alright when i first got my phone i never had a problem with a typing delay. but now my phone is 6 mopnths old and i am now having lots of problems. fristly a few weeks ago i had to do a complete factory reset becuse my phone totally went rretarted. i was sitting in a restuarant and i was txting someone and her name is tiffany. i texted her and then the next message she sent me showed her number in stead of her name(like from tiffany now says from 72789846) but i didnt think anything of it like maybe she had her friends phone or something. so i didnt do anything about it. and then i got home that night and fell asleep and when i awoke i had 2 missed called so i clicked missed calls on the htc home plug in and the phone totally locked up. i reset it and upod reset i found that i cannot make calls. cant recieve calls. it said i didnt have service. couldnt go online . lost all my contacts. and the only thing i could do is text. i was furious of course. this would be the second time this year i lost all my contacts! So i called sprint and they could do nothing for me. So i did a factory reset and sucked it up!. this itself is a huge prblem becuase i no longer trust my phone at all. but i reset it and then found the new sprint rom so i loaded that on there (2nd format basicly) and its all good i suppose. its a little bit slower than it used to be. but now my cpu is as 90-95% with nothing running. slowing down my ppc to almost a standstill. it takes a very long time to open anything. but thats not why im bothered. now whenever i type the typeing delay is sooooooooo badd.. i will type a full text message and it wont type anything then i will put my phone down and 5 seconds or so later the message will be typing itself!. i want this to be fixed. also i want to speed up my phone because its very agrivating. a cheap 20 dollar phone is faster than this 350 dollar POS. but i am forced to live with my phone. and its a dam shame because i love the phone. i love everything you can do. but i want to be able to do those things well..i mean i paid 350$ for a good phone not frustration. if anyone can be of assistance please post thank you
xxbarrxx said:
alright when i first got my phone i never had a problem with a typing delay. but now my phone is 6 mopnths old and i am now having lots of problems. fristly a few weeks ago i had to do a complete factory reset becuse my phone totally went rretarted. i was sitting in a restuarant and i was txting someone and her name is tiffany. i texted her and then the next message she sent me showed her number in stead of her name(like from tiffany now says from 72789846) but i didnt think anything of it like maybe she had her friends phone or something. so i didnt do anything about it. and then i got home that night and fell asleep and when i awoke i had 2 missed called so i clicked missed calls on the htc home plug in and the phone totally locked up. i reset it and upod reset i found that i cannot make calls. cant recieve calls. it said i didnt have service. couldnt go online . lost all my contacts. and the only thing i could do is text. i was furious of course. this would be the second time this year i lost all my contacts! So i called sprint and they could do nothing for me. So i did a factory reset and sucked it up!. this itself is a huge prblem becuase i no longer trust my phone at all. but i reset it and then found the new sprint rom so i loaded that on there (2nd format basicly) and its all good i suppose. its a little bit slower than it used to be. but now my cpu is as 90-95% with nothing running. slowing down my ppc to almost a standstill. it takes a very long time to open anything. but thats not why im bothered. now whenever i type the typeing delay is sooooooooo badd.. i will type a full text message and it wont type anything then i will put my phone down and 5 seconds or so later the message will be typing itself!. i want this to be fixed. also i want to speed up my phone because its very agrivating. a cheap 20 dollar phone is faster than this 350 dollar POS. but i am forced to live with my phone. and its a dam shame because i love the phone. i love everything you can do. but i want to be able to do those things well..i mean i paid 350$ for a good phone not frustration. if anyone can be of assistance please post thank you
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I am sorry, that is one of the hardest things to read I have ever seen on this board. Good luck to you and to whoever can read that and find an answer for you.
OP: I have to agree with RevSand.
I Tried - really, I did. But, the simple fact is, my eyes crossed trying to read that ?paragraph?
You'll have much better luck getting a response if you
A) shorten that whole thing to include relevant details
B) don't type it like you're typing a text message
C) Line breaks. Paragraph Breaks.
People on message boards (myself included) generally browse through pretty quickly. VERY long winded and difficult to read posts often get read 5% of the way through, and not finished. I'm sure you can see why this would be detrimental to your getting a response/solution.
Have a great day,
xxbarrxx said:
alright when i first got my phone i never had a problem with a typing delay. but now my phone is 6 mopnths old and i am now having lots of problems. fristly a few weeks ago i had to do a complete factory reset becuse my phone totally went rretarted. i was sitting in a restuarant and i was txting someone and her name is tiffany. i texted her and then the next message she sent me showed her number in stead of her name(like from tiffany now says from 72789846) but i didnt think anything of it like maybe she had her friends phone or something. so i didnt do anything about it. and then i got home that night and fell asleep and when i awoke i had 2 missed called so i clicked missed calls on the htc home plug in and the phone totally locked up. i reset it and upod reset i found that i cannot make calls. cant recieve calls. it said i didnt have service. couldnt go online . lost all my contacts. and the only thing i could do is text. i was furious of course. this would be the second time this year i lost all my contacts! So i called sprint and they could do nothing for me. So i did a factory reset and sucked it up!. this itself is a huge prblem becuase i no longer trust my phone at all. but i reset it and then found the new sprint rom so i loaded that on there (2nd format basicly) and its all good i suppose. its a little bit slower than it used to be. but now my cpu is as 90-95% with nothing running. slowing down my ppc to almost a standstill. it takes a very long time to open anything. but thats not why im bothered. now whenever i type the typeing delay is sooooooooo badd.. i will type a full text message and it wont type anything then i will put my phone down and 5 seconds or so later the message will be typing itself!. i want this to be fixed. also i want to speed up my phone because its very agrivating. a cheap 20 dollar phone is faster than this 350 dollar POS. but i am forced to live with my phone. and its a dam shame because i love the phone. i love everything you can do. but i want to be able to do those things well..i mean i paid 350$ for a good phone not frustration. if anyone can be of assistance please post thank you
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I suggest finding a reliable ROM from either DCD kitchens or no2chem. Then uploading it into your phone ( sprint rom ofcourse ) maybe the tweaks they have made can help you out.
But if you want to stay at a stock rom ( with out GPS or Rev.A ) im sure DCD has a very stable rom for that too, or you can exchange your phone for a new one if everything else fails.
[email protected]$ said:
I suggest finding a reliable ROM from either DCD kitchens or no2chem. Then uploading it into your phone ( sprint rom ofcourse ) maybe the tweaks they have made can help you out....
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I second [email protected]$'s sentiments. I'm using DCD's 3.0.1 ROM and it is great!
The 15 minute solution is to first reflash your phone with the latest Official Sprint Mogul ROM 3.35:
This will not only hard reset your device (erases all data), it will upgrade both the operating system and the radio. The upgraded radio enables GPS and also enables even faster data speeds.
Copy the .exe file of dotFred's PIM backup v2.8 (for WM5 & WM6)
into a directory (doesn't matter) on your Mogul and schedule it to regularly, AUTOMATICALLY backup all of your Contacts (and whatever else you want) onto your MicroSD every night.
There is LOTS of detailed information in this great forum about this. For further info on the Stock Sprint upgrade you can also check out:
Depending upon your job or environment, it is possible that you subjected your Mogul to an electric shock or EMP of some sort that might happen again (which could erase or corrupt your personal data), so you probably want to make a habit of backing up/synchronizing your unit with your desktop PC.
If you want to use a customized ROM, I would recommend one of DCD's latest. At the top of the "Titan Upgrading" section of XDA-Developers, you'll see DCD's latest ROM "dcd's titan ROMs & kitchen 3.0.4" or you can do a search for "DCD titan Rom 3.0.1" and select the .exe "Sprint ROM" made by |||bored||| posted by DCD in the first post. These can speed up your device even more and offer some nice features.
However there are some careful (but easy) steps that you'll want to follow when upgrading to a customized ROM, so I strongly recommend reading the forums carefully. I found this one helpful:
Also, because most of the customized ROMs are streamlined to operate faster and more efficiently, some features that you MIGHT want have been disabled or removed. Browsing the forums can help identify how to re-enable/re-install any of these that are important to you. That being said, they've added LOTs of nice features not available on the stock ROM.
anybody had this problem?? it seems to happen every call. i didnt realise till today when my wife called and i could hear her whistling while waiting for me to answer.
anyone tell me how to remedy this?? i do not like it.
majorahole said:
anybody had this problem?? it seems to happen every call. i didnt realise till today when my wife called and i could hear her whistling while waiting for me to answer.
anyone tell me how to remedy this?? i do not like it.
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so... not only is your ringtone playing, but the speaker is also broadcasting your wife whistling? this not only seems improbable, but damn near impossible.
what ROM are you running?
EDIT: and what radio version are you running (listed beside the "R" when you first boot your phone)
Hahaha whoa, imagine if you didnt want to talk with her. Sorry but ya what Craigor said, and what company are you with?
That's happened on one occasion for me. I could hear the other person talking to someone else, then I answered.
The only problem in my case was that it signaled something was very unhappy in the phone. Programs took ages to launch and the data connection died. Had to hard reset the phone to get back to normal. No more voices during rings though.
ya, the tone plays and i can hear whoever is calling.(if theyre talking, or making any noise)
the radio is 3.42.30
and its nfsfan's v14 6.5 rom if that matters.
my company is verizon.
also, vibrate never works while in vibrate mode for texts, calls, or anything.
also if i have to reflash again, can i loose my akey again?
majorahole said:
ya, the tone plays and i can hear whoever is calling.(if theyre talking, or making any noise)
the radio is 3.42.30
and its nfsfan's v14 6.5 rom if that matters.
my company is verizon.
also, vibrate never works while in vibrate mode for texts, calls, or anything.
also if i have to reflash again, can i loose my akey again?
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Man, that's so weird.
I dunno about losing your akey. You shouldn't have to reflash, I would just do a PIMBackup (included in NFSFAN's ROM) to backup your contacts/texts/etc and do a hard reset. If that fails, then maybe reflash, or ask NFSFAN about it.
Anyone have any other ideas?
ya, i may have to, but last time i restored a back-up, the last 5 texts i sent to anyone all got resent at 2am. people were not pleased!
but that was restoring from a backup on my old 6700, so maybe it won't happen.
Dont worry the same thing happens to me, I can hear some people talk while the phone is ringing......crazy huh
majorahole said:
ya, the tone plays and i can hear whoever is calling.(if theyre talking, or making any noise)
the radio is 3.42.30
and its nfsfan's v14 6.5 rom if that matters.
my company is verizon.
also, vibrate never works while in vibrate mode for texts, calls, or anything.
also if i have to reflash again, can i loose my akey again?
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Well i can tell you off the bat that the only radio that has worked for me without any problems is the stock verizon 3.37.78. Try flashing to that, as far as getting a new akey you might have to, but its not that difficult. i just call verizon, give them my info, tell them i cant make calls, they fix it. And your Rom is fine, i'm actually using NFSFAN's v14 rom myself. And for the PIM Backup, my advice is to not backup your texts, i've heard people have had problems with that in 6.5, i only back up my call logs, contacts, and appointments...
majorahole said:
ya, the tone plays and i can hear whoever is calling.(if theyre talking, or making any noise)
the radio is 3.42.30
and its nfsfan's v14 6.5 rom if that matters.
my company is verizon.
also, vibrate never works while in vibrate mode for texts, calls, or anything.
also if i have to reflash again, can i loose my akey again?
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This has happened to me a few times both with my Touch and also when I had my Titan. I determined that it was not ROM specific or radio specific. I have cricket so I don't think it's carrier specific. My only thoughts are a bluetooth issue, I use a LG bluetooth and that is the only time it happens to me.
when i was running the stock sprint rom mine would do it also. when i answerd the phone i would make a comment about what they were talking about. it freaked a few people out an they thought i was watching them. i thought it was kinda funny
This happens to me on my Sprint Touch routinely. It happened when my Touch was new out of the box and is happening with my 3 month old replacement. I've gotten used to it.
Happens to me all the time... kind of cool.
Seems to be a WinMo thing. I've had it happen a lot with my Sprint Touch and Touch Pro so far. Haven't had my Touch Pro 2 long enough to hear it happen with it.
It happens to me and I hate it. Happens on my old touch, my wifes touch and not my touch pro2. I have been working with sprint and they can not seem to fix the problem. it is annoying when my sister calls with her kids yelling in the background and when playing through the speaker phone is crazy loud.
id love to be able to get my fone to do this
I have not experienced the problem in a long time. I changed dialers and made some registry edits for caller ID to announce through the bluetooth. Since then it has not happened.
my opinion and conclusion:
The problem is with Microsoft and HTC. It could be a timebomb planted into the phone to cause problems after a certain time to promote purchasing a newer model. Who knows!
I think it has to do with the dialer or blue tooth.
zkush said:
id love to be able to get my fone to do this
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Haha ya I know huh? That sounds pretty awesome if you ask me
htc desire
for me it is everytime i get a call. there is only one condition: phone cannot be locked.
my phone is HTC desire...
I just found this thread on google looking for an answer to this "issue." I guess I'm just glad that it's happening to other people, because the first time it happened it freaked me out.
I'm on a Sprint Evo - Android "Froyo" operating system. Seems to happen (the only time I've noticed it, anyway) only when one family calls me. What I mean by that is that I have friends that have a family plan, and whenever one of that "family" of phones calls me I can hear them talking while the phone rings. So strange..
I have had my HD2 for 2 months now I often have problems calling someone as they cant hear me (I can hear them fine) I reboot the device and I can call them and they can hear me fine. This often happens if I run another PGM and then close it and make a call, sometimes after I reboot and make an call and then make another cal the second call wont work.
I contacted HTC and the said hard reset as I knew they would do a rom upgrade I decided to wait rather than go through set up again. I upgraded from 1.48 to 1.66 on the weekend and still have the problem although I must admit it does not happen as much.
There was a similar problem with Samsung Intrepid but could not find a fix for this does any one have any ideas..
I have the exact same problem, i dont know what caused it.
wierd and annoying at the same time.
i just hope it doesnt happen to often.
i have the same problem , i can hear them , they cant hear me and honestly sayin i dont run any programs besides those which came with htc .
i have the same problem, apperently when i make a call people say that they cant hear me or if they do that i tend to break up or sound low like a "robot"...but i can hear them just fine....
i am on att running official 1.66 rom...
by the way what company are u guys on? att or tmobile if any of the 2...
im with t-mobile uk , and just about 5mins ago , phoned my gf talked with her for a while then her voice cracked and changed to a "robot" version so hanged up phoned her again and then it was fine , well i dont want to moan , but htc got to do something with so many bugs
used to happen all the time on my old phone, i think its a network issue...
in the first week that I had the phone, I also had some problems, but now I haven't had one for over a month.
with my previous phone I had it also, so I don't mind (and it could be a network problem indeed)
Network issue?
so if its a network issue then what does that mean for those that it still keeps happening too?...
in other words a rom upgrade wouldnt do it justice?...
Same problem here. It happened randomly a few times.
im on o2 germany and i get that thing with the robot voice too.
its wierd
Network problem unllikley
I used the phone here in Australia and had this issue went to Vietnam and had the exact problem I dont think it is a network problem. The robot voice are you using the external speaker as I have had several complaints and when I turn it of they can hear me perfectly...
Same problem here. Is not network related. I am on Vodafone RO. I`m not using Sense UI and still have same problem. If you change to speaker during call and microphone again is start working for that phone call. All the clues point to HTC software. Please confirm if someone of you have this problem but it doesn't use any auto call recording software.
well i havent had the issue with the speaker phone or rather i havent spoken to anyone through the speaker phone yet...
guess ill give it a shot and ill switch to the regular mic during the call to see if the person can hear me better...
i hope this isnt a hardware issue, better yet i hope the next rom fixes this up...
paying so much money for a phone that cant even do what a flip phone could do?
Yeap me too. Voda UK....
I un-installed some games and other apps and the problem has now gone. Think it must be something to do with 3rd party software.
It coincided with the whole phone being laggy and unresponsive so i have now flashed to a later rom and phone is like new!!!
what rom did you change too? official or is it a cooked rom?....
i tried the switching from speaker then to the mic and again i have the other person still saying that they cant hear me...
this is very frustrating....
sasukeanime said:
what rom did you change too? official or is it a cooked rom?....
i tried the switching from speaker then to the mic and again i have the other person still saying that they cant hear me...
this is very frustrating....
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I don`t remember what ROM I had at the time but yes it was cooked.
Now i changed and i stop Resco Audio Recorder from recording my calls.
This is definitely a software problem. The "robotic voice" is a proof of processor overloading from some messed up processes. First culpits in my opinion areSense UI or some HTC code or Resco Audio Recorder.
Now I am on SPB Shell instead of Sense and Resco off.
"I don`t remember what ROM I had at the time but yes it was cooked.
Now i changed and i stop Resco Audio Recorder from recording my calls.
This is definitely a software problem. The "robotic voice" is a proof of processor overloading from some messed up processes. First culpits in my opinion areSense UI or some HTC code or Resco Audio Recorder.
Now I am on SPB Shell instead of Sense and Resco off. "
so with the spb shell is it working now? i mean do u still get the messed up calling on the other line where the person constantly says "i cant hear you" lol
besides that i actually switched off Sense UI and actually hard reset my phone and made a call but the problem still persist...
has anybody tried changing the sim card? i mean i went over to att today and i got a new sim card when i made a call i still had sense UI on and it worked flawlessly but then i put my old sim card in and then i switched back to the new one (had to import the contacts) and it messed everything up the problem came right back...
Also there seems to be such few people with this problem? maybe we got faulty phones?....
Damn, this phone is crap!!!!!!!
No one can here me again soft reset hasn't helped.
This problem is a nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mine is working fine now (in this moment anyway).
My actual ROM Leo lite v2.1WWE (30.1.2010)
Hey guys,
I'm having some wierd behaviour with my phone and was hoping you all could weigh in and let me know if I'm the only one.
Since upgrading to any 2.1 rom, the phone app will periodically stop sending sound and the microphone will shut down too. I can make and receive calls, but people cannot hear nor can I hear them.
A reboot fixes the problem. Not the end of the world. I guess what I'm really after if this is my phone that needs service, or something inherently wrong with the updates.
Thanks guys
Quick search does the body good.
Damn, search must be down again....
I recently bought the Nexus 4 and have several weird issues.
First of all, when I use my earphones, I get a weird buzzing that is very regular (I suppose its some sort of software issue). This only happens when I use Viber, Tango, or Line. Happens with different earphones, but not bluetooth headset or without any headset.
Second issue: When I call someone with Viber, it just keeps ringing for me although the other person picked up already.
I hope you guys can help, thanks!
BTW: Happened on stock, thats why I just flashed a Rom (paranoid) but it still happens.
Personally I do not get weird noises for Viber, tango or Line. I only get them through normal calls. I'd get a random high pitched "bark" noise and it hurts my ear like a biatch.
I think you have a hardware problem. RMA it.
That's a problem with Viber. I've had that issue across a few devices.
exb0 said:
Personally I do not get weird noises for Viber, tango or Line. I only get them through normal calls. I'd get a random high pitched "bark" noise and it hurts my ear like a biatch.
I think you have a hardware problem. RMA it.
That's a problem with Viber. I've had that issue across a few devices.
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Thanks for the response! If I return it, how long until I have a new device? It is the only phone that I have here... Is it also possible to turn it in in ~3 months and say that the problem has been there since the beginning? I would be back home and have a backup phone by then.
choenden said:
Thanks for the response! If I return it, how long until I have a new device? It is the only phone that I have here... Is it also possible to turn it in in ~3 months and say that the problem has been there since the beginning? I would be back home and have a backup phone by then.
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I honestly cannot tell you anything because I didn't get mine from the play store
Sent from Halo.
choenden said:
Thanks for the response! If I return it, how long until I have a new device? It is the only phone that I have here... Is it also possible to turn it in in ~3 months and say that the problem has been there since the beginning? I would be back home and have a backup phone by then.
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If you purchased it from the play store, Google will send you one and expect you to ship the one you have back. What kind of sucks is that before they ship you a new one, they charge you for another then once they receive your returned one they reverse the charge. Not a big deal if you've got the cash/credit, but if you don't, it could be a problem.
Ichiban Rei said:
If you purchased it from the play store, Google will send you one and expect you to ship the one you have back. What kind of sucks is that before they ship you a new one, they charge you for another then once they receive your returned one they reverse the charge. Not a big deal if you've got the cash/credit, but if you don't, it could be a problem.
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Ah thats cool, thanks for the info. Got the credit, so that will be fine then