All Pie roms for P2 ram management - Lenovo P2 ROMs, Kernels, Recoveries, & Other Devel

Tried mostly 9.0 roms for P2, found hi ram usage issue
as compared with Oreo roms which are better optimized
In pie if open 3 or 4 apps in the background ram usage reaches over 75% compere with 8.1 around 50%
Hope Developers can optimize like 8.1

kamran15 said:
Tried mostly 9.0 roms for P2, found hi ram usage issue
as compared with Oreo roms which are better optimized
In pie if open 3 or 4 apps in the background ram usage reaches over 75% compere with 8.1 around 50%
Hope Developers can optimize like 8.1
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Yeah, kinda noticed that as well.
Tinkering with low.memory settings via kernel adiutor only helped a small amount ?

sm00th4f3 said:
Yeah, kinda noticed that as well.
Tinkering with low.memory settings via kernel adiutor only helped a small amount
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Even I like pie ui over oreo but as compare with performance, stability, battery and ram management theses all factors keep me on AOSP Extended oreo last build

Have anyone tested pixel dust gsi on lenovo p2?.... Its awesome in terms of performance and battery uses... Only i stuck in upgrading it from 20181227 to 20190326 version.... Can anyone help me..

Samar Patel said:
Have anyone tested pixel dust gsi on lenovo p2?.... Its awesome in terms of performance and battery uses... Only i stuck in upgrading it from 20181227 to 20190326 version.... Can anyone help me..
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Odd - qualitative experience for me is that Pie does better there with less slowdown than Oreo on Lenovo P2. Enough that I can actually forgive crimes against app switcher, status bar and quick settings tiles.

nsandersen said:
Odd - qualitative experience for me is that Pie does better there with less slowdown than Oreo on Lenovo P2. Enough that I can actually forgive crimes against app switcher, status bar and quick settings tiles.[/QUOTE
AOSP Extended oreo is the best rom for P2, last 6 months never encounter lag or slow down
6 months is a long period to judge all parameters of any rom
I am stayed on my words about AOSP Extended 8.1 after almost all pie roms experienced till today
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kamran15 said:
Tried mostly 9.0 roms for P2, found hi ram usage issue
as compared with Oreo roms which are better optimized
In pie if open 3 or 4 apps in the background ram usage reaches over 75% compere with 8.1 around 50%
Hope Developers can optimize like 8.1
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There is some error in showing the free RAM in recents screen. I have attached two screenshots, both taken at the same time. The one taken in running services page shows 1.4 gigs of free RAM whereas the other taken in recents screen shows 700mb odd free RAM. I'm not facing and lags or apps being lost in memory clearly the free ram shown in recents has some error.

amrish7799 said:
There is some error in showing the free RAM in recents screen. I have attached two screenshots, both taken at the same time. The one taken in running services page shows 1.4 gigs of free RAM whereas the other taken in recents screen shows 700mb odd free RAM. I'm not facing and lags or apps being lost in memory clearly the free ram shown in recents has some error.
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Screen only shows system apps loaded on ram
It would be better open 4 third party apps like Facebook, YouTube,Instagram and internet browser use these apps for a few minutes don't clear ram take screen shot and share again


(DISCUSSIONS) Battery life, performance experience, bugs ... after updating to 6.0.x

Here is a place to share your experience with MM update.
Discuss stuff like battery life, performance, bugs and other things.
Let discussions begin!
Battery life and stability is good so far!
First day on 6.0.1. I am happy so far with battery life and stability. About 5 hours of SOT and almost 24 hours of use.
That's great. No turning back to LP for me
better wifi connection on MM too. Just wish I had TWRP for it so I could make a backup
haven't had problems with MM yet, battery seems a bit better, Doze for sure improve stanby, rest so far stable and working as it should
Liking it for the most part. Stable, not met any bugs. RAM is good, battery seems about the same. Not keen on the new wallpaper settings style and the new audio wizard is confusing. I also got the beta version of the zen launcher - only slight visual tweaks really, but gives it a bit of a fresh feeling.
Bug: Every time I transfer a compile apk to install, it always takes me out the first time the package is corrupt but install the second test.
I had a recurring bug display after running a graphics-intensive application (it stutters) is resolved.
For the rest it's not better or worse than lollipop, autonomy is worth. This version brings nothing convincing.
better and better than 5.0.
RAM is so good
i have a huge problem with gyroscope and proximity. Both not working.
Anyone here experiencing bugs with the AudioWizard? It resets its config upon reboot?
Quick question, since I have not installed it yet. I assume it combines all your internal storage (system and internal storage) like Cm13 does? To me, it's one of the more important features. Having the 2gb/16gb US model, that gives me a lot more space for apps.
Sent from my ASUS_Z00A using Tapatalk
what CPU govenor does it use? Please tell me its not interactive (or that you get a decent selection at least).
If i use the standard 5.0.1 setup I go through around 4-6% of battery per hour, using tasker to switch off/on cpu cores and slow others down its down to 2-3% without a noticeable impact to performance.
Antutu benchmark result
63218 ! Isn't that great?
My experience with MM
Battery Life -
Since I am a new user, I cannot post screenshots here. Sorry about that. Overall battert life has been okay for now. Need to give the system about a week before making a judgement on it I guess.
Performance -
General performance has been quite smooth, but will need to test with heavier games to check RAM management. Normally, apps open almost instantly.
Bugs -
- Even after applying Super Saving mode (Settings > Power Management > Power Saver), I've found that window animations still exist, which was not the case with Lollipop.
- There appears to be a slightly reddish tint to the screen when Youtube video information overlay appears. Although the tint disappears when video goes fullscreen again.
As of now, these are the only issues I could find.
kenbo111 said:
Quick question, since I have not installed it yet. I assume it combines all your internal storage (system and internal storage) like Cm13 does? To me, it's one of the more important features. Having the 2gb/16gb US model, that gives me a lot more space for apps.
Sent from my ASUS_Z00A using Tapatalk
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Don't think so. It still has "system reserved" space according to the storage bit of settings menu.
VinzNguyen said:
better and better than 5.0.
RAM is so good
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How much free ram do you have when you clear all the apps?
Ferfreexe said:
How much free ram do you have when you clear all the apps?
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usually 750-850mb, which is not so different than before. The thing is that used to drop to under 300 and slow down over time unless you manually cleared, but now it seems to release RAM by itself properly. I can now forget about RAM.
Ferfreexe said:
How much free ram do you have when you clear all the apps?
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> 1GB
i have Facebook and messenger app <3
Had my first weird wakelock this morning. Phone has been mostly asleep on my desk the last 4 hours, but battery stats show it awake all the time and with weird wifi behaviour too (I didn't toggle off wifi, but there is no wifi connection here).
I'd say the Marshmallow update was long overdue. Although I am really enjoying the beta release.
Android Pay doesn't seem to be working anymore, I'm getting the dreadful "Google is unable to verify" message when trying to add cards.
The notification bar jerks open sometimes, though that's a common issue in Marshmallow.
The latest Poweramp app isn't working for me. Can't tell if that's the app's fault or the phone. It did work before switching to the beta release.
Notes: Battery life looks way better than before, with almost no drain on standby in my tests. Other than that there's not much to say though I COMPLETELY hate that they replaced the Clear All Apps button with the booster thing that shows you how much RAM was released. I'm having to get used to just not clearing the apps anymore (though w/ the 4GB RAM model that's not too bad).

Oreo 64 bits based roms lag

Hi, does anyone have the problem that when you're in a 64 bit ROM like Pixel Experience or Xperience and you have lag? Like when you activate night light without activating ? Any solution? Thanks
Sorry for bad English
If you're talking about lag in system, yes, lots of us are facing it. I think only 2gb models have this trouble.
The system is struggling because of the lack of RAM. 64bit requires at least 3-4GB of RAM to be decent. I run x64 on mine, and the only time I ever really see any issues is when its night time, almost like its a memory leak. I reboot, and its fine for another 24 hours before it becomes unusable. I am running Pixel Experience.
drsemaj87 said:
The system is struggling because of the lack of RAM. 64bit requires at least 3-4GB of RAM to be decent. I run x64 on mine, and the only time I ever really see any issues is when its night time, almost like its a memory leak. I reboot, and its fine for another 24 hours before it becomes unusable. I am running Pixel Experience.
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The lag is NOT because of the lack of RAM, rather it's optimisation. The Nexus 5x run 64bit ROMS just fine. That phone came out in 2015 with 2GB of RAM and shipped with 64bit marshmallow and happily runs anything above that.
I have a XT1622, system was using 0,7~1,1GB of RAM so there was plenty of RAM to be used. There was approximately 400MB free all time. I don't think RAM is the problem. After some CPU testing at AICP I reduced the lag by changing the Governor to Performance, which uses A LOT of battery, but it didn't get rid of the lag just made it smoother.
Obs: The lag that I'm talking about is only System lag and it's weird because when the screen is locked and you pull the quick settings it's smooth but after you unlock the phone, you pull the quick settings and there's a crazy lag. It's like playing a game with 10FPS.
GCSortes said:
Obs: The lag that I'm talking about is only System lag and it's weird because when the screen is locked and you pull the quick settings it's smooth but after you unlock the phone, you pull the quick settings and there's a crazy lag. It's like playing a game with 10FPS.
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This is why I think it's an optimisation problem rather than a hardware issue. Apps and games are smoother than nougat for me but the recents menu, notification area (When unlocked) and launcher lag like crazy and I have no idea why.
This is why I think it's an optimisation problem rather than a hardware issue. Apps and games are smoother than nougat for me but the recents menu, notification area (When unlocked) and launcher lag like crazy and I have no idea why.
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Hello again, since my last post I've been using Stock 7.0 + ElementalX Kernel + Magisk + Xposed + Gravity Box. Super smooth and shiet but I like theming and customising fonts, so yesterday I tested AICP 8.1 and I felt some improvements, the RAM usage was better (700MB System), the lag wasn't gone but it felt smoother. Now I'm on RR 7.1.2. I'm facing some random reboots but I'll try to grab some logs to dev. If I don't get rid of those reboots I'll jump to AICP and deal with the lag.
GCSortes said:
Hello again, since my last post I've been using Stock 7.0 + ElementalX Kernel + Magisk + Xposed + Gravity Box. Super smooth and shiet but I like theming and customising fonts, so yesterday I tested AICP 8.1 and I felt some improvements, the RAM usage was better (700MB System), the lag wasn't gone but it felt smoother. Now I'm on RR 7.1.2. I'm facing some random reboots but I'll try to grab some logs to dev. If I don't get rid of those reboots I'll jump to AICP and deal with the lag.
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Just for information: don't post logs with the mods you mentioned here. Logs are only useful to troubleshoot if your rom is installed without any modifications.
GCSortes said:
Hello again, since my last post I've been using Stock 7.0 + ElementalX Kernel + Magisk + Xposed + Gravity Box. Super smooth and shiet but I like theming and customising fonts, so yesterday I tested AICP 8.1 and I felt some improvements, the RAM usage was better (700MB System), the lag wasn't gone but it felt smoother. Now I'm on RR 7.1.2. I'm facing some random reboots but I'll try to grab some logs to dev. If I don't get rid of those reboots I'll jump to AICP and deal with the lag.
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Try AICP nougat if you want a smooth, stable experience.
Since there are no manufacturer drivers (blobs) for 64 bit, just ported form other devices, the x64 is a poor choice for this phone.
SoNic67 said:
Since there are no manufacturer drivers (blobs) for 64 bit, just ported form other devices, the x64 is a poor choice for this phone.
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"Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should."
Try AICP nougat if you want a smooth, stable experience.
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I think that it's a optimisation problem, cuz I'm on aicp, is so smooth and battery life is so good.

Best Android Oreo Rom for our Beloved KENZO(sd,2Gb)

Friends, I found lots question on the xda about best Oreo Rom for Kenzo (SD, 2Gb) . We all know MIUI 9 MM or other MIUI 9 based custom roms are ram hungry. There are so many alternative roms which have poor ram management issue, battery drain problem. Now I will tell you something about best Oreo Rom even the best custom rom for Kenzo. I have been using it from 28 Dec 2017 after being dissatisfied with MIUI9 N (battery, volte issue, lags,poor camera), NOS 7.0/8.0/8.1,( battery draining, poor ram management), citrus caf (battery draining, poor ram management, Lags), Cardinal AOSP( good rom but ram management is poor).
If you are looking for a 8.1 roms then i will say Havoc or ABC , some one said on different post about ABC is very smooth, running PUBG very well without any lag but i dont play high graphics game so i can't say about it.
I personally a fan of Havoc due to its customization and stability . No heating issue on normal uses, not hotspot or wifi issue, very good battery backup with Agni 12.8 . in build font changing option, in build boot animation changing option , pie control , rounded ui, colour Engine , Android P animation, android P screen shot editor . Screen on gesture , gesture anywhere , take photo with fingerprint scanner, face auto unlock tc .
So now my preference is Havoc Os. Use latest os with magisk 16.4 + Agni 12.8
look at my screen shots bellow
No one cares
soumyaprakash said:
Friends, I found lots question on the xda about best Oreo Rom for Kenzo (SD, 2Gb) . We all know MIUI 9 MM or other MIUI 9 based custom roms are ram hungry. There are so many alternative roms which have poor ram management issue, battery drain problem. Now I will tell you something about best Oreo Rom even the best custom rom for Kenzo. I have been using it from 28 Dec 2017 after being dissatisfied with MIUI9 N (battery, volte issue, lags,poor camera), NOS 7.0/8.0/8.1,( battery draining, poor ram management), citrus caf (battery draining, poor ram management, Lags), Cardinal AOSP( good rom but ram management is poor).
The Rom is MCAOSP 8.0 03-12-2017 ( . Best part of this Rom is its Ram Management, 1gb out of 2gb free on first boot. With two /three app in background you will get around 650-700 mb free ram. Battery backup is awesome. With Shadow Kernel it becomes more solid. Call quality, signal strength (VOLTE) very good & also better than other custom rom. Sound quality is loud, clear.
Now Cons- No Camera app, No Music Player app, no Gallery, No browser.
So My apps are
1- MIUI browser( APK MIRROR)
2-Phonography Music Player(Google Pay)
3- MIUI Video Plaer( APK MIRROR)
4- Alcatel File Manager( Very Simple, Very Fast)( APK MIRROR)
5- HTC U11 Gallery app ( Believe me , best gallery)( google it)
6-Alcatel Calculator( APK MIRROR)
7-OnePlus Weater APP( very Nice Animation)( APK MIRROR)
8-Flyme OS6 Note App( google it)
9- Magisk 15.2
10-Mix Explorer ( Better than Root Explorer)
11-Substratum ( with Galaxy Evolution Theme)
12-Nova Launcher
13- And for camera--Arnova8G2's Google Camera 1.6. I think we all know about it.(BGS Setting -Model Pixel 2, HDR+ -Nexus 6 HDR+Auto, with this setting you will get front/back potrait working with HDR+ processing. For Slow Motion Recording you can use MIUI Camera APK version.
14-For best sound and bass, use Snapdragon Music FX and place it at system>APP>Music FX. You can find it at XDA.
If any one have volte problem , you can flash VOLTE patch by JamFlux. For detail search in EPIC Redmi note3 forum XDA
Thank You
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Will try when I get 2gb kenzo
sarveshrulz said:
No one cares
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I don't need any one's care. Its all about help some body who need it. I have given all details in the post, so no need to reply as all the details at main post.
But again Thanks you so much , as you care most.
shamith said:
Will try when I get 2gb kenzo
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sorry friend, I don't understand what you want to say. I have 2Gb ram model, as I am getting 800mb out of 2Gb on MCAOSP 8.0 , so I feel this post can help all kenzo user whether 2Gb or 3Gb model and I just mentioned some usefull stock apps . Thank you
Ignore rude replies and keep sharing useful stuff !
screenshot please
Thanks for sharing and developer( great rom ) can improve further it glitches a bit with 4-5 apps donno why ! still one of best oreo rom!
soumyaprakash said:
I don't need any one's care. Its all about help some body who need it. I have given all details in the post, so no need to reply as all the details at main post.
But again Thanks you so much , as you care most.
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Respect 2U dude, the angel of the world
wakaranay said:
screenshot please
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Take a look at screenshot
I have some question....!
1.How about new version 8.1? Are you test this?
2.What ur firmware you are using.?
3.In shadow kernel how about battery drainning? 4.And when use 4g-lte does this drainning fast? (In other rom 8.1, it drainning like a rocket)
5.when u setting shadow kernel, does u use quad mode,apply volte uv,...?
ValKyre said:
I have some question....!
1.How about new version 8.1? Are you test this?
2.What ur firmware you are using.?
3.In shadow kernel how about battery drainning? 4.And when use 4g-lte does this drainning fast? (In other rom 8.1, it drainning like a rocket)
5.when u setting shadow kernel, does u use quad mode,apply volte uv,...?
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1. I didn't test 8.1 , I hope it will be like same 8.0 performance
3-shadow kernel perform very well . Better than agni & radon
4-FOR 4GLTE we should not except same battery backup as miui but it gives better than any custom rom. Please use MIUI Browser
5-I set hex. Mode, with balance profile.
6- Final word- It gives best ram management for my 2Gb KenzoPlease look at attachment
Does mobile network standby stand on top of battery usage (when u use mobile data)?
I have this issue with every Oreo rom :|
soumyaprakash said:
1. I didn't test 8.1 , I hope it will be like same 8.0 performance
3-shadow kernel perform very well . Better than agni & radon
4-FOR 4GLTE we should not except same battery backup as miui but it gives better than any custom rom. Please use MIUI Browser
5-I set hex. Mode, with balance profile.
6- Final word- It gives best ram management for my 2Gb KenzoPlease look at attachment
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Thank u bro...
nguyenlucky said:
Does mobile network standby stand on top of battery usage (when u use mobile data)?
I have this issue with every Oreo rom :|
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Please give the screen shot of issue you faced.
I didn't face any type of issue at status bar
soumyaprakash said:
1. I didn't test 8.1 , I hope it will be like same 8.0 performance
3-shadow kernel perform very well . Better than agni & radon
4-FOR 4GLTE we should not except same battery backup as miui but it gives better than any custom rom. Please use MIUI Browser
5-I set hex. Mode, with balance profile.
6- Final word- It gives best ram management for my 2Gb KenzoPlease look at attachment
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is this after restart? mine gave me appx 200-300mb free after 3-4 normal apps (browser , ytube etc)
soumyaprakash said:
Please give the screen shot of issue you faced.
I didn't face any type of issue at status bar
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nope, I mean ridiculous mobile network standby battery drain, u can check it in battery usage (if u use mobile data a lot)
in my case, it's several percentages higher than screen , so switched to 7.1 ROM
something like this
Manc1234 said:
is this after restart? mine gave me appx 200-300mb free after 3-4 normal apps (browser , ytube etc)
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No friend, it is not after restart. Take a look at my new screen shot. I have 3-4 app in background and I have 730+ mb free ram. 2nd screen shot after cleaning recent app.
soumyaprakash said:
No friend, it is not after restart. Take a look at my new screen shot. I have 3-4 app in background and I have 730+ mb free ram. 2nd screen shot after cleaning recent app.
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okay thanks
soumyaprakash said:
Take a look at screenshot
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which version are you using? CAF?

[POLL] Pie based stable ROM

There are many Pie based roms for redmi 3s and there were many threads asking for best/stable Pie roms! And as anyone would guess and expect, there were many (different) replies further increasing the confusion. This poll will help aggregate the individual responses
So go ahead fellow land users, tell me which Pie based ROM according to your usage is stable in terms of performance, most of the features are working, have good bb along with some customization.
Pixel experience is pretty much stable and well performance
I have been here on this forum since 3 years and the roms with difr,nichcream and teammex sources(not with us now) are the best.....
currently using havoc os unofficial by weritos and this is arguably one of the best roms i have ever used on this is just like liquid remix unofficial by difr but with added goodies of android pie and havoc os....Go for this rom and you wont have to look anywhere else...roms with other sources are slow..especially the reloaded roms and still they give average battery backup..i dont know why some sources follow standard miui cpu management and turn off 2 cpu big cores all the is useless and just lags the system overall...there is no core turning off in nichcream sources..all the cores are active all the time except when battery percentage falls below 5-10%...just install kernel auditor and set min frequency to 422 and 345 for big and little cores and enjoy smoothest,stable and a good battery (8 hours sot)oriented rom!
Sidenote: If you are looking for a bugless,battery oriented rom (with double tap to wake) go for dot os by is giving regularly more than 9 hours of sot..but ram management sucks
wasim814 said:
Pixel experience is pretty much stable and well performance
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I tried PE but volte wasn't working.. I had to install jio4gvoice to do and receive calls n text. Now that is deal breaker for me coz jio4gvoice do not provide smooth n rich experience not to forget the battery it drains by running all the time
develop123 said:
I have been here on this forum since 3 years and the roms with difr,nichcream and teammex sources(not with us now) are the best.....
currently using havoc os unofficial by weritos and this is arguably one of the best roms i have ever used on this is just like liquid remix unofficial by difr but with added goodies of android pie and havoc os....Go for this rom and you wont have to look anywhere else...roms with other sources are slow..especially the reloaded roms and still they give average battery backup..i dont know why some sources follow standard miui cpu management and turn off 2 cpu big cores all the is useless and just lags the system overall...there is no core turning off in nichcream sources..all the cores are active all the time except when battery percentage falls below 5-10%...just install kernel auditor and set min frequency to 422 and 345 for big and little cores and enjoy smoothest,stable and a good battery (8 hours sot)oriented rom!
Sidenote: If you are looking for a bugless,battery oriented rom (with double tap to wake) go for dot os by is giving regularly more than 9 hours of sot..but ram management sucks
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Thanks for your suggestion. I will try havoc os but I have not yet tinkered with kernel and overclocking cpu so will try that later after reading lil bit about them. If you know of any good thread/article providing prerequisites and step by step process of doing it, can you send that to me

Google Play services hogging all ram.

I am using 2gb ram version. I have hard time keeping even 2 moderately heavy apps running together. Also play services using lotsa ram. I am using arvanasoft stock rom andro 6 miui 10 and have also debloated my phone with this Szaki /XiaomiADBFastbootTools .
Cannot afford new phone for at least 3 to 4 months. Please suggest any workaround or any stock or modified miui rom that will give me the most free ram.
Flash nicheream's lineage os you will get around 800 mb free ram after installing 70-80 apps on 2gb model
mohitdabas07 said:
Flash nicheream's lineage os you will get around 800 mb free ram after installing 70-80 apps on 2gb model
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currently getting 1 gb of free ram.
Vinayakn73 said:
currently getting 1 gb of free ram.
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Well i am able to run 6-7 apps at same time on that rom.
mohitdabas07 said:
Well i am able to run 6-7 apps at same time on that rom.
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could be then problem with my device, as I have tried installing fresh rom several times. Apps keep reloading in background.
I play pokemon go and also use twitter for community tweets but as soon as I switch to one the other reloads.
Vinayakn73 said:
could be then problem with my device, as I have tried installing fresh rom several times. Apps keep reloading in background.
I play pokemon go and also use twitter for community tweets but as soon as I switch to one the other reloads.
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It could be because of MIUI's way too aggressive killing of background apps. RAM management is quite poor.
Also MIUI exaggerates the amount of free RAM by including the cached amount as well. Lightweight ROMs like LOS in conjunction with microG are well suited to the 2GB variant.
Vinayakn73 said:
could be then problem with my device, as I have tried installing fresh rom several times. Apps keep reloading in background.
I play pokemon go and also use twitter for community tweets but as soon as I switch to one the other reloads.
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No it's your rom problem
amn1987 said:
It could be because of MIUI's way too aggressive killing of background apps. RAM management is quite poor.
Also MIUI exaggerates the amount of free RAM by including the cached amount as well. Lightweight ROMs like LOS in conjunction with microG are well suited to the 2GB variant.
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could you please provide link of this rom.
Vinayakn73 said:
could you please provide link of this rom.
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Official LOS 16 based on Android Pie.
Very little customization as is usual with Lineage OS but RAM management and battery backup is very good. Flash lightweight GApps like BitGApps. For microG use the Nanodroid package or minmicrog Magisk module.
amn1987 said:
Official LOS 16 based on Android Pie.
Very little customization as is usual with Lineage OS but RAM management and battery backup is very good. Flash lightweight GApps like BitGApps. For microG use the Nanodroid package or minmicrog Magisk module.
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Thank you so muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch.
