phone died, need some advice before buying new motherboard - Galaxy Note 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hi there
i want to be sure that my mobo is dead, so i'll describe my situation and hope that someone in here will help me to revive my precious note4.
my phone worked just fine until 2 weeks ago, then it started to bootloop whenever it got too hot and got back to normal state after being shut down for a few minutes.
i never got any emmc errors, so i figured out that maybe a fresh start would help. it had MM already, so i flashed it with the latest firmware i could find (N910FXXU1DRF1) and wiped it... the phone worked after this, but the problem wasn't fixed, and unfortunately, it died the day after.
now (and for the last whole week) i cant turn it on no matter what, and even when pluging chargers to the phone it doesnt respond. i've tried using another battery, but it didnt help (also, the battery works fine with other phones).
i've tried to get into download mode/recovery, but... no respond to that either. pressing the power button for long periods with and without the battery also had no impact.
btw, the phone would usually got hot on the top-right area of the screen, where the sd-card should be placed. (and i dont use an sd-card)
any help, advice or diagnosis will be welcomed

It looks like eMMC problem - he ded - do some more reading just to make sure that this is the case.
If you want a new motherboard, here are the options:
a. 910F or any similar Snapdragon - u don't know how long it's gonna last + AOSP ROM's up to Android 8 (for now).
b. 910A - bootloader locked - afaik is not possible to get a custom recovery & custom ROM, but I might be wrong + plus above
c. 910C or any Exynos - forum still active with solid options for custom ROM's - even a 7.0 TouchWizz ROM - go check it.
If you have $$$ go for another more recent phone. If you don't have money for a more recent phone (new or second hand) then - if I'll be you - I would choose the Exynos (910C) motherboard.
The only problem is - good, reliable source for the motherboard.
I have a 910C - it's rock solid and very happy with it.
Any decision is totally yours, read and learn so that you can live with the consequences of your freedom to choose what's best for you. Please, don't blame me for it afterwards.
BTW - you can try also here


is my MDA Vario2(HTC TyTN) dead?

Hi all,
i have a serious problem with my MDA Vario II (HTC TyTN),
just have this device since 2 weeks, and last week i flashed a rom onto my device, its a nameless windows 6.1 rom...
the flash went perfect, the device worked flawlessly!
the device has been working fine all week, i had it hard reset for like 2 times.
now i did another hard reset, everything seemed to go just fine, battery was 100% device nicely came into the bootloader mode, nicely went resetted, perfectly booted letting me setup the device and calibrate the stylus right after this the device resetted itself and after the windows logo it just went into white screen, i waited this out for like 15 minutes and then i pressed soft reset... this white screen was the last thing i have seen on my screen so far (2 days ago now) the only thing my device does is give me a red led when it is connected to the wall charger or usb and the battery is not in the device
as long as my battery is in the device it does absolutely nothing, no sign of life!! not even a red led!
is there anything i can do about this? or do i need to send it away to t-mobile?
i really hope someone can help me with this one!
cheers ChilleCharlie
ps: normally when i press both the soft keys and the reset it would take me into bootloader mode, this doesnt even work no more!
i have been reading on this forum for 2 days now i just have no idea what this problem could be! can somebody please help me! i think it might be my accupack is that possible for a 2 weeks old phone?
is a herm100/200/300 device capable of booting without a battery in it?
cheers Charlie
ok here comes the test result, i was planning on shipping my phone back to the supplier but instead of this i tested my battery with a electrometer guess what? 0,04 volts are on my lipo pack!! OMG battery sudden death! never had this before in my life! now i know i can fix this battery pack did that before with some years old li ion and some months old lipo's but since i am under warranty i hell yea am gonna make use of it! this pack will be sent back to t-mobile in the meanwhile ill buy my ass a new one so i can use my phone
thanks for everything this website is great even thow i havent had 1 reply yet, thanks to you guys i got wm6.1 and will get it back running now! tytytyty btw i heard something about hardspl beeing more safe? i guess i should flash it onto my device or is that risky to do ?
Sorry, didn't see your post until today. Might not have been able to help anyway.. Glad to hear you sorted that out OK though..
As for Hard SPL, its a must to have on your Hermes before flashing as it will make it possible to recover from a bad flash. Its NOT a guarantee but it is a safety net to help when things can/do go wrong.
Would also suggest using the sd card method for rom flashing as its safer than via pc(Hard SPL takes about 2 secs to upgrade so I do that from the pc BUT you can do this via sd card too).
Welcome and happy flashing...
thank you for that information once i get my device running again it will be the first thing ill install even thow i dont think my problem is rom-related anyway, today my battery has been tested in a different phone, as i thought it was completely dead! also my phone has been tested with another battery... well my phone is completely dead as well! i think it has had a short circuit somewhere inside which would explain why it doesnt do anything with or without battery installed...
i do not know for sure thow.. but thank god i still have my warranty.. althow im not sure about this since my phone wasnt running official firmware.. but i guess that has nothing to do with hardware malfunction now does it? so ill be sending it back to the supplier tommorow damn i cant stand not having this device working
cheers chillecharlie

[i9505] Help needed

I've been playing around with my phone, all was fine until I downloaded SGS4Flasher from the play store and flashed something onto my phone. Since then, It's been mayhem to get back right again.
I installed a new PIT file, this seemed to fix the problem I had. I then installed OTA updates, which has changed my device Baseband version to i9505xxuemj7 from i9505xxubmga.
I used to be running android 4.2.2, but from simply installing Cyanogenmod through recovery, my phone could run Android 4.3.
Now my phone is running as normal again - Except every so often it'll crash and then get stuck in the bootloop, so I have to remove my battery and give it a few minutes before re-inserting and powering on my device for it to work properly. This means I cannot play games, tether my internet for too long etc. It's rather frustrating having such a nice phone yet not being able to use it.
Due to being new at this, I've kinda put up with the problem for a little while now - But its getting ridiculous now.
Can someone help me, I'm not good with all the terms of PDA, CSC etc - I'd like to be explain to taught what to do in plain black and white please, I know this can be daunting and frustrating, but so is this problem of mine that I've caused.
If you need any more information than what I have provided please just ask.
I'm from the UK and I'm using a pay monthly sim from Vodafone.
I am using the i9505 device with qualcomm processor - Jfltexx
If anything, I don't care about android 4.2.2 or android 4.3, they both seemed decent enough to me, but ROM wise, I absolutely loved Cyanogenmod. But anything that'll make my phone work without crashing, please help.
Do I need to find a new Kernel? PIT? I'm not sure what to call it? CSC? PDA?
All I'm used to is booting my phone into recovery mode, choosing install, and then choosing Cyanogenmod from my SD_CARD.
I've used ODIN before to do something with files, following tutorials from the internet - I think this was ROOTING Clockword Recovery Mod, or TeamWIN RP or something? I believe these are the files that make the RECOVERY mode on my phone that allows me to install Cyanogenmod through my SD Card.
Please simplify this as much as possible for me, even if it comes across as insulting ... an A B C guide would be appreciated highly.
So you do have this issues with Cyanogenmod and with the stock rom? I've had similair issues when my battery was malfunctioning. Can you check with a different battery?
Lennyz1988 said:
So you do have this issues with Cyanogenmod and with the stock rom? I've had similair issues when my battery was malfunctioning. Can you check with a different battery?
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The phone is virtually brand new - I'll get another battery yes, but It wont be the exact same one that comes with the device - It'll probably be a cheap Chinese make from Ebay for about £5.
The battery has been acting strange, and I'm not sure if its just me or not, but the battery feels sorta swelled as opposed to being completely flat.
I'd have thought It'd be an issue with the software/firmware seeing as that was what I had been messing around with.
I never had the problem with cyanogenmod, but cyanogenmod was before I started playing with things I shouldn't have.
Yes, its a common problem with the S4 that the battery becomes damaged. I think that if you replace your battery your phone will be working again. Because a swollen battery is a damaged one.
You could also claim warranty for your battery. Samsung already stated that some S4 were shipped with faulty baterys and that they will replace them for free.
Lennyz1988 said:
Yes, its a common problem with the S4 that the battery becomes damaged. I think that if you replace your battery your phone will be working again. Because a swollen battery is a damaged one.
You could also claim warranty for your battery. Samsung already stated that some S4 were shipped with faulty baterys and that they will replace them for free.
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Even though I've now voided my knox warranty?
Yes even then. I think you will only have to send the battery in to Samsung
And besides, I see you live in the UK. Under European Law the shop has to replace the battery for you and rooting etc does never void your rights.

Samsung S5 reboots casually, and then does not boot for a certain period of time

Not sure if it's a right place to ask, but let it be my first post here. I own an S5 device, and it's sort of crazy. Let me explain.
Three months ago my device suddenly rebooted and got almost-soft-bricked in sense of being unable to boot to the operating mode normally: its display just got black after the splash screen, however I could tap the display and watch 1 FPS "live stream" using `adb screencap` at my PC. So the device was not dead and I could take out all private not synced data I needed (it was really hard once for an application that has the backup facility disabled in its application manifest) -- blind tapping everywhere. My first attempt to fix the device was re-flashing another compatible ROM having all important data backed up. Well, I got it bricked and could not boot anymore. The recovery mode was not available (the device just frozen if trying to enter the recovery), however I could enter the download mode.
Unfortunately, no reflashing helped, so I decided to let it be fixed by a repaire service (since an official Samsung service center in my country has rejected the repair request _with payment_ because the device was not intended for sale here -- well, "thanks Samsung"). Ok, the alternative service took the device and asked almost a half of the device price for the display replace. Honestly, I forgot to ask why there was an idea to replace the display if it worked perfect while it was waiting in the Download mode. Again, it just got black after the splash screen, but the display worked fine in the Download mode until the device was powered off or reset. So after a few days they gave it back to me, and the device was really good now -- it worked fine. They also re-fllashed the device to Android 6 (previously Android 5) and the device was unrooted. Well, that's fine to me.
But after a few hours of rooting, testing and re-installing the software and migrating the data back to the device, the device rebooted again being unable to boot to the "operating mode". Now it just got stuck at the Samsung S5 splash screen or rebooted in a loop. But after a long time (it might took more than a day; the battery seems to be inserted in the device and not pulled off) the device was able to boot normally and (this might be odd) upgrade the installed apps. If I remember, this was a cyan screen with two or three animated white gears. So about 150 apps were upgraded and the normal "operating" mode activated -- so I could use the device. Now after working a few hours, the device falls into a reboot loop / splash freeze coma again for undetermined time, and then, for unknown to me reason, the device woke up.
In short:
1) The device reboots or shuts down suddenly.
2) Instant rebooting does not work for whatever reason.
3) Just wait for some undetermined time without the device battery pulled off.
4) ... It boots again.
5) The upgrading process starts after the boot.
6) Working with the device until paragraph 1: "The device reboots or shuts down suddenly".
Now I don't know if it's a hardware or a software issue: the repair service guys didn't explain much, and now I'm feeling cheated for the replacement of the display that worked perfect in the Download mode that I gave half device price just because it was an idea of theirs. Yes, I have the repair warranty paper for their service, but I just would like to know the real context.
What I could be deservedly blamed for:
* I rooted the device after their repair in a wrong way.
* When I rooted the device, I removed most Samsung bloatware I used to remove earlier. I don't tend to think that I could kill some important software, though. But, to me, it's hard to believe that a software issue might cause such an odd device behavior (I mean the booting just after a certain period of time).
So... I would really and really appreciate getting the real issue behind the symptoms or just a hint spark of light to reveal possible root causes. And was I really cheated by the repair service?
* My device: Samsung SM-G900P S5, Sprint
* Firmware before the repair: stock, Android 5.0.x (?), root, most Samsung bloatware removed
* Firmware after the repair: stock, Android 6.0.1, root, most Samsung bloatware removed (yes, the bloatware list difference is significant now)
* The battery: seems to work fine and does not get drained when the device is in coma
Thank you!
hurricane flow said:
Not sure if it's a right place to ask, but let it be my first post here. I own an S5 device, and it's sort of crazy. Let me explain.
Three months ago my device suddenly rebooted and got almost-soft-bricked in sense of being unable to boot to the operating mode normally: its display just got black after the splash screen, however I could tap the display and watch 1 FPS "live stream" using `adb screencap` at my PC. So the device was not dead and I could take out all private not synced data I needed (it was really hard once for an application that has the backup facility disabled in its application manifest) -- blind tapping everywhere. My first attempt to fix the device was re-flashing another compatible ROM having all important data backed up. Well, I got it bricked and could not boot anymore. The recovery mode was not available (the device just frozen if trying to enter the recovery), however I could enter the download mode.
Unfortunately, no reflashing helped, so I decided to let it be fixed by a repaire service (since an official Samsung service center in my country has rejected the repair request _with payment_ because the device was not intended for sale here -- well, "thanks Samsung"). Ok, the alternative service took the device and asked almost a half of the device price for the display replace. Honestly, I forgot to ask why there was an idea to replace the display if it worked perfect while it was waiting in the Download mode. Again, it just got black after the splash screen, but the display worked fine in the Download mode until the device was powered off or reset. So after a few days they gave it back to me, and the device was really good now -- it worked fine. They also re-fllashed the device to Android 6 (previously Android 5) and the device was unrooted. Well, that's fine to me.
But after a few hours of rooting, testing and re-installing the software and migrating the data back to the device, the device rebooted again being unable to boot to the "operating mode". Now it just got stuck at the Samsung S5 splash screen or rebooted in a loop. But after a long time (it might took more than a day; the battery seems to be inserted in the device and not pulled off) the device was able to boot normally and (this might be odd) upgrade the installed apps. If I remember, this was a cyan screen with two or three animated white gears. So about 150 apps were upgraded and the normal "operating" mode activated -- so I could use the device. Now after working a few hours, the device falls into a reboot loop / splash freeze coma again for undetermined time, and then, for unknown to me reason, the device woke up.
In short:
1) The device reboots or shuts down suddenly.
2) Instant rebooting does not work for whatever reason.
3) Just wait for some undetermined time without the device battery pulled off.
4) ... It boots again.
5) The upgrading process starts after the boot.
6) Working with the device until paragraph 1: "The device reboots or shuts down suddenly".
Now I don't know if it's a hardware or a software issue: the repair service guys didn't explain much, and now I'm feeling cheated for the replacement of the display that worked perfect in the Download mode that I gave half device price just because it was an idea of theirs. Yes, I have the repair warranty paper for their service, but I just would like to know the real context.
What I could be deservedly blamed for:
* I rooted the device after their repair in a wrong way.
* When I rooted the device, I removed most Samsung bloatware I used to remove earlier. I don't tend to think that I could kill some important software, though. But, to me, it's hard to believe that a software issue might cause such an odd device behavior (I mean the booting just after a certain period of time).
So... I would really and really appreciate getting the real issue behind the symptoms or just a hint spark of light to reveal possible root causes. And was I really cheated by the repair service?
* My device: Samsung SM-G900P S5, Sprint
* Firmware before the repair: stock, Android 5.0.x (?), root, most Samsung bloatware removed
* Firmware after the repair: stock, Android 6.0.1, root, most Samsung bloatware removed (yes, the bloatware list difference is significant now)
* The battery: seems to work fine and does not get drained when the device is in coma
Thank you!
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someone said after an OTA to 6.0.1 it borked the phone into a reboot loop too. I had mine rooted for maybe a week or 2 and now I have reboot Loops, not even twrp can fix this issue. I am trying a battery like this person said here,
spending 9 bux and change beats spending 250 for another Unlocked G900T
eidairaman1 said:
someone said after an OTA to 6.0.1 it borked the phone into a reboot loop too. I had mine rooted for maybe a week or 2 and now I have reboot Loops, not even twrp can fix this issue. I am trying a battery like this person said here,
spending 9 bux and change beats spending 250 for another Unlocked G900T
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Hm, that's interesting, thank you. I also noticed that the loop happens after some time only, it's like the more you have your phone running in the normal mode, the more your phone can get into the loop again. However, I don't think it's a battery overheat issue or so (sorry, I may use silly terms not being an expert at all). So in short:
1) After some pretty long power-off time you power on the device. It's working really stable unless...
2) ... unless something happens (battery? some intricate software or hardware issue?) and the device gets rebooted.
3) Here comes the boot loop, and usually no reboot helps to get out of the reboot loop.
4) Just power off the device and let it just be alone for some time, and now you're back to the step 1 until the "unless..."
My coma device is powered off for long time (thus I think that the step 4 still works for me after that long time) and I'm going to give it to the repair service again, just comparing what the service guys say and what the forum folks say.
I will follow up on the battery swap when mine arrives.
hurricane flow said:
Hm, that's interesting, thank you. I also noticed that the loop happens after some time only, it's like the more you have your phone running in the normal mode, the more your phone can get into the loop again. However, I don't think it's a battery overheat issue or so (sorry, I may use silly terms not being an expert at all). So in short:
1) After some pretty long power-off time you power on the device. It's working really stable unless...
2) ... unless something happens (battery? some intricate software or hardware issue?) and the device gets rebooted.
3) Here comes the boot loop, and usually no reboot helps to get out of the reboot loop.
4) Just power off the device and let it just be alone for some time, and now you're back to the step 1 until the "unless..."
My coma device is powered off for long time (thus I think that the step 4 still works for me after that long time) and I'm going to give it to the repair service again, just comparing what the service guys say and what the forum folks say.
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I received a battery yesterday, charged it up and started using it today, no reboots or bootloops so far.
The battery that came in my phone was made in china, the one I just got yesterday was made in Vietnam.
I'm wondering if Samsung really needs to stop using china to make batteries lol, Surefire flashlights state not to use batteries made in china lol.
eidairaman1 said:
I received a battery yesterday, charged it up and started using it today, no reboots or bootloops so far.
The battery that came in my phone was made in china, the one I just got yesterday was made in Vietnam.
I'm wondering if Samsung really needs to stop using china to make batteries lol, Surefire flashlights state not to use batteries made in china lol.
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Hm, that's really interesting. It's hard to believe that replacing the old battery might affect it that much and get rid of bootloops -- I mean, I just thought that it might be a software/firmware failure (let's say I removed some system apps [actually Samsung bloatware] improperly), or something very core hardware might fail, but I have never thought of a batter as the root cause. Hard to say, sorry. But I'll take your solution into account. Thank you!
hurricane flow said:
Hm, that's really interesting. It's hard to believe that replacing the old battery might affect it that much and get rid of bootloops -- I mean, I just thought that it might be a software/firmware failure (let's say I removed some system apps [actually Samsung bloatware] improperly), or something very core hardware might fail, but I have never thought of a batter as the root cause. Hard to say, sorry. But I'll take your solution into account. Thank you!
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I thought it was a bad rom flash as well or SuperSU causing it, well I found another article stating they replaced the battery and the issue went away. I think the phone was stating a bad POST so it would restart

Note 4 wont turn on, "cannot boot normal" and "downlaoding target, dont turn off"

Note 4 wont turn on, "cannot boot normal" and "downlaoding target, dont turn off"
Its a Note 4 SM-N910F, Android 6.0.1, BB N910FXXU1DPE2, kernel 3.10.40-7733605 [email protected] #1
i feel I have tried everything... History:
Phone has been working fine for a year, upgraded to 6.0.1 no problems about 2 or 3 months ago. no new apps installed. Last week it started getting very laggy, keyboard strokes took for ever to register. I thought, ok, time to to a factory reset to blow out any old cobwebs. Did it via the menu. However the phone froze midway thought. I left it for an hour and then pulled out the battery. I popped it back in and it performed the reset without me having to press anything. Cool, thats good I thought.
Now I was going to change the battery, so I powered off as normal and put my other 2 week old original samsung battery in, and it would not power on. After a few reinsertions it powered back on. I though i have to do another reset. So I tried, and it would not reset. It just died. I cant restart the phone, it dies. If I shut it down normally. it wont turn on back on, I have to take out and reinsert the battery multiple times, holding down the powerbutton between to discharge. this can take up to 10 tries now. Sometimes it will go th the unable to bot in normal mode and "downloading , do not turn of target, but it will stay there for ever, more than an hour.
Every 15-20 tries it would turn on, let me get in via pin, only to start freezing up within a min, and then die again. Somewhere I read that a guy hada similar problem, and he used wakelock and that worked, on level 4. I managed to download that and used it, and hey presto, it works!
Now I had to power down the phone for a reason, and it took me about 30 min of battery and powerbuttonholding before it managed to boot up, and I was quick enough to start wakelock on level 4.
It wont boot in to safe mode, it wont boot in to recovery mode, it wont boot in to the factory reset mode. Its the same with either battery, and different cables.
Any ideas what i can do here, or what could be wrong? I havent gotten it wet or banged it.
I am having the same exact issue on a N910A. Phone was functioning correctly and in December it started getting really laggy. Performed various resets, purchased new battery. Still laggy. Up until two weeks ago the phone was slow but now it will not power on . The phone will not charge as well.
Mine did same, 6 months old, not rooted stock firmware. Locked up yesterday, couldn't do anything. Pulled battery and restarted. Samsung logo comes on screen goes black for android boot then it hangs with blue led flashing. Nothing I do gets it past that point. Tried safe boot but it doesn't fully launch with correct button combo and volume up. In the end I re-installed firmware using Keis. All went well, everything as per youtube tutorial. Except one thing, at end of download phone didn't re-start. Still can't get it to boot, any ideas?
Edit: Lock up didn't coincide with any new apps being loaded or updates of existing. Only change was a week ago which was an automatic update of the stock firmware (Lollipop)
armstrongracer said:
Mine did same, 6 months old, not rooted stock firmware. Locked up yesterday, couldn't do anything. Pulled battery and restarted. Samsung logo comes on screen goes black for android boot then it hangs with blue led flashing. Nothing I do gets it past that point. Tried safe boot but it doesn't fully launch with correct button combo and volume up. In the end I re-installed firmware using Keis. All went well, everything as per youtube tutorial. Except one thing, at end of download phone didn't re-start. Still can't get it to boot, any ideas?
Edit: Lock up didn't coincide with any new apps being loaded or updates of existing. Only change was a week ago which was an automatic update of the stock firmware (Lollipop)
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are you still under warranty? i sent mine to a samsung center, the guy recognized the problem as the motherboard, said I wasnt the first. That was 3 weeks ago, they are STILL waiting for the parts. They say the Samsung factory are way behind with repair parts, etc etc. I am hoping it will go under warranty. Ill update when I know!
I've been having the same problem that started yesterday morning. I've tried a few different solutions but nothings worked, I get the feeling that my phone is dead and I'm not in warranty either. I'm going to approach Samsung but my guess is they will want more than the phone is worth to repair it. I've read about so many people having the same issues, its horrendous engineering on Samsungs part considering how much their phones cost to start with
neils0911 said:
I'm going to approach Samsung but my guess is they will want more than the phone is worth to repair it. I've read about so many people having the same issues, its horrendous engineering on Samsungs part considering how much their phones cost to start with
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Your guess is probably correct and I totally agree with you. I seriously think manufacturers do not want their devices to be problem free for more than two years. Probably why they have stopped making phones with batteries that simply pop out.
bonfilet said:
Your guess is probably correct and I totally agree with you. I seriously think manufacturers do not want their devices to be problem free for more than two years. Probably why they have stopped making phones with batteries that simply pop out.
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Definitely...surely it couldn't have been that hard to make a device with a battery that was still removable on the newer phones. It's frightening how many forum posts I've found with people having their phones just brick out of nowhere (and that's just the note 4). I've given up trying to fix mine, I've tried every method I could find and nothings worked. I can only assume that this problem is simply the motherboard of the phone not working anymore. I'm not even sure what phone to buy now but it certainly won't be a Samsung.
neils0911 said:
. I'm not even sure what phone to buy now but it certainly won't be a Samsung.
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If you do not care about the camera thera are a lot of rather affordable options which can be tossed in the bin when they start malfunctioning and if their warranty has run out. If you care about the camera being as good as the Note 4's than the range of phones you can buy is quite limited.
mymigi said:
I am having the same exact issue on a N910A. Phone was functioning correctly and in December it started getting really laggy. Performed various resets, purchased new battery. Still laggy. Up until two weeks ago the phone was slow but now it will not power on . The phone will not charge as well.
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If you are able to boot it into Download Mode then you should Download Stock Rom file for Galaxy Note 4 from Sammobile and Flash it through Odin..
Everything will be OK... ?
Unfortunately, SAMMOBILE does not have the SM-N910A firmware.
mymigi said:
Unfortunately, SAMMOBILE does not have the SM-N910A firmware.
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You can find here firmware for N910A , 5.1.1 and 6.0.1 :
bonfilet said:
If you do not care about the camera thera are a lot of rather affordable options which can be tossed in the bin when they start malfunctioning and if their warranty has run out. If you care about the camera being as good as the Note 4's than the range of phones you can buy is quite limited.
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I think the camera on the note 4 is absolutley terrible. I might even go so far as to say the pictures are unusable. the applied noise reduction renders everything splotchy, colors are off and its not sharp at all. and Im not talking dark conditions here.
Anyway, my phone was repaired under warranty and is back to working as it should. It was indeed the motherboard, so if you have the same troubles I had, those are your best bets.
I don't think replacement via warranty will be available. I will attempt to power into download mode and verify if I can get it back up and running. If not, a good ole paperweight.
mymigi said:
Unfortunately, SAMMOBILE does not have the SM-N910A firmware.
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You can download the Firmware from here ..
---------- Post added at 05:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:41 AM ----------
mymigi said:
Unfortunately, SAMMOBILE does not have the SM-N910A firmware.
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You can download the Firmware from here. .
Sounds like the problems I have: with my first N910F: started with lagging apps / freezing, then random reboots now and then, eventually giving error messages when booting. Finally, now it will only start after the battery has been out for at least 30 minutes, but hangs on error message. When pulling battery out and putting back in it, wont give a single sign of life. Since I was just out of warranty it has been lying around, and I bought a second hand N910F for replacement, sadly its starting to give the same errors too and is just out of warranty too (its currently still working, but with freezes / reboots / and already a event with boot error).
I read It could be memory chips or some power chip on the motherboard, appears to be a common problem. So.... Last month I bought a new motherboard on ebay (chinese delivery, 80€). Received it last week and put it back in; phone is back to life. (putting it in is a very simple task, with iFixit teardown / guide)
Anyway, I love the Note 4 for performance / size / looks, and have been Samsung fan for a while, but this recent breakdowns and information that it is fairly common, has diminished being a fan fairly quickly and I guess the Note 4 will be the last Samsung device for a while after this new motherboard breaks down as well
onno72 said:
Sounds like the problems I have: with my first N910F: started with lagging apps / freezing, then random reboots now and then, eventually giving error messages when booting. Finally, now it will only start after the battery has been out for at least 30 minutes, but hangs on error message. When pulling battery out and putting back in it, wont give a single sign of life. Since I was just out of warranty it has been lying around, and I bought a second hand N910F for replacement, sadly its starting to give the same errors too and is just out of warranty too (its currently still working, but with freezes / reboots / and already a event with boot error).
I read It could be memory chips or some power chip on the motherboard, appears to be a common problem. So.... Last month I bought a new motherboard on ebay (chinese delivery, 80€). Received it last week and put it back in; phone is back to life. (putting it in is a very simple task, with iFixit teardown / guide)
Anyway, I love the Note 4 for performance / size / looks, and have been Samsung fan for a while, but this recent breakdowns and information that it is fairly common, has diminished being a fan fairly quickly and I guess the Note 4 will be the last Samsung device for a while after this new motherboard breaks down as well
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My phone is also random Rebooting
It also shuts down at 25% of battery remaining, Have you also faced similar issue?
Download the app "Wake Lock" and run the Partial Wake Lock option. Apparently the updated software impacts the CPU. For the restarting issue, put it in the freezer for a couple minutes. You may have to take the battery out once, but it has worked for me every time.
This looks very much like the issue reported here:
There are temporary fixes (wakelock), but ultimately this is a harware issue, and the fix is a new motherboard.
I think that underlying it is a problem with heat affecting the eMMC chip or its connection to the motherboard.
See also:
Hey can u pls get me the stock firmware for n910gddu1dpb4
You might find this interesting. Since I couldn't get mine to power up at all, I called Samsung tech and they quoted me $75 to fix it and they would pay for shipping. I figured it was better then getting another phone off Swappa. 2-3 weeks later i get an email that they are repairing it under warranty at no cost to me. I got a refurbished phone since i know my IEMI number was different. they didn't explain why. Anyway, I got lucky i guess.

Problem with motherboard of my note 4 ...any help/suggest please!!!

I have still a note 4 since 2014 (so will be c.a 7 years). I never put android 6 because i knew that (maybe) the motherboard would burn and i just put first kitkat and then lollipop. I think my mistake was to use the fast charger (I got one just one r two month ango before I was recharging the handy with a "normal" recharge) and now i have many problems (works very poorly, is slow, freezes but turns on)All the applications open slowly, If I take picturessometimes everything freezes I have to avoid / put the battery back.When I charge at 100% the light stays red and does not switch to green, sometimes it starts up in download mode, I can't go into recovery mode, I have to remove the battery and then put it back and force restart. These are some of the problems...And now the questions arrives...
1)where could I buy a note 4 motherboard that is sure to work (and pay cheaper)?I know Aliexpress but olso that there are different shops (so different garatee ensure the motherboard is working or not sim lock)
2)do you think I can still avoid changing the motherboard and put a piece of card on his eMMC and solve every problem at 100%?
Any help/slutin will be apreciated
Hi Hellen,
I am no developer but maybe can help out a little. SO let em see if I can understand..
1. You are still running Lollipop
2. The phone works but is super buggy and slow.
3. You tried a fast charger on the phone when this all started.
I would tend to think that if it was a motherboard problem, the phone just would not power on, but if you say the problems started exactly when you used the fast charger, then it is too much of a coincidence to ignore.
Have you tried to charge using the 'normal' charger and see if that helps? It may be the voltage settings is off and that causes problems.
I think it is fairly 'easy' to replace a motherboard... and if you check Ebay there are many that can be sold for parts. It gets a little involved to unscrew and unclip everying to swap the motherboard... I had tried it with an old EVO supersonic and was a bit of a nightmare but if you are good with this stuff and have the right size equipment, then is pretty easy to do.
Let me know how it goes!
A fast charger won't damage the phone.
The phone is slow but functional, right?
I take Kitkat over lollipop anyday but regardless it reload time. The OS is buggered up, maybe a virus or rootkit.
If you can easily reflash that rom do so, or do a factory reset otherwise.
If the issue persists after a factory reset, it should be reflashed.
I don't think the mobo is blown... not yet.
I agree the fast charger shouldnt damage the phone, but didnt know if it was a cheaply made one and maybe caused a short on the MB of some kind.
That is a very good call. a system restore or even factory reset may be all that is needed.
Unidave199 said:
I agree the fast charger shouldnt damage the phone, but didnt know if it was a cheaply made one and maybe caused a short on the MB of some kind.
That is a very good call. a system restore or even factory reset may be all that is needed.
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A vital system apk, file, whatever in OS image may have become corrupted. Flash memory doesn't retain its data indefinitely. A factory reset would restore it. The same thing can happen to that data as well so if all fails, reflash it.
At that point you can then accurately assess if there's been hardware damage or not.
Pre-Pie OS's can be infected with a rootkit that requires a reflash to eliminate. Some real nasty rootkits are out there...
A malware infection should always be suspected if an Android starts functioning abnormally. They are rare but they do happen.
Unidave199 said:
I agree the fast charger shouldnt damage the phone, but didnt know if it was a cheaply made one and maybe caused a short on the MB of some kind.
That is a very good call. a system restore or even factory reset may be all that is needed.
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Do you know why I think maybe is the fast charge? because it was the only new / different thing i did and after a week I had problems.I think if you charge fast the phone gets hotter (and the motherboard too) Before I used a simple travel charger.Note 4 dosent go in recovery mode I can try to do a factory reset from the setting but,..If then will not restart?ATM I'm using WAKELOCK,I have uninstaled 50% app/games so I give to the handy more memory and if I must restrt it I force the restart (vol down+ power .As I wrote can only go on download mode but not on recovery mde .
Hope will not brick (ols if is 7 years I have it) just wundering if and when wll fine a good price of a note 20 ultra
PS:I forget to write that one "test I done was to restart note 4 in safe mode" but that dident help me :/
helen2 said:
Do you know why I think maybe is the fast charge? because it was the only new / different thing i did and after a week I had problems.I think if you charge fast the phone gets hotter (and the motherboard too) Before I used a simple travel charger.Note 4 dosent go in recovery mode I can try to do a factory reset from the setting but,..If then will not restart?ATM I'm using WAKELOCK,I have uninstaled 50% app/games so I give to the handy more memory and if I must restrt it I force the restart (vol down+ power .As I wrote can only go on download mode but not on recovery mde .
Hope will not brick (ols if is 7 years I have it) just wundering if and when wll fine a good price of a note 20 ultra
PS:I forget to write that one "test I done was to restart note 4 in safe mode" but that dident help me :/
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Wait for the Note FE to come out
But... if you can get into download mode, that means you may need to use ODIN to re flash all the firmware and operating system back on.
I know this phone can get warm.. like 70C warm. I will often put it on a little ice tray when I am flashing to keep things nice and cool.
Unidave199 said:
Wait for the Note FE to come out
But... if you can get into download mode, that means you may need to use ODIN to re flash all the firmware and operating system back on.
I know this phone can get warm.. like 70C warm. I will often put it on a little ice tray when I am flashing to keep things nice and cool.
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I need spen ...The problem is the memory (eMMC) so I think that is the reason why is not able to go in recovery mode and is not able to restart (if I dont force it) s If I flash back lollipop maybe memory will not be enuf to restart in recovery mode (fr a wpe data) and as u know without a wipre data afer flashing will not restart s I will have it "half bricked"
