Having issues with the display image being distorted randomly and frequently.. - Shield Android TV Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I recently bought the shield off amazon, I have the regular 2017 version, not the pro. I set it up and connected it to my TCL 55US57 4K tv. I had manually set the first HDMI port to work as 2.0 instead of 1.4. I installed terrarium tv and mobdro for her as well as some emulator apps. About two days later I noticed that portions of the screen would be quickly distorted and flicker, it was random and sporadic, and it was very obvious. I tried swapping out the HDMI cable, switching back to HDMI 1.4 mode, tried on the three other available HDMI ports, and I even factory reset the device, but the issue persisted... I was able to get a quick replacement from Amazon, but the same thing is happening to the new device and it's driving me nuts. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


[Q] HDMI flickering

I generally watch TV in the morning by plugging an hdmi cable from my nexus 10 to my TV. Today, the display on the TV started flickering and I can't figure out why. I did a lot of troubleshooting already, and I think it might be an android problem, which is why I'm posting here.
Things I did:
1) switched cables. No change in behavior
2) switched hdmi input ports on the tv. No change in behavior
3) tried several apps and even just left it sitting on the homescreen. No change in behavior
4) switched streaming device (I also have a nexus 7 2013). No change in behavior. The nexus 7 does it now too!
So #4 got me curious. I connected my nexus 5 and now it plays with no flicker. That tells me it's not the TV.
The only common denominator here is Android 4.3. Was there some update recently that might have broken this?
P.S. I'm going to crosspost this to the nexus 7 forum in case anyone there has some ideas too, since it's affecting that tablet too.
I was just using my Nexus 10 with the latest 4.3 update with no problems using HDMI output. I might try and see if KitKat fixes the issue - you should be getting it within the next day or two on both.
Also, I'm curious - when I hook it up, i have a microHDMI to HDMI adapter and then use a normal cable. It wasn't clear from your post if you have one of those, but it might be worthwhile switching too, just for the heck of it. Stranger things have happened
bjschafer said:
I was just using my Nexus 10 with the latest 4.3 update with no problems using HDMI output. I might try and see if KitKat fixes the issue - you should be getting it within the next day or two on both.
Also, I'm curious - when I hook it up, i have a microHDMI to HDMI adapter and then use a normal cable. It wasn't clear from your post if you have one of those, but it might be worthwhile switching too, just for the heck of it. Stranger things have happened
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I have two cables. One is a micro HDMI cable and the other uses an adapter. It didn't make any difference.

how many people on this having problems with freezing on mojo

Starting this thread to see how many people are having freezing problems with mojo even if ur not and please put say if ur rooted or not and what version and firmware ur using thank you
Have freezing firmware 0202 root mmm 3
rickyd1982 said:
Have freezing firmware 0202 root mmm 3
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Me also, was using Firmware 0202 and he was Rooted.
Rooted. Latest firmware. I've only had freezing when playing The Walking Dead. I have not experienced it with anything else yet. I use MOJO for 1080 movies, streaming, playing android games and emulation, surfing etc. without any issues with those.
I got bad freezing yesterday tried different things fans and stuff was getting freezing while streaming on XBMC and downloading from the play store so today I decided to have no fans disconnected the Ethernet cable just used WiFi been streaming all day and have downloaded big games from the play store and it hasn't crashed yet
rickyd1982 said:
I got bad freezing yesterday tried different things fans and stuff was getting freezing while streaming on XBMC and downloading from the play store so today I decided to have no fans disconnected the Ethernet cable just used WiFi been streaming all day and have downloaded big games from the play store and it hasn't crashed yet
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I heard about this mounts ago, so why have Mad Catz not fixed this BIG problem yet with a Firmware update???
I think because it's a hardware problem, why else would they not fix that problem with a Firmware?
Rooted latest firmware.
My mojo also locks up while playing Walking Dead and pauses/freezes while downloading from play/app store!
Wifi seemed better for a while but eventually got pauses/freezing on wifi as well.
I have had a support ticket open with Mad Catz for a while now and so far they are blaming it on software
and keep asking me to reset/clear data.
I have asked for a replacement unit to prove it is not hardware but have had no response!
I have two Mojo units and have never experienced any type of freezing issue such as you gentleman (or gentlewoman) speak of. Perhaps you received a bad batch?
So I have recently been experiencing more freezing. First only noticed it when I played Walking Dead as stated above. After a couple of episodes of freezing on that game I just uninstalled it and moved on. More recently after using the MOJO for streaming shows from apps I've been getting the freezing and it will make a humming noise when it freezes. I have noticed this both on a wired connection and wireless. I've also experienced the screen going black while playing a video, but you can still hear the audio. This requires exiting to the home screen and going back into the app and starting the video again from where it left off. Ticket submitted today. I like my MOJO, but this is not acceptable.
Have u still had the Ethernet lead in when u where on WiFi pull the lead out completely mine freezes when the lead is in but I don't get any freezing when I keep the lead out and just use WiFi give it a go
I discovered that my MOJO was freezing in Walking Dead due to the "GMD Auto Hide Soft Keys" app! If I do not hide the softkeys it doesn't seem to freeze. I have tried "full!screen" (I don't like to see the softkeys while playing games) and it hasn't frozen/locked yet. The only problem I still have is the pausing/freezing when downloading from play/app store. It is better on wifi but not perfect. I prefer wired!
rickyd1982 said:
Have u still had the Ethernet lead in when u where on WiFi pull the lead out completely mine freezes when the lead is in but I don't get any freezing when I keep the lead out and just use WiFi give it a go
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I have the lead out and have still had the freezing. Everything works great on my Wi-Fi right up until a freezing episode occurs during streaming.
JulianH said:
I discovered that my MOJO was freezing in Walking Dead due to the "GMD Auto Hide Soft Keys" app! If I do not hide the softkeys it doesn't seem to freeze. I have tried "full!screen" (I don't like to see the softkeys while playing games) and it hasn't frozen/locked yet. The only problem I still have is the pausing/freezing when downloading from play/app store. It is better on wifi but not perfect. I prefer wired!
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I also thought it may have been the GMD Auto hide so I uninstalled it and installed "fullscreen". I have had freezing with fullscreen installed as well. It seems to happen randomly during streaming. I'm going to keep testing things out and will probably try The Walking Dead again. I may try a factory reset at some point after I finish playing GTA III if it's still occurring That game has run perfectly though.
JulianH said:
I discovered that my MOJO was freezing in Walking Dead due to the "GMD Auto Hide Soft Keys" app! If I do not hide the softkeys it doesn't seem to freeze. I have tried "full!screen" (I don't like to see the softkeys while playing games) and it hasn't frozen/locked yet. The only problem I still have is the pausing/freezing when downloading from play/app store. It is better on wifi but not perfect. I prefer wired!
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Another app that requires root and does modification to the default user interface. Guys, be careful regarding apps that require root access. If the mojo is not on the supported list for any of these types of apps that actually modify the interface, I would say to proceed with caution. Root is a powerful thing.
rickyd1982 said:
Have u still had the Ethernet lead in when u where on WiFi pull the lead out completely mine freezes when the lead is in but I don't get any freezing when I keep the lead out and just use WiFi give it a go
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Agreed my wifi is dead locks webpages if it's on with ethernet in,i guess it's a conflict of the m.o.j.o probably saying wifi ethernet wifi ethernet wifi ethernet forever and can't decide so just [email protected] up in a timeout (hangs).Not tried on wifi only yet though must have a go at that,possibly could be the update messed the wifi up on root or on both none root and rooted devices?
I haven't had any recent freezing issues during streaming. I have gone back to ethernet with wifi turned off and seems to be doing ok. I unplug the unit every couple of days.
I have one really weird issue. It only occurs when streaming video, such as from HBOGO, never when playing games. I will be watching and the video will go black. There is still volume, but no video. Hitting the volume button on my tv remote brings the video back immediately. I only found out the fix by trial and error as the MOJO controller won't bring back the video, only the TV remote. Anyone have any ideas what might be causing this? HDMI issue? It happens randomly and will happen multiple times during a show. Sometimes within a few minutes of starting a show, other times it takes a bit before it will do it.
no more freezing
Just like to report that I have now been going a few weeks now and have had no freezing what soever since I stopped using Ethernet really glad now I didn't send mine of working like a charm
christoph80 said:
I haven't had any recent freezing issues during streaming. I have gone back to ethernet with wifi turned off and seems to be doing ok. I unplug the unit every couple of days.
I have one really weird issue. It only occurs when streaming video, such as from HBOGO, never when playing games. I will be watching and the video will go black. There is still volume, but no video. Hitting the volume button on my tv remote brings the video back immediately. I only found out the fix by trial and error as the MOJO controller won't bring back the video, only the TV remote. Anyone have any ideas what might be causing this? HDMI issue? It happens randomly and will happen multiple times during a show. Sometimes within a few minutes of starting a show, other times it takes a bit before it will do it.
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Your not using a mouse by any chance?Or leaving the mouse cursor on the top black area of the screen,as on my unit if i leave the mouse cursor on the top bar from time to time i get intermitent flickering (black screen/normal screen) or the screen just goes solid black.So i just place the cursor anywhere but when i am using the unit and it does not happen then.
PHYSC-1 said:
Your not using a mouse by any chance?Or leaving the mouse cursor on the top black area of the screen,as on my unit ifi leave the mouse cursor on the top bar from time to time i get intermitent flickering (black screen/normal screen) or the screen just goes solid black.So i just place the cursor anywhere but when i am using the unit and it does not happen then.
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Yeah, I get that too, only on at the top and it's only a few pixels (hoz lines), just blanks out the display.
not sure what's going on there, just figured it's the TV which has overscan issues anyway.
gwaldo said:
Yeah, I get that too, only on at the top and it's only a few pixels (hoz lines), just blanks out the display.
not sure what's going on there, just figured it's the TV which has overscan issues anyway.
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Mine went black screen and had to take it back,got a refund now.I am looking at the xiaomi mipad but don't have a clue how much they are or when or if they get released in the uk? Wondering if anyone knows if android possible to install on a jetson tk1 deveoper board as well as maplin have them listed but none in stock?
I'm back to my ouya again i bricked it the other night and spent 48hrs fixing it i wrote a tutorial for people in the same boat now in the ouya help forum here took me ages.I want cynogenmod on it but don't have a laymans guide to do it,bet yu don't know of one do you?
Too bad about your mojo.
PHYSC-1 said:
I want cynogenmod on it but don't have a laymans guide to do it,bet yu don't know of one do you?
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No sorry, I don't have an ouya.
Re the jetson tk1 deveoper board, I don't see why it can't run android, I'm sure someone will have a androind rom for it.

[Q] Sound Lag

I am getting a 1 second sound delay effecting menu and all apps after the device is left on over night, tried factory resetting and with and without sleep mode. Has anyone else experienced this issue or have a solution for me?
I was going to say the same thing. I have random one second lag in YouTube (rarely), BSDroid (always), but not in Plex or Kodi. The problem is fixed by pausing in YouTube and jumping forward on BSDroid. It's a big pain as these issues don't affect the chrome cast I have on the same TV and network.
I don't have to wait, it's pretty much out of the box. I have tried stock 5.1.1, rooted 5.1.1, CM12 nightlies, and all AOSP roms available. I feel like it's an issue with the Google Cast app? I'll try 5.1 and see if the situation changes tomorrow.
I haven't even bothered rooting mine yet, as this issue goes right down into the system. Even moving around the menu their is a 1 second delay in the sound. Only goes away with a reboot.
I think I may have found my issue, it seems that when I put the TV into PC mode to fix the overscan I get this sound lag after the TV turns off and then back on again. still troubleshooting it though.
Waited a while to get some new nightlies out and still the same problem. Tried 3 different TVs, all casted audio is delayed and has to be reset. Guess i have a junker now

Screen Mirroring hardware issue

I had rooted prior to lollipop but when i flashed 5.0 I did a full wipe and went back to 100% stock. today I tried to use screen mirroring and kept getting "unable to start screen mirroring because of a hardware issue" , after a quick google search it looks like Sammy disables screen mirroring on modified systems even though I was no longer rooted.
Long story short I ended up rooting again and edited the build.prop file and added "wlan.wfd.hdcp=disable" at the end. This fixed miracast and it connects perfectly however the audio is out of sync on the TV. I know there is a slight delay between the phone and TV with the TV being behind a bit but would be in sync with the audio. Now it seems the audio is in sync with the phone and ahead on the TV.
Anyway to fix this?

Flicker / Loss of Signal / Handshake issue?

Hi all,
after searching for weeks after getting my Shield TV I have been trying to figure out a problem that is driving me insane. I have a Vizio M65-C1 with the Shield plugged into HDMI 5 (fully compliant).
My problem is that at entirely random times ( about once every hour or two) the Shield will "loose sync" with the TV for a split second, and the screen goes black before coming back and continuing on perfectly fine like nothing happened at all. This happens in any app and the surprising thing is that Netflix doesn't pause when this happens ( which I thought it did when there is a signal issue due to copy protection? correct me if I am wrong please... )
My question is, has anybody else ever heard or seen this with the Shield TV? I had my Xbox One on the same port for a few months before the Shield and it never had a problem, albeit it only ran at 1080p. My main thing I am trying to figure out is whether this is a TV issue or a Shield issue.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
I have the same issue, but with the M55-C2 and the Nvidia Shield. I'm on firmware 1.3.15UHD. The Nvidia Shield does not drop out when connected to my two other TVs, which are not 4k.
Others are having this issue as well.
derpderpy said:
I have the same issue, but with the M55-C2 and the Nvidia Shield. I'm on firmware 1.3.15UHD. The Nvidia Shield does not drop out when connected to my two other TVs, which are not 4k.
Others are having this issue as well.
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FUUUUUUUUU thank you SO much for responding. At least I know where the problem lies now. I have literally been scouring for weeks. I have no idea how I missed that thread.
Well the thing that sucks is that this is seemingly out of my control to fix then :/
EDIT: Apparently you copied the link to this thread Has anybody been able to workaround this for now do you know? It's not super annoying, but hardly ideal either.
EDIT 2: https://forums.geforce.com/default/...-hdmi-disconnect-reconnect-problem/?offset=25
Apparently this is definitely a problem with the firmware. Searching handshake with that firmware version got me here.
Nvidia told me to change the refresh rate to 59.9hz as a temporary solution. So far so good
Ditto for me... Same model TV.. Same issue.. Will try setting to 59.9hz to see if problem persists. It's annoying when it happens in the middle of a game ..
Update: Changed the setting last night and the issue seems to be gone.. Thanks for the info !
derpderpy said:
I have the same issue, but with the M55-C2 and the Nvidia Shield. I'm on firmware 1.3.15UHD. The Nvidia Shield does not drop out when connected to my two other TVs, which are not 4k.
Others are having this issue as well.
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