show respect for damageless here - Hero CDMA General

Seems like Damageless was able to step in an unify people again after the couple of recent ugly situations.
IMO he is showing the power and spirit of open source development and I owe him thanks. All of us do.
Thanks damageless. Keep doing what you do.

gbhil said:
Seems like Damageless was able to step in an unify people again after the couple of recent ugly situations.
IMO he is showing the power and spirit of open source development and I owe him thanks. All of us do.
Thanks damageless. Keep doing what you do.
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+100 on this looks like this forum is back on track and getting things done again thanks to him.

damn right! I just wish I'd try his ROM, but I know there's probably a new version coming out tonight, and I'm way too lazy to go through and flash multiple times lol

To damage, to gbhil, to fresh, to toast(sp), and to all the ones offering help and support. This community is so much more than people making roms, its people coming together and sharing ideas, supporting each other, teaching, and making friends! This is and will always be my fav site

Did I miss something?

abcdfv said:
Did I miss something?
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yes. Consider yourself lucky.
I realized that statement's not quite fair.
you missed -
Me getting busted for warez i didn't post
Konikub getting drug through the mud for something he did not do
bikcmp getting **** for releasing a ROM early
bikcmp, Konikub, and everyone else getting **** for releasing ROMs that weren't unique enough for some peoples taste
Flipz. PaulObrien, and everyone else getting called to the carpet over donation and release policies (which as i understand the whole donate policy here is now under review because of it)
And general foolishness and fighting like small children on all the front page threads.

I am loving all the progress happening here now. Frankly I can't wait to see what else the developers can implement here.

Damageless, I don't know how you are answering all the posts, fixing the ROM and getting no sleep. Good job.

great job Damageless.....Keep up all the great work.

I agree back on track. THANKS

Wow, thanks guys!!!
It is great to have the community working together. I think we have all seen how everyone can profit by working together.

Now that it's been mentioned, I have noticed an explosion of ROMs and shiz instead of just "Hlp hw do i rot!" threads.

My respect for him and all you devs out there making it happen for us ...flipz, toast, gbhil, bikcmp and a few others I can't remember..
on behalf of every HTC Hero user...I thank you all for your great work and the time you put in to better the htc hero os ...

Fantastic work, damageless! You set a great example for others!

add darchstar and his killer DarchDroid to the list

Thanks to all the people who help with this community...And the whole donation argument is petty...U don't have to donate, its a choice...These devs do have lives like the rest of us...They aren't trying to get rich off of it...They like to mod their phones just like us, thats y they do it..

if you guys are soooo good at making roms for android then why not make a app that makes the browser connect to a authenticated http proxy over wifi? android is open source.

Thank you Damage, Flipz, Gbhil and all of the other devs for all of your hard work and dedication.

Redneck101 said:
if you guys are soooo good at making roms for android then why not make a app that makes the browser connect to a authenticated http proxy over wifi? android is open source.
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all i have to say is why. why would even try to start crap.

rjj1976 said:
Damageless, I don't know how you are answering all the posts, fixing the ROM and getting no sleep. Good job.
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It's obvious...he's literally an Android


g1 + cyanogenmod over with

Is it possible that the cyanogen era on g1 is over he has been great to us but looks like its time to move on. Thank him for his time and work but would appreciate if we could get some devs to keep doing amazing things to the g1 which isn't out dated or hasn't reached it full capacity. Thanks to all devs eugene manup cyanogen jac n many more but please keep making us proud. Thanks again
Wait, proud?
tlisak25 said:
Is it possible that the cyanogen era on g1 is over he has been great to us but looks like its time to move on. Thank him for his time and work but would appreciate if we could get some devs to keep doing amazing things to the g1 which isn't out dated or hasn't reached it full capacity. Thanks to all devs eugene manup cyanogen jac n many more but please keep making us proud. Thanks again
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this is not development.
it amazes me how thick people can be.
Nicely done. 3 posts and one of them is both retarded and in the wrong section.
You'll do well here.
tlisak25 said:
Is it possible that the cyanogen era on g1 is over he has been great to us but looks like its time to move on. Thank him for his time and work but would appreciate if we could get some devs to keep doing amazing things to the g1 which isn't out dated or hasn't reached it full capacity. Thanks to all devs eugene manup cyanogen jac n many more but please keep making us proud. Thanks again
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You sure are something else
Oh and G1 era is over time to move on to better things
Its at its max already the SPL is pushing it to its bare limits.Devs are moving on up!
Max will do acer, eugene droid,cyan has a nexus i think.Not sure what other devs will do though..
What makes this funnier is that Cyan already said he'll continue
And good job everyone, you've successfully portrayed sarcasm over the internet
JAguirre1231 said:
And good job everyone, you've successfully portrayed sarcasm over the internet
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Actually, I thought I was rather blunt with my comment...
grandomegabosses said:
Actually, I thought I was rather blunt with my comment...
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You were, now let's all take a moment for the posts that are about to be laid to rest in the "deleted posts" graveyard...
think what u want
I was giving credit where its due I was just curious to see if other devs will continue or is it time to move on thanks for all off the internet tuff guys that always talk nonsence
tlisak25 said:
I was giving credit where its due I was just curious to see if other devs will continue or is it time to move on thanks for all off the internet tuff guys that always talk nonsence
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Your welcome
tlisak25 said:
I was giving credit where its due I was just curious to see if other devs will continue or is it time to move on thanks for all off the internet tuff guys that always talk nonsence
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if you're going to give credit where it's due, try maybe donating to them. the development section is for development. which this is not.
tlisak25 said:
Is it possible that the cyanogen era on g1 is over he has been great to us but looks like its time to move on. Thank him for his time and work but would appreciate if we could get some devs to keep doing amazing things to the g1 which isn't out dated or hasn't reached it full capacity. Thanks to all devs eugene manup cyanogen jac n many more but please keep making us proud. Thanks again
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No offence but people like you are nasty. Its like robbing a homless guy. Cyanogen takes time out of his day to bring you the latest and greatest ROMs and trys his best everytime, and the work shows off! This is the 2nd time I've seen a member trash a Dev, and not just any Dev, but Cyanogen! Cyanogen's ROMs are top notch work. Barley any FC's and all of those are from the 3rd Part Applications. I don't know what's gotten into you people, but you should learn to respect others, and yourselves. You need to learn some manners. I'll write you a book, "Respecting Others for Dumbies"... I can already see the cover. I know that the time will come when Cyanogen releases a ROM that makes a drought in the Android world, AND GOOGLE cry! And I believe that then and there you should apologize and mail Cyanogen a letter on how bad you feel about trashing him. THIS IS WHAT MAKES ME WANT TO SELL MY G1, AND BUY A HTC TOUCH HD2... PEOPLE LIKE YOU! Have a nice evening.
tlisak25 said:
I was giving credit where its due I was just curious to see if other devs will continue or is it time to move on thanks for all off the internet tuff guys that always talk nonsence
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As you can see cyan is still making the things, manup is here,taylor,King(?)MLIGN(?),Clay(?),Enom~,Jac!
No offence but people like you are nasty. Its like robbing a homless guy. Cyanogen takes time out of his day to bring you the latest and greatest ROMs and trys his best everytime, and the work shows off! This is the 2nd time I've seen a member trash a Dev, and not just any Dev, but Cyanogen! Cyanogen's ROMs are top notch work. Barley any FC's and all of those are from the 3rd Part Applications. I don't know what's gotten into you people, but you should learn to respect others, and yourselves. You need to learn some manners. I'll write you a book, "Respecting Others for Dumbies"... I can already see the cover. I know that the time will come when Cyanogen releases a ROM that makes a drought in the Android world, AND GOOGLE cry! And I believe that then and there you should apologize and mail Cyanogen a letter on how bad you feel about trashing him. THIS IS WHAT MAKES ME WANT TO SELL MY G1, AND BUY A HTC TOUCH HD2... PEOPLE LIKE YOU! Have a nice day.
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Not much day left here, but I'll try, thank you
I never said day you editided my post boii!
i'd like to take my second post on this board to say three things:
first and
secondly. please read this board in and out for months before posting. otherwise you come off as annoying and rude.
lastly. all devs deserve the best encouragement and gratitude for what they do for us...for FREE (though technically you should be donating)
i'd like to take my second post on this board to say three things:
first and
secondly. please read this board in and out for months before posting. otherwise you come off as annoying and rude.
lastly. all devs deserve the best encouragement and gratitude for what they do for us...for FREE (though technically you should be donating)
I never said day you editided my post boii!
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At the end you say Have a nice day... boiii!!!!
I dont see why people are obsessed with having the latest version/firmware...For example..Some were mad about not having 2.0 or 1.6 hero which is dumb...Or they want MT on dialer and MT chargers and MT screens and MT people and MT MT..MT this MT that MT'd you in the eye
Gotta remember its just a phone...Another piece of hardware...The G1 is 1yr couple months ol and thats pretty new still considering what its capable of.
cullenm said:
i'd like to take my second post on this board to say three things:
first and
secondly. please read this board in and out for months before posting. otherwise you come off as annoying and rude.
lastly. all devs deserve the best encouragement and gratitude for what they do for us...for FREE (though technically you should be donating)
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at least someone's got his priorities straight.
i lurked here for at least 5 months before putting my say in anything.

To Rom Developers: Thank You

I just wanted to give a BIG thank you to all of our amazing developers. Without you guys, we would still be looking at stock HTC Sense and wondering when things would get better. If any of you guys have spare cash, buy as many of these guys as many beers as you can. They take a ton of time out of their daily lives to give us these amazing ROMS, and they don't ask for anything in return. That is the definition of selflessness, and we, the userbase, should continue to support their efforts. I know as soon as I get my raise I'm going to financially aid in their development.
Remember, Donate the the ROM chefs, unrEVOked, and the people that help resolve issues with coding.
Once again, Thanks guys, you fill up my day with fun.
Edit: if you feel like thanking someone personal, let em know here.
Bump and personal thanks to ihtfp for the newest SkyRaider, its the best thing to happen to the Incredible in its short existence.
Sent from my rooted Incredible using XDA App
I just donated to ihftp69 for his awesome SkyRaider 2.2.
Fretless said:
I just donated to ihftp69 for his awesome SkyRaider 2.2.
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I couldn't begin to thank everyone (not even just developers) that has given me the tools to improve my incredible individually.
SkyRaider, Smooth Sense Icons, Hide Location, Stock Lock and Desk Clock, Root!, patches, boot animations, the list just goes on and on!!
so a big thank you to the members of the forum for all you do!!!
I would like to thank the Academy, god, and myself...
magneticzero said:
I would like to thank the Academy, god, and myself...
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Ditto, without the "Academy" and "God" parts... =p (this may seem annoyingly pompous now but you guys will be happy when my similar yet legally different multiplayer version of "Advanced Wars" is released for free for the DInc later this year... hell I need something to help me avoid actually paying attention in college) . Also while this is directed at developers, it isn't exactly developmental, so maybe it should go in the "General" section... I'm sure some devs still go in there *shifty eyes*.
Thank you!
DeeBG said:
Also while this is directed at developers, it isn't exactly developmental, so maybe it should go in the "General" section... I'm sure some devs still go in there *shifty eyes*.
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I wasn't so sure. Figured this would be where most devs see it.
Gonna leave this in dev just for the mere philanthropy of it.
The intention of the OP is in the right place, but this thread should be in General. It has nothing to do with Development.
GMK83 said:
The intention of the OP is in the right place, but this thread should be in General. It has nothing to do with Development.
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I know, I know....I'll move it tomorrow.
I'll remember next time to put it in the right forum. The only reason i put it here is because the devs come here. Apologies.
No problem. At least it's something that could benefit the devs. Bumping for it's last 18 hours here in development.

XDA for the Vibrant is dead.. I love our Dev's!!

I guess when your phone just runs amazing it is getting hard to make it better. I keep trolling XDA for something worth reading or trying but nodda.
Thanks Dev for all that you have done but are we coming close to the end of development for the Vibrant? Any insight as to what might be some things to look forward to in the future?
Updated - Changed the title because I meant no disrespect
When I say no ROM worth trying I guess I need to be more specific. I currently run Bionix-V and right now don't see any ROM that is a huge improvement worth switching from.. But to clarify there are several very good ROM's out for our Vibrants..
maybe you should wait til they release a source code for 2.2
actually, just leave now.
Wow dont you think thats a slap in the face. I mean I actually think eugene is working with source first of all.
Secondly I "hear" they are working on gingerbread as there is a proof of concept in the development forum.
So once again.. dont you think this is a slap in the face to those who are working are to bring more features to us?
jonwilly said:
No Roms worth trying no kernels no modems. I guess when your phone just runs amazing it is getting hard to make it better. I keep trolling XDA for something worth reading or trying but nodda.
Thanks Dev for all that you have done but are we coming close to the end of development for the Vibrant? Any insight as to what might be some things to look forward to in the future?
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As for your questions, we still have Sense to look forward to (Barak, if you some how see this, good luck with your family situation,) new ROMs from TW/Eugene, etc. Possibilities are truly endless.
hazard99 said:
Wow dont you think thats a slap in the face. I mean I actually think eugene is working with source first of all.
Secondly I "hear" they are working on gingerbread as there is a proof of concept in the development forum.
So once again.. dont you think this is a slap in the face to those who are working are to bring more features to us?
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WHAT???? "dont you think this is a slap in the face to those who are working are to bring more features to us?"
Are you smoking crack? I have donated and appreciate everything the Dev's have done and are doing to make our phones experience better.
But since the last few solid ROMS have come out for 2.2 there really has been little new development that actually improves your phones performance.
Currently Running
Bionix - V
KB1 Modem
I'm confused by this post. Actually I'm very shocked by this post.
Did you even look at the Dev forum? There are a ton of ROMS and the ROMS available are continuously being updated , some even are getting 2 or more updates per week!
How can you say the Vibrant is dead?
I can answer my own question:
1. You are just trolling OR
2. You need to learn how to use your reading comprehension skills and read more
Because there is plenty of action going on for development for the Vibrant. Give it some time man. The source code that is in the Dev section is a leaked one that Eugene got his hands on. Samsung hasn't even officially released it yet. Once they do there will be a swarm of updates to these ROMS we have already AND there will be new ones.
IDK, sorry for my rant. I usually don't even reply to these kind of seemingly troll posts but you probably should just take the other guys suggestion and just leave the forums. Because you just slapped the great Devs that help us all make our Vibrants one of the most customizable phones around.
Don't bash any devs with a statement like yours, and then at the end of your post thank the devs. That brief "thanks" to the devs doesn't take away the SLAP in the face you just gave them
PS. Just for your info and a reply to your last statement about performance enhancements to the Vibrants... My phone KILLS my girlfriends stock Nexus S in performance and looks in every way possible. I can't even bog my phone down and I'm not even overclocked. I'm running a "stock" Bionix V 1.2
stop feeding the trolls
Ha.. This is funny.. People get fired up and I am not even attacking anyone. I just was trying to strike of some interesting conversation on future project or things to look forward to in the near future.
Geeze peeps.. Chillz the hell out...
It's a trap!
Let me get my .02 in before this thread gets justifiably locked.
To the OP, what are you looking for? To say this forum is dieing is a joke.....right??
At one point there was only TW, Eugene, and Master posting up Roms; NOW we have about 6-7 options. The theming section is plastered with new options. 2.2 just got released and it opened up more doors.
If you think it's dead then kindly depart, you and all you have contributed will be sorely missed. /sarcasm
jonwilly said:
Ha.. This is funny.. People get fired up and I am not even attacking anyone. I just was trying to strike of some interesting conversation on future project or things to look forward to in the near future.
Geeze peeps.. Chillz the hell out...
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No, you are not attacking anyone directly but you were also not "striking up interesting conversation". "forum is dead" and "no roms worth trying" is a matter of opinion which you are entitled to but not exactly a kind way of asking what's in the Vibrant developments future.
jonwilly said:
Ha.. This is funny.. People get fired up and I am not even attacking anyone. I just was trying to strike of some interesting conversation on future project or things to look forward to in the near future.
Geeze peeps.. Chillz the hell out...
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You have "striked" some conversation for sure. And my post wasn't attacking you so I'm assuming you weren't talking to me in your last reply?
Unfortunately your post comes across kind of negative towards the community of Devs that work very hard to keep giving us new stuff for our phones.
So maybe you had very good intentions and the words just came out looking bad in your post.
I mean it is very hard to express intent thru words on a page. With actual conversation in person your words come across better. So maybe you can edit your original post if you didn't mean it to be a slap in the face to the community of devs here?
If not then that's fine too. Everyone is entitiled to their opinions.
Is the Vibrant General not the place to just have open discussions? Why all the neg responses? I'm a die hard fan of this forum and our vibrant community. I was just trying to strike some conversation.
I agree we have themes out the butt.. Great I have themed my phone to death..
Your wording is not very good, I'm sorry to say. When you say "there are no ROMs worth trying" it sounds like you're saying "there are a bunch of ROMs but they're all shyte." If that is not your intent, I hope you change you original post, because that's exactly what it sounds like.
If that is your intent, then you deserve all the flack that you're getting here
I agree, but Flagship has been beast for me!!
Bernardos70 said:
If that is your intent, then you deserve all the flack that you're getting here
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Not my intent at all..
This thread seems kind of silly since we've just started seeing kernels built from 2.2 source. It's kinda been the Holy Grail for many of us since the Froyo leaks began. Don't know about you, but I'm totally excited about Voodoo sound, overclocking, bln, ulf, etc., and all that with good battery life.
So really, if you think there's nothing exciting now, what exactly do you consider worthwhile?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Kubernetes said:
So really, if you think there's nothing exciting now, what exactly do you consider worthwhile?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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I consider worthwhile close this thread!

Popularity of Android

off topic, but is it just me or was Xda much better when android was still a new platform? now that all the tools hop on the bandwagon xda is full of negativity. Or is it just me?
yes, we're like dogs.
We get fed with roms, tools, apps everyday, but we want more and more and more...
blader3759 said:
off topic, but is it just me or was Xda much better when android was still a new platform? now that all the tools hop on the bandwagon xda is full of negativity. Or is it just me?
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The thirst could possibly be quenched when we get 2.2 source and start building aosp! that's when the real fun will begin. But as of now our devs are doing an excellent job.
Although I agree that people are just plain mean on here. Its just pure immaturity.. needs to stop
Sent from Bionix powered vibrant! If I helped, hit the thanks button!
treyvaporizer said:
The thirst could possibly be quenched when we get 2.2 source and start building aosp! that's when the real fun will begin. But as of now our devs are doing an excellent job.
Although I agree that people are just plain mean on here. Its just pure immaturity.. needs to stop
Sent from Bionix powered vibrant! If I helped, hit the thanks button!
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exactly our Devs are doing an excellent job! Until these 4yr olds learn to code like our devs they need to quit being so " I want I want I want" you get the new Roms when they are released quit being so greedy!
tbh, their "i wants" actually are suggestions to devs.
I'm sure if the same thing is said 600 times it's annoying but, when just a few say it, it is like a suggestion, and the devs will think about it if they want to implement that in their next build.
The Users give Devs a good idea of what they want, because the Dev isn't making a ROM for JUST personal use, they will be releasing it to public and when a bunch of people want something, usually the dev listens or replys saying why he can't do that etc.
Don't know why but the vibrant forum seems to be meaner and more immature than others I've been in...... Not sure why........ I figure it must be the popularity of the phone
But yes we need people to be more considerate. in general
oka1 said:
Don't know why but the vibrant forum seems to be meaner and more immature than others I've been in...... Not sure why........ I figure it must be the popularity of the phone
But yes we need people to be more considerate. in general
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I think its cause its T-Mobile which is a popular with younger people.

[ANNOUNCEMENT]Please stop putting down the Devs in these posts

Please stop with the dumb comments against the devs. This is totally uncalled for and should stop now. I am someone who really enjoy's coming to this site. I come here to read, learn and always am looking for new fun things to flash.
IMO all the devs here are amazing and remember they do this all for free, They dont have to give us nothing but they give us amazing Roms, Kernels and Themes to make our phones better and allows us to customize it how we like. You are all entitled to an opinion but if you have nothing nice to say then you should'nt say it. Dont start crap because your Rom hasnt been updated in a few days, you know the devs are working on it and will release it after its been tested. I know i want something tested before i flash it and i would think you would also. So lets remember we all are here for the same reasons and i would like to make sure the devs know we appreciate them and all they do for us. I dont want devs to start getting pissed and say forget you all so lets try being nicer to them.
Sorry for this but this is just my opinion and i hope you all would agree with me.
^^^Absolutely agree
Sent from my OTB Comm.Rominate
+2 absolutely agree. If you don't like how the devs are, STFU and go AWAY. They do amazing things for us. Period.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
Not meant as a rant, just my POV
Why, Why would anyone who is a member or user of XDA, bash on the Developers?? This is ASININE!! The developers here have made your devices so much better than they are stock. they spend countless hours fixing what the carrier and manufacturer screwed up in the first place and pawned off on us as GOOD STUFF Every time I have Questions or Issues with something it has been a developer who helped me, so in return they get all my support. Then I take what I already knew and what I learn here and apply it to helping other who are not at the level i am yet. So if this forum is dedicated to making things better for your devices and your understanding of those devices and its OS, which they MOST definitely ARE, why not show support and ask for help if something is going wrong or you don't understand, most of us are truly here to help. Instead of complaining and bashing do some research and find out how to help yourself, who knows, you might get so addicted to it you become a developer yourself.
DaleV said:
Why, Why would anyone who is a member or user of XDA, bash on the Developers?? This is ASININE!! The developers here have made your devices so much better than they are stock. they spend countless hours fixing what the carrier and manufacturer screwed up in the first place and pawned off on us as GOOD STUFF Every time I have Questions or Issues with something it has been a developer who helped me, so in return they get all my support. Then I take what I already knew and what I learn here and apply it to helping other who are not at the level i am yet. So if this forum is dedicated to making things better for your devices and your understanding of those devices and its OS, which they MOST definitely ARE, why not show support and ask for help if something is going wrong or you don't understand, most of us are truly here to help. Instead of complaining and bashing do some research and find out how to help yourself, who knows, you might get so addicted to it you become a developer yourself.
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Thank you... It's nice to see people are agreeing with me on this.
Don't bite the hand that feeds you. Also, remember to not be frustrated when they can't instantly solve a problem. There is a reason that they make the roms, and you don't. Most people are busy.. maybe they have a job, family, and/or school. The fascinate really has talented people working on it. We are some of the lucky people that flash new toms and kernels without a locked bootloader.
Sent from my Samsung Superphone using XDA App
you know the sad thing about these people, is that they come back.
Could not agree more. There is no need for any slinging in here.
I also get bummed when I sere people *telling* themers what to change.
None of us has to be anything outside of stock. If you opt to participate in the progress, great, enjoy. But know that the guys that build out owe you nothing.
You have it because THEY are awesome.
And OP, I love that you made a thread for this. :thumbup:
Best post I've read in a long while.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
Excellent post.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Wait, so I can't demand faster updates and better support for all the money that I'm NOT paying? You mean to tell me that I can't catch attitude with the devs who are doing all of this for free? Are you trying to suggest that I can't complain about the bleeding edge software/firmware and a**kicking mods that we get from them when Samsung and Verizon wouldn't walk across the street to piss on our heads if we were on fire? Are you implicating that I don't have the right to leave criticizing posts and berate the devs when this awesome stuff isn't exactly to my liking? Especially when it's user error and all my fault? To sum it all up you're basically saying that it's wrong for me to be an a**hole and totally ungrateul when I've contributed absolutely NOTHING to this community? That's it! I'm getting an iPhone and I'm leaving!
Lol! Great post man! For real! 100% AGREE!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
Great post fitti...and on that note...remember to donate to those you use. It takes so much time to do this kinda stuff, we should at least buy em a beer.
Just curious, but where did you see anyone bashing a developer? The only bashing i have ever seen in the fascinate forum was of people who post things that are obviously not their own work. A lot of comm rom supporters used to have bad attitudes towards nitro for including tsm parts in his rom, but he has gotten rid of those now so there is no reason to be mad at him.
thefunkbot said:
Just curious, but where did you see anyone bashing a developer?
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I've no idea what he's referring to either.
And the use of the prefix, "[ANNOUNCEMENT]" for this self-righteous rant seems rather pretentious.
thefunkbot said:
Just curious, but where did you see anyone bashing a developer? The only bashing i have ever seen in the fascinate forum was of people who post things that are obviously not their own work. A lot of comm rom supporters used to have bad attitudes towards nitro for including tsm parts in his rom, but he has gotten rid of those now so there is no reason to be mad at him.
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I think this thread was started in response to chronster's comments in your Crysis Revolution thread about Community ROM being broken and your theme not being made for other ROMs.
thefunkbot said:
Just curious, but where did you see anyone bashing a developer? The only bashing i have ever seen in the fascinate forum was of people who post things that are obviously not their own work. A lot of comm rom supporters used to have bad attitudes towards nitro for including tsm parts in his rom, but he has gotten rid of those now so there is no reason to be mad at him.
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Well there has been people coming into the posts and complaining that this Rom or theme hasnt been updated. i mean i am all for the newest updates to any of the Roms, themes, launchers and anything you all do for us. So basically i was just trying to put it out there that anyone who is not contributing to any dev or mods should just be patient and in time all their ROMS, Themes, CWM and everything that you all do will get done. I was just getting tired of people demanding stuff, i mean come on if you want something bad enough and you can't wait then oh well learn to do it yourself. There are plenty of people waiting for Comrom v 2.0 and they will have to wait until it has been tested and released, when it is it will be awesome b/c these good people who have jobs and lives outside of this posts are willing to do amazing stuff in their free time. I know your Tw4 is going to be awesome and you do amazing work.
I just want everyone to be nice to you all as they should be showing their appreciation instead of sometimes being asses to some of the devs. I didnt enjoy my phone when i first got it and now i love it because of all that you all do... I just wanted you all to know it and i hoped everyone else agrees with me.
landshark68 said:
I think this thread was started in response to chronster's comments in your Crysis Revolution thread about Community ROM being broken and your theme not being made for other ROMs.
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Landshark you hit the nail on the head. Thank you for that.
fitti28 said:
Landshark you hit the nail on the head. Thank you for that.
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Well, remember the troll from that thread blamed his lack of meds as the problem.... yeah I didn't buy it either.
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Our devs rule and everyone knows it. Anyone who would bash them is clearly a troll or an idiot, or both, and shouldn't be paid an ounce of attention.
thefunkbot said:
Just curious, but where did you see anyone bashing a developer? The only bashing i have ever seen in the fascinate forum was of people who post things that are obviously not their own work. A lot of comm rom supporters used to have bad attitudes towards nitro for including tsm parts in his rom, but he has gotten rid of those now so there is no reason to be mad at him.
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yeah it wasnt just chronster though....if you actually want to bang your head against the wall there are dozens of lousy comments in the com rom thread about "this rom is broken, why release this..blah blah"
really irritating

