Android HU performance with onX Hunt maps - Android Head-Units

Have gone through a lot of the threads here over the last year or so looking for a HU that is able to do what I need and if I need to goto a more common unit available at Best Buy or whatever then so be it. Just know I can't rely on a salesman that don't know what really out there, so I come here. What I need to have for the most part,
1- Able to use and store onX Hunt maps with fairly good response and reliability (good GPS is a must)
2- Able to use Google maps with off-line maps stored
3- Able to use USB thumb drives with mp3 files (music)
4- Root is almost 100 needed to remove Ads with AdAway and Rootexplorer as well as remove bloat using Titanium Backup
5- connect to phone for WiFi when signal is available if needed to confirm onX hunt subscription as needed.
6- Would like to have a rear view camera as an option while driving forward.
7- Must be able to take calls while driving with out all the extra background road noise ect. Think that may have a lot to do with mic placement and such
So as you can see not a lot of things I need to have but they are pretty much needs. This would be installed in my 05 silverado crew cab, and we take it out a lot into forest service lands with very little if any signal so map storage is large since we store the entire state. Currently using an older Nexus 6 with 3 GB ram and 32GB of storage and it works fine but no phone, PITA to use while driving in the woods, and still the pother stuff is missing.
I have looked online and not seeing much of anything as far as anyone using a Android HU and onX Hunt Maps, thinking a PX5 would work possibly but not sure. Would great if someone could check and maybe even do the trial version installed and video the off line driving to see how well the app works, before I drop a bunch of cash for something that isn't going to work. Or may be even on an older unit though I know the Nexus 5X had issues keeping up with map lagging and loading that has only 2GB of ram where the Nexus 6 has 3 GB of ram.
Please help someone, just to check to see if onX Hunt works very well on their unit?


Which GPS software to use

Which version of which GPS software works on the Touch HD ? i used to use the Miomap and IGo8 on the Touch Cruise but cannot get them to work.
Perhaps with a tweak ?
thanks, yves
Just search the forum.
There are threads for iGO8, TomTom and Navigon. All of them work on the HTC Touch HD (with some tweaks). works without tweaks.
iGO works but is not really useable in my opinion
there is no "programm close" button in expert mode, only one in simple mode.
program nearly never really gets closed by command.
voice from the navigation continues in programm-volume-setting, even after you are back in touchFlow and used task manager to stop the program.
it still runs and runs ..
a next problem is the standby mode.
you cant set it up, that while iGO is active, standby wont happen.
at the moment, you start navigation, wait some seconds without doing anything, but listening and the HD drops in standby.
and NO i dont want to set new windows standby settings everytime i want to use a navigation tool :/
I believe you can get them all working with the right tweaks.
I've used TomTom for years, without any problem. Currently using v7.910 on my Touch HD and it looks nice.
For fun I also downloaded Navigon (there's a two week free trial with full functionality) and with the help of a couple of xml files have it running. Different look and feel to Tom Tom but I like it. Probably worth a look for the two week free trial if nothing else.
Have seen iGo8 and I must say I like the look of it. Have seen a thread with details of a tweak, though that may have been for an earlier release.
Currently waiting for my TomTom services to run out (speed cameras and traffic) and then I may switch. The UI looks fantastic, but have to justify the cost to the missus .....
loadme said:
iGO works but is not really useable in my opinion
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I don't know what you have messed up, but for me it works just fine. Not a single "bug" you mentioned has occured, maybe you are just using the wrong version / configuration.
I had also some problems in the beginning (dropping the gps), but after setting up the right configuration it works just fine for me now.
johnpatcher said:
I don't know what you have messed up, but for me it works just fine. Not a single "bug" you mentioned has occured, maybe you are just using the wrong version / configuration.
I had also some problems in the beginning (dropping the gps), but after setting up the right configuration it works just fine for me now.
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You are correct, it works fine. However, occasional GPS drop does happen, and, from what I understand, it happens with all softwares, not just IGO. I would also be curious to know what configuration could possible effect GPS dropping issue?
michael_r said:
I would also be curious to know what configuration could possible effect GPS dropping issue?
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For me it was the wrong baud rate. It must be set to 9600. As I was using GPSGate I had to change the baud rate within GPSGate and not in iGO8.
loadme said:
iGO works but is not really useable in my opinion
there is no "programm close" button in expert mode, only one in simple mode.
program nearly never really gets closed by command.
voice from the navigation continues in programm-volume-setting, even after you are back in touchFlow and used task manager to stop the program.
it still runs and runs ..
a next problem is the standby mode.
you cant set it up, that while iGO is active, standby wont happen.
at the moment, you start navigation, wait some seconds without doing anything, but listening and the HD drops in standby.
and NO i dont want to set new windows standby settings everytime i want to use a navigation tool :/
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Kinda strange that you are incapable of setting up a navigation software like igo on the Touch HD.
I myself only had to set the resolution and voila, all worked perfectly.
All the so called 'failures' are entirely untrue from my point of view.
Cause they work perfectly ! (yes also shutdown in expert mode), maybe your failure is using the correct settings in the sys.txt file...
Therfore I have to disagree with you completely on the IGO satisfaction scale.
I give it a 9,7 out of 10 (cause it can always be improved).
Tomtom is great and also is IGo in my opinion (havn't tried the rest om my HD).
with regards,
I am using Garmin Mobile XT, and it looks and works a treat.......
IGO8, does look good but there seems to be a lot of screen size problems for the HD. I too have tried IGO8 and all the stuffing around to get the correct screen resolution files sent me nuts.
I am using co-pilot 7, working well so far, especially when I remember to switch it from walking mode to car
A quick summary of my experiences with iGo 8, TomTom 7 and Garmin Mobile XT on the HD, in the UK.
iGo 8
Has the nicest looking graphics, with terrain elevation and 3D models of major landmarks (and many more buildings too, in major cities) and a good variety of views.
Text-to-speech support for reading out road names, if you have enough memory (sometimes needs a reboot or to disable TouchFlo to get enough - sadly it doesn't default to the normal non-TTS if there's not enough memory, so you have to turn it back manually).
Routing between multiple maps installed.
Long startup time.
Incorrect speed limits in my area (30 instead of 60-70 on some roads!)
The voice directions have been misleading when crossing a roundabout over a motorway, telling me to incorrectly take the first exit from a roundabout, when the direction arrow clearly shows the second. I verified by plotting a route on to the motorway that it also said "first exit" for that exit too. Very strange - I haven't seen problems with other roundabouts, yet.
Bad default POIs, listing the nearest cash machine as 25 miles away, when I was standing right next to one and no shops that I was looking for.
TomTom 7
Reasonable across the board.
Average default POIs, finding cash machines but not most shops.
Garmin Mobile XT
Great default POIs, being able to track down most shops, etc.
Great free online services, such as Google local search, cheapest petrol
prices nearby, weather, traffic reports, flight status and Panoramio.
Being able to install subsets of maps, to reduce space on the device.
Very slow graphics engine.
arghness said:
[*]Text-to-speech support for reading out road names, if you have enough memory (sometimes needs a reboot or to disable TouchFlo to get enough - sadly it doesn't default to the normal non-TTS if there's not enough memory, so you have to turn it back manually).
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I'm using the latest iGO8.0.x release and haven't noticed any memory problem at all. I think it is a problem of the 8.3.X release(s), as they are not optimized for our devices yet. There are some sys.txt tweaks regarding to the tts functionality out there, maybe they will fix it for you.
arghness said:
Long startup time.
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What do you mean by that? Mine is up and ready after 10 seconds (or something like that).
arghness said:
Incorrect speed limits in my area (30 instead of 60-70 on some roads!)
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That's not iGO8's fault at all. The speed limits are integrated in the card material, mostly coming from tele atlas. For Germany the cards are really good.
arghness said:
Bad default POIs, listing the nearest cash machine as 25 miles away, when I was standing right next to one and no shops that I was looking for.
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Haven't noticed any lacks of pois yet. But you can easily add pois (look for poi plaza).
johnpatcher said:
I'm using the latest iGO8.0.x release and haven't noticed any memory problem at all. I think it is a problem of the 8.3.X release(s), as they are not optimized for our devices yet. There are some sys.txt tweaks regarding to the tts functionality out there, maybe they will fix it for you.
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I'll take a look, thanks. The normal voices are fine, just not the tts. It could be due to the high quality tts rather than the 11KHz pack.
johnpatcher said:
What do you mean by that? Mine is up and ready after 10 seconds (or something like that).
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It's not unusable, it just takes longer than the others. Sometimes I want to quickly look something up. My usage scenario and my opinion of course
johnpatcher said:
That's not iGO8's fault at all. The speed limits are integrated in the card material, mostly coming from tele atlas. For Germany the cards are really good.
Haven't noticed any lacks of pois yet. But you can easily add pois (look for poi plaza).
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I did say it was my experience in the UK. Also, I think that they do count as negative points against iGo as they make it less useful to me compared to the competition. Giving incorrect voice directions is bad, especially when the visual direction is correct. I'm glad you're happy with it - the graphics engine, buildings and terrain really are good. I'd love to see some online integration like Garmin, especially Google local search, which would make the POIs less of an issue.
Gps sofware in uae
Just for anybody here in UAE ... Sygic Drive 2008 from ORION MIDDLE EAST.. works great on my HD.. and its maps are more updated for the GCC regions.. atleast here in UAE..
My comparison between Garmin mobile XT Vs Mapking R12
yesterday i have chance to fully try out my GPS function on my new HD
This is my findings...
I have expirient using Mapking R12 with my Tytn2 and it is much faster in the term of rerouting if u miss any turn,the accuracy is much better but the graphic is quite "cartoon"... anyway it is quite simple to use and straight forward....
With garmin mobile XT i found that, graphic is cool, many additional information such as speed limit, traffic light and ETA....time...
but it is not that easy to handle in term of finding your destination, etc...
it is slow responding and this can cause u miss some turn since u been passing that turn about 5-10 meters then only in the graphic u will reach there... the speed indicator also slow 10 Kmph...then my speedo meter
anyway i'm not really sure this is due to the sofware or the GPS chip... since i'm comparing my expirient with 2 different device that running with 2 different sofware
anyway i will try to run my HD with mapking and look the different....
Comparison TomTom 7, IGO 8 and INAVI
It has the most user-friendly interface and most stright-forward menu. You get whatever you want in just several pushes of buttons. Maps are very precise in west Europa and I think in the USA. In other countries maps aren't that good if they exist. It computes almost the best way. Better than all other programs.
It is the most complete navigation program. It has plenity of options. The drawback of this is that you will need more time to do the same thing. The most useful function not available in TomTom is easy moving and zoming map during navigation. It has maps for much more countries for Israel, Eastern Europa and they are more precise (there are even 3D buildings) and they take less space. If you travel outside Europa and USA or like exploring options then it will be the best choice.
It is good. It's the only choice for eastern Europe and some other countries. It has many options (more than TomTom and less than IGO) but navigation is less easy and less precise than others. You can choose it if there is no maps for the country where you go.
Personally I choose TomTom 7 because of it's stright-forward interface. In the car you don't have a lot of time to play with options. 3D buildings don't interest me (I can see them through the window) and I live in west Europe.
Just installed Garmin Mobile XT
Updated to version 5.00.20wp
I'm impressed, works full screen and very smooth, Garmin Online is very well integrated, the interface is clean and easy to navigate, you can really just install and drive/walk off (I did not have to do anything to activate the GPS just plug in the MicroSD card and it automatically installed the soft and I could start navigating)
This does not mean that things cannot be customized, from my first look at the settings it looks like just about anything can be customized.
The integration with WM seems very complete too, from the large "Where to" button I can select a contact and it will have a large "Go" button to start navigating to it.
This morning I tested it in my car and I even got a phonecall during navigating which went flawless, the phone screen came on but I went back to Garmin Mobile via the Start menu and it continued navigating (the data connection was stopped so no more Garmin Online service but it did not stop the navigation)
Voice prompts and warning signals were quite clear through the HD speaker.
The only thing is that the location of my car holder might not be ideal on the open road it was ok but the GPS connection became quite erratic when I entered the city, the GPS info screen showed only 3 satellites that flickered on and off, when I took it out of the holder and held it to the windscreen things got better.
hijamir said:
the speed indicator also slow 10 Kmph...then my speedo meter
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this is normal, the speedo in your car is set slower than the actual speed by design (so you don't think you're driving the speed limit but you're actually speeding). If GPS connection is good GPS speed can be accurate to about 0.1km.
On road GPSes there is always a 1 second lag (1Hz, professional and aviation GPSes can have multiple Hz updates) so accelerating/decelerating will not be correct but for constant speeds the GPS indication is superior to most cars speedos.
I've never had a gps device before, and am pretty new to the whole Winmo scene in general. I saw someone mention that Route 66 worked without tweaking so I bought a discounted version of their Route 66 Navigate 7. I wasn't able to install it directly from the CD, but their customer support responded within an hour or two telling me to copy the memory card directory from the CD directly to my HD's card and run the .cab from the phone.
Works great. Now I just have to fool around with it so I know how to actually use it effectively.. lol.
From their website they list the HD as compatible for their latest "8" version too. I just decided to get the old one for cheap since I don't really have a need for gps. Maybe I'll upgrade at some point if it's worth it.

[Q] Need advice for GPS

Any one can suggest a good incar mount for the TF101 ?
Also is there any app for gps (like tomtom) for the tf101, as i have read there does not seems to have any one made specificaly for the tf101 or any other tablet anyway ?
as i know, there is no gps aplication for the transformer ,because of the rasolution. But you can lnstall a software with the best rasolution, that there is,i think 800x480 and you will see the map only on a part of the screen...
For example i use IGO my way...
I have been re-using my old EEEpc 701 car mount for my Transformer:
Works great and fits fine.
There are SEVERAL gps software solutions that not only work on the Transformer, but take advantage of the full resolution. I don't know why people think there aren't any for tablets?
The one I use: Copilot Live Premium (Europe). I've been driving all over the South of France and back to Belgium just last week. It's great if you can keep the reflections to a minimum.
Google navigation works great, if you have a portable wireless hotspot (ex: mifi), or if you download the itinerary before going, or if you tether it to your phone. I tried all of these successfully.
OsmAnd+, NavDroyd, will work at full resolution.
Both Sygic and Navigon are optimized(fullscreen) for Honeycomb.
berbecverde said:
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Navigon is marked as incompatible with the TF101 on the market. Last time I tried it, there was no way to get the menus up on HC. Has there been an update that fixes this?
Sygic is a great product but does NOT work on the transformer - it works only on 2.x. I have it on my phone. Compatible devices:
I don't see a single android 3.x device on there.
There was a thread about Navigon a while back:
For first tests the free Navid might be worth a try. I myself used MapDroid and Google Navigation for first tests.
Because MapDroid only shows your position and has no rooting cababilities, I'm searching for a nice offline navigation app for both my TF and SGS2.
How satisfied are people with NavDroid? Should I invest more?
I've purchased NavDroyd in anticipation of having to travel in several countries in Asia, where my normal GPS navigation software won't work for lack of maps or licenses. I haven't tested it on the road, but I have played around with it from my couch.
There are several problems using Navdroyd, but to its credit, it's the maps that are mostly the problem - not the software. The maps themselves come from the wonderful Openstreet map project, a collaborative wiki style world map that anyone can use and contribute to.
Main problem: in non Western countries, leave the big city centers, and you might as well ask the locals for your way - the maps are sometimes very incomplete. A lot of the data is contributed by individuals that have uploaded their GPS tracks on the site and have themselves typed the street or city names. Again, not NavDroyd's fault.
Osmand, Osmand+, Mapdroyd, Osmdroid and so on - all use the free maps from the Open Street Map project.
Quite frankly, I think I will most likely stick to Google Maps when in remote places. It won't offer navigation, but with the ability to download a 10 km radius map, and having studied the maps and the sites/itineraries I'm going to use, it should be more than enough.
michelhuy said:
Sygic is a great product but does NOT work on the transformer - it works only on 2.x. I have it on my phone. Compatible devices:
I don't see a single android 3.x device on there.
There was a thread about Navigon a while back:
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**Sygic does work on the transformer.
I was looking for a GPS app that works well offline, with good route adjustment, and this is the best I've used. NavDroyd took a while to get the maps and then couldn't find a GPS signal, so I moved on and didn't really test the product. Copilot looks good, but the USA map pack was over a gig, and I only wanted one state. It's possible you can choose individual states, but I didn't get far enough to determine this.
Sygic, for me , works perfectly. Can pick which states you want to download. I'm pretty sure they even use TomTom maps. You get two apps, one to download the maps and the GPS app itself. Lots of choices for voices (U.K, Australian, American English's in male or female, as well as many languages). The UI could possibly be better, and in the menus the very bottom of the screen is cut off, but half of the buttons (usually back or okay) still show so there's no problem. By this I mean only the lower portion is cut off, not half are missing, if that makes more sense. The maps are great, though sometimes cluttered with gas stations or other useful landmarks (these can be turned off). During navigation your MPH (or whatever unit you choose) is on screen, with ETA, time until next navigational action (exit, turn, etc.) and even the speed limit. The voice gives warnings usuall at 1 mile prior, 2/3 and then gets almost annoying so you don't miss the turn (probably adjustable?).
I'm probably forgetting some stuff, but this is exactly what I was looking for. Never have to touch it so I just set it in the passenger seat and turn up the volume. Might not be the best out there, but I don't have any complaints so I stopped looking.
michelhuy said:
Sygic is a great product but does NOT work on the transformer - it works only on 2.x. I have it on my phone. Compatible devices:
I don't see a single android 3.x device on there.
There was a thread about Navigon a while back:
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Sygic,Navigon,Copilot all work just fine in full screen(menus and everything) on the Transformer.
I know this because i tried all of them. Do not know about other apps but these work like they should.
I'm interested - how do you install sygic on the TF? Is it the official version?
To be honest, I started just downloading the apps offline after the first two, as I wasn't hopeful and wanted to test them first. I like to tell myself I'll buy the real version, but who knows.
It's possible that it wouldn't allow you to purchase from the market since it's not officially compatible, but I do not know. In any case side loading the newest version is what I did. Not sure if it was a cracked apk or not. Also can't remember if I had to sign up for an account, but downloading maps and everything worked fine after installation (and was free).
karlr30 said:
Also is there any app for gps (like tomtom) for the tf101, as i have read there does not seems to have any one made specificaly for the tf101 or any other tablet anyway ?
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Google Navigation is pretty good. If youre in the car just use the phone as a mobile hot spot. You have a lighter, get a car charger plug for the phone so it doesnt die and use it all of the way.
Im looking forward do doing something of the like while driving up to visit my grandparents in the near future. Road tripping with internet, its the future!

Panapacific DEA600 head unit and smart touch screen...

Hey Guys,
I just bought a brand new Kenworth W900, and it has android auto (or something mimicing it) built in... A panapacific dea600... the major problem is it super kludge... amongst being terribly locked down, i cannot connect to an ad hoc wifi thru my windows 10 laptop (that is tethered to my S6 with easy tether)... my tablet can connect to the ad hoc no problems, and my stereo can see the network but cannot connect to it for some reason (i REALLY need to update the trucks GPS maps, and have you tried to use a truck stops wifi? (like dial up))... id really just like access to the OS or another launcher so i can add some apps that i need (no not facebook or stuff like that) and perhaps root and rom it....
its running android 4.2.2... and i can get you the entirely too long software version
Its sad really because this could be cutting edge stuff, but someone higher up had to come up with ways to neuter this damn thing... and look i get that there are things i shouldnt have access to while driving, but it DOES have android web browser built in so its not like they dont want us using it...
i dont expect the world as this unit has only been shipping with trucks for a few months... and many of you may not have come across it... but perhaps it shares hardware with another system and panapacific just stole it (it HAS happened many times)
thanks guys and look forward to replies before i finish going insane
DEA600 - SmartDisplay for Automotive Infotainment
I just came across your note while search for this product - I was the software architect/tech lead for the supplier company providing the Android port and the Freescale SOM component of the display screen on this product line - although moved on shirtly after the system went to mass production. - it is awesome to see someone here discuss it!
You are very correct on a lot of you assumptions and assessments. it was a very ambitious project that really tried to leverage as much of what Android was capable of at the time it was planned, but tuned to work as a smart display for commercial vehicles.
The display is only a part of a system of components. The display runs a port of Android 4.2.2 - but highly tailored to its environment - pairs with the Delphi radio unit (as a peer, not as an accessory) and is toghtly coupled to the unit in production. as a security measure.
unfortunately for what you are looking for, though much of the upgrade and app installation capabilities have been locked down to prevent side loading or execution of "unauthorized" apps that don't have special keys fro. the OEM or manufacturer. even if installed, the system manager will kill any apps that are launched without keys.
you may be able to get a developer key from the OEM but I don't know how they chose to mange that in the final system.
thanks for the posting, though - it was a small run comparatively for android systems but it was a pretty damn cool system with what we did get working....
I would be happy to discuss more if you want. - with what I can....
- Chris
hi there
i have same head unit in my 389 pride and class peterbilt, for the map part, that you can update by connecting it to your phones internet, either wifi hot spot if not then just connect it with bluetooth and use bluetooth tethering of phone and PAN of your DEA600, but main problem in the system is that you cant put a single thing without pulling breaks, and u cant download a single file by any means, it just displays error that unfortunately stopped or browser has stopped or settings has stopped. if any one figured out how to download anythimg in this little thing. please update
hello there. I have T-680 with DEA600. I had exactly the same problem and ended up taking my truck to a dealer. it turned out to be defected radio. After it was replaced, it would connect to a hotspot no problem ( im using htc 10).
I have the same unit in my W 900. It is a huge disappointment in many ways. First of all just like any factory radio I have ever seen in a commercial truck the sound quality is horrible. Second I don't like the fact that it locks so many functions when I am driving. I have a passenger that rides with me most of the time that is perfectly capable of safely operating those functions while I drive. This makes the GPS almost useless for the way I like to use a GPS. Good thing I still have my Garman. But really my biggest disappointment is the fact that I cannot get the gauges to work properly. It states that I can choose from over 30 gauges to be displayed however I have been unable to find any way to change from the six default gauges that are there. I have read the manual but it does not explain how to open the menu that lets you choose which gauges are there. I don't know if my unit is defective like one of a red one of yours was or if it just hasn't come out in an update yet. Also if I am reading this right it looks like my display and gauges function are tied to the stereo which means if I replace the head unit I'm going to lose that function. Am I reading that correctly?
Hey guys so a friend of mine has the DEA601 in his new truck and drives him nuts that the passenger cannot control things when its going faster than 5km hour (his old Peterbuilt worked fine).
I'm a software eng and would like to find out how to disable the Distracted Driver feature (like you can do in settings on many other Android Auto ROM's like Honda). What are my options here? a) Make a whole new ROM (but how to do that?) b) try to hexedit the existing ROM and find where the 5 km value is and modify it c) add an add-on app somehow to override this limit or d) other???
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Ckrobin said:
I have the same unit in my W 900. It is a huge disappointment in many ways. First of all just like any factory radio I have ever seen in a commercial truck the sound quality is horrible. Second I don't like the fact that it locks so many functions when I am driving. I have a passenger that rides with me most of the time that is perfectly capable of safely operating those functions while I drive. This makes the GPS almost useless for the way I like to use a GPS. Good thing I still have my Garman. But really my biggest disappointment is the fact that I cannot get the gauges to work properly. It states that I can choose from over 30 gauges to be displayed however I have been unable to find any way to change from the six default gauges that are there. I have read the manual but it does not explain how to open the menu that lets you choose which gauges are there. I don't know if my unit is defective like one of a red one of yours was or if it just hasn't come out in an update yet. Also if I am reading this right it looks like my display and gauges function are tied to the stereo which means if I replace the head unit I'm going to lose that function. Am I reading that correctly?
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I found out in order for the guages to work I need an $800 module my truck didn't come with. Now my biggest problem is the technology seems to have stagnated. The software on my phone and tablet are no longer very comparable with Android 4.2. I try my iPhone and my Android tablet and neither will play Pandora consistently. I am forced to use Bluetooth which looses sound quality on an already low quality stereo. I really wish Kenworth had spent their R &D on making their trucks compatible with idatalink like most aftermarket stereos use.
At this point I am torn between installing a hideaway marine stereo with a remote display and leaving this POS Pans Pacrapic as a display with nono sound. Or installing a line converter and amp and dealing with this clunky software. I wish someone would make a rom to upgrade this thing.
Looks like the Mfg won this round
Looks like the Mfg won this round
I'm driving one of these trucks also and I keep checking this post but I guess we havent incentivized anyone who cud help yet!
The electrical switch must be located behind the air brakes control knob. I'm sure if you pull the stereo out you will find the wires that control the disabling feature. The unit tries to "update" when connected to wifi. Maybe someone can use wireshark and grab the update packet and modify it with root installed. I'm ok with trying anything short of taking the unit apart and Jtag the firmware directly. Would love to see one taken apart.
sunny530 said:
The electrical switch must be located behind the air brakes control knob. I'm sure if you pull the stereo out you will find the wires that control the disabling feature. The unit tries to "update" when connected to wifi. Maybe someone can use wireshark and grab the update packet and modify it with root installed. I'm ok with trying anything short of taking the unit apart and Jtag the firmware directly. Would love to see one taken apart.
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This is a 2+ year old thread being g responded to.
What is your point? 2years later and still no solution to the problem. I ran across this thread of people discussing the same problems I'm having with the radio unit. If you got something usefull to add to this discussion then please feel free otherwise you don't need to acknowledge when what was posted that helps me null with my problem.
Anyone here figure anything out?
still nothing
Hello! So I have little tech experience but I am willing to work with someone here to sort this out. Got a 17 w900 that I put a aftermarket double din in and retained smart nav for the gauges. What I did find was the screen (not the radio) gets a input from the wire harness off the ecm to give data to the screen. So I’ll attach a picture of the plug and maybe we can use this plus find it’s female counterpart then get the other end to plug into a maestro box? My Sony doesn’t have maestro. I do have a pioneer that does but can’t justify the cost being the Guinea pig. I’ve already been one of the first to get the tilt column to drop LOW and managed to fit a true 7” double din where the stupid nav was.

Install Sygic on extSD. QuadCore-R16 1.6G

Hi, I have my head unit but I think really an Audiosources D90-610, with iGo navigation installed, presumably a dodgy version as it came with it.
I already own Sygic with UK/Europe maps, and prefer this.
When I try and install it, I can't get the maps on anything bit internal memory, which is nearly full. I have 2 MicroSD cards, 32gb and 128gb visible in ES Explorer, but I can't get Sygic to work off them.
I've tried cut/paste the com.sygic.aura to the extSD, but it then asks me to download maps again on internal memory.
Any suggestions?
same POS
Hi Andycat,
Thanks for identifying the unit, also have one from same source.
All in all a disappointing POS.
slow boot, bluetooth drop outs ...., cant get to recovery or have perm root
Installed alk co-pilot to internal ( sdcard ) without issue , have you tried deleting the nav software and maps which came with the unit ? / factory reset ( this deleted the default nav app for me )
What have you got to fill up the internal ?
Passwords are as per
Kingoroot roots but only till reboot
Cant say Preston ICE either helpful or knowledgeable , nice touch putting usb chords into glove box, not mentioning vw input in arm rest no longer connected
Photo of top of unit, plugs and an barcode
iroberts696 said:
Hi Andycat,
Thanks for identifying the unit, also have one from same source.
All in all a disappointing POS.
slow boot, bluetooth drop outs ...., cant get to recovery or have perm root
Installed alk co-pilot to internal ( sdcard ) without issue , have you tried deleting the nav software and maps which came with the unit ? / factory reset ( this deleted the default nav app for me )
What have you got to fill up the internal ?
Passwords are as per
Kingoroot roots but only till reboot
Cant say Preston ICE either helpful or knowledgeable , nice touch putting usb chords into glove box, not mentioning vw input in arm rest no longer connected
Photo of top of unit, plugs and an barcode
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hi Ian,
I ended up putting iQNavi on it as a fresh install. I use Sygic as SatNav though.
Definitely a KItKat unit too, not 5.1 as advertised. Just hacked to look like it.
Does what I need though more or less. Radio average, DAB needs a better aerial. But use Poweramp for music, and iPlayer radio for most stuff anyway.
Keep in touch if you have any tips/ideas.
shall do
andycat said:
Hi Ian,
I ended up putting iQNavi on it as a fresh install. I use Sygic as SatNav though.
Definitely a KItKat unit too, not 5.1 as advertised. Just hacked to look like it.
Does what I need though more or less. Radio average, DAB needs a better aerial. But use Poweramp for music, and iPlayer radio for most stuff anyway.
Keep in touch if you have any tips/ideas.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Cheers Andy,
suspected KitKat ( can't remember where/which but at least one screen says so ) - android names not so meaningful anyhow ( define loose set of software at various versions ... annually changed by Google , interpreted by vendors with the odd new feature ) and these are very grey units .
Intend getting the button lights to work ( orange wire not connected ) and moving usb to more normal place

SMS sync / send from head unit

Hi all,
Happy New year
I see this has been asked lots before, but I haven't as yet found a simple easy solution. Has anyone ?
I want to access my sms / email from head unit over bluetooth ideally. Headers/ notifications would be nice too.
I thought about using a bigger device such as a tablet, but would have much the same issues Plus charging, storage etc.
Wont be used when driving but when I pull up and go through them and can respond. So not really interested in apps that read them as they come in.
Head unit is a new px5 erising, mtce running android 8 untouched. Works great as is.
Phone is stock S6, android 7. un-rooted. NO usb port. (can only charge wireless)
Happy to install any apps as needed.
I have tried several apps, such as botifier, btnotifier, carmode, easyconnection, hotspot control, several smart 'device' syncs and havent got any to work. Sounds easy but have a couple issues. I dont always have data on as on payg, as most apps seem to want.
Plus not keen on google apps reporting my every whereabouts so dont have Android Auto, telling google execs what colour pants i'm wearing to sell data to advertisers to hound me..
2nd I dont fancy turning on hotspot and messing around to pair up wifi. with every journey (although I have considered getting a small AP, router for the car for both devices to connect to and thus be on the same local wifi network if that helps.)
I'm aware there are about 15 different protocols for it to work on BT which is a p.i.t.a that I dont know which I have on either device. I dont (need to) play music or do anything else from phone.
So is there an android app yet that installs whats needed and just does the simple job of remotely without fuss or needing several trips round the moon to display / reply to my sms texts on my head unit while phone is in my pocket?
Thank you.

