Nfound finished with Axon 7? - ZTE Axon 7 Questions & Answers

Hello all,
Just a little lost this afternoon after not having checked the forum for a couple of days, a lot seems to have happened. Very sad to see Nfound moving on from our beloved Axon 7, and a little lost now as to what will happen to those of us on any of Nfound's builds (AEX here).
Noticed he did release the AOSP source for 8.x though, hopefully one of the other Devs here on the forum can do a few things with it ?
Sorry if there's already a discussion on this somewhere else, couldn't find anything so thought I'd ask.

Got all the donation he can get from here and leave when he saw that he will not get donation further.
IMO,that's a very cheap mentality.

Druboo666 said:
Got all the donation he can get from here and leave when he saw that he will not get donation further.
IMO,that's a very cheap mentality.
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or....this is a really wild idea so please bare with me, it may not make a lot of sense at first.
maybe....he just has other things going on in his life that require more attention?
and also, maybe he just does not feel satisfied with pouring hours and hours in making ROMs and he seeks other challenges?
food for thought

rzarectha said:
or....this is a really wild idea so please bare with me, it may not make a lot of sense at first.
maybe....he just has other things going on in his life that require more attention?
and also, maybe he just does not feel satisfied with pouring hours and hours in making ROMs and he seeks other challenges?
food for thought
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I already said that is my opinion/thought
I said what i feel. if like then love it and if you don't like it then hate it
its a free world and we live in free country and everybody has right to say what they feel

Druboo666 said:
Got all the donation he can get from here and leave when he saw that he will not get donation further.
IMO,that's a very cheap mentality.
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I've been through your 309 posts, and couldn't find ANY trace of ANY donation made to him, when he:
- Managed TWRP and made TREBLE possible
- Managed several Roms at once
- etc
Unless proven otherwise, you're just another freeloader with NOTHING to talk about.
We should all be gratefull for having treble and a vendor partition that allows us to get LOS 16 as a daily driver in less than 5 minutes and a few clicks.
- I BET that the donations he gets from XDA might account for less than 1000$ a YEAR, which is MISERABLE considering the COUNTLESS hours he did put around our device, which is MORE than ZTE ever did in the last year (remember the oreo ROM isnt even FINISHED by ZTE)
Final thoughts : URGH.

I donated 10 euros to the dude on PayPal. It's definitely a small amount but nonetheless, at the point when I decided to donate, I felt that nfound already earned that money (he earned a lot more in truth but I could not afford more at the time)
At no point I expected that I'm subscribing to a service from nfound, or expected a thanks or anything at all really.
So while you're entitled to your opinion, free world as you said, I'm entitled to mine, and my opinion is that you have no right to make accusations of that sort. It's amazing to me that people share their work with us and help us make the best of our phones. These devs "donate" hundreds of hours of their lives to us and all you have to say is "that's a very cheap mentality." when the guy dared to take some time off for himself.
What's the thought process, really?!


rzarectha said:
What's the thought process, really?!
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bornlivedie said:
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Lol why everyone is editing their posts ?

N case NFound reads them? lol

Actually some users are cause to this issue , some users said to something against him and he said Now days getting less thanks

Devs come and devs go. It's always been that way, always will be. xda moves on.
The best measure of a dev's "success", IMO, is the number of downloads of the ROM(s).
I should think that NFound can be proud of that.

People are just idiot to eachother.NFound delivered great work,but devs says he is a idiot because he asks for donatins.Big bull**** if u ask me

Can this thread get closed now? It's pointless talking any further about nfound leaving or accusing ppl of being mean to him or him allegedly being greedy or whatever.
He left. End of story

At least people should respect him that's all i want to say,
---------- Post added at 12:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:50 AM ----------
Will be there anyone to took AEX?

alwynjoshy said:
At least people should respect him that's all i want to say,
---------- Post added at 12:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:50 AM ----------
Will be there anyone to took AEX?
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I agree.

alwynjoshy said:
Will be there anyone to took AEX? [/B]
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as soon as we have the source there will be plenty of Rom :fingers-crossed::victory:


Public apology

i apologize to any and everyone whose work i have used without getting your permission first i truely truely am sorry. i will be taking everything down that i have posted on xda that has other's work without them giving me permission to use it. and even once i ask them and they deny permission i will be taking the uploads down after that as well. again i'm sorry
as for everyone's comments about my HUGE MISTAKE I'M SORRY ABOUT....
LiquidSolstice said:
I never gave anyone permission to do this. You didn't ask me, you told me after the fact. I was planning on letting guitardoc take over, but this is just unacceptable.
Please take this down.
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i did post a comment on your thread asking you to pm me but you never did and i got impatient and hyped up about things and i just rushed things and posted finished stable builds of your rom without your permission thinking things would be okay if i emphisized 3x on the thread i didn't do anything but finish your rom all credit goes to you for all other work. but again i went about things the wrong way i wasn't trying to take full credit for your rom i thought i made that clear in the first post but i guess saying it 3x still isn't the right way to go about things, glad to see we're working things out (btw everyone check out the title of his thread now ) for the better now bro! so i'd like to say this publicly, SORRY FOR USING YOUR ROM WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION LIQUID! (i wanted to say that on the forum so everyone saw lol ) do you accept my appology liquid? (impaler please ____ , you know what we talked about, after liquid post his reply)
FdxRider said:
Sent from my Pedal to the Metal Hero
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I know i made a big uh oh!
LiquidSolstice said:
Let's get something straight here, because it seems you're all offended right now. You can stop fishing for pity or sympathy, because I have none for you.
"help" would have been PMing me what you tried to do, I could test it, and if it works, the links would get posted on the ORIGINAL thread with full credit to you. Hell, I would have put a goddamn donate button right next to links to you. That's how proper crediting goes. I credit with permission every single person who has tested or fixed something for me with the ROM, and that would not have been any different.
Instead, without telling me, you copied my thread, put up a modified version of my ROM, and told me only AFTER the fact that you did so.
You have some INSANE issues with understanding permission and crediting, and as I understand it, this isn't your first time. It doesn't matter if you put my name in 72 BOLD pt in this thread, you never asked me and you posted a whole damn new thread for it. That's just not ok.
If you really want to be "omg super-hero dev", you need to start earning your fellow dev's respect, and right now, that's not working out for you.
If you're still interested in being credited for this, PM me with the download links, I'll check them out, and if they are ok, I'll put it in my original 2.1.1 thread with full credit to you. That's how it works.
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i really want to earn my fellow dev's respect but i keep screwing up i'm sorry again bro. and i'm reading the forum rules about crediting as we speak right now.
laie1472 said:
LMAO I gotta post on this. Sup kifno man?? How can you post take down jasonmaloney and i's rom??? When in the op man you don't give him credit for anything. You state you have finished up ls's rom not jasonmaloney and you. And come on kifno you didn't even ask the man could you work on his rom??? Wow impressive.
Yea its me Again With the
Modified Hero-
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no i asked to take down jasonmaloney's build and my build (two seperate things) b/c we both posted our build's on liquid's thread without his permission.....which was a big no no....but i made things worse by making a seperate thread....again sorry liquid. so there was no need to credit jasonmaloney, laie i know i messed up big time smh stupid move on my part
TJinWV said:
Not that it matters much, but his ROMs and jasonmaloney's are separate. jasonmaloney just put his in Liquid's original 2.1.1 thread here.
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exactly what i was saying about taking down our build's....
LiquidSolstice said:
At least jasonmaloney did not try to make a brand new thread about it. He would have asked me ahead of time, as a proper dev should.
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again i asked ahead of time on the thread but no reply but i did screw things up worse by making this thread again sorry....
il Duce said:
this is EXACTLY what I was talking about in the NFX rom that you put up as your own, you are officially a KANGAHOLIC, and people have been and should be banned for it. Every thread you posts seems to be less about development and more about popularity, you even say **** like "my rom" which you could only REALLY say if you built it from google source, which you obviously can't do. I sincerely hope liquid reported you to the Scotsman, and appropriate action is taken. you = sick. me = sickened.
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i said in my rom's thread that it was based of nfx rom and i gave him credit, i said what i did. i didn't do what i did with liquid's rom, two completely different things... il Duce ik i screwed up with this rom and again i won't be making any mess ups like this again (me = thinking before my actions from now on xda) sorry
LiquidSolstice said:
it's not even as though I would have minded him PMing me first or even do what Jasonmaloney did (posting it as a reply in the original thread )
My rom (I say that very loosely) is based on nfx, but only with full permission from nfinite and on popular request. Even further I credited (with permission ) anyone who helped in testing or debugging, and that is the proper thing to do.
I'm just disappointed. that's the worst of it.
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again my apologies are given to you, do you accept? i know i screwed up big time bro....smh big mistake here
33hfl said:
LS should be out of this and not to be so ofended or asking for any recognition about what someone did when he walked away from his own ROM.He sould thank this guy for finish what he started and never finished after a lot of promess and excuses
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no bro i screwed up...i can't even agree to anything you just said b/c all i wanted to do was help
il Duce said:
oh my god you cannot be serious. smh
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read what i said
33hfl said:
go kifno good work
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good work = yes did i mess up? = HELL YEAH!
FdxRider said:
FORUM RULES12. Using the work of others.
If you are developing something that is based on the work of another Member, you MUST first seek their permission, and you must give credit to the member whose work you used. If a dispute occurs about who developed / created a piece of work, first try to settle the matter by private message and NOT in open forum. If this fails then you may contact a moderator with clear evidence that the work was created by you.
Convincing evidence will result in copied work being removed. If there is no clear evidence you created the work then in the spirit of sharing all work will remain posted on the forums.
These rules apply to all software posted on XDA unless that software comes with a license that waives these rules.
Seek permission <---- What part of that do you or kifno not understand?
Doesn't matterr if it's been dormant for long time still LS's work. Follow the forum rules.
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i am reading and MEMORIZING the forum rules as of now
dpeeps74 said:
Oh man, I'm team Jacob!
Wait, wrong drama
~run, run, as fast as you can, can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man~
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lol wow
33hfl said:
I dont know why LS is crying right now when he wallked away from his own ROM after a lot of excuses and promises.he turned his back on his own son.He should thank this man for the woderful job done.Or he forgot his post.Kifno never took credit for what he was doing,he always gave it to LS
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i did give credit to him 3x throughout the post and said all i did was finish it as he planned to but i went about it wrong....
FdxRider said:
LMAO u sew funneeeeee! NOT!
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ik that was funny right?
jasonmaloney said:
Again with the hostility.
Folks, there is a report post button on every single post on this site. You would all do better to use it than to fill up the development forum with unnecessary drama.
Yes, it wasn't very smart to use LiquidSolstice's work without his permission AND to start a new thread for it with a misleadingly similar title. But the bickering and harassment isn't any more accepted by the rules, nor is it productive in any constructive way. It doesn't really matter who was originally right or wrong; this forum is getting flooded with way too much verbal diarrhea. This is not the XDA mantra.
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again i apologize for doing what i did to even create this drama....this wouldn't have happened if i did things the correct way....sorry
someonenewhere said:
What's the big deal?
The man gave LS credit and he said it "I'm just finishing what LS COULDN'T FINISH"
LS, if you don't want people to finish your ROM. Maybe YOU SHOULD TRY FINISHING YOUR ROM..
You left your ROM out there as a bastard child and that bastard child found a father to take care of it.
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no no i went about things wrong i take full responsiblity for my mistake...sorry liquid
LiquidSolstice said:
Excellent contribution. It must be nice, sitting there just using other people's work and never really taking the time to find out how it all comes together. I'm sure you must be spoiled and basically taking all these custom ROMs you get for granted as most people seem to these days. Just a quick look at any tech blog concerning Android, and you'll find comments such as "oh I'm not worried, XDA will figure it out". People freeload off this place so willingly, paying nothing in either donation or even respect/appreciation (which is all most devs are looking for)
In the meantime, we'll just go with this; my rom = my rom. Whether or not I want to finish it, or whether or not I want it to be finished, or in this case, wehther or not I want someone else to do it, that would be my choice. I put in the hours, I put in the time, you did nothing.
I left the ROM because no one seemed to give a damn about it, and I'm finding out increasingly that I was very wrong about that. If you looked at Chef Central on the Main XDA Forum page, you'll find a few threads by me asking for help with the last bit of cooking, which was the kernel. I didn't notice that Kifno figured it out, and only realized what I needed to fo when jasonmaloney PMed me. I said I had every intention of making it stable, and I was indeed working on it.
Which means that it is my task and my right to put up the final update to my own ROM, not have someone else do it without even letting me know beforehand or asking me, and then posting my exact thread over again instead of PMing me the link to add it in the OP, and then telling me after the fact.
Kifno has already got in touch with me and we're working it out, you guys can relax now.
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again we talked things out and i'm sorry bro. and yes i may just be improving others work (the espreeso 2.1 rom i posted) and changing things, i never took full credit actually most of it goes to nfx b/c everyday i wake up he has a pm in my inbox helping me out with the espresso 2.1 rom, it wouldn't be where it is at without his help. only thing i can take full credit for is my build.prop's thats the only thing i actually did from my own work as for the espresso 2.1 rom that was from the help of many other members on this site, i never took full credit for that rom. i use the term my rom, when i refer to the espresso 2.1 rom, b/c i changed it, not b/c i developed it from scratch and did everything to it on my own, i'm not a super-dev yet lol. i'm just improving other's work and learning along the way and giving them credit and asking permission along the way from now on until i know enough to make something of my own again (besides text files lol) that will be of great help to the community....but for now i'm focuses on improving my rom (AGAIN IT ISN'T COMPLETELY MY ROM MANY OTHERS HELPED ME ALONG THE WAY) and helping others with their work for the hero and problems....first person on the list....liquid!!!!!! (we're pming each other now folks working this out for the better so its alright)
kevphan08 said:
So.....can we use the Rom or No.....Just seems like it was a mistake by the OP to reuse LS's unfinished work without permission, that obviously was a mistake, but if the rom is up and running and "stable" can we just not forgive and forget?
I'm just wondering, not taking a stance/side just a user asking a question.
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we're working on things right now...
You know what man, you're a smark kid, you just take things a bit fast.
You'll grow to understand what it means to command respect here, and I'm sure you'll earn it from everyone. This place is bursting with ideas and creativity, but just PM ROM devs in the future. Every ROM dev needs help, there's no denying that. Sometimes the help you have to offer isn't enough or isn't to their preference, but there's never any harm in PMing to find out.
As far as my ROM goes, with your help, we'll finish this up and finally put an end to all this over exaggerated madness.
E huuuuuuuuug
I think we all learned something here (I sure did), and that's a positive.
I understand you're trying to help, but make it short and sweet. We don't need a full passive - aggressive rundown of events.
I think you would do a great service to yourself (and the people reading your long disjointed posts) if you learned to use some basic English language sentence structure. Your lack of punctuation and your paragraphs of run-on sentences makes you look uneducated and immature.
You're not a bad person, so please take this as constructive criticism.
Kifno,Way to walk this world in man's shoes! I have the most profound respect for you. Make a mistake and own up to it
FdxRider said:
Kifno,Way to walk this world in man's shoes! I have the most profound respect for you. Make a mistake and own up to it
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KIFNO, Admitted he was Wrong!!
That's Big in itself!! It's seems these days, People find it SO MUCH EASIER to just LIE, or BULL**** their way through MISTAKES and basically LIFE in general!
Kifno DIDN'T DO THAT! Instead he owned up to his MISTAKES....
"LIKE a MAN" Should do!
After the Fact, at the End of the Day, All that's Left to come to some sort RECONCILIATION is a TRUE from the HEART a APOLOGY!!
*Sent On My*
Fast as its Ever Been...
"Sprint" Hero... Running My, *ExpressoEnergyHero*ROM, KIFNO's Build.Prop.Tweek, & The XDA.BLUE.apk! "Page:10"of My Thread!!
Hey kifno
Sent from my HTC Hero CDMA using XDA App
U no tjsy myvrnhlo
Sent from my HTC Hero CDMA using XDA App
Wow man great job kifno. It's tough to own up in the face of so many people watching this, you're really just a good person beyond the scope of these forums. I'm proud to call you a fellow human being. I've been watching this escalate and deescalate and I must say it's been a roller coaster ride. I must say some people have been a bit harsher than they should have, but it's understandable when looked at from a different perspective. Kudos to you again.
I'm excited about how the ROM is moving forward at lightning speed right now. Note, LS, that I'm actually using your ROM right now (2.1 stable) and I llllllllooooove it! keep up the good work, I bet it's time-consuming and frustrating to look through and optimize so much code!
~ Jake
Thanks everyone
And I'm not a grammar freak lol I don't treat my post as essays I just type what comes to mind lol that's why my paragraph structure and grammar look bad on the forums just like this very long run on sentence but really constantly working, and school, and keeping 5 roms (mine and ls 4 builds) and my tweak up to date with fixes and new tweaks and optimizations is very time consuming and hard to fit all in one day lol but I just want to help the community and I plan on doing that the right way, LESSON LEARNED HERE, BTW look out for kifno & ls projects in the future
Don't worry about the Grammar police brother. They're pretty tamed here.
Keep up the excellent work! We grow through our mistakes; damn glad you took the initiative. Stay motivated!!!!
Many thanks!!
In the aftermath of all this stuff, I just want to say that truly I appreciate ALL the hard work that you devs put into keeping our Heroes from becoming paperweights. Just the small amount of work I've put into making my own themes for myself makes me appreciate the scope of talent and sheer blood, sweat, and tears it takes to make this stuff work.
oohaylima said:
Don't worry about the Grammar police brother. They're pretty tamed here.
Keep up the excellent work! We grow through our mistakes; damn glad you took the initiative. Stay motivated!!!!
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You forgot a comma between "police" and "brother". You have been warned. The next offence will result in more badgering.
Sent from my CDMA Hero. I got some hot Gingerbread-on-Hero action here!
Lol Ya got me cop'er.
user7618 said:
You forgot a comma between "police" and "brother". You have been warned. The next offence will result in more badgering.
Sent from my CDMA Hero. I got some hot Gingerbread-on-Hero action here!
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Lol.... Good **** Guys, Gotta Nice Laugh Outta Me!!
*Sent on My*
Fast as its Ever Been....
"Sprint" Hero.... Running My, *ExpressoEnergyHero* ROM, KIFNO's Build.Prop.Tweek, & The XDA BLUE.apk!! "Page 10" of My Thread!!
user7618 said:
You forgot a comma between "police" and "brother". You have been warned. The next offence will result in more badgering.
Sent from my CDMA Hero. I got some hot Gingerbread-on-Hero action here!
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Uh oh better watch out for that Guy glad to see everyone getting along and joking with each other
kifno said:
Uh oh better watch out for that Guy glad to see everyone getting along and joking with each other
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Lol, I'm Not Really Sure Why?
But, For Some Reason, It Seems like Some of us Rather Stray Away from the Joking Level, to Instead be Uptight and Insulting!????
Especially when the Majority of us (Members) are Mainly Here to Learn, and Share Knowledge that these ****y Phone Companies Don't want us to Know!!
*Sent on My*
Fast as its Ever Been....
"Sprint" Hero.... Running My, *ExpressoEnergyHero* ROM, KIFNO's Build.Prop.Tweek, & The XDA BLUE.apk!! "Page 10" of My Thread!!
Lol, I'm Not Really Sure Why?
But, For Some Reason, It Seems like Some of us Rather Stray Away from the Joking Level, to Instead be Uptight and Insulting!????
Especially when the Majority of us (Members) are Mainly Here to Learn, and Share Knowledge that these ****y Phone Companies Don't want us to Know!!
*Sent on My*
Fast as its Ever Been....
"Sprint" Hero.... Running My, *ExpressoEnergyHero* ROM, KIFNO's Build.Prop.Tweek, & The XDA BLUE.apk!! "Page 10" of My Thread!!
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Sir, I'm here to confiscate your shift key, and for good measure I'll need your caps lock, too. Capital letters are a privilege, not a right. Don't abuse them.
Sent from my CDMA Hero. I got some hot Gingerbread-on-Hero action here!
user7618 said:
Sir, I'm here to confiscate your shift key, and for good measure I'll need your caps lock, too. Capital letters are a privilege, not a right. Don't abuse them.
Sent from my CDMA Hero. I got some hot Gingerbread-on-Hero action here!
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lmao! --> extra characters because my message was too short.

[REQ] New Years Resolutions FOR XDA Members

Off topic i know.. but i think there should be a thread like this in every phone type/model section of the Forum..
i feel so so sorry for Devs who keep on getting harassed for ETAs for their prospective ROMS/Kernels/bowel movements etc... i would just like to tell all those people who say "WAN IZ ICE KREAM TRIFLE WERKING ON MAI SAMZUNG UNIVERSE EGG SANDWITCHHHH???"...
Please make at least ONE New Years resolution..
DONT harass the Devs, they do this as a hobby and members of XDA are not their bosses. this is a surefire way of getting very good Devs leaving XDA completely and even worse get them to stop developing at all...
So please please please... for your own sake and everyone elses.. play nicely, think about what you ask.. otherwise the site WILL suffer..
And in the wise words of Jerry Springer
"Be Good to yourself, and Each other"
Ciao for now..
And you really think these noobs are actually going yo read your thread or heed your warnings?
They can't even be bothered reading the OP of a dev rom that has all the info they need.
In real life crims will be crims, idiots will be idiots just like noobs will be noobs.
Sent from my GT-I9100
sxi200 said:
And you really think these noons are actually going yo read your thread or heed your warnings?
They can't even be bothered reading the OP of a dev rom that has all the info they need.
In real life crims will be crims, idiots will be idiots just like noobs will be noobs.
Sent from my GT-I9100
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True True... maybe i should retitle my thread to "ICS WORKINGGGGGGGGGG" that should hook 'em in.. "
it's just really frustrating to see..
nutmegy said:
True True... maybe i should retitle my thread to "ICS WORKINGGGGGGGGGG" that should hook 'em in.. "
it's just really frustrating to see..
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It is really frustrating to see but please do not forget if all followed the rules will would be living in a perfect world and unfortunately we do not. You have a good point but like the post above by sxi2000 i doubt many would read this thread..
but anyway good on you fella and keep soldiering on to get rid of the n00bs...
DroidTrix said:
It is really frustrating to see but please do not forget if all followed the rules will would be living in a perfect world and unfortunately we do not. You have a good point but like the post above by sxi2000 i doubt many would read this thread..
but anyway good on you fella and keep soldiering on to get rid of the n00bs...
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in terms of my knowledge i am relatively noobish but at least i have common sense... but anyway XDA is getting such a bad name across the Net as the noob swarm of idiots takes over...
just wanted to say my piece.. and pass on my appreciation
Happy New Year to all and hope all your Christmasses/Kwanzas/Hannukahs (unsure of other religions/countries) were groovy..
Ronm Guides instructions etc should all be boldly titled
Please ask the same question that was asked half an hour ago .
Yes you can flash a Nokia rom on your SGS .
Before the noobs reply nobody has a complaint about any user that asks a relevant question or cannot quite grasp an instruction set .Its those that simply refuse to learn anything and expect members to do it all for them probably due to them still having mummy wipe their arse .
We all started from zero knowledge but most of us took the time and trouble to read and learn .
nutmegy said:
in terms of my knowledge i am relatively noobish but at least i have common sense... but anyway XDA is getting such a bad name across the Net as the noob swarm of idiots takes over...
just wanted to say my piece.. and pass on my appreciation
Happy New Year to all and hope all your Christmasses/Kwanzas/Hannukahs (unsure of other religions/countries) were groovy..
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Happy New Year to you as well fella
JJEgan said:
Ronm Guides instructions etc should all be boldly titled
Please ask the same question that was asked half an hour ago .
Yes you can flash a Nokia rom on your SGS .
Before the noobs reply nobody has a complaint about any user that asks a relevant question or cannot quite grasp an instruction set .Its those that simply refuse to learn anything and expect members to do it all for them probably due to them still having mummy wipe their arse .
We all started from zero knowledge but most of us took the time and trouble to read and learn .
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i'm at work and that did make me chuckle..... oh the life of a Network Engineer... now if my SGS2 could run Cisco IOS... hmmmmmm
Well said Nutmegy (and others).
I'm still relatively n00bish, but I've got initiative and a desire to learn everything/anything I can about how this phone ticks. I absolutely agree that anyone who isn't prepared to "do the hard yards" should honestly stick to stock unless/until they are.
This would save a number of people (this number seems to be growing by the week) the grief of "soft bricking" their phone & not being able to use same for however many days it takes to get the advice on here to fix it.
MistahBungle said:
Well said Nutmegy (and others).
I'm still relatively n00bish, but I've got initiative and a desire to learn everything/anything I can about how this phone ticks. I absolutely agree that anyone who isn't prepared to "do the hard yards" should honestly stick to stock unless/until they are.
This would save a number of people (this number seems to be growing by the week) the grief of "soft bricking" their phone & not being able to use same for however many days it takes to get the advice on here to fix it.
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it's not so much the soft bricking.. it's requests for ETAs that seriously does my head in..
Easy to say, but hard to follow in reality idiots will be idiots ...
bala_gamer said:
Easy to say, but hard to follow in reality idiots will be idiots ...
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so true so true
bala_gamer said:
Easy to say, but hard to follow in reality idiots will be idiots ...
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Bala.... you are so right... anyway enough of my rant....
i need a strong coffee... working on a Jack Daniels induced hangover is strictly not advisable...
Oh hell yes. I tend to mock & ask the mods to close the thread. After I've made sure the OP has seen/taken note of my mocking/sarcasm, of course
nutmegy said:
it's not so much the soft bricking.. it's requests for ETAs that seriously does my head in..
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This thread is unbelievable senseless. You will nobody convince to stop spamming. Just another off topic,,look-how-good-I-am-and-how-stupid-are-other'' thread. asking such questions is business as usual, every dev should be cool enough to handle and ignore it.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
SupraN0va said:
This thread is unbelievable senseless. You will nobody convince to stop spamming. Just another off topic,,look-how-good-I-am-and-how-stupid-are-other'' thread. asking such questions is business as usual, every dev should be cool enough to handle and ignore it.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Ok fair enough.. i'm not going to rise up to it... just hungover and fed up of reading crap and watching XDA going down the toilet.. if there is a Mod somewhere please close... it was not my intention to pi$$ anyone else off... just a minor rant....
Merry XMAS and a happy new year to you!
If anyone thinks its bad now...then just wait for next year. It will get much worse.
Very simple reason - just do the maths. Last year in Australia alone android had about 20% market share. This year it rose to 48% of all smartphones sold to be the number 1 operating system. All in just one year. I suspect the same pattern is happening worldwide.
So next year it will only increase. Therefore, more users = more xda members so hold on to your seats boys and girls.
And do you know what??? There is nothing you or I can do about it. Shame!
Maybe a silly suggestion and it may be hard to implemented, but xda should have a system where new members need to have been logged in for say 100 hours or have read a certain number of threads before they are allowed to post. Maybe even pop-up messages with basic general information / warnings etc for them as well during the first month/s.
My worry is that it may eventually get so bad that the forum administrators will do something drastic that affects all users negatively.
Sent from my GT-I9100
well if you are just talking about resolutions on here regarding smartphones well i suppose getting stable ICS is one, also i seriously cant wait to get a ASUS Transformer Prime and ill by pass on the Galaxy Nexus and Note both of which i don't believe are as good all round as the SGSII and wait for the SGSIII.
ALSO it would be good if noobs who post duplicate questions without using the search function first get an infraction, there needs to be a disclaimer of some sort when they register for the first time that they need to use the search function first and only if they cannot find the answer to their questions (which is all honesty is unlikely as pretty much everything has been covered on here) only then start a thread.
Finally - it would be good if some people didn't steal other peoples work and pass if off as their own, and remember people play nice as much as you can, all this bickering isn't productive for the forum.
---------- Post added at 08:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:55 PM ----------
sxi200 said:
If anyone thinks its bad now...then just wait for next year. It will get much worse.
Very simple reason - just do the maths. Last year in Australia alone android had about 20% market share. This year it rose to 48% of all smartphones sold to be the number 1 operating system. All in just one year. I suspect the same pattern is happening worldwide.
So next year it will only increase. Therefore, more users = more xda members so hold on to your seats boys and girls.
And do you know what??? There is nothing you or I can do about it. Shame!
Maybe a silly suggestion and it may be hard to implemented, but xda should have a system where new members need to have been logged in for say 100 hours or have read a certain number of threads before they are allowed to post. Maybe even pop-up messages with basic general information / warnings etc for them as well during the first month/s.
My worry is that it may eventually get so bad that the forum administrators will do something drastic that affects all users negatively.
Sent from my GT-I9100
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Not silly at all my friend something needs to be done about the sheer amount of duplicate questions being asked time and time on here.
jonny68 said:
well if you are just talking about resolutions on here regarding smartphones well i suppose getting stable ICS is one, also i seriously cant wait to get a ASUS Transformer Prime and ill by pass on the Galaxy Nexus and Note both of which i don't believe are as good all round as the SGSII and wait for the SGSIII.
ALSO it would be good if noobs who post duplicate questions without using the search function first get an infraction, there needs to be a disclaimer of some sort when they register for the first time that they need to use the search function first and only if they cannot find the answer to their questions (which is all honesty is unlikely as pretty much everything has been covered on here) only then start a thread.
Finally - it would be good if some people didn't steal other peoples work and pass if off as their own, and remember people play nice as much as you can, all this bickering isn't productive for the forum.
---------- Post added at 08:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:55 PM ----------
Not silly at all my friend something needs to be done about the sheer amount of duplicate questions being asked time and time on here.
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Wow this is actually being quite a constructive thread... USEFUL ideas instead of *****ing about it all.. but yes some kind of mechanism in place to stop dodgy post.. then at least Forum Admins can say "We told you so"... or indeed the easiest way... and i'm going to whisper this... charge people which could unfortunately be the negative effect that XDA could force on us all..
I know they have put the built in search functionality into the Topic creation field (which has saved me a few times!), but there could be a little bit more as mentioned above.
I re-iterate... we dont want to lose any more devs.. and its the stupid few that ruin it for everybody, i have referred to XDA for a few years now and have found it such a useful resource, a good place to share ideas, help each other out and for Devs/Themers to show off their wares...
nutmegy said:
Wow this is actually being quite a constructive thread... USEFUL ideas instead of *****ing about it all.. but yes some kind of mechanism in place to stop dodgy post.. then at least Forum Admins can say "We told you so"... or indeed the easiest way... and i'm going to whisper this... charge people which could unfortunately be the negative effect that XDA could force on us all..
I know they have put the built in search functionality into the Topic creation field (which has saved me a few times!), but there could be a little bit more as mentioned above.
I re-iterate... we dont want to lose any more devs.. and its the stupid few that ruin it for everybody, i have referred to XDA for a few years now and have found it such a useful resource, a good place to share ideas, help each other out and for Devs/Themers to show off their wares...
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read my signature... use that if you want on your first post

Who is most deserving?

Okay, I was able to file a complaint through a channel that not only has allowed me to order the Nexus 6 I wanted, but also have it sent via free overnight FedEx to be delivered tomorrow... yes, on Saturday.
I was going to post how I did this, but felt it [maybe] unfair to the people who made it happen for me.
So, this leads me to the question: Of all of the people trying to buy this phone, who would truly benefit this community if they were able to get one? Also, who would keep this information confidential and not repost it for the whole community?
Now, I'm not saying this is guaranteed, but from the time I initiated contact, I had a call back within a few short hours, and was able to place an order over the phone.
Are there any developers who have been unable to get it, who would undoubtedly do some serious good by having one?
I hope no one takes this the wrong way. I have zero developing skills, and this is just a tiny way for me to do something for someone deserving since I've benefited so much from this community.
I see what you are trying to do OP.... Might be best to just send a pm next time
Sent from my NEXUS 6
I am not asking for donations. And this thread has been taken all wrong anyway.
wvcadle said:
I am not asking for donations. And this thread has been taken all wrong anyway.
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Ok, I would vote for @franciscofranco. I believe he is still waiting for his and is supposed to be shipped Dec 15 from the UK.
obsanity said:
Ok, I would vote for @franciscofranco. I believe he is still waiting for his and is supposed to be shipped Dec 15 from the UK.
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Thank you! Ask him if he's willing to wait or if he wants to go this route and I'll PM him. Hell, I've used his kernels more than any other.
@franciscofranco is waiting for his to arrive, @rascarlo cant afford one. and he is a great deserving rom developer.
This thread breaks no rules that I am aware of.
If you do not like it, do not read it.
I understand what the OP is getting at.
He has not solicited thanks or donations, if he does then report the thread.
Thread cleaned. Now keep it clean please
simms22 said:
@franciscofranco is waiting for his to arrive, @rascarlo cant afford one. and he is a great deserving rom developer.
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I cannot afford to buy a 2nd one for someone, but am willing to share how I got mine. I know franco is direct and upfront with his words. I don't want to offend him by offering him this info. But if anyone who knows him wants to let him know to contact me, I couldn't think of many more deserving than him.
Edit: thread was cleaned.
MOD EDIT @gregbradley
Please watch your language. If this thread goes pear shaped I will close it. I am watching
I agree with offering the info to Franciscofranco cause he makes a hell of a kernel and keeps it well updated! I'm sure he'd like to get started.
I'd contact CarbonROM or Slim. Last I heard Carbon said they'd only support n6 if they won a phone as no maintainers had money for it.
Skripka said:
I'd contact CarbonROM or Slim. Last I heard Carbon said they'd only support n6 if they won a phone as no maintainers had money for it.
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Please understand what the OP is saying
He does not have a phone to give away
He just knows a way for people to get hold of one quickly, you still have to buy it. He is not selling his own phone.
This isnt even really ground breaking news, all he did was complain up the chain of command and like most execs they dont want to deal with it so in order to make the client happy they just take care of them. You mention they told you not to post online, yet you are doing just that. I honestly dont see the point of this thread, why dont you PM a few of the top developers and see if someone is interested. Its like you are playing a game and somehow you have to be entitled to get your super top secret information.
If it were up to me i would contact someone from Slim team, CM team, PA team, and OMNI team as those 4 are actually doing real development and dont just kang/piece together bits and pieces from every other rom out there.
Circaflex said:
This isnt even really ground breaking news, all he did was complain up the chain of command and like most execs they dont want to deal with it so in order to make the client happy they just take care of them. You mention they told you not to post online, yet you are doing just that. I honestly dont see the point of this thread, why dont you PM a few of the top developers and see if someone is interested. Its like you are playing a game and somehow you have to be entitled to get your super top secret information.
If it were up to me i would contact someone from Slim team, CM team, PA team, and OMNI team as those 4 are actually doing real development and dont just kang/piece together bits and pieces from every other rom out there.
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Well, you have every right to feel that way, even as wrong as you are. The last thing I need to do is justify anything to you or anyone else. I've got a temper, and it has shown on here, but I'm not game player. Like others have said, if you don't like the post, leave it alone.
Well OP im no Dev but if youre willing to shed some light on just how you managed that you'd be the coolest person on xda.
why the sudden change of heart though? you originally said you'd share the info if the phone did indeed ship now you wanna have some sort of vote on who to give the info to?
wvcadle said:
Boom! Anyway, check back here Friday evening. Once I see my 64GB MB N6 "en route", as in "having left the care of its sender and in the hands of the carrier", I'll post how I got someone to listen to, respond, and sell me a phone, all within the same day.
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just sayin
How bout sharing it with a fellow WV native?
Somehow the thought of a smartphone in West Virginia is surreal to me.
Circaflex said:
why the sudden change of heart though? you originally said you'd share the info if the phone did indeed ship now you wanna have some sort of vote on who to give the info to?
just sayin
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Yes, you're correct. I was overly excited and hadn't had time to think about it. And then.... I thought about it and how awesome this person on a small team was to me, and decided against it.
I have no problem with this thread being closed. It's obvious aside from the few who "got" what I was trying to do and posted suggestions, the rest have just whined or bickered on here.
In Desolation said:
Somehow the thought of a smartphone in West Virginia is surreal to me.
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As opposed to Tennessee...? Lol!
wvcadle said:
As opposed to Tennessee...? Lol!
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Born and raised in WV, moved to Tennessee 2 years ago. Grew up in Ravenswood.

Sprint Echoe Lollopop ROM v1

As a member of echoe I'm happy to announce the upcoming ROM from friedrich420 for Sprint devices
Sprint EchoePop v1
The ROM comes rooted, fully deodexed and is packed with AEL and other goodies. Upload is as of now so it's up very soon.
Also I'd like to clarify that the download is free to everyone and does not require any sign ups.
Have a great day everyone
Download when it's up....
Awesome cant wait!!!!
We are losing dev left and right. Thanks for the lp rom
Cant wait to try it, always like Echo roms on my S3........
KLPFL said:
We are losing dev left and right. Thanks for the lp rom
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lot another one(that just got here) this morning! :\
millerboy3 said:
lot another one(that just got here) this morning! :\
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I know.. Ax closed all his thread.. do like his work.
Another dev ?? Who I'm bringing my ROM when I'm off work its asop based on android 4.1
---------- Post added at 06:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:37 PM ----------
pbedard said:
Another dev ?? Who I'm bringing my ROM when I'm off work its asop based on android 5.1
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Woohoo downloading now!!!
---------- Post added at 08:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:34 PM ----------
millerboy3 said:
lot another one(that just got here) this morning! :\
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Miller did you really need to address this... is stuff like this why you stopped? Why cant you people just ignore this stuff... see the post call the guy a d head to yourself and move on... then the other guy had to say something also so the negative stuff is on blast now... i mean we live in a country wherr people voted for obama twice... do you realky expect anything less?
Us people who appreciate you. Tx. Axe. Spleef. Difital. Echo team far out number these guys! Like 10-1. Just ignore them..
Thank you ao much echo team for the rom!!!!!
Appreciate the work, can't wait to try the ROM.
xyojimbox said:
Woohoo downloading now!!!
---------- Post added at 08:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:34 PM ----------
Miller did you really need to address this... is stuff like this why you stopped? Why cant you people just ignore this stuff... see the post call the guy a d head to yourself and move on... then the other guy had to say something also so the negative stuff is on blast now... i mean we live in a country wherr people voted for obama twice... do you realky expect anything less?
Us people who appreciate you. Tx. Axe. Spleef. Difital. Echo team far out number these guys! Like 10-1. Just ignore them..
Thank you ao much echo team for the rom!!!!!
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I'm not going to comment on the obama part. Politics is the fastest way to start flaming and other things on an open public forum. So I kindly ask you to leave politics out of EVERYTHING. (I am completely omitted from the following statements, as I'm not in any part a dev) As far as my expectations, they are MUCH higher than is occuring on these forums these days. These amazing teams make these roms/tools/and mods and are just insulted. Dev's don't need to be saying the same thing over and over again because some person that neglected to read the OP, the stickies, or use the search function (or google) to find the simple answer. This goes the same for PM'ing said dev's for the same things. This includes people wanting dev's to essentially make a PRIVATE BUILD for some individual because they are too lazy, too afraid to try, or just don't care to bother with making their own rom. Don't like 1 thing in someone's rom? Don't use it. Or learn to do/undo what is done that you do/don't like! Its very simple, especially if I can pull off putting a rom together from various mods from AMAZING dev's. I simply lost my patience, I'll go back to lurking the forums and continue my own builds privately. I certainly applaud the retired dev's I see hanging around that do just that. I understand the situation, to the extent that my rom was that of a mustard seed to the rest of these awesome guys. But I feel I understand, I see xda in a different light now, and I simply don't like it. THAT is why I had to adress this. Was this explosion post my intention? No. I would rather a coming dev/user know whats wrong and why, then get sideswiped by a good number of the users here and wonder where it came from. Honesty is the best policy my good sir.
I DEEPLY APOLOGIZE for echoe team for this going on in your thread. You do amazing work! I certainly appreciate everything you have done here at XDA and even now what you don't! You are the bigger men in the situation that has occurred and you are still here. Kudos for sure. Big thanks!
Downloading now.. 6 minutes left to be done... Thank you for the rom...
@millerboy I agreed with you. Used all the resource out there... ask when you exhausted all the resources... Personally I don't like private message.. I ignore other when they message me .... I attempted many times but no success (no a smart person when come to code).
Guys take the comments to pm and keep this thread clear. This ROM is so sweet, I've been running it since lunchtime. you guys should really give it a try.<br/>
millerboy3 said:
I'm not going to comment on the obama part. Politics is the fastest way to start flaming and other things on an open public forum. So I kindly ask you to leave politics out of EVERYTHING. (I am completely omitted from the following statements, as I'm not in any part a dev) As far as my expectations, they are MUCH higher than is occuring on these forums these days. These amazing teams make these roms/tools/and mods and are just insulted. Dev's don't need to be saying the same thing over and over again because some person that neglected to read the OP, the stickies, or use the search function (or google) to find the simple answer. This goes the same for PM'ing said dev's for the same things. This includes people wanting dev's to essentially make a PRIVATE BUILD for some individual because they are too lazy, too afraid to try, or just don't care to bother with making their own rom. Don't like 1 thing in someone's rom? Don't use it. Or learn to do/undo what is done that you do/don't like! Its very simple, especially if I can pull off putting a rom together from various mods from AMAZING dev's. I simply lost my patience, I'll go back to lurking the forums and continue my own builds privately. I certainly applaud the retired dev's I see hanging around that do just that. I understand the situation, to the extent that my rom was that of a mustard seed to the rest of these awesome guys. But I feel I understand, I see xda in a different light now, and I simply don't like it. THAT is why I had to adress this. Was this explosion post my intention? No. I would rather a coming dev/user know whats wrong and why, then get sideswiped by a good number of the users here and wonder where it came from. Honesty is the best policy my good sir.
I DEEPLY APOLOGIZE for echoe team for this going on in your thread. You do amazing work! I certainly appreciate everything you have done here at XDA and even now what you don't! You are the bigger men in the situation that has occurred and you are still here. Kudos for sure. Big thanks!
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Geez I can understand that if people are demanding private builds wow....
Team echo rom running awesome so far thank you so much for still building for us even though you left xda... that's so awesome of you guys!!! Mad mad thanx!!!!!
xyojimbox said:
Geez I can understand that if people are demanding private builds wow....
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You would be surprised what you get pm's for when building roms -_-
xyojimbox said:
Team echo rom running awesome so far thank you so much for still building for us even though you left xda... that's so awesome of you guys!!! Mad mad thanx!!!!!
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Just came by to say it's up... a bit late lol you all already know :good:
Seems like it's the same on every device. It starts nice and as soon as a device hits a certain number of owners (the mass market) the childish posts start. I can understand everyone who has been a victim of this and I think it has to be talked about. It is destroying a great platform... but as for now it is what it is.
Can we get an offical thread in the Development section?
ScottBroker said:
Can we get an offical thread in the Development section?
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Most likely not. But I'm pretty sure we can address things here.
xyojimbox said:
Most likely not. But I'm pretty sure we can address things here.
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Does this have the all black theme?
ScottBroker said:
Does this have the all black theme?
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I'm not sure. But if you look in settings under echo rom settings there is a ton of tw themes you can dl
xyojimbox said:
I'm not sure. But if you look in settings under echo rom settings there is a ton of tw themes you can dl
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I just see some TW launcher themes..... Like is there a way to shut off data speed in the status bar...?

What ROMs would you like to see on the Moto E4 Qualcomm(Perry)?

Hey everyone! Since XDA is a community-based forum, I want to hear your input on what ROMs those with the Qualcomm Moto E4 would like to see. I'm new to developing so I cannot 100% promise a fully working ROM right out of the gate, but I'll sure as heck give it a try because you gotta start somewhere, right? DotOS v1.2 is fully working other than the LTE CDMA issue due to LineageOS being the base, crDroid is almost 100% working after I solve the camera error, and in a few days after messing around with crDroid's cam I planned on attempting another Unofficial ROM for you guys. One final thing: Oreo device trees for the Perry model don't seem to be up yet, so as of right now please recommend Nougat ROMs.
Your efforts are much appreciated. However, I would suggest you build which ever ROM interests you. We previously had a dev here that asked which ROMs to build. He uploaded a bunch. Then when the ingrates started complaining about updates, broken features, etc... he pulled everything and closed his account. Things have been really slow for perry, so your ROMs are very welcome! I would rather you stick around than get aggravated and leave as well.
I'm on Verizon so I'd love to see anything that could support that. However I don't really need a custom ROM what with the xposed framework giving me all I need, but stock Oreo would be nice once that's possible.
mn1968 said:
Your efforts are much appreciated. However, I would suggest you build which ever ROM interests you. We previously had a dev here that asked which ROMs to build. He uploaded a bunch. Then when the ingrates started complaining about updates, broken features, etc... he pulled everything and closed his account. Things have been really slow for perry, so your ROMs are very welcome! I would rather you stick around than get aggravated and leave as well.
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Well I already compiled the two I use and enjoy the most on my other phones, I wouldn't mind building one more. Maybe I'll put up a poll
AospExtended (AEX) is my goto ROM when available and needed. That said, I will probably stick with stock on my rooted/unlocked XT1768 as Xposed provides access to essential customizations without having to go the custom ROM route.
haha if you were building for woods mediatek i would suggest tesla or ground zero roms ...aah well ..
since the qcom boys prefer xposed perhaps you can build blind for woods for practise ..
Sent from my woods_f using XDA Labs
KevMetal said:
haha if you were building for woods mediatek i would suggest tesla or ground zero roms ...aah well ..
since the qcom boys prefer xposed perhaps you can build blind for woods for practise ..
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Once I get more familiar and comfortable with development I did plan on compiling a few things for the woods model. I'm also a part of the woods telegram group currently so I also have people who are willing to test
KevMetal said:
haha if you were building for woods mediatek i would suggest tesla or ground zero roms ...aah well ..
since the qcom boys prefer xposed perhaps you can build blind for woods for practise ..
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Dude, back off. Lol. You guys got enough. If we had lte on CDMA, more ppl would be jumping at it. Boost was giving these things away for $29. Best buy messed up and sent me 2 virgin mobile ones.
---------- Post added at 04:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:46 AM ----------
fireball0093 said:
Once I get more familiar and comfortable with development I did plan on compiling a few things for the woods model. I'm also a part of the woods telegram group currently so I also have people who are willing to test
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Bro, your work here is greatly appreciated. There are folks working on lte for CDMA. I'm sure your builds have already had tons of downloads.
I say don't get build happy and save some for others who might want to build and share something.?
</poorly_coded> said:
I say don't get build happy and save some for others who might want to build and share something.?
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So far only 1 other person has, and it's all gone. If someone was going to, they probably would by now. All are welcome. Especially if anyone has input on CDMA lte.
madbat99 said:
So far only 1 other person has, and it's all gone. If someone was going to, they probably would by now. All are welcome. Especially if anyone has input on CDMA lte.
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New people pop up for devices all the time. Especially when there are roms to build for them that haven't been done. Some of us are working on getting them fully working for everyone else. Just saying, it would be nice to not have all the good ones taken once that work is done. You shouldn't speak for everyone here. It is a community forum.
</poorly_coded> said:
New people pop up for devices all the time. Especially when there are roms to build for them that haven't been done. Some of us are working on getting them fully working for everyone else. Just saying, it would be nice to not have all the good ones taken once that work is done. You shouldn't speak for everyone here. It is a community forum.
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In my opinion, it was you trying to speak for everyone saying stop building. So, [email protected]
Dude didn't say he was going to build everything everyone suggested. He was just looking for suggestions
madbat99 said:
In my opinion, it was you trying to speak for everyone saying stop building. So, [email protected]
Dude didn't say he was going to build everything everyone suggested. He was just looking for suggestions
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Ok, whatever. I guess you guys would rather have quantity than quality. I guess you guys are good. I'll just post what I was going to for owens and leave perry alone.
Sent from my Motorola Moto E (4) Plus using XDA Labs
</poorly_coded> said:
Ok, whatever. I guess you guys would rather have quantity than quality. I guess you guys are good. I'll just post what I was going to for owens and leave perry alone.
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Sometimes I feel like the only adult here. Do what makes you happy. I do. Remember, we do this because we love it. The feeling of accomplishment when ppl use your build, and appreciate it. Some can even tolerate it when ppl just gripe because some abstract feature that only that one person uses is borked and they show no appreciation at all. Because they love it. As soon as you don't love doing it, stop. Before ya start to sound grandiose.
But what do I know. I build for myself and share privately.
madbat99 said:
Sometimes I feel like the only adult here. Do what makes you happy. I do. Remember, we do this because we love it. The feeling of accomplishment when ppl use your build, and appreciate it. Some can even tolerate it when ppl just gripe because some abstract feature that only that one person uses is borked and they show no appreciation at all. Because they love it. As soon as you don't love doing it, stop. Before ya start to sound grandiose.
But what do I know. I build for myself and share privately.
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Obviously the whole point of my first post went right over your head. I don't even know why you felt the need to respond to begin with, or to further instigate. I wasn't saying stop building, don't know why you assumed that. I was only saying don't get greedy, there are other people who would like to share their work and experience that "feeling of accomplishment when ppl use your build, and appreciate it" that you just mentioned. Troll much? Looks like the bat symbol goes out every time someone makes a post around here.
Edit: I even placed my vote for a rom. Only one other user has.
Edit-2: @fireball0093 I hope you don't misinterpret what I was saying. If you need any help with anything, feel free to PM me.?
Sent from my Motorola Moto E (4) Plus using XDA Labs
madbat99 said:
Sometimes I feel like the only adult here. Do what makes you happy. I do. Remember, we do this because we love it. The feeling of accomplishment when ppl use your build, and appreciate it. Some can even tolerate it when ppl just gripe because some abstract feature that only that one person uses is borked and they show no appreciation at all. Because they love it. As soon as you don't love doing it, stop. Before ya start to sound grandiose.
But what do I know. I build for myself and share privately.
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</poorly_coded> said:
Obviously the whole point of my first post went right over your head. I don't even know why you felt the need to respond to begin with, or to further instigate. I wasn't saying stop building, don't know why you assumed that. I was only saying don't get greedy, there are other people who would like to share their work and experience that "feeling of accomplishment when ppl use your build, and appreciate it" that you just mentioned. Troll much? Looks like the bat symbol goes out every time someone makes a post around here.
Edit: I even placed my vote for a rom. Only one other user has.
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End it now gentlemen.
Stay civil, everyone.
Had very good experience with Slim ROM back in original Nexus 7
kyungone said:
Had very good experience with Slim ROM back in original Nexus 7
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Would also like to see slim rom!
codyalan said:
Would also like to see slim rom!
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+1 Another good choice!

