Opening gallery starts music - LG V20 Questions & Answers

So in general I have always had some issues with performance on this phone. That being said, yesterday some weird stuff started. First my phone was getting really hot for no reason, and draining the battery very fast. Even after I killed everything, rebooted the phone and powered off all the way. Even more odd, when I open the gallery, from the icon or from inside any app, (whatsapp, the camera, messaging) my Play Music starts up in the background. I have no idea what is causing this. I have rebooted the phone, powered it off for a bit, removed the battery, and it still happens.
Has anyone else run into issues like this?

I tried to duplicate with other apps, Smart audiobooks, Pandora and Poweramp. It still started up Play Music every time. Even overriding the other apps if I was listening to them and opened the gallery.


[Q] Sudden gremlins

I have an AT&T GS4 with the MF3 update. I rooted it back in October, then tried to un-root it in November, which worked as far as root checker is concerned. It still says "custom" with a lock symbol when I turn it on though.
Anyway, yesterday afternoon it started doing weird things.
-The play/pause button on the headphones doesn't play or pause anything, though if i hold it I still get the voice commands.
-Scrolling in apps and menus hesitates and skips.
-It hangs up when I wake it up before it will let me swipe to unlock.
-Sometimes while listening to podcasts it will just pause them, or switch to google music for less than a second before pausing all sound in the headphones.
-Once when I picked it up off my desk (with the screen off and nothing plugged into it) it started playing google music out loud in my silent office.
All of this started suddenly yesterday afternoon. I had not downloaded any new apps in a while, and I didn't really notice if anything was updated.
I have tried formatting my SD card, closing as many running apps as I can identify, rebooting, removing the battery, removing the SD card, and cleaning out the headphone jack of dust. Oh, and I tried to download wakelock detector, but it will not install. No errors, it just downloads and sits at 100% without installing.
I have very little experience with messing with Android, since I came from an iPhone back in August to this, and didn't get to play with anything before I got the awful MF3 update. So if anybody has any suggestions, keep that level of knowledge in mind.
In attempting to back up my data, it will not connect to my computer. I have a mac with Android File Transfer that I have used in the past, but just says it cannot connect. It did connect once, but it took a few tries and now it won't connect again.

[Q] Sleep issues and unwanted apps

I have an N910F with Android 4.4.4, a few weeks old.
There are two issues that annoy me, perhaps they are related.
1. Sometimes when I get the phone out I find that it hasn't gone to sleep after the last use. There doesn't seem to be any one app that is keeping it awake. As a test I've been making a point of closing all apps, but even then it sometime stays awake.
2. Sometimes when I check Active Apps and Data Usage I find that Google Play Music, Google Play Movies and/or Evernote have started and used data. I don't use any of these and have stopped them all several times in Application Manager, but they just start up again at random.
Can anyone suggest how I can stamp on these problems please?

[Q]Galaxy S4 Lollipop random reboots and audio slowness

I have a Galaxy S4 which used to run a cyanogenmod install. I have recently moved to what I believe to be stock Lollipop but I am encountering some problems. I am not sure if these problems are unrelated or not so I prefer to present them all together in one place:
1. Random reboots. I am aware Lollipop has had random reboots as an issue for a while now, but my symptoms do not match exactly what I could find on the internet. The reboots happen randomly throughout the day (does not matter if phone is charging or not) and I have noticed they happen a lot more frequently if I am in a space with not mobile signal (but I do have wifi). The reboots happen when in safe mode as well. I have also tried removing the sd card, but that did not improve the situation.
2. Audio sluggishness. I occasionally get slow downs in audio when listening to music or podcasts. I have noticed this both when using headphones and Bluetooth speakers. I am not sure, but I don't think I've ever noticed this when playing audio over the phone's speakers. The audio effect sounds like someone is slowing down a vinyl disc for a couple of seconds. It happens almost exclusively when the screen is off. It also happens more often when listening to music over spotify or podcasts over podcast addict than when listening to music over the Google Music app.
3. Random connect disconnect to laptop. When connecting the phone via USB to the laptop, it randomly seems to disconnect and reconnect to the computer. It happens more often when I try and move the phone (although not consistently) but also when the phone is untouched.
4. Occasional phone slowness. Haven't noticed it happening consistently, but the phone does occasionally seem to take a couple of seconds to reply to simple commands, like, say, displaying a list of all open apps.
One of my concerns is that I might have the wrong firmware/baseband installed and that might be causing issues. Is there a way for me to check I haven't done something stupid? What is the easiest way of posting my system config here?

Music randomly starts playing.

This is driving me crazy and I've been searching all over the internet. The same song starts playing usually early in the morning, today it also happened just before 11am with the phone away from me and the screen closed. When I open it the music stops and no app is open. No alarm profiles, gestures turned off but I am not close to the phone, bluetooth turned off. Any ideas? Pure with marshmallow.
when did this started happening? Now remember which apps you installed since then and delete them, another option is to go to battery settings and see if anything is using too much battery but without you opening it
PS: Are you sure its not a family member doing it just for fun??lol
PS2: Delete the song?_?
Probably about a month ago and not very much, has gotten to be more. I have checked battery settings can't find anything that is using battery.
Positive nobody is doing it. Just the wife and she is not enough up on technology.
Yea, I will probably try deleting the album. It's always the same thing on the same album.
I have gone through the apps and there is really nothing else that would be controlling a song.
Thanks for the ideas.
if it starts playing another song then try a factory reset
Yes, factory reset was first on my list and it's still happening. Maybe I'll look at roms.

H910 Play Music Lag

So I recently returned to full stock to dump the latest partitions and I came across a problem I had forgotten about. Sometimes when switching tracks or multitasking with Google play music in the background the music suddenly stops. After this the music app refuses to open and I get a weird dialogue message warning me "Google has stopped working". The warning literally just says "Google" not Google play services or Google play music. This causes crazy amounts of lag. Then it hot reboots (att logo and then to the lockscreen) and all is well. Comes back once every few reboots. It was the main reason I rooted originally back in January. Never once occurred after I rooted it, but as soon as I returned to full stock it reoccurred. Figure it can't be hardware as it would occur while running custom ROMs, and I'm not sure how to take a bug report without root. Wondering if anyone has experienced anything like this using Google play music. It's the only app that causes this issue. Very weird problem.

