing back to max.
The part about the 50% is I think when you set Android's volume to 50%, that basically is 50% of what Joying is expecting, which is max. I suppose if you change it back to 100% before or after you disconnect the dac, it should be back to normal?
Might even be that KODI has it's own way of processing the volume. Might be a good idea to try to change the volume in android with an app like the one I linked before.
AssassinsLament said:
What Joying headunit model do you have? Might be the difference in models and their different Joying software. But that's good news for you since you don't have to worry about the volume automatically changing back to max.
The part about the 50% is I think when you set Android's volume to 50%, that basically is 50% of what Joying is expecting, which is max. I suppose if you change it back to 100% before or after you disconnect the dac, it should be back to normal?
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..thats right . If i leave KODI at 100% , the volume will be as normal , when the DAC is unplugged (Normal , as in Joying's control)
I have the version with 10.1" screen - no rotary buttons etc. This One
frankienones said:
..thats right . If i leave KODI at 100% , the volume will be as normal , when the DAC is unplugged (Normal , as in Joying's control)
I have the version with 10.1" screen - no rotary buttons etc. This One
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Well that rules out KODI having it's own volume processing since the volume does change system wide. So yeah, android's volume does effect Joying's final volume, which makes sense as to why they program their software to automatically set android's volume to max, at least on my unit. I have the JY-UL124N2, I'll have to check if they have the same firmware.
Same firmware. What version of the firmware are you on? The latest March 14th?
Ok, I just tested KODI and it seems they have their own volume processing. When I change the volume on KODI, the media that KODI plays certainly changes volume also, but when I look and play music outside of KODI, the volume is still max. Have you tried playing media with kodi closed?
AssassinsLament said:
Ok, I just tested KODI and it seems they have their own volume processing. When I change the volume on KODI, the media that KODI plays certainly changes volume also, but when I look and play music outside of KODI, the volume is still max. Have you tried playing media with kodi closed?
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I only used the DAB+ radio App , and then the volume was back to max.. .
It is my finding as well.. that it will only work inside KODI . It will be useless , but interesting
frankienones said:
I only used the DAB+ radio App , and then the volume was back to max.. .
It is my finding as well.. that it will only work inside KODI . It will be useless , but interesting
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Yeah, so my thoughts were correct... KODI has it's own built in volume processing.

Joying Head Unit, Android 6.01, GPS Mix and Poweramp

Hi All
Wondering if someone can point me in the right direction.
Recently received my Joying Head Unit back from China as I had the black screen issue. Even though the unit now works and the screen is displayed, part of the Touchscreen doesn't recognize when you touch it (Oh well, back tos peaking to Candy at Joying to see what can be done)
Anyways, the issue I am having is for some odd reason, when I am using Poweramp and Waze together, Whenver I get a turn by turn direction from Waze, any music that is playing via Poweramp goes completely silent, instead of reducing the volume of the audio track.
Previously I could play Music and when a direction came via Waze it would reduce the music volume, give the direction, and then raise the music volume back up.
But for some odd reason now, its not doing it.
I've checked the 'Car Settings' option on the Joying Head Unit and can confirm that GPS Mix is On and my Navi App os set to Waze.
Is there another setting that I am missing here? How do i get it to go back to how it was?
Thanks in Advance
there is another option in Car settings, smth like "Sound Mixing Scale", that defines, how much attenuation should be applied to the music volume during navi sounds.. Try to play with this setting
IG_Vasilich said:
there is another option in Car settings, smth like "Sound Mixing Scale", that defines, how much attenuation should be applied to the music volume during navi sounds.. Try to play with this setting
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I'll try that setting but I don't think its that.
Will report back in a bit
adjusting Sound Mixing Scale hasn't fixed the issue
as i don't use PowerAmp, i can't know what settings it has. Can you try to reproduce it with other music player (it is always good to test with built-in player) ?
IG_Vasilich said:
as i don't use PowerAmp, i can't know what settings it has. Can you try to reproduce it with other music player (it is always good to test with built-in player) ?
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Waze has the option to "play to phone speaker" or something alike. It changes the behavior of Waze with regard to other media output. Didi you try that setting?

