What ROMs would you like to see on the Moto E4 Qualcomm(Perry)? - Moto E4 Questions & Answers

Hey everyone! Since XDA is a community-based forum, I want to hear your input on what ROMs those with the Qualcomm Moto E4 would like to see. I'm new to developing so I cannot 100% promise a fully working ROM right out of the gate, but I'll sure as heck give it a try because you gotta start somewhere, right? DotOS v1.2 is fully working other than the LTE CDMA issue due to LineageOS being the base, crDroid is almost 100% working after I solve the camera error, and in a few days after messing around with crDroid's cam I planned on attempting another Unofficial ROM for you guys. One final thing: Oreo device trees for the Perry model don't seem to be up yet, so as of right now please recommend Nougat ROMs.

Your efforts are much appreciated. However, I would suggest you build which ever ROM interests you. We previously had a dev here that asked which ROMs to build. He uploaded a bunch. Then when the ingrates started complaining about updates, broken features, etc... he pulled everything and closed his account. Things have been really slow for perry, so your ROMs are very welcome! I would rather you stick around than get aggravated and leave as well.

I'm on Verizon so I'd love to see anything that could support that. However I don't really need a custom ROM what with the xposed framework giving me all I need, but stock Oreo would be nice once that's possible.

mn1968 said:
Your efforts are much appreciated. However, I would suggest you build which ever ROM interests you. We previously had a dev here that asked which ROMs to build. He uploaded a bunch. Then when the ingrates started complaining about updates, broken features, etc... he pulled everything and closed his account. Things have been really slow for perry, so your ROMs are very welcome! I would rather you stick around than get aggravated and leave as well.
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Well I already compiled the two I use and enjoy the most on my other phones, I wouldn't mind building one more. Maybe I'll put up a poll

AospExtended (AEX) is my goto ROM when available and needed. That said, I will probably stick with stock on my rooted/unlocked XT1768 as Xposed provides access to essential customizations without having to go the custom ROM route.

haha if you were building for woods mediatek i would suggest tesla or ground zero roms ...aah well ..
since the qcom boys prefer xposed perhaps you can build blind for woods for practise ..
Sent from my woods_f using XDA Labs

KevMetal said:
haha if you were building for woods mediatek i would suggest tesla or ground zero roms ...aah well ..
since the qcom boys prefer xposed perhaps you can build blind for woods for practise ..
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Once I get more familiar and comfortable with development I did plan on compiling a few things for the woods model. I'm also a part of the woods telegram group currently so I also have people who are willing to test

KevMetal said:
haha if you were building for woods mediatek i would suggest tesla or ground zero roms ...aah well ..
since the qcom boys prefer xposed perhaps you can build blind for woods for practise ..
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Dude, back off. Lol. You guys got enough. If we had lte on CDMA, more ppl would be jumping at it. Boost was giving these things away for $29. Best buy messed up and sent me 2 virgin mobile ones.
---------- Post added at 04:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:46 AM ----------
fireball0093 said:
Once I get more familiar and comfortable with development I did plan on compiling a few things for the woods model. I'm also a part of the woods telegram group currently so I also have people who are willing to test
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Bro, your work here is greatly appreciated. There are folks working on lte for CDMA. I'm sure your builds have already had tons of downloads.

I say don't get build happy and save some for others who might want to build and share something.?

</poorly_coded> said:
I say don't get build happy and save some for others who might want to build and share something.?
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So far only 1 other person has, and it's all gone. If someone was going to, they probably would by now. All are welcome. Especially if anyone has input on CDMA lte.

madbat99 said:
So far only 1 other person has, and it's all gone. If someone was going to, they probably would by now. All are welcome. Especially if anyone has input on CDMA lte.
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New people pop up for devices all the time. Especially when there are roms to build for them that haven't been done. Some of us are working on getting them fully working for everyone else. Just saying, it would be nice to not have all the good ones taken once that work is done. You shouldn't speak for everyone here. It is a community forum.

</poorly_coded> said:
New people pop up for devices all the time. Especially when there are roms to build for them that haven't been done. Some of us are working on getting them fully working for everyone else. Just saying, it would be nice to not have all the good ones taken once that work is done. You shouldn't speak for everyone here. It is a community forum.
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In my opinion, it was you trying to speak for everyone saying stop building. So, [email protected]
Dude didn't say he was going to build everything everyone suggested. He was just looking for suggestions

madbat99 said:
In my opinion, it was you trying to speak for everyone saying stop building. So, [email protected]
Dude didn't say he was going to build everything everyone suggested. He was just looking for suggestions
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Ok, whatever. I guess you guys would rather have quantity than quality. I guess you guys are good. I'll just post what I was going to for owens and leave perry alone.
Sent from my Motorola Moto E (4) Plus using XDA Labs

</poorly_coded> said:
Ok, whatever. I guess you guys would rather have quantity than quality. I guess you guys are good. I'll just post what I was going to for owens and leave perry alone.
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Sometimes I feel like the only adult here. Do what makes you happy. I do. Remember, we do this because we love it. The feeling of accomplishment when ppl use your build, and appreciate it. Some can even tolerate it when ppl just gripe because some abstract feature that only that one person uses is borked and they show no appreciation at all. Because they love it. As soon as you don't love doing it, stop. Before ya start to sound grandiose.
But what do I know. I build for myself and share privately.

madbat99 said:
Sometimes I feel like the only adult here. Do what makes you happy. I do. Remember, we do this because we love it. The feeling of accomplishment when ppl use your build, and appreciate it. Some can even tolerate it when ppl just gripe because some abstract feature that only that one person uses is borked and they show no appreciation at all. Because they love it. As soon as you don't love doing it, stop. Before ya start to sound grandiose.
But what do I know. I build for myself and share privately.
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Obviously the whole point of my first post went right over your head. I don't even know why you felt the need to respond to begin with, or to further instigate. I wasn't saying stop building, don't know why you assumed that. I was only saying don't get greedy, there are other people who would like to share their work and experience that "feeling of accomplishment when ppl use your build, and appreciate it" that you just mentioned. Troll much? Looks like the bat symbol goes out every time someone makes a post around here.
Edit: I even placed my vote for a rom. Only one other user has.
Edit-2: @fireball0093 I hope you don't misinterpret what I was saying. If you need any help with anything, feel free to PM me.?
Sent from my Motorola Moto E (4) Plus using XDA Labs

madbat99 said:
Sometimes I feel like the only adult here. Do what makes you happy. I do. Remember, we do this because we love it. The feeling of accomplishment when ppl use your build, and appreciate it. Some can even tolerate it when ppl just gripe because some abstract feature that only that one person uses is borked and they show no appreciation at all. Because they love it. As soon as you don't love doing it, stop. Before ya start to sound grandiose.
But what do I know. I build for myself and share privately.
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</poorly_coded> said:
Obviously the whole point of my first post went right over your head. I don't even know why you felt the need to respond to begin with, or to further instigate. I wasn't saying stop building, don't know why you assumed that. I was only saying don't get greedy, there are other people who would like to share their work and experience that "feeling of accomplishment when ppl use your build, and appreciate it" that you just mentioned. Troll much? Looks like the bat symbol goes out every time someone makes a post around here.
Edit: I even placed my vote for a rom. Only one other user has.
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End it now gentlemen.

Stay civil, everyone.

Had very good experience with Slim ROM back in original Nexus 7

kyungone said:
Had very good experience with Slim ROM back in original Nexus 7
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Would also like to see slim rom!

codyalan said:
Would also like to see slim rom!
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+1 Another good choice!


show respect for damageless here

Seems like Damageless was able to step in an unify people again after the couple of recent ugly situations.
IMO he is showing the power and spirit of open source development and I owe him thanks. All of us do.
Thanks damageless. Keep doing what you do.
gbhil said:
Seems like Damageless was able to step in an unify people again after the couple of recent ugly situations.
IMO he is showing the power and spirit of open source development and I owe him thanks. All of us do.
Thanks damageless. Keep doing what you do.
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+100 on this looks like this forum is back on track and getting things done again thanks to him.
damn right! I just wish I'd try his ROM, but I know there's probably a new version coming out tonight, and I'm way too lazy to go through and flash multiple times lol
To damage, to gbhil, to fresh, to toast(sp), and to all the ones offering help and support. This community is so much more than people making roms, its people coming together and sharing ideas, supporting each other, teaching, and making friends! This is and will always be my fav site
Did I miss something?
abcdfv said:
Did I miss something?
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yes. Consider yourself lucky.
I realized that statement's not quite fair.
you missed -
Me getting busted for warez i didn't post
Konikub getting drug through the mud for something he did not do
bikcmp getting **** for releasing a ROM early
bikcmp, Konikub, and everyone else getting **** for releasing ROMs that weren't unique enough for some peoples taste
Flipz. PaulObrien, and everyone else getting called to the carpet over donation and release policies (which as i understand the whole donate policy here is now under review because of it)
And general foolishness and fighting like small children on all the front page threads.
I am loving all the progress happening here now. Frankly I can't wait to see what else the developers can implement here.
Damageless, I don't know how you are answering all the posts, fixing the ROM and getting no sleep. Good job.
great job Damageless.....Keep up all the great work.
I agree back on track. THANKS
Wow, thanks guys!!!
It is great to have the community working together. I think we have all seen how everyone can profit by working together.
Now that it's been mentioned, I have noticed an explosion of ROMs and shiz instead of just "Hlp hw do i rot!" threads.
My respect for him and all you devs out there making it happen for us ...flipz, toast, gbhil, bikcmp and a few others I can't remember..
on behalf of every HTC Hero user...I thank you all for your great work and the time you put in to better the htc hero os ...
Fantastic work, damageless! You set a great example for others!
add darchstar and his killer DarchDroid to the list
Thanks to all the people who help with this community...And the whole donation argument is petty...U don't have to donate, its a choice...These devs do have lives like the rest of us...They aren't trying to get rich off of it...They like to mod their phones just like us, thats y they do it..
if you guys are soooo good at making roms for android then why not make a app that makes the browser connect to a authenticated http proxy over wifi? android is open source.
Thank you Damage, Flipz, Gbhil and all of the other devs for all of your hard work and dedication.
Redneck101 said:
if you guys are soooo good at making roms for android then why not make a app that makes the browser connect to a authenticated http proxy over wifi? android is open source.
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all i have to say is why. why would even try to start crap.
rjj1976 said:
Damageless, I don't know how you are answering all the posts, fixing the ROM and getting no sleep. Good job.
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It's obvious...he's literally an Android

[ANNOUNCEMENT]Please stop putting down the Devs in these posts

Please stop with the dumb comments against the devs. This is totally uncalled for and should stop now. I am someone who really enjoy's coming to this site. I come here to read, learn and always am looking for new fun things to flash.
IMO all the devs here are amazing and remember they do this all for free, They dont have to give us nothing but they give us amazing Roms, Kernels and Themes to make our phones better and allows us to customize it how we like. You are all entitled to an opinion but if you have nothing nice to say then you should'nt say it. Dont start crap because your Rom hasnt been updated in a few days, you know the devs are working on it and will release it after its been tested. I know i want something tested before i flash it and i would think you would also. So lets remember we all are here for the same reasons and i would like to make sure the devs know we appreciate them and all they do for us. I dont want devs to start getting pissed and say forget you all so lets try being nicer to them.
Sorry for this but this is just my opinion and i hope you all would agree with me.
^^^Absolutely agree
Sent from my OTB Comm.Rominate
+2 absolutely agree. If you don't like how the devs are, STFU and go AWAY. They do amazing things for us. Period.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
Not meant as a rant, just my POV
Why, Why would anyone who is a member or user of XDA, bash on the Developers?? This is ASININE!! The developers here have made your devices so much better than they are stock. they spend countless hours fixing what the carrier and manufacturer screwed up in the first place and pawned off on us as GOOD STUFF Every time I have Questions or Issues with something it has been a developer who helped me, so in return they get all my support. Then I take what I already knew and what I learn here and apply it to helping other who are not at the level i am yet. So if this forum is dedicated to making things better for your devices and your understanding of those devices and its OS, which they MOST definitely ARE, why not show support and ask for help if something is going wrong or you don't understand, most of us are truly here to help. Instead of complaining and bashing do some research and find out how to help yourself, who knows, you might get so addicted to it you become a developer yourself.
DaleV said:
Why, Why would anyone who is a member or user of XDA, bash on the Developers?? This is ASININE!! The developers here have made your devices so much better than they are stock. they spend countless hours fixing what the carrier and manufacturer screwed up in the first place and pawned off on us as GOOD STUFF Every time I have Questions or Issues with something it has been a developer who helped me, so in return they get all my support. Then I take what I already knew and what I learn here and apply it to helping other who are not at the level i am yet. So if this forum is dedicated to making things better for your devices and your understanding of those devices and its OS, which they MOST definitely ARE, why not show support and ask for help if something is going wrong or you don't understand, most of us are truly here to help. Instead of complaining and bashing do some research and find out how to help yourself, who knows, you might get so addicted to it you become a developer yourself.
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Thank you... It's nice to see people are agreeing with me on this.
Don't bite the hand that feeds you. Also, remember to not be frustrated when they can't instantly solve a problem. There is a reason that they make the roms, and you don't. Most people are busy.. maybe they have a job, family, and/or school. The fascinate really has talented people working on it. We are some of the lucky people that flash new toms and kernels without a locked bootloader.
Sent from my Samsung Superphone using XDA App
you know the sad thing about these people, is that they come back.
Could not agree more. There is no need for any slinging in here.
I also get bummed when I sere people *telling* themers what to change.
None of us has to be anything outside of stock. If you opt to participate in the progress, great, enjoy. But know that the guys that build out owe you nothing.
You have it because THEY are awesome.
And OP, I love that you made a thread for this. :thumbup:
Best post I've read in a long while.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
Excellent post.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Wait, so I can't demand faster updates and better support for all the money that I'm NOT paying? You mean to tell me that I can't catch attitude with the devs who are doing all of this for free? Are you trying to suggest that I can't complain about the bleeding edge software/firmware and a**kicking mods that we get from them when Samsung and Verizon wouldn't walk across the street to piss on our heads if we were on fire? Are you implicating that I don't have the right to leave criticizing posts and berate the devs when this awesome stuff isn't exactly to my liking? Especially when it's user error and all my fault? To sum it all up you're basically saying that it's wrong for me to be an a**hole and totally ungrateul when I've contributed absolutely NOTHING to this community? That's it! I'm getting an iPhone and I'm leaving!
Lol! Great post man! For real! 100% AGREE!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
Great post fitti...and on that note...remember to donate to those you use. It takes so much time to do this kinda stuff, we should at least buy em a beer.
Just curious, but where did you see anyone bashing a developer? The only bashing i have ever seen in the fascinate forum was of people who post things that are obviously not their own work. A lot of comm rom supporters used to have bad attitudes towards nitro for including tsm parts in his rom, but he has gotten rid of those now so there is no reason to be mad at him.
thefunkbot said:
Just curious, but where did you see anyone bashing a developer?
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I've no idea what he's referring to either.
And the use of the prefix, "[ANNOUNCEMENT]" for this self-righteous rant seems rather pretentious.
thefunkbot said:
Just curious, but where did you see anyone bashing a developer? The only bashing i have ever seen in the fascinate forum was of people who post things that are obviously not their own work. A lot of comm rom supporters used to have bad attitudes towards nitro for including tsm parts in his rom, but he has gotten rid of those now so there is no reason to be mad at him.
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I think this thread was started in response to chronster's comments in your Crysis Revolution thread about Community ROM being broken and your theme not being made for other ROMs.
thefunkbot said:
Just curious, but where did you see anyone bashing a developer? The only bashing i have ever seen in the fascinate forum was of people who post things that are obviously not their own work. A lot of comm rom supporters used to have bad attitudes towards nitro for including tsm parts in his rom, but he has gotten rid of those now so there is no reason to be mad at him.
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Well there has been people coming into the posts and complaining that this Rom or theme hasnt been updated. i mean i am all for the newest updates to any of the Roms, themes, launchers and anything you all do for us. So basically i was just trying to put it out there that anyone who is not contributing to any dev or mods should just be patient and in time all their ROMS, Themes, CWM and everything that you all do will get done. I was just getting tired of people demanding stuff, i mean come on if you want something bad enough and you can't wait then oh well learn to do it yourself. There are plenty of people waiting for Comrom v 2.0 and they will have to wait until it has been tested and released, when it is it will be awesome b/c these good people who have jobs and lives outside of this posts are willing to do amazing stuff in their free time. I know your Tw4 is going to be awesome and you do amazing work.
I just want everyone to be nice to you all as they should be showing their appreciation instead of sometimes being asses to some of the devs. I didnt enjoy my phone when i first got it and now i love it because of all that you all do... I just wanted you all to know it and i hoped everyone else agrees with me.
landshark68 said:
I think this thread was started in response to chronster's comments in your Crysis Revolution thread about Community ROM being broken and your theme not being made for other ROMs.
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Landshark you hit the nail on the head. Thank you for that.
fitti28 said:
Landshark you hit the nail on the head. Thank you for that.
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Well, remember the troll from that thread blamed his lack of meds as the problem.... yeah I didn't buy it either.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
Our devs rule and everyone knows it. Anyone who would bash them is clearly a troll or an idiot, or both, and shouldn't be paid an ounce of attention.
thefunkbot said:
Just curious, but where did you see anyone bashing a developer? The only bashing i have ever seen in the fascinate forum was of people who post things that are obviously not their own work. A lot of comm rom supporters used to have bad attitudes towards nitro for including tsm parts in his rom, but he has gotten rid of those now so there is no reason to be mad at him.
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yeah it wasnt just chronster though....if you actually want to bang your head against the wall there are dozens of lousy comments in the com rom thread about "this rom is broken, why release this..blah blah"
really irritating

Sprint Echoe Lollopop ROM v1

As a member of echoe I'm happy to announce the upcoming ROM from friedrich420 for Sprint devices
Sprint EchoePop v1
The ROM comes rooted, fully deodexed and is packed with AEL and other goodies. Upload is as of now so it's up very soon.
Also I'd like to clarify that the download is free to everyone and does not require any sign ups.
Have a great day everyone
Download when it's up....
Awesome cant wait!!!!
We are losing dev left and right. Thanks for the lp rom
Cant wait to try it, always like Echo roms on my S3........
KLPFL said:
We are losing dev left and right. Thanks for the lp rom
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lot another one(that just got here) this morning! :\
millerboy3 said:
lot another one(that just got here) this morning! :\
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I know.. Ax closed all his thread.. do like his work.
Another dev ?? Who I'm bringing my ROM when I'm off work its asop based on android 4.1
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pbedard said:
Another dev ?? Who I'm bringing my ROM when I'm off work its asop based on android 5.1
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Woohoo downloading now!!!
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millerboy3 said:
lot another one(that just got here) this morning! :\
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Miller did you really need to address this... is stuff like this why you stopped? Why cant you people just ignore this stuff... see the post call the guy a d head to yourself and move on... then the other guy had to say something also so the negative stuff is on blast now... i mean we live in a country wherr people voted for obama twice... do you realky expect anything less?
Us people who appreciate you. Tx. Axe. Spleef. Difital. Echo team far out number these guys! Like 10-1. Just ignore them..
Thank you ao much echo team for the rom!!!!!
Appreciate the work, can't wait to try the ROM.
xyojimbox said:
Woohoo downloading now!!!
---------- Post added at 08:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:34 PM ----------
Miller did you really need to address this... is stuff like this why you stopped? Why cant you people just ignore this stuff... see the post call the guy a d head to yourself and move on... then the other guy had to say something also so the negative stuff is on blast now... i mean we live in a country wherr people voted for obama twice... do you realky expect anything less?
Us people who appreciate you. Tx. Axe. Spleef. Difital. Echo team far out number these guys! Like 10-1. Just ignore them..
Thank you ao much echo team for the rom!!!!!
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I'm not going to comment on the obama part. Politics is the fastest way to start flaming and other things on an open public forum. So I kindly ask you to leave politics out of EVERYTHING. (I am completely omitted from the following statements, as I'm not in any part a dev) As far as my expectations, they are MUCH higher than is occuring on these forums these days. These amazing teams make these roms/tools/and mods and are just insulted. Dev's don't need to be saying the same thing over and over again because some person that neglected to read the OP, the stickies, or use the search function (or google) to find the simple answer. This goes the same for PM'ing said dev's for the same things. This includes people wanting dev's to essentially make a PRIVATE BUILD for some individual because they are too lazy, too afraid to try, or just don't care to bother with making their own rom. Don't like 1 thing in someone's rom? Don't use it. Or learn to do/undo what is done that you do/don't like! Its very simple, especially if I can pull off putting a rom together from various mods from AMAZING dev's. I simply lost my patience, I'll go back to lurking the forums and continue my own builds privately. I certainly applaud the retired dev's I see hanging around that do just that. I understand the situation, to the extent that my rom was that of a mustard seed to the rest of these awesome guys. But I feel I understand, I see xda in a different light now, and I simply don't like it. THAT is why I had to adress this. Was this explosion post my intention? No. I would rather a coming dev/user know whats wrong and why, then get sideswiped by a good number of the users here and wonder where it came from. Honesty is the best policy my good sir.
I DEEPLY APOLOGIZE for echoe team for this going on in your thread. You do amazing work! I certainly appreciate everything you have done here at XDA and even now what you don't! You are the bigger men in the situation that has occurred and you are still here. Kudos for sure. Big thanks!
Downloading now.. 6 minutes left to be done... Thank you for the rom...
@millerboy I agreed with you. Used all the resource out there... ask when you exhausted all the resources... Personally I don't like private message.. I ignore other when they message me .... I attempted many times but no success (no a smart person when come to code).
Guys take the comments to pm and keep this thread clear. This ROM is so sweet, I've been running it since lunchtime. you guys should really give it a try.<br/>
millerboy3 said:
I'm not going to comment on the obama part. Politics is the fastest way to start flaming and other things on an open public forum. So I kindly ask you to leave politics out of EVERYTHING. (I am completely omitted from the following statements, as I'm not in any part a dev) As far as my expectations, they are MUCH higher than is occuring on these forums these days. These amazing teams make these roms/tools/and mods and are just insulted. Dev's don't need to be saying the same thing over and over again because some person that neglected to read the OP, the stickies, or use the search function (or google) to find the simple answer. This goes the same for PM'ing said dev's for the same things. This includes people wanting dev's to essentially make a PRIVATE BUILD for some individual because they are too lazy, too afraid to try, or just don't care to bother with making their own rom. Don't like 1 thing in someone's rom? Don't use it. Or learn to do/undo what is done that you do/don't like! Its very simple, especially if I can pull off putting a rom together from various mods from AMAZING dev's. I simply lost my patience, I'll go back to lurking the forums and continue my own builds privately. I certainly applaud the retired dev's I see hanging around that do just that. I understand the situation, to the extent that my rom was that of a mustard seed to the rest of these awesome guys. But I feel I understand, I see xda in a different light now, and I simply don't like it. THAT is why I had to adress this. Was this explosion post my intention? No. I would rather a coming dev/user know whats wrong and why, then get sideswiped by a good number of the users here and wonder where it came from. Honesty is the best policy my good sir.
I DEEPLY APOLOGIZE for echoe team for this going on in your thread. You do amazing work! I certainly appreciate everything you have done here at XDA and even now what you don't! You are the bigger men in the situation that has occurred and you are still here. Kudos for sure. Big thanks!
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Geez I can understand that if people are demanding private builds wow....
Team echo rom running awesome so far thank you so much for still building for us even though you left xda... that's so awesome of you guys!!! Mad mad thanx!!!!!
xyojimbox said:
Geez I can understand that if people are demanding private builds wow....
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You would be surprised what you get pm's for when building roms -_-
xyojimbox said:
Team echo rom running awesome so far thank you so much for still building for us even though you left xda... that's so awesome of you guys!!! Mad mad thanx!!!!!
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Just came by to say it's up... a bit late lol you all already know :good:
Seems like it's the same on every device. It starts nice and as soon as a device hits a certain number of owners (the mass market) the childish posts start. I can understand everyone who has been a victim of this and I think it has to be talked about. It is destroying a great platform... but as for now it is what it is.
Can we get an offical thread in the Development section?
ScottBroker said:
Can we get an offical thread in the Development section?
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Most likely not. But I'm pretty sure we can address things here.
xyojimbox said:
Most likely not. But I'm pretty sure we can address things here.
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Does this have the all black theme?
ScottBroker said:
Does this have the all black theme?
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I'm not sure. But if you look in settings under echo rom settings there is a ton of tw themes you can dl
xyojimbox said:
I'm not sure. But if you look in settings under echo rom settings there is a ton of tw themes you can dl
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I just see some TW launcher themes..... Like is there a way to shut off data speed in the status bar...?

Where are the ROMs?

This might be a dumb question, but i'm quite certain i'm not the only one wondering. Is anyone working on any ROMs for the v20? I know jc cracked root and recovery fairly quickly. Is anyone working on any roms? I'd love to test out Cyan ....its been years.
Pretty sure LG hasn't released the source code yet, and we still don't have the dll needed for unbricking using LGup. It's only been a month since the phone was released, chill.
I think once we get a way to flash tot/kdz people will be more willing to experiment.
slayerh4x said:
I think once we get a way to flash tot/kdz people will be more willing to experiment.
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Ah, got ya. I'm not in a hurry, i just didn't know exactly what the roadblock was, or if there was one. That makes more sense now.
trobertson said:
Pretty sure LG hasn't released the source code yet, and we still don't have the dll needed for unbricking using LGup. It's only been a month since the phone was released, chill.
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Why do people always do this? Did i sound desperate? I was just asking a simple question...isnt that what forums are for??
thatisandwas said:
Why do people always do this? Did i sound desperate? I was just asking a simple question...isnt that what forums are for??
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I can't speak for anyone other than myself,but,it's generally considered rude/needy asking for ROMS & ETA's for such.If you don't believe me take a look around XDA & the rules for all who enter here.
Seriously,only one model has an unlockable bootloader ATM & it has only been available officially since 10/28/16.
On top of that,Android 7.0 is a new OS with only a handful of phones running it,so,you may wanna temper your expectations for development a bit............................
mods delete
---------- Post added at 03:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:42 PM ----------
thatisandwas said:
Why do people always do this? Did i sound desperate? I was just asking a simple question...isnt that what forums are for??
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The no ETAs rule. Posted everywhere and consistently broken.
I can't speak for anyone other than myself,but,it's generally considered rude/needy asking for ROMS & ETA's for such.If you don't believe me take a look around XDA & the rules for all who enter here.
Seriously,only one model has an unlockable bootloader ATM & it has only been available officially since 10/28/16.
On top of that,Android 7.0 is a new OS with only a handful of phones running it,so,you may wanna temper your expectations for development a bit............................
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This. Patience is a virtue. Instant gratification is childish. If you want a ROM right now, start developing it yourself.
trobertson said:
mods delete
---------- Post added at 03:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:42 PM ----------
The no ETAs rule. Posted everywhere and consistently broken.
This. Patience is a virtue. Instant gratification is childish. If you want a ROM right now, start developing it yourself.
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Perhaps you can show me where i asked for an ETA??? Seriously though, i'm not trying to be rude or demand anything. I simply asked if anyone was WORKING on roms. I didn't say "WHEN IS THIS COMING OUT?!" or anything like that. Delete it if you want, i was just curious to see if/what people were working. Someone above nicely informed me that certain software was needed before anyone could start developing, which makes sense.
What doesn't make sense, is calling me childish, selfish, etc, for asking if anyone is developing anything. It's so ridiculous that i can't ask a simple question without people jumping down my throat. I've been on this forum for almost 10 years and it didn't used to be like this.
LG is not a very popular brand that does not attract devs. Even the Pixel doesn't even have roms. The days of roms are numbered sadly.
Sent from my LG-H811 using Tapatalk
thatisandwas said:
Ah, got ya. I'm not in a hurry, i just didn't know exactly what the roadblock was, or if there was one. That makes more sense now.
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JCadduono, the guy who gave us root shell and TWRP, is working on getting Kali Nethunter rom working right now. He is really good and I know he will get it working.
slayerh4x said:
JCadduono, the guy who gave us root shell and TWRP, is working on getting Kali Nethunter rom working right now. He is really good and I know he will get it working.
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That sounds awesome. This is the kind of response i was asking for. Thanks man!
thatisandwas said:
That sounds awesome. This is the kind of response i was asking for. Thanks man!
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NP, if you find out about any others let me know.
I understand that the second screen caused problems in the V10 development. That'll likely be an issue with this phone as well.
thatisandwas said:
This might be a dumb question, but i'm quite certain i'm not the only one wondering. Is anyone working on any ROMs for the v20? I know jc cracked root and recovery fairly quickly. Is anyone working on any roms? I'd love to test out Cyan ....its been years.
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You more than likely aren't going to see a cyanogen rom, they still don't have a working one for the v10... The second screen kills it...
Sent from my LG-H918 using Tapatalk
People I think a quick no or explanation of the phone is too new would of just been fair instead of bashing the guy. The OMG don't ask for eta's rule doesn't really come in to play here
Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk
slayerh4x said:
JCadduono, the guy who gave us root shell and TWRP, is working on getting Kali Nethunter rom working right now. He is really good and I know he will get it working.
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Thanks, thats all the OP wants to know. As do I and many others. IS someone working on a ROM etc.. No ETAs ... This guy seems to be working on something also .. http://forum.xda-developers.com/v20/development/v20-v1-oct-20-16-t3482986
Here's my take on it. For one why would anyone buy a device like this to put cm on it? Like seriously that would be just silly. That's what nexus devices are for! I highly doubt there will be many roms that aren't just the standard stock debloated/deodexed. And those aren't even features. My advice is stay stock and use xposed if it comes out. I highly doubt there's gonna be any ground breaking features added to any rom.
Plus all the devs are switching to iPhones now! lol
Sent from my LG-H811 using Tapatalk
dark jedi66 said:
People I think a quick no or explanation of the phone is too new would of just been fair instead of bashing the guy. The OMG don't ask for eta's rule doesn't really come in to play here
Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk
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Phones has officially been out 19 days and the resources needed for custom Roms aren't available. Tag this in the first world impatient problem bin. Geez.

R.I.P CyanogenMod...

So, as of today 12/24/2016 CyanogenMod will be no longer.
No CyanogenMod for Pixel(XL)/
Source: https://www.cyanogenmod.org/blog/a-fork-in-the-road
RIP? it doesn't say in that article that they will stop developing
EDIT: correction your right I guess it's RIP to CM but you will still see the same development just renamed Lineage
I was wonderimg wtf happened to them.. Sob. I was also wondering what's going on around here lately because there are no other roms on this forum besides for wetas, thank you WETA BTW! That and dirty unicorn isn't even advertising on this sub forum either which I find odd.
thewebsiteisdown said:
I was wonderimg wtf happened to them.. Sob. I was also wondering what's going on around here lately because there are no other roms on this forum besides for wetas, thank you WETA BTW! That and dirty unicorn isn't even advertising on this sub forum either which I find odd.
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Dirty Unicorns left XDA because of toxicity, self entitled newcomers, constant feature and ETA requests, etc. They reside on G+ and Devs Base now. It kinda stinks but at least you know they're still out there and where to find them. :good:
Alcolawl said:
Dirty Unicorns left XDA because of toxicity, self entitled newcomers, constant feature and ETA requests, etc. They reside on G+ and Devs Base now. It kinda stinks but at least you know they're still out there and where to find them. :good:
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Then no DU for me. G+ is a cluster * AFAIC. Need to develop firmer hands, thicker skins.
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
wtherrell said:
Then no DU for me. G+ is a cluster * AFAIC. Need to develop firmer hands, thicker skins.
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
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Why do they "Need" to do anything?
Are you paying for their services or something?
Your post is just representative of the reasons many devs leave.
Alcolawl said:
Dirty Unicorns left XDA because of toxicity, self entitled newcomers, constant feature and ETA requests, etc. They reside on G+ and Devs Base now. It kinda stinks but at least you know they're still out there and where to find them. :good:
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Yeah I know where they're hiding out and I'm actually running the rom right now, solid rom btw. Things are looking bleak around here though. IMO people that are whiny new comers, most of them are actually just trolls trying to get a rise out of people and should just be ignored. There's nothing making anyone respond to them..
thewebsiteisdown said:
Yeah I know where they're hiding out and I'm actually running the rom right now, solid rom btw. Things are looking bleak around here though. IMO people that are whiny new comers, most of them are actually just trolls trying to get a rise out of people and should just be ignored. There's nothing making anyone respond to them..
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Such is the generation these days. Self entitled babies who want everything handed to them with little or no effort on their part. " participation trophy" generation and it's really sad.
CZ Eddie said:
Why do they "Need" to do anything?
Are you paying for their services or something?
Your post is just representative of the reasons many devs leave.
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My, my. If My posts have driven them away then they are indeed too easily irritated. Yes I understand the frustration, with criticism, lack of appreciation for their work, the people who continue to ask the same questions that have already been answered many times in the same thread, etc. I respect their right to leave behind the source of the irritation if they so desire. At the same time I claim the right not to follow them to something (G+) that I find irritating. I have no real disrespect for those Devs who choose that path but I do wish they could find a way to stay active on XDA.
So, apologies all around for any offense I have given. I did not intend any. Merely expressing a wish and what might be needed for them to stay.
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
thewebsiteisdown said:
Yeah I know where they're hiding out and I'm actually running the rom right now, solid rom btw. Things are looking bleak around here though. IMO people that are whiny new comers, most of them are actually just trolls trying to get a rise out of people and should just be ignored. There's nothing making anyone respond to them..
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I'm running DU as well. It is running great. I understand why some Dev's stopped posting here. "This is broke" (with no logcat) "I want this obscure feature", "When will the next release come out?" "Can you answer a question that was answered 10 pages back?" Many Dev's have taken to G+. It's not hard to find them. But it's also not as easy as coming here and asking questions that should not be being asked of the DEV's who do this for fun. Some here simply ruin it for the rest of us.
Anutter226 said:
So, as of today 12/24/2016 CyanogenMod will be no longer.
No CyanogenMod for Pixel(XL)/
Source: https://www.cyanogenmod.org/blog/a-fork-in-the-road
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Thats not correct,
Only the original developement has stopped (so no more CM Version will come out)
There are lots of community versions, basically fir every device is a community made version availible (mostly for older/low-end devices)
I know of CM 14.1 for Sony Xperia M, Sony Xperia Z3 and so on.
Those devices dont get official updates by cyanogenmod team, jzst from community developers.
And its possible that some community developer bring CM for Pixel devices as well.
Gesendet von meinem Pixel XL mit Tapatalk
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Thread has been cleaned, If you have an issue with a post or user, please report and move on.
Crystallux said:
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why would you post this nonsense in a thread that is discussing the demise of cyanogenmod?
wase4711 said:
why would you post this nonsense in a thread that is discussing the demise of cyanogenmod?
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Where's any nonsense? Or was it "cleaned?"
Ker~Man said:
Where's any nonsense? Or was it "cleaned?"
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Maybe he's referring to the screenshot of a Pixel running Dirty Unicorns?
Anutter226 said:
So, as of today 12/24/2016 CyanogenMod will be no longer.
No CyanogenMod for Pixel(XL)/
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Why would you want CM when there is DirtyUnicorn and soon to be Pure Nexus?
Juzman said:
Why would you want CM when there is DirtyUnicorn and soon to be Pure Nexus?
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One reason is that if it uses the Qualcomm Bluetooth stack instead of AOSP, then you can probably hack the image to let you use the APT-x bluetooth codec for a slightly better audio quality experience.
Otherwise, I'm with you.
CZ Eddie said:
Maybe he's referring to the screenshot of a Pixel running Dirty Unicorns?
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Sorry. I'm not the best at comprehending "geek."
Thread Closed as it, has ran it's course, so it seems....

