Need recommendations for updating Razr M - Droid RAZR M Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I was going along fine using my Droid Razr M (Verizon v4.4.2) when my credit union obsoleted it by requiring android 5.0. <sigh>
I screwed around with Verizon for a month playing with new phones until I ended up with an LG K20 V running Nougat 7.0.
I hate it.:crying: I hate where the power button is. Its too big (pocket-wise), has no panel LEDs like the Droid M, and throws billions of notifications at me.
I'm sitting there with my big buyer's remorse hanging over me:crying: and I figure it out.:laugh:
If Verizon can't update my phone, I can via XDA.
Because I hate Nook software but love Nook hardware (and prices), my Nook has been running CyanogenMod since a week after I bought it.
So I know how to install/update software to EMMC.
I want to update my Droid to either Marshmallow (v6) or Nougat (V7).
So I figure this is the place to come to.
Does anyone out there have any recommendations for ROMs and recovery software for the Droid Razr M??


Why is this happening with milestone?

Hello all,
i like XDA Forums for its master brains and respect it for all the support.
i used windows mobile and android on different HTC devices and enjoyed all the interesting things in it with the help of XDA.
now i wanted to try motorola milestone and got it and it was a sheer disappointment.
Motorola milestone users are ignored very badly by motorola without updating the buggy phone and not even caring to reply users queries. its even deleting all the users posts in developer forums. it locked down the bootloader with digital signatures when the same device in US "Droid" has got all the cakes with open bootloader and custom roms and device updates for issues. recently it has announced 2.1 for droid where milestone still didn't even get 2.0.1
i see ano place to report this and motorola wantedly deleting all such posts in their support forums. as this is common android section, thought i can post it here and see if any master brains can help us.
check here where a continent itself is complaining against motorola and there is no single reply or action for this
Thanks for understanding
its bound to happen really, the Droid is Motorola's gem now and it will be the one shown off and given what it needs ahead of other devices.
Same with HTC and there devices, there flagship one's get the bug fixes and new updates while lesser models dont.
I'm sure the Milestone will eventually get what it needs.
What do you mean by locked down boot loader?
as far as i understand the bootloader in milestone is little different than in droid. the milestone bootloader uses digital signatures everywhere to check for the software authentication which makes it impossible to put custom ROMs as we do with all other android phones.
even motorola is very slow in updating the issues with milestone. i don't understand why they are doing this but its like completely locked down and totally ignored fir the price everyone payed.
hello admins / moderators / master brains / everyone,
is it possible to check the Motorola milestone bootloader for bypassing the digital signature check so that we can install custom roms on it as its done on Droid.
please take this as a kind request as i lost hope on motorola releasing the open bootloader on milestone and they r very slow in releasing updates for this device and also ignorant in resolving most bugs.
i see that you are supporting non HTC devices like samsung, toshiba and Acer. so a little hope that its posible to look into this
please everyone
i am not a big techie to understand internals of the possibilities but you can see how many people want this on here
Thanks to all for reading this
Motorola Milestone and Droid feature the same Hardware (while Droid is CDMA and Milestone GSM) but they did not get the same software build.
Droid = with Google (Maps Navigation etc.)
Milestone = Motorola Android (Multitouch, Motonav etc.)
Thanks to TI, M-Shield is available on both devices. With M-Shield it is possible to control booting and flashing.
While the Droid does accept every signature, the Milestone is locked to (probably) one.
So there we are.
Kernel without signature will not boot (blocked by Bootloader).
Flashing another modified Bootloader is not possible without signature.
Barnd83 said:
Motorola Milestone and Droid feature the same Hardware (while Droid is CDMA and Milestone GSM) but they did not get the same software build.
Droid = with Google (Maps Navigation etc.)
Milestone = Motorola Android (Multitouch, Motonav etc.)
Thanks to TI, M-Shield is available on both devices. With M-Shield it is possible to control booting and flashing.
While the Droid does accept every signature, the Milestone is locked to (probably) one.
So there we are.
Kernel without signature will not boot (blocked by Bootloader).
Flashing another modified Bootloader is not possible without signature.
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all this has already been figured out. what they want to know now is how to un-fudge it so that they have the same abilities as dream and other android users. I have been reading EVERYTHING i can find on the matter, as i REALLY want a milestone. id just get a droid, but i HATE verizon and am staying on t-mobile no matter what phone i hafta use. so im stuck on g1 till the milestone gets figured out. what i have been thinking is that the signature is a key, so there must be a keyhole, right? if we could find and disassemble the "keyhole", could we not then reverse engineer a key?
All this locked/unlocked nonsense is making me want a milestone even more, just so i can help figure this out and give motorola a big "F-U" for what they are doing. because thats basically what they've done, they've told all their customers to go F*&$ themselves. well, just the ones outside of the US.
Honestly i dont see how motorola made it this far with a slogan like, "Go F*&$ Yourself", but whatever. thats why i HATE verizon, because they dont give two ****s about their customers, as long as they get paid. and thats what motorola is doing here...they dont CARE what milestone users want, as long as they keep selling milestones, and controlling EVERY ASPECT of them.
doesnt sound like an OPEN SOURCE attitude, to me...
Milestone 2.0.1 had been released before you wrote that post actually (it was released on feb 4th).
if you didn't get the update OTA yet you can even get it through their website
I assume you're in Germany so try here hxxp://
chowdarygm said:
where milestone still didn't even get 2.0.1
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now the hope is gone and i decided to sell my device. its such a dumb company which doesn't care about end users.
HTC is far better in these things without putting hard restrictions.
You must have missed the hooplah that surounded the era of phones HTC put out around the Tilt. Crap video drivers etc....
HTC is just like Motorola. They go where the money is, although I say Motorola went a little overboard with the signed bootloader, it still runs rings around the Hero and most other aandroid devices short of Desire/ Nexus One.....

[Q] Droid2 w/Gingerbread 2.3.3 Prep for use. Another Droid2 w/ bricked D2.3.7 loaded.

Hi everyone,
Recently, a friend gave me my first Droid phone. It is a Droid2 A955 which had 2.3.20, and a cracked digitizer. My intentions were to get this device functional and rooted before replacing the digitizer. Well, like a tard, I let the device update to 2.3.4, and like an even bigger tard, I attempted to load the 2.3.3 SBF without doing my research first. Oops. Wait, scratch that. Big oops.
Now I am sure all of you know what the end result of that was, and you don't have to rub my head in the sand over it because I've been doing that for about a day now myself!!!
Either way, I have found someone who is willing to sell me their "went to collections" Droid2, with accessories, extra battery, and whatnot for around $50.. Their Droid2 already has Gingerbread 2.3.3 on it. I got him to give me the MEID, and I changed the MEID through VZW site on my "spare phone", and had him *22899 to OTA. All was successful, so it is free and clear for me to immediately activate and start using.
Here is what I need to know before I go messing with this phone, because I definitely can't afford to FF the bits on this phone up, especially when I'm having to pay for it, if you know what I mean!
1. From research, Droid 2 Gingerbread 2.3.3 can be rooted. How complex of a task is it? In fact, exactly what does "root" allow one to do? About the only real goal I have is to sparingly tether my laptop via wifi without having to sacrifice my soul to Verizon each month.
2. I understand that this phone will "nag" you to 2.3.4 and will automagically do the update if you don't stop it in 30 seconds, very much like my Droid2 did. What can I do to permanently disable the 2.3.4 update check once I have this functioning 2.3.3?
3. There is supposedly an "X" button that you push with the power button to enter RECOVERY MODE... Just what, exactly, is the "X" key?
I don't want another repeat of the D2.3.7 MEM_BLANK screen.
Actually, playing around, I was able to take the D2.3.7 down to D2.3.5, but unfortunately it still refused to take the stock Froyo flash or the 2.3.3. Is there earlier "bootloaders" SBF's out there that can be loaded into the Droid that *maybe* will allow us to unbrick them? When the memory is blank (according to MEM_BLANK), what is preventing the phone from committing the flash?? Mine stops at 99% and cries about something dealing with "BP". As if the bootloader is refusing to commit the flash to ROM after being uploaded into the phone's RAM.
Either way the Bootloader Screen displays Battery Low, so I'm spent trying to revive this device until I get the other one from my friend tomorrow.
I don't understand what is part of this Bootloader that is preventing us from fixing this. Better yet, I can't understand how Motorola would do such a shameful act of sabotage against their customers. I've been a hardcore Motorola fan since the StarTac/TimePort days, and Motorola has always been my #1 phone of choice. Not just because of its stability and reliability, but how easy they are to "monster flash" back to factory when things go crazy. Maybe I should just stick with my Razr MAXX and be a happy little boy.
I have noticed the 2.3.4 Gingerbread has been leaked for the Droid2 Global. It is not compatible with the regular Droid 2, unfortunately, and I hope that enough people are interested in restoring these bricks that some solution is released to bring them back to life.
I am reading that people are taking "backup repair" ROM's and storing them to the MicroSD card, and successfully wiping .621 from the device and reverting to a previous version. What is the odds of getting a "backup rom" from a 2.3.3 Gingerbread, or whatever device, and using that backup to unbrick the bricked pones because of .621? I don't know, because my experience with the Droid involved about 3 hours before I was at the Bootloader error screen. LMAO!
I am just trying to throw some ideas out there, because, the last time I flashed firmware on a phone, it was the Motorola V710, E815, RAZR, RAZR MAXX, v325(i), and a slew of LG's. The last "Smartphone" I flashed was the XV6700 (that WM5 phone was hilarious with the Apache WM6.0 code on it). So, as you can tell, I'm a little behind on the times, but I'm not too far behind you guys.
I thought about calling and complaining that this update "screwed my phone up" but I am also concerned if I have to return the core of this phone, and they see how bad the digitizer is in, I'm going to get a heaping bill. Either way it worked fine with the cracked digitizer, it was ultimately their software that crashed the device. Guess I could order and replace the digitizer and get them to replace it, but I'm not 100% positive they would still replace the device since it's technically not "under warranty." May be one of those "I'm out of contract you make this right or US Cellular is opening us with open arms"....
PS-- I used to be a VZW Customer Support/Service Techican. Back in my day we could get whatever firmware we needed through NetAce from "InfoCenter", not just for Moto phones, but LG and all the other devices as well. On some "returns" we had no choice but to do a factory "Monster Flash" in order to rid of the previous customer's data and bring the phone back to virgin status. I don't know how things are inside the Tech's office these days, though. Maybe I should call my Service Techs who still have jobs and see what they can do (I prefer not to get them involved because I don't want them risking their job).
I've also replaced many of the digitizers in these Droid 2's for my friends. They're a pain in the @$$, but retail on these puppies aren't exactly cheap, either.
Any advice you guys can give me would be greatly appreciated. Also, please be honest with me. Don't sugarcoat ****. If you guys don't think this phone is going to work right under "root" conditions with 2.3.3, or the phone simply isn't worth $50, please let me know!
Thank all of you!
Droid Root 2.3.3
Thanks for your help guys.
I have the Droid, same Bootloader 2.3.7 as my bricked one, but it is at Gingerbread 2.3.3.
I was able to get "MotorolaOneClick" to load Superuser to the device.
Now there are two things I need to accomplish
1. Unlock tethering
2. Disable device from taking 2.3.4 OTA
I think if I can get these two things taken care of, I'm golden.
You can find everything you need to do both if you search the site. Shouldn't be a problem.
I am pretty sure I have taken care of preventing update to 2.3.4.
But I am still having trouble getting tethering to properly work.
Downloaded the Wifi Tether.
Still get paywall screen.
Close Wifi Tether.
Get paywall screen through the phone!!!
Have to reboot.
Also out of curiosity, does the speaker (not speakerphone) sound like you need a hearing aid??? The speaker in this Droid 2 is absolutely horrendous, sounds like I'm trying to listen to an XV6700.
Soft Speaker!
OK, I think the speaker is ok in this phone, but I am determined this mesh screen covering it is completely clogged. Time to get a fresh box cutter (closest thing I have to an xacto knife at the moment) and carefully cut this thing out. I don't have a T3 at the moment, and quite frankly, I don't want to tear 5 or 6 layers apart to tear this clogged screen out!! Either way, if things go sinister, I still have the busted up Droid 2 to take the speaker out of (Or the entire ribbon from what my research reveals).
I can tell you this much. I wish I had the previous owners set of ears. I bet he could hear a pin drop a mile away if he was able to hear the sound out of this thing. Then again, I am used to volume levels from REAL Motorola phones, I was swapping between the v325i and Razr MAXX previous to this Droid 2, and was truly expecting the same sound quality with this phone.
So I finally got tethering enabled without having to sell my soul to Verizon. There really wasn't a clear-cut way of doing it. But here is what it took.
1. Install Droid 2 Recovery Bootstrap v1.0.0.3.apk
2. Place in root of SD Card.
3. Run the Recovery Bootstrap, then reboot (through the Recovery Boot program).
4. Install the ZIP from SD Card.
a. It makes 4 NV changes.
5. Reboot and exit from the Recovery Bootstrap.
Now I can tether through the built-in 3G Hotspot app, and the "Wifi Tether" app I downloaded also works and doesn't send the cellphone to the paywall.
PS---How do you guys communicate through these forums??? Just trying to get the captcha right takes like 45 minutes.

[Q] Moving to Droid Pro from Droid RAZR M

I'm switch to an unlocked Droid Pro from my Verizon Droid RAZR M. I know this is a downgrade, but I'm switching to a prepaid plan, and I just couldn't handle not having a physical keyboard any more.
I know I'll want to root and ROM my Droid Pro. I used to have a Droid 2 Global and I hated the 2.2/2.3 Motoblur junk that was on it. I never rooted my RAZR M because the newer moto software is actually pretty slick.
What is the smoothest ROM out there for the Droid Pro? CM7?
I think I already found a ported version of Smart Actions (which is great if you haven't tried it), but I'd still like to find a ported version of the Motorola Circles Widget. Anyone know where to find that?
Does Z4root still work for rooting the Pro? I know that used to be in the market.
I'd appreciate any advice about making this phone run as smooth as possible, I'd really like to avoid as many headaches as possible coming from such a newer and faster phone.
Thanks in advance!

Requesting Blankflash Files From Motorola

Hey Moto G users
I'm attempting to email Motorola asking them to release the blankflash files as I amongst many others are facing hard bricked phones.
To cut a long story short, one of my Moto G phones the Moto G 2014 (XT1072 aka Thea) worked fine and then suddenly it decided to not boot up (infinite boot animation screen). I sent it to Motorola and they sent it on to a repair company. I had an email from the repair company saying the phone had been rooted, which clearly it wasn't as the bootloader was still locked. Of course the method I have always rooted phones is via a custom recovery which means an unlocked bootloader is required.
Eventually the phone came back to me and they refused to touch the phone any longer. As the repair company didn't care from this point I thought about unlocking the bootloader. However, that didn't actually work as there was a message on the bootloader screen displaying 'Enable OEM Unlock in developer options'. This was impossible as I already knew the phone wouldn't boot and the only way to unlock the bootloader was to enable the option in the developer settings within the OS.
After playing around with some clear cache and formatting commands (which I obviously tried before I sent the phone off) via fastboot and an attempted bootloader unlock command (not done before until received back from the repair company), miraculously the phone did boot up and I was able to do an OTA update to Android 6 (Marshmallow). I did however keep the bootloader unlocked as everything seemed to run fine with the new update. After 4 days use of my phone the phone repeated apps crashing and eventually the infinite boot animation came back. From here I decided to unlock the bootloader and re-flash a stock ROM for this phone. The 5.0.2 ROM worked and I tried an OTA update to 6.0, the phone powered off and now the phone no longer boots and the bootloader is non-existent.
All I'm going to say is the Moto G series of phones are far one of the most popular, cheap, powerful, bargain phones on the market and it is a shame for them to die off never to be used again when bootloader corruptions occur. I'm going to email Motorola UK and share this thread with them showing a poll of users that also would like access to the blankflash files so we can start our phones on a clean slate. My phone may be a hardware issue but I want to at least give it another attempt by re-partitioning the phone and re-flashing it.
Thanks for reading
This is the email I've sent to Motorola. I have also copied in the URL for this thread so they can see how many people vote on the poll. So if you are a Moto G user and have a phone sitting around you would like to bring back to life please vote.
Amongst other Moto G users, we all love our phones for the amazing low price yet still powerful performance. Problem is many of us like to improve the phone by removing bloatware apps and customising the GUI or even installing custom ROM's.
In my case my phone was claimed to have been rooted by your repair company which was lies, and now that nothing can be done with the phone I've attempted to fix the ROM myself. However, the bootloader has decided to break entirely and without the correct software tools I have a £150 phone sitting around doing nothing that could be used.
I have created a thread on the XDA Developers forum with a poll showing the amount of users also requesting you to release the blankflash files.
I hope you understand the frustration we have when you hold such as good phone back. The Moto G is really great phone, but for the Android enthusiasts such as myself who want to run Android to its full potential (the beauty of being an Open-source OS), sometimes problems will occur and we need the tools to start that clean slate. This is why we need these tools to return the phone back to a 'working' state so we can try again.
It is not just the Moto G that is popular. The entire Moto series have become a well-known icon of phones, and it's what has brought Motorola back as that great phone company. All of the Moto series phones are constantly being customised by Android enthusiasts so please release the software tools to the public so we can keep our phones going.
N.B Please allow the poll to populate as it has only just been created.
Many thanks
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Just for the record, hard-bricks have also occurred for a small number of users while applying an official OTA update on Bootloader locked phones. Down-graders are not the only people vulnerable.
I would be amazed if you received any response at all from them. No offense, but I'm sure they don't care in the slightest. ?
Sent from my XT1045 using Tapatalk
AtomicFizzle said:
I would be amazed if you received any response at all from them. No offense, but I'm sure they don't care in the slightest. ?
Sent from my XT1045 using Tapatalk
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True. But I thought I'd try.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
i hope motorola give our devices a life one more

Frustrating issues regarding Daydream and the Moto G5 plus

Hello everyone, I have a small problem i was hoping to maybe get some help with. I recently bought a Moto G5 Plus (Motorola factory edition) and started trying out some of the awesome roms that here with the hopes of geeking out on some kick-a$$ daydream games (after doing the build prop editing of course) and it turns out half of the daydream apps wont play on Nougat. Bummer right?! So i upgraded to Oreo and viola! they work GREAT!! ..... except for one smalll hiccup. I'm on my 4th 8.1 custom rom now (they all rock btw) and before i can get past the loading screen on any daydream game or app, my moto flashes an overheat warning and shuts daydream down. My question is, is there an app out there that spoofs internal thermometer or is that even the problem? Is this maybe an issue i can rectify by further root code editing? Has nobody else had this issue and if that is the case why do i always get crappy broke one?!?!?!?! I usually just read through these forums until i find the answer on my own and i really hate to bother anyone who would otherwise be rockin the sh*t outta some new software for all of us to enjoy but i cant really seem to find anything addressing this one. Thank you in advance,

