Skipped copy from old phone on setup, now can't get it any more - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions and Answers

I had lots of trouble with my S7edge and did lots of flashing and resetting. At some point on 6.0.1 after factory reset I went quickly through the initial screens and was very surprised to get at some point a long list of accounts offered that I could transfer to this phone (they are not showing in my Google account now, it was Yahoo and such things). Those accounts were from an older Galaxy on the same account. I skipped that and wanted to use it later.
Now I updated to 8.0.0 and even on inital setup such a screen or offer never showed.
Any idea where I could find this? The strange thing is that I had Google cloud copies disabled wherever I could but assumed to have surely missed to deactivate sometime somewhere. Since the phone was totally wiped multiple times this data can only have come from the one Google account I used. But if I go to e.g. restore contacts it is empty as expected.
Where did Google/the phone find this rather exhaustive list of accounts from my other phone?

Google backups can only be restored on setup. So you have to factory reset to get those options again.
Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk

Oh wow - another fail there. The thing is I did not notice that option on the last reset after installing an Oreo system. Any reason why it wasn't offered? I think I removed the google account before upgrade and did the initial setup with signing up so as to not run into more trouble with FRP. So I guess not signing in with a google account in the setup screens - but hitting skip - will cancel any chance of restoring?

Molvol said:
Oh wow - another fail there. The thing is I did not notice that option on the last reset after installing an Oreo system. Any reason why it wasn't offered? I think I removed the google account before upgrade and did the initial setup with signing up so as to not run into more trouble with FRP. So I guess not signing in with a google account in the setup screens - but hitting skip - will cancel any chance of restoring?
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If you factory reset again, since there's no Google account on the phone if I understand you correctly, it will ask you again on setup. Don't you have other backups?
Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk

It's not about backups, I just wondered why it offered me restore in the first place despite me thinking all cloud backup was disabled. But then when I actually wanted to try and see what is backed up I can't without resetting the phone again. And I'm even doubtful it will ask again as it did not ask after the last ROM upgrade.


Evo Tip for New Users - Only one chance at google account

Just going to through this up in a thread of its own. If this info needs to be added to a newbie's thread fine, but I have not seen one.
This is a lesson learned with the Evo that as a NEW android user I was completely unaware of:
--You MUST have a GMail account. An old Google account will not work.
--You only get ONE CHANCE at entering the correct account for your phone set up.
It seems that while other android phones have tricks to work around changing accounts...the Evo does NOT. You must do the factory reset from...Menu > Settings > Privacy > Factory data reset.
YES you will lose all the screen customizations you made, all the emails you have set up, all the settings you wanted.
NO you do not lose data as all my test pictures are still there.
The GMail account must be set up BEFORE you try to add it to the phone. (This seems to be the gist of lots of stuff on internet and this is way I did it. Set it up through my old Google account before adding to the phone during the set up process.)
There you go. Very important and frustrating tip for those of us that are new to android and especially to the Evo.
are you sure?
you can't just got Accounts and Sync and change it there?
I can't imagine why not
You can't go to menu>settings>accounts and sync>google and remove your Google account?
if your rooted you can easily change google accounts
i found this goodie back in the hero days messing around with accounts.db
adb shell
sqlite3 /data/system/accounts.db "delete from accounts where type = '';"
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Either he doesn't know any better, or hes a troll
BAleR said:
Either he doesn't know any better, or hes a troll
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Luv you too.
No, you cannot just go Accounts and Sync...tried it. When you go into the google account you have a button below that says...'Remove Account'. When you try you get two pop-ups. First says you will lose account information. Second says you must do the factory reset.
So...anyone else want to call me a troll before they actually TRY what they are suggesting? 'Cause I tried three different approaches I found when searching. None worked.
TrevE said:
if your rooted you can easily change google accounts
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Yeah, phone only about 4 days old and still figuring out if she will be moving in with me or returned to the pound. So no rooting yet.
sablesurfer said:
Luv you too.
No, you cannot just go Accounts and Sync...tried it. When you go into the google account you have a button below that says...'Remove Account'. When you try you get two pop-ups. First says you will lose account information. Second says you must do the factory reset.
So...anyone else want to call me a troll before they actually TRY what they are suggesting? 'Cause I tried three different approaches I found when searching. None worked.
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Or maybe I just don't know any better, I don't have this problem with my phone, I've accidentally entered my Google account incorrectly and I always just re-entered it and it worked just fine.
My first post wasn't directed in any way negative. I just didn't know any better
Well, I'm pretty sure I've had my gmail account for about 3 years and it synced right up; worked on my mom's as well and then I made a new one for the dad.
Hrshycro said:
Well, I'm pretty sure I've had my gmail account for about 3 years and it synced right up; worked on my mom's as well and then I made a new one for the dad.
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Not being rude, but this has nothing to do with what I said in my tip. <shrug>
sablesurfer said:
Not being rude, but this has nothing to do with what I said in my tip. <shrug>
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Then you aren't being entirely clear on what your point is. I have no idea what you are talking about given that I know for a fact that:
A> I am usually drunk when I try roms, which usually require a full wipe and account info on 1st boot...which I usually screw up.
and most importantly,
B> That the day I got my phone I forgot my password for a good 5 minutes at radio shack and tried wrong passwords repeatedly until I got it right.
Not to mention
C> I have changed gmail accounts multiple times, even in those brief hours while I was still 100% stock.
...and I have no idea what a "google account" is otherwise. It very may well be 'a thing', but I have no idea what it is.
If I managed to evade your point, please--for the sake of the forum and your own well being--articulate it a little better.
daneurysm said:
Then you aren't being entirely clear on what your point is. I have no idea what you are talking about given that I know for a fact that:
A> I am usually drunk when I try roms, which usually require a full wipe and account info on 1st boot...which I usually screw up.
and most importantly,
B> That the day I got my phone I forgot my password for a good 5 minutes at radio shack and tried wrong passwords repeatedly until I got it right.
Not to mention
C> I have changed gmail accounts multiple times, even in those brief hours while I was still 100% stock.
...and I have no idea what a "google account" is otherwise. It very may well be 'a thing', but I have no idea what it is.
If I managed to evade your point, please--for the sake of the forum and your own well being--articulate it a little better.
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Your Google account is basically your Gmail account. All though I do believe it is a seperat account. It also allows you to link youtube, latitude and a few other Google tools or services.
Hmmm, Home screen, menu, settings, applications, gmail and or market, then clear data, and or clear cache ... worked for me... then I had to re-enter my password and user name, ill be damned if i didn't screw it up. Not even drunk, course i didn't forget it for 10 minutes, just about 30 seconds.
BAleR said:
Your Google account is basically your Gmail account. All though I do believe it is a seperat account. It also allows you to link youtube, latitude and a few other Google tools or services.
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That's what I assumed, but, you never know. Google is a little to smart to go for anything less than a unified ID. Having a handful of disparate and overlapping accounts (and their associated 'sign up process') seems like an annoying waste of time, storage and bandwidth.
Btw, I'm not trying to be a ****. If you are in fact having these issues it may be an isolated incident.
I had the same issue as the original poster. I believe what is being said is that the "google" account you enter the very first time, is the one used for your identity on the phone, and to change it requires a factory reset on the Evo.
Personally I have 3 google accounts, one is gmail and the other two are google apps. All of my contacts are under a google apps account.
Well, turns out, if you enter your gmail account not knowing the difference when you originally setup the phone, it stays stuck in there and won't let you change it without doing a full factory reset. I realized I needed to use my google apps account instead and had to factory reset to change it.
This is of course before I attempted any rooting fun, I had just came from WinMo on a Touch Diamond previously and hadn't read up on how any of that worked at the time.
Hope this helps clarify things.
Can't you just go to setup and redo your setup??
Nvm just tried nogo me =stupid
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
sablesurfer said:
Not being rude, but this has nothing to do with what I said in my tip. <shrug>
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sablesurfer said:
--You MUST have a GMail account. An old Google account will not work.
--You only get ONE CHANCE at entering the correct account for your phone set up.
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Well, condiering I've had my gmail account for over 3 years and used it to set my evo up with, it's not new - it was 3 years ago but it sure wasn't new when I got my evo. Therefore, an old gmail/google account works just fine.
And, I just added me other gmail account without any problems. Gave me the options to sync mail, contacts, ect., too.
I think were missing your point here...or something.
total fail dude...
daneurysm said:
That's what I assumed, but, you never know. Google is a little to smart to go for anything less than a unified ID. Having a handful of disparate and overlapping accounts (and their associated 'sign up process') seems like an annoying waste of time, storage and bandwidth.
Btw, I'm not trying to be a ****. If you are in fact having these issues it may be an isolated incident.
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I know what you mean, in a way. I guess it just depends on the person and the what your needs are. iGoogle for instance, you can set up your own home page, you can add all kinds of different widgets like latitude, translate, local search, wiki, tv guide. You can be updated when concerts and such are appear in your town. I love latitude, I just link it to my phone, if anyone ever stole my phone I could just go to my google page on my pc and id automatically know the location and I'm pretty sure theres a free service for this same thing that adds the ability to send messages, not texts, to the phone and wipe it if you want. Pretty dang useful if you ask me. I love it, I just open mozilla and everything is there, mail, rss feeds and news, weather everything
larrybiggs said:
I had the same issue as the original poster. I believe what is being said is that the "google" account you enter the very first time, is the one used for your identity on the phone, and to change it requires a factory reset on the Evo.
Personally I have 3 google accounts, one is gmail and the other two are google apps. All of my contacts are under a google apps account.
Well, turns out, if you enter your gmail account not knowing the difference when you originally setup the phone, it stays stuck in there and won't let you change it without doing a full factory reset. I realized I needed to use my google apps account instead and had to factory reset to change it.
This is of course before I attempted any rooting fun, I had just came from WinMo on a Touch Diamond previously and hadn't read up on how any of that worked at the time.
Hope this helps clarify things.
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Ok, this makes since, I guess I never noticed because I have one account. I KNOW that if you enter in an incorrect user/pass it will just promt so. then just re-enter

Help set up my phone but put wrong gmail account

I spent the last couple of days setting up my new phone exactly as I want it, installed lag fix, rooted it, installed all of the apps I needed and am good to go.
Thing is, I used a Gmail account that I don't want to use any more, as I also have a Google Apps account, which has all of my contacts. The Gmail one is just confusing everything.
I have tried removing the Gmail account with the whole 'manage accounts' routine but it doesn't seem to work with Froyo.
The next thing is a factory reset which I am very reluctant to do. I dont want to lose all the rooting, performance fix settings, nor do I want to sit here installing and configuring everything from the beginning.
Would using Titanium backup help if I did a factory restore, or will it just restore the Google account that I want removed?
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
Pretty sure this could be found quicker if you'd have just done a quick search here or on Google.
Anyway, menu-settings-applications-manage applications-all-gmail-clear data. If that doesn't work try google services framework from that same menu.

Where's the stock rom?

I'm so sick of the problems with these custom roms, I'm going back to stock.
LOL cute. Did you make a nandroid backup? If so you can restore from that, if not go to HTC's site and get whatever "stock" ROM you'd like.
Also, have you tried troubleshooting your ROM woes? It could be some ID-10 T error which a wipe typically clears. I've made this error a great many times.
P. S. I'm running CM nightly, and it's been relatively stable. So I'm sure the final release will be far more stable.
here you go
factory 2.2.1
I ran every rom, every kernal, every version, wiped, backed, burped and farted.
It's all over not being able to delete a Google account. God damn Google and their infinite wisdom.
not sure what you mean by delete a Google account
Two gmail accounts on one phone. The default needs to go. Google won't let me delete it without a wipe.
So, I wiped all day and flash new roms, nothing works. Restored a nandroid and the phone works for the first time today but same old two account business.
We used to be able to delete the google account, (clear user data I think) but I guess not anymore. If I have to wipe to fix this I want a phone that works and right now stock is looking peachy.
jlacy76 said:
Two gmail accounts on one phone. The default needs to go. Google won't let me delete it without a wipe.
So, I wiped all day and flash new roms, nothing works. Restored a nandroid and the phone works for the first time today but same old two account business.
We used to be able to delete the google account, (clear user data I think) but I guess not anymore. If I have to wipe to fix this I want a phone that works and right now stock is looking peachy.
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do you have the accounts linked through gmail settings (on computer not phone) That's the only reason I can think of and could be really off..
if you do a full wipe, set up one of the accounts(the one you want) and if they both appear after that maybe they are linked in some way through email. I know you can link accounts but never used it and dont know how it works.. but I do remember seeing a setting when I was poking around gmail
graffixnyc said:
do you have the accounts linked through gmail settings (on computer not phone) That's the only reason I can think of and could be really off..
if you do a full wipe, set up one of the accounts(the one you want) and if they both appear after that maybe they are linked in some way through email. I know you can link accounts but never used it and dont know how it works.. but I do remember seeing a setting when I was poking around gmail
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If I wipe login one account it only shows one and that's fine but I have my phone the way I want it and took days to get it this way. CM7 RC1/ mixer and it's been running fine. I tried to wipe, install RC1/Mixer again, and it didn't work for me. I've been at this all day and not happy.
Here's the issue: The default account has no contacts, the other accounts has all my contacts. If I try to use better cut or any cut I can't see the contacts because both those programs look at the default contact list. Better cut sees nothing.
It's a stupid problem that should be an easy fix, delete one account and the other becomes the default. How I achieve this magical feat eludes me.
orrrrr you can import contacts to that default account and ur problem is solved? which can all be done from your computer in under 10 minutes.
Export from second account all contacts into a folder, then import into the first.
I use 2 gmails. I don't have any problems.
molesaied88 said:
orrrrr you can import contacts to that default account and ur problem is solved? which can all be done from your computer in under 10 minutes.
Export from second account all contacts into a folder, then import into the first.
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you dont know how to do something and you cuss out google for their "infinite wisdom" and all custom roms? i understand you're frustrated, man, but don't get mad and cuss people out. a little bit of kindness goes a long way.
quoted text will solve your problem. and its probably easiest.
if you really want stock, here's a nandroid backup of stock, as i think the previous link looses root (correct me if im wrong)

unable to sync backup on google drive

I have noticed that am unable to backup apps on google drive after clean installation of latest 4.5.6.
Disabled by admin
Any help is appreciated
Anyone facing same issue
Google Drive backup Disabled by admin???
mapbond said:
I have noticed that am unable to backup apps on google drive after clean installation of latest 4.5.6.
Disabled by admin
Any help is appreciated
Anyone facing same issue
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I just started having the same issue with my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge AT&T variant. After a factory reset Drive is no longer being backed up. Apparently Drive being disabled by administrator is appearing in many Google searches over the past 3 days have not yet found a solution to this problem regards.
Same problem here, disabled. Don't know why...
Nevermind, it seems to be just a display bug.
Because if I check the Google drive settings I still see the android system+settings backuped on a daily basis and as the same for new apps
It may seem to be a display bug for you but for many others it is not.
Disabled by administrator
This message has never appeared in my settings before... Disabled by administrator. I would not take this message lightly especially if you already have a phone that is connected to Google Drive... Warning doing a factory reset with this message attached in your settings will prevent your Google account being backed up to drive after a factory reset. Make sure this message does not appear in your backup settings before doing a factory reset.
Good day
I have the same issue, it is not backing up, it is not just a display issue.
I contacted google drive - 3 hours on the phone no luck.
I contacted samsung - over 2 hours on the phone no luck.
I now added it to the forum on google drive, I will see
I have done a factory reset - still same issue
It seems to be an issue with the google account backup option on all phones, not google drive, not samsung, but the actual google backup in my opinion
It locks you because you unticked it and re-ticked it, it thinks you dont know what you are doing and locks you, but seriously, they need to find a solution.
If i dont use a samsung with samsung cloud, how will i get my data back?
I think it's just some bug. Coz am able to take backup after factory reset but still same message from drive. It working for me. Checkout screenshot.
Sent from my OnePlus 5 using XDA Labs
Same problem here on s7 edge
Enviado desde mi SM-G935F mediante Tapatalk
Its an issue with Nougat. Google won't fix til Sept. 21 and refuses to say why. I have no backups and need to reset phone now to fix issue. Just spent hour on chat because they will only give phone support to business customers and basically said they're numbskulls without a clue.
Mine says there are no backups even though backup data us on.
mapbond said:
I have noticed that am unable to backup apps on google drive after clean installation of latest 4.5.6.
Disabled by admin
Any help is appreciated
Anyone facing same issue
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I contacted Google Support:
"I'd like to assure you that the messaging has no effect on your data being backed up to Google Drive. The status of backup being on or off is correctly captured in the first 'Backup & Reset' screen, and can be controlled by the user."
12:55 AM
For now, you can safely ignore the error message until a fix is rolled out by the Android team which should be around September 2017.
12:55 AM
i have a huawei p10 on EMUI*5.1
12:55 AM
will that be patched?
12:56 AM
Our Android Team did not release a patch but we were advised that it will be resolved withing this month.
same issue on my samsung s8
and it's October now...
My S7 did NOT restore settings, so backup isnt working and they still haven't fixed by October. My sons tablet, running kitkat did backup...same account, no data service. I had to restore his tablet last month and it restored everything.
I have the S7 on AT&T running nougat. My previous S4 was on AT&T running Lollipop with no issues. So yes, it's only related to nougat, as it's not a carrier or device issue.
I'm beginning to re-examine my hatred for iPhone.
I am doing manual backups every so often. Backing up individual app settings, including my home screen as I have a third party launcher that has a backup feature. I'm backing up my SMS and call logs, and making sure there are no photos or documents stored in the phone itself. I put everything on my AD card, and back that up to my laptop.
I can't afford to lose my information. I rely on my phone for far too much, as it holds important documents, my schedule, everything, as well as over 6,000 photos for this amateur photo buff.
Google needs to get it together. The S7 is an excellent phone, but it's only as good as the android operating system.

How/where do u change your phone's identity from apps?

I did a factory reset yet a certain app still recognizes me, so can't be the device ID it sees. My other guess is the IMEI that's saved in the phone, even though it has no sim card anymore, but I don't know how/where to change that. Any other IDs that apps can use to recognize a phone? I'm running Oreo 8.1.
GWARslave119 said:
I did a factory reset yet a certain app still recognizes me, so can't be the device ID it sees. My other guess is the IMEI that's saved in the phone, even though it has no sim card anymore, but I don't know how/where to change that. Any other IDs that apps can use to recognize a phone? I'm running Oreo 8.1.
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Its happens via Google sync.
Many of us consider setting restoration to be a good thing. But, If you do not not want sync, do a full clean wipe, including format storage ( Note: When formatting storage you must immediately reboot to Recovery and click boxes if present to permanently install Twrp)
After install, you could choose to not backup from cloud and then afterwards, then go to accounts and uncheck whatever, you do not want syncing.
Another option is to flash your Rom and choose to not flash Gapps at all.
You can install apps anonymously using Yalp store via XDA labs.
You can also use Micro G : Here is a page that has links to Micro G and various other excellent apps.:
Actually, not saying that ur wrong because I'm sure it happens, but I found out that it was Facebook. Not really sure how embedded that can get into your phone. Before the factory reset, I had 2 Google accounts on the phone, my main one and an old backup on. I only put my main account on that phone for 1 game so I could play on either phone. But it was never my Google account it uses to save on their cloud, it's Facebook; for logging in you get bonus coin gifts from your friends, but I guess it uses that for game syncing. Because after the reset, I only added my backup Google account to that phone, yet after downloading the game again, it immediately started me off on my game that is normally on this phone, even though I wasn't logged in Facebook yet and it told me to login to get coin gifts. So I logged in with my Facebook that I never use that has the same email as my bbackup Google account, and that's when it restarted a new game for me.

