separate the forums for US and the rest? - OnePlus 6T Questions & Answers

Is it just me or its irritating seeing loads of posts abt US networks?? All op6t forums are clogging with threads for att, verizon and t mobile, can we not split US to separate forums like it happened in the past?

This hasn't typically happened with other devices that have defined varients based on location, e.g. my LG G6 has H870 (international) and also has US997.
They share the same forum, same goes for most samsungs - they get broke into their own sub sections for obvious processor reasons.
I doubt this will happen though as the OP6T shares mostly identical hardware amongst all varients, possibly even just being different radio firmware for the T-Mobile version.

It is unlikely. If you can just accept and adapt you'll be better off. If they were split then the information that is common for all devices could potentially be either duplicated or only posted in one area. It's swings and roundabouts. A naming convention for threads is much easier to maintain than individual sub-forums.


Subcatagories on development CDMA and GSM is this possiable

This is just an idea and may not be possible but Ive been following the thread on the new EURO firmware and was about to flash my Verizon tablet last night i did read thought all the posts but didn't see anything that stuck out enough for me to remember, about not flashing this firmware on a Verizon and T-mobile tab. Croak saved me a lot of time and frustration many props to him for the quick replay on my question. Now i did go back and looked at the thread and clubtech did edit a warning which may have been there last night i don't remember seeing it, thanks for that, but i looks like there are many more GSM models out there that CDMA. I believe i would be beneficial to everyone to split these tablets into there own sub categories it would help to also keep the posts and threads relevant to the particular hardware version. I guess this is kinda a petition to see if more of the XDA members agree
It's generally pretty safe to assume that any firmware, particularly if it includes a new radio/modem, will not be compatible with both types of device, it'll be one or the other, and as CDMA is pretty outdated technology-wise now, it's generally assumed to be GSM/WCDMA unless specified otherwise.
That said, the same issue exists with the HTC Hero and they have a separate sub-forum, although the CDMA version of that is significantly more common than the CDMA Tab. We'd probably end up diluting topics for a lot of common-to-both-devices subjects (apps/themes/maybe recovery etc)

[DISCUSSION] Heads-up - Forum merge (Desire Z and G2) is coming soon !

I've been talking to svetius, the admin responsible for "User Experience" at XDA, and apparently the Desire Z and G2 forums are going to be merged very soon now.
So this is just a heads-up for everyone to expect this.
I think it's going to be a very very good thing, because after all the DZ and G2 are essentially the same phones and run the same custom ROMs, so it will be good to have everything in one place. I think it will also encourage people who develop things to check how they work on both the DZ and G2.
I've no idea how existing threads are going to be handled, but I'm sure the mods have it all in hand.
So soon, remember that we're going to be sharing an audience with G2 users, who of course have their own stock ROM, which don't have HTC Sense in. So when we post up about a basic problem with out phones, it's going to make it even more important to say which phone/ROM you have !
steviewevie said:
So soon, remember that we're going to be sharing an audience with G2 users, who of course have their own stock ROM, which don't have HTC Sense in. So when we post up about a basic problem with out phones, it's going to make it even more important to say which phone/ROM you have !
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Which is why it will be chaos.
New people, or complete fools will forget to, or not bother to write wether it is a Z or G2.
I think only the development forums should be merged.
DanWilson said:
Which is why it will be chaos.
New people, or complete fools will forget to, or not bother to write wether it is a Z or G2.
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That's no different for lots of other phones which have different ROMs in different areas though. We already have the issue within the DZ forum where people have Asian ROMs of various types, Bell ROMs, European ROMs etc. But we get along ok with that don't we ?
With my previous Touch Pro 2, we had one forum even though AT&T phones had a different ROM and keyboard layout (and a different name for the phone, i.e. Tilt 2, and that worked fine - e.g. all could run the same custom ROMs, just like the G2 and DZ can run the same custom ROMs.
steviewevie said:
That's no different for lots of other phones which have different ROMs in different areas though. We already have the issue within the DZ forum where people have Asian ROMs of various types, Bell ROMs, European ROMs etc. But we get along ok with that don't we ?
With my previous Touch Pro 2, we had one forum even though AT&T phones had a different ROM and keyboard layout (and a different name for the phone, i.e. Tilt 2, and that worked fine - e.g. all could run the same custom ROMs, just like the G2 and DZ can run the same custom ROMs.
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Just my opinion bro. Merge and there will be teething problems with giving help (G2 vs Z, Sense vs Stock, Bell vs Asia vs Europe. I know Bell will lose that fight against the continents though )
It will be tidier, and eventually cleaner, but I cba getting used to a new forum
DanWilson said:
Just my opinion bro. Merge and there will be teething problems with giving help (G2 vs Z, Sense vs Stock, Bell vs Asia vs Europe. I know Bell will lose that fight against the continents though )
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I agree with steviewevie. I'm also a refugee from the Touch Pro 2 forum. Including different carriers, versions, regions into the discussion is fine, as long as people remember to mention which version they have (have to be "gently" reminded from time to time), and there are enough people from your particular community that can give you help.
I'm pretty new to the DZ forum, and already I find myself having to search around on both forums to make sure I haven't missed a solution that the G2 owners have come up with. There is no significant difference between the G2 and the DZ, and it doesn't make sense for them to have separate forums.
Further to this, if you've caught up with postings over on the DZ side here, then why not hop over to the G2 forums if you haven't done so already, and see what they're discussing ?
You'll see it's pretty similar to over here, though sometimes they might come up with a problem before us DZ folks do, and vice versa.
woo about time, no more reading the same thread on 2 forums
about time! There is not enough difference in between the phones to keep them seperate. I imagine all you have to do at the beginning of a thread is say "this is for XXXXXX only" and that will make it pretty clear for most.
The Z forums are a joke, thank god for this....
The z forums are like a specials song "Ghost Town". I always hum that tune when im entering the land of the Z forum lol
blunted09 said:
about time! There is not enough difference in between the phones to keep them seperate. I imagine all you have to do at the beginning of a thread is say "this is for XXXXXX only" and that will make it pretty clear for most.
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I had to chime in on this one...How many nbs do you find that actually READ the warnings?
It would be really useful if everyone had a signature making it clear which phone/ROM they have. But of course there will be plenty of newcomers who don't have that initially.
No matter what you try to introduce there will always be those that fall outside of the realms of stupidity, especially here on xda
Please tell me which you prefer:
1. Full Merge
Four forums (the usuals) for both the G2 and DZ
2. Dev Merge
Merge DZ with G2 dev forum, delete DZ dev forum (which will have zero threads). Keep individual G2/DZ forums for general, accessories, themes and apps.
Full merge, please.
Yep, Full merge please.
1. Full Merge.
Someone in the G2 thread has suggested merging all of them but keeping seperate General sections as a temp measure specifically for the noobs. What does everyone think?
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
Full merge. Or that ^
Personally I don't see why the General sections need keeping on their own, from the TP2 forum I'm used to threads about AT&T stuff which don't affect me so I just ignore them, similarly I'd not be too bothered about T-Mobile-specific threads from G2 owners in a merged forum.
There are so many "General" issues in common between the two phones.
I guess a full merge isn't that bad. I see quite a few of the general forum topics are questions. Just gotta make sure keep em in the Q&A section.

Well now that we have our own forum..

I wonder if we can flash international (non-octacore) ROMS.. assuming we don't end up in the redheaded-stepchild "nobody is working on your phone cause it's not like the rest of the phones" catagory.
Cause I have a one xL and it suffers from a lack of development because of this differentiation. However on the one x+ the ATT's can at least complain in the international Q&A because they are in the same forum.
Sorry but there are WAY too many forums for this phone now. The changes are not dramatic enough between the different carrier versions that we need a copy of all the boards for each one. This place will end up a ghost town and everyone will just post in the general forums for this phone. The mods got carried away.
Are they now going to segment them into Black, White, and Pink boards? Might as well. Only marginally more stupid than dividing by carrier.
It's not a matter of simularity with the phones. It's a matter of having to deal with a complete cluster **** of a forum with people asking questions about the CDMA device in a GSM forum. Also think of the amount of people that would flash Roms without even fully comprehending the simple fact that the Rom they are looking at and about to flash, is only for the GSM variant of their phone. We get it ALL the time in the GPro forum. One person went as far as flashing a Rom that was from a completely different phone all together, and then started posting everywhere in the Rom threads about bricking his phone.
That's one of the biggest reasons why the forums are separated into different Variants, and it also it helps with searching!
I'm just curious as to why some forums keep the phone in one area instead of splitting it up into separate device areas. What I mean is, the LG G2 forum has each carrier broken up into separate subforums instead of a whole different forum like the GN3.
Not really a complaint, just found that interesting considering this phone doesn't seem to be drastically different between the carriers.

Splitting the Memopads

Currently, there is confusion between the different ASUS MEmo Pads (Good job with the naming ASUS!), do you think we could split the conversations between the ME572C and the others? I am afraid that advice and comments are being mixed and could lead to bricked devices and other results (Like me getting hopeful for a ROM for the ME572C, when it is still bootloader locked :crying: , only to find out it is not for us)
Etterbeek said:
Currently, there is confusion between the different ASUS MEmo Pads (Good job with the naming ASUS!), do you think we could split the conversations between the ME572C and the others? I am afraid that advice and comments are being mixed and could lead to bricked devices and other results (Like me getting hopeful for a ROM for the ME572C, when it is still bootloader locked :crying: , only to find out it is not for us)
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I think splitting them into separate forums would help. It is confusing that several different tablets are lumped into the MeMO Pad section here. I think we need a ME572 and a ME176 sub forum. Is it possible that all of the ME17X's could be grouped together? At the very least I would add to the forums rules that posts must identify the Model Number in the title...
Etterbeek said:
Currently, there is confusion between the different ASUS MEmo Pads (Good job with the naming ASUS!), do you think we could split the conversations between the ME572C and the others? I am afraid that advice and comments are being mixed and could lead to bricked devices and other results (Like me getting hopeful for a ROM for the ME572C, when it is still bootloader locked :crying: , only to find out it is not for us)
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muiriddin said:
I think splitting them into separate forums would help. It is confusing that several different tablets are lumped into the MeMO Pad section here. I think we need a ME572 and a ME176 sub forum. Is it possible that all of the ME17X's could be grouped together? At the very least I would add to the forums rules that posts must identify the Model Number in the title...
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mikemikemikexxx said:
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Usually we'll do a split when there is an active development section to avoid people flashing the wrong software to the wrong device. We don't have that problem here since the development sections are pretty quiet. However, if you guys think it prudent, we could add two more General sections for ME572 and ME176. I just worry that doing so will add unnecessary clutter (currently people are doing a good job tagging their threads with the tablet model within the title). Thoughts?
My concern is with Asus's asinine naming convention that people will get them mixed up (which they do thinking about it buying accessories). While there isn't much custom ROM flashing going on (yet), there is a lot of stock ROM flashing that happens so that Root can be (re)obtained. I will defer to what you think is best. I was thinking until Asus gets smart and starts numbering them, list them by year?
I think there are more than three 7" Memopad models but at least it could be cleaned up via year.
As far as I can remember there is :
Asus MeMO Pad HD 7 - 2013
Asus MeMO Pad 7 (176C)+(CX) - 2014
Asus MeMO Pad 7 (ME572C) + (CL) -2015
Okay, I understand the reasoning you are putting forth here. It does amaze me however that this device (ME572) is flying so far under the radar. It has a great price/performance ratio that I think is basically unmatched at this point.
Preventing the flashing of the wrong files onto one of these devices would be a good thing. I do wish that Asus would revisit the locked/unlocked decision however the accounting department must believe that returns would go up if they opened up the device...
I can live without a split as long as we all try to clearly tag the model in our thread titles...
svetius said:
Usually we'll do a split when there is an active development section to avoid people flashing the wrong software to the wrong device. We don't have that problem here since the development sections are pretty quiet. However, if you guys think it prudent, we could add two more General sections for ME572 and ME176. I just worry that doing so will add unnecessary clutter (currently people are doing a good job tagging their threads with the tablet model within the title). Thoughts?
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Trying to get some info because the lolipop update is bugged.
For me it was very confusing till I discovered there was an earlier version with the same name.

Split Forum??

As there seems to be alot of software differences between the chinese and european roms should we not split the sections into each respective area to make browsing easier??
sheridan2000 said:
As there seems to be alot of software differences between the chinese and european roms should we not split the sections into each respective area to make browsing easier??
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I don't feel that there is such a big difference. The forum is not enough productive to justify splitting. Development, which is yet to come, will be common in a significant part and therefore separating could complicate search. A lot of phone models with bigger difference are joined in one section.
Yeah, that's the good idea, you think exactly what I'm thinking
I have a chinese PLK-AL10 but using in EU, the input on the board helped me to get it rooted and provided feedbaack for others, same phone different ROM's but that is normal in these boards.
I don't see any benefit in splitting.
